The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, July 14, 1897, Image 3

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AT GLENSF SPRINGS. Notes By the Semor Kditor While Resting. Glenn Springs, S. 0 , July 12, 1897.-Tbe camber of visitors here now is iarger than at this tiffie last year,, and quite a number of en? gagements have been made by others who are to come soon The Messrs. Simpson have io the last few years considerably enlarged the hotel and made many other improvements, to which the public responded promptly, and last year they were crowded Xe' the fuil ca? pacity, not only of their own buildings, bot of the neighboring boarding houses. The in? dications are that the crowd will be as great -and, if possible to stretch the capacity of accommodation-greater this season. There is plenty cf room at this time, there being about 115 or 125 at the hotel, and they say that when the crowd was on last season, there were between 400 and 500 people here. Therefore those who think of corni og to Glenn's need not change their plans, but come on It is always a good plan to write in advance of coming, however, io the height of the season ; yon will be more certain to have a place ready to go to promptly on ar? rival, and that is quite a consideration after a &8y'a ride behind a coal borne?. One of the advantages this place now hms over former years is the railroad that pats you right here with your bageage cn time, and tfeose who want to dress for the dance or eveo a walk to the spring before snpper can do BO. The train arrives every defternoon, except Sunday, at 4 30 and leaves st 10 a. m. In regard to the accommodations here. I will only say that I was conversing a day or two ago with a gentleman from another State -a tra ve :ng man who ought to be a compe? ten! judge-and he said the. hotel is better than any place that he knows, of at the rate charg^, and that any one who complains is a growler. I have beard oo complaint except by one or two who want meals served with? out any waiting ; bot with as much time as people have here there is no occasion to hbr ' ry, and I think the dining room service ex? cellent and faliy as prompt as any hotel that I have ever visited. The visitors here now embrace people from various parts of this State and several other States-from Kentucky to Florida, that I have met-and, like I have always found vis? itors here, as frieadly and sociable as could be desired. There must be something about the place that inclines peoole to be sociable. N. G. 0. A Privateer1 Picnic. Mr. Editor: It was intended that a Fourth of Joly picnic should be held at the Mt. Car? mel (ingram) school bouss, but as it didn't take place, ooe was held {bereen Saturday and was attended by a very large crowd, es? timated to number 175 or 200 people, among . whom were several from Clarendon connty. Mr. John M. Ingram was the prime mover in getting np this picnic, and those present seemed to enjoy themselves unusually well. The occasion was marked by a boon t if ol dinner and in tbe afternoon, by invitation, there w&s some speeches. The Revs Nelson J. Brown, cf Clarendon, and G. T. Gresham spoke on,tbe importance of education, es? pecially religious education, and Mr. Wbit Wells spoke oo the uses of adversities. Be? sides these, one or two others made speeches, and Mr. D. H. Beasley was called on to make remarks on the importance of good road?, bat be modestly declined; MCDONALD FCRMAH. Privateer Township, J*uly 12. Sick stomach m?tas sick man (<*- woman). Wy not be well ? Sick s toma ob comes from poor fcod, peor nourishment ; means poor health, poor com? fort. Shaker. Digestive Cordial means health and a weil stomach. If we could examine our stomach we would understand why Jt is that so little will pvt it out of order. But, unless we are doctors,' we never see our stomach. We only feel it. We would feel it lesa if we took Shaker Digestive Cor? dial. ' Shaker Digestive Cordial makes your stom ach diges? al! the nourishing food yon eat, relieves &U the symptoms of indigestion, acts as a tonic and soon makes yon wei! and strong again. The more yon take, the le3S you will feel of your stomach ' At druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. Officers Elected. The Delgar Reel Squsd held its anuual meeang last Tuesday afternoon. The election of officers was held and all of the incum? bent* were re-elected to serve another year. The officers of tbe eqaad are : W. S. Graham, Foreman, v A. G. Flowers, Assistant Foreaoan. I. H Moses, Jr . Secretary and Treasurer. Brainard Yeadon, Collector. The appointment of the postmaster for this city is not expected to be made for several months, bat the various candidates are work? ing j-J3t is hard as rf time was short and the appointment likely to be made any'day. Re? cent information received from Washington indicates that Capt. T. B. Johnston will dic? tate who shall be appointed, but if this be true it throws very little light on the prob? lem, as it is not known which of the candi? dates he favors and will endorse. t The Utest journalistic venture in this city is the Carolina Patriot. This is a four col? umn folir?, published monthly ia the interest of the Junior Order United American Me? chanics. Mr M. D Harlee is the editor ?nd proprietor of the new j jurua!. The nrst number ii very creditable and tbe Patroit should receive a fine patronage from members of the order in whose interest it is published The article from the News and Courier in reverence ".o publishing magazines aod News? papers ' just for fun" applies to Sumter with peculiar ap:ne33 Not only are many people in this community possessed by the idea that * they fhould be furnished free ot cbar?;e as many papers as they want at nny time, but they labor nader the hallucination that aoy tbing in connection with their business is news of vital interest and should be written up in tzienso and have a place in ?be first local colnma with a " jorse head" io addition. There is a another species of ?ead beats who, with a calm assurance that is wonderful, habitually appropriate, any parer tha? falls in their way. and remark to the subscriber, who has paid for the paper, thf.t another paper can be obtained frcra the oifice. It is tbi3 species that drep plugged nickels in the church basket and abuse the paper an ail occasions for a lack of enterprise and for not doing its duty towards building op tbe community. Sumter bas ber dtie share of the species and they are barnacles and parasites on the community. Not Exactly Right is the way thousands of people fee'-. 11 is because their blood is poor. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the One True Blood Purifier, will promptly set them right. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable acd do not purge, pain or gripe. AU druggists. FROM THE WIRES. Juiv 8. A bill providing for the creation of j the department of public hcaith has been j iotroduced in the Senate. The head of j it is to be a member of the cabinet The government has bought for $3,* I 601,615.56 the property of the Monon? gahela River Navigation Company and will throw the river opeo to public navi? gation. Fitzsimmcns aod Suiiivao have agreed to make a tour of the couotry giving sparri?g exhibitions. The tariff bill passed the Senate j yesterday. The vote was 38 to 28. The New York detectives claim that Martin Thorn has confessed to the mur? der of the mac whose body was found cut into two parts io ooe of thesoburbs of the city Comptroller Geoeral Norton bas an? nounced his candidacy for Congress io. the Sixth. District Dr. W*. M. Meadow, of Uoioo, ha9 beeo arrested for attempting to buro the Opera House aod baok io that town.* He bad a drug store ic the building. President McKinley sends a message to Congress to-day urgiog the imme diate consideration of the financial situation and a revision of the curreocy system. B. C. Webb, of Charleston, was on yesterday elected clerk of the State Board of Control* vice W. H. Law reoce resigned. Fourteen people are known to have been killed by a cyclone and cloudburst io Miooeeota yesterday The damage to property was immense. july 9. The tariff bill has been turned over to conference committees from the Sen? ate aod House. Fire broke out io Buckingham pelace, Loodoo, last eight while a great ball was ia progress. It was ex? tinguished- after ao hours *work by the firemefe. Minnie Turner, a colored woman, was found dead near Newberry ye9ter day from a pistol shot wound io her j head. Her husband is suspected of the crime. The hot wave continues with un? abated intensity ia St. Louis and throughout the West and Northwest. The death rate is increasing. The Queen Regeot of Spaio has par? doned 108 Cubaos now serving sen? tences in penal settlements. The situation io Turkey aod Greece is unchanged. Washiogtoo, July 9.-United States Consul General Lee bas beeo rendering some account to the goveromeot of his expenditures from the fund appropriated by congress for tbe relief of destitute Americans io Cuba. Bis figures . were presentvd to the cabinet to-day, and the showing was remarkable, for it appear? ed that of the total of $50,000 at the dis? posal of the geoeral he had expended j ooly $6,000, and yet had given sub- I stantia! relief to every distressed Amer? ican whom be could find ready to re? ceive aid, and besides had shipped some of them back to the Uoited States. Six negro laborers were killed by an explosion of dynamite while at work io ao excavation for a street railway io Lexington, Ky. No ooe koows how the dynamite came to be io the ground Joly 12. The Nashville grand jury baa indict? ed nine of the leading ice dealers aod manufacturers for forming a trust or combine to oootrol prices. The State Alliance meets io annual session in Columbia oo July 23:h. Seoator Tillman returoed to Wash? ington yesterday. Hail fell to the depth of eight inches at Ma8siloo, O., Saturday. .There have been 350 deaths in the northern cities from tbe heat since July 1st. Marc Morris, aged 21, killed himself in Augusta on Saturday. He did so because he failed to receive a legacy of j ?8,000 that he expected. President McKinley has pardoned E. R. Carter, of New York, who em? bezzled $30,000 of tbe Bank of Com merce funds. The strike of coal miners coot-noes j to grow in magnitude, but the West i Virginia miners have so far refused to j quit work and those mines are being l worked day and night. Johnson's \ Chill and j Fever j Tome j Cures Fever In One Day. j tiadrlen's Arnica Salve. Tis? Bas: Salvo in tho world for Ccts, Bruges i Cores, Ulcers, Sah Rheum. Fever Soras, Tcttor Shapped Uan<f!? Chilblains, Corns and ail Sain Emptions, and positively cures Piles or : no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per feet satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Dr. J. F. VT. De ? Lorme. j Claims kjssM Suter County, Presented and Approved For Second Quarter, Fiscal Year, 1897. Xo. Ac. Date. 331. Jan. 1 W L Brunsor?, lom her, kc S 2 77 472, " 1 Esses Tavlor, lum? ber, &c, 2 34 343. Feb. 15 W W DeScbamps, work, &c, 5 87 j 345, " 2 H J Wilson, work, &c, 4 50 276, Apl 3 J D Stocker, k< " 10 277, ?. 