The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 16, 1898, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH ie. 1S9S. Entered at the Fast O?ce at Sumter, S j C., at Second Class Matter. 2f?W A D VE RT I SE M. S NT S. H Barby-A Handsome Trap Eslato Mrs. L. H. Neasen-Notice. S Hagan-Aa Up-to-Date Shepherd. PERSONAL. Mr. Phil Miller, of Lynchburg ia ia the city co business. Dr. Walter Cheyne, of St. Charlea, was ia the etty Monday. Mis8 Thomas, from Florance, is visiting Miss Lavinia Brand. Mr. Dwight H. Dick, of Stateborg, spent Monday in thc city Mr. Walter Anderson, of Timmonsville, Spent Sunday io the city. Solicitor John S. WJISOD, spent Sunday a" bis borne io Manning. B B Clark, Esq.. of Camden, is in the ei ly to-day on court basined*. Miss Josephine Fraser, of Georgetown, ie the greet of Mrs. W. H. Ingram. Miss. Mamie Warren bas returned from Kershaw where she has been teach mgvschool. Miss Burgess, and Mrs. Leila Mayes, re? turned Saturday after a pleasant visit to.j Jessop, Ga. Miss Georgie Ingram after a stay of two months in Columbia returned borne oo Sato r day aftepooon. Several persons from the city went to Lvocbborg Saturday to attend the funeral of Capt. W. J. McLeod. Col. R. M. Wallace returned from Wash? ington Thursday night after an absence from the city of two weeks Miss Ara balta Moses returned several days' ago from Newberry where she bas been visit? ing relatives for sometime. Revs. W. J. McKay and James McDowell were io tbe city Monday attending a meet? ing of the Executive Committee of Harmony ;PreBbytery. Mr. Hugh Fraser, of Charleston spent San day invthe city. Mrs. Fraser who has been vraifiagXrelativee \D tbe etty for several days returned home with Mr. Fraser. Sheriff Pierson returned Saturday from Clexkeeville, Ga., where he went for Mn. Carrie Shelton, who was wanted as a witness in the case against Anderson J. Shelton, wba was on trial for bigamy. He found Mrs. Sheltoa and brought ber here. City taxpayers who nave not paid np, will be served with executione o*xt week. J. M. Friersoo, a negro boy, was arrested Sunday for stealing flowers from the gar? den of Mrs. Toomey and was tried before Magistrate Wells to-day. He was found guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of $10 or serve 30 days oo the chain gang. Grant Williame, tbe professional chicken^ ,thief waa detected Saturday afternoon >n tbe act of confiscating a few chickens. He was parsued and captured after a long and not chase by Policeman Seymour Be b*s been turned over to Magistrate Wells' and will probably boon the enan? gang again within a few days The Wreck at Cain Savannah. The wreck of toe freight train at Cain Sa? vannah, mention of which was* mad? last week, was caused by the parting of a lo- g train as it was going down the grade to Cain Savannah Tbe rear portion of tbs train crashed into the front section at tba bottom of the grade, aod six box cars loaded with fertirixers were smashed into kindling wood'; Tba track was blocked for several boars and the passenger train .bad to take the side track to get arou nd tba wreck. The damage to tbe track: and cara was qnite heavy, bot aone of the crew w ?re injured. Two Women Fight on Savage Street. . There was a shooting scrape down on Savage street Wednesday afternoon about 6.30 o'clock io which two women, one w bi te tbe otter a negro, wera the principals. What ; tba row waa about or tbe details of tbe con. filet did not come ont at tbe trial before tbe Mayor Thursday mar ai ag. Tbe white woman, "j wno gav? ber aase as Corinne Dimmings, we s arraigned for firing a pistol and creating a disturbance within the corporate limits of toe city. Soe entered a plea of guilty and was fined $5 She paid inc fine promptly and was then turned over to Magistrate Wetla, as it waa reported to the police that a warrant bad teen issued for ber for commit, ?og an assault and battery wita intent to kill, one Esther Wilson, colored. Nothing came of ibis proceeding, however, . as the matter was compromised between the women, and tbe gay and festive Corinne was given ber liberty. Esther ^ i i son was shot ta the neck with ^a?