The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 01, 1898, Image 5

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Ck Mm mm % aa* aita ^tsPftteSDAtt, JUNK 1, 1888. E*ter*?*vt tke Pott Ofiee ot Sumter, S <7., oe Second Class Matter. HEW ADVBBTISB&S&TS. H. Saxby--Sic, Him Agaio ! Old Boy. Sch warts Bros -A Bi? Time Next Friday. Wanted-For Sale. Salesmen to Sell Oil. Supt of Elocation-Tr achers' Examina? tion. PERSONAL. Mr W. A Nettles, of Privateer, spent Sat? urday io town. Mr, T. G. McLeod, of Lynchburg, was ia the etty last Thursday. Mrs. Neill O' Donne!! returned from Charles? toa Saturday rooming. Capt ?od Mrs. L S. Carson went to Co? lombia Thursday night, j Mr. Jobo Jenkins, of Company B, spent three days at bom? last week. Mr. H J. McLaarin, Jr., went to Colom? bia. Saturday morning.00 business. Mr. J. E. Nor meat, of Darline ton, spent last Thursday io to wo 00 bu si ocas. Judge E C Watts spent Sunday in the city, os bis way lo bold court in Manning. Mr. L I. Parrott spent Saturday and Sun? day at home, but went to Manoiog Sunday at 1er noon. Monaghan Hose Company is agaio ia ac? tive servie? Tb? public generally is pleased to ojote the (act. This w<ek is commencement week, and the graduates and other school children are bar? ine a good time The strawberry season ts drawing to a close and the daily shipment? from Graham's strawberry farm are falling off - The address of the Sumter Light Infaotry is sow "Company B, Iodepeodeot Battalion, . S CT., Camp Fitzbugb Lee, Cole mt-ia, 3. C." Quites largs party weat to Colombia OD Monday to pay a farewell visit to tan mem? bers of theSamtar Light Infantry, in anticipa? tion of orders to the Batulioo to go to the front. Mr. C M. Horst, Jr , bas consented to re-, ceive tao assessments of the members of the Mutual Help Association. He cao be foo cd tin the Clerk and Treasurer's office, City nail ? Building c No one opposed Chisf Bradford for the very good reason that oopoeittoo would have been fruitless "Reb" Bradford is the unanimous choice of the people of Somier for the position of Chief of Police and nope others need apply , The Bennettsville and Darlington train does not leave the depot immediately after ,L the Florence and .Darlington trains. It is - do? to leave forty minutes after toe Charles? ton treiD. The arrangements for beginning work on the Somier and Wateree ra Iroad have not j been abandoned, as some people pretend to believe. To the contrary a surveying party is now hard at work locating the line, and tbe commencement of grading ia not so fdr io the futnre. Capt. 8 Scott Carena is spoken of for tbe Colonelcy of tbe Second Regiment S. CV Capt. Carson served through the last war ao l won a record as a ftrav* acd capable officer Sootier Cousiy we old be g?.*U to see Capt. Carson thus honored. 5|A traveling man stated last;week that there were more people 00 toe streets ?ci more business appeared to be going on here than in aoy town be had visited within tbe past two weeks. Tue other towns are getting it in the seek for a certainty. There is rome talk of rairog another com* pany in this county io response to the second cai! of Pr?sident McKinley. The spirit is all right but why not give some other ?onoty a chance? Tn us far only sixteen of the forty counties have raised companies, and this sec? ond call affords the others an opportunity to display their patriotism. V ? Jim Wright, colorad, vas arrested Thur day for interfering with a7 policeman and a cry physician while ia the discbarge of their doty. He attempted to prevent the vaccina? tion of a ?oman and resisted arrest He . wi!i cool bis beela io tbe gnard boose for a , Jong term? for hts offeoee isa serions coe and it is necessary that aa example oe made of him. A Prize Composition. A rather unique conrest took place last week at the Graded Schee! Some time ago a gen? tleman said to Supt. Edmunds