The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, November 17, 1897, Image 4

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? C|t ?trlmaH at? ?&ni%nr. I W?03NB8DAY? HOV. 17. 1887." The Swn?er iFoteawtan was rounded is 1850 sad the frite SOMATO? in 1866. The Watchman and Southron now has the combined circulation and i nfl ur oe? ot both of the old papen, and ia m;?ni fest&y-tbe best advertising medium in i Sinti er Ute Good Koads Convention held in Colombia this week and the formation of ?the South Carolina Good Broads Association, as a result, marks the inauguration of a movement, along systematic hoes, that means a great deal for the State; and we cherish the hope tha^the lawmakers, county offi? cials and the people of the State, as a whole, will keep it alive until there are goods roads everywhere in Sooth Carolina. By systematic and intel? ligent work, extending over a period of years, the reproach of having bad roads may be removed almost entirely^ to the lasting benefit of the people of the State. Goods roads throughout ? v the State would save the farmers mil Ilona of dollars annually, and ?heir J property would be increased io* vai? ne to an extent that few realize or appreciate. In offering a reward of $250 for g| the capture of Newbold, Gov. Slier be Ss -discharging his duty, and it p^arnee the assurance that be will not use his power to sheild Newbold the punishment the crime We are gratified that the Governor has given the people of the ~ state this evidence that he will not follow in Jibe footsteps of his prede? cessors in office. ? The State fair was as great a gather? ing together of politicians and prospec? tive candidates aa of live stock, ponltry and io das tria I exhibits. Politicians, 'great and small, office holders, big and little, were to be seen on every band, abd they went around in twos and threes. There is no knowing what poKticai schemes were hatched while -these props of tho commonwealth scroll? ed through the poultry house and made h believe to critically inspect the prise taking fowls. 'The politicians mixed sasares with business, however, and went in and oat of (be maseims, mases and for ace teiliog booths with jcae.sasne sing froid that they attend ?two or three sorts df caucuses the same night during a campaign year. They tried to ring sticks and ombrelles and to knock over the babies for a cigar with the same lack of success that same of them have met with to the past when trying to knock down a nice office with fat salaries attached. It was alto? gether a large and prqstioent exhibi? tion of Sooth Carolina raised politician*; with a few from other States, who have been acclimated by a few years resi? dence. No doubt Governors, State House oSoials, Congressmen, Solicitors mad Judges were made by the score, io the miada ?ye of the politicians, bat when the So?1 roand np comes, it is an easy guess to say that all of them wont wear blue ribbone on their horns. Startling Statement in Refer? ence to Dreyfus Case. Paria. Nov. 15-M. Scheu rer Kestner, one of the vice presidente of the senate, who has been agitating for a reopening of the case of Alfred Dreyfus, the former captain of artil? lery, now undergoing a sentence of imprisonment for life for selling im portant French military plans to agents of ? foreign power, bas writ? ten a letter to the newspapers iii which be asserts, that on Oct. SO be presented to the French minister of war. General Billot, documents prov ing the prisoner innocent Ul rer adds that the minister prom ised to make an inquiry into tbe mat? ter and also undertook to comm uni cate to M. Scheurer the resuk within a fortnight, pledging the latter to silence io the meanwhile. Continuing, M Scheurer Kestner explains that this is the reason of his misunderstood silence, but as the fortnight bas elapsed without the minister for war communicating with bim, be now repeats, witboot fear of contradiction, that he showed the minister documents which easily establish the culpability of another titan Dreyfos The letter of M. Scheurer Kestner caused considerable excitement in the lobbies of the cbsmber of depu? ties and it is expected the cabinet will-discuss the situation tomorrow and issue a prouucement on the sub? ject. Take JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVER roma Washington Letter. Wasbiogtoo, NOT. 15.