Hixson to HubbelL He Blakes a Statement About the Rebate Matter. from The St??e. In The State yesterday morning there was published a card from Mr Hubbell, who had been charged with offering Col. Mixson ?562 bi) a car? load in whiskey7 rebates fer purchas? ing his XXX goods Mr Ilubbeifs card was full of plain English and was a flat denial pf the charge Now Col Mixson comps to the front and make a statement in regard to the matter in which he throws some more light on the inside work ings of the dispensary He inti mates, too, that Mr. Hubbell is "a r liar" if he means what he says He tells of a good deal of money that was wasted before he took charge and states that nearly all the whis key used before his advent was pur chased from the Mill Creek people But here is Col. Mixson's card to speak for itself : COLUMBIA, S C , Aug 6, 1896. To the Editor of The State : In your issue oi^to day you have a card signed Mill Creek Distilling Co., Geo. Hubbell, secret iv. in which he concludes as follows . * If Commis sioner Mixson says I ever offered him. directly or indirectly, a dollar in any shape whatever he states what is absolutely false." I have been drawn into this very reluctantly and had hoped that the matter had blown over aird I would not be required to say anything, but -? as a man who is jealous of his honor and one who is not afraid to resent an insult, I am forced to make the follow statement of facts : I have been connected with the dispensary since the first conception , of the scheme and was in charge under Senator Tillman's directiou ! when the building wa3 being put in j fix for bottling, Mr. Traxler, then the j commissioner, being at his home in j Tirnmonsville, quite ill with typhoid j fever. After Mr Trailer's recovery I and return, 1 was retained in the j capacity of superintendent, which I position I held until Mr. Traxler te j signed, and I was honozed with the appointment During my term as superintendent I naturally discovered that the bulk j of the whiskies bottled by us was purchased from Mill Creek through ! Mr Geo. Habbell? who was frequent? ly down here I also discovered that in making these purchases Mr Hubbell, or Mill Creek, I should say, was requiring and being paid an in-1 terest on them after 30 days, each 30 days .ailing for more or bigger in? terest On being appointed commissioner in January, 1S95 and being in pos- j session of these facts of interest- j bearing accounts, and not intending relieving Mr. Traxler ti-1 Feb 1st, I commenced to look around and see if I could not do something better for the State and save, at least, the thousands and thousands of dollars being paid in interest to Mill Creek About Jan 20, some 10 days or per- j haps more before I took charge, Mr. j Hnbbell showed up and was anxious to ascertain if I intended to continue ? the trade willi him. My reply was, : ' That depends.r He asked, "De-j 'pends on what?'" I replied "On you ; I want the same whiskies or better, at the same prices or less I with 5 per cent off as discount or j rebate " He seemed to be utterly ? dumbfounded and exeiaia>e ? >Iain and thc duty of .'be Governor is ; :icar . It is made i bc duty of [he Governor , 0 institute Courts cf inquiry foi the >arpo?c of cx-?i;ini:;g into thc conduct . >f any tfficer, a&d it iu P7jr>rc*plv ?om- i* ?sanded that every commissioned officer for .'conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman, or prejudicial to good or? der and military dicipline. shall be cash? iered, disqualified Irom holding any military commission, fined to an amount nor exceeding one hundred dollars, or reprimanded.etc etc. it is further proviied that "any officer who is found drunk on his guard, party or other duty shall be dismissed from the srvice." It is ?he Governor's duty, aa Com? mander- in-Chief to institute a Court of inquiry, into the conduct ef Gen Watts -be should have instituted such a Court long ago ; and he should uot neglect any longer so obvious a duty which ia also an opportunity. But if be should fail to do his duty it would be compliant fur the commaudirig officer of a division or a brigade to institute such an inquiry as is contemplated by law. South Carolina has had reason to be proud of its militia r od there is not a soldier in the State who should not in? sist avon a full investigation of Geo Watt-.' conduct. No soldier who has been guilty of unsoldicriy behavior should be permitted to hold any mili? tary office in the State The law is clear, the offences charged against Gen. Waits have been admitted by bim what will the Commander-in-Chief do about ii?-News and Courier. Bacillen'* Arnica Salve. Tbs Best Salve in thc world for Cutd, Sruiees Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fevor Soros, Tetter Chapped . Chilblains, Ceras ?ac s I D Emption*., :?.