WEDNESDAY, JAN. 13, 1897. Caught ia the Act. Four or five Washington pastors were having a pleasant little meeting the other afternoon at the study of one of them, and they were having comparatively as much fun out of it as that many rounders would have had at a saloon knee deep in forty seven varieties of tripple. They were telling Suuday school stories, as a rule, but they swung around after awhile to temperance, says the Washington '-Star." "In my youth tn Virginia," said the host, "we had, what is rare now? adays, to wit, a lot of more or less seedy and shabby geuteel old fellows who went about the* country deliver? ing lectures on temperance and get? ting out of it only about so much as would clothe and feed them. ?Some of them were no doubt good and conscientious men,1 but among them were many, who, notwithstanding their professions, dearly loved to take a glass of something warming to the inner mah "Most of these tipplers were very particular not to have the rumor get abroad that they ever tasted the vile stuff, and wheo they took their drinks they observed great secrecy I re? member there was one whom we thought to be a most abstemious old fellow, and no one thought he ever tasted a drop, particularly a maiden ' aunt of mine who lived with' my mother and was as rigid a temper? ance woman as ever came out of New England. My mother was much more liberal, and wanted always to entertain these workers in the good cause, but my aunt had become sc suspicious of all of them except this particular one, that he was the only one who could find a nights lodging at our place. "One night this old chap came to stay- all night and he had such a se vere cold that my mother prescribed a rubbing of goose grease on his feet and toasting it in by the fire before he went to bed. Now as it happen? ed in the room where he slept, there was a new carpet which my aunt had presented to ray mother as a birth? day gift, and there was an old fash ioned sideboard in the same room with a two-gallon jug of good whis? ky on "it, which somebody had for gotten to put inside and lock up. At 8 o'clock the black boy carried in the goose grease to our guest and left him sitting before the fire "Just what happened after that nobody knows, brit after the guest had departed next morning and the servants went to straighten up the room they found tra ks innumerable betwween the fireplace and the side - board, and in some way it was dis covered that the old fellow, afraid of taking cold, had greased his socks and toasted the grease into his feet through them, and while the toasting was going on he made regular and frequent trips to the jug. Of course, if the tracks on the carpet had not betrayed him no one would have ever noticed by the jug that he had been drinking out of it. He never came back again, and ? don't know wheth? er my aunt was more pained over the ruined carpet or over ?the ruined idol, for she had the greatest confi? dence in the old i?an " Only Hts Father At a recent meeting of the Bi? metallic league, at McMannville, Ore., one of the guests of honor was a handsome man of forty, whom the chairman was introducing as "Mr. Booth, the son of the sheriff who hanged John Brown, of Ossa watomie, at Harper's Ferry." All of which caused people to take more than a common interest in Mr. Booth Finally Mr Booth was introduced to a man of excellent appearance, whose name was Solomon Brown After the introduction, Mr. Booth and Mr. Brown chatted ve?-y pleas antly for a minute or two. .'Mr Booth," said Mr Brown, "was it your father who hanged John Brown at Harper's Ferry ?" "Yes." said Mr. Booth. "He was sheriff at that time and it was his duty to officiate at the execution No relative of yours, I hope ?" "Only my Father," was quite re? ply. The mos: acorp'abie present for a gentle? man -a rel int*if tb?? otain nen A completo stock to select irom G H. Osteeo & Co ousa?i?is ol Women: SUFFER UNTOLD MISERIES. