The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 09, 1898, Image 5

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WEDNESDAY, ?CABOH 9, 1898. Entered ahhe Pott Office at Sumter. S (7., as Second Glass Matter. KBW ADVERTISEMENTS. R. Bogata-AD Up-to-date Shepherd J Ryitenberg ? Socs-We*are Not io Blame. \ fi Barby-Cow Peas and Berkshire Pigs >r Sale. PERSONAL. Bon S D. Smith was tn the city Monday. Col J Harvey Wilson was in town Monday. Mr. B. V. Green was in the c?ty last week. Mr. W. W. Si bert bae returned from a visit to Tray. UT. Abs Rytteabtrg left Sanday night for Kaw York. Mr. W. S. James, of B whop vi He, is attend : ing court. Col. Pat Brock, of Sum merton, spent Sat? urday rn the city. MT C. II. Cuttino, of Silver wat ia the city Saturday on business. Mr. Robert Muldrow, of Bisbopvtlle, wa? ru the city Saturday? Mr. R E. Carnes, of Bishopviileis in the ?itJ attending court. Dr. W. W. Anderson, Sr., of Stetebarg is ia the city for a few days star. Miss Anna Brown has gene Boonetteville to visit her brother, Mr Sol Brown. Mr I. Barby Moses Of New York is on a visit to relatives in the city to-day. Mr. Phi! Miller aaa Mr. John McIntosh of Magnolia are in town attending court. Mr. W. T. Brantley, of the Orangeborg bar, is in the city to-day attending court. Mrs R. H Moise and brr daughter, Misa Dulce, returned last week from a visit to At? lanta. Mr. Patrick GaH^tcr baa gooe to Colum? bia, where be will take a position in the Co fambia Hotel. Mr. ?eill O'Donnell left for. New York Sunday evening. He goes to boy goods for hrs spring and ?namer stock. Mr. N G. Osteeo, Jr., who bas been attend? ing the Dental College of the University of Maryland, Baltimore, has returned home after completing tbe first gear's conree. Mr. B. Bloom, Chief of tbe Fire Depart? ment has been called to Charlotte on busi? ness, and will be absent from the city for several days. He has designated Mr. S. H Mo-ra as acting Chief of tbe Fire Department du ri ?i g bis absence. Dr B. M. Badger of Clarendon co on ty has located in Marion for tb? practice of bis pro? fession. Dr. Cadger comes highly recom? mended* and is cot altogether a stranger in Marioa as he is con eec'ed with one of the aa&st prominent familias in town. We are, glad to welcome such mes >. Dr. Badger in oar midst.-Marion Star. Mass Meetjug Called. Th? executive committee of the city demo? cracy met in the clerk of court's office or* Saturday afternoon, at the call of Chairman Ketti O'Donnell, to take soeb ?tina as was seeded to arrange io r the municipal ca arpa i gu The matter was discussed at some length and it was decided that the power of tbe com? mittee ex end td no further than tbe duty of\j calling the dem?crata of the city to assemble in mae? meeting for the purpose of re-organiz? ing and deciding whether or cot a primary ? ejection to nominate candidates for Mayor and Aldermen shall be held/ It has bean the roi? for several years to hold a primary, bot it lies within the power of ?be mass meeting to decide either fer or against the primary. The following members of the committee were present at the meeting : Neill O'Donnell, Harry Battenberg, Shepherd Nash, H. L Scarborough, H. D. L?e, H. C. Moses, M. C Kavacaupb, Jobo S Bugbson, D. J. Chan? dler and H. G. Oatetn. The City Democracy. The following ia a list of the organised city democracy and the members of tbe exe? cutive committee. The officers are, "br virtue of their position, members of tbe.executive committe. Neill O'Donnell, President, H. Ry t ten berg Vice Presideot, H. G Osteen, Secretary, Jno S. Bugbson, R. D. Lee, B L. Scarborough, Shepherd Nash, M. G. Kavanangb, R T. Carr, D. J. Chandler, C W. Staacill, B. C Meses. Coroner's Inquest. . -. Coroner Moses returned Thursday evening from holding ac lsquest upon aman fouod dead on tbe State farm. The body proved tobe that of Isaac Mur? phy, and old colored men of that ricin itv, who disappeared about January 27th or 28tb last. Be bas two sons living near there, and also members nf hts family