- ; WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12. 1898. Entered ai the Post Office at Sumter, S ates District Attorney, whose name wat entered oo tbe record aa counsel for the defendant, stated that although several witnesses for tbe defense were not presen?, he would consent to tbe case be og taken op. Jost at that stage Solicitor Wilsoo received a telegram from Attorney General Barber, which be read and bad filed by tbe Clerk of Court. The telegram requested Solicitor Wilsoo to bare the cate against Karly P. Lee continued aod stated that a let? fier which followed would explain more fully. The cate was therefore coo tinned. Tbe letter referred to by Attorney General Barber was received yesterday. Geo. Barber stated that the request for the coatiuoaoce of tbe Lee case waa made at tbe direct req est of the representative of the Attorney General of tbe United States. Lee is a principal witness in the Lake City lynching case and the United Statet authorities do oot want tbs ease against him for forgery pressed until the lrochiog cases bave been brought to trial. Solicitor Wilson it in no wise responsible for tbe continuance of tbe case, as he simply -obeyed orders from the Attorney General, hie superior officer. How to Prevent Croup. We have two cbild en who are subject to attacks of croup. Whenever an attack is coming on my wife gives tbem Chamber? lain's Cong;h Remedy and it always prevents the attack. It is a household necessity io this country aod co matter what else we ron out of, it would not do to be without Cham? berlain's Cough Rea edy. More of it is sold here than of ali other cough medicines com? bined.-J. M. Nickle, of Nickle Bros., mer? chants, Nieklevilie, Pa. For sale by A J. Cbiea. Two Cases For tho Coroner. I Coroner Motet was ootified of two cases requiring inquests at tbe sam? time yester? day morning aod be was confronted witb tbe prob esi of being at two places at tbe sam* time. Tbe first call came from 0 JW ego where a negro ia said te? bave dropped dead while shocking coro. The second call wat from Scarboro, where a negro died last night under suspicious circumstances. It it said that tbe oegro wat a ttraoger io tbe neigh? borhood and was tn hid ?ne from tbe officers of tbe law from whom be bad escaped a short time ago by a desperate resistance during which be received a woood from the effects of which he died. None of tbe particulars in either case are obtainable aod Cb? statements given above are the merest rumors that an investigation may prove to be oofounded. After Coroner Motet left for Oswego it was reported that tbe oegro reported to have dropped dead had regained consciousness and the services of the Coroner woola not be needed jost at this time. "BEFORE BABY IS BORN. A Valuable Little Bock of Interest to all Women Sent Free. B:ery woman looks forward with fee.ings of indescribable joy to the one momentous event ie ber lif?, combared with which all others pale into insignificance. How proud and happy she will be wheo ber precious bebe nestles on ber breast-bow aweet tbe name of "Mother !" And yet ber happy an? ticipation of this event it clouded with mis? givings of the paio an ) danger of the ordeal, to that it it impossible to avoid tbe feeling of constant dread which creeps over her. The anger and suffering attendant upon be ing a mother can be entirely prevented, so that the coxing of the little ttraoger need not be looked forward to with fear and tremb ag, at ts so often the cass. Every woman bo reads this paper can obtain absolutely free a valuable ard attractive little book en? titled "Before Baby is Borne," by sending her name and address to tbe Bradfield Reg? ulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. This oook con? tains priceless information to ali women and co one should fail to send for it.. A Queer Marriage Married by Magistrate A. J. Ricbbourg, of St. Paol, on tb* 14th day of September, Mr. Babert Tbames and Mrs. Mary Tbames, widow of tbe late R. D. Tbames, the groom's father. Tbe relationship was unknown to the magistrate -Manning Times DEATH. Mr. J. C. Allen, died at bis borne, near Pisgah, Wednesday, Oct. 5tb. He was 63 years of age, and leaves a wife and several children to mooro his death. Mrs. Robt. P. Dradwell died last Friday afternoon after a