The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, February 22, 1899, Image 5

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Ck l aKtai m $ tims WEDNESDAY, F; B. 2* , 1889. Entered ai the Foti Office at Sumter , C., as Weeona (Ttass Matter. ????? ????????????tWBWMBH HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Co. Treasurer-Notice. " J. RT en berg k Socs-Jcs i Received. PERSONAL. Mrs. F. A. Bahnsen is visiting friends in Sock Bill. Mr. J. . DoPre, of Pisgah, was in the j city Monda j. Mr. W. H. Said, of St. Charles, was in the city Monde j. Mr. Ja*. M. Dick, of Stateburg, spent San cay Io tba city. * Mrs. Tbc ssas 0. Sanders is visiting at Mrs. G. U. Graham's. Dr. W. W. Anderson, -af Stateburg, is ta the city Monday. Mr. S.W. Friemen, of Lynchburg, spent Monday in town. Mr. B- Stehle ia in town visiting his daugh ter, Mrs. Julina Schwerin. Kia* Etta Cathcart, of Charleston^ visiting ifce family of Capt. S. S. C& son. Mr. F. Barron Holmes, of Charleston, wat in the city on business Monday. Mr. Harria Bristow, of Beonetttville, was in tows last Friday on boniness. Miss San i Durant, of B whop vii le, is spend ing a few days m tbe city with friends. Rev. J. 3. Bradin has ra tn med from Charleston where he has spent a month or kroger. Mr. J. C. Dye, of Ju9S0p, Ga., is in tba city for a few days stay, and is tbe guest of Capt. 5 G. Pierson. Messrs. fiorace Ha*~y, Jr., and Emile Moses are at borne for a few days frons tba Sooth Carol ina College. Senator Manning and Representative Moses, who spent Saaday at home, returned to Co lamb a Monday to at**Q<i tbe last'week's session of the Legislature. Tba wife and children of Mr. J. A. Boyd, mauger of the Diamond Racket Store, ar rived ia tbe eily Sunday from their former hose in .knoxville, Tenn. Mr. Durham Ives, the mul carrier for the Smithville star route woo was accident ly, shot is tbe leg aboat a month go and baa since boco laid up, was is town Saturday. Mr. Harry Tates, who bas been serving ra Andersons Heavy Battery in Sullivan's Island, retorne ' borne last week, bis com mand haring been mustered cot oo tbe 4th instant. Tbe very pretty aod attractive Misses Dove came up from Charleston Monday evening to anead the ball at tbs Coles aa Hotel. Tbey left oo the afternoon tra a on Tuesday for a visit to friends ia Sumter, sa neb to the regret of soma of she young sen of tba town. Singstree Record. "Miss Isabel McLaurjn has returned from Macon, Ga. Mrs, J4 Wal ter Doer returned this morning to her'boose, Augusta, Ga. Miss Annie Freeland went to Columbia thia morn lag. Mrs. Walter Folsom bas goae to Colombia oe a visit. The members of toe Legislators have re turned Cram their labors, that body having adjourned sice die at 3 o'clock this morning. jfcLeoi bago* on last Wednesday, tba 15tb. j Baster falls on Sunday, April 2d. " Tba Graded Schools will have holiday OB Wednesday, tte 22d, instant- Wasbrogton's birthday. A two or titree weeks' course of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine will so Regulate toe i Srcretiecary Functions that tbey will ope j ?ate without any aid whatever. Tbe sisie for making retort of property to tbe Auditor expired on Monday, tbe 20tb in stant. After that date toe penalty will be paton. Mother's Trusted Friend, >Simmoos Squaw Tito Wine or Tablets, Prepare tba System for CooSnemant, Shorten Labor and make Childbirth Susy. Several casts of smallpox are reported on tba Mayesviil road about fire miles from this city. Tbe Life Preserver which bas carri eu many, tedies safely over tbe dangerous sea "Change of Life" ia Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets: To Sweeten ike Breath, Brighten tbe Eyes Clear the Complexion and Insure the natural Bhca of Health, ose Dr. M. A. Simmon, Li er Medicine. Fourteen cows of a car load shipped from this city to Richmond on the loth instant, vrere frozen to death en route. Late to bed and early to rise, prepares a mao for bis home in the skies. But early to bad and a Little Early Riser, the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. Hugbsoo-Ligca Co. No northam mail was received ie tbis