Ck tctoi m il s s fesE. WBDNJBSDAY, APRIL 26,13S9. Entered at the Post Office at Sumter, {?., a Second Glass MiMer. NSW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bank of Samter-Card. Cook Adams-Sumter Tebacco Ware noose. The Sumter Dry Goods Co-Spring Trade Coaxers. Purdy & Reynolds-Notice to Absent De fendant. . PERSON Al7. Mr. O. C. Scarborough spent Saturday in the city. Mr. E. P. Davall, of Cheraw, was in tbe city Thursday. j Rev. James McDowell, of Manning, waa in tte city yesterday. Hiss Satte Anderson, of Summerton, is visiting relatives in this city. Hrs. Geo. W. Dick bas returned from vis iting ber parents at Rock Hilt. Mr. C. S. Strange, of Felders, was in tb city Thursday on business. Hrs C. W. Hewitt, of Darlington, waa on a rat to ber mother, Hrs. Brand, last week Hiss Lon Pate left for Camden Wednesday to visit her brother, Rev J Thoa. Pate, D. D. Hr. and Hrs. H. W. Rembert and Mrs. Dr. H. Stuckey, of Mann ville, were in the city Friday. Mrs. Wilhelm, of Statesville, N, C., and Mri . Harria, of Hooreertlle, N. C., are visit ing at Mr. W. B. Boms'. Rt. Rev. John J.. Monaghan, Bishop of the Wilmington, Del., Diocese, was in the city visiting relatives last week. Messrs. H. Rytteoberg, H. C. Mosesand Dr. Hugbaoo, delegates to the Grand Lodge ' K. of H., returned from Colombia Thursday afternoon. Hr. J. Frank Pate bas again bees re elected State Council Secretary for the Junior Order United American Mechanics at their annual meeting tc Colombia last week. Mr. Geo. H. Davis, of New York, and Mr. Geo. H. Davis, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., are visiting Mr. and Hrs. J. H. Levy. They are :be father and brother of Mrs. Levy. Mr. James B Holman, who was Color Sergeant of tbe Second Regiment S C. V. Icfaatry, which was mastered oat of service *t Augusta last week, baa been ia the city for several days. Hr. John K. Cresswell arrived in the city Saturday morning from New York, fie was accompanied by Mr. F. H. Hooter, special representative cf the cigar department of R. .C. Williams b Co. Conductor C. S. Lynch, wbo was injured in toe wreck near Sumter about a month ago, bas gone back on the road again, hav ing recovered from bis injuries. After Con ductor Lynch was scalded he performed tbe heroic feat of walking fear miles to Sumter and reporting tba wreck to Florence, in order teat a wrecking train might be sent Such employees are moat valuable to rail road com panies and Hr. Lynch's action was doubtless appreciated by the A. C L.-Darlington 3 9WS. Mr. G. W. B. Smith, of Falt n, wbo bas bees attending the last session of the Dental College at Atlanta, Ga,, is at borne. Don't think TOO can core that slight attack of Dyspepsia by dieting, or that it will care itself. Kodoi Dyspepsia Gare will care it ; it ""digests what you eat" and restores the diges tive orgaoa to health. Hagbson-Lijgoa Co. Dingle Street baa been extended from its original terminas at the foot of Washington Street through the Rowland lot to Factory Street. The street hands bave been at work cn the extension nearly a week, and it bas been practically completed. If yea have-piles care them. Na ase aa-, dergoing horrible operations that simply rnaove tbe results of tbe disease without disturbing tbe disease itself. Place veer con fidence in DeWitt's Witch Hszel Salve. It baa never failed to care others; it will cot fail to care yon. Hugbson-Ligon Cb. The members of Hollywood Camp, Wood men of the World, are cow carrying $127, 000 ia int&r&oee, and the camp is growing in siren g th every month. By allowing tbe accumulations in the bow els fto remain, the entire system is poisoned DeWitt's Little Early Risers reg late the now els. Try them and yon will always ase them. Hagbaoo-Ligon Co. A camber of the members of tbe Second Regiment, members of the Manning Company, were io tb city Thursday en route borne from Aogosu, where they were mastered oat the day before. _ Io 1888 my wife west East and was attack ed with rbematism. Sbe received co relief until sbe tried Chamberlaio's Pain Balm. Sioee that time we bave oever been without it. We find it gives instant rei if ; to cases of barns and scalds and is never failing for all rheumatic and neuralgic pains.