The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 15, 1899, Image 8

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Georgia Sly I is Shown at GiUSn-Goi; as "Tired" as the War Department Atlanta, Ga.,ltfarch 8 -The Tenth ^immunes, Gol. Jones, who were .mastered oat at Macos to day, began ; to show their ill temper as soon as t^ ^B ^ri^g the negroes home . lieg& l&ymovQ oct of Macon. Pro "^j^^-yj^otiretB ''$a^ ' other arms m i^ t^S^ in some waj managed to ^; 2ggl with them they began firing .,; fnfflV tntf' irindows. Bailete flew in ^erairydirection aa the train sped on |iend passersby ? ? were compelled to eejten ^f^lcWy njy one p r SaOB; wts^ nf Macon,a Wi ' Good aim wn^^x^ re^ by a ball Xir^^r ^ e^ tho Tarions ^ ^^ the noting was ; e c6on of the trf " ^00^ abont re E eoV'l We !ov r.the Central of ?*4B &$i tiS& inHhr sectibne . ; ;^^f tinW^^pW>t; |g Grifiin he:i ^ ^/;wno^ tms dine " whfe ey; began iIndians. Wer 200 anote were; ; red sind"Jitk f ?noi ce^ were- powerl do to ?;:<.;reaiat?;Ti city tras at" tho mercy ~ of ^ - Ia%r en^ta itntil the train carried V- them beyond the city mits. v-.~ ii wef of iba ;o^x^geone:_con'. IpM t spread ra^ over Griffin and ; - it ^wne determined that the " nest QV section of the ; regiment should be bald in check. " Mayor Davis tele^ phoned ?fov. Candler asking hiss to ,order ont tho Griffin rifles. The governor sent woi:d that he wonld camsoh tho authorities and instruct . nimio a fe* minntea.p Mayor Davie taeiKor^ered ont the company OD hie o*rn: responsibility, an there was no : If t ai^ta^l e>r The R Ses were given % ?':roiiod&oftamEniinitkiB^ and nuder ^^sim B^ h ^h^ David-marched to % ^OC depct. . ;:;> " ffv *d^^onr ie- the- militia, 4 tho n^y^ it ect ttf aaaistrsthej y n ptseserving/; peace and pro .p. a. the second t came4n sight and above t e could he heard the of re anne which ..were being rWhen t came to a - standstill the j negroes saw 20 nattily armed men ? y The negroee^rere awed,, and wish lambs *5a those who: probed frac- j twna^ctacked heeds were admini* : Wheat the train polled ont from the depot aodjbe ^negroes tho ugh t i^n^^a^^kt the first shot a votfey was poured g* into itbe^rain by: 4hn citoensasd i, a trainman. ^^r^^^w ^ r ubhR Lliante? a^# po^|wayat^ *?-> Ho^ dQagfrfiBW ^SafeY a ftgta - ^ ivi^w^ r^ ^^^N^^^v *** e?r . K**** h*$>$^A- iii! -v?s&>>5 if $ae 1 Rrfetf , %. N5>**l h*e ^^th ; ton#of^ iTeWm l mante* ffrroaih % tb1 Stete2wi* marki^d^y^rohkeri Baring tte* few m motes that the traJn et ^ed-here, thfrs was dn V * -ing and disorder . among the m b i Several hots were fired at the ground or into the air. ^ ; v> . All along the route the conduct w *^ tao name A dispatch from< - HenderaoQ to-night naya: "The Tenth jmmnne. negro tr<x>pe, passed ^ to day over the Seaboard Air Line The shot a private bonnee and schooly childe. Severe! men were wooded The office ra of the regiment seemed te have no control over the men." C0L JONES, IN0I6KANT Raleigh, N. C, March 9.-The ! Tenth immnnes, colored, nanted here I to day over the Seaboard Air Line on \ their way north from Macro, Ga Col. Chudee h. Jones, commanding officer of the regiment, wan teen by I a repreeontative of the Associated * Pre immedtately upo a the arrival I of his train here, as jbe had tele I graphed bead m the marniog that he desired to make a statement in regard to the shooting affair at Griffin, Ga. He enid be struck Griffin about 1 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. I I don't think there was more than a * dozen revoiyerst in-the hoads of the men. When we pallejcl oct pf VTne; I ville, there was seme shooing in the ^ir from the 'train.. The men were I foll of good spirits and hac no inten tlon7 to barm anyone. No ihots were *^red when we went into the town of tta^lfijo I was surprised to find men ; line^ np on either side of 'ihe depot M Aboot 50 of them wore