city between Saturday February ll tb, and Thurs day, February 16th. The railroads were so blocked with snow daring the blizzard that the mail trains were not able to ron on regalar schedule. Mothers, we call yonr attention to Pitts' Carminative. It acta promptly, it is pleas ant to the taste, and tbe children will take it without coaxing. It relieves promptly and permanently. If we ean get you to ase it, yon will get others to do likewise. Yonr druggist sells it. J. F. W. DeLorme. There bas bean no wood or coal famine in Sumter, bat during the frerz; there was a scarcity of good firewood and all brought to to wo foo nd ready Isa e. There bas doubtless been considerable suffering among tbs poorer white people and negroes bot oona have made koowa their needs without reeving prompt assistance. Many a household is saddened becaoss of the failure to keep on baud a safe and absolutely certain eora for croup such es Ose Minute Cough Care. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. Hcghsos'Ligon Cc. Tbe stock off goods and 6xtnres of the Docker k Boltmao Co. were sold Friday for sixty cents oo tbe dollar, Herby k Co. being tbe purchasers. Tbe total price paid was $5,400. There wera eight sealed bids sub milted, bat ail of these were rejected, as all of them were on the stock alone and did not include the fixtures. -Tbe stock aod fixtures wer* then pat ap at auction ead bids called : for. Tbe bid of Harby k Co. was the high est, i od the property was knocked down to teem. The sooner a cough or cold is cured with out harm to the sufferer the better. Linger ing colds are dangerous. Hacking coogb is distressing. One Minute Cough Cure quick ly cure3 it. Why suffer when such a cough sere is within reach ? It is pleasant to the j taste -Hogbson-Ligon Co. Wanted :-Cotton seed. Highest prices j paid. W. 3. Boyle. Call, see. and boy embossed or gora! Crepe Paser. E. G Osteen k Co. MARRIED. Mr. Ebbie We l8 and .Visa Mattie Carson were married at bal'-past eight o'clock last Wednesday night ic che Presbyterian Cbnrch, in tbiscity, Rev. N. W. Edmunds performing tbe ceremony. The cbnrcb was welt filled, despite tbe disagreeable weather, toe many friends of the contracting parties braving the balf-tbawed snow to be present to witness them pligb't their troth. Tbe charcb wss very prettily decorated, tho' the materials for decretive work were very scarce and difficult to obtain ic tbe midst of the blizzard. The wedding march was pla ved by Mr Dave Winn, while the bridal party was entering tbe church. The bride wore a handsome white satin gown, with a long veil and wreath of orange blossoms, the bridesmaids wore white organ die dresses. The attendants were : .Mr. Brainard Yeadon and Miss Ethel Car son, Kr. Elisha Carson and Miss Bessie Lee, Mr. W. S. Graham and Miss Carrie Solo mons, Mr J H. Burns and Miss Kate De Lorme, Mr. M. B. Clyde and Miss Ethel Atkinson, Mr A. C. Carson ana Miss Etta Cathc&rt, Mr. B. D. Wilson and Miss Lizzie Strobecker, Mr. H. 6. Hill sod Miss Rosa Gil lespie, Mr. Jobo B. Miller and Miss Harriet Kershaw. Messrs. St men Yeadon, Ernest Carson, I. S. Miller and Douglas China acted fis ushers. After tbs ceremony a reception was given at the home of Capt. fi S. Carson, tbe bride's rather, in honor of the newly married couple, ! and the evening was pleasantly and joyously spent by the bridal part? and the many guests who had gathered to shower good wishes upon Mr. Wi Hs and his charming bride. _ ._. Mr. J. R- Fletcher -and Miss Katie C. Broughton were married on Tuesday after noon, February 14tb, in tbe Methodist Church at Pinewood. The bride has been a frequent visitor ia this city and is very popular in a large circle h re, and her many friends wish ber every happiness. _,_ Married on Saturday by the Rev. G. T. Gresham, Mr. Daniel Carraway, of Priva teer Township, to Miss Lizzie Jennings, of Clarendon Cono ty. DEATHS. Mrs. Player, wife of Mr C. T. Player, of Shiloh, died on Wednesday, Feb 15th, aged 53 years She was a member of the Metho dist Church, and a resident of thia city for Stony y Mrs and will be remembered by many as