The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, February 01, 1899, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, FEB- 1, 1899. -anai JSnteredat the Foti O ce at Sumter, G. at Second Ciau .Matter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J, 0. Chandler-Bicycle Stoleo. Coonty Board o Control -Notice. B P. Cattino, Ageot.-Cost Sale. Commissioners of Slecrio"3-tipeciai Ejec tion. Baute of E. Mime Pitts-Notice to Debtors end Creditors PERSONAL. Hr. B. O. Ingram Is in the city for a few days stay. Mrs. N Y. Alford, of Wisaeky, spent Friday ia toe city. Hr. W. P. Newman, of Elliotts, spent % Thursday m tows. Capt. George W. Loring was been ia the toe city for several last wee . - Mr. H. L. Scarborough went to Sisbopv ile Monday morning oa business. Prot Rambo's mother ned sister, from Philadelphia, are on a visit to bim. Mrs. H B. Mitchell, of Isle of Hope, Ga,, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Charlie Curtis. Mr. R. fi. Carnes, of Bishopviile, stopped io the city to-day on his way home from i Colombia. Misa A. C. Weeks left Saturday morning for Oakhurst, Lancaster Co., S. C., to spend sometime. Miss Anna Brown, of Sumter, is visiting at the nome of her brother, Mr. Sol. Brown. -Pee Dee Advocate. Miss Gordon Weeks after pleasant and tended visit to relatives in this city, bas returned to her hom in Newberry, S. C. Miss Rebecca Bradford, a charming yoong iady from Snmter, is visiting at Mr. J. E; Brockie ton's home near town.-Kings tree Record. ' Mrs. Marie C. Baker and children, after a petey of several weeks with Mrs. C. W. King saan, returned Thursday morning to their home at Calhoun Falls, S C. Prof. Rbode , of Greenville, Tenn., who as been engaged to instruct the Fourth Regiment Band, bas arrived. fie was accom panied by bis wife. Mr. Fx. C. Manning representing tb* Tete phone Manufacturing Co., of this city bas ,2000 on an extended trip throng's the South western States and Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. M. Brandenberg, of New York, are the guests of Mrs. Y. Strauss. They were married a few days go and are spending their honeymoon in tbs South. Mrs. J M. Dick and children of Statebarg, left yesterday for a visit to relatives at "Rose . Paak," Georgetown County. Mr. Wm. Brand and daughter, Miss Lavi nia, left yesterday afternoon for Timmons ville, where they will reside in fut are. Women's Complexions desead for beauty .poa Digestion. Dr M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys and secares the blessings of good Digestion. Mr. John Satchel! got bis wrist cut, but not seriously, .in a planing mach i ce at the Lukens Co. mill yesterday. , A party of young folks spent several pleas ant hours at the nome of Mrs. Fri eland last .Friday evening. Wagons loaded with fertilizers are begin sing to be seen on tba streets, -and the somber will increase daily for the next few weeks. ff yon are not a regular reader of the Item, or re a regular reader of your neighbor's paper, now ls the time to subscribe. A sluggish, liver causes Oro wsi ceca. Leth argy and a feeling ef Apathy. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine arouses the Liver, and cheerful energy succeeds sluggishness. There are a few cases of measles io the city. Three eases of a mild type have bee . reported to the health department. Bearing Down Se ssa rions, Internal Heat and Female Weaknesses are cored by use of Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Toe first snow of the winter fell last Friday sight and next morning early risers were _ prised to find the ground covered with snow to the depth of two inches. Snow and sleet caatinued to fall at intervals throughout Saturday. Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine by ex pel ling from the body the excess of Bile and Acids, improves the Assimilative Precesses, Purines the Blood, Tones op and Strengthens. Toe city eppropristed $100 to aid the Fourth Regiment Band with the understand ing that the band will give open air concerts for the benefit of the public and in that way return for the appropriation. Don't wreck a Life ! From Girlhood to Womanhood the monthly courses should be regulated with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. BUILDING THE KEW EGAD. Mr. C. 3. Phelps, the engineer of the Snm ter and Wateree R. R. was in the city yester day with the contractors and we understand have let ons contracts for removing all build ings on Factory street ont of tbe right of way through that street and all other bond ings on the line between the city and Green Swamp. Work is to be commenced within a hw days. Toe contractors for the whole work have foor or five gangs of bands cutting ont and clearing om tbe way from tbe Camden Branch np to old Manchester, and will pot, in a few days, other gangs to elear out Branson Swamp, Cane Savannah Swamp aod Green Swamp to be ready for trestliog tbe same, ben gangs will be pot along to fill in the swamps. They will a*so pot a tang of bands to work on toe line -rom tbe Factory to tba old roadbed beyond Green Swamp. Wt alto learn that they have laid iron auf fielest for tba accommodation of the con struction trais at the Camden Branch, and as soon as tbs tres tiing it constructed across the lake this tide of the Camden Branch, which it being pushed, the laying of croas ties and iras will go steadily along. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Al ways Fr ret Effectual. There are no better medicines on the mar ket than Chamberlain's. We have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and io every instance it proved effectual. Almost daily we hear tbe virtues of Chamberlain's ; remedies extolled by those who have used them. This is not an empty puff, paid for at j so much A Hoe, bot is voluntarily given in good faitb, in the hope that suffering human ity may try these remedir , aad like tbe writer be beoefitted - From the Glenville ( W. Va.) Pathfinder. For s%le by Dr. A. J. China. Call, see, and buy embossed or floral Crepe Paper. H. G. Osteeo & Co. MB 8CKXXB WATCHMAN*, Establish eil April 1350. "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." . THE TSUE SODTHBOM, Established Jone 1266 New Series-Vol, XVUI. So. 27 THE DISPENSARY MUDDLE. I _. . i Dispenser J. B. Raffield still presides over tbe ccczty dispensary and will continue to do so until tbe County Board of Control meets and elects bis successor. Mr. J. M. Reames, who was elected dispenser by tbe I Coanty Board at its last meetieg, but whose I election was contested and tbe matter carried before tbe State Board, made no effort to take charge of the dispensary this morning, and the Conoty Board has decided to hold an other election as the best golutioo of tbe dif ficulty that confronts tbe board. The board advertises that a meeting will be held on Febrsary 25tb, for the purpose of electiag a dispenser for this city and applicants for the position are notified to file their applications. Applications most be filed in proper form twenty days prior to the election. Took a Sever"" CoidTifter the Big Fire. After the big fire in Cripple Creek, I tock a very severe cold and tried many remedies without help ; the cold only becoming more settled. After using three small bottles of Chamberlains Cough Remedy, both the cold and cough left me, and in this high altitude it takes a meritorious cough remedy to do any good.-G. B. Henderson, Editor Daily Advertiser, Cripple Creek, Colo. Sold by Dr. A. J. China. PUBLIC SALES. The following are the official sales adver tised for next Monday : BY THE SHERIFF. ' All that tract of laud, situate in Shiloh Township, contaioiog 264 acres, mere or less, adjoining lands now or formerly cf Elly Phillips, Fred Welch and others. . ALSO All that tract of land situate in Shiloh Township, containing 101 acres, more or less, koowo ss the Sarah Hims or Hicks land, adjoining lands cow or formerly of Levi Goodoaa and others. Levied on aad to be sold as the property of Jacob Keels under the execution of Sumter County, plaintiff, sgtinst D. E. Keels, Jacob Keels and others, defeodaots. One frame building known as The Peo ple's Ice Manufacturing Company buildings on the lot of land in the city of Sumter, S. C , near the Atlantic Coast Line R. R and The Sumter Cotton Mills, also 1 Desk, 1 Stove and seven joints of pipe, 1 Platform Scales, one Draw Scales, ooe Wagon Top. Levied apon and to be sold as tbe proper ty of tbe People's Ice Manufacturing Com pany at the separate suits of James Tillery, W. B. Burns, W. W. Reese aad Donald J. Auld. BY THE MASTER. In the case of The Scottish American Mort gage Company, Limited, Plaintif, against Francis D. Josey, and A Sydney Smith, De fendants.