WEDNESDAY, J Uli Y 14. I?97. Entered at the Post O?ce at Sumter, S G., as Second Glass Matter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. South Carolina College. E. E. Rembert-For Sile, Cheap. W J. Da Rift, Co Supt.-Read I Read ! Estate Jno. K. to Deotors and Creditors Hajnswortb & Haynswortb, Attys -Sum? mens for Relief PERSONAL. Miss Dulce Moise has pone to tbe moon teiaa. Mr. ?. A. Rytenberg left for tbe North Jaa^ Tharsdey. Hiss Edna Earle is visiting bar grand-fath? er, Mr. R W. Dorant. Miss Maggie Russell, of Prosperity, is j visiting Miss Nora Russell. Mr Pani Kennedy returnee Monday from a visit to Southern Georgia. Miss Stewar?, of Philadelphia, is visiting the family of Mr. C. T. Mason Mrs. H. M. Cuaick, is visiting Mr. J. R. Mathis and family of Spring Hill. Misses Lucia and Wessie Roach ?ave gone ta Salada, N. C , for tbe sommer. Mr. and Mrs.* J. B. Daffie have gone to Providence for several weeks stay. Miss Lydia Lee bas gone to S iluda to spend the remainder of tbe sommer. Miss Daisy Nash bas returned from Wash? ing too after a stay of several weeks. Mr. N. G. Osteen and Miss Moneta Os teen left Thursday morning fer Glenn Springs. Miss Carrie Pringle has rc tamed from Florida where she bas been visiting relativ*B. Mr. Baylis Earle bas retarned home to An? derson, accompanied by Mr. Walton Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Neill O'Donnell and Miss Ethel Cobb have gone to Hea/dersonvillt, N.C. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clark have r*ramed from- Camden, - where they speut the patt week. Mrs. O. Eh Moses and Miss Carrie Moses bava gone io Providence to snead several wet.i.3 Mrs R. H. Jennings, of Oriogebarg, ;8 visiting ncr parents, .Mr and Mrs. Perry Moses. v Mrs. M. B. Rindle has returned from Or? angeburg, whsieeheoas beet* visiting rela? tives. \ Mr. M. R. Wilson and M i sa ss Evie and Eloise Wilson have returned from Gieon Springs. : Mr. John Moran was gone to Union to put ia a Mason switch board in tbe telephone . exchange. : Miss Maude Barris aod ber sister, Mrs. B. Cf. Wallace^ have gone to vwit relatives io North Carolina. Mr. Alfred Burgess, who has baan engaged io bnsiness in Georgia daring tbe last few years, ia in the city. x / Miss Angel Cheetham has returned to the city aod is again wita Tbe A. G. Poelps Co., is typewriter and stenographer. Messrs. H. W. Hood and Walter Stansili left yesterday for Toronto, Canada While ia the North they will visit severa l points of interest. M issi s Lou and Marie Seabrook, of Charles? ton are ai the ..Ingram Boase. They are daughters of Co). Seabrook, who was a resi? dent of this city some years ago. dept. T. B. Johnston went to Washington a few days ago to look after his con test for the seat now occupied by Dr. Stokes From Washington be went to the White Mountains. Dr. J. A Mood and wife, Dr. A. J. China, Mr?C. 8 Sroteba, Mr. and Mrs C. L. Stubbs, Mrs L B. Dorant, Miss Julia Mood and Mr. E. P. Bicker, left last Thursday evening for Toronio, Canada. Mr. W. E. Mikel!, of Philadelphia, is m tbs city on a visit to his mother, Mrs. R M. Mikel! Mr Mikell now bolds a professorship in the Law School of the University of Penn? sylvania. Mr. W. H. Ingram has gone to Statebarg.. Be will return to the city ooce or twice a week :o attend to business ia tbe Master's office, but the post office addreeB during the next taree weeks will be Statebarg. Comptroller General James Norton, Mr. J. E. Ellerbe and Mr. F. D Bryant, ali candidates for the seat in Congress from the Sixth Dis? trict, were in the city yesterday en route j to Packsville, where the campaign opened yes? terday They went down on the log train and were accommodated io the caboose, which is not quite as comfortable as the regu? lation Pullman. Watermelons are now plentiful a cd cbeap. Tbs hogs have not yet all been banished fx om town. ~ Tbe Coroner is having a slow time-only one request last week. . The brick work of ,the addition to the court boase bas been completed; Tbs completion of the swimming pool is Still ooo of the undated events of tbe future. When going away frcm borne on a vaca? tion remember to bave The Item sent to you. It costs exactly ten cents a week. "Why will you buy bitter nauseating tonics i when ?rove's Tasteless Chill Tonic is as I pleasant as Lemon Syrup. Toar druggist is ; authorized to refond the money in every case where it fail s to core. Price, so cents. Messrs. George D. Shore & Bro have re moved their office from the Mooagbao block to Liberty street, next door to the Watch- \ mas aod Southron building. Delgar Reel Squad bas received a personal invitation from Chief McNeil of the Fayette