M mah von TfiB SUMTES WATCHMAN, Established 18 SO. lBe Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at, be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's.'1' THE TRUE SOOTH RON. Established Jane. 12*6 Consolidated lng. 2,1881. SUMTER, S. C., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3,1897. Sew Series-Vol. XVII. No. 14 Pi blissed Srary "STeic.osOay, -BY l>ff. <3k Osteeii) SUMTER, S. C. TERMS : $1.50 per aa o a ru-ic advance VDTISTISSXKET: One Square first insertion,...^.$1 00 , S very subsequent insertion....... ......... 50 Contracts for three months, or longer will be made at reduced rates. , AH communications which subserve private interests viii be charged for as ad vertiements. tObitcartes and tribu tea of respects will be. charg?e: for. % Farmers to M^et PROMINENT MEN WILL BB HEBB TO TAKE PART. . . Amacg the many events of the com? ing fair week will be the State road congress which has already been called and will unquestionably be very largely attended. Besides this and the cotton growers' convention, Col Hoi la way's ' idea of having a kind pf farmers' io stitut%aod experience meeting on sev er?1f ?rights bf the week, baa been adopted. The following aonoonoement in re? gard . to these events was yesterday made from the State fair society's head ' * quarters : "There is to be a grand gathering of the farmers of jbe State ie Columbia oa Wednesday night *of fair week to consider many matters of importance, s Among the features will be an address by Prof. Holmes of Chapel Hill. N Cv, whose ?abject will be "The Pab? ilo Road Problem in the Sou th. " The address will be illustrated w'th magic lantern views showing road building both tn Earope and the Uojted States. '.Gen. Roy Stone, director of the office of road inquiry of the United States department of agriculture, has promised to be here. "Daring the week there will , be nightly gatherings of the farmers for i? thaTdisooti8?on of topics of greatest, rn 4 t?fest tq them. % - "Oo Tuesday eve ti og there will he an address by some leading man, the subject being *Tbe. private gard en ) or? chard and vineyard ' This will be fol? lowed, by an experience meeting,.. If possTMe an address will be secured on the subject 'Thoroughbred stock, horses, cattle, sheep, swine and poul . try.' to be followed by any other dis? cussion. "On Wednesday evening after the cotton growers' convention's business ts s done with: and the public road conven? tion's business bas been transacted, thjre will be an address upon the eob jecV'Growiog Pare Seed, and Improv? ing Seed by Selection,' followed by a discussion and au experience meet? ing. **Oo Thursday evening there is fo be an address by some one yet to be selected on tbe subject of 'Relations of Mechanics to. Agriculture,' followed by discussion and experience meeting. If time permits another address on 'How Best to,Sustain Agricultural Organisa? tions*' -wtjl be arranged for."-State. Gov Atkinson on Lynching. Atlanta, Oct. 27-Mob law was severely condemned by Governor At? kinson io his message to the Georgia legislature, which convened here to? day. The message bristles with a scorching and seota*iooai arrack upon the lawless spirit that fosters tbe lynch law sa this State He says that f to ex? terminate the practice of lyoohiog the crime mast be made odious and shame? ful He advocates stringent legislation against the mobs and insists that the legislatare pass a law laying every county wherein such a eri^e is commit-' ted subject to a large indemnity to tbe relatives of the mob's victims. The oortbero lynchers are spoken of by the governor. Of this be says' : "It is oo exoune to sav that the northern people, who have l?sa to pro? voke them to it, lynch. Let os not takefbem as a standard, but rather show a higher type of civilization in oar State, and ereot here a standard to which they may aspire." The governor is io favor of arming the prisoners aod allowing them to pro? tect themselves from mobs. He says : "The arrestiog officers should be clothed with authority to take ?the life of the assailants when resisting their efforts to take a prisoner from h is cus? tody, and it is his doty to take life if oeeessarp to protect the prisoner and retain bim in custody. This he should be required to do at the hazard of his own life, or the prisoner should be on shackled, armed and given an opportu? nity to defeod himself. The knowl? edge on thc part of the mob that rbi? would be done would d?ter it from pur? going its lawless purpose and the law should be permitted to protect the inno? cent and punish theguiity." Yellow fever has appeared in Selma, Ala., and Dr. Gaiteras has bas been requested to make an in? vestigation. The Cotton Growers Called to Meet IQ Conven ? tioQ in Columbia. TBE ACREAGE QUESTION j Colombia S ta rp, Oct 28. President Wilborn, of the State Farmern* Alliance, yesterday issued a call which means the inauguration of a movement towards securing a con? vention of the cotton growers of the Southern States for the- purpose of taking definite action in regard to the planting of next year's crop The call provid?s for the holding of a State convention in this city daring the approaching State fair. The following is the call for the State convention of cotton growers for fair week : Ae president of the Farmers' State Alliance organization of this State, I have been requested by numbers of the representative members of th? organization to take the initiative in calling a meeting of the farmers of the southern States, with a view of suggesting some action in the future, looking to the regulation of the acre? age of cotton, also to discuss the plans and methods of marketing the cotton crop so that the producers of this great staple shall receive the real value of the crop, and not be forced to sacrifice the crop by unfair combi nations, together with the manipula? tions of the gambling cotton ex? changes of the country, aided by the unjust accumulation of all the money of the country at one center at the principal, time of the year when our cotton is going into market. With these objects in view I desire to re? quest the cotton growers of the va? ri?os connties in this State to meet on saiesday io November and select one or more delegates to represent them at a meeting to be held in the city of Colombia on Wednesday night of fair week for the purpose of discussing the matters -mentioned above. / J. C. WILBORN, Pres't Farmers' Afiance of S. C. HE RUINED A GIRL. -- - While Hypnotised - - Bushed to Conway fer Protection. Special to Tbe Stale. Conway, Oct. 27 -Tuesday morn? ing at about 30:30 Mr. Jeremiah Smith, proprietor of the Commercial House, was waked by some one knock' ing at his door He went out and found Mr. W* D Coleman, a special deputy from Marion, with a prisoner. Pr. Benjamin A Hill, a Baptist preacher and a faith cure doctor. Br. Hill was broght over for safe keeping and lodged in the county jail Both the deputy sheriff and the pris? oner were interviewed by The State's correspondent. The details as related by the sheriff are these : For some time past Dr. Hill has been living in Marion and making a living by preaching and curing peo? ple by the laying on of bands He possessed the art hypnotism and it seems that some of his patients were young ladies. Several days ago a yoong lady was taken with toothache and went to consult Dr. Hill about it He advised her to go to the dentist sand have it extracted, which she did