The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, July 20, 1898, Image 7

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Porto Eic* to be Taken Next rn Thought That Resista nea Wi il Not Amount To Very Mach. Gen. Miles Will Command the Army of 25,000. - Washington, Joly 14 -Tbs first chapter io tbe land campafgo of tbe United States s gainst Sputa closed to? day when the Spanish color? gave place over Santiago to the American Sag. Nert will follow the transportation of the Spanish troop* back to their native land aaa the captare of tbe islatid of Porto Rico, unless peace soon inter .feces. The ?ieee of Santiago bad lasted two week? ?nd waa remarkable io mary re ?pects and io non* more than tbe heavy percentage of losa through death, wounds or sickness of the soldier* and sailors engaged on both aide? Look iog baek over the record of these two weeks it is seen that a great ironclad squadron baa been destroyed, chat nearly a thousand aoidiers have died ia the tra ooh ea of Santiago On tbe other baod about 250 American soldiers have been killed, and in round numbera 2,? OOO more have been sent to tba .hoppi tala from wounds, fevers and ot be;- ail menta. Our seat had a remarkable ex emption from disaster in tbe macy en? gagements it bad with tbe forts at the entrance of the harbor and wi'fr tbe Spanish squadron. "Next is Porto Rico," said Secretary Alger, after receiving the news of San? tiago's formal surrender, **aod then, if used be, Habana v Tbe secretary was in excellent ?pirits He bas been more anxious than he dared phots as ro the condition of nor side ? Didiers and locked with apprebeo opoo tbe possibility of a prorogation of thc struggle in the unheaithy valley of Santiago The secretary paid that tbe Porto Rican expedition would go forward iai roedt&tely. lt wiii comprise new men entirely. The warriors in the tranches before Santiago have distinguished themselves sad it ts not deemed prudent to bring them io unnecessary contact wit?? new troops ia view of tbe dangar of spreading contagion The sick sr 1 diets will be nursed back to health and brought to the United States as soon a? they caa be safely removed laira un <? regimen?s will be ordered to Santiago to garrison the town, aod, as stated io these d'sparcbes yesterday, two o th es ? regiments are already under orders <o proceed. The Porto Rican expedition will be commanded by Gen. Miles in per son, .though Gen Brooke? now in command at Camp Thomas, is ex peel ed to be bia main dependence Tbe size ol the expedition will de pen ? upon Gen. Miles' wishes, al thoDgh it is believed that 25,000 men will be sufficient for tbe purpose At San Juan the navy wi?l be of greater assistance than it was at S arl iago, owing to the possibility of approach? ing the town , more closely without risking contact with mines Gen. Brooke is now on bis way to Wash? ington by direction of Secretary Al ger. so that he wilt be in a position to make bis views known to the de part ment. The experience gained in dispatching Sbafter's expedition is expected will aid tbe officials in their determination to make short work of the Porto Rican affair There will be plenty of transports available for tbe expedition, a? the government bas devised otbei means of removing the Spaniards captured at Santiago to Spain than by carrying them on these transports That the navy is ready to do its share at short