Mrs. Jos. P. Byrd. Mr. W. E. Jennings died at bis home in this city last Friday afternoon of heart disease. Mr. Jennings bas been in declining health for several months and wheo be became unable tc attend to business, removed from Charles ton, his boma for a number of years, to this city io "nope that the change of climate might prove b n ficiai. He improved ia health for a time hut the improvement was not perma nent and for the past week has been growing worse (gradually. Mr. Jennings was a resident of Sumter for a Bamber of years, but removed to Charles ton about fifteen years ago, where he resided until railing health induced him to return to Sumter. He leaves a wife, two sons, wbo are in business ie Charleston, and a daughter. The fonerai services were held in the Pres byterian Church at 2 30 o'clock Sunday after cooa. Gamecock Lodge, Knights of Pythias, of which order thr deceased was a member, attended the fanerai in a body and interred his remains with Pythian honors Mr. Beoj. B. Weeks, a native of this city, died io Charleston yesterday. Be was a brother of Asst. Chief of Police Weeks, and removed from Sumter to Charleston about nine years ago. Mr. Weeks was ST years of age, aod leaves five children. Mrs. Caroline Belitzer, mother of Mr. Arthur Belitzer of this city, died at her home in Charleston on Monday, Feb. 20th. - i- j Work on tbs Seater k Wateres Railroad baa been commenced from this eod of the line. From now on the work will be poshed rap idly forward. Don't wreck a Lifo! From Girlhood to Womanhood the monthly courses should be regulated with Simmons Squaw Yins Wine or Tablets. Auditor Wilder bad a busy day Monday taking retaros of property. His office was crowded all day and he and bis assistants j were kept hard at work. Monday was the j last day for making returns, and as usual hundreds had" put it off nntil tbe last moment. . When you ask for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases of Piles being cured by this, than all others combined.-Hughson Ligon Co. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to ron a certain course. Cure it quick ly and effectually with One Minute Cough Care, the best remedy for all ages and for the mest severe cases. We recommend it because it's good.-Hoghson-Ligon Co. The case of Ed. Carlos against the City of Sumter wss called for trial at 12 o'clock to-day before Judge Wells, but was con tin ned until 3 p. m. in order to get a jury. At the appointed bour the case was tried, and Carlos was awarded $5. Carlos sued for $24 dam ages to bis horse, which be claimed was in jured by getting in a broken bridge. Soothing, healing, cleansing, De Witt'a Witch Hazel Salve is the implacable enemy of sores, boros and wounds. It never fails to core Piles. You may rely upon it.-Hogh son-Ligon. When the thaw set in last week tbe frozen water pipes were released from their icy fet ters Then came the deluge, and the plumb ers were tbe most sought after people in town. The superintendent of the Water Company bad to berry np time for awhile, for everybody with a broken pipe on their premises were calling frantically for the soper in tendent to come along in a berry with a wench to cut off the water and stop the flood. T. B. Rice, Druggist, Greensboro, Ga , writes as follows : "in the past eight years, I have sold more of Dr. Pitts' Carminative than ali tbe soothing syrups, colic drops, and other baby medicines com bined." Sold by J. F. W. DeLorme. We are glad to know that the Hon. Alta mont Moses bas been elected a representative from Sumter county. Mr. Moses bas repre sented '.bat county in tbe senate, aod during his term, he became a leading member of that body aod bis judgment was generally sought on important measures and bis opinions given the otmost consideration. His career was brilliant as well as useful to bis immedi ate eocrtitutents, as well as the people of tte State at large. We predict that bis courfe in tbe boose will be none the less wise and judicious, and tbe whole State will be given the benefit of bis valuable services.