Charleston, Nov. 18.?W. H. Eisterhn, charged with the murder of his own child, bas been tried before a jury of his peers and has beeo declared innocent of tb* crime imputed to him Tbe verdict was found at a late hour last oi^ht after the court bad adjourntd, and following the instructions of the judge, a sealed verdict was given to the court This verdiot was opened tfyis morning. It read "Not guilty." LonD)n\ Nov. 18.?Tbe British steamer Memphis ftom Montreal, for Bristol, went ashore at 10 o'clock last night in Dom lough bay, near Mizzen Head, South coast of Ireland. Her crew took to the rigging, where they remained all night, Thirty-seven of them were rescued tb?9 morning in an exhausted coodirion, by means of * rocket line of roe life-saving crew Ten of tbe ship7* company perished. Tbe Memphis is complere-ly submerged and is a total wreck Her cargo ?8 floating oat and washing ashore. Louhvillb, Ky., Nov , 18?It is re ported on good authority tbat Governor Bradley has folly decided tbat tbe ex tra seseioo of the legislature shall be gin between Jan 1 and Jan. 15 Gov ernor Brad Ivy expects to be elected United States Senator at this session. Paris, Nov 18.?Le Journal pub lisher a report of ao interview with Senator Canovas del Castillo, prime minister of Spain, in which he says that tbe relation between Spain aod the United States are excellent. Tbe Uni ted States government, the premier says, has always observed a correct atti tude aod be does not believe it will change its policy for the sake of the Cuban negroes and advaotnrers. If, however, the United States govern ment should do so, Spain would cause her rights to be respected While be is in power, Senator C mova* \* reported as saying, he will make no concession to rebels, nor will he show the weak ness of drawing back before anybody. Spain, tbe premier added, regards the Cuban question as one of internal poli tics v The governor has commuted the sentence of W. P. Bowers, of Lex ington county, convicted of solicit ing tbe commission of a felony and sentenced to pay a fine of $750 or five years imprisonment, to $500 fine . or imprisonment Mr. Herman B. Crossland, editor of the Cheraw Star, bas purchased the Reform Advocate of Florence, and takes control of the Florence paper this week Mr Joseph Strick \ lin will publish the Cheraw paper \ Georgetown is now lighted by ?lectr?city. The system consists of thirty four 2,000-candIe-power arc lights The governor has increased tbe reward,of $100, offered for the arrest and conviction of the carty or par ties who killed Mr. J B. Quattle bsum of Aiken. last spring to $200. The* steamer Bermuda, formerly a filiboeterer, has obtained British regis try and sailed for Halifax ? report from Berlin says tbat sev enty persons have been killed by an explosioo of fire damp in a Wesbaiian coal mine. The Supreme Court of tbe United States baa been called opon to deter mine tbe constitutionality of tbe law passed by the Utab legislature, limit ing to eight hours a day's work in an underground mine in that. State. Tbe statute provides that except in case of emergency, where life or property is at stake, so one sball work more than eight hours a day in an underground mine, and tbat no one sball employ a man to do so. The sixth annual ball of the Daugh ters of tbe Confederacy, tbe society event of the season iu St. Liu is. was held last night. Mrs. Jefferson Davis aod Miss Winnie Davis were tbe guests of honor. Col. Naunex and Capt. Diokman are on trial in New York for engaging to a filibustering expedition to Cuba. A Boston sporting club has bid $26,? 000 for the Corbe tt-Fi-z-Si m m on s prize fight. Gaines? iLLE, Fla., Nov 19.?While James Jordan, an escaped negro convict from South Carolina, was resisting ar rest to-day be was shot and killed by Marsball Davis. Jordon threw ao axe at tbe officer, who immediately fired and killed bis man. Louisville, Nov. 19.?The an nouncement was made to-day by Secre tary Richardson of the Democratic State committee election of all decided j to contest the election of all of the elee tors in Kentucky. Tbe election of the foremost elector on tbe Republican ticket, S. H. Kash, is conceded. He ran 244 votes ahead of O. H. Smith, tbe leading Bryan eleotor, who ran j ahead of his associates over 2,000 votes. The other McKinley electors received ? a larger number of votes than tbe other Bryan electors Irregularity and fraud io numerous counties form tbe ground for tbe contest. Tbe Ideal Panacea James I?. Francis, Alderman, Chicago, says ,'I regard Dr. King's New Discovery as an Ideal Panacea for Cough?, Colds and Lung Complaints, having need it in my family for the last five years, to tbe exclusion of physi cian's prescriptions or other preparations." Rev. John Bargus, Keokuk. Iowa, writes: "I have been a Minister of the Methodist Episco pal Cbtsrch for 50 years or more, and bave never found anything 30 beneficia!, or that gave me such speedy relief as Dr. King's New Discovery." Try this Ideal Cough Remedy now. Trial Bottles free at J. F. W. DeLorme'e Drug Store. 