who live in Kershaw. As be was io the bapit of passing oack and fortb, none of them seemed to have mieeed hi or concerned themselves about bim a? each thought he was with tbe others. There were no marks ot violence noon tbe t*ody and tb? physician who wa? tn attend? ance upon tbe it qne*t gav? it as bis opinion that the old man was probably taken witb vertigo or some other ailment that causad him to fall into tb? ditch where be died. A bas with some turnips that bad been fcivea him were found undisturbed. Be was about 75 or 80 j ears old, and was formerly . slave of Mr. Desaussure. The rirdiet of tbe jury was in accordance with tb? opinion ef tb? physician as above stated. Sumter's Wide Awake Board of Health. The Board of Bea;th of Sumter, in strong contrast to some otber towns and cities cf this State, ia now fully prepared to baodie any auspicious or genuine case of smallpox that might be brought here. Four walled trots bave been received from /Adjutant and Inspector General Watte that can oe used io cor jonction with the pest house should neces? sity arise. In tb? event cf there being a cs ee of smallpox, and at the same time a suspicious case it would be necessary to separat? the patients, and the tent? could be used until another pest boose could be erected. "For five weeks I lived on cold water, so to speak," writes a man who suffered terri? bly from indigestion. He could hardly keep anything on bis stomach. What stayed, wasn't properly digested and gave bim terribie pangs. This is not an uncommon case. Dyspep? tics don't get enough nourishment. They are generally thin and weak. Tbey may eat enough, but they don't digtst enough. Much of what tbey eat toms into poison. If this keeps on there's no telling wbat dissasrs ?bey may get next. That's ?by it is best to take Shaker Di? gestive Cordtal? as soon as symptoms of in? digestion ?pp?ar It cure? all tbe evils of indigestion, and prevents th? evils which indigestion causes. Sold by druggist, price IC cents to $1. MARRIED. Mr Isadore Manbeio of Birmingham, Ala., *B4 Miss Lorsa Berwick were united ia mar? riage last Monday evening at the home of Mr. B. J Barwick, the father of the bride. Clerk of Court Sheppard Nash performed the marriage ceremony. On March 2, at the 8e?hel parsooage, hy the Rev. G. T. Gre>ham, Mr ^George Griffin to Miss Ida McLeod, both of Privateer Town ship The groom is 22 years old and the bride is "sweet sixteen " Muller-Do mty. Mr. Chas G. Mailer, of Bishopviile, and Miss E. J. Dorrity, of Brookland, were quietly united io matrimony at the borne of the latter, io Brookland, about 1:30 p. m. Monday, and left for Bishopviile, S. C., where they will take up tbeir abode. No one I except th? respective home-folks were pres ! eut -Colombia Register, March 2. DEATH. Mr. Thomas P. Ivigore died at bis borne io I the suburbs of this city at 2 o'clock, March ; 1st, after a brief illness. Be bad bsen in failing health from consumption for a year or mora, but was ill only a short time before hit death. The funeral services were held at Providence on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Kilgore lived for a number of years at Providence, and bad many friends in that community as welt as in ali p?rts of the county. He was a candidate for election to the Legislature at the last election and failed of election bv a few votes onlv. -I Mr. Charles B Moise died at his home in New Orleans on Saturday naomi og, March 5th, of consumption. The deceased was a native of this city, and was a son of the late j Charles B. Moise 9e removed to Louisiana j a number of years ago, first locating io Alex? andria where be successfully eugaged m the active pursuit of bis profession as an archi? tect. A few years ago be established himse'f ia New Orleans and ; until failing health pre? vented close attention to his business, was markedly successful. Ba spent tbe greater part of last year in this city in hope that the climate would prove of benefit. Wb?e bere be drew tbe plans for remodeling the Court House and