3JTKi!?ore, " " 5 50 ! 218, Mcb 30 J Ry nen berg, k Sons, nails. 25 I 370, May 1 W W Ramsey, road overseer, G 50 i 312, Mcb 29 J D Chandler, bridge work Ac, 3 f 0 321, " 30 C L Tisdaie, bridge lumnt-r, 3 74 309, Aol 1 Wm White, bridge work, kc, 1 10 341, i{ 5 J F Tallon, bridge work, kc 4 50 311, " 7 WS Chandler, bridge work, &c, 14 05 366, " 9 Peter Anderson, " work, kc, 2 325, " 10 Wm White, bridge work, &c, 1 45 322, " 12 H T Eadecs, bridge "lumber, 3 77 347, ' 12 Isasc Moses. brid|_ work, &c, 1 25 400, " 14 E Strickland, bridge ?umber, 6 403, " 14 DA Outlaw, brdg wk, 5 376, " 15 Dan G 3?buoe, ditching, 1 25 335, " 16 A E Gregg, ditching, 15 310, " 19 W Z Truluck, cause? way 20 401, 4i 22 W P Newman, bridge work,&c, 25 338 22 J S Coroiu, road tools, 8 52 339, {: 22 W W Stuckey, road work, . 1 50 342, " 22 J A Dennis, bridge work, &c, 5 55 4?2, :t 25 Co-cneraiive Gricge Store, road tools, 10 50 379, ls 26 WSJHatson, ditching, kc, 6 62 496, ?. 15 J F Reime?, hauling, &c, 1 435, i: 30 Lavander Samuel, hpulinc, ?re. 1 437, ' 30 C J Rollins, hauling, &c; 4 90 452. 30 Tisdaie k Reames. lurnbei. kc, 6 92 382, Maj 1 R L Turner, lumber, kc. 8 40 333, " ! J F Kilzcre, bridge work, kc, 4 10 395, t: 1 J A Scarborough, road tool?, 5 10 456, " S L V Brown, bridge work, &c, 14 C7 425, *: 13 W W Ramsey, road ' overseer, 1 00 434, " 13 W M Reid, lumber tc, 4 33 422, ?: 14 Abram Refile, lumber and bridge work, 2 94 435, " 19 N W Donald, road cves3eer, ?fcc, 10 25 443, " 19 B J Jackson, road overseer, &c, 5 520. " 10 C C Wilson, bridge work, kc, 10 00 580, " 20 J N Hudson, bridge work, kc, 12 50 453, {i 22 A D McCoy, lumber kc, 2 73 464, tl 26 F L Player, road overseer, &c, 10 535, " 27 J A Blackwell, road overseer, kc, 12 40 491, C{ 29 T Ed Bassins, bridge work, kc. 6 25 482, June 2 Jas B Talion, read overseer, &c, 21 25 572, ,? 2 PJ Anderson, baul iocr, kc. 9 85 513, 2 P J'Anderson, haul? ing, &c, 12 60 503, 4 F L Player, bridge work, &c, 17 50 530, " 5 H B Hodge, road ; overseer, 5 00 510, 3 Jnc M Smith, read overseer, S 00 540, " 12 Elly Durant, ditching, fcc, 1 75 579, " 15 J D S?uckey. bridge work, kc, 7 25 801, 11 23 T M Moore, bridge work, kc, A 00 571, " 22-13 J T Cummings, ^bridge work, kc, 6 30 602, " 23 W M Lenoir, bridge lumber, &c. 5 40 575, " 25 Abram Ruffin, bridge work, &c, 4 80 595, " 28 J L Thomas, bridge work, &c, 7 36 487, " 4 Russel Peterson,ditch? ing, &c, 5 85 2 25 f S416 54 County Board of Commissioners. No. Ac. Date. 320, Feb 27 F E Thomas, services on co bd and com. on C H repairs, $18 90 290, Apl 5 Capt. R ? Brownfield, ser co bd and com on C H repairs, 21 287, 5 J M McElveeo, ser on co board, 2 25 288, " 5 Frean Hellett, ser on co board, 288, ;: 5 W W Stuckey, ser on co board, 3 2G 289, " SRI Manning, ser on co hoard, 4 50 291 " 5 R M James, oer on co board, 5 299, ,: 5 Harry Ryuenberg, ser 1 on co board, 3 20 350, " 23 W W Stuckey, eeroa co board, 2 70 356, " 23 W M Lfooir, ser on co byard, 5 351, i; 23 Capt J M McElveeo, ser on co board. 2 25 340, " 23 Frean Mallett, ser on co board, 2 25 405, May 6 W O Cain, ser on co hoard and com on C H rep*irs, S 405, 6 Capt J M McEiveen, Fer cy beard. 