-*'Teddy" ROOM?eh may ?ooo be oat of a job, if be doesn't laaro to briddle his tongue when talking io poblio opon subjects OD which Ibo administration's posit io o is officially unannounced. He was given a hist of this wheo be returned from New York, where be made ac after dinner speech oa the necessity of our having a fighting Navy, if we wished to escape the ridicule of the world, tod having our declarations concerning the Monroe Doctrine treated as merely so muon bluster. "Teddj" used Hawaii for a dummy in order to give the administration's alleged Ceban policy two or three heavy body blows, but the application was too plato to be over? looked. He bas been warned not to do so again The administration is playing horse with the Canadian Premier, who, with a party of officials is io Washington, ostensibly to atteod the seal i o g conf?r? ence, bot io reality to sound this government on the probability of nego? tiation a reciprocity treaty. The President bas swapped ?'taffy" with the Premier and giveo bim a dinner ; Secretary Sherman has dooe the same, aod bebas been turned over to Mr. Kaason, Chief Cook of the Reciprocity Kitchen, to confer on the subject. He'll get all the conference he wants, but wheo England really authorises ber ambassador, or someone else, to try to negotiate a treaty of oommeroial recipro? city which shall embrace Canadian pro? ducts, it will be found that so far as Canada's principal products are ooo ?eroed, it will be ao impossibility. The Canadian Premier doesn't seem to know that in a number of states, ooe of tbe main arguments used io the last Nutional Campaign for republican suc? cess, was that it would shot out Cana dian competition. Toe Spanish Minister bas begun bis entertainment of poblio meo OD a scale which indicates that no matter how hard op Spaio may be, it has no intention of reduoiog the amount of money spent io Washington io the attempt to make friends for Spaio. Tbs first blow-out of the Spanish Minister was ao elegant dinner, at the swell Metropolitan Club, io honor of a Spanish editor. The , ?i? ministration aod the U. S. Supreme Court were well represented at this | di?ner, but either the wily Spaniard , most have thought it needless to waste bis expensive dinner on Congress, or the Congressmen asked must have sent regrets. Be that as it may. Senator i Slkios was the only member of the legislative branch of the Government \ that attended the dio ber. j The silk stocking element of the < Marylaod republicans, beaded by Seo- ' a tor Wellington, are straining every nerve io their efforts to make sore that I the Marylaod legislature does oot elect Representative Mudd to succeed Sena- 1 tor Gorman. These men . probably ? know what they are doing, but their i activity against Mudd, wbo is consider? ed io Washington as tbe weakest of all the aspirants to Senator Gorman's seat, reminds ooe of going after Reed birds with Gatlmg goos. The Post Offioa Department has officially decided that the Interior De partmeot was right when it disbarred Jobo Wedderburn and John Wedder* boro & Co.. from praotioe before the Patent Office, for grose frauds upoo gullible clients, aod bas issued a fraud order agaiost Joba Wedderburo, & Co., aod the National Recorder, a newspaper owned by them. This order abuts them out of the mails, and will cauce all matter addressed to them *o be returned to the writers, after being officially stamped "fraudulent." Newspapers which continuo to print Wedderburn & Co's, advertisement after koowledge of this fraud order may also be shut of the mails. Tbe general opinion among the most prominent democrats who have been in Washington since that republican fight upon tbe election of Boss Hanna, has appeared to grew to aoob Urge propor? tion, is that the democrats of Ohio should have ootbiog whatever to do with it. There is, of course, a bare possibility that eoough republican mem? bers of the Ohio legislature would, if the democrats would help them, be will? ing to eleot some otber republican to the Senate than Hanna, bot the most powerful microscope made would not ?how the smallest particle of advao tage to the Ohio democrats io defeating Hanna aod electing another repoblican to the Senate. As long as Ohio has got to have another repoblican Senator, Haooa is tbs best mao, for the demo orate, both tn Ohio and elsewhere, that coo ld be ohoseo. But even if it would be advantageous for the democrats to knock Haooa out and belf/ to elect some otber republican, it would oot be advisable for tbe democrats io the Ohio legislature to become parties to a deal with tbe alleged aati-Haooa republi? can members of that body, for the sim? ple reason that Haooa, with the aid of Mr. McKinley, wili almost certainly be able, by tb* ose of patronage and otber methods, to get a sufficient number of republican votes to be elected I: is a fight bet ween Hanoaism and Foraker ism, aod no democrat should interfere Don't Roo Any Risks about health. Avoid coughs, colds, fevers, pneu mow ia and all otber Similar ai ?men ts by keeping your blood rich aod pare with Hood's Saraparilla Hood's Pill j are purely vegetable and do not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. Hake it clear as sunlight that, wheD you de? mand some article advertised io this paper, yoo waot precisely that article, and ootbiog else. 9&S?S*a&?<... ........ A COMING CONVENTION Of Delegates Representing all the Southern States io Atlanta. Preparations are beiog rapidly made for the holding of the contention of the cotton growers of the southern States io Atlanta on Die. 13. This convention bis been called by those io oharge of the reoeot convention held in this oity in consequence of the aotion taken at that time President Wilborn of tbe State Farmer?