TELE SUMTER WATCHMAN, Estabiiahed April, 1S50. "3e Just and Fear not--Let all the Ends thou Aims't at ce thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's." THE TRUE SOUTHRON, Established Jane,l366 Consolidated Aug. 2?1881. Cljt a?htdjmnn m? BU^WL ?cftl?slied Bv?y Wednesday, -BY J>3\ Osteen, SUMTER, S. C. TERMS : $1.50 per annum-in advance. ADVERTISEMENT: Ooe Square 5rst insertion.?..SI 00 Every subsequent insertion. 50 Contracts for three months, or longer will be made at reduced rates. All communications which subserve private interests will "oecbarjred foras advertisements. Obituaries and tributes of respect will be charged for. Passed Over the Veto. The Committee, on Appropriations Makes a Formal Answer to Each of the President's Damaging Charges Against the Bill and Against the Wisdom and Honesty of the House, and Recommends the Passage of the Bill Over the Veto. WASHINGTON. June 2.-In the House tc-day Mr. Henderson reported from the committee on rules an order making the hour of meeting for the remainder of the session at ll o'clock A. M. It was agreed to. The report of the committee on rivers and harbors, recommending the passage of the river and harbor biil, "the objections of the President to the j contrary notwithstanding," was pres- | ented by Mr. Hooker, Republican, of New York, chairman, und read. The report states that of the 417 items of appropriations contained in the biil all except twenty-seven are for projects contained io bills which have hereto? fore become laws, and which have been for years in process of, construction by the Government. No new projects were added to the bill of 1894. It will thus be seen, the reports states, that the principal work of the commit? tee has been the investigation and ex? amination of improvements to which Congress has repeatedly committed it? self. The river and harbor bill of 1890 appropriated ?25,000,000 and placed certain works under the contract system, "which involved the additional expenditure of $15,000,000 ' It ap? pears, therefore, that by far the greater number of projects appropriated for in the bill of 1890 and which are not yet completed. % ? The report explains that the bill was referred to Gen. Casey, then chief of the United States engineers, who re? ported to President Harrison that only eight of tbe items seemed to bi of lieu ited or local benefit. The gro99 amount ' appropriated for these items wa? $72, 000. From this it will be seen, the re? port oontinues, that the larger part of j the projects cootaiued in the present [ bili pa$n: produce the ringing i" the head like Sulphate of Quinine. I'::- up ' in t.nblars convenient :o,r taking Guaranteed to cure, cir money refunded Price. 2~> Cents. For Sile by A. J. China. Nov. 20-6m. BB-mawa ncaa a a "u gram1 . -.uwaajujjTOTg SSSJJM :T.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report ELY PURE