protracted illness Tbe funeral took place from tbe residence io this city at 4.30 o'clock Saturday afternoon Sba leaves ber husband and seven small children, who have tho sympathy of macy friends. Tbe Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa , says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are tb? beat pills be ever used io bis family daring forty years of housekeeping. They core constipation, sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small in size bot great in resoits. Hagtson-Ligon Co. Tbe primary passed off qnietly yesterday, mod wbiie there was intense interest there was co excitement or disturbance of any sort. One Min?te Cough Core surprses people by its qoick cures, aod children may take it io large quantities without the least danger It bas woo for itself the best reputation of aoy preparation used to-day for colds, croop, tick Hog io tbe throat or obstinate coughs. Hnghson-Ligon Co. A large party of ladies and gentlemen thirty-five cr more, went on * fox chase early yesterday morning . Tbe chase was successs fol aod pleasaot and oo accident occurred to mar the outing. More thao tweoty million free samples of DeWitt's Witch Haze! Salve have been dis tirboted by the manufacturers. What better proof of their con P. dec ce io it's merits dolyou want ? It cures piles, boros, scalds, sores, in tbs shortest space of time.-Hugbsoa-Ligon Co. Charleston's Fall Festival will draw a large crowd from this city and coooty. The cheap railroad rates aod tbe special attractions ar? ranged by the committee will tod ace many to go to Charleston wbo osoaily take little interest ia tbe gala week celebra ti on. DP Witt's Witch Haze! Salve bas the largest sale of anr salve in tbs world. Tb is feet aod its tr er it has led dishonest people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look ont for the mac who attempts to deceive yoo wheo you cali for De Witt's Witch Ease! Salve, the great pile core. -Hnghson-Ligon Co. Tbe City Cou o eil at tbe recolar meeting io-night will consider the license tax or? dinance which bas been prepared by a special committee. The license tax matter ii ever a bone of contention sod there it co reason to believe that tbe oew ordinance will prove ao exception to tbe role. For broken surfaces, sores, insect bites, boros, skio diseases aod especially piles, there 'S one reliable remedy, DeWitt's Witch Hazel ialve Wheo you cal! for D? Wit t's don't ae ceot counterfeits or frauds. Yon will cot be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch Bezel Salve.-Hogbsoo-Ligoc Co Tbe Telephone Manufacturing Co. now bas j 63 hands regularly employed aod arrange? ments are beiog made to eolarge tbe factory aod increase tbe force of bands to ooe hun? dred or more. Tbe factory bas orders ahead all the'time and the output is not equal to the demand, ai though the factory has been enlarged aod tbe force of baads increased severa! times within the past twelve months. You invite disappointment wheo yon expe? riment. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They care constipation and sick headache jost as sure as yon take them.-Hngbsoo-Ligoo Co. Clerk of Con rc Nash opened bis special poll? ing precinct for jurors, witnesses aod others attending court at 8 o'clock yesterday morn? ing ic the Court Hoose. He did a thriving business until court convened at 10 o'clock, twenty votes baviog been deposited. Clerk Nash was the board of maoagers and clerk combined-a ucique position aod tbe 5rst of tbe kind io the annals of election in this con o ty. Troth wears weil People have learned tbat DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable lit? tle pills for regulating the bowel?, cana g con? stipation and sick headache. They don't griDe-Hnghson-Ligon Co. Tbe crimina! docket will not be cleared of cases until tbe latter part of this week at tbe present rate of progress, the Grand Jury hav? ing baoded in twenty-six true bills ail told. T. B. Rice, Druggist, Greensboro, Ga , writes as follows : "In the past eight years, I have sold more of Dr. Pitts' Carminative than all the soothing syrups, colic drops, aod other baby medicines com bioed." Sold by J. F. W. DeLorme. An extra panel of petit jurymen bad to be summoned Tborsday as so maoy of the regular paoel were eogaged on