notice goes without saying Porto Rico is not expected to offer a very formidable resistance lt ia believed that the morai effect of to day's surrender at Santiago will b*> to discourage the defender? of San Juan There is, however* always the prospect that peace may ensue before hostilities have progressed against Spain's easternmost West India islands Rumors were afloat this afternoon to the effect that the Spanish government at last had made overtures in that direction, but their basis probably was the current be? lief that one more reverse to the Spanish arms would be sufficient to compel the Spanish government to sue for peace, and this reverse was furnished by the surrender of Torsi's army. Tbe navy department has not been affected by these rumors to the ex tent of relaxing any of its precau tiona or abandoning any of its plans for Secretary Long stated uuequivo cally today that Commodore Watson's eastern squadron would certainly go to Spain as soon as it could sail Look ! 4 stitch ia Time. Saves nine. Hughe's Tonic (oew ^reproved, taste pleasant) taken io eur';/ Spri 2 ?nd Fall prevents Chills, Dengue and Malaria! Federa Acts OD ?he tiver, tones up the s ja? teen, Better ?bao Quinine. Guaranteed, try tr. AtDroggisis 50c. aDd $100 robles". J. 5 oct. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cult Brui?eeo, Soros, Ulcers,Salt Rheum, F?va r Sore Tetter, Chspped Hands, Chilblain.?. Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively care Pilei or no pay required I: i- guarantee ] to give perfect satisfaction, or aaoney refuided price 25 cents per box. For sal* by Dr J. F? W. DeLorae. I THE PROHIBITION CAN DID ATE j The Advertiser ia not prepared at I present, to espouse the csu^e of ?ny of the candidates for the governorship. I No strenuous reason exists to cause us to volunteer advice to the voters We content ourselves at ?his ?tsge of the campaign with endeavoriog ?o inform the people cf the progress of ?he cootes.?. Since, however; ooe cf ?he candi? date?. Mr Featherstone, ii a Lmrer.8 mas. and notwithstanding that the Ad? vertiser takes i*sue *vith him on the leading plank of platform, it i* nor ont of placa for a newspaper pnbiished here at his home to say something of him Mr Featherstone is a lawyer of un? questioned ability and established repu? tation. He i ' a oiear-beaded a*?d nae oeesfol man in business He meets ali obligaron*, public and private. His reputation io bi? community for io?eg rity U uoimpeacbab?e Tbe ody charge that bas ever been brought against bim, so far *f> we have heard, is that he seeks fbe office bf govrrnor. Of ibis we fear that he is guilty We believe that ht* candidacy i* made in defeoee of a principle thar commands bis sincere end disinterested devotion Io cur judgment, it is absurd to pay j that Mr. Featherstone is a prohibiten i?t for the sake of (ffioe aod we think that there are practically noa? to Lau reos who doubt the genuineness of bis declarations There is and bas been nothing in Mr Fea-herstone's life and conduct that ought to subject bis motives to suspicion. Wheo he de? clares that he i* for prohibition because he believes in it. the statement is en? titled to foll credence Ir does cot follow necessarily because Mr. Featherstone happens to b? a good and capable ie man tbat be should be elected governor. There may be others -and the soccer bore hip to Governor El terbe is for the people io determioe. What we have said of Mr. Featherstone ia no more LOT !e*>s ?han we think is bis due and becau'/c be ii? our own neigh? bor and friend, it gives ns especial pleasure to say, i*. Be is seeking the office of governor, to be sure, bu* no car? did ate is lesa open to charge? of insin ceriry and duplicity There are rho e in Laurens not believing io prohibition wb?'