The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 20, 1898, Image 7

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Testimony of Lee Befoi rf Foreign Relations Com mittee. Interesting Informatior; Coi cerntng the Explosion. Washington. April 14 -The test J moay taken befor? the Senate cot roittee on foreign relations in conne lion with the investigation into tl .relations between the United Stat? .and Cuba was made public to da; The statement which contains tl vi greatest current interest is th made by Consul General Lee on tl 12th instant, io which he said th; 1 he was informed on very good ai tbority that the Spaniards had place Iwo rows of torpedoes ti: mouth of Havana harbor, by Mon Castle, within the past two month or subsequent to the Maine di sa* te and that the switchboard is in room in the castle. He said, hov ever, that he had no information < the placing of any torpedoes befoi the Maine was destroyed, and noe vin regard to the purchase of torpi . does abroad by the Spanish "author ties. He also stated that he had D reason to suspect that the harbor ws mined before the blowing up of tb Haine. General Lee stated that he thougl . the Weyler letter (the Lame lettei IV. waa a correct copy of the genuin letter. He had information of a te ?gram from General Weyler to Ev Capet a noted Spanish woman an au admirer of Wey]er's, and also t Senor Guzman, which read : "Grav circumstances cause me to ask yo to destrov the last letter of FebT ary 18? " Genera] Lee said that this telegrai had never before been published, an he found in its strong confirm?t? r evidence of the genuineness of tb Weyler letter. THE MAINE DISASTER. With reference te the responsibil Hy for the destruction, of .the Mai*** Genera) Lee said he was satisfied tba the explosion was from the outside and that it was* caused by some o the officers who had charge of th mines and electrical wires and torpe does in the arsenal. He did no think General Blanco had anything ti do with it. General Lee said that be had seei a copy of a telegram from Admira Manterolla, dated in Havana prior t< the explosion of the, Maine, to th< Spanish commission in London, ask ing the commission to "burry np th< electrical cables." "Whether that referred to wire foi submarine mines or torpedoes I d< not koow," be continued. "I triec f to ascertain if any of the wire oi electrical cables bad arrived here? bul they came on Spanish ships, and J eould not find out " General Lee said that thia telecrran in regard to Manterolla, and also thal with reference to the Weyler tele gram, bad been furnished to the court of inquiry which investigated thc Maree disaster, but bad not been sent to Congress nor published, because o? a request of bia made to the State department not to make them public, "as I was afraid the Spanish papers there would republish it and they would probably kill the man that gave it to me " Continuing his testimony, General Lee said that he had made inquiries and ascertained that none of the electric lights of the city went oct at the time of the explosion. He had ai so heard that some of the Spanish officers celebrated the blowing up of the battleship by drinking cham pagne. CONDITIONS IN COBA. In reply to a question from Sena tor Gray, General Lee stated that the Spanish population is not especially hostile toward the United States. He said that the condition of the re concentrados was just as bad now as in General Wey le r's day. In regard to the cessation of hos tilities, General Lee thought the&ar m ist ice amounted to practically notb iog He did not think the insur gents would psy any attention to it General Lee stated that provisions were scarce in Havana, and he thought that in case of a blockade the town would surrender in a short while. The insurgents were also living from baud to mouth General Lee said that he bsd expended all but about $5,000 of the $50,000 appro? priated for the relief of American citizens in Cuba He described the condition of the Spanish soldiers in the island as be? ing very bad, and said that if Spain bas really appropriated $600.000 for the sustenance of the reconcentrados, those