B?TJGHTJSBS OP THE CON? FEDERACY. Bep?rt of Quarterly Meetirg cf : Dick Au dftrson Chapter. Toe quarterly meeting of Dick Anderson Charter U. D- C. was held Jan. 3, 18>8 Ia coDSfqoer.ee cf a resoltuion passed by tbe Sitto division at its recent oeetice in Abbeville, it was resolved tbat the following letter sboold be seot to each Legislator in tbe county: Dear Sir: At the meeting c? tbe State Division ."United Daughters of the Coofede - racy, the committee on schools reported that antill OD. tbe wa eject of Southern school his? tories bad been prepared aod won ld be pre? sented at th* coming session of the Legisla ? tare It was resolved that each Chapter of tbe Confederacy ?hoo?d c*ll the attention of the representatives of their county to the sub? ject. :. ?o accordance with- that resolution the Dick Anderson Chapter ?. D. C. for the sake of *he Lost Canee, aud of those woo fooght anti foll io its defence asks tbat yon will give tbe mes? ro y bar hearty support ?od; try by every ?Beau ia your power.to ba n .sb the un? fair and partisan bistor jes now Daed io so many of onr schools, ?nd to ensure that: the children of our State shalt be taught tbe true history of their father's struegle for fode . peodence, and cf tbe part the Sooth bas taken io the making of the nation's history ; apart so completely ignored in tbe histories now placed io the bands of eur students. Tbe lT. t> C. feel; thai, through their ef? forts, tbe interest of the; people of tbe South bes teen aro used io regard to ?bis subject, aod they have resolved ta leave no stone on tu -oed to accom pi ish their aim. We fee4 rare that you wi^ eo-o. erate with ?8 in our effets A committee was appointed to select an orator for Memorial Day. ^ Appeals were received for aid io" caring fer toe7 gravea of Southern soldier^7,;buried in ?fc?ffeo b?r??t^ou^e.:. . Ia reeUimisg aod caring for a part .of the battie ground of Bull Ron, wherv. tho a saud s ' of-<5c^ed?r??8 epldieW- BO tr iie.ia -?egWted .gjs^Vi^? i^^tjo^ttim^Sp: memora w.mcow p1?r the church ?nJRfcbm?nd where Je?fWson Davis waa coo6rmed, ?nd wberebe worshipped while president. li wa? resolved to send five dollars to each of tte burial ground fonds, and one dollar' (the amount asked for) for tbe memorial win? dow. :V A-.eoatriti?^6o\o^Yoini dollars was sent to Wade Hampton* Chapter; Columbia, to assist 1 ieiaa, ping a tablet to ^*oe; memory -bf three yoong boye, ?olor nea.*rs io Gregg's regi ateoc, who were shot, do wo ozz afteranother io.a single bat?ie \ _ - ? i i , - HEALTH OFEICEB'S &EPORT. I . . .. _ .v. The Record of Births ar d Deaths and General Health During Health Officer Reardon bas compie*ed bis a nouai report for the year 1897 aod bas for? warded a copy to the State Board of Health, as required -by la wv : . The report will he fou&? interesting ??y a majority of the rrsi deon of Sumter, and tbe following abridg? ment of the.full report, furn tabed bv"i he Heat a officer, ia given space as ? matter of more than p?ssiog importance. BIRTHS FOB 3897; January 6, Februarys, M?rch 8, April8, May 4, Joue 13, Jul j 13, August 14, Sep? tember. 12, October IO, November 1?, De . cembar 16. White males 27, white females 18; tota! whites 45, Colored males 50, col? ored females 47 ; total colored 97. G ra od otal 142. Still births 23. DEATHS FOR 1897. January 18, February 4, March 7, April 6, May 19, Jnoe 15, Joly 14, August 15, September 14, October 15, November{ ll, December 6 White males 24, white females/ 16; total whites 40. Colored malea 59, col? ored females 45; total colored 104 By ages-Under 1 year, 35 ; 1 to 5 years, 30?g5 to 10 years, 5; *10 to 20. 