The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 08, 1898, Image 5

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WKD?VESIJA?, JUNK 8, 18t8. *---^-g-W-H Entered ai the Pott Office at Sumter, S G.* as Second Glass Matter. 3fBW A DVERT?SE M .EN TS. Schwartz Bros-Great ?re Thej ! J Ryltenherg * Sons-Sumter's Shirt Sen? sation. *" Noa. i o atkin s-H ' Lee Scarborough fjr Treasurer. W. S Diokioa for Supervisor. P?BSONAL. Dr W. M .Hood, of Sum mer too was io the citj last week Mr. and Mrs. Horace Har bj went .to Co limbia Monday. , Mr. W R. McLeod, of Lynchburg, waa io ne citj Monday. Messrs Perry Moses and A. J. Moses weat to Col nmbia Monda y. Misses Kate and Dais j Pollock are, visiting relatives io Columbia. R. 0 Pnrdj, Eiq., spent Mondar in Co* i im bia o? business Dr. D. L Riego, of Rock Bill, arri v*i io tie dry Saturday afternoon. R?preseo tat ires J Hervey Wilson and A Sanders spent Monday io tow o. - Mrs. C S. Kingsmere ts op a visit to rel a t ves at Doves, Dar li s g too Coon ty. Mrs. S. H. Sdmnnds bas gone to Dartfng tim to spend sevetal weeks with tetantes. .k rs. Robert H ' Sennings, <sf Orangerurg, ii Titi ting her parents, Mr. nod Mrs; Ferry Kotes. U isses Julia Friersoo sod Lily HoHrcmbe of Stateburg, are tbs guests of Mrs. W. B. Sf array. Mrs. L. S. Carson, who has been at home for a few days returned to Colombia Fr id ny morning /Capt. R. A. Brand and Mr. Stael Brand, of it og nata, Ga., were tn the ci*y Saturday ofernooo Mn8. F Cuttiuo,of Allende bas remov ei with his family to this city and trill make ?: biab?me. fiD.jLae, Isq, spent Thorsday io Co? ir MObia^ atteodiog a rowtio^ of tbe Scat? Bs - etmtite Committee. c Mr. Md Mrs. Robert J. Bland, woo bate bssa sfwuding ? few days io Mayestiiie, ar- ? ri ved ^ th* city Monday night. Mr. George Botcb*>oo left last Fnday co: ting for sis fermer boote io Virginia, * here be will tpsod the sommer., Kr. Ptrcy Mood, of Marion, spent TborS d ay in tb? city and attended tho Commsoce a ?ot ot toe Graded School tant sigh t. Keasts H. G Osteon, Jr , ?nd A. G Flow* v si? wir* among the number that went to soy gby? to tn? members of tho Sa ct ter Light Ititsotry.... , Miss Fannie Som ter, wop baa been leach* ; ~ssjg' io too Spring Bill neighborhood for situerai moot hs, rsi a rued hear? o few days itf.t) tospend the spmtaer. Lieu1.1 8arby Mosts, Jr., casie over from ... C il arabia Thursday af tem?os to say good? bi ie to bia reUtives and fr?e-oda before going tc the front ?iib the Regimen t. Misses Torie .pod .P&u li oe DOTO of De ves? t? Ito, sp?*t Friday in the city with relatives. f;?T ?we rewrnioji home frc a Greeotille w aere th-y hate bteu attending college ' Sr. Dwight'H. Dich joined the Sumter Lgbt Infantry Monday aod went tb Cbicka manga. Be was accepted wheo S rat ex?mio* j ed bot was not mustered io OT account of ' ?oes? wheo tb? company was received. The Bots) Marloo ba* changed bands, Mr. W E Mims icetirinsr from tbe management ?sd'Cfrst* Of' ;8.' Z?ig?er, proprietor pf tb? _Niioo .Solis?, taking charge. Tbe Hotel ?ww wjH-b^-etm under tb? . owgagfemen t of I Zne 1er, bot will bate no * connection tb? Nii?o House, which will be cootia oed as heretofore. The report esta? to town Monday after* otoo OD the wings of unsubstantial rumor th at the Supreme Court bad rendered a de - ritson in the Lee County case toot knocked the props from beneath tbs oew county and *-? left the Lee County ctodidatet high ?nd dry io tbs midst of a canvass. The report was, of course, witboox foundation and was start? ed by no one koews who Lee County is ont de-td by any rr cans, however, and we bop? it will not be defeated, for Lee County - ss