-D. C. Brant, Santa Ynez, Cal. For sale by Dr. A. J. China. Claremont Lodge, No. 64, A. F. M.. held a regular convocation last Thursday evening at 8 o'clock The Fellow Craft degree was conferred on Entered Annrentice R I. Man ning, J C. Spann and R T. Hali. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine Clear, the Complexion, gives Buoyancy to the Minds cares Headacoe, Regulates Stomach, Bowels and Liver. The Baptist Courier of April 20 contains ac obituary cotice of Mrs. Julia A. McLeod, who died on March 22, 1899. She was a daughter of Rev. J. J. Myers, of Providence, and wife of Dr. Harry A. McLeod, of Bish opville, 8. C. Mothers, we call your attention to Pitts' Carminative. It acts promptly, it is pleas ant to the taste, and the children will take it witboat coaxing. It relieves promptly and permanently. If we can get you to ase it, you will get others to do likewise. Yoar druggist sells it. J. F. W. DeLorme. Thursday afternoon a little negro, soo of Marshall Fields, undertook to crawl through one of tbe sections of terra co tts drainage pipe that is being put down on Republican Street acd got fastened io it. Be could go neither backward nor forward, and tbe assist ance ot several meo bad to be enlisted before be cou id be extricated. Mothers wishing stout healthy girls should give tbem Simmons Squaw Vine Wise or Tablets as they approach poberty. A crowd of the mustered oat volunteer sol diers passed through the city Thursday after noon, aod a great many of them were drank as ords. A half dozen of the soberest came up to tbe dispensary and laid in a big s s pp ly of co x and they went on their way rejoicing. Wednesday night a crowd of them raised a big row at the depot, fighting among them selves, kicking oat glasses io the depot and raising cain generally Yesterday afternoon there was coneiderable disorder, bot nothing like the row of the previous evening Tba right of way through the Beil Mill plantation for the Sumter & Wateree R. R was condemned isst Wednesday afternoon by a jury summoned for that purpose. The right of way wse given by Mrs. Toomey for the nominal enm of Si, but as she under tbe wiij of the late T. J. Toomey is only a life tenant of the properly, it was necessary that the deed be coanrmed by condemnation proceedings. MARRIED. Last Thursday night at 8 30 o'clock at the borne of Mr J W. Rolliday, father of the bride, Mr. J. D McLeod of this city, and Miss Marion Bollid*? of tbe Jordan neighbor hood, were united io marriage, the ceremony being performed by Rev. Mr. Copeland, of Wedgefield. Flowers and evergreens bad been taste fully placed to lend an additional attractive ness to thc pleasant home, and with the assetr bled men end women attired in fashion's latest creations, the occasion was made a most delightful one. At the appointed boor the young couple entered the parlor, and in the presence of j friends and relatives the solemn words were pronounced which made them man and wife. Congratulations followed, and if good wish?: will besen t them, their future pathway should be strewn with roses. An elegant supper was served in splendid style, end those who partook of the bounti ful repast evidenced their pleasure by linger ing long around the richly laden table. After sapper the happy party indulged in social converse, and the hour of midnight had passed before the last of the guests departed. Mr. and Hrs McLeod will make their future home io Sumter. They were the re cipients of many handsome and valuable presents. Married on tbe 13th instant at "Hopedale," the residence of the bride's family, near Greenville, Williamsburg county, by the Rev. O. Y. DuRant, Benjamin D. Colclough, formerly of Sumter county, tc Miss Magaret C. Bargees, youngest daughter of the late Dr. James M. Burgess. DEATH. The wife of Mr. Joshua Myers, of Provi dence, died last night. She was quite old, and death waa from natural cause. H. L. B. Wells, Esq , received