3; 20 to 40 years, 29; 40 to 60 years, 19; 60 to 80 years, 21; over SO years, 2 Total 144. >, Within a fraction of 50 per cent, of these 144 deaths were children, under V veer and ftom 1 to 5 years old (total; 65). If we in ?lude the 5 deaths from 5 to 10 years old we ?od, Jacking two, (2) tbat 50 per cent of tbe deaths (70) were of ebtldreo under 10 years. Of tbi3 amooct nearly 93 per cent, were col? ored children who died from pneumonia, dyiebtety, ?cote indieestior, entero colitis, gastritis, lack of vitality, exposure, neglect Of parent, celie, carelessness in tbe diet of in? fante, etc In re??rd to tbe ooosoai number of deaths (29) at the ages from 20 to 40 'years, a large majority of thoa* were colored! aod these deatbs were caused by La Gripp?, pneomo oia and consuicp?oo principally, and care leesoess wheo iii, lade of efficient cloth icc in winter, medicine ?nd nursing and proper oourisbmeot Consomption is making fast progress in tba colored pop a lat i on. There wer? comparatively few deaths from fever, dysentery ?od. other sommer com? plaints, ?od very lilt ? sickness from these canees where stand-pipe water is used While the deaths for 1897 over 1896 were 27, aod tbe birth? 8 less, making 35 loss, rtill io 1896 we bad 35 more births tban deaths, ao that we are exactly even for tbe two years, When Toa Have a Bad Cold Yo? want the best medici ne that can be ob? tained, aod that is Cbambelain's Cough Rem? edy. You want a remedy that will not only give quick relief but effect a permanent core. Too want a remedy tbat wHI relieve tba langs ?od keep expectoration easy. Too want a remedy that will counteract aay temdeccy toward* poeurnooii. You want a remedy that is pleasant and tafe to toke. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is tbe only medicine io use tbat meets all of these re? quirements. This remedy is famous for its cores of bad colds throughout tbe United States and io many foreign countries. It had many rivals, bot, for the speedy and rerma oeotcureof bad colds, stands without a peer aod ita spleodid qualities are evey wbere ad? mired ?od praised. For sale at Dr. A. J. China's Drug Store. A Horse Book Free. We bave a number of Dr. Kendall's "Treat? ise oo the Horse," for distribution to subecrih. ? ert, as a premium to 'hose who pay in ad- ; vance. The book contains much valuable ofo:ro%tions including description? o? dise?es aod remedies for same. We will bc glad to have our subscribers caii and get copies-free to all woo pay up. BINNA IS DEFE?TEu. A s the Contest in Ohio Now Stands. Columba*?, O , Jan. 6-Conserva? tive estimates tonight pi ace tbe legisla? ture at 75 to 70 against Senator Hanna. Tbe workers of the senator claim 71 votes and assurances of the necessary two additional votes, and possibly four more. Tee opposition insists tbat Hanna .will never have 70 votes on joint baiiot, and hat they have gained two since the IfgisSatare adjourned over till Mooday. Before the chairmanships and preferred 1 places aod other patronage are disposed of, the opposition say that Hanna's vote will be reduced considerably below 70, wbiob is now at least three shore enough to elect. The opposition to Hanna consists of tba sixty-five democratic members and ten republican members. Cotton Belt Changes. Startling Statements of a Northern Contemporary. Twenty years ago the bulk of the cotton crop came from east ofjthe Mississippi and ooly about four bales oat cf ten were grown west of that river. To-day about.seven oat of ten are gmwo beyond, the Mississippi Texan adds to ir* crop yearly So does Arkansas. Kansas bas began to grow oottoo and eaoe In ten years the present southern mills will bean far ot (arther from the centre of cot? ton prodoction. measured by freight rate?,, tbao New Eogland North Carol na already. bas will* "oough to spin all ibe cotton grown th<>re. In five years this will be true of Sour h Carolina and Georgia. The growth of mills will stop theo Mills will begin to appear north of tbe great cotton belt from Kansas and Missouri to the Golf. Thia belt will then be growing tbree quarters of all oar cotton. The clima :e is much closer