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE >1 ACTS AS A SPECIFIC ?By Arousing io Healthy Aciion all her Organs. It causes health to bloom, and] > joy to reign throughout the frame. It Never Faiisto^ReguIate ...? 'My wife has been under treatment of lead? ing physicians t?ree yours, without benefit.. ,Afterusing three bottles of RRADFIELD'S, FEMALE REGULATOR she can do her ownt 'cooking,milking and wnshing." ? N. S. BRYAN. Henderson, Ala. ' BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga.| o-i3 i_J_?. ci rn^^.UH], c otton. With careful rotation ol crops and liberal fertilizations, cotton lands will improve. The application of a proper ferti? lizer containing; sufficient Pot ash often makes the difference between a profitable crop and failure. Use fertilizers contain? ing not less than 3 to 4% Actual Potash? Kainit is a complete specific against "Rust." AH about Potash-i". . results of its use by actual ex p?riment on the best ns in the United States-i told in a little book whicu we publish and will gladi} mail free to any farmer in America who will write for it GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. DR. B. C. WEST'S HERVE AND BRSiH TREATMENT THE 0Ri61 "JAL, ALL OTHERS IWSITATIOHS, Is sold under positive Written Guarantee, by authorized acont? only, to cum Weat Memory; Dizzinef/3. Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick ness, Night Losses, Evil Dreams, Lack of Confi? dence. Nervousness. Lassitude, all Drains, Youth? xul Errors, or Excessive U-^e of Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity and Death. At sroT or by mail, $1 a bor; six for $5; with written cctaraittee to cure or rciffzrid m??nc?y. temple pack? age, containing five days'' treatment, with fuU instructions, '?h conty. Ore wimple o-ily sold to Of.Ch "*~??r., * *-f ? -/? ir '->Y--I \ ?K!r? Streng*: Fer Impotency, Loss ol^ff*^ 9\ Power, Loet Manhood.^ J&l Sterility or Barrenness.^. 31 a bos; sis for ?5, x?thffcJx^Sw ^written guarantee Ja^TS^K _ to cure in SO days. At St0w3|PZ3O S&FORE or by ma?. AFTER J. F. W. DBLORME, Sumter, S. C. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OP SUMTER. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSI TORY, SU M TE rt, S. C. Paid up Capital. $75,000 00 Surplus and Profits .... 14,500 00 Additional Liability of Stock? holders in excess of their stock $75,000 00 Tctal protection to Depositors $164,500 00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Carefui attention given to collections. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of Si and upwards received. In? terest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Payable quarterly, on first days cf January. April, July and October. ?. M. WALLACE L. S. CAESOS, President. Aug 7. Cashier. TAX nm un FOR 1S96-97. OFFICE CF COUNTY AUDITOR SC MTS F. COUNTY. S?MT??., S. C., Nev. 27, 1893. RETURNS of all Person?.! Properly ?rul Poll Tases wivl oe received at t?!?3 odie* from January 1st, !S'-?7. 10 January 12tb. IS97, ano ai the following times and places: Mayesville, Tuesday, January 12tb. Reid's M ill, Wednesday, January lo. Maonville, Thursday, January 14tb. Smithville, Friday, January 15th. Mecbanicsville, Saturday, Jan. 16th. Kingman's Store, Monday, Jan. 18. Rembert's Store, Tuesday, Jan. 19. Hagood, Wednesday, January 20th. Statebarg, Thursday, January 2lst. Wedgefield, Friday. January 22od. R. T. Manning's, Saturday, Jan. 23d J. M. Tiodal\sv Monday, Jan 25th. | Bisbopville, Tuenday and Wednes? day, January 26tb and 27tb. Magnolia, Thursday, January 28th. Lynchburg, Friday, January 29th. Concord, Saturday. January 30tb. Johnston's Store, Monday, Feb 1st. Shiloh, Tuesday, February 2nd. Aod at Auditor's office iii the City of Sumter fro;? February 3rd, to Feb? ruary 20tb inclusive. The law requires ihm all persons owning property or in anywise having charge of such property, either as aireot, hosoaod, c'jardian, trustee, executor, administrator, etc., return the same under oath to tue Auditor, who re? quests ail persons :o b?