no^forms. I ^ ino^rired wh at the trouble was, and ? > was 'old tfr&i the first section had been disorderly and that' Ihe citizens wanted to protect themselves. "I told .my men to be quiet and they were obedient, and there was no disorder The train stopped about five minutes "The train had pulled out about 200 yards wheo some of the men in tbe forward part of the train fired ernie shots. "The militia then fired into the rear car. Geo. L Agee, the brake man, who was standing on. the plat form was shot. One bali passed tbroogh his leg, another through his thigh and still another passed through bis body As the officers" car passed a body of the militia, a volley was fired, "into it, notwithstanding the fact tl at four ladies were at the win dows. I was standing on the plat form of my car. The wife of one of tbe captains, who was seated by the window, had a narrow escape. An [iron brace prevented another bollet ! from crashing into the car. j f.'Tfp to. tbe 3 30 o'clock when I left Macon yesterday afternoon, not one of the depredations of. the white I or negro troops at that town bad been ! committed by nae Tenth immunes ; I Tbe action o the militia in Griffin was the most cowardly that I have ever seen burban beings guilty of. Had tihey fired into the oar from which the one shot \ was fired, it ' would have been ba enough, but to fire s volley into a car, when the officers who bad charge of the men knew there were Jad es in the car who- were unable ito/ protect hem - selves, andr-wbo. had not been guilty of any breach ot law,-was beneath men." Bobbed the Grave. A startling incident o ~ which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is nar rated hy hin as-follows "I wai in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yel low, eyes sunien, tongue coated, pain continu ally in back ad sides, no appetite-gradually growing we ker day by';day . Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised [trying 'Electric Bitters/ and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks, and am DOW a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to. try; them. Only 50 cents per bottle at J. F W.I>eL rmeV >rug; Store. 6 W sd om to-day meaos- comfort to-morrow. To provest boy a. White and use it. : jPaper* novels; 500 txew titles, maoy of them never before . ssa ia cheap' form.. E. G. Uf.eeo ti Co.. mmm ,, mmi_ Mail Advices from Ma Di la. . ?% . : p : - ; ' "? ' - Vancouver ,B. C vMareh 8.-Mail advices from Manila, brought by tbe steamer Empress of India, throw some side lights on the causes of hostility be tween Americans and insurgents. An Englishman who witnessed the first out break sa vs : *'I was told that Agui naldo had displayed a flag, of truce, but that Dewey refused to recognize it, add ing tfcat tbe Filipinos* started the fight ing and they would bavo to abide by it. An old Filipino told me it was tbe best thing whiob could have happened, aa if the Americans gave the Filipinos a thorough drubbing now they would have1 peace for -che next 50 /years; American soldiers whom 1 have spoken to complained rbut the fattirts and ibes 9th&f1a to pot os with Irem-tae Filipi. ,nos wis awful. It was quite a com mon thing for a Filipino' to tell them ! irffee^lrt noV^Va d5 *th*Vone Ftfiprc a as better than a dozen -Amer {wS^f^0m - i . j C&netipatfotffpr*Tefftr the body from r d di ng itself Of w* *e matter. - De- Win's Li* tie gar ly Risers will remove the tro ble aod ca re Sick Beadach** ? Biliousness, Inactive Liver and clear the Complexi n. Small, sogar coated, don't gripe or cans trausea. Bogbeano-Ligoo Co. . Overcome evil with good. Overcome your cough* and colds with One Min te Coo gh Core. It ie so good that children cry .for. it. It cores croup, bronchitic,, pneumonia, grippe and all throat and long diseases. Bu g h eon Ligon Co. Chattanooga, Tenn., March 8.