*-f ?stol by tbe whits woman, and there are ' said to be three wounds, produced by as many bullets. Tbe escape of the wounded woman from death is regarded as little short of miraculous, as each bullet passed in close proximity to vital points. There waa a large crowd present at tbe Mayor's Court wheo tbe case was called for trial, and tbe crowd and the witnesses ap? peared to regret the brief and prosaic manner of disposing of it, all of them bavicg aoti cipated a racy trial, during the progress of wbteb all of tbe particulars of the scrap would bave been detailed by willing witnesses woo were on band fer that particular pur ncse. We live in a coon try of which the princi? pal scourge is stomach-trouble. It is more wide-spread than any other dis ea*?, nod? very Dearly, more dangerous. One thing that makes it so dangerous is ' that it is so little understood. If it were better understood, it would be snore feared, more easily cored, less eniver* sat than it is now. So, those who wish to be cored, take Sha? ker Digestive Cordial, because lt goes to tbs root or the trouble as no other medicine does. Tbe pore, harmless, curative herbs and plants of which it is composed, are what render it so certain and, at the same time, so gentle a core. It helps and strengthens tbe stomach, puri? fies and tones op tbe system. Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $100 per bottle. Row Ready at Schwartz-The Palace Dry Goods Emporium to Re-Open its Doors On Wednesday, March 23rd, witb ao entire new stock Everything new, fresh and crisp, fiom fresb bands. Ibis will be a doo ble event, as io connection with the opening t>f this business again. They announce for Wednesday and Thursday, March 23d and 24th, Their Grand Spribg Opening, au event wb'cb bas always delighted the ladies. Tbe public and tbe ladies especially witj reach? should avail themselves of lenity fosee artistically display? Latest Fabrice. Mal MARRIED. Married lass Thorsday night at the resi? dence of Mr Ben Puck, father of ibe groom, Mr Joe Pack to Miss Hattie Stone Cere? mony performed by Rey. C. C. Brown. DEATHS. Mrs. Barfield, wife of Mr. Mackey Barfield, of Smithville, died on Thursday, March 10th, after several weeks sickness She was very o?d, and ber death was not unexpected. She is survived by ber husbaod who is now near 90 years old. C?pt. William J McLeod, died at 9 o'clock last Thursday night at his borne in Lynch? burg. He bas been failing in health and strength for more than a year and bis death was not unexpected. Capt. McLeod was born within a mile of where his borne was at the time of his death, and bis long life of 73 years wssspent in that community. He was from early manhood a promineot citizen of Lynchburg, and bis public spiritedness was a leading character? istic. He was tbe oldest merchant tu the county, having bern continuously in busi? ness longer than any individual or firm, now or previously engaged in tbe same pursuit. In all of bis business transactions, as in bis personal relatioos with his fellowmen, be was the soul of integrity and the record of a long life, well spent, is a^prouder heritage to brqqeatb to bis children than great wealth. When the war b?pke out be enlisted at once and weet to the front and for four years w?s in active service. He was captain of Co E Sixth Regiment, Brattou's Brigade. His record as a soldier is known to the veterans who were bis comrades, and nothing more need be said tbac that it was in keeping witb bis character as a man and as a private, citizen. The fuoeral services were held Saturday rn the Lynchburg Methodist Church, of which he was a member Death of Charlie Ke6ls. Tbe following notice of the death of Charlie Keels, news of which was received by bis 'family last week by telegraph, is taken from the Kl Paso, Texas, Daily Herald of March 5 : Charles R. Keels, aged 32, who