* prompt in making their re'uros and save the 50 per cent, pen? alty which will ne added io the property valuation of all persons who ?ail to make re? turns within the Mme prescribed by kw. Tas payers return what.they own 00 the first dav of January, 1897. Assessors and taxpayers will errer the first gi vea name of the taxpayer in i oil, also make a separate ret uro for each Tcwosuip wbete ?. !? fr property is located and also in each ai^l every case the No of the School Dist; iel roust be given. Every male citizen net ween the age of twenty-one and si.": v tears cn ?he first day of January 1897, except i.liose ?r?mpanle o! earoing1 a supoorl . otu bemg maimed or f: om other causas, s* 1 ; rt ' i >><. deero?-d usable Po?'s, and eivepi Co:i;Vder?i"e Soldiers ot) years-of ase, 00 Jan. 1>\ IS97 All re J ::* must be tu ide on or be'ore the 20 :i day of F?oruKrv next I cannot t?ke r uros a ?er that I?H?P K,-<5. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. *35. iso. J57 A. H, A. H Lv Darlington, 7 53 Lv Elliott, 8 40 Ar Sumter, 9 25 Lv Sumter, 4 30 ArCrestoc, * 22 Ar Pregnalls, Ar Oraogeburg, 5 47 Ar Denmark, 6 20 P. M. A. M. A. ll. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No f56 No. ?32 P. U P. H. Lv Denmark, 4 37 Lv Orangeburg, 5 10 Lv PregnMls, Lv Creston, 6 22 Ar Sumter, 0 25 Lv Sumter, 7 20 Ar Elliott, 8 05 Ar Darlington, 8 551 M. P. K. ?Daily. . fDaily ex ?t Sunday. Trains 50 d 51 carry through Pullrnat Palnce Buffet Sleeping Cars between Ne? York and Atlanta via Augusta. F. M. EMERSON, H M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager Ass c Gen. Pass. Apt J. R KEN LY, Geti'l Manager. HARB Y $ CO., WHOLESALE BROKERS, -AND j Cotton Storage Warehouse PROPRIETORS. UP-TOWJY [OFFICE: COURT HOUSE SQUARE, 1,000 Tons High Grade Am moniated Fertilizer, 1,000 Tons Acid with Potash 500 Tons Dissolved Bone. 500 Tons German Kainit, 400 Tone C. S. Meal, For Sale. We are prepared to meet any and all prices for STA XD ' ARD GOODS. Get our prices before purchasing. Respectfully, HARBY & co. Dec. 16. Rameo-fin l?ea assvass Protect vour ideas: dior mav briu^ v?>u wealth. Writ*? JOHN' WEDDEKB?JBN & Co.. Patent -ittor nays. Wftsbiu?tOii, D. C.. fur their $J,&K> prias ott ? and list jt ino buxnireii inventions v.-unted. "THE CHARLESTON LINE." SOUTH.CAROLINA ANO GEORGIA RAILROAD. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Corrected to, April J9th, 1696. DAILY. Lv Charleston 7 10am Ar Summerville 7 46 am " Prevails 8 18am 11 Georges 8 30 a m " Branchville 9 CO a m l< Rowesville '9 15 am " Oran^urg 9 28 a m " St Matthews 9 48 a m " Fort Motte 10 00 a ta 11 Ringville 10 10 am Columbia 10 55 a ra Lv Columbia 7 CO a m Ar Ringville 7 40 a m " Fort Motte |7 51 a m " St Matthews 8 02 a m " Orargeburg 8 24 a m " Rowesville "8 38 a m ,f Branchville 8 55 a m " Georges 9 35 a m " Pregcalls |9 48 a m " Summerville ?10 22 a m " Charleston ?10 00 a m Lv Charleston 7 10 a ra 5 30 p " Branchville 9 15 a m 7 50 p 44 Bamberg ?9 41 a m 8 19 p " Deoraark 9 52 a m 8 31 p " Blackville 10 10 a m 9 50 p ?. Wjlliston 10 27 a m 9 10 p " AikeD ll 09 a m 9 57 p Ar Augusta 1151am 10 45 pm Lv Augusta 6 20 am 3 20 pm u Aiken 7 08 a m 4 07 p m " Williston 7 49 am 444 pm "Blackville \8 08 a m 5 03 pm "Denmark 8 20 am 517pm " Bamberg 8 33 a m 5 29 p m "Branchville 9 10 a ra 5 55 p ra Ar Charleston 1100 am 8 00 pm Fast Express, Augusta and Washington, with Through Sleepers to New York. Lv Augusta 2 35 p ra Ar Aiken 2 15pm " Denmark 4 19 p m Lv Denmark 6 25 a m " Aiken 7 28 a m Ar Augusta 8 10 a m Daily Eiccf t Sunday. LvC*:;den 8 45 a ra 2 25 pm " Camden Junction 9 35 a m 3 55 p m Ar Ringville 10 05 am 4 35 pm Lv Ringville 10 25 ara 6 00 a ra " Camdeo Junction ll CO a ra 6 40 a rn Ar Camden II 55 a m 8 15 a ra E. S BOWEN, L. A. EMERSON, Gen'l Man'g'r Traffic Man'g'r. General offices-Charleston, S. C. Atlantic Coast Line. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGTS TA RAILROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Dec. 13, 1896." Leave Wilmirjgton Leave M arion *\ Arrive Florence Leave Florene/ Arrive Sumter. Leave Sumter' Arme Columbio No.55. P.M. *3 25 6 05 6 45 P. M. *7 15 8 26 P. M S 30 No. A.M. *3 2: 4 ?o Ko.52. A.M. *3 35 10 55 No. 52 runs through from Charleston ia Central R. R., leaving Lane? 8 34 a. m., Man oiog 9 10 a. m. TRAINS: GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia; Arrive Sumter Leave barster, Arrive Florence Leave Florence - Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington! No.5i No.53. A. M. P.M .5?0 *5 00 7 12 A. M. 7 15 8 25 A. ai.' 8 55 ' 9 34 12 15 6 20 No.50 P.M. *6 30 7 4C ^.Daily. t^a^y except Sunday. ~No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C , via Central R. R., arriving Manning 6 58 p. m., Lanes 7 37 pm., Charleston 9 10 p. m. Trains on Conway Branch laave Chad bourn 10 40 a. m., arrive at Conway way 1 00 p. m., returning leave Conway at 2 25 p. m., .r-ive Cbadbourn 4 55 p. nr. leave Cbadbonrn > 20 p. m., arrive at Hub at 6 00 p. m., returni; g leave Hub 8 30 a. m , arrive at Cbadbourn 9.15 a. m. Daily ex? cept Sunday TraiDS on C. & D R R. leave Florence 8 55 ara, 9 10 a m and 8 00 p m., arrive Darlington 9 28 a ra, 10 20 t ra, and 8 30 p m; leave Darlington 9 31 a rn, and 10 40 a ra, arrive Cheraw 10 40 a m and 12 30 p m, le:*ve Cberaw 12 45 pm, arrive Wadesboro 2 25 pm. Returning leave Wadesboro 3 00 p m. arrive Cberaw 4 45 p ra, leave Cheraw 4 45 p ra, and 5 15 p ra, arrive Darlington 7 10 p m and 6 23 p m, leave Darlington 7 45 pm, 6 27 pm and 7 45 a ra; arrive Flor? ance 8 15 pm, 6 55 pm, and 8 15 am. Datly except Sunday. Sunday trains ?eave Floyds 7 30 a to, Darlington 7 45 a rn, arrive Florence 8 10 a ra. Returning leave Flor? ence 9 00 a ra, Darlington 9 30 a m, ar? rive Floyds 9 40 a ra. Trains leave Gibson 6 15 a m, Bennettsville (> 41 a rn, arrive Dar? lington 7 40 a ra, Sumter 9 25 a m. Keiurn i-:g leave Sumter 7 20 p m, Darlington 9 10 i p ra, arrive Bennettsville 10 GI p tn, Gibson j 10 25 p tn. t . JOHN >\ DIVINE, Gen'l Supt j J. ft. KEN LY, Gen'l Manager. T. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. Fire Insurance Agency, ESTABLISHED 1866. Represent, among other Companies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON" & GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE HUME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. . Capital represented ?75,000,000. Feb.28. ?MU Ii ? o ? Mules at FOR SALE. This stock will be sold at private sale and guaranteed as represented. Prices as low as any dealer on the market. 26 Head more good young Mules to arrive December 31. Call and take a look. Prices are right. tLtliUMlilMMi A?lT???T?i BEL?TZER, The # Furniture # Man, IMMENSE STOCK. Prices to Suit Everybody. Machinery. SEE THE EATEST ING MOWING MACHINE Buy none but the Deering ; it is the best up-to-date Mower. MACHINERY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. e Sumter, S, C, Hardware. tlMMiMfJlflfifl Hardware. ?JJJ?S?J?J Let us Sell You! We have bad years o? experience in the business, and think we can sat isfy you in quality and price. For Table and Pocket Cutlery COME TO US. For?Bnggy and Wagon Material WE KEEP IT. For Best Cook and Heating Stoves OUR STORE IS THE PLACE For Engine Supplies, Farm or Shop Tools, I?oiiee Furnishing Goods, Har? ness, Razors, Scissors, Guns, Pistols, Cartridges, Etc., Come right here. CANT WE FURNISH YOU WITH SOME? ANT & SON Ocr. 232 Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. STATE AGENTS FOR SALE OF Wholesale A Tin Plate, Over 200 different styles of Cooking ?nd Uniting Stover. Also Oil Cookers ar>d Heaters. We want the leading merchant in every town tn the State to sell our Hers il Stoves. We guarantee full prelection in bis territory to each rgtnt wc sjecict If no: sold in your town send direct to us for cuts and prices. Oe* 27,