News From Sumter's Sol diers. Various News Notes Prom Compaoy M?L" Chickamauga Park, S L. I Quarters, July 4. '98. This ?8 a day of rest with the sol? diers, not even a drill being partici paled in Most of the boys have taken advantage of the time, and are busily .engagedjn washing their soil ed articles oYclotbing, which goes without saying, can stand a consider ab;e amount of Uncle Sam's turpen? tine soap, and an equal amount of "elbow grease " Think some of the boys contemplate opening np a laun? dry-on their return to Sumter No doubt they would make a success, if experience has anvthing to do with it Uncle S sin's "pay master7' dropped something like thirty thousand dol lars in the S C Regiment on ratur day Consequently the boys all wear a broad smile to day Any one in passing through the camp would natara!!? suppose that the boys had monty to burn, and "did not care bow cora sold *' About the only thing ihs.t worries some of them is the manner in which to get rid of it the quickest, for it being such an un* natural feeling to have the pockets wadded with the "shining stuff'' that it is hard foi* them to become accus? tomed to it. No doubt, if they get a chance to go to Chattanooga, which is only twelve miles eff they would find little trouble in freeing them Ives of the borden A. movement-which ?B a good one -.was on foot soon after the boys had received their pay for each member who felt so disposed to contribute the laaU sum cf twenty five cents to be used for the; benefit of the sick in the company, in buying such delicacies as they could relish The pUn was readily agreed to by pretty near the whole company, and each contributed the amount asked for The YMCA was not forgot ten, either, for a great many, as soon as they got their money, contributed very liberally toward it '1 he sick are ail getting on very nicely. Several cases of measles have appeared in Company M. The unfortunates are now occupying tents in an isola'ed pnrt cf tb? park, and no further spreadiof rhe disease is expected \ The boys of Company M were glad that the committee in charge of the money saw fit to return it lo be dis tributed' by one of the uoo'cotomiou ed officers The money was received by Sergt Miller yesterday and will be distributed by h:m to day. Some of the members of Company M are trying to get furloughs so that "?bey can go borne once more before heaving for "Cuby ,Jr So far none bave succeeded The railroads have offered reduced rates to the soldiers, and a great many will take advantage of it, provided they can get the proper document with which to paes the sentinel lines. If the 8. C Regiment is still here daring the Confederate reu ion at At? lanta a great many of the Sumter boys expect to attend The 1 canteens'7 have all run dry sice "pay day *' Seems to be a hard matter to keep it supplied with beer, that being the only drink dispensed Company M had an addition to the bill of fare to day-peach pie and biscaits. Chief Cook Jones under stands his business With the as sistauce of Privates Brailsford and Hancock be can get up as good meal as any man C JOHN B. KJBKLS PARDONED. There appeared in the morning papers a statement to the effect that John R. Keels had been pardoned by Governor EUerbe The Daily Item telegraphed to Gov Ellerbe to ascer? tain whether the report was true, and upon wfeat grounds pardon was granted, to which the following re? ply wa? received Colombia, S C , July 6 -John R Keels h?8 been pat doned All of the jurors signed petition, also over five hundred citizens For further infor? mation wire Governor Ellerbe at Ma rion. S C W. BOYD EVANS, Private