2 25 407, " 6 W M Lenoir, ser co ooard, ' 2 5D 408, " 6 R M James, ser co board and com on repairs C H. 15 40?, " 6 W W Stuckey, se: co board. 3 20 4G4, " 6 Frean Meilette, ser co board, 2 25 428, ,: 6 Jao J Shaw, ser co board. 7 50 447-, 6 W y Dinkies, ser co beard. 8 4S4. " 6 Jr.o F Hawkins, ser co noan!. 10 8'J 507, Apl 5-23 J W Weldon, se? co boura. 5 30 S137 30 j Clerk County Board Commissioners. 3i>S, Apl 1-30 Thos V Walsh, seras rierk. .$25 4"8, May 2-31 Tbos V Walsh, ser as cierk, 25 563, Jane 1-30 Thos V Walsh, seras clerk, 25 $75 00 ? Count\y Supervisor. No. Ac. PH'e 230, Mea 31 Marion Dor.-., sxlxry. 1st qr. ?200 4S8, Jone 7 Marion Dorn, on ac? count salary, 2d qr, 50 568, t: 30 Marion Darn, bal sal? ary, 2i q--, 150 C 400 00 Coroner's inquests, $c No Date. 326, Aol 16 17 A D Moses, cor, hold inquest?, &c, ?22 C9 327, " " Dr. Archie China, p rn ex. &c, inquests (2) 10 328, " " JE Gaillard, const, summons jury in? quests, kc, (2) 4 387. " 26 T E Edward, cofnn for man killed 3 50 412, 11 27-May 5 A D Moses, cor, holding es inquests, tc, (2) 6 421,May9-13 A D Moses, cor, hold? ing ex inquests, &c, 15 445, " 16 E I Reardon, const, summons juries, ex inquests, &c. (2) 4 431, " 16 Dr C P Osteen, pm ex dissection, &c, at ir.q, 15 444, " 16-19 A D Moses, cor, bold inqnests, &c. 27 41 507, June 3, Dr H W Cooper, p m ex, dissection, &c, at inquest, 15 508 !I 3, W WMcKagen, const. summons jury icq, 2 511 " 3-5. A D Moses, cor, hold? ing inquest, &c, 16 41 343 " 25. A D Mos-s*, cor. hold? ing, inquest, &c, 10 91 544 " 25: F K Winn, const, sum? mons jury inquest, 2 545 ' " 25, Dr A C Dick, p m ex, &c, at inquest, 5 557 ,: 25, T B Rhame, mag, holding inquests, &c, 8 50 558, " 25, DrEF'Darby, p m ex, dc, nt inquest, 5 559 " 25: *L A Wheeler, const, sum jury .icquest, 2 173 82 Constable Accounts. 310, Ap! 3, J D Osteen, sal 1 mo S 8 33 315, " 16, W C Folk, sal, 2 mos, 16 66 357, cs 1-20, H A Raffifrld, Jr., sal? ary, 1 mo, 8 33 369, 1-30, L A Wheeler,sal 1 mo, 8 S3 373, - 1-30, W P Singleton, sal arr, 1 mo, 8 33 380, " 1-30. F K Winn, sal, 1 mo, 16 66 377, May 3. J D Osteen, sal 1 mo, 8 33 39?, Apl 3, RRSiuckey,sa? 2 moa, 16 65 413, May 6, L A Wheeler, const, con rv prisnrs, tc, 3 60 458. " 13, W C Folk, sil, 1 mp, 8 33 459, " 25, L A Wheeler, const. convy prisnrs, &c, 1 ZO 461, " 1-31, W P Singleton, sal, 1 mo, 8 33 446, May 1-31 L A Wheeler, const, salary, 1 mo, 8 33 463, " 23 L A Wheeler, const, coavv prisoners, &c, 1 80 468, 54 1-31 H A Riffield, Jr, const salary, 1 mo, 8 33 473. 1-31 F K Winn, const, sal? ary, 1 mo, 16 66 476, " 1-31 JD Osteen, const, sal? ary, 1 mo, 8 33 506, " 1-31 R R Stuckey, const, sal, &c, convy pris oners, ?c, 12 08 4?3. June 18 M V Iz'.ar, const, sal arvt 4 mos, 33 33 515, " 16 W C Folk, const, sal? ary, 1 mo, 8 33 536, " 1-30.L A Wheeler,, const, salarv. 1 mo, 8 33 542, " 1-30 H A Raffield. Jr, const, salarv, 1 mo, S 33 547, " 1-31 W P Singleton, C">, salary i mo, 8 33 561. 1-30 R R Stuckey, const, salp.rr, 1 mo, ?c, 12 63 565, " l-3o F K Winn, con3t, sal? ary 1 mo, 16 66 5C6, 1-30 J Dargan Jones, con? stable salary, 1 mc, 8 33 S273 19 Magistrhlis Accounts. 316, Apl 16, W H Seale, sal 2 mo, 16 65 392. " 30, B P Ketlv. sal 2 mo, 16 67 375, " 1-30, Jco F Ingrats, sal? ary 1 mo, 8 33 3S1, 11 1-30, L B Jennings, sal? ary 1 mo, 8 33 389, :i 1-30, Thos R Rhame, sal? arv 1 mo, 8 33 391, " 1-30, H L B Wells, salary 1 mo. 29 16 451, May J6. W H Seale, sal 1 mo, 8 33 469, " 1-31, B P Kelly, sal 1 mo, 8 33 486, " 1-31, L R Jennings, sal? ary 1 mo, 8 33 490, ,! 