cases tbat tbe business of tbe court could not be proceeded with. Mothers, we call yoor attention to Pitts* Carminative It acts promptly, it is pleas? ant to the taste, and the children will take it with .ct coaxing It relieves primptly and pern anent! y If wu can get yoo to use it, yoo wi I get others to do likewise lour drogg BC sells it. J. F W. DeLorme. Two of tba oldest members of tbe bar say tbat there are more negroes on trial for mor? der at this term of court tban at all sessions of coart daring ?.be twenty years ju9t pFior to the war. They cao recollect out tbre* niais of Dfgroea for murder between tbe years 1840 to 1860. Tbe negro popolatioo bas evi? dently not improved in morals nor increased in their respect or fear of the law. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yields to Ooe Miootj Congb Core. Harmless io effect, touches tbe rigbt spot, reliable anp j asl what is wanted. It acts at once.-Hugh soo-Ligoo Co. Between tb? boara of three and four o'clcck Saturday morning a boose, near the factory! belonging to Mr. H. Harby, and oem pied by Harvey Rich, was buroed to the ground Tte boase was insured. The 6re department re? sponded to tbe alarm, but could reoder no as? sistance, as tbe bnilding was beyond tte city limits Old fashions in dress may bs revived, but no old-fasbiooed medicine can replace Cham? berlain's Colic, Cootera and Diarrhoea Rem? edy. For sale by A J. China. Fite. Judge R R. Dingle of St. Paul section bad the misfortune to lose bis barn and stable and cotton boase on the night of the 24tb of Septerober by fire, also five or six balee of cotton in the seed, with ai! hu tar? der, some bay and the corn from five acres of land. His carriage bouse wan also consumed, but be saved bis buggies and horses. We are informed tbere is DO insurance and it is a great loss. Tbe fire ?9 thought to be incendi? ary.-Maoniog Times Look ! A. stitch in Time. Saves nine. Hughe's Tonic (new 'improved, taste pleasant) taker, io early Spring and Fall prevents Chills, Dengue and Malarial Fevers Acts on the liver, tooes up the sys? tem. Better tban Quinine Guaranteed, try it. At Druggists 50c. and fl.00 bottles. x 1 oct. The "Wbite" is the pride of home. BELIGIOTJS. Tbe Lutherao Woman's Mioionary Socie? ty, beginning this eveniBg at 8 o'clock, will obgerTe a week of prayer sod self denial for missions. There will be a meeting, to wbicb tbe public is cordially invited, every evening at tbe abore time, except Saturdav, nntil Sunday evening, when there will be a ser? vice for ir ?3sion9, for wbicb a special pro? gramme bas been arranged. Success-Worth. Knowing. 40 years' success io tbe South, proves Hughe's Tonic a great remedy for Chills aod all Mala? rial Fevers. Better than Quinine. Guaran? teed, try it At Druggists. ?0c. and $1 00 bottles. x 1 oct. 1898 Bicycles Bown to $5. New 1898 Model Ladies' and Gents' Bicy? cles are cow being sold on easy conditions as low as $5 ; others outright at $13.05, aod high grade at $19.95 and $22 50, to be paid for after received. If you will cot ibis notice ont and send to Sears, Roebuck & Go., Chica? go, they will tend you their 1358 bicycle catalogue and foil particulars. Aug 24-3mos Presentment of Grand Jury, Octo? ber Term, 1898. SUKTBB, S. C , Oct. 6. 1893. To Bis Honor, O W. Buchanan, Presiding Judge : The Grand Jury respectfully report to your Honor that till bills of indictment givei us by the Solicitor have been passed upon We have examined tbe public offices and find them in good order and well kept. We find in tbe Sheriff's office a num? ber of record.) and old books of con? siderable value to tbe county riatiug back for years that we would recommend be moved toto the fire proof departa em of the Court House for safe keeping. We Sod the Sumter Dispensary conducted in accord with tbe requirements of law and in good condition. Tbe Jail is kept neat aod clean ; there were eleven prisoners confined therein at the opening of Court. At tbe County Poor House we found con? siderable imp:oveo:eDts. Tbe houses are in good repair and everything has the appear? ances of care and good attention. There are twenty-eight paupers oow cared for, aod we learn from the Superintendent that the ex? penses for the last year are considerably less than formerly. Thanking your Honor and