s COBAN ASSEMBLY HAS COLLAPSED. Voles to Disband the Army and Then Dissolves. Habana, April 4:-The Cuban mili tary assembly this afternoon voted to disband the army and to dissolve. The voting was 21 in favor against one opposed The muster rolls were left in the possession of the executive commit tee of the assembly, who will facili tate the preparation of copies for Governor General Brooke. The anny question is considered settled "As the shadows of night fall over the city, we finish our work. So is Cuba's future clouded and dark I take leave of you with sorrow, and my last words are : May Cuba some day be free and independent'' With these words, Gen. Fernando Freye de Andrade, president of the military assembly, closed its iast ses sion at 7 o'clock this evening. The whole meeting was calm and dispas aionate It lasted four hours Gen. Sanguilly's flights of oratory, in which he likened the members of the assembly o a ''band of faithful work ers devoted to Cuba's good, but finally vanquished by uncontrollable conditions," were received with ap planee. The assembly ordered tbe'disband ing of the army in accordance with Senor Despaignes' motion and passed upon the details and methods of the disbandment. A new executive com xnittee was thon appointed to attend the routine work connected with the commission of Cuban officers and this committee will supply to Gen. Brooke the copies of the cuban mus ter rolls. Twenty two members attended the closing session. Salvator Cisneros, of Puerto Prin cipe, who was chosen president of the (Jsban^republic at the' meeting of ?The provincial delegates at Puerto Principe, Sept 23. 1895, and was ultimately succeeded by Senor Barto Jome Maso, was the only, member to j vote against the r solutions to dis band and to dissolve. To the very last he declared that, in any event, the resolution to, dissolve was unconstitutional ait thal he would never give up his position until a new assembly bad been elected. Se ores Havia and Viilalion arriv ed this morning from Washington and the assembly was convened this afternoon in order to hear their re port regarding their efforts in Wash ington Not nntil after an hour's delay was a quorum secured. Senor Hevia than made a detailed statement of their visit to Washing ton and the failure of their mission. A report embodying the substance of Menor II ev ia's statement was submitted to the assembly after which Se ores Hevia and Yillalion expressed themselves as convinced that it would be impossible to get another cent from the United States, OT an American authorization to make a loan and that it was equally hope lass to negotiate the loan proposed by Mr Coben Strangely enough, this recital of the experiences of the commission wa not followed by any burst of passionate criticism Silence reigned, until Gen Andrade, president of the assembly, said that Senor J) espaig ne s dissolution motion, with the amend mente, would be considered Then Senor Cisneros raised his dissenting voice, persisting in that attitude nntil the close of the proceedings, bot his declaration was the only fea ture which prevented tue discussion and the decision from being unani mous Senor Despaignes' motion called for the disbandment of the army with permission to the soldiers to accept money from the United States. The various amendments had to do with the details of disorganization. After a two hours' discussion the resolution was finally passed CUBAN GENERALS M. EE ? AND TAKE ACTION. Hanaus, April 7 -Tns generals met Today at Marianao and officially decided to reinstate Geo. Maximo Gomez aa commacdr-r in chief They also decided fo tppoict aa executive board of tore? generals to assist bim io distribu ing ti* $3 OOO OOO, ir> the details of disarming and io thc organ ization of tho raral police for the proveeos Fie wiii bo officially ncti cd of their scion and a proclamation wi!! probvbiy b? issued to tbs Cubans. F.ur thousand one hundred oana of beef havs been destroyed ot tho Regla warehou.e during the last three mDoths without action on the part o the boards cf survey, uoder the direction cf Cbisf Commissary A. L Smith and io accordance with the regulations allowing such action when the public health ? menaced. Some additional thousands of cans have been destroyed after official survey, besides the 10,800 caos that were condemned wheo In spector Geoeral Breokioridge was here. About* 2 per oent. of ail tho meat bandied bas been spoiled, acd about 10 per cent, of tho canned tomatoes. There} is but little decayed meat in stock DOW, bat there