ville Fire Department, to participate in the j Firemen's Tournament to be held in tbat city on August 4-6. Nearly every railroad io the State, except tbs At ?antic Coast Lioe, is giving very low ! rates from Saturday to Monday to tbe varions sammer resorts. Tbese "week end" rates are a great convenience to business men acd enables many of them to spend Sunday in some cool place. The Board of Health bas been engaged in a good work during the psst ten days or two weeks-potting chloride of lime and other disinfectants in the gutters and in the sand traps io tbe oreo drains. "Last summer one of our grand-children was sick with a se?era bowel trouble trouble," says Mrs.E G. Gregory, of Frederickstowo, Mo. "Our doctor's remedy bad failed, tbec we tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, wbisb gave very speedy relief." For sale by Dr. A. J. China. Mr. Joseph Leiscb, tbe Southern represent? ative of Chas. M. Stieff, piano manufacturer of Balttmore. Md., is in town looking over some business for that firm ar. Leiscb is well known throughout the South as a well skilled organ and piano workman, and also sells a great many of tbese instruments io the many towns that be visita, fie has re? cently opened a fine music store in Charlotte, N. C , a oranch house of the well known manufacturer, Chas M. Stieff, and sell* his instruments direct to the purchaser from the factory. Tbe customer thereby gets the J closest fig ares, and an instrument that is Eur- ! passed by none in the world. DEATHS. Francis Leonora, o'.?y surviving child of Mr. J. J. Reason, of Rafting Creek Town? ship, died Saturday, July 3, after an illness of Several weeks with typhoid fever. The interment was made.the next day at the family burying ground, near Dinkio6' Mill Earnest, the little son of Mr. J. William Giddings, of Privateer township, wa3 buried at Bethel Choren last week. RELIGIOUS. The Baptist Young People's Union will meet in the Baptist Cn uren at bal?-past eight o'clock t'ois evening Marriage Announcement. Cards are out aououociog the marriage of Mr Lee Bronson and Miss Ella Ring, in the Methodist Church, Florence, oo July 14tb, at 6.30 p m. You may boat the world over and you will not fianother medicine equal to Ch*mber lian's Colic, Cholera and Diarraboea Remedy for hov.el complaints. It is pleasant, safe and relible. For sale by Dr? A. J. China. The street hands are laying ont a bicycle path around the Graded Schoo', square The crowd of bicyclists that congregate on the square every afternoon and eveniog will ap? preciate the improvement and will derive much pleasure from ii Raies have been generaK tbroogbont the county during the past few days, and the | corn crop, which was needing iain, waa greatly benefit ted. Although corn is small as a rule, the ont'ook for a good crop is nohem, as the board instructed this officer to be de j termine i nod strict io the enforcement of all j sanitary laws, letting: none escape ? The Atlantic Coa3t Line will begin next I week to run a through coach from Charleston ! to Ashville evpry day Thc coach will be at? tached to the tegular mon i og train from Charleston to Columbia nod will re carried through from the later place to Asheville by the Southern. Take JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVER j TONIC. ii . . . . . ! Tbe new county election is drawing near but there is said to be very little interest taken io it, even in the territory included The people within ths limits of the new county should not sl**ep over their rights ; they should turn out on election day and vote for or against the new county. The bicycle track, aronnd tbe Graded School iquare is very nice and the use of it wiU be agr?ai pleasure to bicyclists wbo have leisure to ride aronnd and around tbe monu? ment and school building, but tbe average bicyclist would appreciate a great deal more ibe improvement of tbe ordinary, every-day sidewalks over which they bump and jolt Holes aod bricks and roots are very mncb io evidence on near! v every sidewalk io to,wn, and tbe removal of tbese detriments to-com? fortable waUiog and riding would appear to be io order before a special bicycle track is laid ont. Base Ball. Tbe "small boys" who went to Camden last Toeeday to play ball ?ot knocked ont in short order. They say that tbe Camden 1 Big Boys" were too much for them. Turn about ii fair play. The game of ball between tbe Camden and Sumter teams Wednesday afternoon waslwir nested by a large crowd of base ball en*, hu si se? ats . The game was all one way and was not particularly interesting The Sumter team had the game in their bands from the first and kept it going their way all the time! Tbe score wa.