that he would si*e a meda! (or the best fifteen mino tee' com position written by a member of ibe fen tb grade There were two conditions : Firs', that his name should not be made known ; second, *bat the compositions sh -?old be give? to bim after the judge? had rendered their de? cision. At his request Messrs Pordy, Nat-b and Wilson arare chosen as the jadees. The members of the tenth grade had nu idea tatt such a contest was to take placa until tbe ar? rival of the judges No one in tbe room not even tbe Superintendent-had soy idea what sntj-ct the judges bad s*lac ed until it was plae?d on the black beard by M*j>r Wil? son : 'The Responsibilities of Yoatb." Ma? jor Wilson remarked that the jadees consid? ered this subject peculiarly appropriate, as the members of the tenth grade were ?ron to enter upon the real responsibilities of life. The judges have no reason to suspect who the author is of any composition, as these compositions have been sieoed only by num? bers and the corresponding numbers with nene attached have b?en placed under seal ?ed turned over to Sopt. Edmonds. They themselves will not know who the successful contestant is until these seats have been t Tok? en. The name of tbe wiooer of the med el will not be made known to any one until the night of the second of June. 80ft Drinks on a Bot Tay. From the Daily Item, May 31 The Witherspoon Bottling Works ara well under way and are turning ont the bes: qual? ity of soft drinks in large quantities. We Know that the quality is excellent, tor the Item force bas been on a soft drink de? bauch all the morning, a full crate of Witherspoon's ginger ale, sarsaparilla, soda, etc., having rome in early io the forer?oe o with the compliment* of tbe proprietor, Mr. E D. Witherspoon. Tbe treat wat appreciated, po? the printers say let bim do it again soon Tbe arrival of the crate of soft drinks creat? ed a sensation L- tb? composing room greater than did the announcement that Cerrera bad been bottled by Scaley, and tbe whole gang commenced onbottling the ale and destroying it io a reckless manner Tbe composing room gaog are as hardworking a set as is beard of infrequently, but they appreciate a good thing fully as much as the average human being with an aposte and a palate and they did toll jostice to the refreshing and palatable drinks the tbooeb'ful! e?s of Mr Witherspoon t rotided fer ibero on a bot day Any one who bas a refrigerator cao keep a supply of cooling acd grateful beverages on band al ali times by obtaining a crate once in a while from the Witherspoon Bottling Works, a borne en terpise lhat merits t>Dd should receive the support of the people of Sumter. CAPT. B. M. CANTE Y. One of Camden's Sturdy Citizens Gone-His Splendid Kecord From Tbe State, Maj 31. It will oe with deep regret that the wt ny friends of Capt Richard Manning Canter, more for familiarly known as Capt. Dick Can?ey, of the Sixth Sooth Carolina regi? ment, learn of his death on Satnrday, the 28tb instant, near Camden, bis birthplace, bis borne and the borne of bis sneezers for generations past Capt Canter was the son of that noble gentleman,>Oen. James Canley, (or years the adjutant and iospector general of this State, the friend and admirer of al! the yoong m?*n of bis day, and of Camilla F. C*otey. nee Richardson, an aont of the present ex Gov? ernor John Peter Richardson. Capt Camey volunteered at the very first part of the war ia bis brother's (Ca jt B B Canley) coo)paoy of the Second (Kershaw'*) regiment. His company, as maoy ethers of th is regiment, was left at Charleston wbeo Kershaw organized an impromptu regiment im med >n rely after the fall of Fo t Sumter, to go to Virginia, and it was then formed io the Ninth, or Standing's regiment. In tbis be served as first lieutenant until the expiration of tbs enlistment, one year, when be j Dined, with his company, tbeSixtb (Bratton's) reg* intent, where