now organised, is ranch to be preferted to SOtne of the other new county schemes tbat weald be sprang before the Lee County corpse hoi time to get cold. The post office ts to oe removed froo tbe Masonic Temple as sopo as Mrs Whitemore tai es charge, to tbelcfSce io the Johnston building heretofore occupied by Tbe A C. Phelps Co. TS>e situation is ?centrai one, soi is as convenient to tbe business tuen?! 4b<> city as tbe present location of tbe office, ao l tbere will be no objection to tbe change on that score. It is stated that tbe office i wi!! be. fi'ted op with entirely new lock boxes ac i furniture, and it will be ooo of tb? hand sot sect offices io tho Sute. Tt* re tir? fire department was called oat by ac alarm ot 13 15 o'clock Frida v ?nd the response waa prompt, ot coane The alarm w? s ?en t io oo .croon t of a fire on tbs roof of the kitchen of Mrs C. X. Gregg, who lites on Repobiieao street, Delgsr ?quad being t oe? rest to tb? fire arrived first and io a few * mi 9otes knocked the iecipieot olag* higher than o kit?. Very little damage was dons The boase of Mr. Jobo Keoaedy eaogbt co fra Friday afternoon about 6 o'clock and tb? aiarm was. sent io to tbe ml sqoads with ooi delay. Delgar sod Monaghan SqaaOs bad a fair roes from the corser of Maia and j Liberty to Magnolia Street, and it was as pretty OD exhibition as has been witnessed in this city io many o day. Tbs* Delgar team hal tb? lead ot tb? corner, but tb? Mooagbao bots oter hauled the blacks, to short order, potato them abd roo away from thom with tte greatest sos?. To so impartial onlooker tnt) raes yesterday afternoon appeared to set- j tie tbs disput?lo refere nee to which is tb? faster team. The fir? was a secondary coo aidera lion, of course, while tbs rac? was oo, and although tb? fquads mode qoick time tb? fire was extinguished before they armed on tbi scene At the corner of Magnolia Street Delgar Squad rao into o one horse team. Tbs horse was knocked into the. gutter and badly injured, bat tb? wegen escaped. The norse is oot dead yet, but is expected co die from tbe io juries recei ted. The borse is the property of Mr. W. F. B. Haynsworth. Bsd management keeps more peopie in poor circumstance* tboo any other one caose. To bo successful ote most look ahead and plan ahead so tbat wheo o favorable opportunity presents itself be is ready to take| advantage of it. A little forethought will also save mueb expense aod valuable time. A prudent ?od ca rf fa I mao will keep a bottle of Cham? berlain's Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Rem? edy io the boose, the shift lees fellow will wa:t or,; til necessity compete it and then ruin bis bf at horse going for a doctor and have a big doc or bili to pay, besides; one pits ?.ot 25 ?eats, the other is out a hundred dollars aod theo wonders why bis oeigbnor is getting richer while be is getting poorer. For sale bj A. J Cbioa. - - i i a? If you wast your machine made new, bring it to Randie. BL AN D-POOL E. A Pretty Wedding Takes Place Up in Laurens. Laurena Jone 1 -The First Baptist Church was to-day the scene of unu ual attraction. Mr. Robert J. B and cf Summer and Mis" ?ame Poole, the only daughter of Mr M. B Poole of this city, were happily united in marriaee at oooo to-oay, the Rev. J. D Pitts officiating. The scene was a pretty and impressive one and w ll !ong be remembered by J bose present. Messrs Walter Poole of Lnnreos and J F. Bland, Jr , of Macsville, r.rotbers of ibe bride and groom, performed the duties or ushers, while Miss Lillian Jamison preceded the bridal couple as flower bearer The happy young coup'e immediately left for Scm-er, their future