The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 19, 1898, Image 5

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WEBNBSD A Y, JAN 19, 1808. Entered at thc Post Office at Sumter, S G., as Second Clot* Matter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Crossweil & Co.-50,000 Cigars. County Supervisor-Quarterly Report The Dacier ? Battmao Co - At Cost, for Cash. * Satata of Hillary B. Hollemao-No;ice to Debtors and Creditors. PERSONA!,. Kr. W. 8 Dink IDS tra* i nj to wo last ? rida j. Mr John Crossweil is is the city for a day or two Senator Altamont Moses spent Sunday at Mr. Joe Strauss, of Mayesviile, spent Mon? day io tow?. -Mr. ?. D. McLeod, of Rembert, spent Mon di?j is tb? city. Mr. Abe Ryttenberg wat in Colomb e, Mon? day oe bntiacts Mr. J. K. MeCateheo, of Mt. Clio, spent Friday in the city. Mr. Jobo J. Phillips, of Charleston is in town on nosiness. Col. J. E. Mold mw, of Salem, was in town yesterday moro raff Mr?. Estelle Barris, of Fort Talley, Ga., is vatting Mrs. W. H. Yates. Capt. Jobo M McElveea, of Salem, was io tba etty last Friday on business. Mr. Silas Mel lett aod fa toi ly, of Wedge fi?ld, hare remo red to this city to live. Mrs A. T. Simmons aod daughters, of Charleston, are visiting Mrs. T. C. Seaffe. L. B. Jeno inga, SrqM bas removed! from placet io Providence township to this . . Mies Jolia V. Frierson. of Clareo?oo, is visit ia g io tbe city, the guest cf Mrs W.H. Ingram. , 7 Miss Lizzie Plowdes, of Ale?lo, who has been vasili nj Mrs. H C. Ingram, bas morn? ed to ter home. Messrs. W. A. Bowman, Dave Levi and Pani Kennedy were hi Charleston Us; week on a large cotton dea;. Mr. John Nettles, of Camden, who bas been visiting Mr. William Auld, returned to bk home oo Monday morning. Mr. E. W. Pegues, ot Chesterfield county, who was a resident of this coooty for several years has been in town during tbe past few days. Squire Scales, of Pxovideace, wat in the eity. fie reports that Mr T. S Smith, wbo ?bot Mr. Hancock a few days ago, as reported io this papar, bat been bound over to court. ?Mrs. H. S. Gredd ines, wbo spent a few days io the city left on Sunday to return ?o Havana, Ceba, where Dr Geddings is stationed by tbe United States Government to investigate tbs caoe*a and treatment of yellow fever. Mr. Harry G. Andrews, of Darlington, aod for several years io charge of tbe grocery de? partment "ol 8. A. Woods a Co , of that place b*t been employed by Messrs. Crosswell k Co , and he commenced work io their Store Monday. Rev. Mr. Sohlet preached in the Baptist Church last Sunday morning. A negro was arrested Thursday mer ni og ; for reckless riding af a bicycle, aod w?? seo tensed by- 4be Mayor to work oo the streets /ocr days or pay two dollars. Registration for tbe approaching eity isuni ; opal election ts starting off very slowly. I Some pare?os bave as idea that there is a fee to be paid for registering, bot that it mistake. Toe city foots tbe bill. There was a big chicken fight ia tbe neigh o?rbood.of HerrioVs Cross Roads last Thurs? day ?od tbe day before. The mai o was bei. ween Richland and. Kershaw oo one tide and Sum? ter owl Darlington county cocks oo tb? oth? er There wat quite a crowd present both . dova, it it said, and tb* Sumter aod Darling? ton cocks woo tbe greater number of fights. Dr. Banoo, of Mayesviile, wbo bas been qaite tick for severa! days, is sow much bet? ter tod the apprehensions tbtt bis friends felt are now abated. His iliu?it wat caused by vaccination, which produced high fever, sod ba tooktobeoacuioe to redact bis tempera mre, which depressed tbe action of bis heart to such aa estent that for a time bis condition wot very serious-Daily Item, Jan 15. Mr T. Allen MtQoary, the mao who It traveling around the world for ao Arkantaw girl, left tba city lott Thursday after asojourn bore of 8?vera 1 days. Mr. McQuary it a first elate compositor and worked in this office daring bi? stay io tbtt city. Tbe yoong mao taaci e many-friends by bis perfect con? duct while amongst us. The boote of detention for prospective smallpox suspecte, ordered by the Beard of Health, which was commenced lett Wednesdav, baa been completed The work wat done by Messrs. W H. Ep? person and J W. Atkins, assisted by Supt of Streets, Tribble, aod several ol* the regular street baodt The boose is 20 feet by 15 feet and is ceiled insude Tbe boote is located oo a high and dry ene in the woods about 250 yards from the public road leading to DetCbampe Mill and is about three foortbt of a mile from the limits of tbe eity. There are co booses io the immediate vicinity. There are oo oew developments, locally, in toe smallpox