1-31, J F Ingram, salary 1 mo, 8 33 492, " 1-31, J W Bradley, salary 3 mo. and 17 days. * 29 67 493, " 1-30, H L B Wells, salary i roo, 29 16 499, " 1-30, T B Rhame, salary 1 mo, 8 33 522, June 16, W H Seale, sal 1 mo, 8 33 55?, " 1-30, TB Rhame, sal 1 mo, 8 33 560, " 1-30, Jas fl Scarborough, salary 4 mos, 33 33 562, " 1-30, L. R Jennings, salary 1 mo, 6 33 567. '. 1-30, Jno F Ingram, sal? ary 1 mo, 8 33 599, " 20-30, Jas H Scarborough, exp in lunacy case, 6 15 579, 1-30, J W Bradley, salary 1 mo, 8 33 583, " 1-30. B P Kelly, salary 'leo, 8 33 $277 42 Books, Siitionery, ??c. 270, Ar.! 12, The Freeman, adv for Co lid Commissioner?,, 9~ 307, '. S. Knight I?ro.?, stationery Bd Registration, 3 50 314, " 9, Walker, Evans & Cogs well, books Clk Court. 26 25 411, May 5 Knight Bro?, supplies lid Registration, 1 45 414. ** ll, N G Osteen, adv nod Road Law?, 7 SO 417, " 1.% The Freeman. Herald and Watchman <fc South run. adv Supr. Rcpt. 1st i[T, ?55 60, and Work at i'oor House, $2.70. ?S 30 432, " 20. II 'i Osteen & Co. toaks Township ConTrs. .> ?5 456, ,; 1, ll G Osteen ? Co, sup? plies C C 0 P & G .S, 1 40 454. " 22, Walker. Evans X: Cogs? well, book C C C P ? G 5 6 50 4t'S. June 5. Walker. Evans it Cogs? well, books Cu Auditor. '5 75 605. " 25, Knight Bros. stamps <fc envelo! cs li.i Recistr'n, 4 SO $129 72 Public Buildings. 427. Sich 13, (J F Epperson, coal for jail. ?tr. 4 75 2M\ Apl 1, Thos S Rogan, buckets and cups for C II. 30 j 33?, ** 17. .1 W Ad kin, fencef jail front. ?-Q :17o, " 3C? H W Hood, bose for jail pump. 2 2.'> 367, " 30, E T Windham, services jail, dry well, ?c, 12 03 440, May 22. J W Adkin, jail fence, 17 42 471, " 30, E T Windham, cervices jail, dry well, ?cc, 12 03 I No. Ac! Date. i : 491. Jun 25. ?aul Pringle, work on C li, Ac 3 36 \ 52$, 17. .) W AJliii), rcpiirs jail llors. Ac. 55 55 j 534. " 2C-23, Saul Pringle, work moving C II Records, 121 [, \ 546, " 21 23. it S Bradwell, Jr, guarding Records, ?c., CCCPiGS, 6 00 j" 54S, M 20, E T Windham, services jail, dry well, Ac, 12 42 j -i $157 22 j Convicts ?forking as Chain Ging. 427. M ch 13, G F Epperson, sup plies. Chair, gang. 21 03 | 324. Apl 7. W M bander?., fodder mules CG, 11 33 344, " 23. T J DuBose, Overseer, sundry expenses, K? IS 359, " 1-30, T J DuBose, Overseer, sundry expsnses, 3 41 360, 4< 30, L E Wh:te, Overseer, advance board, 5 00 361, 1-30. T J Du3ose. Overseer. salary, ?tc, Apl 1807, 30 362, " 1-30, J S Folk, Guard, sal? ary, ?fcc, Apl '97, 25 363, *' 1-30, Wash Graham, const C G, salary, ?fcc, Apl '97, 10 364, " 1-30. D il Matthews, Guard, salary, ?fcc., Apl '97, 20 SO 365, " 1-30, AK Burrows. Guard, sal'y and b'rd, ?lay '97, 5 3S6, May 1, Sumter Iron Works, shoes on mules, 1 50 415, Apl 30, C F McFaddin, sup? plies CG. 12 91 439, Moy 5, Dr 3 McLaughlin, med. attention convicts, 3 440, " 20, Chas Beames, cook CG, 5 441, S, M Dorn, Sup'r, fooder, ?fcc, mules. SI 450, " 21, R W Bradham, repairs tc wa?f>n. 3 45?, " 22, II J llarby ?fc Co, sun plies C G, 26 16 457, " 24, O'Donnell ?fc Co, freight on supplies CG, 2 41 462, " 21, Mrs S*K Burrows, mak? ing shirts cg, 2 40 460, " 2$, E C Lee, supplies, c g, 8 70 470, " 17, W F Jones, sharpening saws, c g, S5 47S, " 2S, ii J llarby ?fc Co, hay, ?fcc. mules, 6 10 j 465. " 1-31, A K Burrows, guarde g, 25 j 466. 1-31, J S Foik, guard c g, 5 4SS, " 1-21. L E White, Overseer cg, 35 4S9, ,; 1-31, Chas Reame?, .cook c g, 5 497, " 1-31. J S Folk, guard c g, 20 477^ " 24, I C Scarfe, cook stove ware, c ?, 6 65 502, Jun S, J S Folk, guard, R R fare convict, 50 521, " 11, M Dorn,Sup'r, expenses conveying convict, 4 524, ?. 12, H J llarby ?fc Co, sup? plies cg. ll 74 525, " 19, L E White, overseer, lt lt f?.re convicts, ?fcc, 1 j ?3S, " 21, ?hos V Walsh, p i ?r'-'t on hand c:ir c g. 67 545, " 26. B G Pierson, lt lt f: re convicts, 150 564, " 2?