to the African regions, where the cot ?on plant grows wt;d, tbao oar Atlantic seaboard and' neare . tbe climate where cotton was raised most successful!y by the Indian The bosh IM higher. It bears longer. Opeo, rainless falls add to tbe product The by-product of cotton. seed keeps tbe yield nf an aero aa hieb as.ever. The (ixehrogeable value of oottoo ts tc day greater than twenty or even fifty year? ago Th* product will continue to in oreeae. - The world yield has trebled io twenty-five years aod gone up one half io ten or twelve It steadily rises It will send a cold chill of hor? ror th rough our fouibern exchanges, bot 4 cent cotton is oot very far off. Tbe world bas only jost beean tn u*e cotton. Out of 1 500.000,000 human beings near half live where it is warm aod are imperfectly clad, while the Cbioeoe aaa of quilted oottoo ao a pro teotioc- aga io st cold has only just be? gun.-Philadelphia Press Don't be Fooled, Farmers. Mr. Sbeppersoo says:' ''Unless prices advance materially by January 15, there will of necessity, be a very ?arge reduction iu the acreage of tbe next cortoo erop. As sonn as such an intended curtailment of acreage is per feet ly evident, tbe spinners will un doubted ly bu v so freely as to speedily absorb tbe 675,000 bales of indicated sorries and to advance prices to a much higher plane lo the mean UL.:, whether prices sd va o ce or not between now and the time for making prepara? tions for tba new crop, tbe experience of ibis fall. sb??u!d make it perfectly olear to soot hern farmers tbattbey sboald next year give less acreage to cotton and more to food and forage crops.'* Therefore there is money to be made this very winter by the very resolution to reform Good inteotioos will briog two dividends io 1898 if firmly held January 5 Train robbers rifled tbe pxpreos car on the Kansas j City, Pittsburg and Golf road last night within the limit* of Kansas City ' The amount of money seeored is not known The republicans ia the Maryland Legislature bave split and one faction may unite with the Democrats to defeat tbe regular Repoblieaos The fight in .be Ohio Legislature against Mark Hanoa is attracting the widest interest io political air?les throughout the United States -Hanna who still lacks two votes cf tbe necessary majority tn elect him to the Senate ts making a desperate fight and the entire strength of the Repoblioao machine is being brought into play as well as the unlimited money that Hanna controls Woonsocket, R I.. Jan. 5 -Notices of a redaotioo to cont rm with the re eent redactions of wages io Woonsock? et oottoo mills was posted to-day io tbe Hamlet cotton mills The redaction weot ioto effect ou Mooday last Free Pin?. Send your address to II. E. Buck len a Co Chicago, aod get a free sample box of Dr King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince ! you of their merit?. These pills are easy in J action and are particularly effective in the care of Constipation and Sick Headache. For .Va? j ?aria and Liver troubles they hare, been proved i invaluable. Tb?*y are guaranteed to be per> j fectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetnblc. They ?lo nut weaken by their action, bat by giving tone to the stoinaoh and bowels greatl? invi/prnle the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold ? by J. F. W. DeLorme Druggist 4 [ Wiids's Summer Rose. We have received the following communication from ?Mr Henry B. Kin?, which explains itself : AUGUSTA, Ga , E'ec 27. 