-No one will die as a result of the riot in which the men of tbe Eighth immune r giment, colored, engaged here last night, bot half a dozen people iojured will be latd op for several moo tbs. Inspector Harkros, Policeman Poe and A. J. Lodford are severely woonded, bot their injuries will ot prove fatal. Three soldiers were shot in the disturbases, bui their names could not be learned. In addition to those iojured here, three soldiers were shot on a Southern railway train between Chattanooga and Knoxville. The shoot ing waa dowe by a soldier, who escaped from the train at Athens, Tenn. To Ow? Subsxribers-Importaat. Tbe Quaker Valley Mfg. Cb. of Chicago have requested us to announce th at.they bave several thousand sett of the fioe&t coin silver plated War Memorial Spoons, made to retail at $3 a set. They wilt mail, postpaid, a foll et of sis of these spoons to every subscriber to tbs Watchman and Soothron, who will end .name and add res-a postal card will do. If, OD receipt of tbe spoons, JOG fiad them the mest exquisitely' beautiful specimeos of the silversmith's art you ever saw, and worth $3, remit 78 cents, as payment in foll, within SO da >s ; if not pleased, retara eooons im mediately. Each spooo is of a different de sign-after-dinner coffee size-showing sol diers in camp in Cuba, Morro Castle aod fonr U S. Battleships They are imperishable mementoes of the Jare war, and every sob scriber should accept this most remarkable oifer, and obtain a set before it ie too late. Ail that's necessary is to say you're a sab scriber to the Watchman and Southron (this is important) and that yon accept Memorial Spoon Offer. Address Quaker Valley Mfg. Co., 35T W. Harrison St., Chicago. Dec 21 SAMPSON WANTS DEWEY'S PLACE. Seems to be No Ground for the Humor of Deweys III Health. Wasbingtao, March 9.-When his attention was called to the statement coming from Vancouver to the effect that Admiral Dewey is breaking down and cannot last a mooth longer, Secre tary Long said that be bad oo information whatever on this point The stories of tba admiral's ill health have been in circulation with more or less persistency for the past foor months They are all traceable to private reports, and though officers of the navy who have returned from Mamila state that Dewey's health,, so far aa st could be ganged from Disappearance, appears to be about the same as it has been for the past few years, they agree that the private reports probably have a fair basis of fact, p . it is not denied by thpse officers that the admiral has aged in appearance notably within tbe past year ; his hairr is undoubtedly whiter and his figure shows signs of that weakness which might, be expected to come with advancing years. Dewey will be 62 years old nest December, and for many years has not been a strong man physically. Meantime he has had imposed upon him the most severe and active duties, so it is but natural tbat his frail physique should show tbe effect of the tremendous strain. It is said by porsons familiar with the Philippine climate that the second year is the hardest to bear for a Caucasian, and Dewey soon will begin bis second year there. In addition to this be labors under the drawback of having undergone a most severe surgical opera lion for the relief of his liver. A man needs a sound liver in the Philippines of all. places. These facts lead naval officers to believe reports that Dewey is showing signs of physical strain. On thc other hand, as already stated, there is absolutely no official evidence on file at the department to show that this is true A full medical history of Admiral Dewey is among the records of the bureau of medicine and surgery. Tbf*y show every ailment that he bas experienced since be bas been io the navy as well as the results of the phys ical examinations be has undergone when he has been promoted from . time to time. But these do not disclose any complaint at this