Cfc W&sit wan aili Sontos. WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1898. Entered at the Post Office at Sumter, S G.* as Second Glass Matter. NEW AOTEBTISEMENTS." H. Barby-Still io the Ring. D Jas Winn-$10 Reward. Schwartz Bros.-Another Sensation. For Congress-Thomas F. Brantley. J Rettenberg & Sons-Shirtwaist? and Shirts PERSONAL. Col. J. M. Knight went to Cola aa bia M on day morning. Mr. Walter L. Wilson, of Bishopville, spent Monday in the city. Miss Leila Dick left Monday morning for Colombia to speed a week. Mr. David Williams, of Camden, was in the city Friday on business. Mr Eugene O Ingram is in the city for a few day8 s*ay on a sick furlough W.T. Aycock, Esq., of Colombia spent spsnt several days m the city fest week. R. O Purdy, Esq , Mrs. Purdy and Mrs. Brown, returned Snaday from Baltimore. Dr and Mrs S. C Biker went to Colum? bia Monday marci og to spend several da> 8. Mr. L L Perrott bas returned from Georgetown, court having adjourned on Thursday. Mls3 Laura Mood bas returned from Sparenburg after a stay of two weeks with relatives in that city. Maj H. F. Wilson returned lost Wednes? day from Asheville, N. C , where he has been oa business for several days. Messrs Altamont Moses and Harry tiytten t.erg have returned from Macon, Ga , where they attended theiA. O. U. W. Mrs. J. M. Cu'p and daughter, Mrs Frank H. Crump aad Miss Lola Allen, of Washing ten, D. C., are the guests of Mrs. Eila Tuo Mr James Hollian wbo went from ibis city a short time ago to Lexington, Ky., bas en? listed in >be Sumter Light Infantry and is now io Cotu&bia awaiting examination. Smallpox bas reappeared at Clafi o College, Or&ogeburg. . A negro house on Red ana Wbite Street was burned laat night about 10 o'clock. Tne . are was of accidental origin. The crops are smell for this season, but during the last few days a decided improve? ment has been observed in ali sections of the county. The Sumter Light Infantry needs men who will join the company and serve tb? State and cation at this time when meo are ob ? 2 Jaro'.ioa voluu'fers will not le1?*/? tnt; S:at?, ! I >at wi: br? oetsi-ed io do garrisoj dory ou j < juiiivitn's island or eise? herr on tbecuast.|t Pre Dotation will to to iV.ibi within a few \ I verks with the arny of invasion DOW organ ' zing at Tiimpj. aod will sse bard nt-rvice ic j 1 lo^ioany witti tbe rcguiars ard volunteers rum other States ! f Success-Worth Knowing. > ?0 ytui:;' success in the South, proves Hughe's "onie a great remedy for Chilis and a?? tt*!.-? ial Fevers. Belter ib*n Qiioice. Gwan-M c d, try it At Druggists tOc. and $1 00 i ' .otttes. x 1 oct. I ' If yen want your machine made new, iring it to Randie. MTJSTE38. IN OR GET OUT. Governor Ellerbe Issues tT?timatum -Good Work of Maj. Thomp? son of The Independent Bat? talion. Colombia, May If.-Gov EMerbe bas noti? fied the captains of the companies that have not been aostered into service that they must be reidy "o be mustered in with toe full complement of men on Friday. Failing to do so he wiil order them to returo to their homp?, and will cai! for more volunteers, ac cepticg the first companies that report with the correct complement ot men Governor Eltert.e has suggested that the Richland Volunteers and Governor's Guards consolidate and that the Bamberg Guards and Palmetto Rifles of Aiken, do likewise. All of these companies are weak and there 6eems to he no imtreditite prospect of their filling up. Mucb ill-feeling has been aroused in camp by the practice of enticing the men of oce company to join anni ber Yesterday the Governor's Guards enticed a nnmher cf rnr-o from tr-e Palmetto Rifli* and