superintended tbe work cf altera? tion Io December he returned to bis home" io New Orleans and there gradually grew worse un til death relieved bim of bis suffer? ing. Mr. Charles R Keels, formerly of Rem? bergs this county, bur for several years a resident of SI Paso, Texas, died at that place on Friday last after an illness of three weeks, aged 32 years Be was well koown and popular in the community in wbicb he waa reared and spent his early life, and his numerous friends will learn with regret of bis antiene!y death. Be was the eldest son of tba late Maj Keels, of Rafting Creek. The dry weatber which bas been complain? ed of is temporarily at an end. No one ha* complained of tbe dust for several dat s What pleasure is there in life with a head? ache, consumption and biliousness? Thous? ands experience them who could become per? fectly healthy by usiag De Witt's Little Early Risers, tbe famous little pills. J. S. Hugh son k Co. What is the difference between coon craps and buckra craps? For the correct answer a prize will be given. Aftsr^years of untold suffering from piles, ! B. W. Pursell of Kuhners vii Ie, Pa., waa j cured by. using a aiugle box of De Witt's Witch Basel Salve. Skin diseases such as | tfczema, rash, pimples and obstinat? sores ?re readily cured by this famous remedy. J. 8. Bogbson k Co. There is not a candidate in tbe race for a stat in tbe City Council, and there are eight Aldermen to be elected. Don't annoy others by your coughing, ?nd risk your life by neglecting a cold. Oae Minute Cough Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and ail throat aad lnng tron- j bles. J S. Hughson k Co. A freight train was wrecked af Cain Saran nab yesterday about noon. Tbe train was thrown from tbe track nod considerable dam? age done to tbe track and rolling stock The exact extent of tbe damage bas not been ascer? tained. No one is reported killed. Children and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is the great Pile rem? edy. J. S Bngbson k Co. W. B. Burns bas an Eclipse bicycle fitted with the improved ratchet sprocket and brake attachment invented by Mr. B. D. Moise of thia city. The patent rights were purchased by the manufacturers of tbe Eclipse bicycles and all of their latest models are fitted witb tbe new sprocket and brake. Tbe wheel can be seen at Burns' hardware store and it will be shown witb pleasure to all who cara to examine it A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the bouse at night Bat the terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough* Cure bas been administered. Safe and harmless for children. J. S Hugbsoo k Co. Warren Smart, colored, broke into Mr. J M. Reames' boose Friday night and stole a lot of groceries. Mr. Reames bHS recovered the groceries and a warrant bas been issued for the arrest of Smart. Whooping cough is the moat disireasiDg malady : but its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, wbicn is also the nest known remedy for croup and ail long and bronchial troubles J. S. Hugbsoo ?Co. The license tnx questioo wlU soon be in tba courts unless all or mose who have beeu ?ghting it back down and pay up io avoid forther trouble. Tm* is not probante, a.-?d j * test cnse ia expected to be made, HSVLS wortb k Haynawerth have been retained to represent the opponents of the lic?ose tax. We are anxious to do a little good in this j world and can think of no pleasanter or bet? ter way tc do if than t>y recommending One i Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneu? monia consumption and O'jer seiicu3 lung troubles that follow tegiectea co.'ds. J S. Hugbsoo k Co. Thens arc very few registered for the muni? cipal election, aud unless those who ba ve neglected thus far to qualify, bestir themselves 1 the Mayor and Aldermen will be elected by a small minority of the citizens of the city. There are three little things which do more work than any other three little things cre? ated-they are the ant, the bee and De Witt'e Little Karly Risers, the last being the fa? mous