-, Sumter 17, Camden 2. Take JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVER TONIC. i RESULT OF EXAMINATION. Resolution of School Board and Certificates Granted. At a meeting cf the County Board of Edu? cation, Sumter County, 6th of July, the fol? lowing resolution was adopted : '"That all Trustees shall retain their present positions until their successors shall be appointed " As the result of the examination, held on 2/tb ult , the Board granted certificates to teach, to the followioe nerson3 : WHITES. 1st Grade-Misses Mannie Dinkies, Ema ie Whittemore and Mr. Wm. F. Mi. hau. 2d Grade-Messrs. S. D Cain and J D. Huggins. CJLORED 1st Grade-E G Dixon 2d Gradi, Class A-Juliet D Green. Hen? rietta B. Green, Lnlie S Meyers, Ella J. Car? ter, Josie S. Ruse, E E Jones, Susan M. Mitchell. Katie A. Harrison, Mary E. Pogue, Corola Jame??, Eliza J Green. 2d Grade, Class B-J^M Manic, Mittie E. Jones, B. J. Pogue, Nonie M. Spann, Lula. Maoont-y, Jas G. Diggs, Johnson W., Miller, Margaret Whitaker. Alice E Dove. "* Bradham Throws Up the Sponge. Mr. Henry J. vcLaurin, who spent yester? day io Manning and retorced to the city this morning, reports that Sheriff D J. Bradham has withdrawn from the Congressional race and ?eaves the four other candidates to fight it ont to the finish. The candidates known to be in the race are Solicitor J Monroe Johnson, Comptroller General James Norton, J. E. Ellerbe and F. D Bryant. All of these gentlemen are from Marion, and they are all said to have strong support tn their home county. The race is said to be between Jobson and Norton, but then ante-election pre? dictions do not insure the election of the sup? posed leader. The reasons for Mr. Bradham's withdrawal are not obtainable, but is said that his health would not permit bim *o undertake the cam? paign at the present time. Tbe contest will be close and the entire dis trtct will be tnorougbly canvassed by all of the catididate? The Iffjrt will be made to arouse as much interest as possible and bring out a full vote in every county io the district. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications a3 they cannot reach the diseased* portion of the ear. There is only one way to core deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Dfafaess is caused by *n ir-fl-imed condition of the mucous lin iog of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube \? inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperiect bearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, aud unless the mdammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine cases out of ten ?re caused by ca tat rb, which is nothiog but au inflamed condition of tb* mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur?. Send for circulars ; free. F. J CHENEY & Co , Toledo, O Sold by Druggists, 75c. Some Fine Singing. R. M. McIntosh, the great Southern singer, will sing in tbe Methodist Church Wednesday and Thursday nights of thin week-14th and 15th-service beginning at 8 30 H? will alS9 lecture on Church Music. Ali the exercises' are free, and the public is cor? dially invited to attend. This will be tbe last tour tbat Prof. McIntosh will make through this State. Hear bini.' J. W. DANIEL. f<3' O OOHgnfr O O O O? O < \ CrampsX \ Croup, \ yg\ wm DIARRJEHEA, DYSENTERY, andan BOWEL, COMPLAINTS. A Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these j troubles is ?Pain Kilter. (PXBBT XUYZS'.) ? ?sed Internally and Externally. Two Sizes, 23c. and Wc bottles. k>o? o o o o o O O o < FOR SAL, E. Ck GOOD MILCH COWS, f and f Jersey. J? One has third calf, the oiber first calf, heifer calves by Jersey bull Have been well handled aod are very genre Apply to E. W. DABBS, Jnlr 2 -2? Goodwill. S C THE PEOPLE'S ICE CO. WILL Meeting of Stockholders day Afternoon. Yester The meeting of stockholders of the Peo? ple's Ice Co , which WHS held in tte Y. M C. A. hall Monday afternoon, was attended by a large majority of the stockholders. ? statement was made by Secretary and Treas? urer Auld and by the Directors. A geoeral discussion followed which was particited io by several of the stockholders. It was Sual ly decided that as tbe plant bad been in ope? ration but a week it was impossible to raak* a satisfactory and intelligent statement of the income and expenses of the company, and it was therefore decided to adjourn to meet on Tuesday, July 20th, at 6 o'clock. There was a very evident intention on the part of a large majority of the stockholders to support ?be Board of Directors in their management of the bnsioeis of the company, and to sup? port the company in every way possible. The future of the