The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 27, 1898, Image 5

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WBDNB8DAY. APRIL 27, 1898" VT--"-~ Entered ai the Fost O?ce at Sunter, S (?., as Second Glass Matter. If^W ADVEBTISBMENl*sT~ - H. Harby-Hard to Hold Schwartz Bros.-A Friday Sale. PEBSONAL. Miss, Caro Beiser is visiting io the city. Mr. 8, W. Dabbs speot Friday io tl* city. Miss Hattie Doar left Wednesday for Som merv??te. Ur. T. B Rbame, of Magnolia, speot Mon* . day io towo. Maj. Theo. Debon waaia the city Thursday | on business. Mr. N 6. Osteeo, Jr, is ia tbe eitj for a few day a stay. I Mr. Basel 1 Brand, of Augusta, spent Sun? day in this etty. Dr. S F. Darby, of Magnolia, was io town Moad&y on business. - Mies Leila Sims, of Beaufort, is the g nest of Mrs. S. E. Edmunds. Miss Nettie Weinberg, of Manniog, is the g nest of Mrs Ferd. Levi. Mr. John H. DesCbamps, of Elliotts, bas ? been io the city for several days. Mrs. H. W. Bea! and children bay? rt turn? ed from & T?eit to Summerton S. C. .Mrs S. L. Eba ugh. who bas been witing io Colombia returned to tbe city Monday. K|| M re. J J. Watson, of Columbia, is visit? ing her parents, Dr. and Mrs A. J China. Mr. James Holman ?eft on Tuesday for Lexington, Ky , wbese be win make bis home io fotore. . ? . . . Miss Minnie Briggs, who bas been visiting Mm Georgie Ingram, left Thursday for ber borne in Clarendon. Messrs H. Ry ttenberg and H. C. Mosss re? to med Tbarsday from Columbia where they ?uendeS the Grand Lodge, K. ot H. Rev. John Kershaw after spending a few ;-- days in the city with his daughter, Mr? L. S Carson bas returned *o his home in \ .: Charleston. Ur. L. W Corbett, of Santa Paola, Cal, is in tba city visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. - J. N. Corbett, ne bas been absent from ?he State for aeren tees years. f Miss Coriniw^Leseann, left Monday nfter noon for ber bom* io Sommerville, after a P stay of several weeks as the guest of toe j- family of Capt. W. E. Ziegler. " -? iC The new pest boose was completed t?on . day. Ddgar Reel Squad has decided not togo to Augusta next week to ~ake part ia tbt Firemen's Tournament. Several car loads of canoon, rapid fire ?june and ammonitioo passed through thia city v for Georgetown last week. The vaccination coder tba direction of tbe 5 J-. B?ard of Health was con tinned y and ~ every tffort is being made to vaccinate - erery resident of tbe city within the present we?k. It is said that Chief of Police J. E. Brad 7; ford will have so opposition for re-election. Hs bas discharged his duties witt entire sat? isfaction and merits re-election* A large Formaldehyde Disiofector bas been received by the Board of Health. Heikitb Officer Reardon will begin disinfecting tbe boo ses that were occupied by the smallpox suspects. . Street Commissioner Tr ibbie is repairing tba -sidewalk on tbe East side of Mai o Street, near tbe depot A3 tbat side is used by tbe bicyclists tbe work tbat is now in progreu is meeting with outspoken commendation. is tbe number of tba phone at tba Delga? Reel Sqoad rooms If your bc nee or your neighbor's boose is en fire, call ST. Io this war yon can increase the effi? ciency of your fire department. Subscribe to tb? Sumter Dotty Item. It gives tbe war news fifteen hours ahead of ?tny morning paper published in tba State, and in a concise form. Ten eeo ts per week; ons year $4 50. J. Byttenberg ? Sons raised an immense United States fijg over their store as soot) as tneoews was received that Presidest McKin? ley bad informed Congress that war existed, and it will not be lowered no til peace - is de dared. The fire alarm last Wednesday night tras caused by a small fire at tbe residence of Mr. J. H. Chandler. Tbe