? wiri vote against Mr. Featherstone, bot they wilt not u-eao ro express by their votes M?y waot of confidence io hts b'jrjfsty rr ability-L?ureos Ad ver: is-r S?SFENDBD PUBLICA? TION. Yesterday the last issue of the Co? lumbia Register as a morning' news paper made its appearance The paper has been pnblibbed in this city since 1875 without interruption. Some time ago it was finally decided to abandon the morning fiaid, but ti e suspension will come unexpectedly to the public io general It is understood that the publica* t?oa of The Register as an evening newspaper will be commenced this afternoon The full afternoon service of the Associated Press will be taken, and it is promised that the paper will be up to date in every respect -The ?tate, July 15 THE NEW UNITED STATES LOAN. Washington. Joly 14.-The sub? scriptions to the new 3 per cent war loan of $200 000,000, which closed at 3 o'clock this afternoon, including offers made by syndicates, will amount to $1,200.000,000, or ?ix times the amount of the issue The subscriptions represented by checks or ether forms of payment, it is esti maten, will aggregate ab ut $750 - 000,000 or three and three-quarters times the amount of the issue Early this week Assistant Secretary Van detlipp, whe has haJ immediate su pervision-of the work in connection with the loan, became convinced that the subscriptions of individuals would be far more than sufficient to wholly ; absorb the loan and gave instructions j that checks representing ali subser?p | tion* of corporations be prepared and returned to the senders to night Ir. is thought at the treasury department that no individual subscriptions as high a? $10 0C0 will receive an al? lotment of bonds. Portsmoorh. N. H July 12 -With a new broom tied to th** top of her fort mast and a J apa cese flag fifine from ber etern. tb? Japanese cramer K^agi eailpd in^o Porrtmocfh this afternoon, after having node a speed of 22 3 4 knots an hour, a quarter of a knot abov* the contract rrquireoteot, for a distance of 40 oiil"?? The rrwa?? rn?de ?;nd*?r coditioo oot rhe beer, which r-oded *o etV>w the verser* performance in s'mng^-r light. Habana, Joly 14 -The srory cir oalared throoghoo* roc ?J.a?trd ^rat-s by a Cuban nave Jos? P-utn e Bianco ro the (ff -o' that roe captaio gnoeral had attempted Hu-oidt* oo r'ceiviric? ootice of rhe d's-rucri'M? cf Admiral j Cervera'.M fl et iq a fabrics'?"ti. j W-r ic S?-W?D? machines, nut ire "White" j i<> v:cforti.ii* r- ? * : ccssfuf Physic :. s r s ? .v-? z**rmy recommend Dr. Halhr.v:.;. ! *>i ""2 , S ytroad St., Atlanta, <ia.. a? i>-:? .: j .fe--'. r-'i'.ar>ii>and remarkably sncr-C"-i .1 ? treatment, of chronic disea&eoof si?a ci..' j They cars when others fail. Cor resd< re ; ce?'! of medical help sh?nld ccr?r.l- \ .- ? j tbe-v e.'