he served as first lieutenant until the battle of ?b*rp*bure, where bis bother, Capt. fi B Cantey, was wounded and disabled tor field duty, when he became tue captain of tbe company. He rem... ned with this company as its rap tain, and io this organization, tbe Sixth regiment, until tbe surrender at Appomatox, and tooght and provided for it as bravely, as gallaotty and as carefully as it were possible to do Often thinking and often speaking wirb Geo. Brat too and other ojd comra es cf the war, we have ievartably reverted io Dick Cantey as tbe type of tbe quiet, sincere, brave, careful and active soldier-tbe type of the best soldiership in a war like ours. Aod on the eve of another war, I commaod bis ex? ample to others ef similar official character ; that influence and fores in war means a great deal mote than merely military and mechani? cal training ; this is absolutely necessary, but it is ia camp life that the real worth and merit of the soldier officer is kcown aid ap predated by bis-firm an4 manly, bat kindly and consistent discipline-a disc pline ?nd coosrieotious discharge of duty withal, that giv?*s confidence and obedience to authority. Tb-re was no better, congenial and honest man, and no braver and courageous soldier io our army theo Dick Cantey He wa? a man yon could refer to at al! times as an honorable, high toned aod virtuous gentle? man, and aa a brave, intelligent and intrepid ctficer and soldier When Gen "Bretton, in the campaign for governor agaiust Tillman and Serle, was go? ing co Camden, he said to a friend of mine, "Well, if i meet with Dick Camey aod Dody there I will be gratified, and reei sure of not being destroyed and of a good welcome." The good Lord who makes and takes care of ue will know his goodness, hrs morality, humility, truth and courage aod will reward htm R M. SIMS. T. B. Rice, Druggist, Greensboro, Ga , writes *s follows : f*In the oast eight years, I have soM more of Dr Pitts' C*rm;n*tite than - ail tbe soothing syrups, colic drops, and other baby medicines com Dined." Sold by J. F. W.. DeLorms. Dr. Cliff on is no* making au inspection of Ward 3 and will revaccioate all whose arms cid not take from the vaccination two weeks ago Any person or perso ?8 abo in? terfere with him or refuse to aoswer bis ques? tions will be tnroed over to the police. One Minute is not long, yet relief is ob tamed io balf that time by ibe use of O.e Minute Cough Cure. It prevents consump? tion and quickly cures cola*, croup, trjocbr tis, pneumonia, la grippe and all throat and lung troubles. Hogbsoo-Ligon Co. The police are main mining a very vigilant lookout for bicycle riders who violate tbe or disice io reference to riding without lighted lantern at night. Mr H. J McLaurin, Jr , was captured Friday night and bau to fee the Mayor on Monday morning to the amount of $3 S C. P. Jones, Milesburg, Pa., writes : "I have used Dewitt's Lit tie -tariy Risers e'er since they were introduced here and most say I have never used any pills in my fimily dorine forty years of house keeping that ga?e such satisfactory results as a laxa? tive or cathartic." Hugbsoa-Ligon Co. *A ? pot was circulated on the streets Sa . a rda j tbat Sampson's fient bad t?een defeated and Admiral Sampson silted io a battle with the Spanish fleet. The report created a grett deal of txci ement, hot the lack ot confirma? tion allayed tbe messiness of most people. ?. fi Parker, Sh ir aa, Wis., writes I have tried DeWitt's Witcb Hazel Salve for itching piles and it always stops them in two miootes I consider DeWiu's Witcb Hazel Salve the greatest pile core on tbe mar? ket."