excitement. There wat a rompr oo the streets Thursday morning that fifteen pupils from the colored college at Orange berg bad arrived io tbe city the oigbt before In? quiry from toe police force aod the Health Officer, however, failed to secure aoy verifica? tion of tba report. Health Officer Reardon, sa j s tbat be knows all tbe colored sindee ts that belong to Sumter, that there are only fear, aod be koowa where they are. The police a!tend tbe arrival of all trains, and eay that no strange students have stopped bett. Toe outbreak of smallpox io Greenville aod Spartan borg it reported to be under con? trol, aod there have been oo new cases de? veloped witbio tba patt week Well inform? ed men from those placet state that every pr?? caution bat been taken to preveo t a spread of ] tba disease, and vigilant measures wiU be continued until all danger bat patted. They speak hopefully of tbe situation, ts they are of tba opioioo that the wortt hts pasted, and with a foll knowledge of what the health au? thorities have to deal with it will be compar? atively caty to 8opprstt the epidemic. The Shakers of Mcent Lebanon, a com? munity of simple, honest. God-fearing men and women, bave prepared the Shaker Di? gestive Cordial for many years, and it is all way s tba same, simple, honest, curative medi? cine that bat helped to make the Shakers the healthy, long lived people that they are Tbe Shakers never bave indigestion. This it partly owing to their simp'e mode of life, partly to the wooderfol properties of Shaker Digestive Cordi?! Indigestion is caused by tbe stomach glands not supplying enough di? gestive juice Shaker Digestive Cordial sur plies what's waotiog. Shaker Digestive cor. dial iovigoratet the stomach and a}3 its gitndt to that after awhile they don't need help. At evidence of ihe honesty of Shaker Digestive Cordial, the formula it printed oo every bottle Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1 00 per bottle. MABRISD. Married at the residence of Hr. Wm Stone, in thia citr at 8 o'clock Monday oigbt, bj Magistrate H. L. B. Wella, flies Sallie Hum? bert to Mr. Thoa. S. Stone, botb of St. Stephens. MS- P. A. GILBERT. Death of an Honored and Useful Citizen of YorkviUe, 8. C. ? dtspateb received in this city yesterday brirrgs the sad in tel licence of tbe death af. Mr. P. A. Gilbert, of Yorkville, on the night of the ll tb instant. Mr. Gilbert had for many yean been the cashier of tbe Back of Yorkville, and had frequently served as al? derman and once as mayor of bis town. He waa one of the best known and one of the most highly respected citizens of his section of the State. He was a useful and exemplary member of tbe Methodist Church. He will be sadly missed in very mao j ways. Hil wife, who was a Miss Jeffreys, of YorkviUe, and of one of the oldest and most, respecta* ble families o/ that town survives him. She and her only child will receive much tender sympathy from many wbc in YorkviUe and elsewhere knew the deceased.-News and Courier, Jan. 13. Prank A. Gilbert was born and raised in this city, and wat the oldest child of the late Rev. A. A. Gilbert. He removed to York ville soon after attaining manhood, and mar? ried there. He WAS about 46 or 48 years old at the time of his death. His mother was a sister of Mr. S. P. Plowers of this city. The annual banquet of Hollywood Camp Woodmen of the World, will be given to? night. One Minute Cough Cure eures quickly That's what you want 1 J. S. Hugbson & Co. A one dollar bill which had been raised to twenty was detected last week by Capt. John Reid. He received it from a customer on whom it bad been passed. Sensible people will not wait for tbs city authorities to order compulsory vaccination, bat wiU promptly take the simple precaution needed to render them immune. Prosperity comes quickest to tbe man whose liver is in good condition. De Witt's Little Early Risers are famous little pills for constipation, biliouscess, indigestion and all stomach and liver trouble.