-Lexing ton Dispatch. Bearing Down Seasations, Interna! Heat j and Fema-e Weaknesses are cured by use of i Simmons qcaw Vine Wire or Tablets. Dr. VT A. Simmons Liver Medicine by ex pelling from the body the excess of Bile and Acids, improves tbe Assimilative Processes, Purines the Biocd, Tones up and Strengthens. THE TOBACCO WAREHOUSE LEASED. Virginia Warehousemen Backed by Ample Capital Will Bun it. The Tobacco Warehouse b&s been leased to Messrs. R E. Cook &od R. C Adams, of Danville Va and it will be opened for busi ness at the beginning of the tobacco season. The warehouse aod prize houses will be overhauled and put in thorough repair bj the Sumter Tobacco Warehouse Company and the property will be turned over to the lessees io first class condition. Messrs. Gook and Adams are tobacco warehousemen of many years experience and they wili come to Som ter with the most satis factory recommendations from tobacco deal ers and banks of Danville, Va., and they have all the capital needed to mn tba ware house on a substantial business basis In addition io this they have business connec tions with the largest tobacco manufacturers and exporters of Virginia and North Caro lina which guarantees the success and per manency of the warehouse coder their man agement. They have already arranged for a corps of buyers to be stationed here, and the market will not be left to the tender mercies of speculators and pin-bo-okers, whose sole object is to make all the money possible out of the farmers by haying their tobacco at low prices and reselling it on other markets. There will be not less than six or eight regu lar buyers for the American Tobacco Co , and other manufacturers and exporters, and this number may be increased before the sea son opens, as Messrs. Cook & Adams have been at work only a short time and have net completed their arrangements with all of tbs tobacco firms they wish to induce. to station buyers in this city. Tbe outlook for the tobacco market is decidedly encouraging and all that is needed to make it the success it should he is the co-operation and encourage ment of tbe tobacco planters and the busi ness men of this city. Women's Complexions depend for beauty opon Digestion. Dr M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys and secures the blessings of good Digestion. The high water io tbe Wateree swamp dur ing tbe last week or ten days and the snow and freeze following on its heels have caused great loss to stock owners. The extent of the loss cannot be fuliy estimated as yet, but it is known te be quite serious, for there were large onmbers of cattle and hogs in tbe swamp, and the greater number of thea bove probably been drowned. Tbe stock owners endeavored to get tbe hogs and cattle ont of the Swamp when warning of tbe flood was received, but with indifferent success, the water rising too rapidly to afford sufficient time to collect the the stock and drive them to the high land beyond the reach of the flood. It is said that all of the islands in tbs swamp, where the cattle are accustomed to take refuge in time of flood wore submerged, con sequently those that were unable to swim to the high land were swept away and drowned. W. H. Nisbet, Cash's Depot. S. C., writes : I bad Dyspepsia ; used Zeil i n's Liver Regu lator, bot it did no good. I then tried Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine ; tbe first package did me good. I continued its us , and was cered. A sluggish Hw canses Drowsiness, Leth argy and a feeling ef Apathy. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine arcases the Liver, and cheerful energy succeeds sluggishness. The star route mail carriers for tbe Mann. ville and Smithville routes were not able to make regular trips for several days last week. The roads have been almost impassable and the mail carriers could cot make the round trip ia a day. The Smithville route is twenty miles each way, and as the mail carrier lives about three Bries beyond the Smithville postoffice bc ta to travel forty-six miles six times a week.. This trip was more than a mac or horse could stand in weather such as prevaled from Saturday until Wednesday and it is not to be wondered that the