alarm wes sent in over tbe telephone, bot before tbe reel Equnds arrived tbe fire bad been extinguished. A telephone line has.been cot in ?om the Hose Sill line cf J. Ryttenberg A Sons to the smallpox camp of detention Tbs Sumter Telephone Co furnished tbe phone and made the connection with tbs Rose Bit! line sod tbe ercbange, while tbe Mesare. Ry ttenberg permitted tbe u?e of their line. Subscribe to The Daily hem st once, if yon want tba latest war news. Weare giv? ing a crack a jack telegraphic service that gives the news fifteen boors ahead of any of the big morning dailies The subscription is ten cents per week or $4 60 per 3 ear. Seed stamps or money order, commercial exchange with order-we haven't time to keep books oo subscription accounts. Paper will be dis continuad when time paid for expires Tbe war newe furnished bv the telegraph ic service of The Sumter Daily Item is a long ways ahead of any thing tbat can be obtained by the people of Central Sooth Carolina. Tbe news is given in a concise form and it ie reliable. _Ooly facts tbat bave been confirm? ed are stated as facts, and ru 1 ors aod reporte ?re given for what they are worth and no more. Compulsory vaccination was commenced Mooday by all tbe physicians cf the city, they having, without exception, tendered their services to the Board of Health. The city bas been divided into districts ?od s> segued as follows : Ward 1-Dr J C. Spano aod Dr. J. A. C:ifton ; Ward 2.-Dr. J S. Bogbson aad Dr. A. C. Dick ; Ward 3-Dr. S. C. Raker and Dr. B. M. Stackey; Ward 4 -Dr'. A. J. China and Dr. Archie China: Cotton Factory aod whites le-iviog west of Manning avenue aod South of railroad-Dr. J A. Mood: Colored people leaviog west cf Manoicg Avenue sod sooth of railroad Dr. Smith. AU of tbe doctors made* . ao early start Monday morniog end spent tbe- entire forenoon io the work of vacci? nation. There will be no let up notil every boose bas beso visited aod every pe reo 3 io the city bas beeo rendered immune to contagion from Small pox. Tbe Shakers of Mount Lebsoco, a commu? nity bf simp.e, honest, God-fearing men asi women, bave prepared the Shaker Digestiv s Cordial for maoy jeare, aod it is always the same, simple, honest,-curative medici re that bas bel; ed to make tbe Shakers the healthy, long-lived people that they are. The Sba kers never have indigestion. This is partly owing to their sin pie mode of life, partly to the wonderfol properties of Shaker Digestiv? Cordial. Indigestion rn cst:sed by tbs stom? ach glands not supplying enough digestive joice. Shaker Digestive Cordial supplies what's wanting. Shaker Digestive Coroiai invigorates the stomarh and all its glands so that after awhile they don't need help As i evidence of the honesty of Shaker Digest i u; Cordial, tbe formols ia printed on every bot tie Sold by druggist^ price 10 cen:s to $) 03 per bottle. ^ DEATH. Capt VTilliam E. Plowdeo died lest Friday at his orme ?Q thia city after ao illness of several ?eek. The rt mains were taken to Brick Cborcb for interment where the fune? ral services were held Saturday norning. DEMO OB ATI C CLUB MEETING. Club Be-Organized and Delegates Elected Io accordance with the call of the County Chairman, the Sumter Democratic Cloe met io the Court House last Saturday eveoiog at 8 30 o'clock, with the President in the chair. The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing two years : Preside ot-H. G.