heme. Sir Bland has recently been admitted to the bar and will engage in ?be practice of law. Be. is well and favorably known throughout bis oaiive county, and his friends predict f r bim a brilliant future Bis father. Capt. J F. Bland, has presented the young couple as a bridal present roe handsome residence of tbe late Judge John Greeo io the ntv of Sumter, aod a bos* of.friends will welcome bim and bis pretty bride to their future home DEATH. Richard, the infant iou of Mr. and Mrs. James B Sanders, died Thursday afternoon after ao fitness of two weeks. Th? funeral services were held Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock ot tbe cemetery. li Mrs. A noa M. Cain, widow of the late Richd. M. Cain of Privateer, died at tbs borne of Hrs Peter Me)lett. her. d?ugb'er, at ? Wedgefield on June 3d. 8be has beso very ! feeble for someti?- e, aod the end, though a very sad one to her host of friends, was not unexpected, being in her eightieth year She was an f itimanle lady, of a high Christian character, and will be a great loss to the community in which she lived. ; Hr. W. M. Stereos, of Bossards, io this cou a ty, died last Suoday. Mr. Stevens was a native of Louisiana and was dorine tbs Civil W*r. a member of Wheat's Tigers'. After tba war be came into this county and settled bore, where be resided op to the time of his death. A number of Sumter people went to Coiam ' bis Sunday to visit ntettves ?od friends io the Sumter Light Infantry. Late to bed. sod. early to rise, prepares a mao for bis home in tn? skies. Early to bsd bad a Little Karly Riser, the pill that makes life longer aod wiser.-Bugbaon.Ligon Co. The books closed st 2 o'clock p. m. to-day and will continue to do ?0 every day, except ?Saturday, throughout tb* SQ m mer. 8. o'. Geary, Pierson, Mich , writes "?eWitt's Witch Basel Solve is corina more piles boro to-day then all other remedies combined It cores ecs?m? aod all other ?kio diseases." Bogb*on-L:gon Co. We*? Jennings, a criminal under arrest as accesso* v of Char res Williams, the m orderer of Mr. J. W Lee, oas been c? rr i ed f before Trial Josties Scarborough aod bas beeb" com? mited to tho ceooty jail to await trial. "One Minute Cough Core is the best prep? aration ! baye ever sold or oped and I can't soy foo mnchio t'a praise." L M. Kennon, UerchantGdel 1, Ga.-Bugbson Ligoo Co. Mrs 8. 8. Wfaittemore will take charge of the post office as soon as she receives ber com? mission and ff!ves bond. -The transfer will probably bb made befoo? July 1st. ? The Cuban question and political issues sink into insignificance with the mao who suffers from piles What he most desires, is relief DeWttt's Witch Basel Salve cures piles.-Hoghson-Ligon Co. Court will not tc in session many days this term A number of cases are to be con? tinued sod there sro few that are likely to consume much-time in trial. The .volunteer company that was being talked,of before the second c*ll of President McKinley was issued, bas faded out of sight. As soon as toe prospect of well paid offices vanished patriotism dropped out of sight. Tbe human rx achine starts bot ones and stops bat once . Too can keep it going long? est and movt regularly by using De Witt's Little Sir ly Risers, the fr moos little pills for eousttpatioo sod all stomach aod liver troc? ?les -Bugbson-Ligon Co Bfcycie scorchers sboold be c?reful io future Mayor Wilson has gi veo notice that those woo. ride at a greater speed Khan Fix miles an boor will be arrested ay 'fee police aod brought before tbe on rt for ina! S. 8. Parker, Sb iron. Wis, writes :-'* I have tried De Wm's Witch Basel Salve for itching pile) aod it always stops them in two minutes I consider DeWitt's Witch Bas?l Salve 'be greatest pile core on tbs mar? ker."