6 1 . TH? CAMERA'S GREAT VALUE It Was Not Apparent at First, bat She Opened His Eyes. She was laboriously loading her snap shot camera, and he was watching her. "Now, what an absurdity this camera business is," he said at last. "Yes?" she said inquiringly. 44 Why, yes, of course. Of what use are they? Now take your case, for in stance. I suppose it is some amusement to you, but of absolutely no value. " She laughed softly as she continued winding up the spool, with one eye on the indicator. "You evidently don't know much about the camera, " she said. "If you were at all conversant with its value, you wouldn't treat it in that flippant way." "You press the button, and some camera man does the rest," he said scornfully. "Not at all," she replied pleasantly. ''There' is a lot comes after that. All that a girl needs is a confederate and a camera to"? He became suddenly deeply inter ested. "Of course you haven't forgotten our boat ride of last week," she suggested. Eis face showed that he had not. ! "After your proposal you nearly cap sized the boat to clinch it all with a k"? She justified the last twist of the spool and saw that all was ready for the first exposure. "Now we're ready for another, " she said. "Another what?" he asked bitterly. "Breach of promise case," she an swered promptly. "Oh, I knew you didn't realize the value of tho camera. When it is used properly and with dis cretion' '? "Well?" "Well," she said thoughtfully, "yon press the button and the court does the rest. It is sometimes a great help to the summer girl. "?Chicago Post. One's First Salmon Is an Event. One's first salmon is an event. I got mine all alone. It was on the Dungar von, on my way into the more remote interior. In a clear pool we could see the green backs of the fish, big and lit tle, but they were not after our flies. The others went up the stream a considera ble distance, and I remained by the pool. It needs two men to land a salm on. Presently I began idly casting, just to try my new 18 foot rod, and the first thing I knew a fish was hooked. He galloped around that pool, jumping out, darting back and forth, and I wad ed right in. After awhile I got him pretty tired. I had no landing net or gaff, but there was a smooth gravel bar 40 rods below. Then I towed the unfor tunate fish down there, got him headed for shore and ran straight back on the bar. Out he came, flopping somersaults on the gravel. The gut leader broke, but I threw myself on top of that salm on and clasped my arms around him. He was slippery and strong, and I could not hold him. Finally I got my fingers in his gills, reached for a stone and gave him three or four merciless whacks over the head. Then I had hizo. I was a sight to behold, wet and bespattered with mud and slime, but I was too proud as well as too nearly out of breath for words.?Frederic Irland in Scrib ner's. Weight Before and After Meals. Why is it that a man does not weigh a pound more after eating a pound of j food than he did before? A little reflec tion will readily explain this apparent mystery. During the process of masti cation, deglutition, etc, certain muscles are brought into active play. Now it is a well established fact in physiology that the exercise of any muscle or set of muscles necessitates a temporary waste of tissue, and that a certain amount of carbon is eliminated and passed off dur ing the course of a meal. This loss, however, is trifling as compared with that of respiration and perspiration, both of which functions are increased during the operation of making a meal. The length of time one may take to consume a pound of food makes but lit tle difference in the losses. If it be eaten leisurely there is but slight increase of respiration or perspiration, whereas, if it be hurried through, both are abnor mally accelerated. Hence by the time the meal is finished the consumer ha3 lost appreciably in both moisture and carbonic acid. The above explains, in a rough but clear manner, why it is that a man may eat a pound of food and yet not weigh /but from one-third to five-eighths of a pound more than he did before the meaL ?St Louis Republic. Kot So Bad After All. 7K1E Agent?Hurt yourself much? Scorcher?Oh, no, got off pretty easy. Eye discolored, wrist fractured, kneecap dislocated, ribs jumbled up a bit and wonderfully clean cut on the scalp. Agent?Humph! Lucky dug!?Pick Me CJp. A Smile That Hurts. To smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another's breast is to become a principal in the mischief.?Sheridan. - ,_ Kailroad? and Gardening. In England the Great Western and the Midland offer sums of money an nually to encourage platform gardens. In the case of the former company a reg ular system has been in operation for ^ 18 years, ?250 being voted annually