The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 06, 1897, Image 2

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Question of I Open( / / 'ertilizer Rates Again. I Attorney General Barber has ren dered an opinion as to the power of the railroad commiseion in making rates for the Charleston and Western Carolina railway which wilt have a -far reaching effect, especially as the fertilizer rates throughout the State may have to be readjusted by a gen eral reduction. Some weeks ago the Baldwin Fer pizer company at Port Royal , peti tioned the rail road-commission to put [in operation a straight mileage rate >n its goods passing over the Charles ion and Weetern Carolina railway in lace of the blanket rate now in ef (ect. If this :wae done the redaction rates would be considerable. The reight to Spartanburg, for instance, ider the present blanket rate is $3. under a straight mileage rate it rcjld be $2 95. The commission, >re acting on this petition, refer it to the attorney general, not be log sure that they bad the power to ict in the matter, as the goods in lit would reach their destination ^>nly after pass?n? through Georgia ; mce there might be a clash with the interstate commerce commission, te attorney general's opinion ?ads : Columbia, Dec. 24, 1896. ion W. D * Evans, Chairman Rail road Commission ; Dear Sir?The letter of "Baldwin fertilizer Co " relative to the rates of ;ight for fertilizers on the Port >yai and Augusta and Port Royal id Western Carolina railways, now insolidated under the Charleston Western Carolina system, refer to this office, has had attention The company claims that it is en ltd io local rater under the con tin ras mileage for tire fertilizers ship |ed over the system NThe Charles >n and Western Carolina railroad ine from Port Royal through Geor \\ to pointe in the upper portion of - State, and as I understand the Mention of the system is that are engaged in interstate corn Fee, and are exempt from rates for continuous mileage "h^e the roads, as consolidated, Iran for a few miles in Georgia, when the transportation begins ends in this State it is not in state commerce [n the case of Lehigh Valley Rail id company vs. Commonwealth of isylvania, Supreme Court Re ?r, vol. 12, p, 806 (1892), it was by the supreme court of the ted States; "The transportation foods and passengers by continu carriage from one point in a State mother point in the same State [not interstate comm?T?re^within meaning of the Federal Constfru--. , ajj^ugh for a part of the route over the soil of another State." 'be railroad commission, therefore, the right to cousider the Charles and Weetern Carolina -system as continuous line, and also the rer to fix rates by this railway points in this State to other te in this State, and to enforce iliance, as yet it is not a regula >f interstate commerce. Yours truly, Wm. A. Barber. Attorney General. ? the railroad commission acts, as opionion gives it full power to the straight mileage rate on Charleston and Western Car fa railway may be put into ef Should this be done the ferti compauies at Port Royal would taaense advantage over the larieston companies ; so great in ?ed that similar rates w??uid have [be made for the latter city The ct of all this is immediately se^n ieadjustrnent of the entire rates on ilizers would have to be made, Charleston would at last have : she has been wanting for so a time, namely, a straight mile rate to the Piedmont section of State 'he interior fertilizer factories tld be likely to suffer by this inge in rates and "would have to \t up shop," as remarked a geatle coversant with the situation [ow the railroads, would accept a tetion is another matter. They hauling fertilizers at starvation now, they declare, and any ter cut would doubtless be met strenuous kick. le entire question will, however, the attention of the railroad lission at its next meeting. thus seen ihat the fertilizer >roblera is still far from being finally. . Bradley, of Kentucky, an 8 that be will resign at an early His health will not permit him ?b?rge the duties of the office Rizal, a prominent resident of ilippioe islands, has been sen to be shot for formentiog rebel Henry Ward Beecher is seri lek and her reco?erv is Dot ex ?S3 by fire during the rronth o? r was smaller than that foi [ous month this year,r^cd alec [.bat for any month i J^he twe rears. The total los! footed LS?0 for 1896, $f0,131, 100 for?S94. ?is?on Problem Change Proposed by the Comptroller General. GLANCE AT HIS REPORT. The various Sfate officers are hard 11 work ou the preparation of their annual reports to the general assembly Many of them cannot be closed up until tbe I 31st, but officials are already able to tel! what they will say io them. Comptroller General Norton's annual rPDOrt is now in course of preparation. Yesterday, when approached, be taiktd very interestingly about it. His de partment has found during ine past year, that the machinery was very much ham pered by being charged with tbe handling aod distribution of the pen sion fund. The matter has become so much of a drawback to the smooth operation of tbe department that the comptroller will ask the general assembly, in his annual re port, to transfer