time ; the admiral bas no been made tbe subject of a sick re port since he went to Manila;- Some time ago the president feared that the great strain be was under might over tax him. so be cabled Dewey, through. Secretary Long, permission to return to the United States. The abmiral dedin* ed to avail himself of this. permission and asked permission to stay, saying that io bis opinion duty required that be should finish tbe task fae has begun at Manila, the president accepted this statement and Dewey remains by his own wish : he is free to return to the United States whenever he cares to do so, and the department will relieve bim by ca bled orders In that case Capt. N. H. Dyer, the commander of the Baltimore, who is the Senior oaptaio on the Asiatic station, "would have command of the Americon squadron temporarily and probably would be relieved laier- by ne of the rear admiraly recently created, nearly all of whom are anxious to assume ac tive fftg rank before retirement. . ? a t |^| ' .' -.? ..; .. Vf ?. { .'. jS - a Io the March Keview of Reviews. Dr. William Bayes Ward bas an artic e on Puerto Rico, whioh be visited recently "forth* purpose of studying its ec1 neat ional and religions heeds " A paragraph on the color line may be compared with what a staff correspon dent of The State lately wrote regarding alleged "social equality" io Habana: "The prejudice against odored people is very much. les than in the United States, but it yet exists, and that notwithstanding the late emancipation of the slaves. When one sees white and colored ohildren in the same schools and colored as well as white teachers, be may be too quick td imagine that caste based on color does not exist. But when he attends any of the principal social functions be is undeceiv ed. At parties and receptions be will see nooe but those of pure white blood." Which goes to show once mora the worthlessness of judgments based on hasty and shallow observation. Tba "color line" is not drawn at the extreme point that it is drawn here; but it is drawn nevertheless, naturally and without political prompting, where it is neoessary to be drawn-io eooial circles and at the door of the home. The State. Call, see, and bo/ embossed or floral Crepe Paper. H. G Os teen & Co. If yoo want a mee orgao an easy terms see Randie. The happiest ladies are those using the Wbitesewlng machine Lancaster, March 8.-Messrs John P. Thomas, Jr., and Cole L Blease, attorneys for State Constables W. R Crawford, Coleman, Dorn aod Cooley, charged with tbe murder of Mrs Stuart, made application for bail for the defendants before Judge Ernest Gary in the court house thia morning Solicitor Henry represented ?he State. Crawford was granted bail in the sum of $8,000, Doro aod Coleman eaob io the sum of $1,000 and Cooley io the sum of $500. TILLMAN CAPTORES THE BATTERY. How Charleston Entertained the Battery* Special to The State Charleston, March 9 -Senator Till man and the congressional party arrived this morning at ll o'clock from Columbia. They were met at the depot by a committee composed of Mayor J Adger Smyth. Alderman Geo W Williams, Jr, Maj Geo B Edwards, Messrs C F Midd le tc o, W B Wilson, W H Welch. J C Hemphill, T R Waring, A O Kaufman, Capt J Elmore Martin, tbe Rev Dr Bays aod Mr W Gibbes Wbaley, who took charge of the ladies and gentlemen of tbe visiting party, escorted them to the carriages in waiting and drove them rapidly around the city, pointing out the ohief points of interest. The party was tben taken to Accommodation wharf, where tbe Pilot Boy was boarded for an excursion around the harbor and to the Isle of Palms. At the latter plaee the guests aod their entertainers had lunch served to them and maoy were tbe convivial courtesies interchanged, Tbe party returned to the city about 6 o'clock and enjoyed a j brief rest before the banquet, wbieb wa9 served at the Charleston hotel at 7.30 this evening Speeohes were made by Senator Tillman and Congress men COD nally, Cowherd, S barr otb, [Lewis, Norton, Latimer, Showalter ! and Col Waterhouse and all tbe speakers were generously applauded ! The fraternisation of Senator Tillman and bis opponents here even to the | editors who have so bitterly denounced him in the past, was complete and the j occasion was an epoch making one in State hatchet-burying sod reccncilia i tion. ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard to .theil health should not fail to send for a valuable and j new 64-page Booklet which will be sent FREE : for a short time to those who mention this paper. This book is published by the celebrated physi cians and specialists-Dr. Hathaway ard Co. ol 22Vi S: Broad St. Atlanta, Ga., whom yon should j address. Write to-day. It would not be fair to comment on the Penitentiary scandal at Colombia until after the investigation is ended, bot the facts so far ascertained show that the General Assembly koew what it was doing wheo it elected a new superintendent for that institution. There was a good deal of talk about Col. Neal and bis accounts more than a year ago, aud an investigation should have been made then. It would have saved the State from possible loss aod relieved Col. Sea! of at least a part of his preseot embarrassment.-News and Conner. Paper Dolls, dressed or otherwise at H. G Osteen & Go's. The "White" mos light. The "White' sews right. A NEW SUBSCRIBER "Say, Kernel," be said, as he walk ed into the Atlanta Constitution editor's office, and stamped about forty pounds of mod Off his boots against the leg of the stove, "I sorter thought Pd take your paper ef you'd do the square tbieg " "Why, of coarse, we are always glad .to accommodate oar subscribers " ' "Well, ber's a obitaary of Aoot Ka lkie-bits jes* reo pages of foof*c cap, od-won't make much, I reckon." - ..An* yoo'If sent forty copies of the paper to this'er list o' relatives' won*t yoo?"' * "YeB." "An' oezt week my daughter Soriliy is going to get married. I reckon yoo'li print a hull lot about that?" . .'Of coarse, that's news." "AD' say, I've got ooe of tbe 6oest yoong sbotes yoo ever saw. I waot yoo to come out some day and write up hit." "I shall be glad to do so." "Yoo hain't got a dozen or two old magazines what yoo's done read a-laying around handy, hev yoo ?" "Yes, here's three or foor." "Tbaoky. Jes pot me dowe for three months, and I'll hand you the quarter 'ioog this fall some time." Exchange S2.75 g X BAIN COAT 4 RJtaiLAK $i.OO WATKRFRUOF (""""jUCKlSTOSHFOa $2.75. Send No Money. Jfc state your ketr*t sad w t*ht, tuts number of inches around body at breast taken OTer rest under coat close up under arms, and we wm send you this coat bj express, C. O. ' ,D. nbjc t to exualnaUoo; examine and try it on at your nearest ex press office and if found exactly as represented and the moetwo - d*eriulYalue><^ ever saw or heard of and equal to any coat you can buy for $5.00. pey Che express iff est esr specfsl offer pri e, 2. and express charjes. THIS MACKINTOSH\U>latej 18V style mad - from seary wsterpre , faa ec lor, cenulae Darla Covert Clots; extra lon*, double breasted, Sager relTet collar, fancy plaid lining:, waterproof sewedl strapped and cemented seams. BU I table for both raia er swtoat. and traaranteed greatest raine ever offered br ua or any other house. For Free Cl oth Sssjples of Men's Mackintoshes np to $5.00. and Made-tc-MeMure Suits ind Orercoats at from $6.00 to $10.00, write or Fr* RE A R'S O Et UCK & CO., CHICAGO, ILU *%sgte8* a CeTaWfttSesjk reliable.