-Three tracts of land, viz : 70 aerf s adjoining lands of E. 0. Scarborough, F. J. Scarborough and F. D. Josey ; 160 acres adjoining lands of M. R. Mathis, E. R Josey, J. R. Mayes aad others ; 40 acres adjoining lands of Elias Allen ana 3 ri s ter Stephenson. Terms; half cash, balance on a credit cf one year. Catarrab in the bead is cured by Hood's Sar saparilla which eradicates from the blood the scrofulous taints that causes it, soothiog and rebuilding the delicate and diseased tissues. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Cure all liver ills. THE POST ALMANAC. The Washington Pest Almsnec for IS99 has bean received and we return thanks to the Post for this very substantial New Year's remecebrance. The Post Almanac is one of the best and most reliable published ana is a busy man's ready reference book. Jt can be obtained of The Post, Wash: cg ton, D. C. Price 25 cents. Tbe Peoples' Ice Company's plant is adver tised to be sold by- the Sheriff under execu tions obtained by various perse s s to whoa: the company is indebted. It is to be boped that tbe piaot will be bought by loce.1 capi talists and operated, for ac less it is there will be co competition and ice will again go up to an unreasonable price beyond the roach of many people who have grown accustomed to usi og ice freely si Bee the People's Company forced a reduction in price two years ago. The Charleston train did not com? in on time yesterday morning owing to a freight wreck that blocked the track between Ashley Juoction and Honey Hill. The Bennettsville train when it arrived was sent oe tbroogb to Colurxbia as a special to carry the mail and passengers that would bara gone through on the regular Charleston and Colombia train None of the partict'ars concerning the wreck have been ootaicable BDd the extent of the damege is not known here definitely. It is slated, however, that two or more freight cars were derailed and the track torn up, blocking the track for a half day or more until the damage can be repaired. The Smallpox Epidemic. Smallpoi is gradually spreading over Sumter county notwithstanding the efforts that are being made to confine it to (he sec tion of country surrounding Mayesville where it bas been epidemic for nearly two months. Ii. begins to look as if the State Board of Health delayed too long before taking bold of the matter and the disease is now beyond! control. Tbe disease bus ap peared io the lower portion of Concord town ship, in the Bossard neighborhood, near Mecbanicsville and ia the Cswego neighbor hood and where there were buta fewcaseoa few weeks ago there are DOW a number and tbs disease ts spreading rapidly. Dr. Becot and Mr. Reardon are now at work near Oswego and are making a boose to boose visitation, vaccinating every person at every boose visited. Dr. Bacot and Mr Reardon are doiog al! that is possible, bot tbe disease ts epidemic in such a wide scope of country tbat it is impossible for two men to accomplish all tbat is expected of them and unless they bave assistance, and that without delay, smallpox will spread all over Sumter coanty and ioto adjoining counties. Lee County Foods Disbursed. County Treasurer H. L. Scarborough re ceived a telegram lasi Friday from Comp troller Derbam directing him to proceed to disburse tbe Lee Coooty funds that have been tied op by tbe injonction issued wben the case was io the court?. This probably indi cate that the case will not be appealed to tbe TJ S. Supreme Court. --- ~ ? -i - T. B. Rice, Drnggist, Greensboro, Ga , writes as follows : "In the past eight years, I have sold more of Dr. Pitts' Carminative than ali the soothing syrups, colic drops, and other baby