-J. S. H ag h son ?Co. There bas been a slight change io the A. C. L. schedule. The morning train from Co? lumbia arrives at 8.03 inste?i of 8 20 as heretofore. Miss Allis Hughes, Norfolk, Ya., was fright fa Hy horned on the faca and neck. Pain was instantly relieved by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salva* which healed the injury without leering a sear It is the famous pile remedy. J. S. Hogbson it Co. Monday morning the northern mail did . not leave the city owing to tbe fact that there was a change of schedule on tba A. C L., and the mad driver had not been noti? fied ot the change. Mrs. M?ry Bird, Harrisburg, Pa., says, "My child is worth millions to me ; yet I would have lest her by croup had I not in? vested twenty-five cents in a bottle of One Minute Cough Care." It carrs congos, colds and all throat and lung troubles. J. S. Hogbson k Co. The mut:'Mpal election is drawing near, bus thus far there are no candidates in the field. There will be no scarcity of candidates, however,'io doe season, and the contest will be interesting for all parties. J. A. Perkins, of Antiquity, O , was for thirty yeare needlessly tortured by physi? cians for the cure of eccema. H* was quick? ly cored by using DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salv? the faisons bealing taire for "piles and skia diseases.-J. S. H ugh son k Co. Se perin tendent Edmunds reports an en? rollment in Graded Schools np to present month as fol lows : Washington Street Graded School, 369; Line?lo Graded School, 304; total, 663. ?rs. Stark, Pleasant Ridge, G . says* "After two doctors gave op my boy to die, I saved him from croup by using O oe Minute Cough Cure." It ia the quickest aad most certain remedy for coughs, colds and throat and lang troubles.-J. S. Hogbson k Co. Sometime in the future the houses in this city will be numbered ; at least some people hope BO. Tbe descriptive gymnastics and contortions now necessary when a stranger ia directed to a place are very tryiog. Mrs M. B Ford, Rod dall's, 111, suffered for eight yeats from dyspepsia and chronic constipation end wee finally cored by using DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous lit? tle pil'o for all stomach and liver troubles - J. S. Hogbsoo k. Co. Toe Y. H. C A. meeting Sanday morn was atteoded by the largest crowd of men and boys seen at a meeting io months The musie was unusually good and the address delivered by Dr. Clifton was most interesting * od instructive. The Association appears to be taking on new life aod many members wbo bad grown indifferent are eviociog re? newed interest It is easy to catch a cold and jost as easy to get rid of it if you commence early to use One Minute Cough Cure, h cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, poeomoni* aod all throat aod lung troubles. It is pleaaaot to take, safe to use and sure to cure - J S Hugbson 4 Co., Every perron who wishes to vote in the municipal election in April most obtain reg? is'ration certificates from Supervisor of Reg? istration Yonog Tbe fact that a cit zan reg? istered for tbe municipal election two years ago does not count, the old certificate is oot of date. Another point that may oot be koown to all is that the possession of a State registration certificate is one of tbe requisite qualifications for municipal registration Tbe man who cannot vote for State aod county officers on account of failure to secore a reg? istration certificate for aoy cause, cannot vute in the moDicipal election. Wben you cannot sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It slways gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids expectoration, relieves the luogs and prevents any tendency toward pneumonia. For sate at Dr. A. J. China's Drug Store. "I take pleasure ia recommending Chara b-rlain'8 Colic, Cholera aod Diarrhoea Rem? edy to all who suffer from paios io the stom? ach," says Mr. Milt McKinley, editor of the Rawson (Ohio) Herald. "Until I nsed this remedy it was, at times, impossible for me to be in my office, owing to attacks lasting from one to two days. By taking it as soon as tbs first symptoms of tbe attack are feit, I no longer ?offer tin'* unpleasant sickness " For sale at Dr. A. J. Cbioa's Drog Store. The special Cost Sile announced by tbe Ducker k Bu lt man Co , is a great oppor? tunity for those who are oo the lookout for bargains This firm carries a large stock of dry goods, shoes, Lats, notions clotbiug and staple and fancy groceries,and also plows, gear aod otb?r farm i rap'emente from whicb the avfrace buyer can felect aHost ev*r? ?rtic'e oeeded in the household Tbe sale will coo tinue for a limited D?riod only, ?nd rs soon as tbe ?tock has been reduced to make room for the spring goods will br discontinued. Il will ?