people would get bot very little of it, but he did not believe they had appropriated anything of the kind. He did not think there was the slightest possibility of Spain con qoering the insurgents and restoring peace in the islsnd. A number of American citizens are still there, he said, for whom active steps will have to be taken, as they are suffering and starving. General Lee said that the same condition of things existed when President Cleveland sent bim to Havana, and that be had so re? ported. Continuing, he said : ??If I bad to write that report over, I woold not dot an *i' or cross a %'. although I have been there two years , K?cetheo*' BMMHBiaMniMnflMMamMi Concerning the insurgent gover ment, General Lee paid he had nev thought :bat the insuigents had au thing except the skeleton form of ; government-a moving capital. General Lee said that when he le Havana t.he Spanish troops had n been paid for abont nine months, m had the Spanish officers for about foi months He thought that an Ame ican arny of occupation could ? into the island with saf2ty BOW OTHER TESTIMONY. Admiral John Irwin, a torpedo e: pert, appeared before the commitk on the 2d instant Ile is familii with Havana harbor.'and said, i effect, the fact that there were r dead fish the day after the explosic was not surprising, as there were z fish there . Captain Sigsbee, the commander < the Maine, was examined March 31s He repeated his o pi rion that tl: Maine was destroyed by a mine, e ther temporary or permanent. In reply to a question, Captai Sigsbee said be thought it possibl that the explosion ??OUIG have occoi red without the knowledge of th higher officials He said that rh examination made by the Spam's board waa absurd, as compared wit that of the American board Commander Bradford, torpedoes pert, stationed at Newport, was be fore the committee on March 30, an was asked to state the danger froi the Spanish flotilla of torpedo boa! and torpedo boat destroy ers. He sat be was not impressed, as naval off c?ala were with the dangerous chai acter of these boats. In bis opinior : their chief value is in preventin I blockades, if in ports wb?re such ai tempts are being made. Commander Bradford, in answer t a question, said it would be an im i portant advantage in cas ? of war t dispose of the flotilla before it reach j ed Havana Washington. April 14-Interest i . the Cuban question centered at th Senate wing of the Capitol to da; where the resolutions reported yes terday by the Senate committee oi foreign relations were under consid eration. The most significant even of the day was an attempt to fix J vote and the failure to do so on ac count of the desire of many Senator ? to debate the resolution at considera able length All day long conferences of Sena tors were held, looking to a possiblt agreement upon the form of r?solu tion to be sent to the President Great efforts were made for tb? House resolution which was knowi to be satisfactory to the Presiden and which was supported by the con eervative Senators. It is not be lieved that the House resolution cat pass the Senate, and the prospect! are that the committee resol nt io T ! will have an amendment recognizing the Republic of Cuba before it ii passed, tbe friends of recognitioi claiming a clear majority for it The conservative Senators believe the House proposition will win h ! conference, the impression being that the House will refuse to yield, and in order to prevent further delay the friends of Cuba in the Senate wi!) accept the House proposition When the Senate adjourned to? night. Senator Davis, in charge ol the resolution, repeated his intention to ask the Senate to sit continuously after the beginning of the session to? morrow, unless an agreement to fix a time for si vote can be secured "I see no other way of bringing the matter to an issue," he said "I, bi : course do ?ot enjoy night sessions any more than other Senators, but I appreciate the importance of getting the speeches off and of securing a I vote at thc earliest possible boor " Anxious as Senator Davis and oth j ers of bis mind were for f? speedy vote, the indications are fo . consid? erable