- Hogbsoo-Ligon Co The report correos on ibe streets this morn? ing that another eas-? of smallpox bad neon discovered,was foood on investigation to bea fa erica lion out of tbe" whole riot h There have been no new eases within tbe past twelve days S C. P Jone?, Mileaborg, Pa , writes: "I have osed DeWitt's Lutte ^arlv Risers ever since they were iotroloeed here and mast say I have never used ?ny pill? io my family dorine forty years of bonae keeping that' gave such satisfactory resal?s as a laxa? tive or cathartic." Bug huon Ligoo Co. The Opera Boose ts not anj too large f T .be Graded School Commencement. The commencement crowd always fills it full to vet flow i og. Ont Minute ls not long, yet relief is ob? tained io half that time by the ose of One Minute Cough Care. It prevents consump? tion and quickly cores cold-, croup, troncbi tie, pneumonia, tn grippe aod all throat and long troubles. Bogb*oo?Ligoo Co. Crops aod gar deas are beginning to suffer severely from tbs dry weather, and unless rata foils within tbe oext few days tbs in? jury to crops will be serious sod permaoent Pitt's Carminative rs pleasant to the taste, acts promptly, aod never rails to give satis? faction It carrie* children over the critical period of teething A few doses will demon? strate its Superlativ? virtues Ask your druggist for Pitts' Carminative J F W DeLorme. i Jane Tbe Independent Battalion mar pass tbroogb this city wheo it goes to Washing? ton. TOere is, bowever, no certaioty respect? ing the route the Battalion will oe ordered to take and tbe war deptrtmeot officials may direct Me] Thompson togo vit the Southern T. B. Rice, Druggist, Greensboro, Ga , writes ns follows : "Io ibe past eight years, I have soM roon* of Dr. Pius' Carmioative than all the soothing syrups, colic drops, and other baby medicines com oioed " ?old by J. F. W. DeLorme. Sergt. Jtmes B. Bolman, of the Sumter Light Iofnntry wbo was appointed Color Ser? geant of t e Independent Battalion by Mnj Thompson, waa on Monday transferred from the Sum'tr Light Infant rv to the Edtsto Rifles-Company C-of the Battalion. Mr P. Ketcbam of Pike City, Cal., sajs : 'During my broker's late sickne.-s from sci? atic rheumatism, Cb*mntriain'8 Pain Balm was the oo ly remedy th it gave him any re? lief." Man* oibers bave testified to tbe prompt relief fi om pain which Ibis liniment affords. For sale by A. J Cnina. COTJBT OP SESSIONS. Court of Gen oral Sessions and Com mon Pleas Convened To-day. Court ronveneJ at 10 o'clock a. m.HMonday with Judze R C. Watrs presiding The grand jury was on hand and got to work ?t once o < .?h*? indictments delivrr?-d to that body by Solidror WiI?on Jndge Watts charged tbe grand jury very briefly, not deeming it needfol ?o enter into a lengthy exposition of the duties the grand j ? rr is r<quired to discharge The proceeding? have bean as follows : The State vs fdwarr? W Trimnal, house? breaking and larceny Nol prossed The State vs Wm. W Tunstall, disposing of property under Hen. This and two other cases against the same parry for the same of? fense are continued to nex< term. The State vs William Williams, assault and battery with intent to kill and carrying con? cealed weapons Tbe pistol to r?e fotfei'ed to the county. Twelve months, on the chain gang or pav a r>e of $150 Tbe State vs. Rd Washington, assault and Nattery of high and aggravated nat??re Fine, $50 or four month.? on chain gaog. The State *s. James fi Vaughn, arson. Wedoeeday set for trial The State vs. Silvey 8co:t, murder Thurs? day morning set for trial. The State vs. W. Brae