the entire pension mat ter to the office of the adjutant and in spector general, which has but little to do in comparison with the work in tbe comptroller's offiee. He will also ask the legislature to take the county audi tors and treasurers off the several county pension boards, as the pension work seriously interferes with their other work. He will suggest that members of the township boards be put on in their places. Mr. Norton says that he is pretty well satisfied with tbe present laws govern ing the tax machinery of the State, and will only suggest a few improvements that seem to him to be necessary to ob tain the best result. He will recommend that all school clams, bpeoial aod others, be approved by the county superintendent of educa tion in each county so that that official can check up with the county treasur er and know at all times how the school fand stands. At present the county superintendent has nothing whatever to do with the payment of the school funds, and is in the dark. There is another troublesome feature io the present law to which he will call attention. At present the circuit judges oao or?ate a debt for a county about which the county authorities cao know nothing uotil the times coates for paying ir. This trouble comes from the system of issuing pay certificates to witness aod jurors. No report is mbde to the treasurer of the amouc of certi tificate issued, and there is no way that the amount can be ascertained until they are unable to discover where they stand financially at any time In one couotry he knows of a debt of ?2.000 thus created lo regard to the few counties io which shortages have occured, Mr Nortoo says that the Sumter matter i? iD statu quo. He hired au expert to go to Edgtfield to Htraiogbten out tbe moddie reported there by the grand J?ryr--.By the time his expert could get there another grand jury came along, reported everything all right, and refused to pay tbe expert be had secured Io order that eve.rytbio? can be kept straight in the several oouuties henceforward he is going to ask the general assembly to give him ao extra mao?ao expert?who can be kept, mov ing about tbe State from couoty ro coun ty, keeping auditors and treasurers straight tbe year round and helping them out of any difficult?s that may arise. He says such ao inspector is verp badly needed. Gladstone's 87th Birthday. Loxoox, Dec. 29.?Mr. Gladscooe celebrated his 87th birthday at flawar deo to-day, surrounded by bis family There was the usu il demonstration by the villagers in houor of the occasion, consisting of the ringing of church bells and the assignment of deputations proceeded to the castle and congratulated the venerable stateman. Toroughout the day there was an enormous fljw of congratulatory telegrati.s into the castle from all parts of tbe United Kiogdom, the United States and the comineut. Among those who sent messages of congratulation to Mr. Gladstone were the Prioce and Princess of Wales, Sir William Vernoo Harcourt, who it is generally ooooeded will be recognized as the leader of the Liberal party, aod Baroness de Rothschild Mr. Gladstone is enjoying good he. 1th, aod this afternoon he went out for a walk Hospital for the Insane. The board of the State hospital for the insane held their annual meetiog at the institution yesterday. Tbey made up the outline of their annual report and passed upon tbe various matters to. be printed io that report After carefully examining the books aod looking over the estimates for tbe coming year the board deoided to ask the general assembly for the usual ap propriation of ?100,000 for the raaio teoaDce of the institution. They aleo decided to ask for an appropriation of ?19,000 for the purpose of carry ing on the work on the new negro building, and for ?5,000 for the pur pose of mee iog the payment upon the Wallace property, with interest due in A pril. The management of the institution has figured close^uriog. the year just ending, but tnu^B^ been done in the way of : ci/airs^H^?aiprovet?enrs out of tbe apprcffl Bflfi^ tDe 0D-'re ar. propria?ion jH fcwill be pracri FROM THE WIRES. December 30. Recent steamers from China and .Ja pan bring reports of an epidemic of small pox in Japan and of cholera in China. Famine also prevails in seve ral Chinese province and peopU are dying by hundreds from starvation. William M and John S Nortwiek, of Chicago, made an rssignruent yes terday They were rated at ?2.500,000 and were the owners of the most esten uile paper mills in the west and besides were interested lu vaiious baoks and manufacturing industries. The Commercisi National Bank, of lioaooke, Va , suspended yesterday. The liabilities are placed at ?80.000, assets ?90,000 The suspension was caused by heavy withdrawals of de posits The Columbia fand Washington baoks I of Minneapolis went to the wall yester- j riav Tbe liabilities of the first are ?450,000 ; of the second $540,000. | The officers of both banks claim that all depositors will be paid in full in time. Senator DuBois, of Idaho, left Wash ington for that State yesterday to be preeent wbeu the election of bis suc cessor comes before tbe legislature. He will be supported by free silver Republicans, Populists and free