- Hogbsoa-Ligon Co. Edward Lightly, colored, bas been com? mitted to jail nuder a warrant issued by Magistrate Scarborough of Kishopviite. fie is coarged with assault acd natter*, with in? tent io kill. He and several other ?egrob8 eugnged in a shooting scrape a tew nights ago aud be is tbe first to be captured. Tbe boman rz ach i oe starts but uuce and stops but once You can keep ii going loos? est and nio?t regularly by using De Win's Little Eiriy Risers, the famous little piils for coosiipa'ion and al) stomach aud liver Loo? bies -Hugbson-LigorrCo. It was stated on tbe streets Friday morning thai tfcirty-ooe mea b*v- aln*?dy eigted tue roh pt the volomeer compaoy that is now being raised Tbe war fever bus struck Suuner and there is no knowing what will be tie resblt. The Cuban question and political issues sink into iusiguificance with the man who saffers from piles What be most desi;es, ts reli f DeWiti's Witch Hazel Salve cures piiej - Hugbson-Ligon Co. There was a stag party fish fry at Bland ing 's Mills Thursday night, but tbe sudden r?io inter ertd to some extent with tbe pleasure ot the crowd. A few of the- party were so much afraid of getting wet that they left before the fried tish and hoe-cakes ware ready tor discus? sion, ac-d ?n?-y, cf course mis ed alt the fun and pleasure of the occasion "One Minute Cough Cure is the best prep? aration 1 have ever sold or uD?d aud I can't say too much tu V? praise." L M. Kennon, Merchant, Odell, Ga.-Hugbsoo Ligoo Co. Dr Clifton delivered the baccalaureate Serenoa to tbe students of the Sumter Insti? tute Sunday night. Tbe Presbv teriau Church was filled to tba limit of its capacity and the unusually large cocgreyauou WHS more than repaid, for Dr. C. if ton's sermon WHS eloquent, ?Die aud forcible. Late to bed sod early to rise, prepares a man tor bis borne io the ?kies Karly to bed aod a Linie Early R.ser, the pill that makes life longer and wiser.-Hugbsou.Ligon Co. Court will convene in this city on Monday next, with Judge R C. Waits on the bench The session will continue at least a week, nerbaps two weeks. There are several CH pi. tal casts to be tried and the usual large i u - ber of miscellaneous cases of misdemeanor. I i S. M. Geary, Pierson, Mich , writes :- I "DeWiti's Witch Hazel Salve is corin more | p i les bera to-day tb?n all other remed?? s j combined. It cures ecz-m- and ai! o ber ? skin diseases." Hugbsoo L gon Co. CITY COTTNCII. MBBTIN G City Officials Elected and Elec? tion for School Board Ordered. City Council a et io regular epuionjWednPS day night. Tbe minutes of the last meeting wete read and confirmed. The election of city officials w?a takeo up according to ap? pointment. The folio wing were e ected : CA!. Horst, Jr . Clerk and Treasurer. John K. Bradford, Chief of Police. A. H. Weeks, Assistant Chief of Police. Peter Gallagher, H. H. Smith, H. J. Sey? mour and John Barwick, policemen. Clerk and Treasurer Hurst *nd Chief Brad? ford bad no opposition, but there were eigh? teen applicants tor position on the police force, and the fact that all members of tbe force were re-elected is aa evidence that faith? ful service is appreciated. The election of a Street Commissioner was deferred to a subsequent meeting, and Com missioner Trieb!? wrl continue in office until bis successor is elected Mr E C. Hnyoswor b was elected a mem? ber of the B.mrd of School Commws.ooen, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Dr J A. Mood. Mr B H. Moses was elected Chief of the Fire Dep rtment The regular bi-enma! election for a Board of School Commissioners was ordered and the following mauegers were appoioted : J ?. Renco, M. D. Moore and J S. Richardson The Committee on Fire Department was emp owered to dispose of all apparatus oot now io use. Aprotestagxiosttbeuward of tbe city print? ing to Miller A Lowry waa presen tel by Knight Bros , wbo claimed that inasmuch as their nil was, io fact, the lowest submitted,' they should bave received the award. The protest was received as information and no action taken on it. The Clerk and Treasurer was directed to borrow $600 to meet the current expenses of the city. Tbe Smallpox