The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 09, 1897, Image 3

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SUMTER GETS NO MONEY. Our Firemen Meet Hard Luck in ? Charlotte. Charlotte, May 19-Softer had hard lock in tbe bose wagoo co?>:e*.. Dellar made tbe rna la 40. seconds, bot tbe bose burst and they were ruled out. Monaghan made tbe ron in 43 secood3 and were ruled out. Greensboro made tbe winning run io 43 seconds and gets 6rat prizs. The Colu-i bia team won the second priz? io this contest and first prize in the steamer contest. The Pbo- ! ' tx team cf Columbia won tbe second prize j in tbe book and ladd r race. Charlotte, May 20-Mona? bs o Hose Com- j pany bas gooehome. George McKagen was too sore to run in the reel race fi Charlotte, May 20-The reel races are over and again Sumter loses. The1 time made by .tbe several teams entered was as follows : Palmetto of Columbia 24 second*, Greens boro basted. Charlotte 24. Anderson, basted Delga* 26, Green*iHe 23 2-5. Columbia and .Charlotte divide first mooeyv Delgar's slow time was doe to the bose kinking Tbe grab race will be held immediately. L A. RTTTESBZRS Charlotte, Maj 20, 12.35-The ume in the grab race was : Columbia 22*, Charlotte 21 1-5, Greensboro 21 J, Anderson basted, Asheville 22 2-5, Delgar won hydrant time aod basted. WON TES FOOT R&.CS. Charlotte, 12^50-Sumter wins at last. Gallagher won foot race in 10 3-5 seconds. Sumter acknowledged by everyone to bave the best horse teams, best running team and fastest mosers io Charlotte. . A. BYTTSNBBBG. The firemen have returned from Charlotte. They arrived in two contingents, a part of the crowd, arriving Tboreday night aad the others on tbe 7.15 train Friday morning. A few of the party were not satisfied with two days of pleasure and they remained ia Char lotte and did not reacb borne until Satur day. The firemen without exception are loud in praise of the handsome treatment accorded them by the Charlotte people. They enjoyed every moment >f the stay io Charlotte, and the pleasant time tbey bad io a great measure compensated them tor tbe failure to capture the prizes. Tbe only acci dent that marred tbe pleasure ot the trip was the injuries received ny George McEagen when he jumped from lbs Monagnaa Bose wagon to make the connection at tbe hydrant io the hose wagoo race. Eta Co juries are painful bat not in any wise serions, as:d as soo aa bis braised and lacerated cnticle bas bad j time to beal he will be in the ring again and ready for another race. The trip to Charlotte bbs had tbe effect bf arousing stilt greater enthusiasm among the firemen and they ap pear to be more interested them ever, which seams scarcely possible, for tbey have been keyed np to tba top notch for months. Connie Gallagher ran a great race in the 1O0 yards dash for the championship of thc Carolinas, aad the way he went nhead of all of the twenty crack springers made glad the hearts of the Sumter crowd. There were so many entries for this contest that the sprint ers were divided into three 6qaa s. la the first squad' Joba Miller led, in the second Connie Gallagher crossed the line in tbe lead and ic the third Eogene Ingram was a close secoad. Gallagher's time was the best which eu titled him to the parse and the champion ship. Delgar sqaad did cot retara entirely empty binded, .for they made the quickest ran to the hydrant of any team in the race and won a silk am brella and silver moan ted, cane offered by one cf the Charlotte merchants for the best time from the starting point to' hydrant. The Pacts of the Charlotte Tour nament. Ia justice to both S am ter teams it sb o a ld be said that io reporting the race daring ?thc excitement, the word "estimated" was omit ted in the telegram sent The Item. Delgar's bose having parted no time was entered, but the jadees gave as their opinion tbat bad water come as qnick as for others, the time would have been 40 seconds. Their official decision ruled both teams oat. Sumter's two teams were as^ one in Char lotte, having left ali rivalry fit borne. Be it also said that Monaghan's rime would have j been less tbao the official 'ame, but fer their accident of McXagen falling. I herewith attach a statement signed by all | of the judges of the race, showing their j opinion of tbe Sumter teams, whicb was also ! the universal opinion of ail io Char