Secretary - - ..??. ? - Look ! A stitch ia Time, Saves nioo. Hogbe's Tonic (oewJimprorxJ*: taste pleafiiot) tak??o in e*riv Spn ? ??nfl F*H prev-ats Chills, Dengue nod M*lar>nl Fe?er* Acts on th?? iiv*r, tones up the sv*- ; tem, Better than Quioite. Guarant^d, try it. At CroggistB 50c and $100 boult*. Xl OCt. ; War ia sawing machines, bot the "White" j ie victoriens. Successful Physicians. TV- b^vtily recommend Dr. Hatha**~ij pi rJ , ? Broad St., Atlanta, Ga., as fectlv rniiaM-iand remarkably sncce^'1 treatment of chronic diseasesof mt ? av. J < They care when others fail. Oar reader need of medical help ebonld cerrajrl;; these eminent doctors and you will reres? ? and expert opinion of your casa oy it t;.ts without cost. BTJCKLEN'S ARXICA SALVE. ? Tb* hes: S.1I70 io the world for Cati \ ?rai?e**>. Sor'?. T?cers.Sa?t Hheun. Fever : Sore Tatter, Chapped {lands. Chilblains. Com2 and all Skin Kruptions, and ;,osi::vely cure Pile or no pay reqorred it is gsannteed to give perfect satisfaction. v ?oiiej g uided ; price 23 cent* uer box- For sai* bj Dr J. ? -?*. orme. CAPT. CARSON'S COURTEOUS COMMUNICATION First S. C. V. v. Camp GK) H 'Thom**, Ly tie. Ga.. July 4, 18=8 To the Editors Item, Herald aod Freeman. 5*irs :. We note jour separate ??diturials con? cerning the mooev 9?*nt the noys Would say there is a lie out sove rhe^e. KS . har a parti*] sutemeot of facts '8 pnbii?hv?d. It has be*n *aid; tho' we donht your t>eiief in the old saw, ?hat there ara fico sides to all questions We rendered our decidion by au tbority of couimitt?e as expressed iii telegram prior#o r:C5?pf of funds No montion has been made of ?hi? 'engram and yon leave the public >??? form conclusion that we assumed authority to nnndle these fund??, while the ?ruth is, we ?ct*d in our ju?gmen* for th* be?t interest of ?hecompany j io accordance with the wishes of the comm't- j tee ?s expressed in said telegram Impartial as we rniy consider too to he, we doubt your having inquired of the com? mittee to ascertain all the f?c?8 in this ease We leave this distasteful occurrence to the opinion of the go d people of Sumter as t.? whether or not we ? rnagrifi?d ourselves tff? cially/' played the '*t>*hy ac'," wh-ther we attempted to suppress 'he r'tgb's of the bo* 9 of the S L I . or whether we cocrcientiooi lv acted io accordance with wishes of com? mittee. W?? ?hall refrain from any further newsp* per correepondence oo the en* j*ct At present we ar? prvparin? to engage in work more resembling ''biby play " Mos? court??on*'v. L S CARBON,, B. D WILSO*, 21 Li ur P. S. Tbe Freeman and Peral-1 wili pie se copy f om the columns of The item Capt Carson and 2d Lieutenant Wtl soo of Company M g?ve their aide ??f the question that has arisen over the distribution of rbe money sent ta the privates aod non corproisnioned offi-3?rs of tbe So^i^r L'2ht infantry tn a com nucleation which we give ?pace t?"> a?? If the writer bad iabored mor?, to give a la.'id explanation of th* matter sod strained If^s a ter aheap asrc-stn the people of ^omter might be io a better posi?os to noderstaod the sitoa'nn They will ye? ta'i ro ond-rsraud, a* do we, bow a telegram from a geotlemao, not a member of tb<* committee of ladies, who? raised rhe money, eon'd take the place of the i'-tter from the committee of ladies that accompanied the money and dirged bow the mo? ev should he distributed We havi failed to understand tbe action of tbe officer-, and we are sati-fied, from tbe beat ??ort of eviJefy and mao for twenty year? or more did they not dare to a??eer that opinion even though it might ruo chanter to the dic? tum of tbe commipsio ed officer* It is barely possible that we, along with the privates of Company M, bavs an entirely erroneous impression concern ing this matte?