WED BSDiiY, J K. 25, 1899. Entered at the Jfost Office at Swater, G., as Second Clots Matter. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. The Sumter Drj Goode Co -1899. Cresswell & Co-Do Ton Soy For Cash. J. R/tfenterg & Sons-Grand Clearance Sate. Estate of Wm. Sdger Collie -Final Dis - ?charge Estate of Heiser Friersoa-Notice to Debt ors and Creditors. P&BSOKAL. JT. EL DoPrs, of Pisgah, was ia tba city Monday, Mr. Albert Ayexk, of Wedgefield, spent yesterday faVtown. Ber. James McDowell, of Manning, spent Monday ia the city" Miss Fancy Byttaaberg Ins gem to New York on a six months' visit. Miss Satie Broughton, of Pinewood, is visiting Miss Bessie Jervey. Mr. mod Urs. W. X. Yoaeg, of Rafting -Creek, were ia the city this week. Mr. W. Jk. (Syd has gone to Birmingham, AIa.s where he will engage ia the commission Business. Mr. W. B. Boyle, who has bee?* quite sick .fot the jest week or two, as oat Saturday for a abort time. Dr. Edmaads bas recovered from his recent .sickness soffidsntiy to undertake to fill his pulpit last Sooday. Misses Lfly Holcombe, Joiia Friereoa and Anne Barnwell, of Statebarg, axe the guests of Mw. W. B Marrey. Dr. Len. White end family, who bare been visiting Capt. A. White, left for S tara ville, K. n Friday morning. Mr. W. M. Graham has returned from Atlanta where be purchased a car load of malea and horses, The stock arrived to-day. Mr. H. Herby returned last week from Atlanta. He brought with bim a ear load of Sae work mates which be purchased while ia the Gate City. - Messrs. George H. Sacral! nod Edward Oatwater, of New York, are ti guests of Mr. W. J. McCain. They wilt spend several -weeks busting with Mr. MeKain. Mr . Mood Smith, an accomplished 4>hai sects t, arrived ia tb city last week sd entered apon bis wade at Hu#haon-Ligou Co's Drag Store Thursday norning. Mr. H. D. Boyd, of Tennessee, and who has been lately ia Louisiana io the same line, of business, ba come to this city to take charge of the Diamond Racket Store. Dr. S. G. Baker has returned from Char lotte, H. C., where he went several days ago io attend the meeting of the Tr-State (Vir ginia, North and Sooth Carolina) Medical Association. Dr. B. A. Solomons returned home Sunday sight rom New York where he has been for several weeks. He improved decidedly dar ing his stay io New York, and his early res toration to health is boped for. Mr. W. W. Sibert, formerly with Dr J. F. W" DeLorme, bas resigned his position to ac rept a commission aschief pharmaceutical derk ia . S. Army, with head quartereet Havana, with rank of Captain. His m&oj friends regret to see bim leave these para, bat extend best wishes. Col. W. A. Benton, who has had charge of the Diamond Racket Store hero fe : the i taken a position as assistant ia the W. IT. Telegraph office-in the place vacated by Mr. Frank Lynam who went to Colombia last week to take & position in the W. TJ. T. service in that city. A few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Mid cine will do more for a. Week Stomach han a prolonged coarse of any other medicine. The postponement of the Mili ta rv Concert is s disappointment to a great many people -who were looking forward toit with pleasant anticipations. Late to bed end early to rise, prepares a saan for his borne in the skies. But early to bed and a Little Early Riser, tbs pill that makes lue longer and better and wiser. iSoghaoo-Ligoo Co. -Arrangements are being made fer a concert by the bend of the Rhode Island Regiment cow encamped ic Columbia. Tbe date fixed for tbs concert is Mon day next. Soothing, healing, cleansing. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve is the implaeaote enemy of sores, ba ros end wound . It nev*r iii is to core files. You may rely upon it.-Bugh eon-Ligott. Dispeceer-elect J. M. Reames will take charge of tbe dispensary on February 1st, unless the State Board of Control shall, in the meanwhile, asnal the election by the enanty board. Overcome evil with good. Overcome your congos end colds with One Minute Conga Core, it is so good that children cry for it. Iv cores croup, bronchitis, pneumonia, grippe end ell throat end long diseases. Hugbeoo-Ligoa Go. The Hogbsoo-Ligoo Co., has installed a New Light plant end the store will be more brilliantly lighted in future than any other piece io toe etty. When yon esk for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve don't accept e counterfeit or imitation. There are more eases of Piles being cored by this, theo eil others combined.