* Osteeo. First Vice Presideot--T. B. Fraser, Jr. Second Vic* President-R 0. Pardv. Secretary-J. M. Knight. Member Executive Committee-M. Moise. Delegates were elected to the Coonty Con? vention as follows: H G Osteeo, R D Lee, R 0 Pordy, Ada? mant Moses, H F Wilson, M C Kavacaogb, J Diggs Wilder, H L Scarborough, R W Brad ham, W S Jones, Mt rion Moise, T B Fraser, Jr, Edgar Skiooer, J A Benno. M DeVeaux Moore, C M borst, Jr, C H New? man, J M Koigbt, H Rytteoberg, J H Chan? dler, Shepard Hash. Tbe President was empowered to 611 ali va? cancies io the delegation. It was moved and carried that the Presi? deot at his leisure, appoint a committee to raise tbe toll of tbe duo, after which tbe dob adjourned. mm? $ i ta If you want a nice organ an easy terms, see Randie. T. B. Rice, Druggist, Greensboro, Ga , writes as follows : "In the past eight years, I have sold more of Dr. Pitts' Carminative than all the soothing syrups, colic drops, aod other baby medicines com? bined." Sold by J. F. W. DeLorme. Lieutenant D J. Auld called a special meet? ing of Monaghan Hose Company Monday night for the parp?se of transacting special busi? ness. Tbe coys say the meeting was short bot very warm. ? A torpid liver robs you of ambition a*d rni?? yonr health. DeWitt'e Little Early Risers cleanse tbe silver, core constipation and liver troubles. J. S. Hogbson & Co. The Baptist ladies will serve ice cream and cake on tbe Graded School square oext Mon? day afternoon. Proceeds go to the new cborcb fond. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have been restored to health by Ooe Minute Cough Cure It quickly cures coughs, colds, bron? chi .is, pneumonia, grippe, asthma, aod all throat and lang diseases.-J. S. Hngbson & Co. Mr. J H. Barns was before the Mayor yes? terday for riding a bicycle OD tbe sidewalk at night without carryiog a lighted lao tero. He was found guilty and required to pay a fine of $1. Thirty-five years make a generation. That is bow long Adolph Fisher, of Zaoesville, 0., suffered from piles. He was cored by using three boxes of Dewitt's Witch Hszel Salve. -J. S. H ughs ton A Co. No volunteers for service io Coba have yet beeo reported from Sumter County. Since the Scouter Light Infantry was disbanded ?be military spirit b*s been wanting in tbe Gace Cock County. It is a great leap from the old fashioned doses of blae-n-ass aud nauseous physics to the pleasant little pills known as De Witt's Little Early Risers. Tl ey cure constipation, sick headache and biliousness.-J. S Hugh son & Co. No more tbao a fit tb of the Democratic clubs io Sumter County met and reorganized on Saturday last as required by the party constitution. Children like it, it saves lives. We mean One Minute Cough Core, the infallible remedy for congos, coldr, croup, bronchitis, grippe, aod all throat aod iong tioubles-J. S. Hogbson ? Co It was reported around town Monday afternoon that the Darlington Guards bad been ordered to Colombia and would pass through on tbe 9 o'clock train, so a small crowd met tbe?trair? to get a chance to see tbe soldiers, but ?b#y found that the rumor was all a fake. The fat mer, tbe mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts a nd bruis? es DeWitt's Witch Bezel Salve is the best thing to keep oo hand. It heals quickly, and is a well known cure for piies.-J. S. Hagbsoo k Co, Nt w is the time to advertise io The Baily Item. The regular cub?crij.iion list bas in? creased hundred.^ within the past six days and is still growiE^fj^ Tbe advertising rates remain unchanged for the present A little boy asked for a bottle cf "get up io tbe morning as fast aa yoo can," the drae?ut recog?, zed a hocsshoM name for "DeWitt's Little Early Risers," aad eave him a bottle of those fa*ooo9 little pills for constipation, sick headache, liver and stom? ach troubles -J. S Hagbsoo s Co. Flour and all sorta of provisions have ad? vanced in price this week. War tims prices will be io effect within a short time, although there is not the slightest real reason for in? creased prices at this time. The advance in prices