silver Democrats, aod will probably be re elected. The current report in Europe is that Spain is carrying on underbead negotia tions with the United States with a view of ending tbe war in Cuba. Tbe secret service division of tbe U. S Treasury reports another ten dol lar national bank note counterfeit. It is a photo reproduction of a note issued by the Detroit Union National bank. The electric light plant in Newark, N. J., was burned yesterday aod tbe city will be in darkness for at least a week Loss $175,000. December 31. Wm. Euclid Young was formally expelled from the New York stuck exchage last night for irregular deal ings The Bankers' Exchange Bank of Minneapolis failed yesterday. De positor? will be paid in full in time and stockholders will obtain a por tion of their investment. The Northern Trust Co , of Min neapolis, liabilities $500.000, has gone into the hands of receiver. The C< mmercial Bank of Selma Ala . failed yesterday. A freight train on the Seaboard Air Line was wrecked near Raleigh yesterday. The fireman was killed and the engineer seriously injured M re Becker, wife of ex-Sheriff Elias Becker, aged 45, and Mrs William Seidei, her drughter, aged 30, were killed by an explosion of dynamite ajt Tuckerton, near Readi.ig, Pa., Wednesday evening. Mr Becker had placed a quantity of theexlposive in the oven of the kitchen stove for the purpose of thawing it out. Shortly after doing so he left He had not gone more than five minutes when there was a teriffic crash, and he hurried back to the hcuse. He was horrified to find the mangled remains of his wife lying on the floor. His daughter, Mrs. Seidel, was not killed outiight, but her body was so badly shattered that she died 20 minutes later. The dwelling, a hand some stone structure, caught fire, and was consumed by the flames in spite of the gallant work of the neighbors January 1. Joseph McCuilougb, ediror of 'he Sr. Louis Globe Democrat, committfd suicide 5esterday morning. He was ill with nervous prostration, brought, co by hard work during the recent electioo and had acute melancholy Edward 0 Flann^gan, an employe of the Standard Oil Cooapaoy, on yes terday killed D'X'ui Allen, his wife and Miss Ruth Slack, of DeKolb county. Ga. County Treasurer, A. J. Jernigan, of Austin, Texas, committed suicide yes terday morning. He had loaned out ?4,500 public fuDds aod could not re store Geo. A. Wilkiop, Vice Presidejot^of I tbe Commercial Bank, of Selma,"Ala., j which failad on Wednesday, committed suicide yesterday. Eugene V Debs, the well-koown labor agitator has declared himself a so cialist, The Raleigh, N. C, electric plaot was buroed yesterday. Los?? ?50,000, ioRuraoce $12,500, The Japarese Government has or dered two cruisers to be built in the U. R.. one by Cramp & Sons, of Phila delphia, the other by the Union Iron Works of San Francisco Tennessee has raised the $500,000 oecessary to make the government appropriatioo receotly passed by con gress available. A cablegram from Madrid says : The Imparcial aod the Heraldo today publish articles condemning the mili tary administration in Cuba, and point ing out that, desnite his oft-repeated promises Captain General Weyier has acoomplised very little in the direction of suppressing the rebol 1 if D. Both papers demaoded that General Weyler be recalled ?nd th*t General Azcar raga. miuist'ir of war, be appointed in his place The articles caused a great sensation in the city, and the govern ment, feaiiog trouble _wouLd^ follow, 1 ordered that the issues of both papers be seized. The Gazeta Official will to morrow publish a urn brr ??f decrees regarding the administr?t ive and other reforms ?o be put into effect io Porto Rico Ohas. VV. Wilson was killed at Way cross, yesterday by Warren H. Wil liams, manager of the Southern hotel Wilson became a guest of the hotel three days ago, and paid marked atten tion to the pretty wife of Williams. The prison<T? iti the penal instiro fiori* of New York discontinued work yesterday on manufactures which coir.e in competition with outside iabor. The new Constitutional provision which goes into < ffc-cr provides that they shall be employed in making artic e* needed by the public institution?- of the State j and its poliricai divisions. A dispatch front Raleigh says that I Jim Green colred, was' lynched near Gibson. N. C , by a party of white men who rode across 'he line from South Carolina. The Laurens correspondent of tbe Greenville News reports an incident that occurred in that town a tew days ago, which opens a new question in the ad ministration of the dispensar) law. He says : "A man, who may be described as poor, ooHjparatively. ordered four gailoos of whiskey, which reached him by express in this city sou-e days ago A ooostable seized the whiskey and confiscated if, alleging that tbe con signee was under suspicion and could hardly need whiskey or afford it for his private purposes. The poor mao ap plied to an attorney for adviee, who urgtd that his r-medy was >o asking for contempt proceedings in the Ferd eral.Courte, but that the remedy was expensive and unless the injured party had money, he had b-st submit for ecouomv's sake to the loss of the whis key Being of a practical turn of mind