1897. Editors Chronicle : In Mrs Fel? ton's letter in Sunday's Chronicle, you print Mr. Wilde'i poem thus : "My life is like the summer rose, Wb'Cb opens to tbe morning sky, Bot ere the shades of evuning close, Are scattered on the ground to die.'' Now, did Mr. Wilde write "are scattered," or is Mr? Felton, or are you. responsible for i^ ? I cannot find another copy of the poem-I am ashamed to say-in roy iibrary, but I have read it scores of times, and never noticed that constrnotion be? fore HY. B. KING. The "intelligent compositor" and the 'proof reader" both have broad shoulders and are accustomed to it. so without seeking further we will charge the fault to them But there were several verbal errors in the poem as furnished, and in order that ali of them may be corrected, we re? produce tbe poem here for the benefit of those desiring a copy "My life is like the sun: mer rose That opens to the morning sky, Bat ere the shades of evening clos?, Is scattered oe the ground to die. Yei o'er that rose's bumble bed Tbe sweetest dews of oie ht are shed, A* if she wept, euch waste to see But nooe will weep a tear for me ! "My life is like the autumn leaf That trembles io the moon's pale ray, It'a ho d is frail-it's date is brief, Rp8?lef8- ?nd soon to pa38 away ! .Yet ere that leaf ph*]i fall aod fade, Tne purent tree will mooro its shade. - Th* s?ind* bewnil tbe leafless tree, But none will breathe a sigh for me ! "HT life ia like the pr nts which feet E ave left on Tempn's desert stroud ; Soon as the ribing tide sbnll beat, All trace will v/iniib from tbe sand ; Yef, a9 if grieving to efface All vestige of tbe ho mun race, On thai lone short load ruoana^be see, JBut none, alas i will moafntor me 1" Wilde's masterpiece was always a great favcrite with Hon. Jas S Hool?, who has written some beaut i ful verse, himself, and one day he paraphrased it. The poem of Judge Wilde, it will be observed, while per feet in diction, beautiful in thought and faultless in versification, is de? spondent in tone It was Judge Hook's idea to preserve the saroe^ ideas and versification, but io con? elude each verse with a more cheer fut sentiment, and more of the Chris? tian's: faith in the future His was not written with a view of improving on Wilde, nor of stealing any of his poetic laurels, but. impressed by its despondent tone, and being fond of versification, in an idle hour, about twenty years ago, he paraphrased it in the manner shown belowy We take the iibei ty of publishing ft in this connection : AS JUDGE HOOK PARAPHRASED IT. My life is like tbe sommer rose Biooroiog 'nphtb the mornir g sky. That when the shades of evening close It fades and falls, but not io die : For o'er that rose's bombie bed Lingering fragrance still is shed, That breathes of sweet life yet to be, And sa cb, I ku ow, will cc me to me ! My life is like tbe auton: n leaf, Doomed soon to fade and pass away, Yet, though it? date be e'er so brief, 'Tis sweetly kissed by sunlit ray. A d wheo it fa?ee, as fade it most, And falle ? eoea?h tbe parent tree, New life will Sod its changing dust, And such, I know, will come io me ! ? MT ife is like the ocean main That rolls it waves on Tampa's strand, Tbe rising flood will ebb again, ?od leave bebind the sbiniog sand ; Arl s-ssion next Tuesday, lltb tr;et. j There will be roany important bills ?0 j consider, brit the ?xiug of the tax levy j will probably be the ooe that will inter I e-t ?h-? people niO*t. Row to keep the levy down ?nd yet provide reveoae aof fici?-Dt to ron the state government for the next fiscal year, will bo a mos? dif? ficult problem. The body will likely be in pension ?t least six weeks -Aiken Journal and Review. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jon ci, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into hasty consumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, be took a bottle borne, and to the sur? prise of ali ?he began to get bet er from . the first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's 2?ew Discov? ery for Consumption, Coughs ?nd Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Dr. J. F. W. De Lor me's Drug Store. 