>e a harrest time for bargaios booters, aod their advertisement should be read daily for the special announcement that will be made from time to time. THE FIB ST NATIONAL BANK. Annual Meeting of Stockholders and Election of Directors. Th? annual neeting of the stockholders of tbe First National Bank was beld last wrek . od a board of directors elected to serve for oo? je?r as follows : R. M. Wallace, A. J. China, R. D. Lee, Neill O'DOD oeil, B. R. Nash, L. S Carson and Jobo Reid. At the meeting Jtbe regalar semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent, was declared at>d $3,000 of und-ivided profits remained as tba net result of the years business. Tb? bank bas paid out in dividends since its es tablisnment the sum of $32,750 and bas a surplus aod undivided prafits amounting to $19,000. Tbe baok is in a flourishing con? dition and baa ample resources to transact successfully and safely the large vol?me of business that it has. The Woodmen's Banquet. Tbe officers-elect of Hollywood Camp, Woodmen of tbe World, will be installed to? night. Tba installation will be public, and all^ WD0 attend will be cordially wel? come, whether they have been initiated io to the mysteries of woodcraft or not. After the installation the Woodmen will re? pair to th? Hotel Marion, where the anneal baoqoet will be served. A limited number of invitations bave been sent out to gentle? men oot members of the camp, aod tbe Wood? men anticipate making tbe annual banquet a pleasant occasion. The Ducker & Bultman Co. At the annual election of The Docker & Bultman Co., beld on January 13th, the fol? lowing directors and officers were elected to serve for noe year : Directors-E. W. A. Boltmao, W. A. Browo, J. T. Greeo, Jr., A. R Flowers aod W B Dick. President-E. W. A. Bultman. Vice President-J T. Green, Jr. Attention Boards of Pensions for Townships. STJMTBB S. C., Jan. 17th, 1898 The Township Boards of Pensioos, will meenie tbeir respective Townships on Satur? day January 29th, 1898, to revise the old list of pensioners and receive and pass upon new applications for pensions fur the year 1838. and the Chairman of each Township Board will meet tbe County Board at tbe Court House at 12 o'clock m. on Mon? day, January 31st to make a 6 o al report to Couoty Board. The roll of peosionera for 1897 ?iii be furnished to each township board oo application ?c tbe oodersigoed, also blanks. P. P GAILLARD, Ch'm'o Co. Pension Board. All Sun: er papers will piense copy. SHOT BY A WOMAN. Grant Williams, the Chicken Thief, Done Up by Minerva Patterson. Granu Williams, the most notorious chick? en thief of this city and one of tbe most fre? quent tenants of the guard bouse, came to grief Satur !ay morning and now bas a pistol bullet lodged in bis person. Williams got into a row with Minerva Patterson, a resident of Ricker'ii Hundred, attacking her with a knife it is. said. Minerva does oot <*arry a bip pocket, qnch a? an enterprising mr-rt-er of the Legislature is endeavoring to abolish oy law, but she bad a nimble pistol in readiness and she opened fire on Williams The first shot went trae to the mark, striking Williams in the back, just above tba bip. Tbe wound m?7 be a serious oae, bot Williaas did not show any signs of dyiog from it at last re? ports. Miaerva surrendered herself to the police soon after the shooting and was locked op ia the g aard house for safe keepiog. Many and varied schemes have been adopt? ed by tbe big metropolitan daily papers to increase tbeir popularity, but perhaps the most commendable one for a high-class news? paper, the proper functions of which is the publishing of accurate and reliable informa? tion for tbe good of tbe general public, is the issuing of magazine supplements. Re? cent improvements in tbe making of tbe so called (tbalf-tooe" cots, or photogravure re? productions of actual photographs, is rapidly changing this condition, and the "half? tones" ara becoming more popular as a means of illustrating daily newspapers. They are popular with tbe public because they mest of necessity be absolutely accurate pic tares of the scenes represented, aod also be? cause they are as a role the most artistic and attractive illustrations In this respect the New York Mail and Ex? press stands in tbe 6rst rank for the reason that it? Saturday Supplement is a high-class magazine in every respect. Not only is it illustrated with tbe highest grades of half? tones, bot it is printed on beavy paper and in the form of a magazine, soitable for binding and preserving. Tbe articles in a large measure treat of current events ard topics of the times, interesting alike in all parts of tbe country. Another f-atore adopted by The Wail and Express, which ie quite unique, is i's Gene al?gica! and Historical Department, which affords opportunity for maoy people to trace their ancestry and build np a "Family Tree" of tbeir own. In tbis department tbs his? tory ?od genealogy of the fimiiies aod de? scendants of the MayftSwer Pilgrims h?ve receotly beeD prioted. Thea? articlfs were reprinted io pamphlet form, ?nd The Mail and Express aooouoces that so mtny good American citizens