The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 04, 1899, Image 3

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?woship, S. C., Jan 2, 1899. iteras or "Personals" have colamos of Tbe Watchman for- sometime, we send yon ernestCfctb met last week at Mr. indare and the meeting ?as not ?l$ attended, bot al?o a very plea?* The ?rogt4mme waa well rendered those who took part were several visitar!. ' The next dob meeting will take .placo Friday hight at Mr. Willie (Jain's. ?ast week the colored people bad a tourna cc eat "ic this comm aa itv. Sr. John F. Price has removed near to Ea? to ver and Messrs. Joe Tisdale and Dick McLeod will remove to Colombia. Mr. ; Wfeitdeo Nettles will fara near Wedge?eld tfek year and Messrs. Jimmie Whildenand Wai? Browa will farm near Stateborg. Capt. Richard Caio, commandant cadet corps at the S. C. Coeducational Institute, S?gefield, S. C., ia visiting his father's family. Mr. Marvin Ingram, one of Privateer Towoahip'e "soldier boys," ls home on a furlough. He is a member of Company D, S? C. volunteers. Two of our young people altead the excel? lent Graded School of your e?ty-Mise Kate Bradford, of the seventh, and Miss M&ry A aaa Jackson of the sixth grade. We wish that more of the yoang people of our town* ?hip coold attend tbie admirable school. The coat.ty chain gang bas pet the Poco ts??go causeway, between this and Sumter towrah ips, in excellent condition. Tbe eeoseway bas been built op and carefully ditched and the number of bridges lessened. . McD.F. Jiotes From jri3gah. The boli<iay8 passed off very quietly here. Monday w^js observed, ?nd it looked as if we bad two Sundays together. The warn weather of tbe last- few days has brought up the small grain which bas been lying dormant so long, and if no heavy frees?s occur tbe crop will be all O. E.. and it will be needed, for a large per cent, cf the cora crop is rotten, owing tc the excessive rains of last earn mes*. \ Hog killieg ia about over. Several of my neighborshaiie put np eaoagb to do them and ??ome to spare. The weather for butcher iog baa beeo; exceedingly.Sae all through the foll. The( destruction; Ol' the birds has gone on t/ a great extent. 5f it coatiooes there won't be seed left. The co? aa seed industry haas aboat dosed. L&e cotto 3, the end is here. The n3UjU moving of hands is going on. If /souse--of them can pass through the year without suffering, it shows that tber? is a living of some sort ?.br all. Wheo President McKinley appoints decent men to office in the south, bis deliverances, Hfce those be made at Atlanta, will be heeded by all sensible people. Faith-without -vorks and preach and no practice are poor doc trines to heed. It looks as if some of car people have tost their heads over prominent officials. It ts a poor apology of a person that will let a? office or a iiittie money torn his head The "kissing of Hobson" to say the least is so disgusting es to make ooe fee! that the high standard ot womanhood has* sadly " degenerated ia some ; places. Tb ose of them that so love the public practice of it should h ant np the private soldiers who stood at their guss at Santiago and ether places and give them a share of this great honor, who are just as deserving: of it at Hobson. Mr. J. W. Alleo nod daughter, Miss May, of Providence, spent the holidays here. Miss Bertha Allen is off on a visit to tbe Providence Beetloo. Mrs. Dednie Reese, ?f Richland, is visiting ber sister? Mrs. J H. McLeod, also her bather Mr. A. A.. McDowell. Mr. 8. li. McLeod, of West Watered, spent thc holida ys at borne. We are al way s glad to eeo him. Rev. J. E. Groves, the new preacher of the Smithville Circuit, commsoced bis work on the 1st instant at McLeod's Church, at ll a. m. He preached au earnest aod sensible sermon from Matt. S : 19. Bis in trod ac tor j was good? Paid afine tribute to his prede? cessors. Messrs. Stokes and Duncan, and asked the hearty cooperation of the people in ??his work. I find bim a pleasant young mau, and predict for him & career of great asefni? ?eas in bia chosen profession. Pisgah, Jan. 3. When Yon Have a Bad Col? Yon want the belt medicine that can be obtained, and that