The Sumter Watchman was lou nd ea io 1850 and the True Southron in 1866 The Watchzian and Southron now bas the combined circulation and influence of both of the old papers, and is mani festly the best advertising medium in Sam ter. H'X The death of Gov. EUerbe will canse sincera sorrow ia the entire State and his f tinily have the heartfelt sympathy ol thousands whom they do ant koo and may aever know person ally. Gov. Bllorbe has made a brave fight for life against the ravages of a disease that; sapped the citadel of strength, and continued faithfully to discharge the . trying and arduous duties of bis office for weeks after he was usable to be out of bed. Boring his long illness the feel ings engeoderd by political differences have passed from the minds of his poiitica! opponents and instead there v has been a sincere and universal sym Ipatsy for him. Gov. Elierbe wentjnto ? -o&oe. with the best wishes and the respect of a large majority of the people of the State, and the mistakes that he made were of judgment and were soi dee to any desire to do wrong JBa intentions were said by those who knew bim best to be good always, and I: \ he failed to satisfy all the people prin ^ : .elpally because he tried to please all His end was peaceful and his memory will be respected, because it is now the general belief that he endeavored to do right according to Sis lights. Hg HS A Great Opportunity. The strawberry crop in this section : . is one of the largest ever known. A great part of the crop will he S st be- j cause we have so few canning establish : -siesta. This ts only a small part of J the loss Georgia will sustaio this year j p s for the same reason. Io the meantime ;i we continue to boy caso ned goods from almost every State whose people j J- are enterprising enough to make the . most of their fruits and vegetables. j IWheo we reflect that strawberries grow io great abundance throughout 1|3D . entire South, inc amount of this i - loss begins to dawn upon us. This luscious froit ahoold not be suffered to J ( spoil is thjs way. ! Kot only do we loee the value of the 4 berries that rot, but from the fact that ' we are not prepared to can them, every < market is glutted. Having no other j way to dispose of them, they are ship " ped io such quantities that nobody gets . apfbfit. ? Very little capital is needed to equip { 0fy&Q run a canning factory. Perhaps it ) 38. t P late sow to do moth in this par- E 4ieulsr line. Bot this is only one of the many 'Crops of the Sioth lost in the same way . The blackberry crop wilt eoon be on 2 hued and promises to be a large one 1 ^ While the home eoo&omption of this Isotop will be large, the unconsumed 1 part will he very large. This fruit is very easily canned ; makes excellent jam and preserves. But millions of { dollars' worth will rot* that might b* saved Much idle money Jying as a surplus io our banks might be profita- f fS sly invested io aooiog establishments, c Wo have been expzotiog an article J pl" from an expert oo this subject. Bot j Hp-so great is the Seid aod so urgect the J: demand that we write these words 1 :'C anyway. Not only these berries, bot vegeta bles of sit kind wilt be in much tbe j same category Eted Providence ( showers so many blessings opon the Sooth, that we grow careless in using 1 them. I Southern gardeos, farms and orchards i furnish over one buudred sod seventy j fruit aod vegetables suited to tbe table j sod profitable to eas. Tbrse cao be grown in almost 1 unlimited quastities. They are in i great demand to the markets. They cao be canoed for about five ooo ts , per oas and sold for teo cesta and I over. The supply of material is ample, 1 the dem aod steady aod good and the < profit sore. , ' A little oo-operattoo oan ron a factory . io ev ry Community. So maoy men aod women are seeking 1 something to do Here is a fie!d for a ' good many Bat if you can not get up a canning 4 factory, be sore every family cans for its own ttse ample supplies of fruits and vegetables. 1 Thus you will bc able to live well if times are hard and money scarce.- | Sou hern Cultivator. Wo Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always bave friends, but one who would be attractive must keep har health. If he is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. If she bas constipa tion or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause, pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a Wretched complexion. Electric bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate, torn een, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, channiag woman of a ran~dows invalid. r:. j 50c at J. F. W DeLorme's Drug Store. 