Beoord From the Daily Item, May 2?. lu yesterday's issue certain statements in reference to the smallpox situation were made that were not exactly correct, being based on inaccurate information. To-dav Dr. A C Dick, who bas charge of tbeoroallpox hospita*, wi s called up over the telephone aod a correct statement of the smal loox record Was obs tined Toe Truth lg so much more encouraging and satisfactory than the ireports heretofore given publicity test particular attention should be given to the record so that etch and every reeireat of th 8 city nay be prepared to refute with facts the many false and misleading reports that are circulated by those who seek to injure Sumter and prevent people from corni oe hereon nrsi ness or pleasure. Dr Dick was asked bow mAnv cases of small pox had r een reported to tbe Board ol Health since the disease first appeared io the city. He said to reply, that from first to lae*, thirty five (35) cases had oreo rjported to the Br>ard of Health a? smal pox, tot that ot these six caees proved ru b* cbicien p x. There had been, therefore, but twenry-i iae cases cf genuine smallpox in tbis city since the first ca*e was reponed Serera! of these cases were of a severe ijpe. hut the majority were mild and tbe patents were not seriously disfigured Those who bad sevt. cases are very plaioiy marked witb typical smallpox pitts ?od tbe last vestige of d< not concerning the correctness of tbe d iagnosis as small pox is removed At tbe present time tbers are seven patients nuder treatment in tbe smallpox bcspittl, and four cases are under trestment in tte city Those in tbe city are kept uod?r*iuaid day and night ?cd a strict quarantine is tig idly enforced. The total noa ber ol c?ees under treatment to-day is eleven Tbe grea1 tr oucjuei of tbes? are convalescent ana will be discharged next week wbile the oihers will be detained io the hospital or kept under guard two weeks more or longer, until all danger of contagion ban passed Tba condition is very encouraging and tbe alarm tbat bas existed in this city and the fear tuat has kept many from coming here on business have been preveo by the facts to fee baseless. Tbe measures adopted by int Board of Health rendered an epidemic im? possible and bad ever) oody io tbe city co? operated promptly aud heartily witb tbe d instead ot throwing obstacles tc its way there would bave been even fewer ca:es ot smallpox than there have been repored. Lincoln School Commencement The annual commencement exerc?es of the Li ceo In Gradtd School began OG Sunday ereoing witb the Anna tl Sermon. Thefo** lowing is the programme: Sunday, May 29tb, 10 30 a m , Annual Sermon, Mt. Pisgah Church, Rer. Ja* G. Sum s n Tuesday, May 3iat. ft 30 p m, Concert Friday t June 3d, SCO p. rn, Commence? ment, Academv of Music Address to the graduates. Miss Celie A Curren Class of '98-Mary M. Kendrick, President Marie Hunter, Secretary; T E Anderfcon, Maggie B Boyd, Amy Brock. Bessie E. ? Brown, Celia A. Corbett, Ceci e S. Davis, Estelle M. Dav;y, Jas. M DeLeon, MMV E Dimerv, Laura D Green, Mary E H rmoc, Mary S McLeod, Leila R Moses. Lottie M. Peterson, Jas F S Stewart, Wm A Tarle? ton, EeanorS. Wilsen, Sirab J Wither? spoon. ---?-m~*- -!? Success-Worth Knowing. 40 years' success in the South, proves Hughe's Tonic a great remedy for Chills and all Mala? rial Fevers. Better than Quinine. Guaran? teed, try it At Druggists tOc and $1 00 bottles. x 1 oct. If you want your macbioe male new, bring it to Randie. To see is to try, to try is to buy tbe "White " The Bott lin s A'orks. Mr. E. D. Witherspoon, of Kershaw, hs3 removed to this citv and bas estaolished ? bottling works The machinery is all io place and he begnn work Thursday He will maofacture and bottle soda water and various soft drirks. The bottling works is located near the furniture facory of Wither? spoon Bros. & Co , and he power to operate the