the attention of Capt. Fuller and Go7. Ellerbe was called to the matter by Capt Sawyer of the Palmetto R fies They hav? decided that the desert? ers from ths Rifiep will not be mustered into service with the Guards A detai? ot roen e.nder the command cf Lieut. .McGown went tc Union yesterday to bring bick Sheehan th? deserter from the Jobr.'Stoo RfiV. ^bf-eban will be tried by court martial, a:ii, as there were no ester) uating circumstances, he having thrown down bis gun while cn guard at nisht and lett camp be wili probably ne convicted and sent to Sing Kirg prison. The independent battalion will be ready for marchicg orders within a few d^s. Mej Thompson iii losing no time but is working s? ytea-ati-aily to have the battalion thoroughly organized and disciplined Tbe following gecer*! urde- was published yes? terday : Headquarters First (Independent Battalioo) Fair Grounds, Columbia, S C., May 16, i 893 General Order No 1 Paragraph No 1 -By order of His Excci lenc5. W m H Ellerbe, Governor and com? mander in ebit-f, tbia battalion is composed of the following companies: Darlington Guards. Sumter Li*bt Infantry, Ed;sto Rifles and Manning Guards. Paragraph 2 B'gmnitg tr?is afti-roooo nt 7 o'clock, there will oe three drills every day except Sunday as follows: .Company drills at 7 a m : battalion drills aik p. tn ; natialion drills at 7 p m. Paragraph 3 Lient B. D. Wilson, cf the Sumter Ltght Infantry, is herfbv ap pointed acting adjutant until the regularly appointed adjutant, W. Elliott Goczt'S*, re? ports or duty. Paragraph}^ Sergeant Norman H. Bull, of the Kdisto Rifl?s, is hereby cetailcd to act as sergeant maj ?r of tbe battalion Paragraph 6. On the ocea3;on of the drills mentioned tn tbe foregoing paragraphs, can tains of the compaciss ate hereby directed to place in ihe ranks, until further order?, all sergeants who have not been thoroughly drilled and wbo may therefore need i oat ruc? i?os By order of Major Thompson. B D. Wi .on, Lieutenant and Acting Adjutant Gov. Ellerbe has appointed Dr. E. J Wan namaker, of Orar.grburg, assistant surgeon of the independeo?**batiHlion. Walter Grif? fen, of Darlir gton, was appointed hospital steward The troops yesterday lost tbeir first man by daaib. Corporal W. H Parker of the Buller Guards of Greenville, died of pneu? mon?a at the Coluu bia Hospital, after ao ill? ness of leo days. He was 21 years of age, aod his captain sate, last evening "he was a fice yoong mao, possessed of tntny excel? lent qualities." He vms well np to. Wednes? day of last week, standing bis physical ex? amination and being tccepted. On that day, however, hs was attacked by pneumonia, and was promptly removed to the Colombia Hos? pital. Be got worse steadily, and bis com? pany had to be aus'et ed without bim. I bave been a sufferer from ch roo ic diar? rhoea ever since the war and bave used all kinda of medicines for it- At last 1 found one remedy tbat has been a success as a core, and tbat is Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea GRISHAM, Gaars Mills, LA. For dale ny A. J China. To see is ?o try, to try is to buy the "White." The White is king of sewing machines. Col. D J Auld bas requested The [teni to state as a matter of justice to G<>8 Lynch, that the report of big de?erticn from the Sumter Light Infantry is wholly unfoonded He was discharged from the Company by order of Gov Etlerr-e who wag iroponuoed dailr to do eo by Mrn. Lynch. She would t->ke no denial, and finally to settle the matte', Gov. Ellerbe ordered Gus Lynch to go home T. B. Rice, Druggist, Greensboro, G* , writes h3 follow* : c,In the paet eight years, I have so'd mor?