-2S. H J Darby ?fc Co, sup plies cg, 19 36 556, " 31, A K Burrows, guard c g, 25' 572, 31, L E White, overseer ? ?ecg, . 37 05 573, 31, J S Folk, guard, ?fcc c g, 25 574, 31, Sam'l Newman, guard, ?fcc, c g. 25 575, May 1-14, Cant R j Br6wnfield, fodder, ?tc. mules, 3 93 535, Jun 1-30, Cbas Reames, ook cg, 7 $471 94 County Superintendent Education. \ 323, Aprl 17 Wm. J DuRant, trav? elling expenses, S 25 00 385, " 30 Wm J DuRant, salary April '97, 50 428, May 35 Wc J Du Rant, office and travelling ex. 30 475. 11 31 Wm J DuRant, on ac? count salary, May '97, 25 514, " 31 Wm J DuRant," bal nnce salary, May '97, 25 555, June 30 Wm J DuRant, salary and trav. ex June's?, 70 3225 00 Countg Auditor. 371, A?l 1-30 J Diggs Wilder, sal? ary April, '97, S41 66 471, M-iv 31 J Diggs Wilder, sal? ary May, '97, 41 66 554, June 30 J Diggs Wilder, sal? ary, June, :97, 41 66 3124 93 Contingent Accounts. 348, Mcb ll W J McKain, witness Burkett case, 3 2 00 284, Apl 5 W B Burkett, costs aod judgment, 13 30 274, " 5 A W Suder, services expert grand jury, 115 271, " 3 F K Winn, coast, cost Burkett case, 3 20 272, " 3 H L B Wells, mag, costs Burkett case, 2 30 i 303, 11 7 Dr R M Moore, medi? cal ex in Iuoacy, 5 304, " 7 Dr B McLaughlin, medical ex io lunacy, 5 305, 3-8 Tbos V Walsh, p "j, proceedings in lunacy, 5 313, " 9 W H Seale, coovy lunatic hospital, 17 14 329, Mch 24 T M Bradley, witness Burkett case, 2 20 389, Apl STD Chandler, witness Du Bose case, 60 I 352, " 21-23 Thos V Walsh, p j proceedings in lunney, 5 354, " 22 Dr A-J Ohio?, med'i ex in lunacy, 5 j ! 353, " 22 Dr Archie Cbiaa, medical ex in lunacy, 5 ? 358, " 23 E S Kennedy, coovy lunatic to hospital, 7 Qi j 374, " 23JABo5kin, witness DuBose case, 1 50 I I 433, May 2 Thos V Walsh, clerk, office expenses. 2 76 i j 41 S, " 33 Lee & Moise', any's fees, bldg contract, 10 00 i 419, " 14 Dr E F Darby, medi? cal ex in lunacy. 5 ; 420, " 14 Dr T M McCutcben, .j medical ex in lunacv, 5 423, "10-14 Tbos V Kal?h, {> j procedgsin lunacy,(2) 10 423, io Dr Jno S Htighsoo, medical PX in lunacy, 5 430, " 16 Dr K M Stuckey, med? ical ox in lunacy, 5 400, June 3 4 DB Douglass services sheriff Chesterfield Co, 2 85 516, " 3-12 Thos V Walsh, p j procedes in locacy,(2) 10 517, 11 12 Dr N V Alford, ".Med ex in lunacy, 5 518, " 12 Dr HW Cooper, med ex in lunacy.' 5 53S, " "ii Trios V Walsh, clerk, exp n;cve b<.>oks :.,::d records, kc, 3 30 531, " 15 Dr R J McLeod, medi? cal ex in lunacy, 5 532, T; 15 Dr J E McLure, med? ea 1 ex in lunacv, 5 53:?, " 15-23 Tbos V Walsh, P J, proceedings i? lunacv 5 549, " 14 D W Josey, carrying lunatic to hospital, 12 Oo 552, " 25 Dr J J Watson, medi exam. in Iunsxv, 5 553, " 2: Dr Theo M DnBcse, mod ex in lunacv, 5 556, " 24-29 Thcs V Walsh, p j proceedings io lunacv, 5 550, " 30 J E Gaillard, np, tak ?Dg recogniczacces, 9 $308 15 Poor House and Poor. 504, Api 12 John Cos, eonvy pau . . r cr ro p b, $2 22 333, Ap! 2, T C Sc*?fe, repairs ?tove to p 10 97 ?T6. " 1-30 3 D Mitchell, supt. p h, 127 80 581, May IS J R Odooj, coffin papr. 3 50 477, " 24 T C Scaffj,'supplies p b, 75 481. " 1-31 B D Mitchell, supt p b, 130 20 479, June 14 Joel E Brucson, blinds, pb, 7 20 500, " 8 W H Commander, re? pairs at p b & cabios. 61 11 529, " 1 -3J B D .vliic'nell, supt p b, 126 60 $470 15 Sher ?j; s Accounts. 