*, but tbat impresi?n bas not been removed by tbe m-?st t-oa^'eous letter from Ciptaio Carbon and 2nd Liec Wilson for it Ques not ??rate whv the commissi'oed < fficers thought bent to distribua ?b? mooey as they pro? poned instead nf dividing it pM rata a? tbe letter of the committee dtrecfed. Are not privies and non -pommi-sicn ed ?Seers meo enough ' ? b? ent'U?f,d with the large e0?n of one dollar xii at once? Or would they qoed"? be hedged about with po-'age stamps and the general oaoip tu* #9 'i Recapitulation of Results.! Before Santiago de Cuba. Ju'y, o. 5 p m , ppr the Associated Press Dispatch Boat Dandy, via Kingston. Ja , July 6, 6 p ai -The following is a recapitulation of the casualties of the United states forces before Santi? ago : Gen Lawton's Divinion-Officer?, kilied, 4 ; wounded, 14 ; tn*??, killed. 74 ; wounded, 31? ; missing 1 Gen Bates' independent brigade, consisting of the 3d infantry. 20th in fantry and signal corp?-3d infantry, naen killed 4; wounded, 14; miss lng 2 ; 20th infantry, 20 meit k-.lled, 2 officers and 10 enlisted men wound ed ; 3 men missing Signal corps, 1 man killed ---i i Sampson as to Siokiog of Rei? na Mercedes. . Washington. July 7 -Admiral Sampson has telegraghed the navy department as follows from his flag j ship New Yolk off Santiago, dal?*d j yesterday ; "About midnight last night the j Reina Mercedes was seen by the j Massachusetts, which vessel had a searchlight on the channel, ccmiag out of the harbor of Santiago The Massachusetts and Texas opened fire and the Spanish v^sel was sunk opposite Estrella cove I am inciin ! ed to think it wa? the intention to j sink her tu the channel and thi s block the harbor entrance If so, this plan was defeated by the fire of the ships, as she lies cn ?he edge or th?: shore | Washington. July 7 -Tr-e war de partaient has received a telegram from Gen Shaffer's headquarters stat ing ihat tbt.' auxiliary cruiser O^c^oU i has captured g Spanish lighter loaded with provisioi s and valued at ?50, j I Pitts' I I Carminative I |> Aids Digctro-i, fl ReguUtes tiie Bor-3?% ? Ctsres Choiera Inlaut urr, J. p Cholera J&or bus, ? l? Diarrhoea, Dysentery* I Teething d?i?rcn, ? % And all di?ases of lh*s S'^ach '| and Dowe!;, it is y't'a*^; .d"i 45 & 45 75 00 Hartford*, N . 7 & h. . 50 00 Hartford-, N*? 15 & 16, 40.00 Hartford., No 19 (met,) 31.50 H^rtfojds, No 20, (lacie*) 33 50 Satisfaction guaranteed on every *hrel sold by me. 0. JAS. WINN. Deo 10 SUMTER, S. f WAR! WAH ! WAR! But the "White" is vitcori oiis. We are now selling sew? ing machines from ten dollars up We have a few machines that are slightly used that we will sell cheap. We also have a nice line of Organs that we will sell on easy terms. We are head quarters for Sewing Machines and supplies. Old machines taken in exchange for new ones. HIS. B. BANDLE, Manager, ie House. SUMTER, S. C. Atlantic Coast Line WlJfclNGTON. COLOMBIA AND AU GUSTA RAILROAD. CuodeooAi Scbeduie. Datrd June 13, 1?98. TRA IS s GOING SOUTH. LfH-re Wiiromyjtoa L**nvr y'?nuit A.'iOe F.o? en ce Leav* Plorei ce ArriT.- S?tn?er Len Te Sumter Arrive Coi umhin ND. 55 No. 35 p Di. *3 45 6 34 7 25 p. oe. a. m. ?3 20 *3 2 J 9 32 4 29 N??. tl 9 32 *9 32 10 50 10 50 No r2 rund rb rough from bttriPStoa ria Cei.trnl R R, t?*4vi-.