carrier did not make regular schedule time. The Kaanville route is a few miles shorter than the Smithville route, but even that is too long a trip to be lade in oos day when the snow is eight inches deep and the thermometer twenty TO twenty-five degrees below the freezing poict.g Early Morning Fire. Yesterday morning about seven|o'c!ock tbs residence occupied by Mr. H. Manheim, on Dugan Street, was discovered on fire. Tbe alarm was given and tbe fire department responding with usual promptness soon bad the fire under control The fire originated in a piunder room ad joining tbe kitchen. The cause of the fire is unknown, bnt it is thought the rats must bave gotten bold of some matches and caused the trouble The building is tbe property of Mrs. Too mey and is insured. Lenten Services. Lenten services for Episcopal Cborcb every week, except thurd week in March : Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 5 p. m. Wednesdays and Fridays, Litany at ll a. m. Thursdays, Holy Communion, ll a. m. On all Sunday mornings, prayer aod sermon, ll a. m. Evening, prayer and sermon, 5 p. m. Tobacco Seed. Mr. J. W. Dennis bas kindly left at this office some tobacco seed of the Orinoco and Gooch varieties, which will be given out free while they last, to those who say wish te plant tobacco this year. Call soon as the supply is limited, and it is time the seed were in the ground Manning Tobacco Warehouse Co. A commission bas been issued by tbe Secre tary of State to the Peoples' Tobacco Com pany of Manning with a capital stock of $2,500. Tbe company is composed of C. W. Mason of Forestoa. Dr. W. W. Brockiogton of Manning, and C. S. Land, Sr., of Fores ton, and will deal in tobacco. Chamberlain's Cough Hemedy Al ways Proves Effectual. There are no better medicines oo tbe mar ket tban (Chamberlain's. We bave used tbe Cough Remedy wben all others failed, and in every instance it proved effectual. Almost daily we hear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies extolled by those who have used them. This is not au empty puff, paid for at so much a line, but is voluntarily given in good faith, in the hope that suffering human ity may try these remedies, and hke the writer be beoefitted -From the Glenville (W. Va.) Pathfinder. For s%le by Dr. A. J. China. Cow Feed for sale at W. . Boyle3 Stables. If you have cotton seed to sell, call on me. I will nay you the highest market place. W. g. Boyle. New Board County Commissioners. Uoder the new coumy government law, which will shortly go into effect, the Board of Coooty Commissioners will be composed of six members. These commissioners will receive $2 per day and mileage for each day the board is in sessioc, and the law provides that tbe board shall have moa th ly meetings. Another provision of the law is that no cer tificates, or scrpt, shall be iesued for claims against the county amil the claims shall nave been approved and ordered paid by a majori ty of the board. The legislative delegation from this county has recommended for appointment on the Coonty Board of Commissioners the follow ing gentlemen ; - T. D. McLeod, of Rafting Creek ; W. D. Rhodes, of Mayesville ; J. T. McNeill, of Shileh ; L. B. Jenkio8,~T>f Privateer ; W. S. i James, of Bishop ville ; J. G. White, of Con j cord. Ordination of Elders and Deacons. The ordination of elders and deacons of the Presbyterian Church, which was post poned on account of tbe weather Sunday be fore last, took place on last. Sunday. Dr. Edmunds delivered an impressive or dination sermon' prior to the ordination cere monies proper, in which be ontlined the duties and responsibilities of the elders and deacons, as laid down in the Scriptures and the mles of tba church. The following were ordained elders : W. J Anderdon, W. H. Yates, J. L. Haynsworth, D. J. Auld, D. Jas. Winn. The deacons ordained were : Dr. G. W. Dick, Dr. H. If Stuckey, Shep ard Nash, W. F. Shaw, J. H. Chandler, E. F. Miller, W. S. Jones, S. H. Edmunds, Willie White. The Hypnotic Exhibition. The exhibition of the powers and mysteries of hypnotism given in the Opera Hon3e last eight by Lee's Hypnotises