ts purely speculative, and the speculat? ors are takit g advantage of the circumstances to m&ke money. M L. Yocum, Cameron, Pa., says "I was a sufferer for ten years, tryiog most all kinds of pile*remedies, but without success, DeWitt's Witch Hsz?l Salve waa recommended to me. I used one box. It bas effected a permanent "cure." Ae a permanent cure for piles De? witt's Witch Hazel Salve bas oo equal. J S. Hugbson ? Co. Coroner Moses was notified Sunday that the body of an infant bad been plowed np in a field oo Mr. W. M. Graham's fan in the Turkey Creek bottoms ID the eastern suburbs of the ci'y. The dead child was unearthed oo Saturday but no report was made of the ghastly d if co vii* ' y until noon on Sunday A jury ct inquest was empanelled and tbe body examined, but info>mation being wanting, no verdict could be rendered and tbe jury ad? journed to meet ou Tuesday. The dead in? fant >8 eupposed to have be*?n buried in tbe field ?ometime in February, for that field was plowed over about tbe last of January and tbe body was not 'there, but ?ben the field was plowed over on Saturday the body w?s brought to light. It is believed that the child was killed, the ckoll being crushed in one place, but this can be decdidejonly after the physicians called io to make ao examination have reported. Tbe dead infant is eupposed to have been a negro. The White is king of sewing machines. War in sewing machines, but tbe "White" is victorious. Stateburg Club Re-organization, In pursuance of the cail of tbe Cou n y j Chairman, the Stateburg Democratic Club j organized on the 23d, and e'ected the fol- . lor. ii;g officers to serve for the next t*? ' v*ars: Presideot, Dr W W. Anderson, j V:ce Precedents, Dr W. W. Andersen, Jr., ; ar.d Mr S. E N l3oc ; Sec ettrry and T.ess? orer, W. J. Rees The detegaus to the County Convention are: S E Nelson, W J. Norris a-d W. J. Reep. After revising the club roll we have sev- j en ty six mem&2;.8 W J. Esss, Secretary. I Absolute Authority. THE BOARD OP HEALTH GIV? EN EXTBAOBDINABY POWEBS'BY LAW. There are some people in Sumter who have questioned the right of the Board of He Mb to enforce the compulsory vaccination order and the rule requiring smallpox patients and suspecte to be removed from tbe city to the pest house or camp of detention, end for their benefit ai,d enlightenment the following opin? ion obtaioed by the Chairman of the Board cf Health is published : Dr S C. Baker, City Dear Sir: Under the acts of tbe Legisla? ture creatiog tbe Board cf Health a*d defin? ing tba powers and dotie* thereof, tt e Board has be?n given extraordinary powers. It can use such force ag may be necessary in order to carry out any orders made by tbe Board in reference to vaccination, removal of persons from the city who have infectious diseases, or who should te isolated by reason of having com* in contact with such persons. Your powers are absolute, and it would be worse tbao madness for anyone to attempt to successful combat them. Yours trnlv, R 0. PURDY, Chairman Police Committee The following extracts from a letter from Dr James Evana, secretary of the State Board of Health will also be found interest? ing : Dr. S. C. Baker, Sumter, SC: Dear Doctor-I do not know if Sumter ha3 any town ordinance on the tulj?ct; if it has oot, the Town Council ought to meet at once and pa?s,ooe, to give the Health Officer au? thority to arrest any one with a loathsome and contagions disease, and carry and detain bim at a piare sufficiently removed from other residents of the town as to render it impos? sible for him to communicate the disease to others You have as much right to do this 88 you have to artest him to prevent him from inflicting injury and death to one of his neighbors