/?ir.e3t doctor* cud yo-,: wiri rc tz.? expert opinion o? ?orar caso by ia.ur\ J . i wl^OUt COSL Conditions Terrible io Manila. London. Ja'y 14-The special cor? respondent of The Times at Cavit? writes a# follow?, under date of July 10 via Hi>n? Kone t *'? arrived her- OD Joly 7 Admiral Dewey and Geo. Andersen received me cordially and gave oie quarters with the officers of the l4tb regular infantry The Amer? ican troop* are a fine looking body of meo. but tbe'diseipline IA easy aod not at *11 comparable to that of an Eaglisb volunteer corps Their olotbing ts heavy for a warm climate, and I fear the men will suffer from h-at should field operations be necessary for the cap? ture Manila. "'I h are about 160 cases in the hospital, chiffly of complaints caused by eating or driokiog unfiltered water. A steamer arnv-d oo the 9th from Aus? tralia with 3,000 frc zen carcasses fur the American forces. . "The condition of Manila is said to he terrible It ts hoped rhe town will surrender without necessitating a bom? bardment, but i he Spanish officers are obstinate and a capitulation is not like? ly The whole American expedition i? expected here by Joly 30 Pitts' Ca roi ? native Ai?s Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Cures Cholera Infantum, Choiera Morbus* Diarrhoea* Dysentery, Teething Children, And al-, diseases of the Stomach aud Dowels. It is p?eas?aS :o the taste and NEVER FAILS to give satisfaction. A Few Doses vrill Demonstrate |j K its Superlative Virtues. . J Is Highly Beeom- z mended for COUGHS, E COLDS.HOABSENESS, E SOEE TH KO AT ,B EON- E CHITIS. A ST H ?A, = WHOOPING COUGH, Z and All Diseases of ? r the Throat, Longs and Bronchial Tubes, r z A POSITIVE SPECIFIC FOI: CBOUP. S SiiititiiiiimtfiuiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiusuiniiiiiiiifiiiiiR COUGH-CROUP: EXPECTORANT ? Co'ambia, model 40 & 41, $60 00 Columbia, model 45 & 45 75 00 Hartford*, No 7 & 8. 50 00 Hartfotds, No 15 & 16, 40.00 Hartford?, No 19 (men) 31.50 Hartfords No 20, (iadies) 33 50 Satisfaction gnaraateed on every wheel sold by me. D. JAS. WINN, Dec 10 SUMTER, S. f\ ATLANTIC COAST LIME, North-Eastern R. R. of S. C, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jane 13, No. 3f,* No 2b* No. i 3* Le Flor?ate Le Kingtree Ar Laces Le Lanes Ar Charlaron A m 3 25 4 40 4 40 t 20 p to 7 45 8 55 9 li 9 13 10 50 P 93 5 55 7 35 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 73* No. 32* No. 52* Le Charleston Ar Lan^? Le Lat e* Le Kinge'iee Ar Flon-nc* a tn 5 28 7 05 7 05 7 23 8 25 a CD p m 5 17 6 ?3 6 13 S 15 u tn a tn 7 00 S 32 .Daily fO.*ilv psopt Sunday. No i2 runs through io Coiomoia via Cen? tral R R of S C. Train* Noa. 78 ar.d 32 run ?U Wi ?on aod FayeMevilIe-Soon Line-and mike clcse connection for al! points North. Trams oo C. A D R R leave Florence dail* ixcept Surdnv 8 4*> a P , ?nive- ?aniuc toD 9 18 a o;, H?r:sTtliH i 1 2 ? nm. Cber?*w 10 30 a m, W-df-sno-o 2 25 o ra. L*-ave Florence daily *xc>pf Sunday 8 2V;> ta, ?r rive Darlington 8 50 p no, Benoettsvilie 9 46 p tn, Gibson 10 ?) p tn Ltav- Florence S'inriay only 8 50 a m. arrive Darlington 9 20 a m Leave Gibson daily escup? Sucday 6 2!? a tn, 8eooettsville 6 49 a ra, arrive Darli' tr* Ton 7 40 a ra, leave Darlington 7 45 a rn, ar? rive florence 8 10 aro. Leave Wadeshoro daily ?-xc?-pt Sunday 3 CO pm, Cb-raw 5 15 p ai, Hartavil-e 2 15 p ra, Darlington 6 9 !> m, ?rrive Florence 7 00 p ra. Leave Dar iriiMon Sunday ouly 7 50 a cu, arrtw Flor "oce 8 1 f> a m J R KENLEY, JNO F. DIVINE, Ge-'l Maoager G^n'i Sap't. T M EMERSON, Tiffie Marmor Bi J?. EWtR?ON, Gea'l Pass A^ent. Atlantic Coast Line, WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND AU GU.