for the purpose. The line is divided into 12 ! sections. To each a special prize of ? is awarded, and there are 165 ordinary prizes, ranging from ?3 to 10 shillings, a list of the successful stations being pub lished each year. A circular is also sent round furnishing a complete list of plants suitable for various purposes?for permanent borders, for summer bedding, for mixed borders of hardy plants, for spring bedding, as well as a list of evergreens and creepers, together with particulars as to height, color, dates for sowing and many other necessary hints. The Midland railway devotes ?200 in the same way, the prizes ranging from ?7 10s. to shillings. A fully qualified inspector, whose duties i:ake him to every part of the line, is deputed to deal with the matter, and the whole scheme is pro nounced a success. The Great North ern and the London and Northwestern companies let allotments to their men where possible, the number of allot ments in the case of the former company reaching very nearly 2,500.?Quarterly Review. These Degenerate Days. "I don't think the kids enjoy a cir cus these days as much as they did when you and I were boys," said tho man with the bald spot. "I know mine doesn't enjov it as much as I did," said the man with the brindle whiskers. "I was taught in my early days that it was sinful."?Cin cinnati Enquirer. Had Been Very Moderate. "I should fine you for contempt, " said the judge as he glared at the law yer who had aroused his ire. "With all due respect to your hon or," responded the attorney, "I think that you should not I have been par ticularly careful not to express my true feelings toward the court,"?Detroit Free Press. The Salvation army will enter oa a craeade among the negroes rf the South. *9 Beware of Oin?meni:s for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole sys tem when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they will do is ten told to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's CntHrrh Cure, manufactured by F J. Cheney & Co . Toledo, U , contains no mercury and is taken internally, acting directly upon the bl-od and mucous sur faces of the svstem In baying HHlPe Ca tarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken internally and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. .^3?"*So!d by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. SUMTE? RESTAURANT. MEALS TO QKDEE AT ALL HOUBS OYSTERS AND GAME IN SEASON. Special attention to Lunches for Ladies. Prices Moderate, Your patronage solicited. Liberty Street near Watchman and Southron Office. Oct. 2. The Swmter Music House, MAIN STREET, NEXT TO CROSS WELL'S GROCERY. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines of the best grade sold cheap for cash or on easy terms. Old ones taken in exchange for new ones. CLEANING AND REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. We also ieep NEEDLES, OILS, And parts of every Sewing? Machine. We have some rare bargains in Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. . B. B?NDLE, Jan 8. Manager. The added pleasure of riding a BICYCLE is worth every dollar of the .. $100 a Columbia costs Standard of the World. The Columbia Catalogue?artistic, beau tiful?free if you call. Hartfords, $60, S50, $40. SECOND HAND. Columbias, $85 to ?40. Hartfords |?45 to ?25. Ramblers, ?60 to ?40. D. Jas. Winn, Sep 21 A?ent, Samter, S. C. Yonkers, . Y., Nov. 20.?Owing to a large surplus of carpe?s on hand the big tapestry mill of the Alexaude Smitb & Sons, carpet company, closed down to day It is rumored that the shutting down of other mil's operated by the company will shortly follow. To day's close down throws -from 300 to 400 hands out of employment. The Smith Carpet mills are the largest in tbe world Raleigh, Nqv. 20 ?Robert T. Gray, commissioner, under an order of court sold here to-day 167,000 acres of land in Dare county. This embraces the entire county save what are known as the Banked section along the ocean shore, part of Duranr's island and all of Roaooke island, the latter being the one on which Sir Walter Raleigh's col onists made the first English settlement on (bis continent. The land was bid r?ff by tbe trustee for the note holders, who are New York bankers, the price paid being $100,000. This is' the greatest land sale ever made in North Carolina. TAX NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Couoty Treasurer's books for tbe months of November and December, 189?, and tbe fiscal \ ear 1896 will he open for the collection of s*id taxes from the 15m day of October, 1896, to the 31st day of December, 1896, inclusive, at his office in tbe County Tbe total tax rate is 10 4 5 mills, appor tioned na follows : For State purposes, 4i mills. For ordinary county tm 3 3-10 mill3. For school tax 3 mills. There is ateo the following additional speci*! school taxes leviod in tbe school dis tricts named : ? Swimming Pens District No 16, 