Seri?Bs Railroad W?e?k. T&e Ronda Vestibule and Columbia Special in K| From the Daily Item, Jan. 21. Charleston, sVc, Jan. 21.- Tb? mo?: se nous wreck that bat occurred OD the Atlantic Coast Line in many years, happened near : Ashley Jonction this morning Train 62 that leaves this city at 7 a - m. for Columbia ind train 37. the Florida Vestibule limited, came into collision a short distance from the Jonction, where they ebon ld have set and passed Both trains were wrecked, and although only two persons were killed out? right and nineteen injaree , it was tn the nature of a miracle tbat juan? other lives r were not lott. Both cogioca are al mott de? molished, and the coach? serious!y damaged. r^- LATER REPORT. Charleston, S. C., Jan. 21-Train 37 of Allan tic Coast Line from New York for i ' Florida, and train 52, local Cram Charleston to Colombia, collided about eight miles yt est of Charleston at Tl 7 this molding Two, men were killed and a number were . inured. The collision waa caused by a cbo fusion of Iorder?. So 37 bad right of way, ?>ut was late, and Icoml leaving bad orders to take aiding ! if it co-sld be made by 7.19. Point waa reached at 7.?7, but the special waa a few minuta? ahead of time reported, and the two tfarot (?rn? together. Both locomotives I . ao&abed, nut ooh two. cars damaged. Re? lief train sent at once and injured brought to ' city. 0?MFLBTS LIST C* KILLED AND WOUNDED. 4 Train No. 52 wac in charge of conductor Webb and Bogioeer Hail. 'gfrt ftaiowiog is the Hst of killed and w?*e?*d o? trait No. 52: -. :?^;5tab- New York Branch Office, 625 F St* Washington. P. C DRUGS AND Soda Water? Toil6t Articles, Drugs and Patent Medicines, PERFUMERY, EXTRACT'S TOOTH BRUSH KS. HAIRBRUSHES, COMBS, TOILET SOAPS TN GREAT VARIETY. Prescriptions Careful? ly filled day and night -AT J.S.HUGHS?N & GO., DRUGGISTS, MONAGHAN BLOCK SUMTER, S, C, Land Surveying. MR, H. D. MOISE, will give prompt at? tention to calls for surveying and platting land Can be found a: bis office, next door to office of Lee and Moise, Sumter, S. C. NOT. 18.