was decidedly the beat and most surprising thing of tbe ki cd ever seen in this city. Several gentlemen in the audience volunteered to act as subjects and they succumbed to the strange power of the hypnotist and were as clay ia bis bands. They did his bidding and saw only the things that be willed they should see. Ooe man was thrown info a hypnotic Bleep and was carried from the Opera Bouse to Ryttenberg'e store and placed io a bed in tbe front win dow where be now lies in a deep sleep. He will be taken back to tbe Opera House to night and at 10.30 o'clock will be awakened after a sleep of 24 hours. Another man was put under the influence and his body made perfectly rigid. He was then laid across two chairs, bis bead resting on one and his feet on the other, and five men stood on bis body without bending it. The exhibition was in every respect most remarkable. In a recent letter from Washington, D. C., to an old friend, Major G. A. Stoder, for tweoty years United States Consul at Singa pore, says : "While at Des Moines I became acquainted with a liniment kown as Cham berlain's Pain Balm, wbicb I found excellent against rheumatism as well as against sore ness of the throat and chest (giving me much easier breathing). I bad a touch of pneu monia early this week, and two applications freely applied to the throat and chest relieved me of it at once. I would not be without it for anything." For eal by Dr A. J. China. Illustrated Guide to St. Michaela. Mr. Charlea N. Beesley, lexton of St. Mich ael's Church, Charleston, as was bis father before bim, has recently published an illustra ted Guide Book to St. Michael's Church. 11 is a very handsome book of seventy-six pages, printed on heavy plate paper and beautifully illustrated with half tones. It is not only a guide but a complete history, in brief of the historic edifice, and will be of interest to all. The book may be obtained from Chas N. Beesley, No. 39, George St., Charleston, S. C. The price is 50c, postage prepaid Dr. Brown is Here. Dr. W. G. Brown, the popular and profi cient Optician whose work gave entire satis faction on former visits here, arrived last Friday night and is located at room 21, Nixoo House, folly prepared and r quip ped to treat ali defects of vision, and invites those who may need his services to call as early as pos sible during bis stay, as sometimes lenses must be ground to orrier which requires some time. Frames fitted as accurately as the lenses to ensue comfort and neatness, aod old frames repaired and reset. All work done in the best manner and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Dont Do This Don't take in ternal medi cines before the little one comes. They endanger the health of both mother and babe. MOTHER'S FRIEND, the good and long-tried external liniment, will relieve the*early distress and the later pains bet ter than anything else in the world. Its good effects are most marked not only before childbirth, but during the ordeal itself and afterward. Distress is over come by it-pains lessened-labor short ened-and subsequent dangers avoided. Sold by Druggists for $1 a bottle. S*ad for ow fro illn.nh-i.tei book on the *nbj et. TEE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. Estate of . Minis Pitts. Dec'd. ALL PERSONS having claims against the aforesaid Estate will present same duly attested, and all persons io anyway indebted to said Estate will make payment without delay to PETER M. Pi rS, Feb 1-3t Administrator. TAX NOTICK THOSE WHO STILL owe taxes for 1898 are hereby notified, that the lice for payment expires Febuary 28th. It will be impossible for me to protect aoy one beyond that time. 9. L. SCARBOROUGH, Feb 22-lt Countv Treasurer. tWp No. 64 Al M. THE REGULAR MONTHLY COMMU NICATION of Claremont Lodge, No 64, A. F. M., will be held on Thursday Evening, February 2H, at 7 p. m. Brethren will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly B. J. RH A HE, VT. M. At test^^^*. MOSES, Sec. lio You Muj for Cash! Then it will pay you to see us before purchasing elsewhere. Beat faDcy patent guaranteed 100 per cent wheat, $4.65 pr bbl Half