-Bagbson Ligen Co. The Beptist ladies1 eqtertainmeot Thurs day night was a gratifying success. A nice crowd was in attendance and $40 or more were realized. Misses Sharlie ( rabera and Edna Hogbson having taken in the moct cash et their table daring tbe evening were awerded a handsome cake. A cough is not like a fever. It does sot have to ron a certain course. Core it quiet ly end effectua Hy with One Minute Cough Cure, tbe best remedy for all ages and for the most severe ca sei. We recommend it because it's good.-Hagbson-Ligon Co. Tbe most thorough investigation in Au guste, Gre , bas failed to unearth anvthing that might lead to the discovery of Rev William A Kelly, who was reported a few days ago to be sick and delirious io tbat city. The Chief of Pokce io Augusta made a fruit less investiga rico. A friend of Rev. Mr. Kelly west to Augusta and aiso made an investigar an without ascertaiaiag anything. To relieve Mental Worry, cure Despondency i and give Refreshing Sleep, cse Simmons j Scnaw Vice Wine or Tablets. Women's Complexions depend for beauty tapoo Digestion. Cr M.A. Simmons Liver Medicine Regulates the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys and secures the blessings of good Digestion. MASSIED. . .* --- Mrs. Ehzabetb C Trippett, of Boykins, a d Mr. Jamas Ir-.y, of Marlboro county, were married at the bowe of the former at coen oo Thursday las', Kev. W. R. Barnwell, officiating. The marriage was a quiet affair and was witnessed on lr bj a few relatives and friends of Mr. irby and Mrs. Trippett, Married by Rev. S. D Bailey, January 5tb. 1859, at the residence of slr. G. W. Mahoney, Mr. J. L. Davie and Miss Sarah L. Bronson, all of this county. The marriage of Mr. A. G. Docker, of Charleston, and Mies Wilbelmioa Bal trnan, youngest daughter of Mrs. C. G. Bultman, was celebrated ie St James Lutheran Church at 8 o'clock last Wednesday evening i o the presence of a large concourse of tbe friend of the contracting parties. The cere* znony, was performed by Rev. Y, von A. Riser. Tbs attendants were Miss Louise Buitrean and Mr. George Ducker, Miss Faonte Strauss and Dr. Pleoge, Miss Pauliae Sanders and Mr. Willie' Bultman, and Master ttelbrooks Bulman and Miss Kellie Heiser. After the marriage ceremony tbe wedding party and a number of invited gaests repair ed to the borne cf the bride's mother, who gave aa elegant and brilliant reception ia boner of her daughter's marriage. Hr and Mrs. Docker left next morning oa a bridal trip, after which they will return and make their borne tn Sumter. DEATH. Rev. Joseph Crokard who a few years ago served toe Wedgefield, Tirzah and Summer* ton Presbyterian Churches as pastor, died in the Charlotte, N. C., hospita], oe Thursday, Jan. 5th, of tuberculosis of the bo web. He was thought to be suffering from appendicitis and an operation was performed. He bad many friends in this County, by whom he was held in high esteem. Mrs. M. A. Waring, of Georgetown, died at the Nixon House last Wednesday night at 12 o'clock from the effect of morphine poisoning. Soe took tbe morphine early Tuesday morn ing or late Monday night, as has been stated heretofore, with suicidal intent. Every effort vas made to save ber, but she bad taken too much of tbe poison. Although she regained consciousness and was able to talk to the physicians and attendants at in tervals Tuesday afternoon and yesterday, she was never free from the effects of tbe d rog and gradually sank des pi ie every effort. She left a written statement that she intended to kill herself and child, and directions for the disposition of ber body. Her husband arrived in tbe city Wednes day night but she bad fallen into comatose state and never rallied. Tbe remains of Mrs. Waring, wbo died at the Nixon House Wednesday night, was interred Thursday afternoon in the strangers' plot in the