The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, June 10, 1896, Image 8

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WEDNESD?YTJ??NS 10, 1896. Rules to Govern the Reel Race and Foot Raes. The committee appointed by Chief Bloom to formulate rules for the reel race for the "Pierson Medal" have agreed upon the fol? lowing : The race shall be run on the afternoon of June 25th, at 5 p. m , and sba;l be over the same course used ic former contests. Carriages or reels to be weighed and one man allowed to every 75 pounds, pipemaa andjbydrantman not included; run 100 yards, stretch not less than 98 feet of hose ; attach same to plug ; screw the pipe to hose, using any size nozzle, and throw water in the shortest time, the butt to drop opposite or beyond the plug, (that is the butt which nozzle must be attached to) or the company canst oe ruled out ; the hose must be connect? ed when they fail on the ground ; no snap nozzle, couplings, straps or rotary wrench allowed ; the hose to be let go as soon as attached to P'Ug, and if the butt is blown ofif, the company must be ruled out ; no team is allowed to assist another in the ruo or con? nection; five minutes to be allowed] to each team after judges' signal of "ready;" any team failing to start within said time to be ruled out. There shall be no water in the bose used by the teams. Start must be made from a trap and drop signal. Reels must be not more than five feet in rear of trap when start is made. No team will be allowed to enter any man in the race, who has not been a memoer of the squad thirty days. Thereshall be three referees placed in the following order-one at'trap, one at hydrant and one at nozzle AL protests (if there be any) shall be made out in writing and handed to referees within one hour from time of run in dispute. . The team making the best time in "two out of three" beats shall be the winner of the * 'Pierson Medal." The following rules will govern the foot race : Race to be 100 yards. Race shall take place on June 23d, 1896, at 6.15 p.m., and shall be run over the same coarse to be used for the reel races. Mr. E. H. Mose9 will act as starter,and rac? ing rules will be used in starting. If there be more persoos in tbe race than caa run on' the track at one time, then there shall be three heats-thu first and second men in the first and second heats shall run the third beat This race will only be open to members cf Monaghan and Ddgar Ree! Squads ; and oniy those who have been members of the sounds thirty days car? enter. All entries must be made in writing and accompanied by ?rn entrance fee of 5u ceuts. and must be in the hands of Mr. J. G. R Wilder before 12 o'clock, noon. June 22d, 1S96. Judges-Mr. E. S. Miller and L. W. Fol? som and they appoint a third. i- ' Pire Department Orders. Chief Bloom of the Fire Departments has extended the following orders to the foreman of Delgar and Monaghan Squads. JUNE 1ST, 1896. Capt. R. S. Hood, Foreman Monaghan Hose . Co. No. 2., City : Dear Sir :-You will please see that your driver observes the .following orders uotil further advised : Company must hav? regular ring out prac? tice every Monday afternoon at six o'clock p. m. . Hose must not be stretched or water thrown (regular practice and fires excepted) except request ne made and permission givi n in writ? ng bv the Chief and Supt. Water Co. Gong must not he struck at any time ex? cept a slight tap at street crossings (regular prance aud fires excepted.) Horse must not be driven out of a trot within the 6re limits bounded by Sumter, Republican, Dugan and Harvin streets, at any time except io responding to fire alarms. Requests for special practices must be made tn writing to and permission granted bv the Chief. Yours ve^v trulv. H. B. BLOOM,?Chief F. D. Aonroved * ' A. C. Phelps, R. P. Monaghan, For Fire Masters. - -iI j o o -cm*. LAMAR LOCALS. Fin9 Crops of Cotton and Tobacco -Th6 New Warehouse. LAMAR, S. C . June 5, 1896.