are probably 25,000 cans of tomatoes unfit for con sumption, owing to storage in a damp climate. The damp in the holds of the frbips causes corrosion of the tin. Toe frequent handling involves more or less breakage and fermentation is the re sult No canned meat bas been issued to the troops io Cuba, who have invaria bly been supplied with fresh or refrig crated meat, the canned beef going to the Cuban destitute From them there has been apparently no complaint, io fact they haye been eager to get it. The recently issued taxation decree iay3 2,000,000 iess of imports npoo Habana, while still leaving a greater revenue for the city, as none is now applied to the purposes of the general government. The Regia warehouse beef destroyed by Maj J. C Multiken of the subsist ence department, and the beef which will have tc be destroyed, formed part of the old Puerto Rico consignment. W. B. Raw!, N?w Brooklyn, S. C , writes : Have used Dr. M A. Simmons Liver Med icine many years, and consider it the best liver medicine made. I regard it a miracle compared with ZeiUn's Regulator. m Derangements of Menstrual Functions oro duce Miscarriage. Simmons Squaw Vine Wice or Tablets correct the derangements. TBE WAR IN SAMOA. AN INTERVIEW WITH ADMIRAL KAUTZ. . Apia, Samoa, March 24, via San, Francisco, April 7.-The Associated' Press correspondent had an interview with Admirai Kautz yesterday. He spoke quite freely of the situation and considers he has been grossly insulted by the German consul gen eral issuing his counter proclamation. The admiral takes the stand that the Berlin treaty which he is instructed by his government to uphold does not make any provision whatever for a provisional government. His in structions are to carry out the treaty in accordance with the views of a majority of the consular representa tives The admiral is very wroth with the German consul and blames him entirirely for the present attitude of the rebels, as the natives were obeying his command to retire, to their homes when the German procla mation was issued. Everybody is anxiously awaiting definite news from the three powers. It is thought that if Germany ac knowledges Tan us as king the rebel lion will be broken. If not, Admiral Kautz will take stronger measures than hitherto. There is intense feeling against the germans here, and they are accused of spying and giving infor mation to the rebels. One Marquardt, who has been drilling the natives, was arrested and sent on board the Falke under the pledge of the Ger man commander that be will not be allowed to land. A half caste named Taylor has been arrested as a spy and is ia irons on the Porpoise H J Moore, an American, is confied to hie store nuder suspicion of being a Mataafa sympathizer. Saturday and Sunday were qaiet The Tivoli hotel baa been mined in case it be comes necessary to blow it np and two German lights from the shore is the signal to shell it. Sunday a body of native foragers came npon a Mataafa crowd, killing eight .and wounding 20 of them when the rebels fled. For several days the German war ship Falke persistently kept in the way so as to incommode the fire of the British ships. Finally Admiral Kautz compelled her to move inside the harbor entrance out of the way. On March 23-King Tanunafili Malirtoa was crowned king of Samoa at Muliuuu The ceremony was aUended by United States and Brit ish representatives A procession marched through Apia beaded by the band of the Philadelphia. The Ger man officials were conspicuous by their absence. H. M. S. Tauranga arrived today At present there are on 6hore 175 men from toe Philedelphia and 150 from the Porpoise and Royalist The Tauranga has a complement of nearly 400 men aud this reinforce ment will enable the admiral to take offensive measures So far he has been compelled to act on the defen sive in be island operations T. B. Rice, Druggist, Greeosboro, Ga , writes es follows : ' Io the past eight year3, I bare eol-4 more of Dr, Pitts' Cirminaiive than all the soothing syrups, colic drops, and other baby medicines com bined." old by J. F. W. DeLoime. -a - - Louisville, Ky., April 6 -Presi dent Sitnaei Spencer, Seoood Vice President W. W. Finley, Third Vice President and General Manager Frank Gannon aod other officials cf the Sou hero railroad, left Louisville to-day for St Louis over the Air Line. The party wa9 eccorcr aoicd by Mr. Geo. T. jarvis, rece v?r and general man ager of the Air Line, lt i-? generally ! believed that the Air Line will soon be controlled by the Soulhern. Santiago, April G -There are