cemetery. The funeral services at the grave were conducted by Dr. J. A. Clif ton. Only a few persons were present at tbe interment, most of whom had known the dead woman in ber girlhood days wheo she was a student at the Sumter Institute. It is Mr. Waring's intention to remove the body in a short time. Mr. Waring left for his home with the little boy on the evening train. W. H. Nisbet, Cash's Depot. S. C., writes : I bad Dyspepsia ; used Zeilin's Liver Regu lator, but it did no good. I then tried Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine ; the first package did me good. I continued its nae, and was cured Tbe sales of mules &ed horses during the past fall were less than for a number of years, and although the trade in work stock has been somewhat brisker since tbe first of the year, the sales for the season will not approx imate those*of the several past seasons. If Gioomy and Nervous, and looking on the dark side of things, take a few doses Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine, .and the gloom will disappear. Tc subdue Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Hysteria, St. Vitas' Dance, use Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The article over the signature of Capt. R. J. Brownfield, is published for tbe informa tica of those who are interested in the mat-i ter and have made inquiries respecting the I views expressed by Capt Brownfield at the j meeting of the County Board of Commis sioners. The article is of interest, inasmuch as Capt. Brownfield's argument is diametri cally opposed to the opinion of tbe attorney of the board. The opinion of A. 3 Stuckey, Esq . tbe attorney of the beard, was publish ed at the time it wes submitted as a part of minutes of tbe meeting. We republish elsewhere from the Ameri cas Moatbty Magazine a short article by Mr. McDonald Forman abont Mrs. Mitchell, a ven renle lady of Icdiao descent who died last year in Massachusetts. Massasoit, from whom abe was descended, was the father of King Philip. Through one of ber daugh ters, Mr. Furman received an invitation to tbe old lady's birtbdav celebration held in Joly, '97. T. B. Rice, Druggist, Greensboro, Ga , writes as follows : "In tbe past eight years, I have sold more of Dr. Pitts' Carminative than all the soothing syrups, colic drops, and other baby medicines com bined.' Sold by J. F. W. DeLorme. Mr Joe Blackwell gave a superb exhibi tion of horsemanship on the streets on Satur day. The fact that the exhibition was unpremeditated and involuntary did not detract from its merit, but rather accentuated it. Mr. Blackwell was trying a new horse at Graham's stable and after having riven tbe horse satisfactorily be had bim saddled to test bis qualities under tbe saddle. As soon as Mr. Blackwell mounted, the boree bolted and dashed through the streets at full speed. The horse tried every trick known to boree lore, bot failed to unaeat bis rider, who stuck to bis back and finally conquered him. Those who witnessed tbe runaway were de cidedly more frightened than Mr. Blackwell, for every tims tbe boree dashed around a corner it seemed inevitable that Mr. Blackwell would be dashed off and killed. Grane Military Concert Postponed. Mrs. Durant had engaged a male quartette and the leader of the orchestra from the Second Tennessee Regiment to take part io the Miltary Cooeert, but the officers of the regi ment having declined to grant the men leave of absence, they ccccot keep their engage ment, therefore ii is necessary to postpone the concert, as witboa; their assistance the entertainment woold col be what it bas been advertised. Ata iater date, however, the entertain ment wiil be given, and the put>hc will be pleased with the camp scenes, tableaux and musical selectioos, and last bat no: least, the swor^ drill by twenty young ladies.. Mrs. Elisha Berry, of this place, says he never bud anything to do him so much good ; and give such quick relief from rheumatism j as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was both ered greatly with shooting pains from hip :o knee until be used this liniment, which af fords prompt relief - . F. Baker, druggist,! St. Paris, Ohio. For