-Mr. E. B. Turner, of Tirnmonsviiie was in town yester? day. The new Baptist Church has been completed and will be dedicated in the near future. Mr. T. F. Wilson has the finest cotton and tobacco crop cf this section. We are having fine seasons, and crops gen? erally are extra good for tbe time of the year. The new depot at this place has been com? pleted and is one of the nicest on the line. Work on tbe looacco warehouse is being , pushed as rapidly as possible. We can soon boast of a warehouse, and we believe one of the best markets in this country unless Harts vil'e should prove a rival for Lamar in this respect. Darlington will not regain her rep? utation ir. this section soou. B. G. P. Mr. James Perdue, an old spldier residing at Monroe, Mich., was severely afflicted with rheumatism but received prompt relief from pain by using Chamberlain's* Pain Balm. He says : "At times roy back would ache so badly that ? could hardly raise up. If I had not'gotten relief I would not be here to write these few Hne3. Chamberlain's Pain Balm has done me a great deal of good and I feel very thankful for it.,; For sale by Di. A. J. China. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison o* Worthington. Ind., "Sun," writes: "You have a valuable prescription in Elect:ic Bitters, and I can cheerfully recom? mend it for Constipation and Sick Headache, ana as a general system tonie it has nc equal." Mrs. Annie Steele, 2f>25 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all run down, e:.u!d cot eat rmr digest iocd, had o backache whi i never loft ber and felt tired and weary, but six bottles o? Electric Bitters restored her bea::!: ar.d renewed her strength. Prices 50 cents and S?.CO. a B Jttlo at J. F. W. DeLorme's. Drag Store. - --a>- ? II < i ??-. Uncklen's Arnica Salvo. Tbs Bast Salve in tho world t'->r Cuts, jJru:<.es cores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, rorer Soros, Totter Chapped i ar??? Chilblains, Corns ?:nn ail Sen Eruptions, and positively cure- ?'A?? or so pay required. It is guaranteed to give per rsc: satisfaction, or ^ency refunded. T>r?cc 52cent; par box. For sale by Dr. J. F. W.De Lorine. mmt> Something new and original in tablets a* E.G. Osteen & Co.'s Book Store. Tablets with paper doll covers for 5 cents. 5? I costs cotton planters more !than rive million dollars an I nualiy. This is an enormous ? waste, and can be prevented. : Practical experiments at Ala . bama Experiment Station show j conclusively that the use of i will prevent that dreaded plant I disease. Our pamphlets arc not advertising circulars boom? ing special fertilizers, but are practical works, contain j ing the results of latest experiments in this line. Every cotton larmer should have a copy. They are Scat free for the asking. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 03 Nassau St., New York. Atlantic Coast Line. WILMINGTON. COLUMBIA AND AUGUS? TA RAILROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. j Dated June 2. 