with a weapon. Of conree, you most obtain the authority from your towo authorities The various Acts of the Legisla* ture in regard to sanitation aod the estab? lishment of Boards of Health in towns and cities, give them authority io rass such an ordinance. Ia the country districts, I have sanitary inspectors, duly empowered by the Governor, who have the power and are or? dered, wheo necessary to have smallpox pa? tients arrested and removed to some pest honse and there gnarded until tbey recover; also to arrest and remove to a detention camp efery o?e who has been exposed to others and detain for 16 days. Yours, &c, JAMES EVANS. Smallpox News. Dis S. C Baker a,nd H. V Stuckey, the medical members of the Board of Healtn have decided to take charge of the pest bou3e and will attend all patients who may be sent the.-e for detention Dr Baker will have charge cf tbe pest boase for one week and then Dr. Stackey will be on duty for the same length .of tims The Board of Health endeavored to employ a regular physician to take charge of tbe psst bouse, but none of the local physi sians would Hccept the positon, cooeequenly the two members of the Board volunteered to perform the unpleasant bot nectssaiy duty. No new cases of the disease have been dis? covered or reported to the Health Officer. Tbo8 far tbere have been but two c?es, and both of these are on a f?ir way toward re? covery. ----*?. ?. A Great Lecture. Rev. Thomas Dixon, of America, spoke in the Opera HouseTbarsday night aod bespoke as no other man who bas ever vi it d Sumter has ever spoken nor could opeak It waa ? ltrciu<e tbat will ?ive tn thc m mo ries of bis bearers so long as recollection and reason bold doa.inion io their minds There is no teed to speak io pr i.eof such a speaker, tboee who have beard him, know all tbat could be said, while those wbo bave been denied that pleasure would attribute to enthusiasm the expressions or siocete appreciation and ad? miration that might be peoned. Tbere could be nothing finer, stronger, more inspiring, more patriotic than bis intro? ductory remarks io reference to the Cuban situation. The mao who would not feel thai a war with Spain ts justifiable iu the eyes of men and approved of God, after bearing Thomas Dixon's indictment of Spain and his views of the duty of tbe United States, is a creature unworthy of c:tizership in any coun? try and a callous hearted villiao The lecture on the "New Woman" was admirable in conception and so delivered that to sit and listen for an bcur and a half was a rare pleasure that ended all too soon Dixon is an original thinker and his point of view is ofteo far different from that cf the average mao, bot bis premie*a are always well taken and his arguments onfioswerable. Look! I stitch ia Time. Saves nine. Hughe's Tonic (new'improved, taste pleasant), taken io earlv Sprigg and Pall prevents Chills, Dengue and Malarial Fevers. Acts on the liver, tones up the sys ietn, Better than Qiinine. Guaranteed, try ir. At Druggists. 50c. and $100 lonies x 1 oct. Wisdom to-day means comfort to monow. To prove it buy a "White" and use it. To see is to try, to try is to buy the "White." --^m?~-?pru Off For Crjarle8ton. The Confederate Ve'eraos and others who will attend the Reunion io Cbarlestoo left on a special train at 4 o'clock yesterday after? noon. A much larger party than wa3 at first expected to go was made up and the snecial coach of Camp Dick Andereon was filled. In the party were the following gen? tlemen ? nd ladies : T V WnlsH, J D Blanding, Perry Moses, H C Moses, P P Gaillard, J H Terry, J C Parnell, E W Moise, RM Ama?. K C Moise, John Bro&don. Howard Jones, fi W Rivers, I D Wilder. Converse Reid, J R Wentberlv, Dr J S Hugbson, E Scott Carson, J F W