-Miter., ARE YOU NEEDING AN IRON SAFE ? HAVING BEEN APPOINTED GEN ERAL AGENT for ihe Alpine Fire and Burglar Proof Safe Company. I am prepared to offer liberal terms to those who are in need of a good safe. For prices and terms address J. A. RENNOj tfrb 24. . Sonner, S. C 1 SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA R. R- CO. TIME TABLE NO. 15. In effect 12.01 a. m., Sunday October 2d, 1898. Weet-First Class Daily. Leaves, am 7 10 Leaves, am 6 20 Leaves, am 9 20 Leaves, am 10 10 Charleston, Augusta, Columbia, KiDgville East-First Class Daily. 8 00 arriv e p m 10 45 arrives p m 5 20 arrives p m 4 28 arrives p m West. North Carolina Division. East. si 2d Clafs. A. M. 7 40 8 00 8 10 9 00 9 35 9 48 10 10 10 35 11 00. 11 45 12 10 12 3 '5 P. M. 75 77 2d j 1st Class i Class A. M J A.M. 8 20! 8 50 9 06 10 10 10 30 10 40 11 50 12 15 1 50 3 10 3 LO 4 40 510 5 30 5 45 6 20 P.M. 11 40 12 00 12 12 12 40 12 55 00 20 35 50 15 35 48 3 03 3 18 3 30 3 55 4 10 4 15 4 25 4 45 4 52 5 02 5 19 5 34 5 59 6 14 6 30 P. M. STATIONS. 78 let Class Leave. Arrive. P.M. 74 2d Ciase P.M. Camden DeKalb Westville, Kershaw Heath Springs Pleasant Hill Lancaster Riverside Catawba Jonction Rock Bill Tirzah Yorkvilie Sharon Hickory Grove Smyrna Blacksburg Earles Patterson Springs Shelby Lattimore Mooresboro Henrietta Forest City Ruiner ford ton Thermal City Glen wood Marion 1 C5 12 50 12 25 12 05 ll 52 ll 3? ll 22 ll 10 10 45 10 30 10 25 10 15 9 06 8 41 8 24 8 10 i A.M. 4 30 4'00 82 2d Class P.M. 12 15 ll 20 9 50 8 16 6 50 6 30 6 00 A.M. 7 25 1 O 5 4 6 30 5 10 52 25 ?0 30 50 25 00 P.M. WEST. 85 Mixed. P.M. 4 10 4 35 5 00 GAFFNEY BRANCH. BAST. 83 Mixed. A. M. 5 30 5 50 6 20 Leave STATIONS. Biaeksburg Cherokee Falls Gaffney Arrive 84 Mixed. A.M. 7 30 7 05 6 40 86 Mixed. P. M. 6 30 6 OS 5 40 Train No. 77, going west n ekes daylight connection at Lancaster with the L.&O. B. R., at Rock Hill with the Southern R. R. going north, at Blacksburg with tbe South ern. Train No. 78, going east makes connection at Marion, N. C., with tbe Southern R. R., at Blacksborg with Soothers and at Lancaster with L. & C. R. R. Train No. 81, going east makes connection at Shelby, N. C. with the S. A. L. R. R , going east. Aft local freight trains will carry passengers if provided with tickets. S. B. LUMPKIN, Division Passenger Agent. h. A. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. J. N. ROBSON & SOW, Commission Merchants, And dealers in HAY, GRAIN AND COW FEED. Consignments of Eggs, Poultry and Farm Produce Solicited. Weights and Goods Guaranteed JV N. Robson & SOD Feb 16-x Charleston. S. C. g j? . . - - M Walsh's Shae Stare mAS -M VED NO W XJxiciear Cpfi^jr House. Keep yoTir eye on the city clock when you are coming in town and stop there if you want Shoes. TWO SHOEMAKERS EMPLOIE . Those who want to keep their Shoes in nice condition, buy from me and get FREE SHOES. Barlow Walsh. Sep 21-x THE COLUMBIAN CYCLOPEDIA, 35 Volumes 7,500 Illustrations 28,600 Pages, Complete and Up to Date. The largest Amertcan Cyclopedia. Includes an Unabridged Dictionary. Proooooces all Titles. Information Right Down to Date. Volumes of Handy Size. Yon can keep Up to the Times by adding Fornishee the Largest and Latest Maps. an Annual each year. No other Cyclopedia even pretends to claim these features, bat don't yon think they ate pretty important? Send us your name and let ns show you in detail the varions points of superiority possessed bj THE COLUMBIAN. It covers the whole range of knowledge; ia prepared by the most able and experienced editors and cyclopedia writers, and is commended by the best judges throughout the country. The Best Family Library. Because it is clear and simple in language, free from technicalities, non partisan and non-sectarian, and above all neither "British" nor sectional but Thoroughly American. A work nf refereoce which is foreign cr narrowly sectional bas no place in an American borne. Sold en easy terms of payment. G-arretson, Cox & Co., Publishers, BUFFALO. N. Y. For foll descriptive circula' ind \ TiTin Pn1nTH l Qr "Pn lt? P \ 81 |Whltehall 8t., termeeend to our Soatberr 'eots/liiu bUl l Ui Ul l UL/ Atlanta, Ga.