little pills for stomach a??d liver iron bles. Tbe bellicose folks who are itching for war with Spain had better work off a little of their superfluous pattiotism by fortifying Turkey Creek al tbe railroad bridge io order that tbey may be p rr pared to repel an attack of a fleet of Spanieb gunboats. The brick yard is near at hand, and the proprietors will, without doubt, be public spirited enough to donate all the brick-bats reeded to build a bomb-proof If this suggestion does not meet wt?b the approval *f the gore-seeking war? riors, they might iHke a course ia experiment- i ni camp-igning l^y walkiog to Lynchburg ! "cd beck io one day and spending the night io a ditch, with a crocus tack for a covering Tb:s would give them aa idea of the p casant side of warfare, and would prepare them for tbe hardships of active hostilities* MAY BS MURDER. Negro Girl Shot Through the Lungs. -1 Mayesrslle, March 7-Liza J^ne Wesley, a oet?ro girl about sixteen rears old, was shot through the bodv yesterday morning by "Loaf" Wilson, a young negro maa Tbe shooting was done witb a rifle and the ball passed completely through the girl's body, perforating the left lucg. Sba is 9til! alive, ont the physicians who have examined ber entertain bot faint hope of ber recovery. The shooting occurred about two miles from this place, and although Wilson is un? der arrest the foll particulars of the shooting have not been ascertained. Msgiatrate Brad Icy ls conducting an investigation, and has gone to the sceoe of the shooting to take the girl's aute-mortem statement. Wilson now claims that the was an accident, but by others it is said that be made a deliberate attempt to murder the girl shooting ber io tbe back, because ehe would not give him a byttle of whiskey which be? longed to Wilson's father. ?AT8R. The negro who wts shot in the vicinity of MayesVille on Sunday is still alive and there is prospect of her ultimate recovery, a1, though bar wound was considered at first to be mor Ui?. Wilson who shot ber is still in custody. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy ia intended especially for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough sod influenza. It bas become famous for its cores of th?se diseases over a larga part of the civ? ilized world. The most flattering testirtoni als have been received, giving accounts of itt good works ; of the aggravating and persist? ent coughs it bas cured ; of severe colds thar have yielded promptly to its soothing effects, and of the dangerous attacks of croup it bas cored, often saving the life of the child. The extensive use of it for whooping cough has shown that it robs that disease of all dan? gerous consequences. It is especially prized by mothers for their children, as it never fails to effect a speedy core, and because they have found that there is not the least dauger io giving it. even to babies, as it contains noshing injurious. Sold by A. J. China. I have been afflicted with rben'oatism for fourteen years, and nothing seemed to give any relief. I was able to ne around all the time, but constantly suffering. I had tried everything I could he<*r of aad at last was told to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which I did, and was immediately relieved and io a short time cured. I am happy to say that it bas not since returned -Josh. Edgar, Germantown, Cal. for sale by A. J. China. Court Convenes. The Court of General Sessions was called to order at 10 o'clock Monday mern i og, Judge Gary presiding Solictor John S. Wilson a:>d Court Stenographer Parrot were present and at their posts of duty. The Grand Jury was organized witb Mr. F. A Folsom as foreman, and Judge Garv proceeded to charge juors in respect to their duties Bis remarks were practical and to the point. He outlined the province of the grand jury and emphasized more plainly and mor* practically than has been customary the importance of a painstaking, intelligent and unbiased tovesttzation of all matters brought before the grand jury, and of the