sal? by Or. A. J Chioa. j For Cow Feed of various kinds cai! OD W. B. Boy ie. Wanted :- Cotton seed. Highest prices paid. W. B. Boyle. Lee's Birthday at the Graded School. A large crowd assembled at the Graded Scboo! last Friday morning for tbe exer ! cises commemorating tbe birthday of Gen. Robt. S. Lee. The assembly ball had been tastefully dec orated by the teachers. A photograph of Lee draped with flags and wreaths of ever greens, occupied a central position. The devotional exercises were conducted by Dr. G. G. Brown, and the Superintendent read the Rolls of Honor for the different grades for the past quarter. Then the school sang, "Ked, White and Blue," and recited poetic selections, all b&vieg reference to Lee After another song, "The bur S Dangled Banner/' Mr. Edmunds introduced Gen. Moise, who was to address the school. He gave a br hf account of the early life of Lee, then carried bis audience back in imagi nion forty years to the beginning of the trouble which brought on the wsr, that made Lee's name one to be remembered through all generations. From that be pass ed to the strife, which be desert oed vividly, and as one whose heart was in bis speech. His address sparkled with anecdotes of the war, and personal reminiscences ot the cam paign in Virginia, rle paid many touching tributes to the character of Lee, both as a soldier aod a mao, and infused his audience with much of bis eotbusiasm. He impressed upon all the necessity of keeping this great character before tbe young people, and the appropriateness of this yearly tribute to bis memory. After the address "Dixie" was sung, and the children were dismissed, the school giv ing holiday. The Roll of Honor was as fellows : 1st Grade-1st Division-Alex Hayns* worth, Gussie Hood, Mabel Parrott. Marie DuPre, Robert McLeod, John Duffie. Special Mention-James Richardson, Raymond S tan dil, Octavia Schwerin, Donald Hicson, Wesley Bradford, Julian Schwartz. 2d Division-Minnie Hoagb, Franz Teich er, Emma Baker, William Heynswortb, Pani Bowman, Wendell Levi, Ernest Toge), James Chandler. Special Mention-Frankie Les esne. Annie Bradwell, Christine Bradwell, Lula Hough. - 2d Grade-Essie Murray, Louise Teadoo, Frances Joye, Marguerite McLeod, Fred Nash. Special Mention-Lucile DeLorme, Janie Spann, Edna Grier, Kiley Bradbam, Jessie Brown, Ollie Delgar, Ray Rettenberg, Lonise Carson. 3d Grade-Bertha Ba lt man, Marie De Lorme, Jennie Chandler, Lydia Richardson, Alma Campbell. Special Mention-Mary Belle Scott, Willina Cook, Nellie Mellet. 4th Grade-Charles Richardson, Bernard Manning, Mary Lowry. Special Mention Louise Murray, Charlie McGrath, Barlow Walsh, Edward Jones. 5th Grade-Lottie Pigford, Murr Hall, Mary Burgess, Katie Moses, Florence Keels, Vivian Manning, Waiter Ryuenberg. Spe cial Mention-Lucile Raadle. Katie Liugner, Hattie Fort. Improvement-Arrie Stuckey, Vernon Stansill, James Graham, Tates Yea don. 6th Grade-Manana Jackson, Mary Gail : lard, Dczier Lee, Guifoard Jones, Dan He Keiver. Special Mention-Genie Hoyt, Unita White, Edward McCutcbao. 7th Grade-Elma Eppe, Willie M anning. Special Mention-Isidore Teicher. Improve ment -Annie Lynam, Clinton Brogden, Lew Hoyt, Marton Scott, Daisy Weeks. 8th Grade-No Roll cf Honer. Special Mention-Alice Moses, Lena Fitch, Ruth Mc Laarin. Leona Jennings. Marked Improve ment-Julian Levy. 9th Grade-Special Mention-r-David Mccal lum, Miss Armina Moses. 10th Grade-Special Mention-Miss Alice Herby, Miss Mamie Sanders. "I take pleasure iu recommending Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Rem edy to all who suffer from pains in the stom ach," says Mr. Milt McKinley, editor of the Rawson (Ohio) Herald. "Until I need this remedy it was, at times, impossible for me to be in my office, owing to attacks lasting from one to two days. By taking it as soon as the first symptoms of the attack are felt, I no longer suffer this unpleasant sickness." For sale by Dr. A. J. China. Praise for Col. Harvey Wilson. Tbe State last Saturday paid the follow isg well merited compliment to Col. J. Har vey Wilson, io the report of the debate ou the bill to change the color of the Slate flag : Mr. Bacot is politic in bis