(? OhHrkS'o? 7 a. tu , Laue* 8 34 a tn, Mnnoioe 9 07 .? ai TRAINS wU:>G .N'O.aH. Lfta?e C^lnm.'iia A t: ?ve Sumter Len V? Sn m'er Arrive Flo e' re No ?4 No 53 H m '> m. *5 45 *3 c5 7 10 \ 5?) Nu. 32 ?. m o rn 7 10 ?6 06 8 25 7 25 L?a*e Florence Lf8ve Marion Arrive Wilmington 8 *5 9 34 12 2) *0nily. f?ailv except Sunday. N??. *.s runa throu?n 'o Charleston, S. C . vin Cei.tral R B , arriving ^??r?riog 5 ;8p m L>>'>es 5 55 f n , Char Us on 7 36 :? ni V'Hinson < onway Srai ch leave Chaobooro ' 1 4-c M ru, ?'rive Con ?ny 12 40 pm r"'urn if g Cor. wa v 2 45 p m. hrri^e C''?d h otu 5 15 p n?, !e?ve Ch^orourc 5 30 j m, .r ire Hutt i> lo p m, re.'urnmg leKTf Hutr 9 25 H m, ?irr ive Crjf?dt)outn IO 00 a m, Dail.t X ?"? Ot St)f^?? . .1 R ?CSNl.Y, G-n'i Y?n*2?r r *.! F VER ON. Tr?ffi- \U?*z*>r. H. vi BHSRSI/N G??'IP*>8 Agf-tt. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, North-Eastern R. R. of S. C, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated No. No No. J*ne 13. SS* 23* f3*_ am pro Le Flor?ate 3 25 7 45 Le Kif?Str.-e 8 55 Ar 4 40 9 13 p to Le 4 40 9 13 5 55 ArCbartestco ti 20 10 50 7 35 TRAINS GOING NORTH. ; No N?> No. _7S* 32? 52*_ am pm nm Le Cbnrleaton 5 28 5 17 7 00 Ar Lao? 7 05 6 53 S ?2 Le Lines 7 05 6 63 L- Ktnarree 7 23 Ar Flor-oes 8 25 8 15 am pm am .Daily f Daily except Sunda?. N?> r2 runs torough to Colombia via Cen? tral R R of S C. Train- Nos. 78 std 32 run via Wi'son ?cd Fayetreville-Short Linp-and make close connection for all points North. T.Hins on C & D R R leave Florene* daily except Sunday 8 45 a rr, arrive Darling? ton 9 18 ? n , Hartevilla ll 25 am, Cheraw 10 30 a m, Wadisboro 2 25 nm. Leave F orence daily except Sunday 8 26 pm, ar? rive Dari ngton 8 50 p m, Bectjeiisvi?e 9 46 pm, Gibson 10 10 p m Lea** Fioreoce Sunday oniy 8 50 am. arrive Darlington 9 20 a m Leav* Gibson daily except Sunday 6 25 aro, Bmne'tsville 8 49 a ra, arrive Darling? ton 7 40 a m, ieave Darling on 7 45 a m, ar? rive Florene** 8 10 ?m. Leave Wadesboro daily.except cunday 3(0 pm, Cheraw ft 15 p m, Hartsvil e 2 15 p m, Dariicgton 6 9 n rrr, arrive Florence 7 00 p m. Leave Dar dneton Sunday only 7 5G a a;, arrivf Flor? ence 8 ba tn J R KENLEY, JSO F. DIVINE, Ge.M Manager Gm i Sup't. T M E H ERSON, Traffic Vauager H. VI EV?LR^ON, Gen'l P?ss Agent. SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA IL R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Corrected to Jan 24rb, 1897 DAILY. DAILY Lv Charleston 7 10am 5 30 p m Ar Stimmtrvj:|e 7 46 am 6 lo p m " Peg>.aUs 8 18 am 6 ; ? p n> " Georges 8 30 a m 7 C4 p rn ' " Brat chv?le 9 . 0 a m 7 *0 p m " Rowesviiie 9 h? ni * 01 o va ?' U.a?-genurg 9 28am 824pm "StM.t.bews 9 48 am 8 48 pm " Foit Mut ie 10 00 a m ? ? 3 p m " Kw gvili" 10 10 am 9 *0 p m " Coln oi-. 10 5e? - rn 10 10 L m Lv Con mm* 7 00 n m 4 00 p m Ar King vi m " Wilii too 10 27 am 9 10 p m Aikeu ll 19 ? m 9 57 p m. Ar Angosta ll 51 a m 10 45 p m Lv Augusta 6 20 a m 3 20 p m Ar Aiken 7 08 a m 4 07 p m " Wi.lie'oo 7 49 a in 4 44 p m " BUckvi-le ? (.8 a m 5 03 u m " Denmark 8 20 " m 5 17 p m " Bimb? rt- 8 33 a m f. 29 p ru B KDcbviile 9 10 a m 5 55 p m " Char^s'on 11 00 a m 3 00 p m Fas: Exnress. Au2?3???r?d Washington, with Through Sl*+p??ra to N?w York Lr Ausist? 3 05 p m Ar Aiken 3 44 p m De mark 4 59 p sa Lv Dm mark 6 2"> a m " ?ken 7 28 a m A r August- 8 10 .? m D*r one, the younger part of the fi m tr* mc to hold un his ?rid of the line ar hr-m?* Weare nc w < ffVprg VICTOR D?C.V''!H>> ai price-" lower than ev?r before Tr?--e ure hom* Victor?, but bloodless, l'k*? bi-i*e ail ot ours will ?? in the field. 0*.K HlC't le Roair Sbon is also in a condi? tion tn tackle anv j.?>i from th?* easiest to the riu-st difficult Otber repairing and i dd jobs a'so done. If vou should happen to need some of the v? ry t-i-st gr?de gasoline, cw 11 on us as we al w * > s k?-ep