still higher importance of the fearless discbarge of the duty testing upon each member of this body. Gie well said that upon the efficiency and in diligence and fearlessness of the grand jury is predicated the entire work of the court Tbe docket was sounded and the following esses were called : .The State TS. Joseph B Wilson and E. M. Cooper, rule to show cause. Transferred to the contingent docket. Toe ?i?ie vs D Yt. Keel*, rule, to show cause. Transferred to the contingent docket. The State vs Eugene Hogan, maintaining a nuisance. Nol prossed. The grand jury acted upon only one case before a recess was taken until 3 o'clock, which was Tbe State vs. William W. Tun sall, disposing of property under lein. True bill. The following true bills were banded in by tbe grand jury immediately after tbe recess: Tbe State vs. Eli Harrison-Assault and battery with intent to kill, and carrying coo cealed weapon. True bili. The State va. Jake Brown-Assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature. True bill. The State vs. Wash Woods-Burglary and larceoy. True bill. The State vs. Josiah Spann-Larceny of livestock. True bill. The Court of geseral sessions got down to work in earnest Tuesday morning and excellent progress was made io clearing the dockat of the a in or criminal cases. Tba following cases were disposed of: The State vs. Eli Harrison, assault and bat? tery with intent to kill. Guilty ; two years 013 chain gang. The State vs. Jake Brown, assault and bat? tery of high and aggravated na ure Gailty ; eight mouths on chain gang. The State vs. Wash Woods, burglary and larceny Guilty ; six mon'bs on chain gang. The State va Vaughan Live, housebreak? ing and larceny. Guilty ; penitentiary one year. Tbe State vs Charles A. Taylor, house? breaking and larceny Plead guilty ; six months on chain gang. The State vt Minnie Felder, alias Minerva Patterson, assault and battery with io'eat to kt ll and carrying conceaUd weapons. Not g>iilty. Tbe grand jory h*s also been doing rapid work aod the following true bills were band? ed in during the morning : a The Site vs John Mack, a??nlt and bat? tery cf a high and aggravated nature and carrying concealed weapons True bill. The Stat? 78 John F. Beard, asstuU and battery with intent to kill. True Bill On trial. Th'State vs Edward W Trimsal, house? breaking and larceny. True bill The State vs Wm Tunsall, disposing of property under liea. Two cases. True bill Tbe State vs . Henry Borrows, .Murder True bil!. Arraigned. Trial set for Friday morning. The State vs Willie Johnson, larceoy. True bill. The c?se of Toe State vs. John F. Beard, assault and battery with if.tent to kill was on trial wbeu recess was taken for dinner. As there are but few witnesses to be examined for the defence, the cases will be concluded tais afiernoon. Tbe case that furnished the most ioterest and amusement was that of the State ve. Minnie Felder, alias Minerva Patterson, as sault and battery. She conducted her own ca<-e, and ber examinaron of witnesses was as Ciever and vastly more amusing than if a If.wjer had represented ber AU of the witnesses except Policeman Week3 and Dr Smith are denizens of the pection known as Red tod White, and the tesiimony was r-?re and racy Grant Williams, the expert and persistent chicken thief, was the prosecuting wiineid, the warlike Minerva having perforat? ed bis carcass with a thirty eight Thr direct in which Minerva rxked up and ex peted Williams' chain gang record was worthy of an experienced criminal lawyer The j i ry rendered a verdict in ber lavor, and she will return scot free to the ebon sbadf?? of Red and White, where 6he t?eloni>s to the upper crust of Society and does not deign to exchange calls witn many of her close ueigh bois. Beal Estate Transfers. The following transfers of real estate hare been made ia thi- county froco Jna. 1st, 1898, to March .1st, 1898 : LYNCHBURG TOWNSHIP W. H. Ingrata, Maater, to Rachel M. Hol leman-193 acres for $1C0. Siepheo A LaCosre to Irby S. LaCoste 375 acres for $10. Sarah