* of Dr. Pitts' Carm^naiite than all the soothing syrups, colic drops, and other baby medicines com? bined." ?old by J F. W. l)eL?::ue. Mr. Jus. A. Whrren has bern appointed tanager of the Sumter Telephone Sssbtt'ge and has enreri-d upon th* disc ?rge cf big duties. He wM make every effort to improve the telephone strvice in every respect possible and ?li complaints made to him ?ill prompt attention. On?? Mintfe is not long, jet rei?ef is ob-1 tainr-d in half that ticse by ;he use cf 0-e j Minute Con^h Cure. It prevents co'isurup-j tion and quickly cures cold-, croup, irur.cht tif>, pcenraouia, Ia gr:ppe and ail throat and lung troubles Hughson Ligoo Co Several recruits went to Columbia last Saturday io eolfot in the Sumter Lighi In? fantry. The company isi filling up ard tbe las' rf por:- received stale ih-:t only twelve or Sfteen more men are needed to fill up the roll. S. C. P Jones, Milesburg, Pa , writes : "I bnve used DcWiti's Lute ^nrlv Risers ?ver since they were introduced here and ! oust say I have never used ??ny pt 1 ia in my Coolly during forty years or house keeping hat gavr such KHii?fac'.or? resulis as a iaxa :ive or cathartic." Hughsou-Ligon Co. According ?o 'he Columbia papers the Sum- j er Light Infantry had 53 men uccep'ed and ?2 rejected. Tue fi ju res rio not account for! ill the men who went w:ih th2 coojp-wii aid J lave sicce gon^ over es recruits. Whta has j )eCuB)8 cf tbe oihers ? Jf ff Clark ?nd Sam Garner were r?efore May- j >r Wilson yesterday mornir.g for ciiso.dt-rly :ocdott, fighting aod cursing or; the street, i rhe tow occurred in Sam Garner's 3bop j )n Libfrty Street, and knives and ra- ! sors were brought in:o NO:KUI ts well as a ! i jed of pro tanny The pO:ice gathered the J romoatants i!> before an) : lood v;.s?. spilled, i lowever. Jeff Clark vv*v, t?ote:?c;-d to pay a I ir.eof$10or work tbe stree:-? tor thirty lays. Sam Garner hud t??e option o' $5 or : -n days ou the 6treet. H. ta took rtednys. Sorce people may assert that ihe war is not elt bv the average man, but it is felt ana mat leverely, all the ?ame. For instance, a farmer . rrfiti.ifd ?'arly i:i the season to obtain $20 . or'h of supplies eachi mooth, 'i'ois was the . st h* co;ild get a?oni on. Now the ad- , 7.<:rc in the price ol *H provisions retriers it i m possible to li*e on $2? worth per month | ?nd be has been forced to make nev/ arrnoge oems in ord?r to ?ive until bis crop is made [ po-v costs him $23 a mo.Uh to live as a .eeult of war pnetf. The June Term Jurors. Tbe pe'it jurors to serve duriog the June term of Court were drawn yesterday. For tbe June term but one panel is drawn, the docket as a rule r.eing ligbt and there is co r eed for ? more than one i anel of petit jorora The j jary list is as follows : J R Mayes, D ? Remberr, P L Jones, H C ! WateoD, Willis White, Hy S Emereon, M D ! Weaver, J F Bracford, W W McKagen, R M j Brown, S J Minis, J LNeii, J M Nelson, fl T j Edens, E F Barrows, T H Osteen, T F Cele, j T D Chandler, J C Parnell, Geo M Sanders, j W R Weldon. J K McLeod. D V Keels, J E j Herriotr, J T Mu In* row, Richard London, j John W Gedding, T M Moore, W BCauthen, ? E G Brown, M A Grooms, W E Pritchard, Saaoe! Hagin, W A Brown, J F Biker, R ? Dixon. Hood's pills are prompt, efficient, al wa* s reliable, e*sy to take, easy to operate. 2?c. The ev dence ic the case proves Hood'.1 Sarsaparilla curta rheumatism, dyspepsia, catartb, tbet tir^d feeling, scrofula, e?!t rhuem, boils, humors and all blood diseases. Comie'Gnllagb jr who was examined latt week not only passed the r?id ex?