now twenty two bandits in the Santiago military prison. Major Geo. Wood, thc Military Governor, is actively suppressing disturbances from this source. Yesterday four bandits from San Luis, and three from Guantanamo were brought in. There is not a it:tic excitement over the operations of the outlaws, and rumors arc in circulation regarding troubles in the district of Holgnio, but the present efforts of tbe military authorities will soon assure safety in all parts of thc proviooe. The Commission Guarantees Them Liberties. Manila, April 4 -Tbe proclama tion of the United States Philippine I commisioners, just promulgated, as sures the Filipinos of the cordial good will and fraternal feeling of the president and people of the United .States. The main object of the American government, apart from the solemn obligations assumed toward the family of nations by the accept ance of the sovereignty over the Philippines, its well being, prosperi ty and people. Tbe purposes of the American government have been misrepresented by some of the inhab itants of certain islands, in conse quence of which the Americaniorces, which are friendly, have been openly attacked without provocation The commissioners state that the supremacy of the Uuijed States will be maintained, bot that the people will be granted the most ample liber ty and self government reconcilable with the proper administration of affairs. Civil rights are guaranteed and protected and religious freedom is assured. Ail will have an equal standing in the eyes of the law. Schools will be established and re forms in all branches of the govern ment will be effected. Another Story as to The American Troops in The ' Philippines. Fort Worth, April 5 -Dr- Chas. V. Harris, of the medical department of of the United States army, passed through to day en route io Washing ton on important business with the war deparment. lie comes from the Philippines and says the reports of the excelieut health of the American troops false. He states that many of the soldiers are disheartened at their physical con dition and deliberately place themself as targets for the enemy's guns. The opinion of Dr, Harris is that if I the troops remain in the Philippines any great length of time sickness and death is sure to follow. Washington, April 7.-The cabinet was in session nearly an hour today The method of making the payment of $20,000,000 to Spain was talked over, but no decision was reached. It is expected that the transfer will be made by a draft on the treasury to be delivered to any representative whom the Spanish government may designate. The sit uation. in the Philippines was also discussed and a telegram was read to the effect that Aguinaldo was reor ganizing bis army north of his late capital Philippine Casualties. Washington, April 5.-The casual ties io the Philippines from February 4 to April 4 inclusive, are reported to the Bdja'ant general's office as follows : Killed 184; wounded 965. Total 1,160. ---tm - . Our line was advanced by rushes," writes a Kansas soldier io the Phil* ippines, about a recent engagement "That is, a Hoe fifty or one huodred yards ahead where cover could be had was designated, then the line would go forward at the ruo, throw ourselves flit on our faces, and fire by volleys until we had gained our breath, then make another rush. This mode cf advancing is tho strongest point in the new tactics, as I view the matter. Oar men are io good fis, and I will guar antee that io the seven consecutive days' fighting they have fired more ronalds than the average soldiers in the civil war, and bave demonstrated the faot, I think, that tbe SODS of soldiers make ss good soldiers as their soldier fathers. I know their enthusiasm is remarkable. We get as many men out to fight as we do at pay day. I get very little sleep, but am well.'' A Torpid Liver causes Depression of Spirite, IodigP8tiorj, Constipation, Headache. Use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liv.r Medicine^ to to stimulate that organ. Used during Expectancy, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets cheer and Strengtheo Mother, Shorteo Labor and Rob Confinement of its Terrors. Endless Chains Illegal. Tbe country has been flood lately with "endless chains. " schemes and no place bas been free altogether from these operations. When first introduced tho endless chain letters were used by devout women and maid ens to raise money for church purposes but recently tbe plan bas been taken up for busioesss purposes. The gcv eaoment bas put a quietus upon