was laying ill for tbe last ten days in the Sierra Madre railroad hospital, at juarez of typhoid- pneu? mon?a, d ied at 8:00 p m., yesterday. He bas been dying from tbe last two days, but yesterday afternoon be seemed to revive, so that theta was some little hope of a rally. Bat it was only the "calm before the storm," and towards nightfall, the unfortunate young man began to sink, and pas Std away at the hour named. The body was brought over tbis city to-day, by Undertaker Negley, and tbe funeral held from Trinity Methodist cherch?t4 p tn, under direction of tbe Masons, of which order the deceased wns a member. Mr. Keels was over three years a resident of tbis city, most of the time asan express messenger'with the Pacific Express Company, out latterly bas been with the engineering corps of the Sierra Madre toad. He caught cold in ' the field, and fatal illoess followed Toe deceased leaves a sister io this city to vjtptD be was mach a t tac oed. He leaves also turee brothers at Hawthorne, Fia , and a second sister at Sumter, S. C., while his mother, Mrs. J. M. McKlveen, resides at j Maj es ville, S. C. He belonged to the Masonic i lodge at Camden, S. C. Charlie Keels had a I geoial social spirit and will be much missed by bis many friends . There are three little things which do more Work tban aoy other three tittle things cre? ated-they are trre ant, the bee and De Witt's Little Early Risers, the last being the fa? mous little pills for stomach a?d liver trou? bles. A small blaze on the roof of Mr. W. F. j Rhaae's reside ace called ont the ?re depart? ment Sunday afternoon about 2 o'clock. Tbe blase was extinguished with slight dam? age. What pleasure is there in life with a head? ache, consumption aod biiioosoess? Thous? ands experience them who could become per? fectly healthy by nsiag De Witt's Little Early Risers, tbs famous little pills. J. S. Hugh son A Co. The pest bonse located abeut a quarter of a erie beyond tbe city limits, was burned Sun? day morning The fire was supposed to be of incendiary erigin. Tbe boiidiog cost about $55 wnen boilt, and was not insored. After years of untold suffering from piles, B. W. Pureeil of K ni teer s ville, Pa., was eared by using a single box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Skin diseases such as eczema, rash, pimples and obstinate sores are readily cured by ibis famous remedy. J. S. Hogbson A Co. I The registration of voters for the municipal election progresses very slowly and unices the unregistered voters register promptly, there may be soch a rosb during .tbe last few j day s before tbe election that some of them ! will be left oat io tbe cold witboot a certifi? cate ! We are anxious to do a little good io tbis world aod caa thick of no pleasanter or bet? ter way tc do it thao oy recommending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneu? monia consomption and other serious lung troubles that follow neglected colds. J. 3. Hogbson A Co. If a few of the parties who parchase Sow? ers from those who make a busiue>s of depre? dating oo tbe flower gardens in tbis city were indicted along with the actual thieves there would te Uss flower stealing and less garden ravaging, ll is a ready marget for stolen flowers that encourages thieves to depredate Whooping eoogh is the most distressing malady : but its duration can be cot short t?y tba use of One Min?te Cough Core, wbicn is also the nest knowe remedy for croup and ail lung aod bronchial troubles. J. S. Hogbson A Co, Wiley Evan? a colored pugilist from Cin? cinnati is in ibe city arranging for boxing exhibition to b? given next Thursday at toe Optra House, beverel local boxers have in? dicated their wiiiingc.ets to to take part io th* exbioitioo which will be concluded by Evans and Stuart Darby of Columbia. A thrill of terror is experienced wheo a brassy cough of croup sounds throogb the house at night Bot tbe terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure bas been administered. Safe and harmless for