ott? : **Samter wins foot race, 10 seconds, Gal- [ lag ber. Sumter acknowledged best horse teams, j best running teams and best runners on the grounds, bot in hard lack. (Signed) TODD, GARIBALDI. DODSWORTH, Judges. la proof that all the companies were afraid to ran against as again, I herewith attach challenge copied from the Charlotte Observer, which co company there was brave enongb to answer. AH OPUS CHALLENGE The circumstances unaer which our 'earns wete beaten this afternoon being such tbat we could cot control, we hereby challenge any team that was on the ground, (the two winning teams preferred) to race with the Sumter fire department for any amount over $100. We are ready to run ia the morning or noon before shipping our horses. We have the permission to run on the streets of Charlotte and will have the same judges as in to-dav'a race. IRVING A. RYTTENBERG, Buford Hotel. AHbougb winning only two prizes, all of tbe Sumter men are pleased with their trip and the treatment from tbe Charlotte people, aod are willing to try over again, wishing for bettor luck, being satisfied more than ever j tbat we haveibe finest fire department in the two states IRVIKG RYTTKXRERG. The Delgars Keturn Thanks. Editor of Daily Item : Please publish the following resolutions, which were unanimous ly adopted by Delgar Reel Squad, at a call meeting held Friday afternoou, May 21: Resolved 1st. That to the generous-heart ed citizens of Sumter we are indebted for a most delightful trip to Charlotte. Resolved 2d. That we extend, to those wbo so willingly contributed to tbe fund wbich enabled os to attend the Firemen's Tournament at Charlotte, our sincere thanks for the portion of the subscription received by ns. Resolved 3d. Tbat to Messrs. Neil O'Don nell, R. O. Purdy and H. B. Bloom, the so liciting committee, who so willingly per formed tbat duty, we tender especial tbaoks. Resolved 4tb. Tbat these resolutions be published in The Daily Item. W. S. GRAHAM, Foreman Delgar Reel Squad, No. 3. Resolutions of Thanks. At a called meeting cf Monaghan Hose i Company No. 2, held Mooday eveoiog, May 24, the following resolutions were adopted : Resolved 1st. We, tbe members of Mon aghan Hose Company, No. 2, are indebted to tbs citizens of tbe City of Sumter, S C., who so liberally contributed to tbe fund which helped to defray our expenses at tbe International Firemen's Tournament held in LIVE LAMAR LOCALS. i News of Various Sorts From tho Growing Darlington Town. Lamar, Jone 7 -The refreshing showers that fell recently were received with much joj od has made crops brighten up consider ably, especially the corn crop. We are glad to say we have a small paper started in our little town. It is known HS The Lamar X Rays, and Prof. Walter L. Wilsen is editor. We wish for Prof. Wil ! eon and bis paper much success. Miss Effie Sbuford and Mis.- Mannie Scar borough, of Biebopville, have been speeding a few days, with Mrs. G. E DuBose, aod some of our boys are very much smitten. Misa Nellie Franklin, of Lydia, will spend this sommer with Mr. and Mrs. L. Lee Do Bose. The combined residence and etorehocse of Mr. S. C. Starr is nearing cempletioo, wbicb will add considerably to the appearance of our town. We are glad to eee so many of onr citizens using the paint brash freely, hope the rest will follow. The game of ball between Bishopville and Lamar took place here on the 5th inst. The score was 2 to 6 in favor of Lamar. We were certainly sorry to hear of the sad occurrence that took place on May 28, between the S. C. College boys and the,, militia. The exhibition given by the Lamer High School at this place was a grand success, and we heartily congratulate our efficient Princi pal Prof. Walter L. Wiisoo. G E. D. With the blood full of humors, the heated term ts all the more oppressive. Give the system a thorough cleaosiog with Ayer's Sarsaparilla and a dose or two of Ayer's Pills, and you will enjoy Summer as never before in your life. Just try this" for once, and you'll not repent it. A petition has been seot in to the Health Department declaring the sa&d pits in tbe drains, a nuisance. The matter was discuss ed at last meeting of the Board of Health. The consideration of the petition was post poned until next meeting. There was a happy throng at the depot for two afternoons last week The gay graduates I and the happy hearted school girls were 1 waving, as the train nulled out, good-byes to j their acquaintances, wbo glanced with long- j ing love at their school friends, and others, j too. Perhaps some Sumter boy has a pain ; near about bis heart to-day. j Births and deaths reported to Health Officer ! Reardon for the past week, ending June 4tb, I are : Births-Two colored maies. Deaths Whit?