Dr. Woodrow Speaks. T 8 Students Upheld by their President. Oo the 26ih of May, Jost a week ago, Br. Woodrow, the president of the South Carolina college, left Colombia to deliver the baccalaureate sermon to the Women's Normal and Industria! college of Mississippi, at Colombia, Miss. As he had given permission to Col onel Jones to hold the inspection of the local military on the end of the college athletic field oo that afternoon, and bad given instructions to the college marshal to see that they did not thereby roughen the ball grounds on the west of the field, he thought while on bis way to the depot that the troops were probably thee oo the grounds or on the way to them. He arrived home Tuesday night, and as he entered the chapel yesterday moroiog the students greated him, as they always do after an absence, with hearty ap pian ss. After the roll call and the regular morning worship, conducted by- the chaplain, was over, he made a brief ad dress to the students oe the trouble through which they had recently passed. Tbs doctor's hear', was naturally stirred. His strong convictions and deep feeling found fit utterance fin word and tese characteristic of bi sames.', manly naturel The applause ?o " students ac G professors accompan y ing and followicg his address, and tbe bear ip handclasp from his colleagues, attested how thoroughly he and they were all of one heart and miod. The nomment made by a professor that the highest eulogy that could be paid was that the address was worthy of the occasion and of tba mao, found hearty response. No doubt existed as to how the doc tor thought and felt, but it was a grati fication that he let the vibrations of his thoughts aod sentiments a ou pd oat io clear, lofty speech. Only a faint outline cao be giveo of the address. The following partially reproduces some of his utterances Just after the chaplain's prayer, which had contained loviog aod fervent peti trans for the recovery of the students' wounded comrade, Mo Col I, iyiog io the hospita! with a broken skull, Dr Woodrow began.. io tones of com miogled tenderness, sympathy aod hope, with the words : " oaog gentlemen, I know yon will be glad with me when I tell yon that -jost before coming into the chapel I re ceived a telephone message from the hospital saying that your feUow-stu dent, McColl, is progressing as favor ably as could be expected, and that his oedi rion is hopeful " Then fellowed a short pause aod a deep hash. Theo, io effect, the doctor said :. "I did sot bear, until yesterday, wheo I vas io Alabama, a word about the troubles through which you have been pissing, aod theo ooly enough to fill me with deep anxiety and s pense. Not until I reached Spartan burg did I learn the facts that revealed to me, with some clearness, what yon have suffered and endured. "I have learned more folly since rei. bing home-I have not learned all. I have had no conversation with my colleagues, I know' not what they have done or pro o>e to do. But I da know that a flagrant and outrageous wrong bas been done to the authorities and students of the Sooth Carolina col lege. "The more I understand the facts, the more astounded and indignant do I ' fee "These college buildings and grounds arc as sacred from outside in tracion and invasi n as are the preuii ses of a private citizso. Tbe Stat ma:.ntaics this institution with ali that makes it what it is for one sole and t x cUsive purpose-:he education of her socs and daughters. The usc and con trol of all its property are regulated by law. The id ministration of irs affairs is cou; rnitted to officers appointed by law to cse and control its property for the sole purpose for which it was founded aod is maintained. No one can law fully use any of the college grounds or buildings without the consent of the as..!vori;y charged with their C3re and cont roi. ..We ate ia- -- The origin of South Carolina's so briquet " he Palmetto State," is thus explained: "On June 28. 