y Dargan, arson. Next case to be tried The State vs Jordan Johnson, resisting an officer. Now on trial Capt Gaillard is still in charge of the Post office and will continue to act as postmaster until Mrs. Wbittemore receives ber commis? sion. Tba horse run over on Friday last by Del gar Reel Sqoad is still alive, and despite it3 extreme age-thirty or thereabouts-will probably recover. The d an ce io the Docker k Boltman hall Henley evening complimentary to Misses Rosa and Clemmie Fuller was largely attended and gfeatlv enjoyed The dance was given by the 'junior" crowd, hut was attended by many of tbe "senior?" and enjoyed by all Tb? ramp of detention, established by the Board of Health for smallpox suspects, was discootinoed Thursday, the Der tod for the de? velopment of the disease in tbs event of soy of them having cob t meted 'it, baring elapsed since those who are now there were commit? ted to tbe camp of detention A* election for.School Commissioner* will, be held within a few days, and as yet we have beard nf ao candidates. Tbs present board is as efficient And satisfactory in all respects as could be ob ai ned, and the people of the city who have the best interests of the schools at boort cao do no. wiser thing thoo tb re-elect the boord as a whole. Mr. John Beviss, editor of tbs Press, An? thon, Iowa, says: *i have ised Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy io my family for fifteen years, bave recommended it to hundreds of others, aod have never koowa it to fail to a ?ingle instance. For sale by A. J. China. There is one patient left io the smatlpod hospita!, aod hs would hive been discharge! were it not for a complication of diseases with which be ts afflicted, rendering it impossible for bim to take care of himself. Tbs small? pox outbreak has been put down, and unless persons having tbs di-e?*e come to this city from the country or ot ber places, there will be no more of it io Sumter. Look! % stitch io Time. Saves cine. Hughe's Tonic (oew?improved, taste pleasant) taken in early Spring, and Fall prevents Chills, Dengue and Malarial Fevers. Acts on the liver, tones up the sys? tem, Better than Quinine. Guaranteed, try it. At Druggists. 50c. and $1 00 bottles x 1 oct. Smallpox is Spreading m Other \ Place?. Smallpox ta reported to have broken ont io Camden, io the Rafting Creek neighbor? hood, and near Mannvil.e, within the past week There bave been no new cases reported io the town of Manning within the past few days and as nearly every one in the town bas been vaccinated, is boped by tbe residents of the place that there will be bot lew if any more cases in the town Tbe town authori? ties and the resideni physicians are sparing oo effort to prevent ao epidemic and tbe situa? tion at present gives ground for bops that tbev will ne successful ic their undertaking. From the most reliable sources it is learned that at this date smallpox is prevalent in nearly every section of th ; State aod is grad? ually spreading io tbe country districts, where, ic a majority of cuses, no precautions have beeo taken to check its progress or to vaccinate those who are not immune. In the t )WD9 and cities where the pieper precautions have be?n taken there ts bot little danger efl the spread of the disease, but in tbe coco ry districts and towns that have not enforced compulsory vaccination great danger does exist, for without vaccination quarantine reg? ulations are nut little better than useless, for smallpox is now scattered broadcast, and it is impossible to successfully quarantine any place against all points ot infection. I waa seriously afflicted with a couth for several years, and