* Alliance, who was presi? dent of the State convention is confident that the gathering io Atlanta will be a most representative one. s \ The following was issued by Mr,. Wilborn yesterday : -By directioo of the Sooth Carolina Cotton Growers1 convention, which assembled in Columbia Nov. 10, 1897, I hereby call opoo every cottoo grower and each person interested io producing cottoo to assemble at their respective coon ty court houses on the first Moo day of December for the parp?se of effeotiog a permanent organization to join in with tbe other southern States io taking such aotioo as will enable the cotton growers to io some way better control the production and sale of the cotton .crop of tbe sooth and in some measure obtain the full market value of this great staple crop. J. C. Wilborn, President of S. C. Golton Growers' Association. Mr Wilborn was in the city yester? day. He fears that the cottoo growers in the varions States will not have time to meet and elect delegates to re? present them at the convention because of the nearness of tbe date appointed and be will ask Governor Elierbe to write a personal letter to each of the governors ef the other southern States asking them to appoint two delegates at large and one from each congressional district io their respective States Governor Ellerbe, it is an de rs toed will write these letters to-day. The several governors will be asked to appoint men who are directly concerned io the mat? ter. The oomiog convention will doubt? less attract widespread attention both in the north and the south and the result of its deliberations will be awaited with DO little concern, particularly by those who manipulate the prioe of cotton.- ' The State. 'Dis down to. tbe cause of your sickness, if jon want to fret weil and stay weil. Most likely its indigestion The irritating poisons Df fermenting, putrid Dod, left io tbe stom? ach by indigestion, canse headache, neural? gia, nervousness, d'ZZtoess, atom ?chache, nausea, irritability, and all the other well- t known symptoms of indigestion Tbey also cana? many p-uva and disorders wbicb are often laid to other canses and . beoce are DOI easily cured. 'Bot as soon as tbe poisoos are removed, all these symptoms rind disorders disappear because there ig-, otli ic g left to cause them. Nothing succeeds io this like Shaker Digestive Cordial, because it prevents tbe aodiges'td food from ferment? ing in tbe stomach ac d bel pa tbe stomach to digest i's food Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. FITZSIMMONS RESIGNS. Washes to Help the Elks Oat I] of a Tight Place. Kansan City, Mo., Nov. 15 -In a letter which he makes public to-day, ( Robert Fitzsimmons. who is playing at one of the local theatres, tend? ers his resignation to membership in the Marion, Ind , Lodge B. P. 0. E., into which order he was initiated re? cently. "Feeling that my admission to membership has placed your lodge ic a position to be criticized, no mat? ter how unjustly. " says the letter, "I "tfer ibis resignation in the hope I that your friendly relations with the ' order may be wholly restored * The Marion order had been sus? pended for receiving the champion into its fold. Foreign-Born Citizens Must Read in English to Vote. Cheyone, Wyo , Nov. 15 - The Wyoming supreme court to-day ren? dered a decision in the ('arbon county ?lection cnaa sustaiuiog the contention of the plaintiffs, who were the candi dates for county attorney, treasurer and j commissioner on the Democratic ticket at- the last eleotion. The court decided that foreign-born oitizens must be required to read the constitution io the English language in order to vote. There were 115 Finns ? wbo voted the Republican ticket, bot could not read tbe constitution in Eng? lish. Their votes were accepted as they could read in their own language. The d?cision will put the Demooratio candidates in office and settle a very im- 1 portant coostitatieoal question. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever Corn responds readily to proper fer* tilization. Larger crops, fuller ears and larger grain are sure to result from a liberal use of fertilizers containing at least 7% actual Potash Our books are free to farmers. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 KasMa St., Kew Yoak WANTS. WANTED A LAD-One oot afraid to work. Apply C. W. Kingman. li* rpRESPASS N0TICE-A11 persoos are ? warned against trespassing on my lands t>v bunting, or in any otber manner. Notice aas beca posted on land, and depredators will >e prosecuted. E. D. Ref?mes. Nor 17-4?* WANTED-Permanent Winter Boarders. Rooms comfor aole. Terms reaeeo ib?e Apply to Mrs M L. Doar, Sommer* nile, S. C., Opposite Dorchester Inn. Oct 8. HOLIDAY GOODS. Dressing SETS. Manicure SETS SLOVE ?ND landkerchief BOXES, iewelry Boxes. We have ody a few of the best goods io this Hue German Silver, "Cosmeon," pure Aluminum- the?e gooda are guaran? teed unchangea? ble. / Io Manicure Sets, we have leather goods, of the very best make in both cases and instruments. PERFUMERY. VIOLETS OF SICILY. BLUE LILIES. 