2 mills, ?iabopville " ,: 20, 4 ?? Mayesville " " 18, 2 " Suroter " " 1, 2 ? Middleton " " ?, 2 " Mt Clio " " ?, 2 " Providence " 11 ?, l? " All malr citizens betwfen the ages of 21 and 60 years, except those incapable of earn ing a support or otherwueexeuipted, are lia ble to a poll tax of one dollar. The Treasurer would respectfully urge prompt payment, ina^much hs there is no pos sibility of an extension. Those waiting untij the last will he liable to serious delay and incovenience, as there is always a rush to ward the end. H. L. SCARBOROUGH. Treasurer Sumter County. Pie Largest ai 1st Complete I Geo. S. Hacker & Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS. SASH. BLINDS, Moulding & Building Material. rffice and Warerooms, King, opposite Cao* non Street. CHARLESTON* S. C, ??t*Purchase our make, which we gu?rante' superior* to any sold South, and thereby save money. Window and Fancy Glass a Specialty October 16?o SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By J. E. Jervey, Auctioneer. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC OUTCRY iu front of the Court House, in tbe town of Sumter, County of Sumter, State of South Carolina, on Monday tbe 7th day of December, 1895, at eleven o'clock in tbe forenoon to tbe biehest bidder, tbe following descrined property to-wit: "All that piece, parcel or tract of land sit uated in Sumter County, State of South Car olina, on tbe waters of Black River, known 83 tbe Cedur Grove tract, containing eight hundred and nineteen acres, more or less, bounded on the north by lands of W. L. Wilson and W. E. Mills, on the east by lands now or formerly of D. D. Barber, aod on the west by lands now or formerly of H. W. Bradley. ! Also all that piece, parcel or tract of land situated in Sumter County, in the State of South Carolina, on the east side of Black River, containing seventy acres, more or less, bounded on tbe north by lands of W. E. Mills, on the east by lands of W L. Wi'soo, on tbe south t>y lands of A. J. Saliuas k Sons, on the west by lands of Walter L. Wilson. Both the above described tracts of land to be sold as one tract. Terms: One half oisb, balance secured by bond and mortgage of tbe purchaser, payable in one year from date of purchase with in terest at tbe rate of seven per cent per annum; purchaser to have the privilege to pay all cash; and purchaser to pay $25 for papers. Possession to be given purchaser on the first day of January 1897. A. J. SALINAS k SONS. Nov 18. ? -?????? W. L. Douglas 00 SHOE We make also $2*50 and $2 shoes for men and $2.50, $2.00 and $J.7 for boys. The full line for sale by BEST UT TEE WORLD. A $5.00 SHOE FOR $3.00. urable and perfect-fitting, qualities necessary to make a finished shoe. The ring allows a smaller profit to dealers sold at $3.00. $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the >f skilled workmen, from the best possible to put into shoes sold at these Eelmont" and uPointed (shown in cuis) will be eaders this season, tut any style desired may be obtained from our agents. "We use only the best Calf, Russia Calf (all colors), French Patent Calf, French Enamel, Vici Kid, etc.. graded to corre spond with prices of the shoes. If dealer cannot supply you, write W. I. DOUGLAS, Rrociton, Mass, Catalogue Fres. J. Rettenberg & Sons, me e ? Gunning! Gunning! Gunning! STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. The Best is the Cheapest. There is none tetter than the. GUNNING Finest in Finish. Best in quality of material and work manship. Style unequaled. Tool Steel Bearings. .Seamless Steel Tubing, Perfect in every detail. We are "GUNNING" for you. Send for Catalogue. Elgin Sewing Machine & Bicycle Go. ELGIN. ILLINOIS. Clothing ! Clothing for Men. Clothing for Boys. Clothing for Children. Fine Clothing, Medium Clothing, Common Clothing. ?w? I think I can say without any exaggeration that I have one of the hest stocks of CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISHING GOODS, For Men, Boys and Children that has ever been brought to Suinter. If you want a real cheap suit you can get it if you want a medium price suit, I have hundreds for you to select from. If you want a fine, tailor-made, perfect fitting suit, you will find a good assortment of the most popular fabrics made up in Cambridge, Princeton and Oxford Sacks and the latest style Cutaways. No other house will show you a larger or better selected stock. No other house will sell you cheaper, and no one will appreciate your patronage more than, Yours truly, D. J. CHANDLER, THE CLOTHIER. Sumter, S. C. "f?K ? \/7 I have got the wagon you want and My Prices are Eight, I represent some of the best wagon manufacturers Id the United States and Can Compete with any Dealer Io the South in price and quality. Call and examine my stock for yourself and be your own judge. Talk is cheap and so are wagons now. ?pe at Epperson's Livery Stables. |ce GBO. F! EPPERSON