cbitdreo. J. S. Hogbson A Co. A ? old stab'e and shed io the rear of the Mattbie69eo lot on MaiD Street have been de? clared to be a nuisance by tbe Health Officer, and they have been torn down and hauled off, making a considerable improvement io the looks of things, besides bring quite a relief to tbe resideots of that vicinity. Children aod adults tortured by bums, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseuses may secore instant relief by using De Wm's Witcb Hazel Salve. It is the great Pile rein ?dy. J. S. Hogbson|dt Co. Complaint ha: beeo made by citizens of Privateer that tbe shade trees on ibe rodd leading to Somier, and also ou tbe road to : ??anchester are being destroyed. The county j acd road officiais should s*e Mat the depreda- j lions on Ibe highways are stopped. "on't annoy otbets by your coughing, and roer life by neg lee: mg a cold Ute te Cough Core cures cougbs, colds, S grippe and ait thioat aad long trou J 8. Hogbson A Co. ????????????gBBHBBBMH Court Proceedings. i -_ ! - ! Since oar last repon tte following is record of coart proceedings: ; WEDNESDAY. ; The State vs John F Beard, assault ai battery witb intent to kill Guilty oft sault of a high and aggravated nature. N tice of motion for new trial. Tbe Std te vs. Willie Johnson, larceny. N prossed aad new bili given out. Tbe State vs. Jotiab Spann, larceny of li stock. Not guilty. The Grand Jury banded ia the followii true bills this morning : Tbe State vs George Elliott and Walla Bmwn, murder. True bill. Tbe State vs Charlie Black, assault at battery of a higb and aggravated nature ai carrying coocealed weapons True bill. The case of The State vs Ed. W. Trimni j was taken up just before recess for dion I and jury empanelled, but as tbs defendao who bas been out on bond, was not presei i and did not appear when called by tbe erie tbe trial could not be proceeded with, beach warrant was issued by order of tl Judge for bis arrest. As but a short tin was wanting before the hour for recess, cou: was adjourned. The afternoon's session was taken t with the trial of one case of assault and ba tery, and nothing eise was accomplish^ The case af assault disposed of was Tl State vs. Johnnie Mack, assault and natter of a high and aggr?VH(.cd nature a-id carr; ing concealed weapons. Guilty. Sentence to pay a fine of $25. Fine paid. Charles Wi!Iiam, tbe murder of J. W. Lt was brought into the Court House and a raigned He stated that be was guilty i billing Lee, but wished to make a statemeo . The Judge asked him if he desired couns ! and be said that he did. Messrs L. D. Jet nings and I. C Strauss were appointed 1 j defend him and tbe trial was set for Mondaj The Grand Jury reported in the followin cases : The State vs. Lee Logan, telling liqnc contrary, to law. No bill. The State vs. William Pinckcey, Sellin liquor contrary to law. True bill THURSDAY. Thia morning the court was engaged in tl trial of the case of The State vs. Cbarli Black, assault and battery of a higb an aggravated natare ard carrying conceale weapons. Guilty oo the first conot. Sec lenred to pay a fine of $25: Fine p^id. Tbe Grand Jury made its presentment jut before the court adjourned for dinner an was discharged The presentment which wa (ihort and to tbe point was as follows: To His Honor, Earnest Gary, Presidio Judge ; Tbe Grand Jury beg to report the follow ing, to wit : We have pissed opon all bills placed io oo hands aod bave given attention to such otbe matters as have beso given ns in charge In obedience to your Honors' instructions we have made inquiry concerning the ex'st ? nee aod conduct of bawdy booses io the cit; of Sumter and we find that tbere are severs common booses of iii fame wubin tbe limit cf the city conducted by both white and col c red women. We also find the city corset with assignation houses, which we conside even worse than the other class of hooee o ill fame and the Grand Jary will be able t< rpport further concerning tbis grave matte at the next term of court. We find that while some of tbe magistrate of tba conn ty are prompt and careful to mak complete returns and file their papers ten day befor?Troor?, as the law requires, others ar not prompt aod careful in this respect ant thereby delay tbs progress of court. Tbere fore we warn thoee who tbas offend, that the; will be presented should the offense be re prated The conoty offices, ftc., have beeo care folly examined daring the past year, we wil make tbe geoeral examination for this yea: at ? snn??eq?i<M?