a telegram Friday morning announcing the death at Free port, Maine, of his mother Mrs. Eliza S. Britton. Mrs. Britton taught schcol and lived here many years ago, and bad macy friends among oar people. She was about 78 years old. ^ News was received last Saturday by the family, of the death at Tucson, Arizona, on Sunday, April 16tb, of Knox, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cotbett, of that place. The child was two years old. Rheumatism Cured. My wife baa used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism with great relief, and ! I can recommend it as a splendid liniment i for rheumatism and other household use for which we have found it valuable.-W. J. ' Cnyler, Bed Creek, N. Y. Mr CuyJer is one of the leading merchants j of this village and on of the most prominent ; men in this vicinity.-W. G. Phippin, Edi 1 tor Bed Creek Herald. For sale by Or. A. J. China. j The stores will close at 6 p. m. every after-, noon, except Saturday, from May 1st to Sep tember 1st The merchants and other busi ness mee have signed the agreement to close. Some of the results of neglected dyspeptic conditions of the stomach are cancer, con somption, heart disease and epilepsy. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by effecting a quick cure io all cases of dyspepsia. Hugh son Ligos Co. A -negro woman in Concord who bad been whipped by ber husband a short time ago, applied to & magistrate for satisfaction. After I ber husband was arrested and proceedings ; bad been commenced, she became sorry and decided to compromise. To do this it re quired money, and to get the amount sbe sold all the cora she had for the year's bread, and after having the case stopded she sent for ber husband to come back She may, how ever, get her satisfaction if she succeeds in making him buttle ali the summer for some thing to eat. Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough readily yield to One Minute Cough Core. Use this remedy io time and eave a doctor's bill-or the under taker's. Hngbeon-Ligon Co. Cook & Adams, the lessees of the tobacco warehouse, write that their arrangements for opening the warehouse with a full corps of resident buyers are progressiog satisfactorily, and that the outlook for high prices for South Carolina tobacco grows brighter all the tiree, owing to the unfavorable conditions in the Virginia and North Carolina bright tobacco region, doe to the late spring and damage to plant beds by frosts. They say, also, that if any farmers are in need of experienced men to cure and grade their crops they will assist them to secure first class men. They will recommend none but honest end trust worthy meo, whom they know will render satisfactory service. Meeting of Board of Health. The Board of Health held a postponed reg ular meetiog in the office of the City Clerk aod Treasurer last Wednesday afternoon. Tbe following members were present': Dr. S C-Baker, chairman, Dr H. M. Stuckey aod Messrs. Geo D. Shore and D. W. Cut tiuo. Minutes of meetings held in February and March were read and approved. Temporary health ofScer and secretary who have been acting in absence of Health OfScer Reardon, rendered fica reports and were re lieved from further service Mr. E. I Rear don, regular health ofScer and secretary was present and resumed the duties of bis cfSce. The statistical report for March was pre sented and showed births and deaths es fol lows : Births-2 white males, 1 colored male, 4 colored females. Deaths-1 white female, 3 colored mules, 2 colored females. City Fathers of Bishopville. Tbe election for Interdent and Wardens for the Town of Biebop7ille, 8. C., waa held on Tuesday, April ll, '99, and resulted in the election of the following nemed gentle men, who will manage the affaira of oar monieipal government for another year. Intendant-W. K. Crosswell. Wardens-H. A. McLeod, T. E Davis, D. Ed. Durant acd H W. Carees. We feel assured that our town wi:; not suffer at their bands, and that we have a good Board of Councilmen, no one will donbt. The newly elected council held a meeting on April 13th and elected a Street and Finance Committee, which is as follows : Finance Committee-H. A. McLeod and D. Ed. Durant Street Comiittee-H. W. Carnes and T. E Davis The next meeting of Council will be held on April 24tb, acd at which time a Clerk and Treasurer and two policemen will be elected.