? I ISP IJV %VJl4 wwM IIIJH 41 W liv &IP ip 141' iii % JP i F / / / f TH a suaxTEK WATCHMAN, Established April, 1S50. "EG J vist and Fear not-Let ci]] tho Encl.? thou Aims': at. be thy Country's, thy G-od's and Truth's." ?3i? T;?US SOUTM?GN, Established June, 1266 Consolidated Aug. 2.1881. SUMTER, g. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1898. Sew Aeries-Yoi. XV. 2??37 Uk ateta at? ?8a%m Publis?ie? ZYsry "STe?nss?ay, -3Y JMT. CS-. Osteen? SUMTER, S. C. TEK?S : 31-50 per annum-in advance. i ?DTESTISS?ISST; One Square n rs ? icsertion.Si ' Every subsequent insertion. 50 Contracts for ihres mouths, or louder will ba made ai r?due-i raies. Ail commur.ic^Pio::s which subserve private .interests.will h&ch&rge? focasadvectisecxeuts. Obituaries ace tributes cr respect will oe charged for. Wicked Wevier Walts. No Beiorms for Cuba Until She's Subdued. Habana, April 28, via Tampa, April 2o.-Tbere is rjo truth in the report that reforms are about to bo put toto elSPecc io (Juba. Your correspondent is ia a position to state thai several cablegrams on the subject have recent? ly passed between '.he Madrid cinciais aad Geacra? Weyler The capt alu general was asked ii it would be possi? ble, after the assembling of che new cones next mouth, lo iatroduee ia Cuba the reforms which were passed early ia 1S95. General Weyler replied that the island must first be paci?ed That settled the matter, for while General Weyler remains captain general his wishes will be paramount. Here in Habaoa loyal Spaniards who take the oains to obtain other informa tioc than suca as is given out by the goveroment as ' "officiai news' and pub? lished by i he ceusorized local papers, admit rreelv that they see nothing ahead but disaster. They have lost hope of Weyler's being abie to crush insurrection with the forces at bis com? mand. They know that he is not gain? ing ground: that the heat io the inte? rior is now interfering with active operations aod that the rains will be t here in a few weeks. Many of these Spaniards who own sugar estates or other property which is being ruined are wavering in their patriotism, now that their wecket books are touch ed. They preserve a semblance of loyalty to Spain in public, bur in pri vate they hope something will happen to stop the wrecking in their fortunes The situation from a military standpoint is unchanged. General Weyier/s troops hold the trecha and Antonio M ac co is encamped a few miles west ol it apparently ia oo hurry to cross? The stories of his be? ing in a bad way for food aad clothes for hts men, and the reports that he ts ready to surrender or Sy from the island in a boat atc absurdities. ? am informed by Spanish officers who have taken narc :a recent operations against Maceo that he ha.s a strong foiee of well armed men with him and that the insurgents have large quantities of pro? visions stored in the ailis VICTIMS PQ3 A '"VICTORY." Haba.ua, Apr;; 2o.- Ne-.vs; h a.- bee:: received here from Jaruco in the pre? viese of Habana "ha: the Guadalajara bataition while marohing to Sa;: Miguel met a party of DAW re bois com? manded by Aguirre ind Morejon. ? acree ogh* ensued resulting iu the re? bels being so shoroughly bo.it.. a that *aey ned demoralized hom :a> tie ld. Tue robe; loss was upwards of oO and it is said to have been ??. Of these 14 were killed. Che Spanish troops lost o?a?9 officer and three soldiers wenadtd. The above story us official. Ne-vs OX "he sam'.* events from other sources mdioate :aa: ;he affair was sim iiar to others in which "paoifioos" (peaceful citizens) have b^eu billed by Spanish troops. Rear teen of the dead are said to baw" ac eu employees on estates and not insurgents. O.t lae Spanish slue oona were killed aad only th:oe wounded, wh::o the Cu;?, dead exceeded i>0. Jaruco is only i ? mites from Ha-fc-aua on tho Matanzas railroad. [. G . i?. ? i Wevier to-night issued . p . . , which he cxa. eas will rosa I ia ma . >i tao rebels tying dose tb . proclamation ?a?s sa substance . '. . insurgents in the provine n ... . Rio have baea deu..