1776, a force of less than 100 Carolinians, under command of Moultrie, protected by tbs rude fortification on Sullivan's Island in Cbarlet>tor harbor, made of the trunks of the palmetto, repulsed the attack of a British fleet, under com mand of Sir Peter Parker and when the State of Sooth Carolina was organ ised, the State seal, which was first used in May, 1777, was made to com memorate this victory. A palm tree, growing erect ou the seashore, repre sents the strength of the fort, while at its base an oak tree, torn from the ground and deprived of its branches recalls the British fleet built of oak tim ber, overcome by the palmetto." 1 THE STATE'S POLICY ID Regard to the Dispensary Pally Outlined. The Constabulary Will be Retained. What Constitutes an Original Package. Governor Ellerbe, as the official head of the State government, . has at last spoken and outlined the policy of the State in regard to the State dispensary system in the light of the recent decision of Judge Simonton ; he bas outlined the course so far as he .is able in the absenc of any direct construction of Judge Simonton's decision What the governor says shows tha*. the recent predictions as to the course to be pursued are correct in nearly every detail. The State will continue in the liquor business in competition with all who may wish to supply wines and liquors, and whi t is more, the constabulary force is t'* be continued, the governor be ing of the opinion that the force will be needed more than ever now for the purpose of enforcing what is left of the dispensary act Yesterday morning Governor El- I lerbe had Chief Constables Bahr and | Fani in consultation with him for some ti rac Subsequently he was seen by a representative of The State The governor said : "I have had the chief constables to come to Colum bia and they have been given instruc ions Being a law abiding citizen and bowing to the decision of Judge j Simonton, I have instructed them to enforce the dispensary larng Store. 5 - nea- - The best bargain otf ied in Sumter isa pound of excellent writing paper for 15 cents, two pounds for a quarter, ^"ou get .this at he oook store of H. G. O.-nen 4 Caf Hood's is the Finest Spring Medicine-Tonic, Ap petizer, Strength Builder lt Makes You Eat, Sleep, Work and Happy. " We think Hood's Sarsaparilla is the finest Spring- and family medicine. I had been bothered with headache while ut my work, many a time having to go home, and loss of sleep, tired all the time, and getting up in the morn ing weak. I decided to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and felt better after three doses. I kept on taking it, and now I can go into the quarry and do a day's work and come home feeling well and always hungry. "We have also been giving Hood's Sarsaparilla to our youngest child, who was weak, lan guid and losing flesh. "We could soon see a marked change. He ate better, slept well, and in a little while was like a new boy. He has continued to improve, and today 3 lively as a cricket, and the neighbors say he can talk more than any man around the place/' THOMAS WHITE, Park Quar_ ries. Freedom. Pa. X. B. Be sure to get Hood's because Hood's Sarsaparilla ! Is the best -in fact the One True Blood Buri- j fier. Sold by all druggists. Si. six forj -j ,? r>*i- are the onlv pills to take ! nOOC S HUIS with flood's Sarsaparilla. 1 BEAUTY HATH CHARMS and all the charms which beau ty likes best to don are shown in our grand display of fash ionable jewelry for this season. Jewels like these would en hance the charms of the most fascinating belle, and surely no fair one would despise such brilliant aids to her beauty. Like personal loveliness, they conquer admiration on sight ; they score new victories at ev ery inspection. Those who look over our stock do not willingly stop with examina tion. Beauty may now be made ea iii/ irresistible by a few judicious purchases from our display of up to date jew elry. L. W. FOLSOM, J weler and Optician, SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH, Oct. 16. NATURES REMEDY. THE BEST BLOOD PURIFIER! ON EARTH. Manufactured by ihe American Drug Co., Washington, I). C. 1 'Nature's Remedy " is not an old medicine, hut the product of his intelligent ce It is nrepared from a formula, made by a corps of the roost en:iner>t ;>!