-Recorder. CUBAN RELIEF cures Colic, ww'SP^Neuralgia and Toothache ir) ^EVR' five minutes. Sour Stomach and g> Summer Complaints. Price, 25c. Sold by Hogbson-Ligon Co. Ttfe "White" runs light. Tbe MWhite" sews riebt. Tba White ra king of Sewing SiacL;:je3 The "White*' ia the pride of home. War in sewing machines, but tbe "White' BURGLAB CAPTURED. Peg Leg Turtle Was Tc o Sharp For the Robber. Last week on Monday night the stand of Peg Li g Tirtle, the one leg negro who runs a cigar, grocery and boot black stand on the corner of Main and Dingle Streets, nsar the Cartis House, was broken open anti everything :o it carried off by a burglir. Tuesday night Peg Leg camped in his stand, expecting tbe roboar to return io make a raid on the new stock ba bad putin About 4 o'clock next morning Pe? Leg was awakened by some ene attempt ing to force an entrance. Going outside he found John Philips, colored, and seized him. Both drew pistols.. out ?e2 LeK got the drop and held Phiiipt up until assistance was called. Philips was brought np to the guard bouse and that morning was turned over to Magistrate Wells. Several bags of smoking tobacco, that were stolen from the stand on Monday night, were found in Philips' pock ets, and there was other evidence to prove that he is the man who committed the burglary Monday night. John Philips, Peg Leg Turtle's burglar, was giren a preliminary bearing before Mag istrate Wens last Wednesday aod was com mitted to jail for mal. If yon stiffer from tenderoeas or fKlloes3 on the right side, pains under sboalder-blads constipation, biliousness, sick-headache, aod feel dull, beary and sleepy your liver is torpid and congest id. De Witt's Little Early Risers will cure 70U promptly, pleasantly and permanently by removing the congestion and causing the bile ducts to open and flow naturally. They are good pills. Hogbsoa Ligon Go. lt makes no difference bow bad tba wouud if you use DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve; it will quickly beal aod leave co scar. Hugh son-Ligoo Go. The Stores Will Close. Tbe following merchants and business men of this city have signed an agreement to close their places of business, as in former years, at 6 p. m., Saturdays excepted, from May 1 to September 1 : O'Donnell & Co, Schwartz Bros, Corinne Miller, Knight Bros, W H Yates, L W Fol som, John Reid, Bultmann & Bro, L E Le Grand, DJ Chandler, W B Burns, B J Bar nett, Brown, Cuttioo s Delgar, Ernst Bait maD, H W Hood, G W Reardon, C W King man, Sumter Dry Goods Co, L B DuRaot, Miss McDonald, Kennedy's Book Store, Levi Bros, Diamond Racket Store, Stubbs Bros & Cuttino, Sumter Munie Hoase, R F Hoyt, H G Osteen k Co, J Rettenberg k Sens, Cash Grocery Store, C P McFadden, Crosswell & Co, Arthur Belilzer, Witherspoon Bros k Co, J M Reames, Dispenser, J D Craig Furni ture Co, Jenkins Brea. -- < *^-? I was reading an advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic, Cbohra and Diarrhoea Rem edy io the Worcester Enterprise recently, wbich leads me to write ibis. I can truthful ly say I never used any remedy equal to it for colic and diarrhoea. I have never had to use more than one or two doses to core the worst case with myself or children.-W. A. Stroud, Popomoke Cly, Md. For eale!