and poor to boot, be elected to sacrifice tbe spirits and thus the hope of hi-* Christmas joys. So it would seem that the law as it stands now in practical operation is unequal for the poor and rich and our late revolatioo was defeated of its purpose to put ail tbe people on a dead level. Tbe ex* cuse 'bat suspicion should operate against a poor man is a quality of tyranny that ought not to characterize au Evans or Tilimao administration " The question is whether a cons-able U the soie aud final judge as to whether a man "needs'' the whiskey be imporr*, and whether he can afford to buy it tor his own use Any man is liable to fail ''under suspicion" in one or tbe other of these particulars, if the con stebletj are to decide. We should like f.o see the case iu question tested in tbe United States Courr.?News and Cou rier. How to Prt-vent Pneumonia. A t this time of the year a cold is verv eas ily contracted, aeri it leM tu tun >:s course without tne n:d ol eotue reliable cough medi cine is hable to r^fuit in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know ?.f no hi-tier remedy to cure a couch or co d than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it quite ex tensively and it hns always given en ire satis faction ?Olagab, Ind Ter. Chief. Thi? is the only iernfdv ihat is known to be a certain prevennvr of pneumonia Among the many thousands who b*ve used ir for colds and la grippe, we bave never yet learned of a eingle o?se having resuUed in pneumonia Persons who have w?k lungs or have reason to fear an attack of pneurao . nia, should keep ihe remedy at hard. Tbe 25 ari-i 50 cent s z-$ for sale riy Dr. A.J. Cbtn*. This is the complaint of thousands at this season. They have no a^otlic : food does not relish. They r.??? the toning upoi the stomach and digestive organs, -which a course of Hood's Sarsaparilla will give them. It also purifies and enriches the blocd, Cures that distress after eating and internal misery on!y r. dyspeptic can know, creates ar- sppctite, overcomes that tired feeling and builds up and sustains the whole physical syst ern. It ?o prompt ly and efficiently relieves dyspeptic symp toms and cures nervous headaches, that it seems to have almost " a rnagric touch." Sarsapariila Is the best?in fact the One True Blood Purifier. rr??ii are tlie Dest after-dinner liOOd S PlllS pills, aid digestion. 25c. Land Surveying. H. D. MOISB, will give prompt attention to calls for survey irje and planing land Can be fouod at hi* office, next door to cfrke of Lee and Moise, Su m ter, S. C. Nov. 18. 0? 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE ARKS, rVVw.< DES.ONS, rrvf^ COPYRICHTS Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain, free, whether an invention is probably patentable. Communications strijtly confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents in America. We bave a Washington office. Patents taken through ilunn Co. receive special notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of any scientific journal, weekly, terms ?3.C0 a year; $1.50 six months. Specimen copies and Hand Book ox PATENTS sent free. Address MUJMN 361 Brw* & CO., Ly, New. "we make also $2.50 and $2 shoes for men and $2.50, ?o2 $2.00 and $J.75 for boys. ?4i The full line for sale by any be obtained from cur agents* m We uso only the best Calf. Russia C| (all colors). French Patent Calf, Fren Enamel, Vici Kid. etc.. graded to cc^ spond wth prices of the shoes. If dealer cannot supply you, writ W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Catalogue Fkee. J. Ryttenberg & Sons. ??6 ? ing; ?une! STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. The Best is the Cheapes There is none better than the Finest in Finish* Best in quality of material and work manship. Style uneqaaled. Tool Steel Bearings. Seamless Steel T?fc?ng. Perfect in every deta'L We are "GUNNING" for you. Elgin Sewing Machine & Bicycle G< ELGIN, ILLINOIS. _ STAJSTON BOUSE. D. J. JOSES, Poprietor. Raits $2.00 Per Day. SPECIAL TEEMS TO FAMILIES. Two Minutes "Walk From Central Depot. Chattanooga, Tenu. July 29 ORDER FRUIT -FKOM THE SOUTHERN FRUIT CO.. Charleston, S. C. I And get best value for the monejr. Orders carefully and prompt ly filled. W. H. MIXSOIS7, Manager. Sepr, gO Soap! Soap! an elsgan? une of ?Toilet Soaps? Fine Extraotb and tvorjtbicg for ?? Ladies' Toilet. -Try our 5c. and 10c. Soai Fine Cigars ! Favorite Brands ! Ask for Tokios, Humboidt'fl and Exports. None better. DRUGS ! Fresh Drugs Every Week. Prescriptions Carefully Com pounded Day and Night. J.S.HUGHSON & i DRUGGISTS MONAGHAN BLOCK Sumter. s.a Beauty Hath Charms and all the charms which beai ty likes best to don are show in our grand display of fas ionable jewelry for this seas Jewels like these would hance the charms of the m fascinating belle, and surely fair one would despise brilliant aids to Like personal loveliness? conquer admiration on they score new victories ery inspection. look over our stock willingly stop with ex tion. Beauty may made ea',n/ irresistible few judicious purchases our display of up to dat elry. L. W. FOLSG Jeweler and Optician SIGN" OF TUE BIG WA Oct 16. ATTORNEY A Prompt arteDtioo to all to him. Office ou Court Blacdini? office.