want to koow whether their forefathers came over on the Maj flower or not that it ha9 found it necessary to print a large eecood edition of the pamphlet in order to supply tbe demand Send to Tbe M ni 1 and Express. New York, for sample copt free of its very interesting Saturday issue. Timmon&ville News. Timmons?ille, S. C., Jan. 13 - The town coocil passed an ordinance last night requir? ing all the citizens of Timmoosville to be vaccinated. The council bas arranged with tbe physicians here to vacciaate free of cost to those who do not feel able to pay for it. Tbe ladies ot tbe Methodist Church here gave a birthday party last night at the borne of Mrs. E. A. Rollins, for the benefit of tbe parsonage. Each guest WHS required to pay an admittance fee of one crnt for each year of their age. About $20 was raised. Rev. Mr Moseley, of Floreoce, preached io the Baptist Church here Tuesday eveniog. Rev H F. Oliver bas moved bis family from HymaoaviMe, S. C , to this place. Samuel HHS* made an assignment a few days ago to W R Barrioger, but hopes to mike arrangements to open up again sn a short time. MB- W. Mc O. GREEN 8HOT. Knocked Negro Down and is Shot in Face With Gun. Mr. W. McDonald Green, formerly of Wisacky, ibis county, but for several years a resident of Clareodoo County, was shot in tbe face with a shotgun Thursday afternoon by a negro named Sap Jones. The shooting occurred near Felder's, Clarendon County. Mr. Green is eeriou9ly wounded, but it ia not necessarily fat a i The difficulty was brought on by stock owned by Mr. Green running on Jones' fields Some days ago Jones wrote Mr. Green an in? sulting note aboot tbe stock and bad been making threats against Mr. Green to various parties. Thursday they met io the road and Mr. Green asked the negro about the note. He received an insolent and abusive reply aod promptly knocked the negro down. When the negro got up, Mr. Green pulled his pistol and opened fire oo bim. The negro re'urned the fire with a shot gun, the load t?king effect in Mr. Green's faee. The negro is said to bear a bad reputation io tbe community. Mr. Green is well k?own in this city, where he once lived for sometime, and has many friends who will learn with regret of the oofortonate outcome of the difficulty. Mr. Elisha Berry, of this place, says be never hid anything to do him so much good and give such quick relief from rheumatism as Cnamberlain's Pain Balm. Be was both? ered greatly with shooting pains from hip to knee until be used this liniment, which af? fords prompt relief -B. F. Biker, druggist, St. Paris, Ohio. For sale at Dr. A. J. Chi? na's Drug Store. BRAVE FRED DESAUSSUBE. He is Only a Lad, and a Cripple at That, but he Stopped a Bunaway Horse. The stopping of a. runaway horse is a difficult task for a mah with a cool bead and a strong arm-it is almost a superhuman one for a lame strippliog, yet it was accomplished in right gallant fashion by yoong Fred DeSaus'ure on South Battery yesterday afternoon A horse attached to a boggy bad become frightened in Meeting street The terrified animal dashed down that thor? oughfare and swung into Sooth Battery, en? dangering the lives of cbildreo who were skating and plating on the asphalt. Young DeSaossore, who is about 15 years of age and a cripple, placed himself in the path of the ronaway, and as the boree reached him be grasped it about the neck. The animal was thrown from i's feet and the lad was caught under it. Bystanders rushed to bis aid aod ezracted him from bis perilous situation. He was carried to bis home at 20 Rutledge avenue and physicians summoned to bis assistance. Their examination showed that be was some? what bruised aod ooe of bis ankles was sprained, but otherwise be was not hurt. The act of the lad was a reckless ooe, bot it proved tbat be possesses a coo rage which woold do credit to any mao.-News and Coorier, Jan. 15. 8HOOTINQ ON THE STBEET8. Hugh Dimmery Shoots at London Thompson. Saturday eight Hugh Dimmery and Lon? don Thompson both colored, trot ioto a row on Republican street between Maio aod Sum? ter streets, and after rowing awhile Dimmerr drew bis gun Tbompsoa took to bis heels and made the best time he knew bow to get ont of the neighborhood. Dimmery shot at him three times io rapid succession, but never touched bim. The police took a band in the fracas about that time and stopped the shoot? ing. Both negroes were arrested for dis? orderly conduct. Yesterday ?bey were before the Mayor. The evideocA was conclusive against them and they were found guilty of disturbing the peace aod creating a riot. They were each fined $5. Hugh Dimmery, who shot at London