is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ton want a remedy that will not only give qo'ck relief bat effect a permanent cure. You want a remedy that will relieve the lungs and keep expectoration easy. You wast a remedy that will counteract any tendency toward pneumonia. Yoo want a remedy that is pleasant and safe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only medicine io use that meets all of these re? quirements. This remedy is famous for its cures of bad colds throughout the United States and in many foreign countries. It has many rivals, but, for the speedy and per? manent core of bad colds, stands witbont a peer aad its splendid qualities are every where ad co ired and praised. For sale by Dr. A. J. China. ? Hew Post Office. A new post office bas been established at Mrs Susan C. Raffield's, on tnt? star routs between Sumter and Smithville, with Miss Sae Raffia ld as post master. The new office is called Sibley. e&ooot sleep for coughing take *s Co ag a Remedy. It always relief. It is most excellent for it aids expectoration, relieves prevents any tendency toward The County Board Meeting. tbe meejine of the Coo n ty Boa-d of Com? missioners Monday was unproductive of rear,Its, except insolar as it related to the dis? patch of routine business The same old bin for building a bridge over Rafting Creek was brought np again and nearly an hour was spent in discussing it without accomplishing anything. The matter was finally referred to the township board ann tbe Supervisor, with power to act The jory for the next term of court could not be drawn owing to tbe confusion and doubt that, exist as a result of the unsettled condition of affairs ia respect to Lee County. The Board did not know whether to draw the jury for Snmter County, the Lea Ceanty ter ritoy. inciaded, or for Sumter Coaoty with? out Lee County territory. A decision was finally reached to postpone tbe drawing of the jory uotii January 9th, on which date tbe Board will meet in extra session. THE PYTHIAN CELEBRATION. Annual Installation and Banquet? . Tbe annual installation ef.officers of Game? cock lodge, No. 17, ?. of P., was held Monday evening io the Castle Hall in the Masooic Temple. The installation ceremonies were public and there were present several hundred knights and ladies and invited guests. Tbe meeting was called to order by Mr. S. H. Edmunds, the retiring Chancellor Comman? der and the Grind Lodge was convened with the following officers : Grand Chancellor, H. Frank Wilson ; Grand Vice Chancel tor, Al? tamont Mose?; Grand Prelate, J. S. Hugbso?.: Grand Keeper of Record and- Seals, 0. J . Auld; Grand Master-at-Arms, H. H. Stackey; Grand Master of Exchequer, A. G. Flowers. The officers elect were iostalled with due form and ceremony. The officers were: H L Scarborough, C C. George D Shore, VC. V ~C if'jSarst, Prelate. Bartow^Wa?sb, K of Rand S and M of F. WSJones.MofE L D Jenniogs, M of W. G L Ricker, M A. Louis Lyous, Inner Guard. A D Mosea, Oater Guard Chancellor Commander Scarborough on assuming the chair stated that the Hon. Altamont Moses would introduce the orator of the evening. Mr. Moses in a few happily chosen remarks introduced the Hon. H. Cowper Patton, of Columbia, who bad beeu invited to address tbe assembly. Mr. Patton took as the theme of bis ad? dress, Pythianiem an? *he ideal Pythian, and the suCjict was presented io a manner that charmed tbe audience. Se spoke as one having an insight into the true and higher meaning of Pytbianism and the aplifiiog aod enobling inflQesce the order bas exercised throughout tbe length and breadth of America, WDile admitting that tbe practical and mateT?ai benefits of the order have been almost iaconeeivably great. He did not dwell op00 this phase of tbe sobjact aod lay all the stress and enochAS?S npoa the material side of friendship, charity and benevolence, bat chose to bold ap for the admiration of bia hearers the ethical and elevating influences that surround tbe Pythian who has a clear, spiritual conception of the es9eotial privileges that underlie tbe words. The address was clear cut sud made a laetieg as well as pleasant impression, for Mr. Patton epoke