delay. The Vice President already hat? received requests from about twenty Senators for recogni tion to speak, and others aro expect ed to make similar application. All these insist that they have no inten tion of speaking for the purpose of causing deUy, bot nevertheless they will consume many hours of time It would seem now that, even in case of a continuous session, a vole would not be probable before Saturday. The list of those who have express? ed a desire to speak i nein dee the fol? lowing : Senators Colloro, Daniel, Frye, Tillman, Wolcott, Spooner, Chilton, Platt (Conn ), Cannon. Pet? tigrew, Proctor. Bunows. Bacon, Wellington, Stewart, Caffery, Haw ley, White and Rawlins. Hobbed tbe Gray?. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philedelpb 'a, wa? the suhjeet, is nar? rated bj him as follows : "I was in a most dreadful COD di lion My skin was almost Yel? low, eves sunken, tongue coated, paiu con tina* ally in back and side?, no appetite-^gradually growing weaker day by day. Three i>hysi ci8ns had given me up Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' a?d to roy i great joy and surprise, the first bot tit made s j decided impro?-?ment I continued their use ! for three weeks, ?Dd am now a well man. j know they saved my life, and robbed thc grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at J F W- DeLorme'a Drug Store- 6 WILLPOWERS BACK SPAIN ? j Rome. April 15-It has been : stated here iu certain circles drat the ? powers will intervene in Spain's j favor, snd nse force if uecesuary to Baby Mine! ^WL/J*\ scribable dread ff/^^^?^^ danger attend? is y^HSjB ant upon the ^^^^^^^? D?ost cJltlca^ Pe" Becoming a g ^f^^^ mother should be * I^^BB a so^rce pf joy ' ' T suffering and danger of the ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf? fering incident to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's severest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re? moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de? spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con? ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and tlie serious accidents so com? mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. It is a blessing to woman. SI.00 PEE BOTTLE at all Bru? Stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information ot rare interest to all women, will' be sent rhee to any address, apon application, by The BRADFIELD BE6ULAT0E CO., Atlanta, Ga. Atlantic Coast Lina Sortb-Eastera R. R. ol 8. C. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated April 10. 1897. KO. 35 ?so. 23 ? i * Le. Florence " Kiogsrrea it. Lan ea Le. Lanes Ar. CbarFfa A. M. I P M. 3 251 7 55 8 M 4 ?8 4 36 6 C3 A. M. 9 15 9 15 10 5o P. H. so. 53 ?. IC. 7 45 9 16 P. M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Le. Obari'fa Ar. Lanes Le. Lanes " KingBtree Ar.; Florence .Daily. fDaily except Sunday. Ne. 52 rans through to Colombia ria Cen tra? R. R. of 8. C. Trains Nos. 78 and 32 rnn via Wilson ano Fayetteville- Sbort Line-end make close connection for all points Nor;b. Traine on O. ? D. R. R. ?eave Florence 9 55 a rn, arrive Darlington 10 28 a m, Cbe? rt w ll 40 a m, ; Wadesboro 2 255 p m. Leave Florence, daily except Sunday, 8.00 p m, ar? rive Darlington 8 25 p ra, Bartsville 9 20 p rn, Benoettsville 9 21 p rn, Gibson 9 45 p m. ie ave Florence, Sandiy only 9 65 a m, ar? rive Darlington 10 27 a m, Earlville ll 10 s m Leave Gibson daily except Sunday 6 35 a ?*. Bennettsville 6 59 a rn, arrive Darlington 7 50 a m. Leave HartsvtHe daily except Sun? day 7 00 a ID, arrive Darlington 7 45 a m le*va Darlington 8 55 am, arrive Florence 9 20 . m Leave Wadesboro, daily except Sunda? 3 CO p m., Cberaw 5 15 pm, Dar? lington 6 29 p ir, Florence 7 00 p ra Leave H-rtaville, Soo jay only 8 15am, Darling* ton 9 00 a m., arrive Florence 9 20 a m. J R. KEN LY, JNO. F. DIVINE Geo'l ifanftgtr, Gen i Sup c T. W EMERSON. Traffic Manager SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Corrected to Jan. 24th, 1897. ar LT bbarlestoB Summerville Pregnalle. *' Georges " Branchville " Rowesville M Orongebnrg " St Matthews " Fort Motte 11 Ringville *' Colombia Lv Colombia Ar Ringville ,l Fort Moue " St Matthew? 