4 The first shipment of sugar from Coba io many months was received io New York yesterday Ladies Who Suffer prom any complaint peculiar tc their sex-such as Profuse, Pain? ful, Suppressed or Irregular Men? struation, are soon restored to hjealth by Bradfield^ Female Regulator. It is a combination of remedial agents whicl) have been used with trje greatest success for rnore than 25 years, and Known to act speci? fically with and on tfee organs of Menstruation, and recommended for such complaints orjly. It never fails to give relief and restore the health of the suffering woman, lt should be taken by tr;e girl just budding into womanhood wheo Menstrua? tion is Scant, Sup? pressed, irregular or Painful, and all delicate worner) should use it, as its tonic properties ?jave a won? derful influence io toning up and strengthening the systern by driv? ing thorough ti>e proper channels all impurities. UA daughter of one of my customers missed menstruation from exposure and cold, and on arriving at puberty her health was completely T.-rocked, until sue waa twenty-four years of age, when upon my recommendation, she used ono bottle of Bradfleld's Female Regulator, com? pletely restoring her to health.9 ^ J. W. HBLLUMS, Water Valley, Miss. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR Co., ATLANTA, GA. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS AT $1 PER BOTTLE. DR, I MU SOLOMONS, DENTIST/" office Ov ZB 8TCBB 07 SUMTER DST GOODS COMPAKY En trance on Mainstreet, Between Dry Goods Co. and Durant & Son OFFICE HOURS : 9 to 1.30 ; 2 to 5 o'clock. April 9. 2 SOUTH CAROLINA AND GEORGIA RAILROAD. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Corrected to Jan. 24tb, 1?97 DAILY Lv Charleston 7 10 a m Ar Summerville 7 46 a m *. Pregnalh 18 18 a m " Georges 8 30 a m 44 Branchville 9 00am " Rowe8ville 9 15am " Orangeburg 9 28 a m "' St Matthews 9 48 am " Fort Moue 10 00 a m Ringville 10 10 am .? Colomoia 10 55 a m Lv Columbia 7 00 a m Ar Ringville 7 40 a m Fort Motte 7 51 a m " St Matthews 8 02 a m 11 Orangeburg 8 24 a m " Rowesville 8 38 a m " Branchville 8 55 a m " Georges 9 35 a m " Pregnalls 9 48 a m " Summerville 10 22 a m " Charleston_ll 00 a m Lv Charleston 7 10 a m. " Brunch ville 9 15 a m " Bamberg 9 41 a m " Denmark 9 52 a m * Blackville 10 10 a m " Williston 10 27 a m Aiken ll 09 a m *? Augusta ll 51 a m Ar Augusta 6 20 a m Lv Aikeo 7 08 a ra .? Walliston 7 49 a m " Blackville 8 08 a m " Denmark 8 20 a m " Bamberg 8 33 a m " Branchville 9 10 ? ra Ar Charleston ll 00 a m Fast Express, Augusta and Washington, with Through Signers to New York. Lv Augusta Ar Aiken ' u Denmarfe Lv Denmark " Aiken Ar ?U^UPU Daily Except Sashay. Lv Ca?)-?pn '8 45 R ro " C.^rrider. Junction 9 3r a m Ar Kinpville 10 (.'5 ? m Lv K-cevi.'le 10 25 ^ :n .* Cnrndft. Jonction ll 0C a tn Ar Camden ' 1 55 a m ?. S BOWEN, L *. FMEP.SON, GecM Mao'?'r Trr.flBc MeD'g.'' Gen? ral offices-Charleston. S. C. Es?at?Mient Souffl Geo. S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BLINDS? Moulding & Building Material. office and Warerooms, King, opposite Can? non Street, CHARLESTON, S. C. ?3f Purchase oar make, which we gu?rante sn per io r to an j Sold South, a od thereby save money. Window and Paney Glass a Specialty October 16-o The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER. v By T. V Walsh, Esq., Probate Judge WHEREAS SHEPARD NASH, C. C C P for the Coonty of Sumter, made suit to me to granr him letters of adniinis tration of tbe Estate ?nd Effects cf J> 9epb T. Andrews and W. Smith Andrews, deceased ; These are therefore tt> cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and ceditors of the said Joseph T.'Andrews and W. Smith Andrews, deceased, that tbey be and appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Sumter C. H ., on the 31st day of Januar) A D 1828, nex', after publication the reef, at ll o'clock in the forenoon, to show cacse jf any tbet IIKVP, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this C2d dav of December, A. D. .1897 THOS V WALSH, Judge of Probate. Dec -22 6t TAX BETHENS FOB 18. OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR SUMTER COUNTY. SCMTIB, S. C., Nov. 24. 