> - . \ .., the obstacles which provea: thei? pas ii the military extending from SJadiel tu . Majana and by their eoos*y;L pereeou- j by the troops. It ba?mg known j ihat :i?auy of the insurgents i?e deli? r?os f sarreoderiog, but fear to do so, believing that they will be shot, be therefore order? that ail the reno leaders and their followrs, who luring the next-O days shall present the En ? selves -.?i.:a their arms to 'he military authorities in rh*: province, will be pardoned. Pardon will also be extend? ed to those rebis aud rebel sympathizers who surrender without arcas, 1 he military authorities, tho proclamation adds reserve the righi ro decide where (hose who surrender shall reside. No Quarter Now. Weyi8r Hoists tue Black Flag Wniie America Decays* Rasbaoa. April 2*2. via Tamp:., Fia.. April 24.- Gteaje'riv] -Voy.J.- is satis?ed thai nothing io *.ho ?toe ot ?aterveaxiou or recognition of belligerency ni ay be looked fox from Washington, at leas? for the present, nod the public es ecu t ion s of prisoners of war, whieu tvere suspended Poe a ;?me. bave been resumed. There is supposed ro be a general understanding awong :ho com? manders of the Soauish columns tba: oo prisoners are to be raken in engage men cs ic 'be dela. All Cuban patriots who fail ia ibo hands of the troops through beiug wounded or from other . eau>e are liable to be shot at once and counted wita rho number killed in bat- ! tie. Som of the Spanish commanders ace according to this understanding, ? but others decline io slay unarmed or j wounded meu, and deliver their pris? oners 't' Generai Wey ?er in t? abana. ] Many of these so-called prisoners ; war nev.-r carried a gun nor engaged ta a battle, bu: were rakeu from p.au- j talions or from sma?i towns and ham? lets :n the in-terior, where tho Span? iards assume that ail men are. rebels, and are not far froui being tighe. The prisoners are brought to Habana bcoad and strongly guarded to preveo: rescue before reaching the city and '.nob vio? lence afterward. The lower class of Spaniard? gather about each bateo of prisoners nod clamor for (heir blood as they pas-* through tho streets to thc ferry ro Cabanas frotress or Mprro Cas? tle. The ouro martial before which these prisca ers art; tried is a perfunc? tory affair, composed of five military men who <>rdcr the death penalty under Weyler'sdecree hat ali insurgent aro bandits aud incendiaries and deserving of death. The prisoners have DO op- I p?rtooity to make a defense, a:;d all i Cubans in the rebe! armies know tba'. ' capture means cleat b. Most oe those brough: tn, it seems, have been wounded, eu: o? from 'heir I coiumuas or caught with arms. V> nen condemned to death they are given 24 or 4S hours to prepare for the end. ; Thev uro given what the? wan- tc J-: ; and are placed in the chupe! a: Cana- ' nas fortress, with priests in constant I attendance fdr the !u-: 12 hours. Most of the Cuban patriots who b sve i paid the ex.rom - penalty since Weyler ' has been here have dieu bravely. 1 saw i three o? tne:u meet their ?ate last Fri- ? day moro tug. They were Jose a . Esteban Hernandia (white) aud Ure ; gerin Ba real lao (colored.) During the night before the execution Baron lian j made several feigned attempts to escape fro::; chapel, hopi og that he ; guards would shoot him down, pre j fernug cha; to death in public, the : guards toreed him back each time with- I out dr:.:g at ;;::u i crossed ibo Day a few minutes after j 6 o'clock en the morning jet for tb.: ex- j eeutron. lt took place promptiv -: 7 I The three mea exerted by :* dicer soir ; dit rs and supper.cd by an order of lav brethren Ol the Catholic shurch, ivere ; ta?ca tro::: t he chapel ;.? a >;.:aee be j tween the oater and th.- inner wa.il? ] and a* the e'aiaierri end of the fortress i Thc place is ';?r: of . drv mea*, vvhi.