3UT BOTTLES. BEST PERFUMES. ALL SIZES. You all know what these odors are. We have it put up in fancy packages for pre? sents. This is the only place that you wiit find these goods io town. Elegant out bot ties for Christmas gifts, . containing the bett extracts The perfume is worth more tbao we ask for all. SMOKER'S ARTICLES. FINE FRENCH BRIAR PIPES, Amber Bits. You no doubt have seen the line of Pipes we han? dle-it is the best in town. Gold and silver mounted Pipes make handsome gifts. J. F. W. DeLORME, Pharmacist and Prescription Specialist, SUMTER, S. C. Take Pine 'Tar Cough Balsam for Coughs and Colds. Nov 17_ Estate of John J. Muldrow, Dec'd. IWILL APPLY to the Judge of Probate of Sumter County on Nov. 12tb, 1897, fora final discharge as Administratrix of aforesaid Estate. A. L. MULDROW, Oct 13-4t . Administratrix DR. E. MM HU DENTIST. office 0*?R STORE OF SUMTER DRY GOODS COMPANY Entrance on Main Street, Between Dry Goods Co. and Durant & Soo OFFICE HOURS : 9 to 1.30; 2 to 5 o'clock. April 9. 2 CATTLE WANTED. H. Harfov. Sumter, S. G., November 5, 1897. , - / A Thanksgiving Hide or drive will be appreciated before dio oer if you ?re heated in one of our com? fortable and easy riding buggeis, ruo \ about-?, pb99'ODs or carts or io one of our stylish, up-to-date family sorreys or rockaways. If you oeed a new car? riage of any kind, there is no better in style or workmaoip than you will god at ' H. HARBT'S. HARB Y # CO. WHOLESALE BROKERS, -AND Cotton Storage Warehousi PROPRIETORS. ?P-TOWN OFFICE : COURT HOUSE SQUARE, 1,000 Tons High Grade Am moniated Fertilizer, 1,000 TODS Acid with Potasn 500 TODS Dissolved Bone, 500 Tons German Kainit, 400 Tons C. S. Meal, For Sale. We are prepared to meei any and all prices for STAND? ARD GOODS. Get our prices before purchasing. Respectfully, HAREY & CO. Dec. 16. ~ YELLOW FEVER PREVENTE? BY TAKING "OUR NATIVE HERBS," the Great Blood Purifier and Liver Regu? lator. 200 DAY'S TREATMENT $1.00 Containing a Registered Gu?ranle. 32 -pase Book aod Testimonials, FREE. Sent bj mail, postage paid. Sold only by Ageots for ALONSO 0. 3LISS CO., Nov 3-4t WASHINGTON, D. C. N?TIGET Under Insolvent Debtor's Act. JOHN GRANT HAVING FILED HIS Petition for Discharge Under the Insolv? ent Debtor's Act, io the Court of Common Pleas for Sumter County, Now Therefore, j It is Ordered, That the Petitioner be ! brought before the Court, and also all credi? tors at whose suit such persons stand charged, as well as all other Creditors to whom he rbill be indebted, are hereby summoned to be and appear before me, the undersigned, in roy office, at Sumter Court House, on the 2ltb day of November, at 10 o'clock a. m. SHEPARD NASH, C C. C. P. & G. S. Nov. 2, 1S97-3t. Claremont Loo?e No. 64 A. F. M THE REGULAR MONTHLY COMMU? NICATION of Claremont Lodge, No. 44, A. F. M., will be held on Thursday Evening, Dec. 2d, at 7?; p. m. Brethren will take due notice aud govern themselves accordingly Estate of Wm. W. Boykin, Dec'd. IWILL APPLY to the Judge of Probate of Sunrer County, on December 10th, 1897, for a final Discharge as Admr. of aforesaid Estate. W. D. SCARBOROUGH, Nov. 10-4t. Admr. A Butcher That Znosrs Sis Business never takes advantage of the inexpe? rience of new housekeeper* by giving them poor outs or light weight We treat all our patrons honorably and io the same courteous manner, and cut them the best of the kind that they ask for-and when we do that you couldn't find better for love or money. Fine Milch Cows and Springers for sale EUGENE HOGAN, TCOM EY BLOCK. Manufacturer of Mixed aod all Pork Sausage Orders by mail or telegraph have prompt attention. TITO LAUB FOR SALT rpHREE HUNDRED ACRES ?oe Saw t Timber, two miles from Florence, on W. C. & A. R. R. for sale. Address. s. M. MCCALL, NOT. 17-4t. Majesville, S. C. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER. By T V. Walsh. Esq, Probate Judge WHEREAS, CAPT. ROBT. J. BROWN? FIELD made seit to me to grant bim Letters of Administration C. T. A. De bonis BOO of tbe Estate of and effects of Mrs. Eliza? beth Thomson, deceased These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Elizabeth Thomsoo, late of said county and State, deceased, that they be aod appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Sumter, oo December 1st, 1897, next, after publication thereof, at il o'clock io the fore? noon, to show cause, if any tbey have, why tbe said Administration should not be grant? ed. Given under my band, this 17th day of November, A. D., 1897 TBOS. V. WALSH, Nov 17-2t Judge of Probate. ARE YOU NEEDING AN IRON SAFE? HAVING BEEN APPOINTED GEN? ERAL AGENT for the Alpine Fire aod Burglar Proof Safe Company. ? am prepared to offer liberal terms to tbose who are in need of a good safe For prices ?nd terras address J. A. RENNO, Mch 24. Sumter, S. C.