R. McCoy to Sallie Era Jenkins One lot and building for $500. MAYESVILLE TOWNSHIP. T. B Johnston to Enoch Caesar-88 acres for $528 Marion Moise to liobert Singleton-One lot for $300. MT. CLIO TOWNSHIP. Marion Moise to Irby S LaCoste-80 acres for $640 Roxey E. Northcott to Samuel J. Scar? borough-80 acres $200. Martha Seales and others to Soe Ransom 5 acres for $3 PRIVATE3R TOWNSHIP. Robert L. and Charlotte E. Barrio to Susan C. Kolb-15 acres for $80. Caleb Neal to Isaiah Laoneau-0 acres for $50. John L Geddings to A. J. China-One half acre for $175 Pee Dee Land Company to D China and L. Burgess Jenkins-E'ght lots for $225. STATEBURG TOWNSHIP. Abe Ryttenberg to Burrell Johnson-25$ acre? for $270 L. D. Jennings to Henry L. Pinckney, Jr. | - 10 arres for $175. SHILOH TOWNSHIP. W. B. White to C. A. Sumter-109 acres for $450. W. J. McLeod to Thoa. G. McLeod-93 acres for $500. Andrew M. Woods to Sarah M. Mims-100 acres for $400. Sarah R. Mims to Allison H. Trolnck-40 acres for $480. W. H. Ingram, for Cousar and others to R. C. McFaddin-320 acres for $400 SWIMMING PENS TOWNSHIP. Wellborn J. Andrews to Sarah R. McCoy -2?5 acres for $2,000 Robert T. Dobell to Lorenzo D. Winkles 79 acres for $318 Robert T. Dowell to R. O. Purdy-204 acres fer $1,825. SUMTER TOWNSHIP. T B. Johnston to R. L. Lowrr-10 acres for $750. E. W Moise to W. P. Warley-10 acres for $200 Caroline V. S^ann to Robt:. B. Dinkins One-tenth Interest in estate Francis Dioktns. William J Cresswell and otber3 to Eliza? beth C. McCoy and others-650 acres for $1,800. Libbie R. Ryttenberg and others to Harry ! Ryttenberg-cS acres for $5. Lizzie Owens to W. Moultrie DeLorme-8 acres for $75. Eva C. Kingmao to W.- Moultrie DeLorme -31 ?cres for $250. Jaimes F. Bland to Robert J. Bland-101 acres for $5. CITY OF SUMTER. W. H Ingram, Master, to T B. Johnston -One lot and buildings for $2,500. W. H. Ingrnm, Master, to W. B. Burns One lot for $700. W H Ingram, Master, to Hrs. M. T. Del gar-One lot for $850. Rachel Gregory and Ellen Keyes to Jerome B Gregory-One lot for $500. Alston Evans to Sallie M. Marshall-Ose lot for $100. W. E. Brunson to John I. Bronson-One lot for $2?. Geo. B. S'cnrd, the well known contract? or of Towanda, N. Y., says : "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy io my family for a long ii xe and have found it superior to any other For sale by A. J China. Doctors7Say; Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis? tricts are invariably accompan? ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver and Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great " driving wheel" in the mechanism of man, and when it is out of order? the whole system becomes de? ranged and disease is the result. Tiitt's Liver Pills Cure all Liver Troubles. WANTS. WANTED-Walnut Logs. The Tele? phone Mfg. Co, tumter, S. C. P O. Box 107. Feb. 16 tf F)R RENT-The dwelling oo Church Stree', next door to the undersigned. Oontai-is six room* wi?b tire p:ace in each, alto pantry and kitchen attached, and water t? building. Everything in good order Apply to M oars Gases. Dec. 2-tf. To all and Singular the Creditors and Debt? ors ol tbe Estate of W. Smith Andrews. ALb PERSONS holding r?airos against the Estate of W. .^mith Andrews will preaer.t the e?rne to me properly proven, and ail persons in any way iodt-r-ttd to said Estate are required to make imm?diate settlement of same at mt fffice in Sumter, S. C SHEPARD NASH, C. C. C. P A G S., Feb 19-3t Aduinistrator. Estate of Oliver E. Hodge, Dee'd. 1WILL APPLY to the Judge of Probate of; Sumter County, on March 31st, 1898, tor a *Fi>al Discharge, as Executor of afore? said Estate ARCHIE CH ?NA. M D , M?rcb 2-4t. Executor. To all and Singular the Creditors and Debt? ors of the Estate of Joseph T. Andrews. ALL PERSONS holding ciaims against tho E;t>?te of Joseph T. Andrews will I pr-.peo: sam?* to mi* properly proven, and all i persons io soy w-y inai'o-t-n to said Estate i are nqtnre-d to mike lmmf-diste seitli-ment cf 3>iRie H* tnv office in Suruter, S C SHEPARD NASH, C O C P A G. S , p,.