41 Orangebarg " Rowesville " Brancbville " Georges ** Pregnalls " Summerville " Charleston DAILY. 7 10 a ra 7 46 a m 8 18 a m 8 30 a m 9 00 a m '9 15 a m 9 28 a III 9 48 a oct 10 00 a rx: 10 10 a rn 10 55 a m 7 00 a m 740 a m 7 M a m 8 02 a ra 8 24 a m 8 38 a m 8 55 a m 9 35 a ra 9 48 a m 10 22 a ra 11 00 a o DAILY 5 30 p CD 6 10pm 6 50 p m 7 04 p rn 7 50 p m 8 07 p va 8 24 p rc 8 48 p ai 9 03 p ns 9 20 p rn 10 10 p m 4 00 p m 4 44 p m 4 J'S p m 5 09 p m 5 27 p rn 5 42 p m 5 55 p m 6 37 p m 6 50 pm 7 22 p m 8 00 p m Lv Charleston " Brancbville *. Bamberg " Denmark *' Blackville " Williston (* Aiken " Augusta Ar Augusta Lv Aiken Williston " Blackville 11 Denmark 14 Bamberg " Branchville Ar Charleston 7 10 a m 9 15 a m 9 41 a m 9 52 a m 10 10 a m 10 27 a m 11 09 a m ll 51a m 6 20 a m 7 08 a m 7 49 a m 8 08 a m 8 20 a m 8 33 a m 9 10 a ra ll 00 a m 5 30 p m 7 50 p m 8 19 p m 8 31 p m 9 50 p m 9 10 p ra 9 57 p m 10 45 p m 3 20 pm 4 07 p ra 4 44 p rn 5 03 pm 5 17 pm 5 29 pm 5 55 pm 8 00 pm Fast Express, Angosta and Washington, with Through Sleepers to New Tork. Lv Augusta 3 05 p IT Ar Aiken 3 44 p rr " Denmark 4 69 p m Lv Denmark 6 25 a m " Aiken 7 28 a m Ar Aogusta 8 10a m Daily Except Sunday, Lv Camden '8 45 am 2 25 p m " Camden Junction 9 35 a m 3 55 p m Ar Ringville 10 05 am 4 35 pm Lv K<agville 10 25 am 6 00 a m 44 Camden Ja action ll 00 am 6 40 am Ar Camden 1155 am 8 15am K. S BOWEN, L a. EMERSON, Gsn'l ManVr Traffic Man'gr' General oficea-Coarleatoa. S. C J. W. ROBSON & SOW, Commission Merchants, And dealers in HAY, GRAIN AND COW FEED. Consignments of Eggs, Poultry and Farm ; Produce Solicited. Weights and Goods Guaranteed. J. Rob?on & ??ii9 Charleston, S. C. Feb 16-x Cow Peas AND Thoroughbred Berkshire For Sale by H. Harby. Sumter, 8. C., March 3. 1897. THE COJL?MBIAX CYCLOPEDIA, 35 Volumes > 7,500 Illustrations 28,600 Faces, Complete and Up to Date. The largest American Cyclopedia. Iocludes an Unabridged Dictionary. Prorjoat cea all Titles. Information Riebt Down to Date. Vol?mes of Bandy Siae. Yon can keep Up to tbe Times by adding Furnishes tbe Largest and Latest Haps. ? an Annual etch ye*r. No other Cyclopedia eren pretende to claim these features, but don't you think they ate pretty important? Send os your name and let us show you in detail the Tarions points of superiority possessed by THE COLUMBIAN. It corers tbe whole range of knowledge; is prepared by the most able ane experienced editors and cyclopedia writers, and is commended by tbe best judges throughout the country. ?The Best Family Library. Because it is clear and simple io language, free from technicalities, non? partisan and non sectarian, and above all neither "British" nor sectional bat Thoroughly American. A work of reference which is foreign or narrowly sectional bas no place in an American home. Sold en easy terms of payment. G-arretson, Cop. & Co.a Publishers, BUFFALO. N. T. For full descriptive circulars =?nd \ flfUQ nnlnmhlOTI UfinV Pf! I 81 .Whitehall St., terms ?er. d to our Southern eg en ts j lM? UUl lilli Ol?ii DtM Uli., f Atlanta, Ga. BOARDING. HAVING TAXEN the Boase on Maia Street secoud-door so~ta of tbe Nixon house, I am prepared to ?econ modate a few jpgulnr hoarders, and also lodging and mea'-e to transient customers. ' Terms reasonable. Mas. W. B. SMITH. Sept. g._ Money to Loan. ON FARMING LANDS Easy payments No co?u missions charged. Borrower pnjfs actual cost of perfecting loan. Ioterest 8 per cent JOHN B. PALMER &SON, Feb. 8-3m. Columbia, S. C. THE BANK OF SUMTER, SUMTER, S. C. Ct y and County Depository Transacts a general Bunking business, aiso bas A Savings Bank Department, Deposits of %\ and upwards received . In? terest allowed at tbe rate of 4 per cent, per anona;. Payable quarterly, on first days.ct January, April, July and October. W F. E. HAYNS WORTH, W. F. RHAMB, Cashier. President. Jan 13. Tie Lamest ai 1st Complete Estai?oen? M Geo. S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS] SASH, BLINDS, Moulding & Building Material. office and Warerooms, Sing, opposite Oas* non Street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. Porebas* our make, wbicb we gu?rante superior to any sold South, and thereby nave money. Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty October 16-o TO SUFFERING HUMANITY. THE MEDLIN CHALYBEATE SPRING, located at Dunbar, S. C., is now tbe attraction of sufferers from Indigestion, Dys? pepsia. Rheumatic sffectioos, Kidney Trou? bles, Bright's Diaeate, Dropsy, Catarrh and all sk in diseases, from the rac, wherever the water bas been nsed for these diseases, it bas relieved, and when usud sufficiently, it bas cured. It is heine used for all tbe diseases men ticc<?d above, all over the country. This water bas been analysed by Prof M. B. Hardin, South Carolina State Chemist, and found to contain tbe following Medicinal properties : Sodium Carbonate 898 Potassium Carbonate 274 Calcium Carbonate 571 Magnesium Carbonate 344 Iron Carbonate (Ferrous) 1.4H Manganese Carbonate Trace Copper Carbonate Trace Potassium Sulphate 041 Sodium Chloride 1 347 Alumina Trace Silica 2 391 7 277 Ammonia .02 parts per million. Albumenoid Ammonia .08 " 44 We bave glowing testimonials from people ail over the country, and frem people in your own town Among them the Rev C. C* Brown, A. W Cfosswell, F. B Grier, et al., If you are suffering, ?rd want relief, and cure, come and see m??. I as here to supply you this water, and take your orders, or to make arrangea en ts with yon for visiting the Spring, where ample accommodations are to be bad, at low prices. J. E. WILSON, Dec 15-3m Sumter, S C. Claremont Lodjie Ko. 64 A. F. M THE REGULAR MONTHLY COMMU? NICATION of Claremont Lodge, No* 44, A. F. M.. will be held on Thursday Evening, May 5, at 7$ p. m. Brethren will take due notice and gt rem themselves accordingly L. S CARSON, W. M. Attest-H. C. MOSES, Sec. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, SUMTER COUNTY. OPTICS or SUPERVISOR OP REG IST RATIOS, SUMTER CCUKTY. SUMTER, S. C., May 1, 1897. Notice is hereby given that io accordance au th an Act of the t?eoeral Assembly, the booka for the registration of all legally quali? fied voters, and for the issuing of transfers, fcc , will be open nt tbe court boose, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m., and 3 o'clock p. m., on the first Monday of each month, and for three successive days, until thirty dava before the ceil general election. Minors who shall become of age during that period of thirty days, shall be entitled to registration before the books are closed, xf otherwise qualified. E. F. BURROWS, Feb 1. Supervisor of Reeistration. ARE YOU NEEDING AN IRON SAFE? HAVING BEEN APPOINTED GEN? ERAL AGENT for the Alpine Fire and Burglar Proof Safe Company. I am prepared to offer liberal te: ms to those who are in need of a good safe For prices and terms address J. A. RENNOj M?-hS4 Sumter, S, C. DRUGS AND Soda Water. Toilet Articles, Drugs and Patent Medicines. PERFUMERY, EXTRACTS TOOTH BRUSHES, HAIR BRUSHES, COMBS, TOILET SOAPS TN GREAT VARIETY. Prescriptions Careful? ly filled day and night -AT J. S. HUGHSON & GO., DRUGGISTS, MONAGHAN BLOCK SUMTER. S. 0. AK J JLVA SOLOMOl, DENTIST. office OVKB STOKE OP SUMTER DST GOODS COMhAWY Kntmuce OD Main Street, Between Drj Goods Co. and Durant & Son OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 1.30 ; 2 to 6 o'clock. April 29. STAJSl ON HOUSE. D. J. JONES, Poprietor. Bates $2.00 Per Day? SPECIAL TEEMS TO FAMILIES Taro mantes 'Walk From Central Depot. Chattanooga, Tenn. July 29. LANDS WANTED. PERSONS WITH LANDS FOR SALE are requested to pat them in my hands tor dale. I um in constant receipt of so a any letters of enquiry about Unds from Northern and Western parties, that I may be able to effect sales for those who will give me accu? rate detailed descriptions of what they have. No charge will be made unless satisfactory sales are made Descriptions must be such as can he guaranteed and must gne : No of ?cres, location, character of land, proximity to railronds, jost offices, schoole, churches and to?, ns, kind of ia proven ents. Communications strictly confidential when so desired. JAMES 0 GIBBES, State Land Agent, Nov. 10. Colombia, S. C.