>y Dr. A. J. China. Sumter Gentlemen m Columbia. Mayor H. F. Wilson, Dr. John S. Hugh soo, chairman of the street committee, and W A. Tribble, superintendent of streets, came up from Sumter yesterday and inspected tbe city rock quarry and examined into tbe system and cost of working the streets here. They also visited some of the country roads, which they found in good shape. Mayor Wilson was impressed with the work done on Maio street beyond the postoffice, and with the work now in progress on Tay lor street. This, be says, is the kind of work wbich will be done in Sumter. However, he was somewhat 'puzzled to know the cost of fixing the streets in this way, as the figures he obtained from different parties were can flictiog. While be wi?.s talking about street improvements two cr three carts were stand ing in front of the Colombia hotel oeiog filled with dirt which had been raked up in piles all along the street. He expressed sur prise that Main Street bad not been worked as are some of the side streets which are now belog improved. Sumter bas taken bold of the matter in earnest. Tnere is BC abundant supply of rock lhere as in the vicinity of Colombia, and the crushed rock will be bought bere and shipped to that place. Tbe merchants of Sumter will contribute the use of their wagons to haul the rock and will aid in other ways in improving the streets. The city has made appropriation for the heavier expenses So, while Mayor Wilson came to inspect our system his object will probably be not tc do as Columbia bas done but as she ought to do -Tee State. No Right to Ugliness. The woman who is lovely in face, forra and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, she will be nervous and irritable. Jf she bas constipa tion or kidney trouble, her impure blood will cause, pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric bitters is the best medicine in the world to regulate stom ach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, charming woman <.l a run-down invalid. Only 50. at J. F. W DcLorme's Drug Store. 2 Sad Accident. A very sad accident happened at Pucks ville last Saturday to the wife and one-year oid child of Mr. Charles Broadway. Mrs. Broadway discovered ber child's clothing to be io flames, supposed to have come from a spark from ibe chimney, and in tue mother's efforts to extinguish tbe fire ber own cioth I ing brcame ignited, and she became alarm ed and rao lo the house of Mr. Will Trouble field, a near neighbor, where they succeeded in puttiogout the fire. Mrs. Broadway and ber child are very seriously burned, although not necessarily fatal -Manning Times. Mrs Broadway is the sister of Mesan R. W. and A. A. Bradbam, of our etty. His Life Waa Saved. Air. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Han nibs], Mo., lately bad a wonderful deliverance frcm a frightful death, In telling of it be says: '.I wa? taken with tvpboid fever that ran into pneumonia. My lung became hardened. I wa; ?o weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped tue. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. King'* New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, and now um well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." Thia marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest eura in the world for all throat and lung trouble Regatar sizss 50 eta and $1.00 Trial bottle free at J. F. W. DeLorme's Drug Store, every bottle guaranteed. 2 When you ask for Dr. M. A Simmons Liver Medicine, see that you get it and not some worthless imitation. Letter From Magnolia. I Magnolia, S. C., April 22.-Colton plant I ing io 'bis section will soon be over, though witb many, anusualiy late. Somi; have not ficisbed planting com yet. The farmers are making good ase of tbe few days cf favorable weather. Tobacco p-acts are beieg tracs planted wherever 1-rge enough, but the plants, as a general ih;og, are scalier than at this season asl year Mr James W. Wilson's pnn, McDonoogb, of the 2d Regiment. . Q V , ha returned and speaks most favornbiy of tba natural conditions of Cuba Mr Moultrie Truiuck, also of the 2d Regiment, has returned, bring ing with inn: a Coben boy 12 or 15 vears old Ee can speak and understand some English words very well. Many of tho 2J Regiment, from what we bear, would like to enlist in the U. S. Army, and go to the Phil ippine Islands. William Thomas, a negro lad, left this community last fail, and while in Charlotte, N. C , during that memorable freeze in Feb ruary last, got both cf bis feet "frost binen," bat managed by some meaos to get back to bis borne, near this