Thompson was turned over to magistrate Wells to answer to the charge of assault and battery with io tent to kill and carrying concealed weapons. The prosecution in the Magistrate's Court was started by London Thompson, who made the affidavit. BANK OF SUMTER. The Annual Meeting of Stock? holders The aooual meeting of the stockholders of the Baok of Sumter was held yesterday io the director's room at tbe bank. Opt R. J Brownfield was called te the chair, and pre? sided during the meeting. The regnUr re? ports were made and tbe annual statement snbmitted. The board of directors was elect? ed as follows: W. F B Bayaswortb, Marion Moise, Altamont Moses, J. S. Huehson. R L. Cooper, C S Stobfcs and Richard I Man? ning Mr. Manning was elected to fill the vacancy in the board created by the death of R P Monaghan. Capt. Brownfield, who was nominated for a place on the board declined to permit bis name to be used, on tbe ground that he could not attend the regular meetings pf the hoard and would consequent? ly t.e unable to properly discharge the duties of the position. A meeting of the Directors was held in tbe afternoon, at which all the former officers of the Bank were re-elected. Dr. Peck, tbe New York Optician, will be at Hogbsoo s Drug Store this week. Reference, Dr. J. A. Mood. Save Your Money. One box of Tutts Pills will save many dollars in doctors' bills They will surely cure all diseases of the stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio? usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS ESTATE NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebted to the late Hil lary li Holleman, of Mayeville, S. C , win make payment to tbe undersigned quali? fied Executrix of bis last will and testament, or to per undersigned attorney? ; and all per? sons to wnom said Testator wns indebted will present their claims, proven according to I*w, to enid attorneys. HATTIE XAVIER, Qualified Executrix. JAMES D. BLANDING, DANIEL M. YOUNG, Jan 19-3w Attorneys. ? Great Slaughter Sale is Not Equal to this! 50,000 Cigars50000 We have just received the above number of Cigars-lO solid oases. This is the largest shipment of Cigars that has ever beeo received at ooe time by soy one firm io Sumter. Our object io buying such quantity is to get a price that will enable us To sell at regular Factory Prices Io lots of from ooe box to 1,000. 25,000 of this quantity consist of the fol* lowing: well known and established brands of high grade 5c Cigars. "Success" Perfectos, long Havana 61Ier and Sumatra wrapper. "Lady Bird" Perfectos, long Havana filler and Sumatra Wrapper. "Teller's Big T," special loag Havana titler and Somatra wrapper. These are our selling prices, $1 ?5 per box of 50, $3 50 per 100, or $35.000 per 1,000 No more, no less. Next comes ocr Little;1 'Clob Room Value," a very Sue little cigar, 5 wrapped in foil for 10c-made of Havana scraps and clippings. In package goods we carry a large stock of the following and can give you factory prices: Old Glory Cheroots, io packages, 5 for 10c Old Virginia Cheroots, ic packages. 5 for 10c Three Rattlers Cheroots, io packages, 3 for 5c. Ten Pios Cigaros, in packages, 10 for 10c. We are headquarters and exclusive agent? for the American Tobacco Co's goods in this section and can give factory prices on any of their line including Dokes', Ords and American Beauty Cigarettes, Old Va Cheroots, Dukes' Mixture Smok? ing Tobacco, Maryland Clnb Smoking Tobacco aod Battle Ax Plug Tobacco. Scoffs at factory prices We are selling some staple goods at less than ACTUAL COST, if we had to boy them to day. G?t our prices before boyiog aod yoo will say too, that we are headquarters. PHONE 53. CROSSWELL & CO. The Premier Flour of America It makes more Loaves of Bread than any other Flour. Use the Old Settable PATAFSCO SUPERLATIVE PATENT FLOUS, Grouod from the cream of Maryland and Virginia wheat, stands in the lead not only at home butin foreign markets. Por purity, strength and uniform quality it bas no equal. If you want the best be sure you get this brand. For sale by CROSSWELL & CO. Sept. 1. Belitzer's Furniture Store. T^ULrxiilnjLr?, Olxixxs, Sets, COME AND SEE US, YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED. We repair your Furniture, We repair your Lounges, We repair your Baby Carriages, We make over your Mattresses. WELL AND REASONABLY. Belitzer's Furniture Store, Monaghan Block, Sumter, S. C. Just Think of It! ( A high grade standard Rock Hilk open buggy for $55. The same top job for $TO. Plenty of horses and mules on hand. A car load of the former re? ceived last week. H. Barby. Sumter, S. C., November 80, 1897. V