*> ]t)- 3; Administrator. CURES WHEHE ALL ELSE FAILS. " Des: Cough Syrup. Tastc? GooU. U3: in time. Sold by dmggiata^ A Great Slaughter Sale is ^ot Equal te this! 00,000 00,000 We have just received the above number of Cigars-10 s?M oases. Tbis is tho largest shipment of Cigar* ib&t ba* ever been received at one itme by aoy oae firm in Sumter. Oar object io bayicg such quantity is to get a price that will enable us To sell at regular Factory Prices Ia lot? of from one box to 1,000. 25.000 of this quantity consist of the fol? lowing weil known and established brenda of high grade 5c Cigars. "Success" Perfectos, long Havana filler and Sn marora wrapper. "Lady Bird" Perfectos, loog Havana filler aod Sumaira Wrapper. "TeUer'i Big T," special loa'g Havana filler and Sumatra wrapper. These ara our selling prices, $1 75 per box of 50, $3 60 per 100, or $35.000 per 1.000. No mort, no less. Next comes oor Little "Club Room Value," a very fine litt!? cigar, 5 wrapped io foil tor 10c-m*da of Havana scraps and clippings. I? paekage goods wt carry a large stock of the following ?od ran give you factory prices: Old Glory Cheroots, in packages, 5 for 10e. Old Virginia Cheroots, ic packages. 5 for 10c Three Rattlers Cheroots, io packages, 3 for 5c. Ten Pins Cigaros, in packages, 10 for 10c. We are headquarters and excludive agent* for the American Tobacto Co's goods in this sedt&n and can give factory pri?es on any of their line including Dnkes', Cycle and American Beauty Cigarettes, Old Va Cheroots, Duke*' Mixtore Smok? ing Tobacco, Maryland Club Smoking Tobacco end Battle Ax Plug Tobacco. Snuff* ?rt factory prices. We are telling some staple goods at less than ACTUAL COST, if we bad to boy them to-day. G*t our prices btfora buying and you will tay too. that we are headquarters/ PH03?E 58. CROSSWELL & CO. The Premier Flour of America It makes more Loaves of Bread than any other Flour. Use th? Old Sellable PATAPSCO SUPESLATIVS PATENT FLOUS, Ground frons the cream of Maryland and Virginia wheat, stands in the lead not oniy at home but in foreign markets. For purity, strength and uniform quality it bas no equal. If you want the best be sure you get this brand. For sale by CROMWELL & CO. Sept. 1. Belitzer's Furniture Store. Furniture, Lam dxixxa, sets. COME AND SEE US, YOU WILL NOT BE piSAPPOINTED. We repair your Furniture, We repair your Lounges, We repair your Baby Carriages, We make over your Mattresses. WELL AND REASONABLY. Belitzer's Furniture Store, Monaghan Block, Sumter, S. O. Ju9t*?n in a ear load of one and two-horse vag?os. Remember I gell one J the bept Wagons ever offered on the market and my price* are as low as the iowest. Call and exsmioe my stock before you buy. 1 will save you roooey. GEO. F. EPPERSON. Office: Stables. A '- f'r **r*^ SPRINGTIME DELIGSTS cac best be ebj'.-yed by a drive through tte city or lovely country roads in one of cur handsome, cocrfortabie and well-made runabouts, boggies, phae? tons, tren:*, buckboards, surreys, etc. Our vc-bicten are beautiful io style, as well as low in price, and you can drive ?il dav without fatigue in them. II? MARBI. The Shod of the Future wit! not evolute quick enoagb to cause the ladies any uneasiness. It is the shoe of the present you are most inter? ested in. Yo3 need a shoe for this ki-.d cf weather that will keep the feet warm and dry, ind that looks well, and ffpls well. Oar high-class ladies com moo 6ense walking boora, and band sewed, tipped walking br"*ts, will pre? vent you getting yo feet cold or damp. Large line Trunks and Valises always on hand, BULTMANN & BRO., The Old Reliable. Money to Loan. ON FARMING LANDS Easy payments No commissions charged. Borrower pa,s actual coat of perfecting loan. Interest 8 per cent JOHN B. PALMER & SON, pVb. 8-3a. Columbia, S. C. Estate of Jos? 0? Geddings, Dec'd. IWILL APPLY to the Judge of Probate of Sumter County for a Final Discbarge ns Administratrix of aforesaid Estate on Aprtl 5th, 1898 Jins COfcNSLIA GEDDINGS, March 2-4t Administratrix.