machinery will be obtained from the fur? niture factory. Toe ouipot of the bottling works will not be large at present' but will be increased as the good? ate introduced and a demand for them created. Bad management keeps more peopie in poor circumstances than any Rtb??r one cause To ba successful o-e must look ahead and plan ahead so that when a f/ivo;ab:e opportunity presents itself be is ready to take advantage of it. A little forethought will also save much expense and valuable time A prudent and careful roan will keep a bottle of Cham? berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem? edy io the house, the shiftless fellow will wait until nece?sitr compelstt and then ruin his best hors? going for a doctor and have a big dec tor biil to p*y, besides; one pata tut 2> j cents, the other is out a hundred dollars ?ind j then wonders why bis neighbor is getting j richer while he 13 getting poorer. For 9*!e j by A. J China War in sewing machines, but the "White'* l is victorious. Too Much Jaw. Jim Wright, colored, attended the Major's coon Inst Friday ?od ceca pied a referred seat facing Mayor Wiltoo Be was roo io Thursday for interfering with a city physi? cian while io the discbarge of bis duty. Jim is a little ooery looking o?gro and ten times uglier than the fabled mitring link, but what be lacks in ?ize ?nd . eauty of face and figure is more than made cp by an overplus of j*w This fata! gift of elcqueace was responsible for the mixup with the police Thursday, for wneu he saw tbs city physician and a police nan endeavoring to a negro woman to submit peaceably to vaccination, J.m dipped tn witn mat mouth of bis and deliver? ed aa oration that was cut short by tbe policeman. Mayor Wilsen cid tbe talking on that occasion, and after giving Jim aod the crowd present a wholesome lecture and a word of ciotioo as to : bei - conduct in future, be instructed Cierk Hurst = o collect $2 from Jim aod turn bim loose, or ii default of the legal tender turo him ov*r to Street Com? missioner Tnbi le for four days bard labor oo tbe streets Look! A stitch >la Time. Saves nine. Hughe's Tonic (new 'improved, t*ste pleasant) takeo in sar I y Spri .g and Fall prevents Chills, Dengue and Malarial Fevers. Acts on the liver, tones up the sys? tem, Better than Quinine Guaranteed, try it. At Druggists 50c. aad $100 boules. x I oct. A DariDg Ecbary Last Welresday morniog about 3 o'c ock burglars eutered the resider ce of Mr. Gre. F Epperson and 8 ole there "rom a fine gold Watch and a phi: of pants Thar the perena committing the robbery are professionals in tbe business is evidenced by tbe manner in wbicb they weot about it, and the daring displayed. Mr. Eppersoo bad retired bot a short time wbeo v ra Epperson, who was awake in the next room, nursing a sick child, beard a noise to Mr. Epperson's roc ra, hut thinking that it was Mr Epperson moving aoout, did not p-iy any attenuoo to the noise. The thief was very accommod?tieg as be Mt a silver watch io place of the gold one be took away. Citiz?ns should be on their guard, for that there ia a gang of profesional burglars i the city is a certainty Mr. Jonn Bevies edi or of the Press, An? thon, Iowa, taja: ' I bav<? used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in my family for fifteen years, bave recommended t to hundreds of others, and have never knowo it to fait io a single iostaoc. For sale by A J Cuina. WANTS. WANTED-Walont Logs The Tele? phone Mfg. Co, iumter, S C P 0. Box 107 Feb. 16 tf AMOWER for sale cheep-McCormick Vtower ir. Sra! class condition, good as new, wi?l sell cheap. Apply to J M Spano at Express office. May 4-tf. FOR SALE- Sixty-S*w Lnmuaus Gin io eo-?d repair Or will exchange far a larger gin. Address, W. M Lenoir, Hagood, S. C. June 1 -2t WANTED -Salesmen to sell Lubricating Ol ?, from sarrples. on con mission. L'beral terms. Tbe Euclid Oil Coxpany, Clcvelaod, Onio. Juoe 1-li* A BIG- DAY Next Friday. Is What We Expect With Such Prices as These From our Shoe Department 36 prs Child's Chocolate Ox? fords, sizers 9 to 12?, worth ^JKp $1, for Friday9 ? ?JU 28 pairs sanie iu black w'zes 9 ^JKn lo 12, ? 