last fall bad a more severe cough tbao ever before. I have used many remedies without receiving much relief, and being reen a ended to try a bottle of Cham? berlain's Cough Remedy, bv a friend, wbo, koowing me to be a poor widow, gave it to me, I tried it, and with the most gratifying results. The first bottle relieved me very much aod the second bottle bas absolutely cured me. I bave not bad as good health for twenty years. I give tb s certificate without solicitation, eimp'y >n appreciation of thr gratitude felt for the cure effected -Respect? fully, Mrs. Marv E Beard, Claremore, Ark. For sale by A J. China Lee County a Drawn Battle So Far The following telegram was received yester? day by R O. Purdy, Rfq , the attorney for Lee County, concerning the argument made bs fore the Supreme Court Monday, with a view to amending toe pleadings on the part of the representatives of Lee County : "Coon allows amendment, alinws petition? ers to withdraw demurrer and traverse if desired t?y to-morrow morning." This interlocutory decision merely t?r?ngs the case back to the starting point without advantage to either side. The case will come up this morning upnn a full showing by both sides so far as pleadings cao develop tLe case -mm- -JU? -- Graded School Alumni. The Graded Alumni Association will meet at the residence of Mr. H. Ry nen berg on Thursday evening at 6 o'clock All mem? bers of the association are requested to attend the meeting. -a -aaa The Graded School Alumni. Tbe Sumter Graded Scbooi Alumni he'd their annual u eeting Friday norning The followiog officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Miss Mamie Warren; Vice President, Miss Clemmie Fuller ; Secretary and Treasurer, Miis Hattie Ryenberg : Ex Comrr.iitfe, Misses Mamie Dinkios, Fannie Rettenberg and Mr. Clifton Moise. Teachers ?lected. Tne Board of S'bool Commissioner met Wednesday afternoon toe ?ct the teachers for the Graded Scnoois for tbe ensuing jaar. The election resulted as follows : Waghington Strref i--;hool-S H. Ed? munds. Supennte? dent ; Mr. D. L. Ramr.o, Viseen Besfie W McLean, Mary H Girardenu, Janie M. Mikel!, Kate .\l03es, Marnte Diokine, Aunes .VcCallum. Annie Graham and A. E Dtek. Lincoln Graded School-J. C. Whittaker, Principal; Teachers : Mis?es M. A. Savage, M. B Glover, E L. Maxwell and R G Har? rison. With the eicpetion of Viiss McLean all the teachers in r>oth schools have held the posi? tions, to which tbey have neen elected for several years. Miss McLean, the newly elected 'escher bas bad el?ven 3 ears experi ence For the past six ye?rs she has taught in the Darlington Graded Schools and she bas the highest recommendations from Prof Wardlaw and Mr. L. C..Glenn former Super? intendent of the Darlington Schools and Mr Graes^r, the present Superintendent The board made 00 change in tbe sa'aries of any of tba teachers, except to increase that of Miss Dick tea doflare per month. The board decided to increase Miss Dick's salary on account of the extra amount of werk that devolves upon ber as teacher of the First Grade, mere being this y ear more theo a hun? dred pupils io ber grade. Success-Worth Knowing. 