1897 T^TOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will J^j attend, io person or hy deputy, at tbe following places on tbe days indicated re? spectively, for the parpo9e of receiving re? turns ot Real Estnte, Persof-al Property, and Poll Taxes for the fiscal year commencing Januarv 1st, 1S98 : / At office Somter,/S. C , from Jan 1st to Fen 20tb, 1898, inclusive. Tindals, Tuesday, January 4*b. J. M. Moseley's, Wednesday, January 5th. Wedgefield, Thoreda*, January 6tb Stateburg, Friday, January 7th Hagood, Saturday, January 8th. Remhert'8 St?r?, Monday, Jaduary 10th. Smithville, Tuesday, January ll tb. Mannville, Wednesday, January 12tb. Btobopviiie, Thursday aod Friday, Janu? ary 13th and 14th Magooli", Saturday, Jan. 15th. Lynchburg. Monday, Jan. 17th. Norwood's Cross Roads, Tuesday, Jan. 18tb. Shiloh, Wednesday, Jan. 19tb. J. M. McElveen's Store, Thursday, Jan. 20th. Maye9vtlle, Friday, Jan 21st. \ Gordon's Mill, Saturday, Jan 22nd. Gaillards Cross Roeds, Mooday, Jan 30th. Bcssard, Tuesday, Jao 27th The law requires that all persons owning ; r >fer ty or in anywise having charge of ?tfcb [rjperty, either as agent, husband, guardian, trusiee, exemtor administrator, etc , return the same u oath to tbe Auditor, who re? quests all persona to ne prompt in making their returns and save the r 0 per cent, penalty. which will be added to the property valua? tion of ali persons wbo fail to mafce returns wi:hin the lime prescribed by law Tax pa\ en? return what they own on the first day of January, 1898 Assessors and taxpayers will enter the first given nanti cf the taxpayer in full, also make a separate return for each Township where the property is located and also in each and every case \re No of the Schcol District must be given Evetv male citizen between the age of tvrenty-one and sixty years on the first d?y cf January, 1898, except those incapable of earning a support from being maimed or from other cauees, are deemed taxable Pollp, and except Confederate Soldiers 50 years ot a gp, on Ja'; lat, 1898. Ail returns must be made on or before tbe 20th day of February next I cannot take returns after that date aod ali returns made after ibe 20th day of February are subject to a penalty of 50 per cent. J. DIGGS WILDER, Auditor Sumter Coonty. TO SUFFERING HUMANITY. THE MEDLIN CHALYBKATE SPRING, tocated at Danbar, S. C., is now tbe attraction of sufferers from Indigestion, Dys? pepsia, Rheumatic enactions, Kidney Trou? ble?, Bright's Disease, Dropsy, Catarrh and all skin diseases, from the fae, wherever the witter bas been used for these diseases, it has relieved, aod wheo usad sufficiently, it bau cured. It is being used for all tbe diseases men? tioned above, all over the country. This water has been anaSyzed by Prof. M. B. Hardin, Soutb Carolina State Chemist, and found to contain the following Medicinal properties : - ??'odium Carbonate 898 Potassium Carbonate 274 Calcium Carbonate 571 Magnesium Carbonate 344 Iron Carbonate (Ferrous) 1.411 Manganese Carbonate Trace Copper Carbonate Trace Potassium Sulphate 041 Sodium Chloride 1.347 Alumina Trace Silica 2 391 Fy O ~ 1 ?tl Ammonia .02 parts per million. Alf'Uicenoid Ammonia .C8 " '* We have glowing testimonials from people ail over the country, and from people in your own ?own. Among them >he Rev. C. C' Brown, A. W Cresswell, F. B Grier, etsi., if iou are suffering, xr.d want relief, and cure, come and see me. I am here to supply you tbis witter, and take jour orders, cr ti mike arranger? ents with you for visaing the Spring, where ample accommodations are to be bad, at ?ow prices. J E. WILSON, Dtc 15-3ci Sumter, S. C. SOLDIER. Citizen and Christian Patriot? A Great New Bock for the People. LITE AGENTS "WANTED