2 Climate and Crop Con dition. U. S. Department of Agricul ture, South Carolina Section. COLUMBIA, S. C , Jone 6, 1899. Tbe week endiu<{ June 5tb aver aged from 4 to 7 degrees per day warmer than usual, with uniformly high day and about normal night tem peratures. The rainfall for the week came in the form of scattered showers, accom panied by hail and high winds in places, which caused but little injury to crops. The rainfall measurements ranged from nothing to over two inches, the latter at Biacksville and Statesborg, with over an inch of rain at a number of widely separ ated points, but generally the measurements were less than half an inch. More rain in needed over the entire State, tbe deficiency in rain fall since March 1st varies from 4 to 7 inches The general absence of heavy rain was favorable for cultivating field crops, which are clean and well work ed ; and also harvesting wheat and oats, tbe latter crop being nearly all cot, with yields below the average over the entire State ; tbe grain is reported light in places. Wheat now promises about an averaged yield. Corn was improved where rain fell; its condition is, however, far from promising, and the crop is being seriously damaged by worms. Early corn is being "laid br." With few scattered exceptions, reports on cotton are that the crop ia doing well, sod although small zzd growing slowly, the fields are clean. In a few localities cotton is patting on "8hapc8.,, Tobacco is not doing so well this week as last, the drought having injured it in places, the grasshoppers con tinue to infest it over thc northern portion8 of the district, bat no farther injary from worms was reported. Rice is generally doing well, bat in holleton County caterpillars continue destructive: in the Georgetown dis trict they were destroyed by water. , Preparations for June planting well idvanced. ' Melons are suffering for rain, , 3ut on the whole tbe crop is in good { condition and is patting on fruit It j las been too dry to transplant many i tweet potato slips ^eas are being i lown on stubbie lands Gardens and j ruck patches are Tailing Pastureo , ire parched All crops in are excel* j ent condition for rain. I XTRA TS FROM CORRESPONDENTS RE , PORTS. { Darlington-Society Hill : Local { aio of 1 30 inches was of material >enefit to crops, DH; nure is needed ; , general complaint as to stands of tobao < to owing to drought ; cotton and corn 1 ook welt ; oats being harvested, yield 1 >elow expectations ; spring oats a fail- J ire ; sweet potatoes being transplanted. , I J Lnoas. I Kershaw-Antioch : The week bas ] )een favorable for woik and for all 1 ops, exoept for the want of rain, J irhicb ts badly needed on corn aod for j letting oat potato plants ; gardens < roioed for waot of rain ; what few 1 peaches were left are ripeoiog ; black- ! ; en iee ripeoiog, oiop small ; tobacco 1 leeds raio badly, aod ia being damaged y grasshoppers.-C M Alexander. 1 Ciar ea don-Pinewood : Had fiue 1 raios this week with some bail, which ( lid bat little damage ; ootton looks , seil and does not show bad effects of < iry weather ; corn has been plowed oat 1 ready for plaotiog peas ; oats are j ibout all harvested ; lands being sown io peas ; melons look well -R S Des- , Champ. I Florence-Effingham: General show ers have greatly improved all crops ; sotten is growing nicely, with gcod s:ands and olean fields ; coro is irregu- , [ar aa to size aod stands ; truck is failing fast ; late oats are ripening, but are poor.-A J Howard Georgetown-Waverly Mills : Oo June 2d we had a 6oe rain, which was much needed on the uplands ; fair weather for prepariug the Juno plant- j ing lands ; rioe crop doing fairly well, caterpillars have bceo drowned out by overflow of water.-R Nesbm. y Sumter-Bishopvillo : A light rain on Wednesday was the first io several weeks ; oolton that was not up is no;-7 coming up ; oats have been about all cot, crop very short ; Irish potatoes generally a failure on account of -----I----^-I the dry weither and the bags.-E McLeod. Williamsburg-Cox ; Dry weat broken by refreshing showers ; and crops have revived and look bette mach complaint of insects on oom tobacco ; cotton is about all chopped stand in this seotion on uplands, s looks well -h N Jones A CAROLINA RICE TR S The rice planters in South Carol are forming a syndicate to constri a great levee of twenty miles or mi along the Savannah river for the p tection of corps from storms a freshets, which means a great crease in rice production. A c respond t of the Atlanta Constii tion sa^: A movement of great importance the rice planting interests of Savi *nah and this vincinity is now w under way. It is nothing more c less than a proposed consolidation ail the rice planting interest on t Carolina side of the river. In sbo it is proposed to organize a syndical in which all of these interests are be included to be operated as a jo i stock company and as one concern A capitalization