DeLorc e, yS M Lebby, J W Mootgomerv, J H Cooper, R J Dick, J E Gaillard, J T Ed? wards, W H Iogram, J C Scott, John Mont? gomery, Mr3 W H Ingram, Mrs M P Cordes, Miss Daisy Gaillard, Miss M DcYeaox, Miss Annie Gaillard, Miss Pauline Gaillard, Mrs Archie China, M ifs Cat rie Moses, Mrs LS Carson, Mrs H B Bloom, Miss Mamie Hugh eon, Mrd J D Wilder, Mrs Agues Bogie, Mids Jessie Moise. Success--Worth Knowing 40 years' success in the South, proves Hughe's Tonic a great remedy for Cb lla and all Mala? rial Fevers. Better than Q linice. Gaare.c te?d, try it At Druggists. EOc. and $1 00 botties. x 1 oct. If jcu are after comfort in sewing ycu will . :. :e_? . . f, ? . .-| ?< ? wo uu ? tuc t?UHC Tbe "Wbiie""ruos light. The "White" sews right. The ''White" is the pride of bo ne. If jou want a new organ for your old one Sie Randie. ?UKtb WHtKfc ALL tLbt rAIL?. Best Cougb Syrup. Tastes Good. Usc in time. Sold by druggists. Th* Veterans Presented With a Flag To Camp Pi<k Anderson, No 334, Uoited Confederate Veterans, Sumter, S. C.: Dick Anderson Chapter, No. 35, Daughters of the Confederacy, t?ke plpauure io present? ing to \ on this flag. As tt.e hopes aLd prayers of the women were with you, through all the bitter strug? gle, SJ are they LOW with yon, heart and soal, ic ycur tfforts to perpetuate the memo? ry of those days of p-io, of sorrow, but of everlasting glory Sumter, S. C . April 21, 18S8. SUMTKR, S. C , April 22, 1895. Miss Carrie Moses, President Dick Anderson Chapter Daughters of the Confederacy : Dear Miss Moses-Yours of yesterday at hand. As it is not possible to get A meeting of Camp Dick Anderson, Uoited Confederate Veteran*, we beg to tender officially to Dick Anderson Chapter, U. D. C., the grateful thanks cf the Camp for the beautiful banner accompanying your letter. It will 6rst be unfurled at tbe Re-unioo of South Carolina Division in Charleston oo the 27tb, instant We appreciate the spirit and motives wbicb prompted tbe donation, the work of the fuir hands of tbe daughters, and allow rae to add that but for the approval a d sacrifices mi?de by the women of the Confederacy, ber sol? diers could not have HUS tai ned as they did, the long struggles on untented fields against such overwhelming numbers. Excuee one other thought War, thmk God, foreign and not civil, ia upon our coun? try. As the mothers did in the sixties, let the Daughters now inspire ?he yoong men to do their whole duty to their country. Wt feel assured, that both will act weil their part3, and the Sons of Sumter County will not be 'aggard but ready "to be near the fli8bi?g o? the guns," whether on foreign or domestic soil, and sustain the reputation the "Gamecock County," bas borne through every war 6it:ce 1776 Sincerely end truly yours, J D. BLANDIXG. Commat der D A. Camp, ?. C V. P. P Gaillard, Adj. D. A Camp, U. C V. The banner can be seen at The Item effbe. The Spaniards have substituted the American bog for the American eagle, and declare that to be the fitting em clem of this catioo. They may have tb apologize to the eagle before lo>.g. Augusta CaroDK-le. Much in Little Is especially true of Hood's Pills, for no me di cine ever contained so great curative power in so small space. They ure a whole medicine Hood's chest, always ready, al? ways efficient, always sat? isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver ills, sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c The only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. WANTS. WANTED-Walnut Logs. Tbe Tele? phone Mfg. Co, tumter, S C. P. 0. Box 107. Feb. 16 tf. SCHWARTZ r * A BUSY SAY WAS LAST FRIDAY ! Pills The first of our Special Sale6 The goods T^HY ^"ces we ma^e are ai! *" ll 1 6e\\ (hem while new " Dew. _ ? We are Making