0{j 32 pairs Misses Chocolate Ox? fords, sizes 12? to 2, to go QQ/? Friday at - , OOU 42 pairs Misses Oxfords, sizes 00/? Vl\ to 2, for Friday, 001 AH the better grades cut in propor? tion for Friday Special Sale 72 pairs Ladies' Tan and Black Oxfotds. all sizes, regulaily ^Kf? $1. for Friday, ? ?^ 84 pairs, ail of our Black and Chocolate Oxfords that sold for $! 50 beautiful (M styles, to go Friday, <J>x./C'0 36 pairs Ladies' Black S ruo Sandals, the $1 25 qisali QM AA tv. for Friday, ?JU. VU . ? * 38 pairs Ladies' 2-strap Pan dais 3 styles that sold at (M OQ $150 all at $L?V Fittest goods to go ?3 follows: Prices Were For Friday $1 75 to go at $1 48 ?2 00 to go at $169 ?2 25 ?o go at $1.93 $2.50 to go at $2.08 The above takes in oor entire 6tock of Shoes-all the new styles-?ev era) kinds at each price ALSO FOR FRIDAY : Special display and sa'e of our en tire Handkerchief stock. We also put our complete line of Ladies' Shirt Waists on sale Don't ask what they were worth or sold at, bnt take uA? any one in the store for 0\J\J K few late styles in Wash Op Goods to go in sale at New line of Sailors for next Friday Complete line jutst in of Ladies, White Kids, all lengths. A new line of narrow Laces for Friday. lt will pay you to supply ycur wants oo next Friday. Space pre ven?s mentioning other specials on sale next Friday. Schwartz Bros Palace Dry Goods Emporium. Those Who Haye Cash to Spend Prepare to spend it now. Special Sate for Cash Only, Jib. 20 per xcent Discount On all Men's Spring Suits. 20 per cent Discount On 11 Youths' and Childi .en's Spring Suits. Men's Crash Suits #3.8T Mea'? double breasted, blue serge coats, all-wool and fast colors, worth $4 50 at $3 95 Mes'? Pacts, odd pairs, assorted aizes. prices ranging from $2 75 to $5 at $2 50 Men's Leather Belts, assorted 35, 40 aod 50o goods, with or without purses, jour choice, 28 oeots. Children's Wash Suits, 47c Children's Wash Suits, $1 grade, 87c Children's Wash Suits, S1.35e grade, $1 00 Children's Wash Knee Pants, 19c Children's Crash Hats, 50o quality 25o Men's Wash Ties worth 10 tod 15a. your choice 5o In order to give everyone a chance we will continue the offer mad? last week and sell the balance of lots advertised at 87c Dry Goods Department. Another chance for a good Shirtwaist. 30 inch white ground, colored figure Organdies worth 10c at 6fc Lace effect Organdies, specially suit? ed for Shirtwaists, worth 12Jo at 8|o 50 pieces, yard wide Percale, short lengths, regular price 8J to lOo, special for this sale, b*?c One lot Madras Cloths, assorted pat? terns, the very thing for Men's Shirts aod Ladies' Waists, 38 inches wide worth 15c at 11B Lot No 1 -About 100 Shirtwaists, all sizes, regular goods, not odd lots 47o Lot No 2-All of our 85o Shirt? waists for the sale, 67c Lot No 3-Our $1 Shirtwaists were oheap at $1, what are they now ? 89o Let No 5-All of our $1 25 Shirt waists reduced to 97c Lot No 7-About 50 of our fioest $1.75 Shirtwaists, ?1 25 J. B??HBEBC I FREE TO CONSUMPTIVES, Dr. Bartz will mail on application a free sample of his new discovery for Consumption. Bronchitis and weak lungs, which rare? to itay rared. The Doctor is very much interested in spreading the news of this great remedy. Readers art; re? quested to write without delay. Aidrcaa DR. U. B. BARTZ, A, .Inter-Ocean Bid?., Chicago* Base Ball Goods. Spalding's and Reach's OFFICIAL LEAGUE BALLS, $1.50 each. Sold Under Positive Guarantee. , A full assortment of cheaper Balls from S cents up. Bats of all grades. Mitts. &c. Large stock of Fine and Medium grades Stationery. Pound Papers a Specialty. E 6. Osteen & Go., Liberty Street, SUMTER. - - S. C.