-n ' extends around the three land sides o: thc fort and is from lUv> to 150 -e. wioc. it is cut out of trie solid rock. On . tt-e ! vd b d of the ?neat a batta... c-pautsh regulars formed ih,ee sides : of a square. The fourth side was -:h maru walt of the fort jess In fowl ? : tl,as .h.; prisoners with arms ile.i beni; 1 ; ? ? .... .. ?ooo h ..-i ' J I k ?. v -li ?> Cl 0 .' i: ? !;..;' ' \ ' . : ... .. I ii h,:ti at ! ......... i -, \ .. . .;. I L. try and ina men h it foi ? ., i on th {aces, ?erhaudez aud Barcallan shuv. ed signs of life. A sergeant, with his icvoivr--.-, gave ?eroaudez an .tra ?fe?fe? l^L^fe?=^? garcia," Us it to call ed. He was 'b::ged to tire twice a? Bareal?ao before it was iver. Thc ay brothers carried the bodies to ll?bana and buried tiltia in the pauper burying ground. These tbr;;e rueo belonged to Maceo * army an.: wer-.' with Za-yas* columo to operations around Managua when the town was attacked and caneuelds in the neighborhood burned. In the engage mejjt with thc Spanish troops, the three mon got separated from their party and were captured. it is said that many more Cubans ./;.:.; fought io. tile insurgents ranks will be ?hot duri';g aie nos.: two weeks. The Kev. Albertu Diaz and his brother, Vices to, who were released by the an th or; ties to-day, have been r dered ... leave :i>e isiaed i .a six days. Mr. Diaz bas oct; >o far.as iskuowo. taken .'ny aot?v? part in the raoet.too. but he has repeatedly give utterance to seatimeurs avoradbie to thc success a the ca a.-c. He is generally considered a ^easationai preacher, and doe? not mince words when t-?;.- mg about toe woes cf Cuba. Tile South's Prostess. Baltimore. April 23.-Reports to be Manufacturers^ Record show ;ha: tao ; industrial enterprises projected in "?ic south dating the oast week cover a wide number of industries, indicating an increasing diversity of manufacturing in ' this sectiou : and while the number of new enterprises is not larger that) tor Drovieu.s weeks, it >.iO?i that a very healthy and substant ial ''rogrv ss is be? ing made ia all parts of rho south. la Alabama;: brass and iron found! v is being established a: "Birmingham : a chair factory in Florence ; aa extensive improvement of furnaces at Iron ton ; ex teasive development of iron ore pro pert v near J ackson viiie for the ship? ment of brown ore to furnaces in Ala? bama and Tennesee ; the purchase of a Urge tract of cypress timber land near j Mobile for ?50.000, and the establish? ment of .?aw mills tor cuttiug ir.. in bi'.rida contracts have been let for a $49,000 water works power house at Jaeksonviiie, and an electric light. ' plant is to be built at Key West. in Ceorgia. .-uiphurio acid plant at Atlanta; tin ware factory in Atlanta; a bicycle manufacturing company, the I first south of Marylcad, with a capital j ef $15,000, organized in Atlanta ; a I cotten seed eil miii in Augusta ; a 310 i U00 canning '"acrory at Bremen : gold j mining operations ut Canton ; aa : electric light plant and water works system at Dublin : a soap factory at Macon an i a e$d00,00d quarrying cota- ! pa?:y. Xor tb Carolina reports tho necessary Capital raised for putting into blast tho ; Greensboro furnace, built several years ago, bat never i:. operation ; a cotton mill waste factory ac Salisbury. Snath Carolina, a sash and door fa : - tory at Aiken ; tho doubling of th ? capacity sf a cot .'on mill .it Bamberg ; a $10.OOO knitting tali! company at the j same place, and a ?10,000 i un: ber e aa- [ panv at Charleston Virginia reparta iron ore property to | be developed at Buena Vista ; a vege? table aye factory at Lynchburg : $dv, ' 000 medicine eta;::;.voy at. Norfolk ; a 1 brick factory at Had ford, the establish- ? mea* et extensive saw and planing J mills in southwest Virginia by western a topie. :L!^S\V"INKST;?