*nf?natioo, but was c. rr; ol i min ted ;by Dr Woods, the Un ted Slates Surgeon, who bas charge cf tbr exarxinaiion of ail recruits. Dr. Woods told Connie that be WAS the best specimen ] of physical manhood be bad encountered ! since beginning the examination of the j South Carolina Volunteers. Connie ?3 everv ? inch a man and vii! given gcod account of hirn?e!f whenever duty calls biro. He hoids ? tbe hundrf-d yarda chtrrpionship cf the Caro? lina's, having wen the first prize at Cj?r- j lotte last year, ?rod if be encounters the . en mv th S Anderson, of Rnssv?le, York county, Pena , who yaw ?he hardest kind of service at tbe fron?, is now frequently trou? bled with rheumatism. "I i>.a a severe at? tack iiiteiy," heea^s, "and procured a bot tie of Chamoerlain's Pain B*lra. It did so much good that I would like to know what you chirge me for one dozin bottles." Mr. An? derson wanted it both fer his own U3? and to soppiy it to his friends and neighbors, as every family should have a bottle of it in their home, not only for rheumatism, out lame back, sprains, swelling, cuts, braises and burns, for which ii is u-uquailed For sa-e by A J. China. Look ! AL s ; itch ia Time. Save3 nine. Hughe's Tonic (oew'improved, taste pleasant), taken in early Spriog and Fail prevents Chilla, Dengue and Malarial Fevers. Acts on rh? liver, tenes up the sys? tem, Better than Quinine.. Guaranteed, try it. At broggists 50c. and $100 boules. x i oct. Council Meeting. 1 The City Council brid a regular meet og ast Wednesday evening. Miller & Lowry wcreeiecfed public printers for the next two ye*ts. It wa9 decided to postpone the election of other officers until the uext meeting. A resoloiion was adnp'ed to borrow $2,000 to meet the expenses of the Board of f?e*itb and some otber billa. Mr. George D Sacre was elected a me~ ber of the Board of Heahh to succeed Mr L. S Carson, ?bo resigned when elected a mem? ber of tbe Council. Pitts Carminative tide digestion, regulates tbe bowe s, cores Cholera Infantum, Cholera Morbus, D?sentry, and all diseases of the s'om*cb and bowels It is good for both children and adults. Sold by J. F. W. De Lorine. Institute commencement. The invitations to the commencement ex? ercises of the Sumter Institute have been is? sued. The order of exercises will be as fol owe ; Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday, May 29>h, 8 o clock p. m.-Rev J. A. Clifton, D D. Concert, Monday, May 30th, 8 30 o'clock p. m. Gradoating Exercises, Toecdar, May 31st, 8.30 o'clock p m. Literary Address by Pres? ident F. C Woodward. Tbe young ladies who will be graduated as the class of 1898 are : Misses Addie Brog doo, Essie Fleming, Baulah Fox, Mary Hugh Fraser, Ada Mayes, Ktty McFaddin. Another Case of E h euroa ns m Cured by chamberlain's Pam Balm. My soo v. ?s tfflicted with rheumatism which contrxcted bis right limb until be was unable to walk. After using ore ana a naif bottles of Chamberlain's Pam Ba'tu be was aile to be annul again j lean heartily re? commend ir 'o persons sufivrmg f om rheu maii?n).-JOHN SNIDER, Free . Calhoun Co., . W Va-For sale by A. J. Cbica. Shooting Scrapa on Bicker's Row, M'icd?y afternoon just before six o'clock word WHS sent up towr-i from Rear's Row J that a negro bad been killed i*? a fight that ? had tcccorred in one of the dives at that sec? tion ot th** town. A little later it w s ascer t^io-'d that the roan had not been killed out? right, but b?d been sa."?t 'brough ?he thigh a-id wasblefd:?g todeatbfor wan t'of attention. Medical attention wa- despatched to thf wounded ma-> ?cd Denny rSberiff Gaillard j and Constable Frank K Wion set rut to ar- j rrst the ro?