* *srra. The Grand Jory beg to thank your Honoi foi courtesies received. Respectful!" submitted F. A. FOLSOM, Foreman. . 'ifborsday afternoon the Court made bo slight progress, but one case being dispos?e of, which was The State vs. Wm Pick eas, selling liquor contrary to law Guilty. Sentence, ooe hundred dollars fioe. or four months oo the public works 01 four aoDths in penitentiary. FRIDAY. Tbe case of the State against fic-nry Bar? rows, for morder, was concluded in tbe afternoon by a verdict of "Manslaughter." P?rry Williams was next tried ander an indictment for burglary and larceny-charg? ed witb stealing chickens from Mr. J Frank Pato. Verdict not guilty. SATURDAY. Anderson J. Shelton, charged with bigamy was (ried to-day aod found guilty. He was sentenced to 4 years io tbs peoitentiary. Shelton, it will be recollected, is tba white mao who married a girl of fifteen j ears of age, the daughter of a respectable firmer of the Carter's Crossing section, a short tim? ago, although be then had a wife liv? ing io Georgia Sheriff Pierson went to C?arksvi?le for Shelton's first wife, was pot oa the stand as a witness for the prosecution Ai; the concludion of toe Shelton case court waa adjourned until 10 o'clock Monday morning. MONDAY Ad soon A- court convened Monday morning the trial of Charlie Williams, tbe murderer of Mr. J. W. Lee, of Bishop vi Hr, was com? mented. I. C. Strauss, E?q , and L D. Jennings, Esq , who were appointed to defend Williams by J idee Garv conducted the case for the defendant. All witnesses for the State were examined bet?re the recess for dinner and the Solicitor annnunced that the State would rest its case. The counsel for tbe d?fendant stated tnat there were no witnesses for the defendaut, and 'bat relying upon bid rigb'e ooder the constitution and laws ef tbe State the defend? ant v. oald oot testify io bis own behalf The afternoon session of court was taken up *?y tbe arguments in tbe case. I. C. Strauss, Esq , made tbe opening argu? ment for tbe defense ; Solici'or Wilson follow? ed for the State, and L. ?. Jennings closed for tbe defense. Tbe jury was out aboot a half hour and returned with a verdict of guilty with a recommendation for mercy. The sentence of tbe court was a life term in the penitentiary at bard labor. In imposing the sentence Judge Gary delivered to the pris? oner one of the mo6t serious and impressive lectures the writer bas ever heard. He dwelt upon the great and horrible crime the prison? er bad committed and wbat the future held in store for bim-a guilty conscience, unend? ing days of bard labor and long dark nights in a prison cs'l with only memory as a com piniou Bat the serious words fell, apparently upon ears deadend and a conscience colloosed to all sensibility. Williams, the self-confessed mur? derer leard it all with no sign of feeling, no indicition of remorse. TUESDAY. Tuesday morning the trial of George Elliott nod Wallace Brown, charged with tbe mur? der of Mingo Thompson, was taken up sod the eritire scorning session was consumed in the ex imitation of tbe witnesses for the Slate. When tbe hour of* recess arrived the State was not ready to rest its case and other witnesses were to be placed ou the staud when court cocveued at 3 o'clcck. Tbe case was given to the jory at 6 o'clock and a verdict of "Not Goilty," was render? ed io a sbort time. License Delinquents. The examination o; the license tax d?lin? quants was condoned bj the Mayor from day last week at the sessions of his