\ DS. Washington, April 'dd.Represen-J tali ves Hali ?.. Misson . md Moeev --.t Mississippi came t- blows to-day in ? room ef rhe-house committee on naval;' affairs, of which both a e member;, ani from blows ta throwing-heavy ela- ..... I on a.; niau ?rom aa laitatanu tarawa v. 5^ I ass rial: was no* struck a-, VJ^>? . . ;, ou account for it V' "nell, t. o me ti m. ;> ['va tu ughi thal ii was because I sat dowu on a high branch of a very tall tree.' JAHOLINA 3DXTORS. Charis.coa, \prii '?-J.--At l-l o this morning tn Hibernian ha: South Carolina Press association called to ov?av by Preside at E?. I : ric venerable ihapiain, 'lev. Ste ri. Browne of Col nur bia, l?ered a; ci 'jae:.. t prayer. In a graceful speech Mayor >njy;b for thc city, welcomed the Jirors ti ? har lesion. ano President Weich 'f.th? Business ^J;?. dd the -.ame for bu body. Ia responding Prc-tdent Au.i allude* A committee ou orogramme coast st ing of Messrs Thompson, Csteet. an< Crews was appointed, and 'he pro ^raceme adopted by be committee ' is nighi. was accepted president weich -i tue Susiaes League invited the association to ; ccllatios at the Charleston hot-..! 'Sr': day evening a: S o'cl est. tor which President Ault expressed .bc -hanks of tue association. VY. S. Kent, of Barnhardt Bros, & Sp.ndier, the founders of Chicago, was extended the privileges of -the floor. Sec.etary L?ngsten made a report relative to the proposed excursion te New York Only six bad sigr.i?ed a:: intention of taking the 'rip, wh.ch was abandoned. President Anti theo read his report. He referred ?ouchingty to the dea*hs Messrs. Moroso of the News and (hoa? rier, and Zimmerman of 'he St. Mat thews Herald. President Aull recited the action of thc executive committee. On toe matter of an ' advertising bu? reau'1 the report expressed the opinion that thc constitution of the assoc latica precluded the association's er^untztng sa eh a bureau, but stated tba' the idea was feasible and alight be undertaken by newspapers neting outside of tba .> sedation. Thc report cited the action o? fha pr es: uti nt with regard to thc recent Spartan burg convention and e an::; ended the Chicago exposition enterprise. Other routine matters were con siderered. The report concluded with the thanks of the president for the h.mor of his election and his congratu? lations upon the association 's attaining to its "dist vear. On motion of Mr Hem phill, the Oj ?rt was referred to a committee con? sisting of Colone: Crews, Colo:::' Tn -a.. us cn and Major McSv., euc v. Editor Huber. ?A .ea read : paper "Cn uniformity ta Punctuation t Ua : tu ?zatioa, w.i:c.i elicited aap aase minutes Dr W. P. .lao,bs read a paper on the "Moral Side cf a Newspaper Dr Jae.-bs remarked tn opening tba be had made his Hrs:' s pee eh from thc platform that, he wan QO.w standing upon 40 years ago. IL narrated that a:-, a reporter on the Cha rle? to a \L r cary he :o:ue time later L'i J acd bs O i per t j . :u cisius and suuud soasa mach applause a id javoi i of tb- newspapers to t S?it? A.a- ? ! DU :. .. Uuliiiabsa Executive ?Qinmittue : Messrs. U j ?j Rail nf Chatillon ; M i> Mc- ? Sweeney, ol Bampton, aad Louis Ap pe it, of Mainiing. Delegates to tho National i?d i to? ri ai Association : President K. II. Ault, Major J; C. Eiempbill, M. B. M-cSweeay, sud Vice-president li G. 0->toea line president "-vas au? thorized to ippoint alternates should i nay bo necessary. Tais Assoc?atian meet? in Houston, Texas, nest. KeeoKuif'ns we; e heartily adopted thanking L'aesideai Aull and Secre? tary Langston for the thankful ind . persistent -wak they have -ono tor ... . reads : : wita lile 'aita.:..! and eiScieut dis? charge i' delicate, varied aad :abe:I . 1; tac lavoruD.o consideration i die of thc bot interests of the Associa? tion atad for the Instruction aa.? r amuseuiei of the raetndbers, andTor ad j walch 'no rici)ly merits oar thanks 1 ot? ?is well-earned success.'' When tile sabjeet af a placo O? . meeting caine up it was thought best j to accept the opportunity of taking a ' delightful trip around the harbor on the planter, aad aboard the vessel the Association decided to visit Newberry wa the occasion of :ts 1 next annual meeting There were : several invitations presented, bat as Newberry was at the head of tho list, ' and Pr?sident Aail made saca aa urgent appeal. It was selected. The Clyde Steamship company will extead its courtesies io member ?a- j inc; to New York. Tho State Pre.