1S96 'No.55.jNo.51 P. M. Leave Wilmington Leave Marice * Arrive Florence Leave Florence Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Arms Columbia *3 30 6 29 7 10 P.M. *7 45 8 53 P. M. S 53 10 15 A.M. *3 29 4 33 No. 52. A.M. *9 43 10 55 No. 52 runs through from Charleston vii Central R. R., leaving Lanes 8 3? a. m., Man nine 9 10 a. m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. ?No. 54 ! Leave Columbia i Arrive Sumtc-r Leave Sumter Arrive Florence ! Leave Flo renee I Leave Mariqo i I A.M. ! *5 45 No. 53 P.M. f4 4U rio :? 5s! No.50.: ?A. M. I P.M. 7 IO *c 05 S 20 7 20 A. M. ! S 50 ; Arrive Wilmington ! 12 15 * Da-'i ly. jD ai ly excep t S u n d ay. No. 53 runs through to Charles.on, S. C., via Central R. R., arriving Manniog 6 35 p. m., Lanes 7 12 pm, Charleston S 50 p. co. Trains on Wilmington & Conway R. R, leave Chadbourn 10 40 a. m., arrive at Con? way 12 55 p. m., returning ?eave Conway at 2 30 p. m., ar-ive Chadbourn 5 00 p. m.. leave Chadbourn > 35 p. m., arrive at Hub at 6 20 p. m., returni.?? leave Hub 8 30 a. m , j arrive at Chadbourn 9.15 a.m. Daily ex? cept Sunday. Trains on C & D. R. R. leave Florence 8 40 a m., and 9 20 a m., arrive Darlington 9 20 a m, and 9 50 a m . leave Darliogion j 9 40 a m, arrive Cheraw ll 59 a m, Wade? ? borol 30 p m. Returning leave Wadesboro J 2 00 p m, Cberaw 3 40 p m. Darlington 7 48 la m. 6 05 p m, arrive Florence 8 15 a m 0 50 j ! p m. Daily t-xcept Sunday. Sunday trains ? ; ?eave Floyds 7 30 a ra, Darlington 7 45 a m, j i arrive Florence 3 10 a m. Returning leave j ; Florence 9 00 am, Darlington S 30 a m, , : arrive Fioyda 9 50 a m. Trains ieare Gibson i j G 25 a m, Beonettsviile 0 41 a m, arrive Dr.r- | ! liogton 7 40 a rn, Sumter 9 39 a m. Return- I i ing leave Sumter 6 33 p m. Darlington 8 15 j : p m. arrive Benoettsvilie 9 CO p ni, Gibson ; 9 35 p m. JOHN P. DIVINE, Grn'1 Supt. i j J. KEN LY, Gen'i Manager. ! ?. M. KMRRSON. Traffic Manager i Atlantic Coast JLlsse* j PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. I WILMINGTON, N C., Jan 6, 1898. Fast Line BETWEEN Glarlestoiar? CoMia and Upper u NORTH;CAROLINA AND ATHENS AND ATLANTA CONDENSED SORED ULE. WEST. Daily Train No 7 00 8 35 9 48 11 05 12 17 12 30 1 25 2 34 3 00 5 10 7 45 In effect January 6th,; EAST i896- j Wally. -' ?Train No. STATIONS. 53 a m Lv a m|Lv a m Lv a m Ar p ra Ar p m Ar p tn Ar p mjAr p m|Ar p mjAr p m j Ar Charleston Lanes Sumter Columbia Prosperity Newberry Clinton Greenwood Abbeville Athens Atlanta Ar 8 Ar 7 Ar 5 Lv 4 Lv 3 Lv 3 Lv 2 Lv! 1 Lv|l2 LvjlO Lv? s 52 15 58 40 16 02 25 24 50 41 15 P m j p m i a m a m 6 05 p m Ar 8 20 p m Ar Wie nsboio Charlotte Lv 10 5? a m Lv; 8 50 a m 3 45 p m!Ar Anderson Lv'll 00 a m 4 21 p -mjAr Greenville Lv 10 3tS a m 2 40 p ta j Ar Spartanburu Lvlll 45 a m 5 36 p m Ar HendersooviUe Lv1 9 16 am 0 45 p m!Ar Asheville Lv; S 20 am Nos, 52 and f^3 Solid tr.Hins between Charleston and Columbia, S. C., and carn through coach between Criariesion and At? lanta. F M. EMERSON. Ass't Gen . l>"i3seoger Agent. J. R. KEN LY, T. M EMERSON, G'jn'i Manager Tra :. Manage WINTHROP GQLLESE SCHOL? ARSHIPS* ?71ACH COUNTY of this State is entitled _j to as many scholarships in the Winthrop ?oUegeat Rue!; Hil: as i>' bas representatives tn the House of Representatives. These scholarships will be :i\v?ird?-;? upo:: ;t competitive examination to be held the County Court H on se cn July i?'Jth at '? a m. Applicants in::st be not ?