place. His father, poor and ignorant of his son's trne condition, did not get a physician to se bim uotil about two weeks ago. Dr. E. F. Darby ia making an examination discovered that gangrene^had set in and that both feet wonld bave to be amputated. Be performed the operation on Sunday tbe 16th, witbont the assistance of experienced help. Very few persons, if any, who saw the negro before and after tbe operation, thought that tbere was any chance for bim to recover as he was so emaciated and exhausted from loss of blood, long saffenng and neglect. Dr. Darby can certainly afford to fei l proud of this case. At this writing tbe boy is get ting on fi eely. We will know in a few days whether we are to bave a tobacco warehouse this season, though, es yet, we have no canse to be lees hopeful of its erection and operation What we need now is more enterprise and less of tbe "I-don't-see-now-you-can-do-k" class. Tbere is certainly a sufficiency of money and brains io and around this place (I meAn Magnolia and Lynchburg) to erect and suc cessfully operate a tobacco warehouse Mrs. Dr. Rice, of Columbia, was fuoeral zad at tbe Lynchburg M. E. Church by Dr. 0. A. Darby and Ree. E W. Mason on the I9th instant. After the funeral services the remains were taken to the family burial ground at St. Lake's Cburcb, and there laid away. Occasional. J. D. Bridge, editor and proprietor of the Democrat, Lancaster, N. H., says: * I would not be without One Minute Cough Cure for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It is the best remedy for croup I ever used." Hugb.3on-Ligon Co Preparing to Pave Main Street. Mayor Wilson, Alderman Hugh-sen and Street Commissioser Tribble went to Colom bia last week to inspect macadam work that bas been done ic and around Colombia daring tbe past two years aod to obtain all possible information concerning the methods adopted in that city to secure the best results from macadam as a material for paving streets. The committee will make a report to council and this report will be a deter mining factor in planning the work to be dose 00 Main Street ender the recent resolu tion of Council TWO Upon the strength and condition of an expectant moth er depend not only her own life but the life and perfection of her child. MOTHER'S FRIEND will overcome all ills peculiar to the period preceding childbirth, and will pre pare the delicate organism directty in volved for the final ordeal. Mother's Friend is not an internal cure-all, but a scientific liniment approved by medical authority and established by years of successful use. Sold by druggists for $i. Valuable book, "Before Baby is Bom," sent free cn application. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta,, G*. LIVES. Bucker <$* JBultman Offer for sale the fol lowing-now is your chance to buy these goods cheap : Tobficco-ICO boxes-io 6, 10, 20 and 25 pound boxes at 31c, worth 41c. We have a lot of Ice Cream Salt-will be sold cheap. 200 los best Gunpowder Tea at 45c-a fine article for making iced Tea. \mo g jo pBoi IBO i 08je ajes JOJ ISOO XV 3A03V 3HI UV satppso punod ol pu saxoq jjsq ot-ooocqoj. saxoq Q .sazts ofji pu -aA*^ sas80 Q ll I ll 1 S Ii MOvionateSoda,* Ii il Ail Harm Seed- \ M ll g Cl rifiodSimu* ? W\ SSL gT ~ BR KhtoyrtmPlover. J 3 ff ii O O Apcrfectfiemedy for Constipa- HI 1 Cr I rion. Sour Stcmach.Diarrhoea, . & sa A : VVonnsConvulsions,Feverish- ll Sf Eft^1 il M S* ' aess and Loss OF SLEEP, 5 R:CP, '6%z to f c p;r lb. 4,000 ios Tobacco-23c, 30^, and 36s per lb-10, 12 and 24 lb boxes. Best band-packed Tomatoes 3-lo cans at 90c p?r doz 2-lb Cucs at 70c per dcz Beit iarge lump Starch at rer 1* . Good Luck Baking Powder al $3.75 per cape Wrapping Paper at 1$; per lb in lOD-lb ots S rtniinrd Granulated Sugar in lots of 1 bbl or more at 5 53 per lb 100 lbs for $5 60 Good Laundry Soap $2 23 tc S3.TO per box of 100 cakes, Urge siz* Oihsr special drives. Sss us before rou bu v. Crosswell db Oo 9 Telephone 53. The Cheap Cash Q rocers. CROSSWELL & CO rill iemive oo iMsj 20th, into Schwartz buildiog, corner Main and Liberty Streets. A