with an ease and grace as na tu mal as it is pleasing. At the conclusion of bis eddreES, the Pythiaas and their guests repaired to tbe large ball of the Sumter Club on the second floor of tbe Masonic Temple where the. ban? quet was spread. Three long tables were laid across the ball at its greatest length, and across the upper end of the hall a fourth table was laid for the officers of the lodge. The tables were tastefully decorated in violet and green and spread with a profusion of substantials and delicacies. Tbe menu was taken np seriatim and as a whole and discussed by one and all with zest and a keen appreciation, and then came tbe regular toasts and responses. The first section of the feast was the MENU. Cold Baked Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Roast Turkey, English Style. Buffalo Tongue. * Dewey Ham. Champagne Sauce. Chicken Salad a la Hobson. Spanish Olives. Scbiey Lobster Salad. Stuned Mangoes. Michigan Celery. Sweet Mixed Pickles. Fruit Cake. Poona Cake. Plum Cake. FIorida:0raoge8. Bananas. Malaga Grapes. Apples Tea. Cafe Noir. Chocolate X Rays. Snow Flakes. Ch esse. / TOASTS. \ Prof. S. H. Edmunds, Toastmaster. Welcome "To "say you are welcome were sopefluous." -Shakespeare : Pericles. Pytbianism : Friendship "Friendship is no plant of hasty growth. Though rooted in esteem's deep soil, tbe slow And gradnaT culture of kind intercourse Must bring it to perfection." -Joan Baillie : De Montfort. Response-Msj. Marion Moise. Pytbianism : Charity "The drying np of a single tear has more Of honest fame, than shedding seas of gore." -Byron : Don Juan. Response-Mayor H. Fraok Wilson. . Pythianism : Benevolence- > "I think, am sore, a brother's love exceeds All toe world's love in unworldliness." -Robert Browning. Response-Col. J. M. Knieht. The Grand Lodge of the Domain of Sooth Carolina. Response-Col. D J. Auld. Gamecock Lodge, No. lt. Response-Dr. Geo. W. Dick. The responses were quite felicitous and weren't only responsive to the sentiments, bat to the time-honored toast to "Woman" which had been omitted, tbe committee Dav? ine decided doubtless, that witb a hundred or more ladies present the formal toast would be superfluous Nevertheless each speaker made bis best bow to toe ladies and scatter? ed lirge and gorgeous nosegays of eloquence at the feet of "Woman" as a prelude to the regular toast to which be was expected to respond. Dr Dick was the exception, of conrse, for be is a law unto himself io all things, and on this occasion instead of eloquence and rhet? oric be treated bis bearers to a feast of wit and bumer, tastefully done up io a rhyming poem of bis ow o composition. Bis response was decidedly the bit of the evening and it sent the crowd home at midnight smiling and happy The committee to whom the success of the occasion was doe was. J. H. Lsvy, Chairman, Bartow Walsh, Geo. L. Ricker, W E. Mims, Geo. .0. Shore. The banquet was provided and served by C^pt. W. E. Ziegler of the Marion House. Mrs Elisha Berry, of this place, says be never had anything to do bim so much good sod give such quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was both- ! Bred greatly with shooting pains from hip to knee until he used this liniment, which af? fords prompt rei ief.-B. F. Baker, druggist, St. Paris, Ohio. For sale b7 Dr. A. J. China. If you want a new organ for your o ld one 9 Randie. OUTLOOK ATILOLIO. Washington, Jan. 2 -Nothing more has been heard at the war department from Gen Otis at Manila since its ca? blegram of yesterday was received. Tbe si toa: ion is irritating in the fact that, according to the experience of tbe last few days it is not to be expected that any* thing more can be heard from Iioiio for a day or two at least, except tn the very improbable event that American fores has been repulsed io its efforts to make a landing and bas been obliged to return straight to Manila. It is surmised from the reports that Gen. Miller is proceeding with more tact and with less roughness io his dealings with the insurgents than appeared from a first inspection of the reports. His purpose apparently was to avoid such a formal recognition of the insurgents as might tend to