court. Tte regular form of examination was gone through with in each case, the amount of license determined and each person or firm was informed that they must make settle? ment within ten days to prevent the enforced collection by means of an execution. The following delinquents were present io answer to written summons served on them, and the taxes they are required to pay is set down opposite their ?atees. H W Hood, plumber, $10; repair shop, $5 W W Geddings, wheelwright, $10. E D Peterson, undertaker, $15; repair shop, $5 L W Folsom, merchant, $10; repairing, $10. Haynswortb k Haynswortb, lawyers, $15. P T Bush, merchant, $10. Dr J S Hnghson, druggis*, $10; and physician, $15. L W Jenkins, merchsut, $10. F B Grier, merchant,$10. J E Jervey, hotel, $10 ; auctioneer, $5. G W Compton, collector, $10. J H Eherbart, no business. Geo F Epperson, livery stable, $25, sale stnnles, $10. J T Edwards, barber, $3. R F H,?yt, merchant, $5. H A Hoyt, jeweler, 5. Knight Bros, merchants, $10 ; job prioters, $10. M. E Kennedy, merchant, $5. M H Fieide, barter, $4. M E Frierson, tailor, $5. F L Stewart, oerchnnt. L. E. Lf Grand, jeweler and repairer, $10. Jcs. Levan, barber, $4 Lnkens Lumber Uo , planing mil! and lum? ber yard, $25. Dr. D R. McCallum, dentist, $15. Miss S fi McDonald, millinery, $10. C. F. McFaddi?, merchant, iO. H. G. McK*t?en, jeweler and repairer, $10 E F Miller, jab pri?ting, S:o. W E Mims. hotel, $15. Dr. J. A. Mood, physician, $15. H G ?5teen & Co., merchants, $10. N. G. Osteen. job printing, $10. Susan Peters and M eli.34 M ?, boarding house $5. Purdy k Reynolds, attorneys, $15. Mrs. A J. Reardon, merchant, $5. G. E. Richardson, marble jard, $5. Schwartz Bros , merchants, 17.50. H W Waties, merchant, 5. H W Scoit, merchant, $5. Misa Corinne Miller, milliner*, 5. B Walsh, merchant, $10 Edward Shiver, shoemaker, 2 T O ScafFe, merchant, repairer, $15. R P Bradwell, green grocer, $10. W P Smith, marble vard, 5 W E Zieg er, hotel, $15 Charles H Spencer, repair shop, $10. Geo D Shore k Bros., brokers and drays, $35 Julius Morris, merchant, 5. J W McKiever, contractor, $10. Sumter Dry Goods Co , 20. H L B Wells, lawyer, $15. L D Jenn i og?, law j er, $15. Sumter Iron Works, machine shop, $10. Stubbs Bros. k Cnttioo, merchants, $11. Edgar Skinner, machine shops, $10. A G Spears, contracter, $2. P Sinclair, merchant, $> Z E Walker, merchant, $5. RM Lewie, Fruit Dealer, $5. L D Jennings, Lawyer, $15. H F Wilson, Lawyer, $15. 6am Garner, Barber, one chair, $2. Sam objected to the charge, as be claimed tbat the chair is only wc rib $1 25, and told the Mayor that be is "in the fight " W H Yates, Merchant, $11.50. I A McEagen, Drnggist, $5. Tbos Wilhamioo, fruit dealer, $5. D Jas Winn, bicycles, $7. G Yandoros, merchant and fruit dealer, $10. Alston Evans, contractor, $2. Walter Bennet, contractor, $2. W Y L Marshall, Broker, $15. R C McManus, merchant, $5. M D Wheeler, 'second class restaurant and barber shop, one chair, $7. Dr H M Stuckey, physician, $15. H D Moise, surveyor, $10. The following firms and individuals paid the license tax ytsterday : Schwartz Bros , $15. Witherspoon Bros. k Co , $10. Sumter Music House, $5. E Alv? Solomons, $15. AA rauss k Co., $10 v "boson, 5. i. -.C. Spann, 15. Wisdom Gass has paid his license of $10 as a poblicbackmau. Geo. B. Secord, tb? well k-^wn contract? or of Towaoda, N. Y" eays . lI have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for a long time and have found it supetior io any other For sale by A. J. China. Decided to ba an Accident. Liza lane Wesley, who was shot by "Loaf" Wilson, near Mayesvilie, on Sunday, March 6 isreported to be improving. There suit of the investigation is that the shooting was accidental, and Wilson bas been given his liberty. Tried Friends Best. For thirty years Tutt's Pills have proven a blessing to the invalid. Are truly the sick man s friend. A Known Fact For bilious headache, dyspepsia sour stomach, malaria,constipa tion and all kindred diseases. TUTTS