other officers of Court for courtesies extended. Respectfully submitted, W. G. WBLLS, Foreman. Sumter Township Board of Health. Tbe President of the State Board of Health bas appointed Dr. S C Baker, T B. Fraser, Jr , Esq , and Mr. S I Reardon as a Board of Health for Sumter Township. Tbe board will meet at one acd organize, and all mat? ters coming under its jurisdiction will be looked after ?Oor little bey was t filleted with rbeuma tism in bis knee, and at times unable to put his foot to the floor. We tried io vain, everything we could hear of that we thought would help bim. We almost gave up in de s pair, wheo sr. me one advised os to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. We did so, and tbe first bottle gave eo much relief that we got a second one, and, to our surprise, it cured bim sound and well.-J. T. Bays, Pastor Christian Church, Neodesba, Kan. For sale by A. J China A STOBB BLOWN TO PIECES. On Toesdav morning of last week, ihe. store of Mr. Bi ?ly Birchmore in Concord Towcship was broken into acd robbed and tbeu fired. The building was only partly burned when a keg of goo powder became ignited and exploded with terrific loree. The store was entirely demolished, the roof being blown off and scattered to tba four winds, the sides and ends were blown cut and the weatherboards scattered around, and of the betiding only the floor and a portion of tbe frame were left in piece. Up to this time no clue that will lead to the apprehen? sion of tbe robbers bas been discovered. There wa? no insurance oo the building or contents and lite loss, while not large is a beary blow to Mr. Birch-core, who is a man of small means and a bard working and deserving man. A CAKE WALK. Un Tbnr9dav night in tbe Ducker & Bull man hall, the King's Daughters will give a celebrated Cake Walk, tbe proco ds to be used in tbe interest of tbe poor wbo are be* friended by their society The interesting and entertaining exercises will begun prompt? ly at 8 30 o'clock. The admission fee will be ten cents for B.'1 persons who attend Gen? tlemen who join the graceful throng of walkers will t-e exnected to pay like other common folks. Ladies who walk will pay their fee in grace and beauty of :a overrent. A valuanle pri2e, which need not he named here will be awarded to tbe most attractive and skillful couple. Arter tbe walk is over, refreshments will be served. AU apprecia? tive and intelligent people wiil please keep ail these facts in mind, as they are uf pro? found importance to our cftiz?n*bip. The price of admission may be kept ia the hand, and not io tbe mind. IJHon. R. I. Manning, Col R D Lee, Maj. Marion Moise, Dr. J A. Mood, Mr. Neill O'Donnell, Rev. C. C. Brown will act es judges. # THE KING'S DAUGHTERS. Wisdom to-day -netos comfort to-morrow To prove it nuy a White aod use it (I you are after comfort in sewing you will get it, if you boy tbe "White " When you cali for Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salve, the great pile cure, doo't accept any? thing else. Don't be talked into accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. Hugbeon-Ligoo Co. Several cases of smallpox bave been report? ed to Health Officer Reardon from a neigh? borhood six miles distant from tbi : city. As tbe city board of health bas no jurisdiction beyond the limits of the city nothing cao be done to qjarantioe the cjses or take other 9teps to prevent the spread of the disease. There is oot the slightest danger of another outbreak of smallpox :n this city, owing to the precautions taken last spring when every person in the city WHS vaccinated, but there is serious danger that tb re will be an epi? demic in the country during the winter, for smallpoz is a winter disease and is said tc ne more virulent and to spread more rapidly during cold weather tbao at any other seaooo Something should be cone at once to pre? vent the spread of tbe disease in the country, and all who have not been successfully vac? cinated within tbe past year or two should be vaccinated without delay. ANY PERSON Wishing to know the truth in regard to their health should not fail to send for a valuable and new 64-page Booklet which will be sent FREE for a short time to those who mention thia paper. This book is published by the celebrated physi? cians and