^-ss than fifteen years of a^>: ?nd iii u ; t have n good knowl? edge of t Le common school branches. The expenses ot attendance ?bj n<j; exceed S3.5U a month for board, furnished room, hear, light ami washing. For runner information aud a catalogue, address PRESIDENT, D. B. JOHNSON, June3-4. Rock Hill, S. C. "THE CHARLESTON LUE." South Carolina and georgia Bailroad, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT Corrected io April ?9th3 1SS5 : LT Cbarle?ion J Ar Sommerville i " PregDM??s j " Georges i " Branchville ; " Rossville i " Orangebur^ j " St. Matthews i " For: Motte I " King^ille ! " Columbi* ? LT Colombiu j Ar Ringville " Fort Mette j 11 St Ma:thews ; " Oracgeburg " Rossville " Braach ville " Georges " Pregnalls <c Summerville " Charleston ;( Daily.; 7 10 a m 7 46 a tn S 1S a m S 30 a m 9 00 a m P 15 a rn S 2S a m 5 43 a tn IO 00 a m 10 10 K a IO 55 a m 7 00 a n? 7 40 a rn 7 51 au? 3 02 & aa 6 24 a m 3 28 a m 8 55 a rn 9 35 a m 9 48 a m 10 22 a m 11 00 a m 5 30 p rr. 6 10 p m 6 50 p cr 7 04 p ra 7 50 p tc S 07 p rn S 24 p rc S 48 p nj 9 03 p m 9 20 p D3 IO 10 p rn 4 00 ii ni .5 44 p rc 4 55 p m 5 09 p rn b 27 p m 5 42 p tn 5 55 p m 6 37 p rr 6 50 p m j 7 22 p m 8 00 p m Lv Charleston \11 Branchville " Bamberg " Denmark ?. Blackville " Willisron ' Aiken Ar Augusta Lv Augusts " Aiken " Willigon " Blackville " Denmark " Bamberg " Branchville Ar Charleston 7 10am 9 15am 9 41 a m 9 52 a tn 10 10 am 10 27 a m HJ09 a ?n 1151am 6 20*a m 7 CS a m 7 49 a m 3 OS a m 3 20 a m S 33 a m 9 10am 1100am 5 3? p ra 7 50 p m 8 19 p a 8 31 p m 9 50 p m 9 10pm 9 57 p m 10 45 p m 3 20 p m 4 07 p m 4 44 p m 5 03 p m 5 17 p ni 5 29 p m 5 55 ? tr 8 00 i> a Fast Express, Augusta and Washington, with Through Sleepers to New York. Lv Augusta 2 25 p m Ar Aiken 3 05 p m " Denmark 4 12pm Lv Denmark 6^25 a m " Aiken 7 28 a m Ar Augusta S JO a m |Dailj except Snnday. Lv Camden 8 45 a m 2 25 p m " Camden Junction 9 35 a ra 3 55 p m Ar Ringville 10 05 a ra 4 35 p ra Lv Ringville 10 25 am fi 00 a m " Camden Junction 1 i 00 a m 6 40 a m Ar C-imden 1155 am S 15 a m S. S. BOWEN, L. A. EMERSON, Gen. Maoaecr. Traffic Manager. General o?tice3-Charleston S. C OMo SlverS Charleston Railwaj Co SAMUEL HUNT. Agent for Purchaser. In effect December 1, 1894. C A RC LINAS DI v 1SI UN. N ?J KT ri BO GNP.-( Daily except Sunday. ) Lv Camden.? LOO p m | Ar Kershaw.j 1 45 p m I Lv Kershaw.! 2 00 p m i Lv Lancaster. Lv Catawba Junction Ar Rock Hill. Lv Ro'.-kHiil. Lv York vi lie. Lv Blacksburg . Lv Patterson Springs.{ Lv Shelby .I Lv Rutherford ton.J Ar Marion. ? 2.42 p m 3.15 p m 3 34 p m 3.44 p m 4.20 p m 5.25 p m ll ? 8.45 a ra. 9.15 a m ! 9.40 "a m j ll.40 a ru I 1.15 p m SOUTHBOUND.-(Daily except Sunday.) Lv Marion. , Lv Rutherford too.i ? Lv Shelby.j Lv Patterson Springs j Ar Blacksburg. Lv Blacksburg. 7.45 ii m Lv Yorkvilie.| 8.53 a.rn Ar Rock Hil!.j 9.33 a m LT Reek H ii i.j 9.45 aa Lv Catawba Junction. ?10.10 am LT Lancaster.fl0.50 a ru Ar Kershaw.11.29 a m I 4.25 p m j 5.50 p o I 8.03 p m ! S.19' ? m i 3.45 p rn Lv Kershaw.11.28 * m j Ar Camden.?12.15 :> ra ? Dinner at Kershaw. CONNECTIONS Camden-With S. C. Ey., fe.- Charleston. Columbia. Augusta ana ai: pofhts South. Lancaster-Witb Cberaw cc Chester N. G R. R., for Chester. Catawba Junction-With C. C. ? V. R. R Rock Hili-With Southern Railway. Yorkvillp-With Chester & Lenoir'R. R. Blacksburtr- With R. & D. R. R. for Spar an burg, Greenville, Atlanta and points toa th, ace Charlotte and points North. Marion-With Southern Raihvay. SAMUEL HUNT, Gen. Manager \. TRIPP, Superintendent. H. LUM PK IN. Gen^PfiFs _A?t_ Atlantic Coast Line. Nor?h-Eastern R. R. o? S. f. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated June 2, 1S96. NO. 35 * Le. Florence " Kingstree ! Ar. Lanes 4 33 Le. Lanes 4 33 Ar. Charl't'n I 6 25 NO 23?NO.53 * * A. M. P K.i 3 241 7 45I I 8 52' 9 12 9 12 II 13 A. M. I P. M.I P. M P. M. 7 15 8 50 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Le. Charl't'n Ar. Lanes Le. Lanes " Kingstree Ar. Florence NO. 78 No 32|NO.52! * i * j A. M.I P. M. A. M. 4 55' 4 00) 7 00J 7 00J 5 52| 3 31' 7 00j 5 52? 