patent 100 per cent wheat, 4 25 pr bbl Family Flour, 100 pr ct wheat, 3.50 pr bbl Old reliable Patapsco Superla tive Flour, e.t 4 75 pr bbl 3 lb cans haod packed Tomatoes 90c doz 2 lo cans " " " 7Cc doz ! Wortb now 85c doz in New York for 3's 65c for 2'8P Extra aiited Peas sweet and tender 15c a can Early June Peas sweet and tee dur 10c a can 3 lb cana Bartlett Pears fine at 10c a can 3 lb cans good peeled Peaches at 15c a can 2 lb cans good peeled Peaches 10c cao 3 for 25c ! Heinz Baked Beens with tomato sauce at 20c, 15c and 10c a can 2-!b cans old Mocha and Java Coffee, 66c Best green Cc flee at 9 Iba for $1 Good Bio Coffee at ll lbs for $1 Amer. Stan. Gran. Sugar, 17 lbs for $1 Special prices by the barrel. Bes: Baldwin Apples 50c a peck Fioe California Seedless Oranges 30c a oz Fine Catawba Grapes at 25c per basket Sweet Florida Beets at 30c per peck If AILLARD'S Chocolates and Bon BODS are the best, put up in , and 1-lb sealed packages at 80c per lb at CROSSWELL & CO'S The Cheap Cash Grocers. l Ook mt This! H. Harby has just bought a fresh supply of fine work Mules, which will arrive on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1899. Call and see them. Prices right. "Diversified Industry a Nation's Prosperity.55 CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE: "Early Wakefield" and "Henderson's Succession," (Grown in the open air) 20c per 100 , -ALSO 1 car load Ship Stuff just received. Cot ton Seed Meal and Hulls always on hand. Texas R. P. Seed Oats and everything else in my line H. HARBY. January 18, 1899. JUST RECEIVED An entire new line of Nainsook, Cambric, and Swiss edgings and inser tions. Ranging in 'price from Se to <BOc. THIS IS FINE RUBBER WEATHER. We have one lot of Ladies5 and Misses Com mon Rubbers To fit shoes sizes 12J to G. To closeout this entire lot we> will sell them at 25c. RYTTEMBERG k SOE 4HPQUND CATALOGUE. FREE g THIS 8!G CATALOGUE C0WTA1NS 1 20 PAGES ls *xi2x2 inches in si^ contai us o ver lOC.uuo quotations, 10,000 illustration*, tho largest, most complete and lowest priced catalogue ever published. NAMES TRf LOWEST WHOLESALE CHICAGO PRICES ON f VERYTHIN9. including everything in t roeerie , Prags, Dry t ood*, Jlotioas, Clothing, cloaks, Dresses, Bool* zsi Staoet., Walebei, Jew.irr, Bcoii, Hardware, ijio-es. grirsltaral Implement*, tarait are, Hants*, S&rfcUet, Bapgiv-s, Sewla 31 achines. Crockery. Orear: i. Pisaos, Bastea!Instruments, ForaiaUlngGsods, (ians. Revolvers, FKblnp Turk Ie, Bicycle*, Photographic \iood*. cte. Tells just weat your storekeeper at home must pay for everything he buys and will pievent him f n m overcharging you on anything you buy; explains just how to order, how much the frebrbt, express or mail will be on anything to your towu. THE HQ BOOK COSTS US NEARLY $1, the postage alone is30 cent?. Ol ID CDPC OETfTFiB Cut this advertisement out rnec vrrcwi a2d 8enC[to us with ss ceouin stamps to he! p pay the 30 cents postage and the Big Book will be sent to you Ft F.B by mail po*tpai l. and if you don t say it is worth 108 times thc 13 cents you serd. &* a key to the lowest wholesale prices ot everything, say BO,and w? will Immediately retara oar 1 j cents. WHAT THE PRESS SAY? ABOUT THIS CATALOGUE: -It Is a monument of business information."-Minneapolis (liina.) Tribune. "A wonderful piece of work."-Washington National T-'bune. .Thecatalogue is a wonder.-'-Manchcsf er, N. H.) Cnion. '.Sears, Roebuck .t Co. is one ol the largest booses of i:s kind ia Chicago."-Chicago Inter Ocean. "The big catalogue forms one o the llzcst shopping mediums that could possibly bc sent tero a district.'* -Bovoe's Monthly. Chicago. ? Their catalogue is a vast depertmeni tore boiled down."-Atlanta Constitution. "Thpcatalogue i* certainly a merchandise encyclopedia."-Chicago Epworth Herald. "A law should be passed compelling the useof this catalogue in ll publicschoois."- The Hen. u. \. Son iltoon. Vf"eocld quote tboosroda of titnilarexlrart*. SEND ! j CENTSAT 0.\CE and TO will receive the .i-lb. book by retarn mail address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO.llnc., CHICAGO, ILL., U. S. Ar