patriotism io bis sentiment for and veneration of tbe old South and of the Palmetto State, but his desire to change the design of tbe State flag, though prompted by pure motives, failed io tbe attempt. When the bill was called, Mr. J. Harvey Wilson, of Sumter, stated be was opposed to the bill, but would yield the floor to Mr. Bacot if the latter cared to speak upon tbe bill. Mr. Bacot ic turn yielded to Mr. Wil sen, who seemed deeply affected, as a Con federate veteran would naturally be, and io words of burning eloquence pleaded against the contemplated change. Mr. Wilsoo is one of the solid men of the house. He is not often upoo the floor, bot bis words always carry weight of elcqueoce and sincerity. Mr. Bacot made a splendid defeose cf 'he bill, but it was sentiment versus sentiment, asd the defense was weak in that it was an endeavor to supplant the old with the new. Election of Officers. The stockholders of the Sumter Electric Light Company elected the following offeers to serve for the ensuing vear : President, R. M. Wallace. Secretary and Trea9orer, L. S. Carson. Soprintendent, P. P Finn. Directors, R. M. Wallace, E. W. Moise, E. P. Richer, J. A. Atkins, and C. T. Mason. Bank Officers. At be meeting of stockholders of the Back of Sumter held on the 13th instant, the fol lo wi nz were elected Directors : W. F. B. Haynswortb, M. Moise, R. I. Manning, J. S. Bugbeon, R. L. Cooper A. Moses, C. E. Stubbs. All the officers of the Bink were re elected, viz : President. W. F. B Haynsworth. Vice President, M Moise. Cashier, W F. Rbame. Teller, B. J Rhame. Bookkeeper, Geo. rj. Kicker. Collector, J G. R. Wilder. The stockholders of the first National Bank elected officers as follows for mis year : President Col. R. M. Wallace. " Vice-president, Dr A J. China. Cashier, L. S Carson. Bookkeeper R. L. Edmund?. Collector D. J Winn, Jr. Directors, Col. R. .M. Wallace, Dr. A. J. China, Capt. John Reid, Col. R. D. Le?, Messrs. B. R Nasa, Neil O'Donnell, and L. S. Carson. If Irritable, Out of Sorti, Depressed in spirits, bsve a Duli Headache, take a few ! doses Dr M A. Simmons Li7er Mtdicioe for quick relief. Ii you have cotton seed to sell, call on me. j I will pa? you ifae highest market place. W. B. Boyle, j The Woodmen Banquet. The o Bcsr9 of Hollywood Camp No. 19, Woodmen of tbe World, were in stalled last Wednesday nigbt witb pub lic ceremonies witb a full attendance of Woodmen and a cu a Der of guests. When tbe nawly installed officers bad taken tbeir chairs after tbe conclusion of tbe ceremonies, Consul Commander W. B Hurray introduced Dr. C. C. Brown, wbo bad consented to make an address on Wood craft. Dr. Brown spoke concerning Wood craft and various other matters io an enter taining and humorous strain, throwing in ever aod anon a chunk of wisdom. After tbe address the Woodmen and the ga esta of the Camp adjourned to the Nixon House where tba annual banquet was served. The dining room was very artistically dec orated with flag and evergreens, and the tables, which were laid in the shape of a cross, were made beautiful with snowy linen, flowers and fruit. Tbe pcrvice was all that one could desire and tbe supper was one to tempt the appetite of epicures, not to men tion the gathering of hungry Woodmen. If the proprietor of the Nixon Honse has heard a hundredth part of the complimentary things that have Deen said about the banquet and the manner in which it was served, be doubtless feels amply compensated for the efforts that were put forth to please and en tertain tbe Wooodmen. The writer baa sel dom attended a more pleasant, better man aged or more enjoyable banquet and it is net saying too much to attribnte tbe success of the occasion to the excellent management of the Nixon Boose. The responses to the regular toasts were appropriate, pitby and happy, and the impromptu speeches of Dr. Brown, Kev. J. I. Ayres and Coi. John M. Knight, who were called on, rounded ont the evening's enjoy ment and made tbe occasion complete. The toasts were as follows : Hollywood Camp :-Its history-A stery of progress and steady growth.-I. C. Strauss, Esq. Fraternal Orders :-Afflictions s sons are brothers in distress.