embarrass the United States government hereafter, but at the same time not to deal harshly with them if ?hey oan be brought to see the rectitude of his io ten ti OD. Therefore, the officials are of the opio! >n that there will be noactnal hostilities between the forces arrayed against Gen. Otis and his own. ^SUMTER'S DISPENSER. The .State.board of control will bold its regular monthly meetiDg to-night. Aside from the routine business, some interesting questions will come up. One is in relation to che dispen? sary at Sumter. It is stated that recently an applicant for the position of dispenser ac Mayesville was elected dispenser at Sumter, and the applicants for the Utter job have raised a protest. -ThV State When a woman wills she will and when she won't she won't. Miss Nel? son, of .Woodbury, N, J., bad a sweet? heart, to whom she was engaged, who was arrested and tried for the murder of his mother and grandmother. She is an heiress and rich. She stuck to ber fellow, hired counsel and finally sue ceeded in having him acquitted and turned out of jail. And then she changed her mind and surprised every boby by re fas fog to marry him She probably acted wisely, tor there must be a bad streak io a man who could even be suspected of murdering his mother and grandmother. mmm ? II t Lima, Pera, via Galveston., Tex., Jan 2.-The latest advice from LaPaz capital of Bolivia, says that r combat is imminent between the revolutionists and the government troops. The LaPsz merchants are hastily lay? ing in provisions io view of a possible seige of the capital. Forgotten by Loved Ones The boys of the Second Sooth Carolina regiment, in camp at SaT an nail, are disgusted that they were neglected Christmas by their State and their friends A writer from the camp says in the Greenville News : Christmas passed off very quietly in camp. There was nothing to in dicate that it was Christmas ; nothing to mark it as a day of days. Every? thing went along jost as every Sun day ; there were no drills or parades, those on duty remained on doty, and the only fact that some of the com? panies had contributed private funds and provided an extra fine dinner showed that the day was not a usual ooe. I say some of the companies, for all did not have extras for Christ? mas. The government makes no extra provisions for the day and the usual rations were issued. Every other regiment in the corps now on this soil had received either money or presents from their respective States, but the people of South Carolina who yelled themselves hoarse about saving the "honor of the State" did not think of those who "saved" it when all was over. Nebraskans sent the 8d Nebaska, which is just above us on the other side of the road, $1,000 for Christmas; the 9th, Illinois receive?Nboxes of presents and edi bles; the 4th Illinois also received boxes from the people of their state, bot the South Carolinians were forced to furnish their own Christ? mas extras cr do without. Last night the men were sitting around their camp fires thinking and talking of the Christmases of the past spent, in plenty and happiness at their homes. I heard one voung man, a bright, cultored feliow, say: "I've worked today for the first time on Christmas in my life, and its the first Christmas that I remember upon which I did not receive a present/' And there were others like him. Shame npon South Carolina that she should allow every other state to honor its volunteers and she not honor hers! San Francisco, Dec. 30.-Mrs Cordelia Botkin was to-night found g ail ty of murder in the first degree for oaosing the death of Mrs. John P. Danoiog by sending a box of poisoned caoday to ber temporary home io Dover, Del. The condemned murderess will be spared the ignominious death on the gallows, hov? erer, the jury that found her guilty im? posing oniy the penalty of the life im? prisonment. The verdict was unexpect? ed. Wanted :-Potion seed. Eigbeet prices paid. W. B. Boyle. Call, Bee, and buy embossed or floral Crepe Paper. H. G. Osteen* Co. k CONVENTION OF JUDGES. The convention of judges, consisting of the justices of the supreme coart, and the judges of the circuit courts, meet to-morrow afternoon at 5 o'clock io the judges' rooms at the supreme court. This meeting is held every two years, sad its object is to decide wheth? er any changes shall be made io the mles and regulations of the circuit court.