Everywhere to show sample page? and get np clubs. Extraordinarily Litoral Terms. Money can be m?de rapidly, and a vast amount of good done in circulating one of the noblest historical works published during the past quarter of a century. Active Agents are Now Heaping a Bich Harvest. Some of our best workers arejselling OVER ONE HIT NDR ED BOOKS A WEEK Mr. ?. G Williams, Jackson county, Mo., worked four ^days and a half and secured 51 orders. He sells the book to almost every man be meets. Dr. J. J. Mason, Moecogee county, Ga , sold 120 copies the-first five days be canvassed. H . C Sheets, Palo Pinto county, Tex., worked & few boors and sold 16 copies, mostly morocco binding. J. H. Hanna, Gaston county, N. C, made a month's wages in three days canvassing for thia book. S M Wbite, Callaban county, Tex., is selling bocks ai the rate of 144 copies a week. The Work Contains Biographical Sketche? of all be Leading Generals, a vast amount of HisTO'ica! Matter, and a Iar*e Bomber of Beautiful Full-Page Illustrations. It is a grane book, and ladies and gentlemen who eau ?ive all or any part of their time to the canvass are bound to make immense sums of money handling it. An Elegant Prospectan, showing the different siyles of binding, sam? ple pages, and all material necessary to work with, will be sent on receipt of 50 Cents. The aagoificeot gallery of portraits, alone, in the prospectus is worth double the money. We fur%i8b it at far less thai actual cost cf m?c"f"cture, and we wooln advise you to erda qoicklv, and get txclr-sive control of . rh* bf?8t territory. Address HOYA!, PUBLISHING COMPANY, Util and, Main Sts., Hicnmond, 7a. Nov 30 . BEAUTY HATH CHARMS and all the charms which beau? ty likes best to don are shown in our grand display of fash? ionable jewelry for this season. Jewels like these would en? hance the charms of th? most fascinating belle, and surely no fair one would despise such brilliant aids to her beauty. Like personal loveliness, they conquer admiration on sight : they score new victories at ev? ery inspection. Those who look over our stock do not willingly stop with examina? tion. Beauty may now be made easily irresistible by a few judicious purchases from our display of up to date jew? elry. L. W. FOLSOM, Jeweler and Optician, 81GIT OP TSE BIG WATCH, Oct. 16. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. / XTOTICS 13 HEREBY GIVEN that I wtll be tn my office in the Court House at Sumter from October 15th to December 3l8t, next, for ihe collection of Nxes for the pres? ent fiscal ypar, and for co'tt-ctioo of coroma thiiou road tux for 1898. It is very important, f.jr fwo reasons, that you fhou'.d pay; up earlier than usual. Io the first place, roy salary having been re? ducto tweoty per ceot by the last Legisla? ture renders it impossible for me to employ mv usual clerks, hence wirh the usual rush toward the last, many will ft.il to get in. In the serood pNce, the Auditor bas never re? quired heretofore that the t x books be turn- N ed over to bim promptly for making np the penalty book. He bas already notified me tbtt on account of ? change in the Law regu? lating the work of his office th-t be would be compelled to have the books as required by Law, 90 that I am compelled to close up oo Dec. 31st N B. Io view of the above rea?oos don't put off till the last and then expect meto protect you. lt ?ill ba impossible H L SCARBOROUGH, Treasurer Sumter County, Sept 22 Order Your PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES FROM &E0. f. STEFFENS & SON Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S C -Agents for MOTT'S CIDEB BED SEAL CIGABS, AND DOVE HAMS Timi & wi Fire Insurance Agency, ESTABLISHED 1866. Represent, among other Companies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE HOME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capital represented $75,600,000. Feb 28