Prep? arations for a Big Day Next Friday. DON'T MISS IT. REMEMBER NEXT FRIDAY. DO THESE PRICES PLEASE : THE GOODS ARE ALL NEW. 15 pcs ( Jaconat Ducht ss, C For Friday 19>-9P -5 GuiPQre -??ice, J Q cocas, 20 pcs Fancy Lawns, 32-in, n 10c goode-for Friday saie, ' ^ 25 pcs Canvas Cloths-go on Op Friday at 0{j 36 in best Perca'es, from last *J sale at . ^ 25 pcs Colored Lawns, special \ ~ for Friday, *b 10 pcs Fine Col'd Organdies, -IQ? the 25c gooda to go at - l-<^; 5 pieces White Scrims-for J? Friday at T 50 White Quilts, hemmed, ready for use to go as follows : 15 10 4, worth 60c, at 49c 10 ll 4, worth 75c, at 59c 15 114, worth $1, at 89c 10 12 4, wotth $1.25 at 98c Also another lot of 15 d^z Ladies' Shirt Waists, ?ue 75? and gi kind-for KA? Friday, ?V{j Also a great big Handkerchief Sale See the display and prices for Friday. Schwartz Bros Palace Dry Goods Emporium. Prepare to be ASTONISHED! Once in about every hundred years somebody appears who is going to change the course of events. Thafs What We art Going to Do. We aie simply revolutionizing the Dry Goods Trade of Sumter. By doing away with the enormous profits. We have found out the way to sell you Dry Goods and Shoes, and sell them to you right. Without extor? tionate profits, without giving you six months to pay bills in and charging you six times the honest value of goods. We are selling at prices that seem simply ridiculous when compared with those usually asked. We do this by paying cash for what we get, and getting cash for what we sell. We have many new and exclusive Novelties in Dress Goods, White Goods, Colored Organdies and Linen Effects, as well as the greatest line of Laces and Embroideries ever shown in Sumter, We handle the Val Duttenhoffer Shoes and Slippers, 7 Every pair guaranteed. We invite your inspection. I'll? fumier Jjry jjoods |Jo. REGULATORS OF PRICES FOR SUMTER, S. C. Big Values For Little Money Coffees, Coffees, Our Coffees, at 8c, 9c, 10c, and 12 l-2c can't be duplicated elsewhere. FL0LTR of all grades at regular mill prices. A big stock of LYE. SALT. TUBS, SODA, LARD, BUCKETS, SOAPS, CORN, BROOMS. STARCH. MEAL, BRUSHES, SUGARS. BACON, CIGARS, CHEESE. CANDIES, CHEROOTS, BUTTER. CRACKERS CIGARETTES, BAKING POWDER, SMOKING TOBACCO PLUG TOBACCO, Our warehouse is full of BIG VALUES FOR LITTLE MONEY, Blocks of Canned Gcods at remarkably low prices. Lots of Goods at Regular Wholesale Prices and Some for Less. lt will pay you to spend your cash with us. You will be surprised how much you can save by doing it Mail orders have our prompt attention. Cresswell & Co. Premier f^^^^^S^ more Flour I?SPATKKTO]|^HP Loaves of Use the Old Beliable PATAFSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT FLOUS, Ground from the cream of Maryland ?od Virginia wheat, st?nde in the lead not only at home but in foreign markets. For rarity, strength and uniform quality it has coequal. If yon wint the beat be sore you pet thu brand. For sale by CROMWELL & CO. Sept. 1. -THE eople's, opular, tithing, regressive hotographer. Doing the fiaest ap to-date photograph/ fan. 25-tf MAI* WANTED. rpHK MANAGEMENT of the Equitable 1 Life Assurance Society in this territory is desirous of securing the services of a man cf cberacter st? ability to represent its inter? ests, w?h Sumter as headquarters. The tight mao will be thoroughly educated to the science of life insurance and the art of sue* ceseful soliciting. There is no business or profeesioo, not requiring capital, which is more remunerative than a life agency con? ducted with energy and ability. Correspond? ence with meo who desire to secure employ? ment, and are ambitious to attain prominence in tbe profession, ia invited. W. J. RODD EY, Manager, March 23-tf Rock Hill* S. C.