-s Association rounded eil i's sessioa ia Char ?esta a last night a* aa elegant banquet teedereu by "he Charlearen Yeaug Mata s Business League. Charleston was glad to haw tho editors of toe S'ate here and thc repr?sentatives cf the bu.-iuess interests were anxious to -bow their pleasure at the friendly visit. Toe members of the press had spea-t two days attending to their business aad seeiog the sights of trio "City by the Sea/' aad nothing Could have been better provided fer the termination of the v!>lt "ha;, the mer? ing and feasting around 'he ba a ca et boards When the editors return to th.ii- h un a-, aad wera they will' have the pleasantest .ee^ilectioas of their entire Charleston 'rip aad especially -he a; rc tin g at die Charleston Hotel. New, it .- a well known 'act thar what? ever rhe Young Men's Busiue.-a League undertakes It docs in excellent -evie. When it invites anyone i-- entertains ana when it entertains it doe: so and makes : . : refehsibns about it. Ta eic are baa^a-ts aa 1 han qm t.--. eiomc ot >ae:? a.iai?.. have a ujv.a o? tue: sand hut it- was qnite' a .. la :.a. r thing with wov U i ra.. ito c a Ugh ..- : ar?at-te a :t ., ; .. [i took ta.' boars foi the 5Upp?" to . ' .. . ..... . . . i > ib!. Va i '? - - ? distributed .a l V. Usher cleared away 'resident. Weh. May--? ;a:d be would cali upon the \s Other speeches were made ny Presi? den: Aull, 'be prcs;;n: President of the Association, and by Co.. Hoyt, tho first president of thc Association, when it wa? formed twenty rears a jo. He was followed by Major MeSweeny. Mr. H G Osteen, Mr. Des.Cbamus and ' no following, M JLJ.L . by :he cora inittco u resolutions, were unanimously adopted : M: rc dharicitoa ba e ..: ..Cu' bo.-: itali:. has bc :. hedghtesed is week. YV ? men : bout o v/nro.ma .;.? recia.te tao who?esouied treatment; accorded them by *uo Young Men's Business -...a-^uo of Charleston. *d. Tba* -hey heartily chunk the rail? roads for their courtesies in granting ansportation .Iv Tba* they thank the splendid sol? diers of tho Confederacy who have been in convection in Charleston for iavita ti :?s tb -eu's a; the deer duriug 'heir . . SeSstetis. 4. That 'hov thank tho Cly -> Steam? ship Line for the tender of transporta? tion ro New York. Cv Tba' they thank 'tie Peutscho Gesellschaft for invita:: c us to the Schutuen 'est G. That we thank the toca! press for courtesies. 7. That we thank the Pla?? system of raiircads for the offer of transporta? tion to Florida. Resolved (8;h, and ?caily.) That the good feeling entertained by our? selves towards Charleston is. we be? lieve, cordially reciprocated by thc good people bf Charleston, to whom we are indebted for these macy kindnesses, aaa that it jives as pleasure to put on record that tba dos bindii g the pta ss of the State to 'he metrepalC of the State, iu which as Carolinians we feel a just pride, have been thus em;.h .Cseu and strengthened.-News and Courier. To ba a Success. Augusta. Lori! dd- -Tue leading business interests td the South and prominent oiSeials nf Southern rai?fc ways cordially endorse the Southern States exposition at Chicago, and ure actively nipporliug the greatest en? terprise ever undertaken <> advertise and i : eve ?op toe upi niau t ?veal ta ox Atlanta, May 1st. to pet eut a tiior - . is P?O doubt that the V . dtk' : which August rod connives t,: three mon las will he a grand sui aoss Th ? following letter lias been re? ceived f? . \ loe Presid? nt Andrews ol the boucher;) vail way : Xew Ye:k, April ad. ls?.;.i Mr Patrick Walsh Chairman South k. . , I South' rn St.it, ? Ila- - ti? e. A e.urns Consolidated Aug. 2,1881. SUMTER, S. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1896. New Series-Yol. XV. No 27