-One male 8 years old, one female 2 months old, one female 10 months old. Col- j ored-Females-One 6 moates old, one 5 I years old, one 75 years old. The chain gang is now at work at Hudson's old crossing on Lynches River. A new road has been cot through the swsmp to the river and a causeway and bridge is in process cf erection. The new crossing will be a great convenience to ali residents of that section of the county and bas beea ne?ded for years. The causeway and bridge will be built in the most substantial manner so as to withstand the numerous heavy freshets to which Lynches river is subject. It will not care everything. It is not claimed that it wiN cure but one complaint, that is, dyspepsia.! We cannot say that it will core every case of dyspepsia, but it^will cure & large majority of tbem. Such cases ss are adapted to its nse will derive imroe- i d ate benefit One small bottle will be suffi cient to test it. Tbe Shaker Digestive Cordial is especially adapted for emaciated or elderly people whose food does them but little or no good because it is cot digested. The Cordial con tains an artificially-digested food and is a digester of food happily combined. Read one of the little books which your druggist is DOW giving away and learn of this won derful remedy. A really palatable Castor Oil can now be bad under the name of Laxol. Before the Mayor. il ivor Bosjard had no interesting session of his coori Monday rooming od the treasury w s enriched by severa! SfuaU contribution.: from petateo ts ai the bar of municipal justice. The cases were as follows : Johnnie Epperson and Johnnie Jenkins, disorderly coBduct, wraDgling, quarreling and fighting on the street. Guilty-$3 each. Sam Robinson, disorderly conduct, public drunkenness and raisiog & disturbance. Guilty-$4 or 8 da j s. James Samuels, who shot J. A. Sanders io a row on Saturday afternoon was brought up before the Mayor, bat after making a state ment of the facts of the case was dismissed. Meteorological Record, The following is a report of observations of the weather taken at Stateburg, by Dr. W. W. Anderson, for the past week ending Juoe 6, 1897 : Temperature. TS BS Condition. 31 I 2 3 4 6 87 90 88 89 87 78 6 i 84 67 68 63 70 67 69 68 Cloudy Clear ?Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy *Cloudy tartly cloudy. Heavy rain fell during the thunder storm of Friday, the 4tb, accompanied by high wind and some damage was done by washing hillsides and flooding low grounds. Gardens were greatly benefited. Picnic at the State Farm. The picnic given by Col. Neal at Kelley's Hill, Reed State farm, on Saturday last was quite an enjoyable affair* The place is a beautiful oue, on fhe banks of the Wateree. Large water oaks, and a soft carpet of grass, covered the ground. Col. Mcmaster said it was historic ground, Marion beiog surprised there ty Tarleton. A large number of gen tlemen from Columbia and diff rent sections of the State were present. After a most bouutifal "lunch," as Col. Neal styled it, was enjoyed, short, but interesting, speeches were delivered by Hon. G. Wash. Shell, Hon. W. H. Timmermao. Hon. F H. Westoo, Col. J. W. .?!oyd, Col. P. M. Nelson, Hon. Josh. Ashley and Mr. Bradley, of Orangebarg, who related his experience with Mr. Carl sie, ex secretary of the treasury, hew Mr. Carlisle turned him off, because he made silver speeches. All praised the superb management of the State firm. Co". McMaster presided over the meeting, and pleasantly introduced each speaker. Wheo over, the wagon ride3 over the farra, were resumed by the visitors Mr. J. J. Cooley and wife, assisted by Major McGill ind wife, were untiring in tbeir ef forts for tbeir visitors. JED. A dojr, supposed to be rabid, was killed by Policeman Hemby Smith at the Cartis House, rear tbe A. C. L. depot last Wednesday. Tbe dog had Keen seen ranoing around in that neighborhood, and acting strangely, but so far as learned, bad not bit ten any one. No one about there knew the dog, or