-C. M. Hurst, Jr., Esq. The True Citizens :-Before man made us citizens, great Natnre made us men.-Mr. S. H. Edmunds. Woman Show os how divine a thing, A woman may be made, ***** Be to ber virtues very kind ; Be to ber faeits a little blind. Maj H. F. Wilson, who was invited to respond to the last toast, was nuable to attend, owing to an attack of grippe, much to tbe regret of all present. Dr. Brown, wbo was called on to fill the breach, spoke most feelingly aad eloquently and paid a tribute to woman that did the subject honor and himself credit. Many a household is saddened because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absolutely certain cure for croup such as One Minute Cough Cure. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. Hughsoo Ligon Co. rumor that the Atlantic Coast Line bad bought the Sumter and Wateree Railroad from the South Carolina am Georgia Rail road was afloat ia this city last week and caused much worry aod apprehension to those who did not have full confidence that the Parsons syndicate means business and is fully determined to build the Sumter ana Wateree as a feeder to tbe S. C. & Ga., be lieving that it will pay io dollars and cents for the outlay. The rumor was without the shadow of foondatioo, so far as can be ascer tained, and tbe fact that the contractors have a large force of hands already at work on the road should convince all of the doubting Thomases that the road will be built at once. The contractors have been at work, com mencing at Middleton, for a week or ten days and tbey will reach mis city with a force of bands tbis week. They are now going over the route with Mr. Phelps, tbe enemeer cf the S. C. & Ga. R. R., laying off the work, and gangs of laborers will be distributed along the whole line from this city to tbe river as soon as practicable. Rumors of a sell out count for nothing when confronted with the fact that the work of construction is under way and is being prosecuted vigorously. ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard to theil health should not fail to send for a valuable and new 64-page Booklet which will be sent FREE for a short time to these who mention this paper. This book is published by the celebrated physi cians and specialists-Dr. Hathaway ax d Ck>. of 2254 S. Broad St. Atlanta, Ga- whom yon should address. Write to-day. - ^M - Police Court Statistics. City Clerk Hurst has compiled tba follow ing statistics from the police court docket for the year ending January 20 h : Total number of arrests, 205 ; "*hitep, 35 ; colored, ITO ; white msles, 34 : white females, 1 ; colored males, 141 ; colored females, 29. The charges preferred were as follows : Drunk and disorderly, wbi'ea 10, ; colored, 49 ; fighting, white, ll ; colored, 22 ; con cealed weapons, colored, 10 ; using profane language, white, 1 ; colored, 34. disturbing the peace, white 1 ; colored, 64 ; violation of law against riding bicycles, white. 12 ; col ored. 5 : discharging fire arms, white, 1 : colored, 6 ; resisting and interferring with an officer, white, 1 ; colored, 9 ; gambling, colored, 6 ; reckless driving, colored, 1 ; violation of board of health roles and minor eoffnses ; white, 2 ; colored, 12. The total number of coovictions secured was 168. The total amount collected in fines was $474.16. Ulm, Beware ! An expectant mother had better j X not ta Ve anything at all than those I positively dangerous mixtures so widely ( i advertised to relieve her discomfort and 1 nausea. She ought to know that outside ' I external treatment is the only way that ( ff can possibly be o any benefit. She ought 1 to know that Mother's Fr Jena is < 1 the only remedy that will help her, and ( [ it is an external liniment. It takes her 1 through the entire period in comparative \ I comfort, shortens labor, and childbirth is J i no longer to be dreaded. More than that, j 1 it preserves her girlish shape after the ( I ordeal, and her little one will come into j I the world perfect in form and health. ] I Get Mother'*; Friend at the drug \ j \ stores for $1 a bottle, or send to A I TES BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. | f ATLA TA, GA. 1 V.'ri:c fo*