5 20? 7 20 A. sr. J P. M A. J?.l *Daiiy. "fD?tiiy except Sunday. No. 52 runs through to Columbia vi ira! R. R. of S. C. Train:: Nos. 73 end 32 run vin Wils Fayetteville-Short Line-and make connection for all ncints North, j ft. KEN LY, ' ISO. F. DIV IN Gen'l J'anager, Gen'1 Si T. ii. EMERSON. Traine Manager ;ea ana los O ?-/? vi. .1. v_/ t?U? lac for?ai. tut/Til, J m, ii st r *.(ock Jo-.',-uol <>j the South. TSAE FQ3 SI. ,x*- pie copi'-s and "'reminm List wil! oe :.;x!!e? FREE on application to TEE f 1 ' LT IV A TO R PUB LI SH IN G CO. 3ox 415, Atlanta. Ga. : Wilson an? Saraerfon R. R. In effect January 15th. :S2?. j TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 72.? I Leave Wilsons Mill, 9 10am I ki Jordon. 9 35 a m i " Dar?, 9 45*22 ! " S'.;:nmerton, 10 10 a ai " Millard, IO 45 a m " Silver, ll IO a m l- Packsville. ll 3;j p nj 44 Tindal, ' Il 55 p m j " W. & S. June, 12 27 p rn : Ar. Sumter, 12 30 p m TRAINS GOING SuUTH. No. 73.? , Leave Sumter, 2 30 p ra ! " W. ? S. June.. 2 3o a m " Tindal, 2 50 p m " Packsville, 3 IO p m I " Silver, 3 35 p m j " Millard. 3 45 p ra Sammt-rron, 4 40 pm I " Davis, 5 20 p ra j " Jordon. 5 50 p m I Ar. Wilson Mill. 6 30 v m Trains between Millard and Sr. r/aul leave i Millard 10 15 a m aud 3 45 p m., arriving j St. Paul 10 25 a m and 55 p m. Returning j leave St. Paul 10 35 a m and 4 10 p m, ano : arrive Millard in 45 a ni ?nd 4 20 p m. Dai ! ly except Sunday. ?Daily except Sunday. THOMAS WILSON^ Predsient. i I Atlantic Coast Line. I Manchester & Augusta Eailroad. CONDENSED SCHEDULE, i . IQ effect June 2. 18S6. TRAINS GOING SOUTH No. *51. No. f57. A. M A.' Si i Lv Darlington, 7 58 j Lv Elliott, 8 45 Ar Sumter. 9 30 I Lv Sumter, 4 33 i Ar Creston, 5 22 ; Ar Pregnalls, \ Ar Oraugeburg, 5 47 ' Ar Denmark, -3 20 P. M. A. M. A, M. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. +56 No. *50 ?. M. ?. M. ! Lv Denmark, 4 17 j Lv Orangeburg, 4 51 i Lv Pregns.ils, ; Lv Cres-on, 5 io i Ar Sumter, ? ?'<'?> ; Lv Sumter, 6 30 j ArEilioU, 7 13 ! Ar Darlington 3 00 ? M. ?. 1!. j *Daily. yDaily except Sunday, j Trains 50 and 51 carry tbrongb Pulimar. j ; Pal-.ce Buffet Sleeping Cars between Nev; j ! York and Atlanta rjA Augusta. I T. M. BHBhSON, H M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager Ass't Gen. Pass. A>ri ? J. R. KEN LY, Gea5! Manager. POINTS WEST. VIA AUGUSTA, GA., and GEORGIA R R. j Leav Sumter, 4 33 a m Leave Augusta, 7 15 a m Arrive Atlanta, 12 i? p m Arrive Macon, ll 00 a m j Cr ii'.ections tor ali points in Union Depots, j ? A. G. JACKSON. IOS W. WHITE, G. P. A. T. P. A. i 'H. R. JACKSON, ! So!. Freight and Pass. ,'Agt., Augusta, Ga I To Yon 1 ? ' PENS, ISTE, i f Paper, Blank Books:! ? At H. G. OSTEES & CO'S I t ". , I J? You can get everything that you ip 'j' want at the lowest prices. We are so _\ .T situated that we eau afford to make c? j> t-rices closer than any one else. :? I ' % All Goods are now and of | i the best quality. .No shop- | ? f worn goods. ?? $ We make a specialty of School $ ? 'Z Supplies and aiso keep a full line of J ; U) Stationery, Blanks Books, Etc. Jj i ?J-' Come and inspect our goods. ? J? 'li ll.ii. HRH ftOO, fi LI3ESTY STEEET, ? SUMMER, S.C. |! y-Srs-s^ cz cc cz SQ UZLZ^:Q [I To Yon 1 I Who Buv I ? *5_ _?' j? ? If Sehool Boob: f! & _ I I I Whv should you; ? ; ?jj * pay unreasonable f ; f pric? for books, when % k\ von ran set 'hem from rf* ;'|\ ! ~ ( : S il/ i TOT M1 n kl P Ti Tl ? HP n By a special arrangement ve art (5 *0 selling ail books used in the Public T. s. Schcol and schools ni ?his ci-y ;f. :.: prices quoted ;:: the wheleeaie % f hst. ' ? $ We have a full line ..i Tablets^ X <i. Pen?. Pencils. Erasers, inks, ?ns rf ip everything needed by school children. I fl f: IWfm ? ?]