*n who did the shooting. He a rv C?rr, the womded man. was foand lying on th? ground, ol^edinc i.rofuse)y from trie wound io bis thigh, but tre hemorrhage was soon conirciled and be was theo remov j ed io a bou*e near by. Tba wound is se- j rious but not necessarily fatal, and witb the j proper care Carr wiil recover. Wiiliara Williams, wh ?ahotCirr attempted i to nnke bis escape aerosol a field but was run rlnwn hy Mr. Gailiard, ?ho was on horseback ' .fter an excitiog chase. Wil?aru3 bad his ! pistol io bis hand and would have used lt bad he not been coverer *?y bis pursuer and' nace to hold up his bard-*. Williams was carried to j iii and will 0" brid until tbe re? sult cf CUrr'a wounds caa he determined. War in sewing machines, but ibe "White" j s victorious. Perfect Health. j Keep the system in perfect or- I ier by the occasional use of j Putt's Liver Pills. They reg- j .ilate the bowels and produce I A Vigorous Body.t j ?/or sick headache,malaria, bil- j >iisness, constipation and kin red diseases, an absolute cure :. UTfS Liver PILLS i - WAR AT HOME AS WELL AS AT MANILA. We are waging a War on high prices ! We 1 will allow from this date ?rn 15 per cent? Discount on j all goods. REMEMBER OUR GOODS ARE MARE- 1 ED IN PLAIN FIGURES, And are marked with a close margin. Our stock is too large, jj considering the troubles at home and abroad. is's This Money' saying Opportunity. y I Everything goes in our Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, &c. REGULATORS OF PRICES FOR SUMTER, S. C. m Big Values For Little Money Coffees, Coffees, Our Coffees, at 8c, 9c5 10c, and 12 l-2c can't be duplicated elsewhere. FLOUK of all grades at regular mill prices. A big stock of LYE. SALT, TUBS, SODA. LARD, BUCKETS, SOAPS, CORN, BROOMS, STARCH. MEAL. BRUSHES, SUGARS. BACON, CIGARS, CHEESE, CANDIES, CHEROOTS, BUTTER. CRACKERS, CIGARETTES, BAKING POWDER, SMOKING TOBAQCO. PLUG TOBACCO, Oar warehouse is full of BIG "VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY, Blocks of Canned Goods at remarkably low prices. Lots of Goods at Regular Wholesale Prices and Some for Less. lt will pay you to spencTyour cash with us. l^ou will be surprised how much you eau save by doing it. Mail orders V have our prompt attention. Crosswell & Co? The Premier Flour It makes more Loaves of Bread than any other Flour. Use the Old Settable PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVS PATENT FLOUE, ^roond frote the cream of Marv lund nod Virginia wheat, s^nrds in the lend net oniy at home ut in foreiga markets, for t uiity, strength and uniform quality it bas no equal. If jon want tire beat be pure you tret this brnad. For sale ty CROMWELL & CO. ?ept. 1. 7 4.N TS m?N WANTED. [XT A K ? E D-AV ? I ? u i Loirs Tb? Te!*> VV phone Mfg. Co, custer, S C P I. Bos 107. Feb. lo tf ? A MOWER for we ehi-ap- McCormick j Mower in first cl?ss condition, good a? ? t?, wi'l pel' cheap. Apply to J vi Sp^nu ? f Expresa effie*. Mar - - tf ; i?SSF ?T^Un^O! j ^-PHYSICIAN AND STJRGKON Office over HoiHor.'s Dru? Store. uNAGHAN BLOCK. SUMTER, S. C. I Ap il 13-4L rpHK MANAGEMENT cf the Equitable I L'i> Assurance Society in this territory it desirous cf scenting the services of a man of charret?e ?:.(! ability to represent its inter? ests, w-i?r> Suu-t^r as headquarters. The right umn will be ?hcr?ughly educated to the science cf life insurance and the art of suc cess'nl .soliciting. There is no business cr profession, not reqniring capital, which is mr-re rrmnceraitve th*n a life agency con? ducted with energy and abiir.y Correspond? ence with men who desire to secure employ? ment, end are ambitious to attain prominence io tbe profession, ii invited. W. J. aODDEY, Manager,