enterprise is encouraging, and '.here is nothing to prevent ii being a financial success, as well as a convenience to the stockholders and a protection against ex horbitant prices for ice. .All that is now needed, as was stated at the meeting, is the prompt payment of all that is due on stock ny stockholders who subscribed for stock bot have never paid io the full amount on their subscriptions. The Sumter Cotton Oil Company will shortly begiu the erectioo of au extension to the main building for the purpose of giving room for new machinery. The mill bad a prosperous season last year and the entire output wan sold to advantage. The machin? ery and everything about the mill is being put in shape for the approaching season and it is expected that the output of oil and meal will be appreciably increaesd over that of last season. Travelers, who are not acquainted with the habit Sumter people have of gathering at the depot at train j?me, usually conclude that some distinguished public personage is expected. Thursday afternoon several of the travelers w-?re overheard discussing the crowd, and they finally concluded that the Sumter people imagined that the Senatorial campaign party would pass ihrougb and bad gathered at the depot to see the cadieates EE COMPLETED WHEN ? General Manager Hunt Says the Ohio Eiver & Charleston Will b? Built. The Knoxville Morning Tribune of Satur? day contain? the following, which will be read wi?h great interest in Charleston : "Mr. Samuel Hunt, receiver of the Cincin? nati, Portsmouth and Virginia Road and general manager of the Three C's also, pass? ed through the city one rute to Roane Moun? tain, where he and his family will take a jest. Mr. Hunt said that the Ohio River and Charleston would ultimately be extended to the Ohio River from Charleston. One hun? dred and twenty-five miles have already been built, and 250 more are necessary for its com? pletion. Ten miles are now being built from Bhcksburg to Gaffoev, S. C , in order to handle the business of the cotton mills," Seasons Why Chamberlain's Celie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem? edy is the Best. l. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in the stomach, colic and cholera morbas. 2. Because it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysen? tery aod diarrhoea. 3. Because it is the only remedy that will cure chronic diarrahoea. 4. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious colic. 5. Because it is the only remedy that will core epidemical dysentery. 6. Because it is the only remedy that can a! WP vs be depended upon in cases of cholera infantum 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine io use for bowei complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad results. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Because it has saved the lives of more people than any other medicine m the world. The 25 and 50c sized for sale by Dr. A. J. Cbica GLENN SPRINGS HOTEL, Glenn Springs, S. C. Hotel Open from June 1 to October 1 Large, weli-ventilated rooms. Best sanitary arrangements, first and second floors. Baths and electric bells. Italian Band frorn^ June 1 to end of season. Glenn Springs Railroad runs within 300 yards of the Hotel. Glenn Springs Water has no Superior on the LContinent. Write fox Certificates. -+0+. For rates of board, apply to SIMPSON & SIMPSON. Glenn. Springs Water for sale in Sumter at the Drug Stores of J. F. W. DeLorme. J. S. Hughson & Co., and A. J. China Sold also by W. E. Dlgar. Special Sale of Children's Suits-price $1 69-sizes 5 to ll. Grand Clearing Sale? Our buyers are preparing for the coming season, and to make our Spring stock as low as possible we offer our entire stock at EXCEEDINGLY LOW FIGURES FOR CASE Cost will not cut much figure where the cash comes in* Our entire stock of Spring Dress Goods, Notions, Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing, &c, &c, &c. We have a large stock of Summer Coats that must be closed out. See them. An Item-Do you need a Negligee Shirt, we have the largest and most complete line ever shown in this city and prices lower than the lowest. Odd Pants-Now is the time you want an extra pair of pants. Here is your chance : Our entire stock of Fine Pants at prime cost? We desire to have all our customers examine the goods we are offering and see real bargains not imaginary ones. Yours truly J. Rettenberg & Sons. ACKNOWLEDGED LEADERS OF LOW PRICES FOR SUMTER. NOTICE-Customers having our Free Ice Cards will please present same to be punched between July 1st and loth. After which date they will be discon* tinued and only coupons and Photograph cards gNren. ?