-? punitively curas ??cs pty rso-.tired. lt >? ?rssratt-jo-l to give per '? ? satisfaction, or money refunded. .nrie? 52 ?sis par ?M tv Dr J. F W Dc Good News for McKinley. Gold Standard Democrats Meet and Decide to Cali a Convention to Put Out a third Ticket. INDIANAPOLIS, Aug 7 -The con? ference of the sound money Demo? crats fully met the expecations of its promoters There were 33 States represented and about 200 Democrats from all over th inntry were in at? tendance. Tho ??i the most famous polrticans of the party were absent, this fact did not dampen the ardor or determination of those present to-go ahead and put in the field a ticket and platform that would represent what they believe to be the real tenets of the Democratic party of the coun? try. The conference reflected in a large measure the ciass of Democrats it represented ; that is, the business element. They did not come here to make great speeches or to play at politics and went at their work in a business like way without wastt of time in contests for honor or prelim? inary manceuvreing An informal conference was held at noon, which was not open to the public, the pur pose of which was to bring into line the members from Texas, Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Maine, who came here with the, impression that a third ticket would probably do more harm than good by dividing he sound money forces o? the con? ference At this conference speeches were made by Gen. Buckner of Ken? tucky, Mr Unthwaite of Ohio, Mr. Wilson of" Indiana and Mr. Ewing of of Illinois, demonstrating the fact that in their Stales a third ticket was necessary in order that the Sv.-und money Democrats might have some rallying point, semething to fight for ?nd to nuke a campaign for They declared that in their section of coun? try, where every inch of political ground has been fought over year by year, there is more ia apolitical name than in a political principle with the ; average voter, and large numbers of j Democrats who would be inclined to i vole for a sound money Democratic ! ticket would swallow Bryan and \ ihe Chicago platform eventually rather than vote the Republican licket j Before the conference anded at j noon, all opposition to the calling of j another Convention was withdrawn j and it was agreed tiiat the meeting of | the committee in the afternoon and i evening should be public. It was ?Iso formally agreed that Gen. John j M Palmer, of Illinois, should be nade permanent chairman of tho pro-, visional committee. Talks among the delegates exhibit- j ?d much confidence in the success of | :he sound money movement. The action of the committee was j larmonious and was quickly taken, j The afternoon session which was ' presided over by W. D Bynum, last- ? i? but an hour, but in that time was ? t determined to call a convention and mose Indianapolis as the place. At the evening session the formal ? ;all for the convention was adopted ! md the date fixed at September 2 Did You Ever Try Electric liitters as ;i remedy tur your j rouble.? ? If net, gel a bottle now and get rc- 1 let". This medicine luis !>ecn found to be peru1 ? ia riv adapted r<> the relief and cure <>f all Te- i >a!e Cow pl a in ti exerting wonderful direct ; hliuer.ee in giving strength and tone to the rga::.-. If you have los.* o? Appetite, C tl e Defendants above named : You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, which has ?>een tl. is day filed in the office o? the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, for *he Siid County, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the sub? scribers at heir office in the City of Sumter, in said County and iStnte, within twenty days after the service hfretf, exclusive of the day of such servie*- ; and if you fi il to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid. th& plaintiff in this action wili apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the com? plaint. Dated at Sumter, vS C , July li, A. D.. 189G. HAYNSWORTH & HAYNSWORTH, plaintiffs Attorneys. July 15-6t. I N?TIG IE3. ^ I have got in stock a fall line of Buggies, Ladies' Phaetons, Surreys, Car? riages, one and two horse Farm Wagons, which I offer for sale at Low Prices. I represent several of the largest wholesale manufacturing companies in the United States and can compete in qualify and price will? any dealer in the ? country. Call and examine my stock and get my prices I will save you money. ? _ GEO. ?. EPPERSON* j Office at Epperson s Livery Stables HEADQUARTERS FOR FOR THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS WILL SELL AT 10 percent. ABOVE COST All of his stock of China. Glassware, Willoware k "Wood en ware.. Also entire Stock of Toys. Silver Piated lSTI7*?t:ro. A magnificent assortTLQV,' a! 25 cents per piece. This ia a leader. The Peerless Oil Cooking Stove the latest iuo:iei and t