where be came from, and be was killed more as a precautionary measure than for aoy violence shown. The rx ad dog scare bas abated end no new cases cf rabies are reported. It is generally left for the small bo s to ac cidentally break a few eggs in his pockets, but a gentleman in town cao tell another tale Finding two fine fresh eggs be put them under his large cutter 9bell bat. But the rim cf the bat having a space between it and the sides, and tbe ege3 at the same time resenting the. insult cf being placed under a cutter's shell, showed their -disgust by, spreading themselves ir. a yellow and white faphion over the gentleman's clothiog. For further faci3, inquire for one of the clerks ir- Mr. Ryttenberg's store. asy o Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small in size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man said: '* You never know you have taken a pill till it is all over." 25C. C. I. Hood & Co., Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. .The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pills THE CHEROKEE INN, 1,000 Feet Above the Sea. A Perfect Summer Home. Cool Rooms. 800 feet of Wide Porches. Exteneive Well-shaded Grooods. Tennis Courts, Dancing, Children's Play Grounds, Good Drives, Reasonable Livery Charges. Cool Nights, Pure Air, " Litbia Springs, Coolest and sweetest water io the State. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Cuisine fend service the best. Easy of ac cess, rates reasonable, 8 mails daily. JNO. F. JONES, June 9- BLACKSBURG, S. C. The State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER. By T. V. Walsh, Esq., Probate Judge. WHEREAS, JOHN J NEASON, made suit to me to grant bim Letters of I Administration of the Estate of and effects of 1 JOHN E. NEASON, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said JOHN E NEASON, late of said County and State, deceased, that they be acd appear before me, io the Court of Probate, to be held at Sumter C. H., on June 24, 1897, aext, after publication thereof, at 1 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand, this 9th day cf Jane, A. D., 1897. THOS. V. WALSH, Judge of Probate. June 9-2t. Mee of Eraiitioi # rpHE NEXT EXAMINATION FOR J TEACHERS in the public schools of Sumter County} will be held on the 4th Friday, the 25th day of June, next, st the usual places. No one less than 18 years of age can take the examination. W. J. DcRANT, Co. Supt. Education. May 26-4t._ D. M. YOUNG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Prompt attention to all business entrusted j to him. Office on Court House Square, in i Biandine office . ilJ'lJIJJJlJUM lJlJSJSIIJl. Great FOR Stylish Summer Dressers FOR The Mot Summer* Crash Snit, Negligee Shirt, Crash Hat, All-silk Tie, $2. SO LOO .SO . IO Entire Outfit, $4.IO The Spring Openiogs at Miss McDonald's give hundreds an opportunity of examining tbe exquisita styles for the Spring and Summer. The asssortment is large, and in every style there is a variety to please the ! individual taste. Former patrons and tbe rjublic generally arc cordially iovited to call and inspect the Pattern Hats and Bonner?, and they will be suited in anything they may want. JL MAIN STREET, SUMTER, S. 0. Por Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Fur nishing Goods. In order to make a clean sweep of the remainder of my Spring and Summer goods, I have decided to cut the prices and cut deep, all through the line, from top to bottom. Nearly all of my goods are new and of the latest styles. Commencing to-day, I will make the following reductions, which applies to everything, nothing excepted, and everybody will be treated just alike. On all lien's and Boy's Clothing, 25 per cent off. On all Furnishing Goods, 2 per cent off. On all Straw Hats, 33 1-3 per cent off. When I first started business I adopted the rule of marking everything in plain figures with a reasonable profit, and have adhered to it ever since, so that buyers can see for themselves, if at all doubtful that they are getting the benefit of the liberal reduction. These prices are for cash, but to those who have accounts with me, payable in the fall, I will also make a reduction on what they buy from now on. Respectfully, D. J. CHANDLER, TheciotMe^ N. B,-The few goods I have left, carried over from last year, will be sold at a still greater sacrifice. s