thc business by forbidding thc use of the malta fur these schema, and it bas ordered the return cf the money so received. The Vvasbingtoo Post has tho fol lowing in reference to this matter : "The government's policy toward the numerous chain letter schemes that bave flourished throughout the country in recent year , is brought out by two decisions rendered Saturday by Acting Assistant Attorney General Harrison J Barrett, for the postoffice depart ment, holding them in certain cises to be violations of the lottery laws as depeodent upon ohaooe. Given Hurry Orders. The Cruiser Detroit to Pro duced Forthwith to Blue fields. Washington, April 6 -The cruiser Detroit, which 13 now lying off Li Guyara, Venezuela, has been ordered pest haste to Biuefields. Nicaragua, for the protection cf American ioter este in lhat quarter. On the way she will touch at Port Limon, Costa Rica, whsre ber commander wiil put bimeelf in communication with the Ucited Stales consul at that poiot aod where be aiso may receive further instructions. She is also likely to make a very brief stop at Greytown. Her dispatch nader hurry orders is at the urgent request of the state department, to v. h ich American rendente both at Biuefields and in Casta Rica have appealed for protection of American ioterests The arbritrary and extortionate policy adopted by Gen Torres et B uef elds, who on more than one occasion has made himself persona non grata to this government and whose restoration to power at this time has been ioilowed by acts which American residents resent aod protest against, ie the main oause of the vessel's dispatch The state department at the same time bas cabled instructions to thc Uoited States diplomatic representations at Blue eids to lodge an energetic protest with tho Nicaraguan government against the action of Gen. Torres and a disregard of ibis protest will be followed up by a more positive step on tba part of this government io Qosta Rica, the American business men and residents are in trouble as a result of an ;osor reetiooary movement, lt is UL-ct. oed that the insurgents are levying forced loans on them besides collecting exorbitant and doubtful duties on im ports. American cotton is finding a keen competitor io the Russian market in cotton grown in Asia from seed imported from the Southern States The Asiatic cotton is equal in quality to middling New Orleans and brings about the same price " Only the Erst Step ts Difficult. The first step in Spring should be to cleanse Nature's house from Winter's accumu-. tations. Hood's Sarsaparilla does this work easily. It is America's Greatest Spring Medicine. It purifies the blood, as miltons of people say. It makes the weak strong, as nervous men and women gladly testify. It cures all blood diseases, as thousands of cured voluntarily write. It is just the medicine for you, as you will gladly say after you have given it a fair trial. Bad Blood-" Although past 70 years of age I am thoroughly well. It was three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla that made me so after spending over $60 in medical attendance. My trouble was a raw sore on my ankle." MRS. LOUISA MASON, Court Street, Lowell, Mass. Running Sores-" After worrying four months I gave my children Hood's Sarsa parilla and it cured them of running sores. Hood's Pills cured me of dyspepsia and constipation." MRS. KATE E. THOMAS, 31 Governor St., Annapolis, Md. Consumptive Cough-"Five years ago I had a consumptive cough which re duced me to a skeleton. Was advised to take Hood's Sarsaparilla which I did and recovered normal health. I have been well ever since." MATILDA BRIDGEWATER, Cor. Pearl and Chestnut Sts., Jeffersonville, Ind. Hood s I^lls core liver ills, the non-irritating snd ? only cathartic to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla, BOARDING. HAVING TAKEN the House on Main Street second door south of the Nixon House, I am piepared to accommodate a lev; jegular boarders, and also lodging and meals to transient customers. Terms reasonable. MKS. W. B SMITH. Sept. 8 GGGTI Fiour and Good Soda Make Good Cookery* Poor soda will spoil good flour while good seth; will make j>oor flour Letter. ANVIL BRAND SODA is a goo.1 soda. Xot like the ordinary kinds, some times gvod and thc next time poor, hut GOOD EVERY TIME. Order Your PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES FROM GIO. f. STEFFENS k SOU Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S C -Ageots for MOTT'S CIDER RED SEAL CIGARS, AND DOVS HAMS OSBORNE'S Augusta, Ga. Actual Business. No Text Books. Short time. Cheap board. Send for Catalogue. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. EJ I cst Cough Syrup. Tastes Goo . Usc THE SUMTER "WATCHMAN, .Established April, 1850. "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." THE TRUE SOUTHRON, Established Jone 13<>6 Consolidated Aug. 2,1881. SUMTER. S. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12.1899. New Series-YoL XVIII. So. 37 OTTON is and will con tinue to be tJie money crop of the South. The planter who gets the most cot ton from a given area at the least cost, is the one who makes the most money. Good culti vation, suitable rotation, and liberal use of fertilizers con taining at least 3% actual will insure the largest yield. We will send Free, upon application, pamphlets that will interest every cotton planter in the South. GERriAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. SEftiO NO MONEY. IVty new revised scientific work treating on every weakness and disease pe culiar to men is just from the press. Every mac. no matter what Lis occupation or position in life, will find this work unlike anything ever published. It is of vital interest to the married or unmarried; to the healthy and strone or to the weak and broken-down. While the edition lasts I will send .1 copy securely Maled in a plain wrapper, post age prepaid, to every man whe writes for it. This edition is limited and those desiring a copy mubt write promptly. Address B. M. Ross. 31. D.. Pub lishing Department O. 175 Clark St.. >'. . Cor. Monroe. Chicago, Illinois. npHE MANAGEMENT cf the Equitable 1 Life Assurance Society in this territory is desirous of securing the services of a maa cf character and ability to represent its inter ests, with Sumter as headquarters. The right man will be thoroughly educated in the science of life insurance and the art of suc cessful soliciting. There is no Kosiceee cr profession, not requiring capital, which is more remunerative iban a life agency con ducted with energy and ability. Correspond ence with men who desire to secure employ ment, and are ambitious to attain prominence in the profession, is invited. W. J. RODD EY, Manager, March 23-tf Rock Hiil, S. C. le kpt ol Most Collete MW M M Geo. S. Hacker & Son. -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS. SASH, BLINDS. Moulding & Building Material. office and Warerooms, King, opposite Can non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C, & Purchase our make, which we gu rante superior to any sold South, and thereby save money. Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty . october 16-o WAR! WAR! WAR! But the ''White'7 is vitcori ous. We are now selling sew ing machines from ten dollars ^ip. We have a few machines that are slightly used that we will sell cheap. We also have a nice line of Organs that we will sell on easy terms. We are head quarters for Sewing" Machines and supplies. Old machines taken in exchange for new ones. m. Ba BANDJLE, Manager? Sumter Music House. SUMTER, S. C .-. #$2,75 BOX RAL j OAI A lUCI LAU WATJtlKPKUOF aUCKlSTOSH FOX 52.75. _JB>L S^nd \'o Monev Cut this ad. ou jgOt^fr^ 9vnu AP .Yidney. &nd eend ts> UJS jff/V'. ' "-t \ st*tS your height icu eiskt, stat aP^O^t. v \ millibar of inches aiound body at fS - ( e . ? * '-A breast taUen over vcsC under cca *l^ ; ;- * -1 close up under anns, and we will l j"5 ' i -3 send you tliiscc3tl>> express, CO. IjgCg.' ^ . l>., bVrt ta examination; exa.niir.4 &Z?ft - ; ' ? ' / 1- *.'il 011 !> J"'>'-r nearest ex i / press office and if found exactly -I . 1 ' jr .' ' asr" "'tented and the most won * ^?~~f=4 dertul value you ever saw or heard Bf .. : tfr <.!'to any coatyoucan buy > ; . \ f,,;- ;.jjti^it?rt .\'at eur special * . / i oTor pi-;-.-. -I. :Z. ar.d express charges. M ' ( i THIS P/lACKlNTOjSa_^_l2tesL - >t-r-rr-'i is-.o s: \ 'c.' ie frote fiea*y wsurprooi. B * j t ia color, semineDatUCoicrtColli:extra j - j l'.np, d >uUe breasted. Sager velvet B&i; ! > j collar, fancy plaid lining, waterproof 5"" . j sowcd. strapped ?'-.; or any Other house. For Free ^jf^V,-- 8K52 cioih s:impl*< of ?U n's Mackintoshes up to C5.00. nd Made-tc-Measure Suits md Oier.'oats at from 85.oo to 410.00, viite Xor lr ^ARS* ROEBUCK & CO.. CHICAGO !LL 'Soar , Boebuck . Co. are thorcugh.y reliable.-KdJtoro L ttl Fire Insurance Agency, ESTABLISHED 1866. Represent, among other Companies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, NO Ri H BRITISH & MERCANTILE SOME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capital represented $75,000,000. b 2*.