40 years' success in the South, proves Hughe's Tonic a great remedy for Chills and all Mala? rial Fevers. Better than Qainine. GJ*ma? ted, try it At Druggist 10c. and $1 00 bottles. xl oct. Mrs Whitemore Cosfirmed. Washington, Jone 3 -Tbe Senate today confirmed tbe nomination of Emily E. W bit? tern ore to be postmaster at Som ter, S. C. Good Sewing Machines from $10.00 np at Randie's. WANTS. WANTED-Walnut Logs The Tele? phone Mfg. Co , * uniter, S C. P O. Box 207. ? ) Feb. 1? tf. AMOWER for sate cheap--McCormick' Mower io first das? condition, good as new, will sell cheap. . Apply to J. M Spann at Express office. May 4-tf. FR SALE-Sixty-Saw Lammas Gio in good repair. . Or will exchange for a largor gio. Address, W. M. Lenoir, Bag^od, S. C. Jun? 1 - 2c TEACHERS" EXAMINATION. OFFICE Of Co. SnpmsteBdeat if Education, . SUMTER COUNTY. SVMTKB, S. C., May 28, 1898. THE NEXT regular examination of per? sons wismng ? en thc ?tea to teach io the public schools, will be held at the Court House, io Sumter, on the third Friday (17th day) of June, at 10 a. m w j. DURANT. County Superintcodent Ed nea HOB. May 30-3t Freeman and Herald copy. Great Are They! OUR OFFEBINGS FOR Next Friday. The Goods are all new. Special Selections for our Next Friday's Sale. These Prices Will More Them Quickly: 6 differeot styles in Linen Skirt 4 ?~ inge, all sold at 20c-Friday, MV Onr entire stook embroidered Lioeo Lawas, striped and dotted, sold at 12J and 15c- Q~ for Friday. *T 35 pcs best 36 in PeroVes, ape- *y cia! for Friday. ? V 20 pcs fauoy Caova? Cloths, ele- 0~ gaot for skirt8- Fr day, ?V 20 pos colored Lawn?, new pat* X/? terns, regularly 7c-Friday,* OV 5 pcs 36 tech Madras Cloth, A A~ regolar l5o-for Friday. WV 5 DOS 36 inch Silkalines, special for Friday. ' ?T 5 pcs Scrims-special Friday sale, T Also special sale of the entire ?tock of white Quilco, at about Cost Another shipment of those TJo Q? dervesis go in sale Friday st OV Mattings For Next Friday: 25o qualities for next Friday 19c 20o qualities for nest Friday 14o 15c qualifies for next Fridsy 12o Also we put pur entire stook of Em? broideries io this sale. Don't miss the cbance if needing any new Stamped Liceos, all fi ze pieces Special for our Friday Sale- Worth Repeating. Agaio w- ? fier choice from eny X Ap Shirt Waist in our stock ai OW Schwartz Bros Palace Dry Goode Emporium. SUMTER'S SHIRT Small lots of assorted sizes. ?l & Shirts with detached cuffs. To Wfi <ftl ^e closed out this week only /MP> $L.ZD for cash at 1 {UXJ Something unheard of before. The largest assortment of Straw and Crash Hats at 50c. ever shown in Sumter. 20 per cent Discount On Men's, Boy's and Children's Spring Suits still continues. Band Bows and Shield Bows, 10c Silk Club Ties, 10c Wash Club Ties,, 5c A gent's all Linen Handkerchief 5c Special prices on Children's Wash Suits and Shirt Waists. Bicycle Suits and Stockings always in stock. PARASOLS, PARASOLS. KA 26-inch, Black Parasols, natural nl 4M \j\J handles, assorted style di TLOV AK 26-inch Black Parasols with fancy 1 PA handles assorted, ?j, ?*/? 20 per cent Discount on all better grades of Parasols. For Summer. We have the following suitable articles, the prices on which are very close in accord with the qualities : Ladies' and Children's Sailor Hats, fine assortment of Lap Robes, Hammocks, Ladies' Cloth Belts, Leather Belts and Metal Belts. , J. Rettenberg & Sons* FREE TO GONSUHPTIVES. Dr. BArtr will mail on application ? /^*v\ a free simple of his new discovery fm- \ \ for Consumption. Bronchitis and / Eft ?I \ weak longs, which earea te atar / at ^r*"i \ eared. The Doctor ia very much I vi j_, { I interested in spreading the news of I tti^^^j / thi&ffreat remedy. Readers are re \ m&S J qio&ted to. write without delay. \ JmMWL / A dd re?-? ^^{^mjg^/ DE. N. B. BARTZ. ^LljJiW^ A, Inter-Oeean Bid*-., Cuesca Base Ball Goods. Spalding's and Reach's OFFICIAL LEAGUE BALLS, $1.5? each* ? Sold Under Positive Guarantee. A full assortaient of cheaper Balls from 5 cents up? Bats of all grades? Mitts, &c. Large stock of Fine and Medium grades Stationery. i-> Pound Papers a Specialty. H. 6. Osteen I Go., Liberty Street, SUMTER. - - S. C.