specialists-Dr. Hathaway ai d Co. of 2214 S. Broad St. Atlanta, Ga., whom you should address. Write No Smallpox m Sumter. The fact th6t a case of smallpox ha9 been reported to tbe State Board of Health from Sumter County appears to have throws some of the rowo authorities io the upper section of tbe State into hysterics and they are talk lng of quarantining against tba city of Sum? ter. Tbts is notably the case with Greenville, from which city talk of quarantining comes with ill grace, for smallpox first appeared io this State in Greenville, and to tbe Greenville cases all other cases of smallpox that subse quentiy appeared in the State bare been traced. Greenville was the original center of infection, and the spread of the disease was due to the fact that for weeks the Green? ville authorities maintained that the "erop ti ve disease" was chickenpox and not geo uine smallpox, during which time the proper precautions were not taken to prevent tbe spread of tbe disease. It is a Ute day for Greenville to become hysterical and talk abont quarantining against smallpox in Sum ter County miles away from any town. There are .a few cases of smallpox in o*e family io Sunter County, but not a single case io the City of Sumter, nor is there a sus? picious case in this city. Tbe caee reported to the State Board of Health is miles away from tbis city, and in a neighborhood where it is nolikeiy to spread, as there is not mucb probability of others coming io contact with those who are not infected. Tbe township board of health bas taken all proper precau? tions to prevent a further spread of the ois ease, the family having it now having been isolated. Every person living within two miles of the family will be vaccinated and tbe house in which they live will be thorough? ly disinfected when the disease has run its course and danger of infection has passed There is no danger ef smallpox reappearing in this city, for every mao, woman and child was successful!v vaccinated last Spring when the disease first appeared here, and now there is not the remotest probability of any resi? dent of Sumter contracting tbe disease. A quarantine against tbe City of Sumter is both needless and foolish, and the authorities of other towns should do this c.ty the justice to ascertain the facts from tbe ?tate Board of Health before they rush into the papers and advertise to tbe world tbe false charge that smallpox has brokeu out in Sumter, fcumter County i3 a large place and it is qoite a dif? ferent tbing to h-ve smallpox in Sumter County miles datant from the city and to nave it within tbe lia its of tbe city. Tbe City Council should see that all tran? sient marchant;, th*t is, tbe merchants wbo come here in tbe fall, open stores, roo a few months aod then go elsewhere, pay taxes and a substantial license for doing business. The regular merchants wbo do business tbe year round pay bern taxes and .icense and besides furnish employment for a large number of men, thus helping to keep up tbe town, while these transient merchants do tbe town little or no good, and are bera for tbe bosy season only and as 9?on as tbey have made ali th?? caa out of tbe c-.sh fall trade they depart tor other fields. Succ - ^?ul Physicians. ?7H heartily recommend Dr. Hathaway Sc Co, pf '?i t S Broad St., Atlanta, Ga., ' as being per* fee ti y relia?! ? and remarkably sn cc est ful in the treatment of chronic diseases of men and women. They core when others fail. Our readers if in need ot medical help should certainly write these eminent doctors and yon will receive a free and expert opinion of your case by return mai' without cost. If you want & nice organ an easy terms see Randie. THE Diamond Racket Store IS THE PLACE. Never before such a stock. Prices on everything within reach of all. We Make Your Scarce Dollar Stretch Bard times don't pinch people trad? ing at the Diamond Hacket Store. You ought to be bard*np if yon don't come to tbe Diamond Hacket Store. ? bale of cotton boya more than ever at tbe .Diamond Sacket Store. Rest assured yon can Sod it at the Diamond Backet Store. No need werry or wonder, come or send Price no object. We have got the goods. Sell them we will. They must be yours. "NEVER SAW THE LIKE IN MY UFE/5 THEY SAY, Can't tell yon half in this .'pace. Torn your face