^TA RAILROAD. COD cl .-need Schedule. Dated June 13, 1898. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 55 No. 35? p ra. Lea?e Wilmington *3 45 Le?vt' Marion 6 34 Arrive F;oreoce 7 25 p. m. a. m. Leave Floretee *8 20 *3 25 Arrive Sumter 9 32 4 29 No. 52 Lenve Sumter 9 32 *9 32 Arrive Coombia 10 50 10 50 No. 12 mos through from Charleston via Central R R , lea? i-jg Charleston 7 a. m., Laue.-' 8 34 a m, Maoemg 9 07 a m TRAINS G??NG NORTb Leave Colnmoia Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Ar.? /e Fioreoce Leave Florence Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington ?Daily f Uailv except Sunday. No. *3 roos through to Charleston, S. C , via Cet. tra I R R., arriving KanriDg 5 18 p m, Lanes 5 55 p n , Cbai-les?on 7 35 p m Trhi7i9on Conway Branch lea?eChadhouro ? U 43 a m, arrive Coo?ay 12 40 p m. nourn? ing leave Conway 2 45 p m *rrive Cttad boaru 5 15 p m, leave Cbadhourn 5 30 p rn, ?rrive Huh 6 10 p m. re'nrnmg leave Hub 9 25 a bi, arrive Chadbourn 10 00 a m, Daily except Sun'iav. J R KENLY, Gao'I Manager T M. EWER ON, Traffic Manager. B M EMERSON. Grn'i Pa?s. Agfnt.. SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA K. B. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Oor?ectifd to J*n 24tb, 1897 No ?4 No..53 H.' m nm. *5 45 *3 35 7 10 * 50 No. ?2 a. m om ^ 7 10 *6 06 8 25 7 25 a. ra. 8 55 9 34 " 12 20 DAILY. DAILY Lv r har !f aron 7 10 a m 5 30 pm Ar Summ ikute 7 46 a m 6 10pro " Pregnaila 8 18am 6 0pm 4 GfOige? 3 30 H m / 04 i> a 44 BratchviUe 9<0??m 7:0pm 45 Rowes'Ml?e 9 I** a m * 07 p,m 44 O.?' gehurg 9 ?8 ? a* 8 24 p m " St N?ct'hew? 9 48 H m 8 48 pm 44 Fort Moue 10 00 a m 9'3po "Kingull* 10 10 am 9 SO pm " Coln- hix 10 55 * m If) 10 o m Lv Coumoia 7 00 a m 4 00 p m Ar Ringville 7 40 a m 4 44 p m " Fort Motte 7 51 a ra 4 55 p m 44 St Manbewf. 8 02 a m 5 09 p m " Orar 8 ?4 a m 5 27 p m *4 Roweville 8 38 a m 5 42 p m 44 Branchville 8 55 a m 5 55 p m 44 Georges- . 9 3$ a m 6 37 p m 44 Pregoalls 9 48 a m 6 50 p m "Summerville 10 22 a m 7 22 p m " CharUston ll 00 a m 8 00 p m Lv Charleston 7 10 a m 5 30 p m .** ?rat.chville 9 15 a m 7 CO p m " Bamberg 9 4! a m 8 19 p m 44 Denmark 9 52 a m 8 31 p ra '.Blackville 10 10 a ra 9 50 p m *' Wil.i ton 10 27 am 9 10 p m 44 Aiken ll C9 a m 9 f-7 p m Ar Augusta ll 51 a m 10 45 p m Lv Augusta 6 20 a m 3 20 p m Ar Aiken 7 08 a m 4 07 p m " WiUis'on 7 49 ? to 4 44 p m " Blackvjll? M8a m 5 03 i> m 44 Denmark 8 20 * m 5 17 p c .4 Bamberg 8 33 a m 5 29 p m j1 Branchville 9 10 a m 5 55 p m 44 Charleston ll 00 * m 8 00 p m Fast Express, Augusta and Washington, with Through Sleepers to New York Lv AugLS'a 3 05 p m Ar Aiken 3 Ai p m .* Decmark 4 59 p m Lv Denmark 6 2*> a m .4 Aiken 7 28 a m Ar August* 8 10 a m Daily Except Sunday. Lv C?roden 8 45 a m 2 25 n m 44 Hamden Junction 9 35 a m 3 55 p m ArKirgville 10 05 a m 4 33 a m Lv Kii'gville 10 25 am 6 GO a m Lv Camden Junction ll 00 a m 6 40 a m \r Camden U 55 * m 8 15 a m E. S. BOWEN, L. A EVERSON, Gen'i Maa'2'r. Tr-ffir Mac'g'r. Geueral offices-Charleston. S. C. WAR! WAR! WAR! But the "White" is viteori ous. We are now selling sew? ing machines from ten dollars up We have a few machines that are slightly used that we will sell cheap. We also have a nice line of Organs that we will sell on easy terms. We are head quarters for Sewing Machines and supplies. Old