>vsiriaos in the United Slates coj posed of Rnote, Herbs and Bark, io such happy prt-vpm tiona a3 to positively c-ure ail disease iuit-ins fi o in impurities of the blood. VTQ Guara2it:e it to Cure Rheumatism, Kidney l)'\?ci ">ers, Liver Con: pUi t. Constipation. .Siek ad Nervous He*d a?he. Neuralgia, Djs epri-i. Fever nd Ague, Scro uU, FruiH!e C.'< n:pm;. s. Erysipelas, Nervous Affections, C -'arrh - nd Syphilitic Diseases or we '.vi:! refund t?ie mot.ey For sa e by T. J. McLendon, Agt, Cypress, S C In Sumter County hy R. O McVan:?, lim ier ; Edward Durant. Bieht pvijie ; J. NV McCov, St. Charles. May 3-3t. SUMTER RESTAURANT. Reduced Prices Regular Meals 25cts. Private Dining Room for Ladies. Dec. 30 DRUM DENTIST.. office OVER STORE OF SUMTER DRY GOODS COMPANY -un ance on Main Street, Between Dry Goods Co. and Durant & Son OFFICE HOURS : 9 to 1.30 ; 2 too o'clock. April 9. 2 Great Southern Detective Agency, CHARLOTTE, N. C., DO ALL KINDS of iegetin ate Detective Work at reasonable rat^s. ARSON. MURDER, DIVORCE SPECIALTY. March 10-6m* fita ai Saimerton E. R Io effect January 15tb, 1896. TRAINS GOING NORTH, No. 72* Leave Wilsons Hil? f9 10 a rn " Jordon, 9 35 a m f< Davi;, 9 45 a m " Summerton, IO 10 am " Millard, 10 45 am " Silver, ll 10 a rn Packsville, 11 30 p m 11 Tindal. 1155 pm " W. Sc S. June, 12 27 p m Ar. Sumter, 12 30 p rn TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 73. Leive Sumter, 2 30 p m " W.&S.Jnnc, 2 33 o m " Tindal, 2 50 p m " Packsviile, 3 10 p m " Silver. 3 35 p m " Hillard, 3 45 pm " Summerton. 4 40 p m " Davis, 5 20 pm " Jordoo, 5 50 p m Ar. Wilson Hill, 6 30 p m Trains net ween Millard and St. Paul leave Hillard 10 15 a ts and 3 45 p m., arriving St. Paul 10 25 a m and 3 55 p m. Returnicg leave St. Paul 10 35 a m and 4 10 p rn, and arrive Millard 10 45 a m and 4 20 p m. Dai ly except Sondsy. * Dai Jj except Sunday. TR Jil AS WILSON Pr taient. Fast Freight Line BETWEEN Sumter, S. C., The North, Northwest, iSouth asa Southwest, -VIA AUGUSTA & GEORGIA R. R, Rate3 and'intbrroation furnished bj S R. JACKSON, T. F. A. Columbia, S C A G JACKSON, G. P. A., Augusta, Ga Dec 8 ARE YOU NEEDING AN IRON SAFE? HAVING BEEN APPOINTED GEN ERAL AGENT for the Alpine Fire ano Burglar Proot Safe Company. I am prepared to offer liberal terms to those who are in need of a good safe. For prices and terms address J. A. RENN0, Heb 24 Sumter, S. C. STANTON HOUSE. D. J. JOKES, Peprietor. Rates $2.00 Per Day. SPECIAL TEEMS TO FAMILIES Two aliantes 'Walk From Central Depot. Chattanooga, Tenn. July 29 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, SUMTER COUNTY. OFFICS CF SUPERVISOR OF REGISTRATION', SUMTER COUNTY. SUMTER, S. C., May 1, 1897. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with n Act of the General Assembly, the books for the registration of all legally quali fied voters, and for the issuing of transfers, fcc , will be open :>t the court bouse, between the hours of 9 o'clock a m., and 3 o'clock p. c. on the first Monday of each month, and for three successive day?, until thirty days t-efore the next general election. Minora who shall become of age during that period of thirty days, shall be entitled to registration before the bcoks are closed, :i otherwise qualified. W. S. JAMES. E. F. BURROWS, J. M. KNIGHT, Hay 12. Supervisors of Registration. HONEY. New Crop 1897. New Comb Honey in pound sections. Choice Extracted Honey, by the gallon or less quantity. For sale at my residence, or orders may be left office of the Watchman and Southron. N. G. Osteen STRAYED OR sf LEN." VSMALL, LIGHT REDDISH COW. Had one calf, and b*g WHS springing to calve again. Reward will be oaid for her return to T. J. McCUTCHEN, June 2 Manovi e, S. C. Land Surveying. MR, H. D. MOISE, will give prompt at tention lo calis tor surveyiug and platting and Can be found at his ornee, next door to office of Lee and Moise, Sumter, S. C. Nov. 18.