this way, wend your way to The Diamond Racket Store. If you buy before seeing our goods, tbe fault wiii be youri?, oot ours. If yon have money to waste don't oome to The Diamond Racket Store. [f you are tired ot bard times here's relief. If the old man works hard and you are sony for him, show it by coming where you can get suited best and save him money-getting the same and often better, and all for much less than in other stores. Diamond Racket Store, SUMTER, S. C. rix FOLKS wim aa B&i Brm m pounds per month. v? S? i HAKMLE8S; no /*\^r\ T7i ? ?? ? starring; Myeart* I < Mill experience* BOOK. FSEE. Address DR. 4.VY1)EB, A, 907 Broadway. New York N Y. Save Your Money. One box of Tutt's Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills Theywillsurely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio? usness, a million peoole endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS WANTED-A young lady desires a posi? tion at teacher. References given. Holds first grade certificate. Address, ..Teacher," Summerville, S C. Aug. 22-tf ROBERT BROUN, -Surveyor, Wedgefield, - S. C. Will retrain catii December. Letting and selling land and Personal tv. Oct 12. NOTICE ?O TAXPAYERS. T^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will J_\ be io my office in the County Court House at Sumter from the 15th of October to the 31et of December, 1898, ieclusife, for tbe collection of taxes fur tbe fiscal year, 1893. The lery is as follows : For State purposes, 5 raille. For county purposes, 2h mills. For school purposes, 3 mills. Total levy, ll J mills. Also the following special school texes : School Diftrict No. 1-2 mills. School Diftrict No. 16-2 mills. School District No. 18-2 mills. School District No. 20-3 mills. Mt Clio, 2 mills. Commutation road tax for 1899- is payable at the same time. H L. SCARBOROUGH, Treasurer Sumter County. Oct 5 Estate of John M. McElreeB, DECEASED. ALL PERSONS having claims against said Estate will present same duly attested, and all Persons indebted to said Estate will make payment wi tb ont delay to J. FRANK McELVEEN, Oct. 5, 1898-3t* Executor, In the Lead as =^Usual != With many advantages at our command which will be util? ized for the benefit of our many patrons. We extend to the Ladies our Annual Fall and Winter Greeting, And cordially invite them to call and see what is new and novel in Dress Goods and Trimmings to be used this season. Our various lines surpass if possible all former assortments, and the new shades in Drap DeEtes, Vicunas, Poplins, Epingalines, Bayadere effects, Broadcloths, &c, cannot be seen outside of our store. In Silks, we are unapproachable in variety qualities and prices. We conduct the most complete HOUSE-FURBISHING DEPARTMENT In Sumter, showing this season a larger line than ever before of Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Portiers, Lace Curtains, Curtain Swisses, Poles, Shades, Tblae Linens, Pillow Cases, 10-4 Sheets and Bed Spreads (all hemmed and shrunk ready for use) Towels, Toilet Soaps, Blankets, Down Comfortables, &c, &a Ladies', Misses and Children's Fine Shoes. Every pair guaianteed. Give us a look before making your purchases and we will make it profitable to you. MISS MATTIE DuPONT is in charge of our Dressmaking Department and a trial is sufficient to make a customer of you. umter I ?ry hoods l o. THE FAIR AND SQUARE DEALERS, AND REGULATORS OF PRICES FOR SUMTER. S. C. Sept 21 Hero of Manila. Destroyer of Cervera's Fleet. The above portraits are used to call your attention to Our New Fall Styles in Men's Suits ?.' Which are Ready for Your Inspection. We have placed our Clothing on a higher plane than ever before. The fabrics are strictly all wool and decidedly the most novel that will be offered this season. Many new im? provements in the details of our garments. The comfortable and graceful hang to our Suits will give the wearer that distinguished appearance foreign to ordinary Ready-to-Wear Clothing. The fact that you will not pay one penny more for the right kind, should interest good dressers with an eve to economy. Our range of prices : $7, $8. $9. $10, $12, $15, $18, We also have some good values at $5 and $6, which are not, strictly speaking, all-wool, but will give satisfactory wear. D. J. CHANDLER. Sep 27- The Clothier.