medicines com bined." Sold by J. F. W. DeLorme. City Council Meeting. City Council met in reguiar semi-monthly session last Wednesday night, Mayor Wilson and Aldermen Hugbson, Hoist, Flowers, Epperson, Carson and Boy'e were present. The minutes of meeting of January 11th were read and approved The request of the Fourth Regiment Band made at tbe last needing of Council fer an appropriation of $100 wa- discussed. Tbe following resolution w s adopted ; Resolved, Tbat the sum of $IC0 he and heresy is appropriated for the benefit and purposes of the Fourth Regiment Band, pay able in sums of $25 at the end of eecb qcar ter of the carrent year, on condition that the organization of said band be complete and continued at the times these quarter ly payments shall become dee. Mr. A. D. Moses was present and made statements io explanation of bis bill for $44.40 for setting ont 222 shade trees on tbe streets Alderman Hugbsoo for the Com mittee on Pablic Improvement stated that Mr. Moses bad not been authorized to set eat the shade trees and that a report from the Super; etea dec: of Streets that 89 of the trees were coder size and 33 very small; that a great many of them will h^ve to be taken up \ and reset as they are not now in proper pest lion The report was received as informa tion and the matter left in tbe hands of the committee for settlement. The Finance Committee reported that the books of the Clerk and Treasurer'bad been examined for December and fon nd correct. A request that drainage pipes pe pu; dowe on Mill Street was referred to the Committee oa Public Works. Chairman Hngbson reported that the com mittee bad purchased two moles for scav enger work for $230, and bad sold one horse for $40. The action of tbe committee was approved. The new contract with the Electric Light Company was presented and approved. The Mayor aod Clerk and Treasurer were instruct ed to execute and sign the same on behalf of the city. ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard to theil health should not fail to send for a valuable and new 64-page Booklet which will be sent FREE I for a short time to th-se who mention this paper. This book is published by the celebrated physr I ci ans and specialists-Dr. Hathaway aid Co. of 224 S. Broad St. Atlanta, Ga., whom yon should address. Write to-day. Wanted :-Cotton eeed. Highest prices paid. W. B. Boyle. For Cow Feed of varions kinds call on W. B. Boyle. The Bottle Monopoly. Editor The Daily Item : A petition to the Sumter County delegation has been circu lated, having for ita main object a restriction of tbe arbitrarily assumed autocracy of the State Board of Control. Incidentally it will beaefit every poor man aod boy who sells an empty Dotti to a buyer, wbicb traffic is cow controlled and protected by a monopoly. This ia a business of vast size, though it may be unknown to tba pcblic. It is second only in volume to tbe dispensary itself, perhaps ahead of it in tbe number of persons interest ed in it Some of the prominent and influential Citizens of this city bave declined to "sign" anything relative to tbe dispensary. If they understood the aim of this petition, and !be efect it will have, they wooid surely sign this one. Ia view of the improbability of tbe passage of any measure to entirely remodel the dispensary at one time, owing to tbe fact tbat so many men are interested its disbursements and will combine to de feat such measures ; aod in consideration of tbe necessity of curtailing its power by i lopping one braneb at a time, wiil yon call attention in Tbe Item this eveniog to the petition and its purpose, and suggest that those who would sot sign for fear of com mitting themselves to ecconrazemect of tbe dispensary, reconsider and strike a blow for freedom. Yours trcly, Sumter, S. C , Jan. 31. CITIZSN. Safety MOTHER'S FRIEND (tbe ex ternal liniment), is a true safe guard for expect ant mothers. Il helps them thro1 the early stages without morning sickness, and as the critical hour approaches it relaxes and relieves the overstrained muscles. Labor is shortened and robbed of nearly all pain. Safe delivery is