machines taken in exchange for new ones. ill. B. RAftWLE, manager, Sumter Music House. ! SUMTER. S. C. BOARDING, j HAVING TAKEN rh* Booie on Main Street second .?ocr P^^ttj of the X:xoo ; M.?u?e. 1 am prepared io fcCJO r?ndate a eve jegular hoarders, and ?.'SO iod?irig aiiO rrjtn's I t?; t.ansient customer*. Terms reasonable Mas, W B. S*UTK ; Sept 3. j I OFFER : ROCK HILL BUGGIES, BABCOCK BUOGIES. AND OTHER MAKES. One and Two-Horse Wagons. Hay, Grain, Ship Stuff, etc. Lime, Cement, Plaster Paris, Sewer and Flue Pipe, Laths, Plastering Hair. Thoroughbred Male Berkshire Pigs. If II Sumter, S. C., Jone 29, 1898 J. Ml ROBSON & sow, Commission Merchants, And dealers in HAY, GRAIN AND COW FEED. Consignments of Eggs, Poultry and Farm Produce Solicited. Weights and Goods Guaranteed. J. !?. Rob?on & Son, Charleston, S. C. Feb 16-x THE COLUMBIAN CYCLOPEDIA, 35 Volumes 7,500 Illustrations 28,600 Pases, Complete and Up to Date. Tbs largest Arrertcan Cyclopedia. Includes an Unabridged Dictionary. Prooout ces ?ll Titles. Information Riebt Down to Date. Volumes of Handy Size. Yon can keep Up to the Times by adding Furnishes the Largest and Latest Maps. an Annual each ye?r. No other Cyclopedia even pretends to claim these features, but don't you think they ate pretty important.? ?end us.>our na?rv ard let us show you in detail the various points of superiority peaced by TR? COLU.WB? AN. It covers the whole range of knowledge: ia pjepartd t*y ihe most able aa-? experienced editors and cyclopedia writers, acd :3 commended 0} tba be?i jadge3 throughout tbe country. The Best Family Library. Because it is clear and simple in language, free from technicalities, non? partisan and non sectarian, and above all neither "British" nor sectional but Thoroughly American. A work of refrrecc* which io foreign or narrowly sectional bas no p!*ce in an Amarice a borne. Sold on easy ternas of payment. G-arretson, Cox & CoM Publishers, BUFFALO. N. Y. For full descriptive circulars ?od \ ?TliQ PnlrmilllQil T?finV P?l 1 81 .Whitehall St., terms send to our Southern ?gents J 1?G UJxUiuUIall DUUI UU., J Atlanta, Ga. ?,veryt?iiiig in DRUGS, Soda Water, AND j C igars, HUGHSON-LIGON GO. Successors to J S. H'j?h?on & Co. MONAGHAN BLOCK SUMTER, S. C. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR DEAD QUARTERS WHEN YOU COME TO TOWN. DB. um ?DI I DENTIST. O?EC3 O-.nH STORS OP SUMTER DST OOOOS CO SO AKT j Kntmtice on MH?3 i>tre?t, t?r??vf?>en Dry Goods Co. *mi Dorant ? Son ! OFFICE HOURS : ,.. "4 %. $f> <f ? i j ?H.: ! >,-+?* , trr- .? ?4?**?^-^ I** 1^4^' >? _ _ _ *L-J STAN1 ON HOUSE. ?. J. JONES, Poprietor. Raies $2.00 Per Day. S"SCIAL TEEMS TO FA2?ILISS Two Minutes Waii From Central Devot. Chattanooga, Tenn. July 29. PERSONS WITH LANDS FOR SALE are requested io put them io my hands t??r wale. I ?rn in constant receipt of so o any leitei? of ei quiry about lacds from Northern and Western parties, that I may be ablejto effect 9Ales for tbo*e who will give me acca r?te detailed descriptions of what they nave. No charge wiil te made unless satisfactory s*!es are ronde. Descriptions must be such ?3 cnn be guaranteed and roust gi?e : No uf acres, location, character of land, proximity to railroads, post offices, schoo?s; churches and tov. n?, kind of improvements. CoromunicatioTS strictly confident, when so desired. JAMES G. GIBBES, State Land Agent, Nov. IO. Colombia* S.C LANDS WANTED,