of over $1,G0( OOO, with a bonded indebtedness abont $400,000, is proposed. Tl object of the bonded indebtedness to construct a levee of over twen miles in length- which will gu aran t< absolute security to the rice ero] daring the harvest season from tl storms and freshets which have pro ed so frequent of recent years, ar wrought such immense loss to tl planters The latter have realize that until such security is guarantee it is useless to attempt to contint operations W i tb safety assured froi s tor m s and freshets, rice planting is reasonably safe business with ass are profits in years of fair harvest an fair prices. George G Baldwin, who so sac cessfully financed the Edison E! eel ri Illuminating company, is at the bea of the movement, and may be techn cally regarded as the promoter. I is said through Mr. Baldwin a syn di cate of northern capitalists in Bos to and elsewhere are ready to pot uj the necessary $400,000 to build thi levee. This means nothing more no less than that all the rice planters ii the territory affected should ente; the syndicate, taking stock according to the value of their lands, those whe do not feel able to undertake furthei risks agreeing to accept a price foi their lands to- be determined by s fair appraisement, io which the inter ested parties are to be equally repre sented after the manner in which Bach appraisements are usually con ducted. It can be safely stated that in the last thirty years millions of dollars have been lost in Georgia and Caro lina in the rice planting business, due entirely to the damage wrought by Freshets and storms Thc scheme is a gigantic one, but the plan is simple, and there seems to be no reason why it should not be carried to comple tion, the oniy thing necessary being to secure the consent of the planters themselves The plan, which bas been submit ted to tbe owners of the plantations to be pat into effect after they have completed their organization or syndi* cate, i*8,in brief, as foliows : Four hundred thousand dollars worth of bonds to be issued, to be taken by the Northern syndicate, which will furnish the money for the building of the great dam and other improvements. An issue of common stock to be made to be 25 per cent, in excess of the aggregate of the mount of bonds and preferred stock, the' holders of bonds and preferred stock to receive com mon stock in equal amounts to their holding The 25 per cent, excess of common stock to go to the promoter andto the person who conducts the operations necessary to the fotmatioo of the syndicate and securing the capital, for his services in this regard Spartanburg, June 3 -Janie Ship pey, wife of Bob Shippey, a respectable solored man living on the Hamburg side of the city, met with a peculiar death early this afternoon. She had slimbed a cherry tree in the yard io joest of fruit. Becoming overbal need, she fell, and her feet caught between two limbs. She hanged helpless until death. San Francisco, June 4.-The little schooner rigged' boat Coke, about 30 feet long, and oniy five tons measure ment, sailed for Manila today. Capt. Freigebe, the sole ocoupaot of the vessel, proposes to make a tour of the world in the frail cookie shell. He claims to bave croesad the Atlantic in a vessel of even smaller dimeosioos His only companions on the voyage will be a cat, to wbicb he is much attached and which he calls his mascot, as it bas been with bim before on long and lonely cruiees. Henderson to Succeed Reed. Chicago, J uoe 4-Thc Record to morrow will say : Congressman David B. Henderson of Iowa today received enough pledges by telegraph and maii j to give bim 102 votes in tho Repubii- j can caucus wheo it meets in Washing ton. - A 94 votes constitute a majority of the Republican repr sentatives D the House, Coi. Heodereoo has nine to the good and more States to hear from. Perfect Health. Keep the system in perfect or* der by the occasional use of Tutt's Liver Pills. They reg ulate the bowels and produce A Vigorous Body. l 1898>writo5: Ben*l i uK&SpnS edicta has certainly j| t>^r^85 r^ ^een a fessing to L " Hvk^^s^k m^ s xteen year t HEtt^Om ^daughter. She *j jr^lf was i wretched r *J f //All wk health and had j* i b * Do you suffer from Painful, Irregular W or Suppressed Menstruation? Benedicta jj j has cured many suffering women and ^ ^wiil cure you in the privacy of your F li me, without tl-< necessity of physi- p j* clan's ex- k laminations feIPV li^l l^iKi T lMumrvel. it pOfF-OfilA ,v ons action \i l^.** h fer m M B I Jlnino or- if 0^ ^rtMAJLt & JE J^mwsM S j thens them so that the monthly periods may bo regular and painless. Headache, t 4 Dizziness, Nervousness, that dragging p sensation and those terrible pains in ! (j the back, hips and abdomen < "tckly *9 di-appear. H* i . k. I \* Sold bv all Dragstets (