334, Apl 5 3 G Piereon, sheriff, convy lunatic hospital, 14 21 392, "14-16 B G Pierson, sheriff, sum jnrv inquest, &c, 4 50 584, " 21-23 B G Pierson, sherirf, serv mag writs, &c, 2 70 293, " 1-30 B G Pierson, sher ff, dieting, &c, prisoners injiil. , 54 40 585, May 10 B G Pierson, sheriff, pd telgm coast cases, 1 40 589, " 10 B G Pierson, sheriff, serv writ venire facias, 28 35 587, :' 14-15 B G Pierson, sheriff, convy lunatics to hos-' pital, (2) 26 02 588, 11 10-27 B G Pierson, sheriff, serve ar war, cost. 6 CO 59D, " 1-30 dieting, &c, prisoners io jail * 75 583, " 26 B G Pierson, sheriff, serving sub writs, 6 10 591, June 23 28 B G Pierson, sheriff, convy lunatics to hos? pital, 17 97 592, " 1-30 B G Pierson, sheriff, serv court war, 44 40 ?93; " 1-30 B G Pierson, sheriff, supper jury, ice for court, 5 40 594, " 1-30 B G Pierson, sheriff, dieting, &c, prisoners in jail, 74 ?0 $36125 Court C P aud G. S. June, 1897 Grand jurors, June court ls97, Silo ?0 Petit jurors, June court. :97, 229 Bailiffs, June court '97, .54 Witnesses. June court '97, 187 80 S581 30 Township Commissioners. 336, Mch 18 JJ Bruo-on, services Concord TS. S 2 00 337. " 18 Jas M ?rczdoo. servi? ces Concord TS, 2 316, '* 18 W S Reames, services , Sumter TS, 6 437, " 17 S H Ram^ev, services Middleton T S, 2 445, " 17 J N Hudson, services Mayesviile TS, 2 501, " 17 JA* Bovkin, services Mavesvi'lle TS, 2 422, "17-18 Capt R J Brownfield, services Providence Td, 4 443, " 17 W J Keels, services Shiloh TS, 2 485. " 17 J F Hawkins, services Shiloh TS, 2 355, " 18 12 W M Leso:r, services Stateourg TS 2 442, " 18-22 Wallace Sanders, ser? vices Statehurg T S, 2 410. "15-22 W S Din kins, services Swimming Pen3 TS, 4 505, " 17-18 W A Tallon, services Lynchburg TS, 4 ?09, :? 17 R B Wilson, services Lynchburg TS, 2 $38 00 Cierk Court C. P Sr G. S. 541, June 1 Sheppard Nash, services June cour', 1897, SJ7 60 County Beard Equalization. 355. Apl 1 W M Lenoir* services ?c. 10 410. " 1 W S Dii?kins. serviess &c, S 42o. ;t 1 Capt R J Brownfield, . services, ?c.. 8 40 485. " 1 Jno F Hawkins, ser vice?, ?c. 10 SO 505, 1 W A Tallon, services ?c.. 10 40 i - * $47 60 County Treasurer. "12, June ll H Lee Scarborough, N office-supplies, <fcc. $42 77 County Board of Education. 424, May 15 H F Wilson, services, 21 00 426. Ci " 15 SH Edmunds. " 21 00 $42 00 RECAPITULATION. Page. 1- 3-Roads and Bridges accts. 416 54 3- 4-County Board Commis? sioners accts., 137 30 4-Clerk Co. Board Com? missioners accts, 75 00 4- County Supervisor accts. 400 00 5- Coroners Inquests, ?c.. accounts. 173.82 5- 0-Constable accounts. 273 19 6- 7-Magistrates accounts, 277 42 7-Books, stationery, ?c. 129 72 S-Public Buildings accts. 157 2? 8- 9-Chain Garig neets. 471 $4 IO-County Supt. Education account?. 22? 00 IO-County Auditor accts, 124 98 10-11-Contingent accts. 308 15 12-Poor House and Poor acct?. 470 15 12- -Sheriff's accounts, 361 25 13- Court C. P. & G. S. June term. 1897. >? 581 30 13-Township Commission ers accounts. 38 00 13-Clerk Court C. P. & G. S. account?, 57 60 13- County Bo. rd Equaliza? tion acct?. 47 60 14- Co. Treasurer accts. 42 77 14 - County Board Education accounts. 42 00 Total 2d quarter, 1897, $ 4.S10 tc> Total 1st ouarter. 1897. 5,527 07 Total 1st and 2d quarters, 1897. SlO,33S 03 July 8. 1897. MARION DORN, Supervisor Sumter Co. Atte?t : [SEAL/Tnos. V. WALSH, Clerk. Estate ol' Miss Hary S. Broun, DECEASED. IWILL APPLY to the Judge of Probate of Sumter Ccu*: ty on A neust 7th, 1897, tor a dual discharge as Administrator of aforesaid Eftate. F. M DWIGHT, Jnlv 7-4t. Administrator. Claremont Mp No. U1F. M. THE REGULAR MONTHLY COMMU? NICATION of Claremont Lodge, No. 44, A. F. M.. will be held on Thursday Evening, August 12tb, at 7? p. m. Brethren will take due notice aud govern themselves accordingly