Liver PILLS ?N ABSOLUTE CURE. CAT FOLKS ?D?c? ?B Bf? ?3 pounda per month. w\ M i HARMLESS; no ? ST? ? atarvine; 22yean' experience. BOOK. FREE. Address DJS. SNxDEK, A, au? Broadway, New York. S. Y. WANTS. WANTED-Walnut Logs. The T?l?? phone Mfg. Co , Sumter, S. C. P. ?. Box 107. Feb. 16 tf. FOR RENT-The dwelling on Church Street, next door to ibe undersigned. Contatos six rooms, with fire p'ace in each, al90 pantry and kitchen attached, and water in building. Everything in good order Apply to Mosrs GREBS. Dec. 2-tf. Estate of Oliver E. Hodge, Dec'd. 1WILL APPLY to the Judge of Probate of Sumter County, on March 31 et, 1898, tor a Final Discharge, as Executor of afore said Estate ARCHIE CHINA M D, M rch 2-4t. Executor. A Great Slaughter Sale is Not Equal to this! 50,000 50,000 We have just received the above number of Cigars-10 solid oases. This is tbe largest shipment of Cigars that bat ever been received at or>e time bj any one firm io Sumter. Our object io baying such quantity is to get a price that will enable us To sell at regular Factory Prices Io lots of from one box to 1,000. 25,000 of this quantity consist of tbs fol? lowing weil knows and established brands of high grade 5e Cigars. "Success" Perfectos, long Havana filler and Sumatra wrapper. "Lady Bird" Perfectos, long Havana filler and Sumatra Wrapper. "Teller's Big T," special loag Havana filler and Sumatra wrapper. These are our selling prices, $1 75 per box of 50, $3 50 per 100, cr $35,000 per 1.000. No more, no less. Next comes our Little "Club Room Value," a very fine little cigar, 5 wrapped in foil fer 10c-m?de of Havana scrapa and clipping!?. I* pcckpge goods we carry a large stock of the following and; can give you factory prices: Old Glory Cheroots, in packages, 5 for ICe Old Virginia Cheroots, in packages, 5for 10c Three Rattlers Cheroots, in packages, 3 for 5c. Ten Pint Cignroe, in packages, 10 for 10s. We are headquarters and exclusive agents for the American Tobacco Co's goods m this sedtbn and can give factory prices on any of their line including Dukes', Cjcleaod American Beauty Cigarettes, Old Va Cheroots, Dnkes' Mixture Smok? ing Tobacco, Maryland Club Smoking Tobarco and Battle Ax Plug Tobacco. Soufis at factory prices. x We are Pelling some staple goods at less than ACTUAL COST, if we had to boy them to day. Get our prices before baying and you will say too, that we are headquarters. PHONE 53. CROSSWELL & CO. The Premier Flour of America It makes more Loaves of Bread than * any other Flour. Use the Old Settable PATAPSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT FLOUS, Ground fron: the cream of Maryland and Virginia wheat, stands in the lead not only at borne but in foreign markets. For purity, strength and uniform quality it has no equal. If you want the best be sure you get this brand. For sale by CROMWELL & CO. Sept L Cow Pe AND Thoroughbred Berkshire For Sale by II Sumter, 8. C , March 3, 1897. A HA2TDS01?E TBA?, buggy, phaeton, surrey or carriage is what the swell portion of the communi? ty in Sumter would like for Spring and Sommer driving. We cao cater to the tastes of everyone io handsome vehicles, as we hsodie the fioest aod most reli? able carriages that are manufactured. H. BARBY. To all and Singular the Creditors and Debt? ors of the Estate of Joseph T. Andrews? ALL l'KRSONS holding claims against tbe Estate of Jose;b T. Andrews will present saine to me properly proven, and all persons in any w?y indebted to said Estate ere r?quired to make immediate settlement of S'.noe RT mv office in Su&jter, S C. SHEPARD NASH, C. G C. P. & G. 8., Feb 16-3: Administrator. To all end Siogular ibe Creditors end Deb?. ors ot tbe Estate of W? Smith Andrews? ALL PERSONS holding claims against tbe Estate of W. Smith Andrews will present tbe same to me properly proven, and all per SOD e in any way indebted to said Estate are required to make immediate settlement of same at my of&ce in Sumter, S. C SHEPARD NASH, C. C. C. P. & G. S., Feb 19-31 Administrator.