-Tbe State. Late Literary News. To bave the men who have demonstrated their organizing ability by great business success tell their secrets of organization, is the object of the editor of The Cosmopolitan. That be is sacceediog, is proved in the Jan. nary issoe by the article from Charles B. Flint, who is regarded in Kew York as one of the three ot- four able organizers in America. He is president of tbe Rubber Trost and the head of the great mercantile house of Flint Eddy & Co , which has its ramifications m almost every part of tbe world. Mr. Fliot tells very openly what makes for success in the organization of business. His article may be read with in? terest by the Rockefellers, the Armours, and the Wanamakers ss well as by the humblest clerk seeking to fathom the secret of business success. Io the same line is an article, also in the January Cosmopolitan, telling how Hr. Platt organized and condacted the campaign for the election of Roosevelt. It is by a gentle? man who was actively engaged at the Repub? lican headquarters during the campaign, and who gives a vivid picture of the perfection to which political organization has been car? ried in New York State by the most astute of managers. The wary old Senator who has been a lifetime in politics and the youngest political aspirant will alike find food for re? flection in Mr Blythe's article ---M^--3--?---? SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA R. R. CO. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. TIME TABLE, NO. 15. In effect 12 Ol a. m., Sunday, Oct. 2,18^3. STANDARD EASTERN TIME. West First Class Daily. Lv Charleston 7 10am Lv Augusta 6 20am Lv Columbia 9 20 a m Lv Kiogville 10 10 a m East First Claas Daily. Arrive 8 00 p m Arrive 10 45 p m Arrive 5 20 p m Arrive 4 2?a m NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Daily Daily Except Except Sunday. Sunday. Going East. No 78 No. 74 Lv Marion 8 10 am Lv Glenwood 8 24 am Lv Tlermal City 8 41 am Lv Rutberfordton 9 06 sm Lv Forest City 9 21 am Lv Henrietta 9 38 am Lv Mooreaboro 9 48 am Lv Lattimore 9 55 am Lv Shelby 10 15 am Lv Patterson Springs 10 25 am Lv Earls 10 30 am Ar Blacksborg 10 45 am Lv Blacksburg 10 45 am Lv Smyrna ll 10 am Lv Hickory Grove ll 22 am Lv Sharon ll 37 am Lv York ville 1152 am ?v Tirzah 12 05 pm Lv Rock Hill 12 25 pm Lv Catawba Junction 12 50 pm Lv Riverside 1 05 pm Lv Laocaster 1 20 pm Lv Pleasant Hill 1 40 pm Lv Heath Springs 1 45 pm Lv Kershaw 2 15 pm Lv Westville 2 28 pm Lv DsKalb 2 40 pm Ar Camden 3 00 pm 2 00 pm 2 25 pm 2 50 pm 3 30 pm 4 03 pm 4 25 pm 4 52 pm 5 10 pm 6 30 pm 6 45 pm 7 00 pm 7 25 pm 6 00 am 6 30 am 6 50 am 7 15 am 7 50 am 8 15 am 9 50 am 11 20 am 12 15 pm 1 20 pm 2 00 pm 2 10 pm 3 15 pm 3 40 pm 4 00 pm 4 30 pm Goio? West. No 77 No 75 Daily Except Sunday. Daily Except Sunday. Lv Camden ll 40 pm 3 20 am Lv DeKalb 12 00 m 8 50 am Lv Westville, 12 12 pm 9 05 am Lv Kershaw 12 40 pm- 10 10 am Lv Heath Springs 12 55 am 10 30 ats Lv Pleasant Hill 1 00 pm 10 40 ana Lv Lancaster 1 20 pm ll 50 am Lv Riverside 1 35 pm 12 15 pm Lv Catawba Junction 1 50 pm I CO pm Lv Rock Hill 2 15 pm 310 pm Lv Tirzah 2 35 pm 3 ?0 pm Lv Yorkville 2 48 pm 4 40 pm Lv Sharon 3 03 pm 5 10 pm Lv Hickory Grove 3 18 pm " 30 pm Lv Smyrna 3 30 pm j 45 pm ArJBlacksburg 3 35 pm 6 20 pm Lv Blacks?urg 3 55 pm 7 40 am Lv Earles 4 10 pm 8 00 am Lv Patterson Springs 4 15 pm 8 10 am Lv Shelby 4 25 pm 9 00 am Lv Lattimore 4 45 pm 9 35 am Lv Mcoresboro 4 52 pm 9 48 am Lv Henrietta 5 02 pm 10 10 aa Lv Forest City 5 19 pm 10 35 am Lv Rutherfordton 5 34 pm 1100 am Lv Thermal City 5 59 pm ll 45 am Lv Glenwood 6 14 pm 12 10 pm Ar Marion 6 30 pm 12 35 pm GAFFNEY BRANCH. Lv Blacksburg Lv Cherokee Falls Ar Gaffney Lv Gaffney Lv Cherokee Falls Ar BlacksDurg 4 10 pm 4 35 pm 5 00 pm 6 40 am 7 05 am 7 30 am 5 30 am 5 5u am 6 20 am 5 40 pm 6 05 pm 6 30 pm Train No. 77, going west nakes daylight connection at Laccaster with the L. & C. R. R , ot Rock Hill with the Southern R. R going north, at Bincksburg with the South era . Tram Ko. 78, going east makes coonee fiori ?a Marion, N. C., with the Southern R. R., at Blacksburg with Southern and at Lao? caster with L. & C. R. R. Train Ko. 81, going east makes connection at Shelby, N. C. wi?h the S. A. L R. R , going east. All local freight trains win carry passengers if provided with tickets. S. B. L?MPKIN, Division Passenger Agent. L. A. EMERSON, Traffic Manager 1 ATLANTIC COAST LINE, North-Eastern R. R. of S. C CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH Dated No. No. No Aag 7, . 