|| I f LIEEETY STEEET, f I SUMTER, S. C. *> The Spring Opening at Miss McDonald's gave hundreds an opportunity o?" examining the ex? quisite .styles for the Spring and Summer. The assortment is large, and in every style there is a variety to please the individual taste , Fo-mer patrons and the public generally are cordially invited to cali ami inspect the Pattern Fiats and Bonnets, and they will he suited in anything they may want. Main Street, Sumter, S. C. p SUPPLY CO. 232 Meeting Street, Charleston. S. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN STATE AGENTS FOR SALE OG TIN PLATE, SHEET Iron, Tinners Supplies. STOVES, TINWARE. House Fur? nishing Goods. Galvanized Gutter and Rain Water Pipes-in; 10-foot lengths. We manufacture TOBACCO BARN FLUES and deliver them, freight pre paid to any station. Write fer our Circular showing Plans of TOBACCO BAEN FLUES, and giving weights and sizes of all the best styles, Ocr 1*5-o. ~VIu$ic in the Air is most delightful when i''? made on a ST?EFP piano. This instrument is made in a thoroughly scientific oitncer, by careful experts. A ?ced piano is a lifelong friend. it's a tonic-sc in? spiration-an elevation ard : efineciorr to the whole household. But be very >ure it is good Avoid chance-buy a ST?EFF. Liberal Ter ?ns Send for Catalogue. CHAMES M. STEIFF 9 N Liberty Sr. Baltimore, Md. LET US SELL YOU YOUR 0 : We have had years of experience in the business, and think we can satisfy .you in? quality and price. For TABLE ANO POCKET CUTLERY COME TO US FOR B?8GY ?ND WA80N MATERIAL WE KEEP IT. FOR BEST COOK ANO HEATING STOVES. OUR STORE IS THE PLACE For Engine Supplies. Farm or Shop Tools. House Furnishing Goods, Harness. Razors. Scissors. Guns. Pistols, Car? tridges, Etc.. Come right here. Mm and Leatlier Beliing Paints ai Oils .are Specialties. CAN'T WE F CR NISH YOL' WITH\SOME? Oct 16 ainsworth AGENT FOR THE South and North American Lloyds, New York and Chicago Lloyds. I CAN INSURE ail classes of property at greatly reduced rates from the prevailing Fire Insurance Rates with equal responsibility on the part of the Company. Office at Haynsworth & Haynsworth's Law office. Feb 'j Sumter, S. C. rm, jL.?'.? U*III?^J?JMUL JW?tanmoc -- FIRST NATIONAL BANE, OF S?MTEH. STATU, ?GITV AND COUNTY DEPOSI? TORY, SUMTE*, S. C. Paid up Capital. S~5.00? 00 Surplus ?nd Prests .... l?,50u 00 Additional Liability cf St?ck bclders ir. ??:tce?s of their sr eck $73,000 00 Tern! protection to Depositors $?y4je?? (?0 Transacts i General Banking Business. Careful attention givec to Toiltr'-tic?:... SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits or" il up-cards receivt?d. leresi allowed it the rate of- 4- Tier cear. per atinum. Payable quarterly, o:: rirjt days c.c January, A : ril. J::!v i::i October. " R M. WALLACE, L. S. CAKSOX, President. Aug 7. 0 ishier. D. M. YOUNG, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Prompt attention TO all business entrusted to him. Office on Cow: House .S--:*:?, Blandiog of?ce. ? I ISP IJV %VJl4 wwM IIIJH 41 W liv &IP ip 141' iii % JP i F / / / f TH a suaxTEK WATCHMAN, Established April, 1S50. "EG J vist and Fear not-Let ci]] tho Encl.? thou Aims': at. be thy Country's, thy G-od's and Truth's." ?3i? T;?US SOUTM?GN, Established June, 1266 Consolidated Aug. 2.1881. SUMTER, g. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1898. Sew Aeries-Yoi. XV. 2??37