assured, and the danger of rising or swelled breast* entirely avoided. Quick recovery and a strong offspring are certain. Druggists set! it for SI a bottle. Send for oar free illustrated book on the subject. TEE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga BICYCLE STOLEN-From my premises on tbe night of January 24th. OGe "Wa veriy" Bicycle, No 8 594. Liberal reward will be paid to any one giving information to lead to the recovery of the same. Fe& 1, li* J. D. CHANDLER. COST SALE, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS, I wii! offer for sale at retail at cost tbe entire stock of shoes, boots, slippers and other goods recently of Bartow Waist, seized aod j to be sold to satisfy a chattel mortgage cov erlog the same. B. P. CUTTINO, Agent for The Bank of Sumter, Mortgagee. Jan 31 - 1 w. SPECIAL ELECTION. IN OBEDIENCE to a Writ of Election is sued by tbe Speaker of the Hooee of Represen ta ti ves ? of Sooth Carolina, a SPE CIAL ELECTION will be held at all polling precincts in Sumter County on Saturday, February 4th, 1899, for one member of the House of Representatives from Sumter County. Lee County voters mast have registration certiheatess issued by the Sumter County Board in order to vote Sams rules will apply as for general elec tions held io this State. W. G. WELLS, W. W. REES, A. W. KNIGHT, Commissioners of Election. Jan. 31-21 NOTICE. AWRIT OF ELECTION has teen issued bj the Speaker of tbe Hou3e of Repre sentatives for be election of another member from Sumter County to tLat body. Tbe election is to be held on February 4tb, and persons wanting th*t job will put ic their claims on or before that date. R. O. PURDY, Jan. 28, 1899. County CbsirmaD. 4t Hon. Altamont Moses for "Repre sentative. In r ponse to a general de-r-and from citi zens from al) parse of the conntj, and wiih out consulting Mr. Moses hi3 friends hereby announce bim as a candidate for tbe Ecuse of Representatives. Old Sewing: Machines made new at Randie's. Wisdom to-day rreans comfort tc-morrow. To prove it T>uy a White aod use it. CABD OF THANKS. My Friends : 1 am gciug frcm your mida:, perhaps never to rerarn. a'any of yon bate osen very kind to and tbocgbtfcl of me der ing the several weary years of my sickness, and as I am still enable to walk bot very little, I take this mediom through which to I offer yon my bombie tbanks ; and maj God wbo bas so mercifully preserved my life, I abundantly bless yon all. . WILLIAM H. BRAND. o You Buy for Cash! Then it will pay you to eoe us before purchasing elsewbera. American Stan. Gran. Sugar in Obis at S.45 per lb in ICO-lb bags at 5.50 per lb or 17 lbs for $1.00 Best whole Rice, ICO-lb bags at 5 e per lb Good medium Rice, 100-lb begs at 4|c per lb Beat large lamp Starch, 40-lb bxs, $1.40 pr bx Best fancy patent Floor, $1.50 per bbl Best half patent Floar, $4 20 per bbl Big bargains offering in Tob ceo and Cigars. Stan. Red Ripe Tomatoes 3-1 b can8 90c per dex 2-ib cans 70c per doz Crackers by tbe box at factory price. Beat full Cream Cheese by tbe box at Ile per lo .AT CROSSWELL & CO'S The Cheap Cash Grocers. Liook at This! H. Harby has just bought a fresh supply of fine work Mules, which will arrive.on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1899. Call and see them. Prices right. "Diversified Industry a Nation's Prosperity." CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE : "Early Wakefield" and "Henderson's Succession," (Grown in the open, air) 20c per 100. -ALSO 1 car load Ship Stuff just received. Cot ton Seed Meal and Hulls always on hand. Texas R. P. Seed Oats and everything else in my line. Ho H A.St, H Ya January 18, 1899. Yes. there is a difference between stores. Some are simple and above board, others hard to understand. Our* policy is so ptain that a child may grasp vt* The highest quality for the lowest price. No misrepresentation. Never say a thing we do not mean to make good. Your money back if you want it. These are the cardinal principles of our policy. We solicit your patron age. he Jjumter Jjry floods Po. THE FAIR AND SQUARE DEALERS, AND REGULATORS OF PRICES FOR SUMTER, S. C. Sept 21