35* 23* 53* am pm Le Florence 3 25\ 7 45 Le Kiagstree 8 55 Ar Laces 4 40 9 13 pm Le Laoes 4 40 9 13 6 20 Ar Charleston 6 20 10 50 8 00 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. No. No. 78* 32* 52* am pm am Le Charleston 5 28 5 17 7 00 Ar Lanes 7 05 6 56 8 32 Le Lanes 7 05 6 56 Le Kingstree 7 23 Ar Florence 8 25 8 15 am pm am ?Daily. fDaily except Sunday. No. 52 runs through to Columbia via Cen? tral R. R. of S. C. Trains Nos. 78 and 32 run via Wilson and Fayetteville-Short Line-and make close connection for all points North. Trains on C. & D R. R. leave Florence daily except Sunday 8 45 a rn, arrive Darling? ton 9 18 am, Har is vii ls ll 25 am, Chere w 10 30 a m, Wadesboro 2 25 pm. Leave Florence daily except Sunday 8 25 p m, ar? rive Darlington 8 50 pm, Bennettsville 9 46 p m, Gibson 10 10 p m. Leave Florence Sunday only 8 50 am. arrive Darlington 9 20 a m Leave Gibson daily except Sunday 6 25 am, Bennettsville 6 49 a m, arrive Darling? ton 7 40 a m, leave Darlington 7 45 a rn, ar? rive, Florence 8 10 am. Leave Wadesboro daily except Sunday 3 00 pm, Cbera w 5 15 p m, 3 arts vii le 2 15 pm, Darlington 6 29 p m, arrive Florence 7 00 p m. Leave Dar? lington Sunday only 7 50 a rn, arrive Flor? ence 3 15 a m. J. R KENLEY, JNO. F. DIVINE, Gre o'1 Manager. GeuM Sup't T. H. EMERSON, Traffic Manager. H. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Pass. Agent Home-Made Vinegar Superior Vinegar. Vinegar. I have on hand a lot of Home-made Vinegar of very fine quality. The flavor is del? icate, while the -.strength is equal to any to be had. Will be sold at my residence for 40 cents per gallon. U?. G. ?STEEJS. At Co? At < A AU remm stock of Christin: Will b We are I for Station kinds, blank supplies, ink . Prices the shown. GOOD BOOKS .AS PREMIUM?. The Colportage Library c^"* POPULAR BOOKS FOR GENERAL READING Stories, Addresses, Poetry and Sermons Each book a Complete i6mo Volume, contain* tag about 125 pagres, printed in Large clear type, and ls bound in Attractive paper covers. AH 111 the English, and a good selection also in tho German. Swedish and Danish-Norwegian languages. 15 cents each, two copies for 35 cents, or ten copies for $1.00 postpaid. See Partial List below. ORDER TO-DAY! Way to God. D. L. Moody. Alone in London. Hesba Flexure and Profit in Bib- Stretton. le Study. D. L. Moody. Secret of Guidance. F.B. Light on Life's Duties. F. Meyer. B. Meyer. Spirit-Filled Life. John Point and Purpose in S to- Macneil. ry and Saying. Overcoming Life. D. L. So vries and Reaping. D.L. Moody. Moody. Jessica. Hesba Stretton. Christie's Old Organ. Mrs. Possibilities. Pres.J.G.K. 0. F.Walton. McClure. Naaman the Syrian. A.B. Heaven. D.L.Moody. Mackay. Prevailing Prayer. Lost Crown. J.W Chap- Weighed and Wanting. D man. Ii. Moody. Crew of the Dolphin. Hes- John Ploughman's Talk ba Stretton. C. H. Spurgeon. Meet for the Master's Use. Temperance. F.B.Meyer. Moody's Anecdotes. Our Bible. Chas. Leach Drummond's Addressee *?*d B. A. Torrey. Select Poems. New subscribers to the WATCHMAN AND SOUTHRON, or old subscribers cot in arrears, who pay for one year in advance, will be presented with air^ book they may select from the above list. Tne book will be delivered postage paid to any address in the United States, Canada or Mexico. PATENTS ? Trade-Marls obtained and j conducted for MODERATE F : is OPPOSITE i PATENT OFFICES Washington. patentable PAM PH LETT, C.A.SNOW&CO. OPP. PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON. D. C. Jos t Cost ! tuts of our e sold Headquarters ery of all books? offi ?, etc. lowest ever / / ? / _ :,