WEDNESDAY, JAN. 22,1396. Entered at the Post Ofice at Sumter. S C, as Second (Jlass Mutter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS N*vassa Guano Company. O'Dounell & Co -Fertilizers. PERSONAL Mr. J. E. DiiPrr was ia town Mooday. Mrs. Laura Keys, of Tiadai's, his returned horne. Caaet Frank Holman returned to the Cita? del Monday. Mr. Alva Smith spent Sunday ?md Mon day in Sumter. Col. Knox Livingston, of Bennettsvilie, was in the eitj yesterday. Mr. R. il. Belser. ut Summerton, ?pe:;t yes? terday in town. Mr. Jack Saxby, of New York, is visiting at Mr. Altamont Moses'. Mr. Dolph Manheim and sister. Miss Kind?, are visiting in Darlington. Mr. P. A. Sanders, of Rafting Creek, is i the city to-day on business. Mrs. Jacqueline Raker has gone to Nash? ville. Tenn., oo a visit to relatives. Dr. A; thur DeLorrae, of St. Louis, Mo , was ?a the city on a visit the first of this week. Mr. Heory DeLorrae, of Texas, brother o? Mr. B. K. DeLorme, was in the city Monday Miss Marie Lee, who has bten visiting in in Columbia, returned borne yesterday morning. Chief of Police Bradford has been granted a leave of absence ot one week, which he is spending at Elliotts. R. 0. Purdy, Esq., nod W. H. ingram, Esq., who had been duck hunting at George? town, returned this morning. Mr. George H. Thompson, of Charleston, has accepted a position with J. S. Hughsoo & Co., as prescription clerk. Mr. E. C. Von Tresckoiv. who is wintering in Camden, spent last Wednesday in the city and attended the dance that nigbt. Mr. John K. Gourdin was in the city on business last week. Mr. Gourdin is one cf the best known and most capable civil engineers and surveyors ia the State. M?33 Abbie DeLorme who ??as been visiting Miss Bertie China left fer her home ia Ben? nettsvilie Thursday evening. The many friends of Miss DeLorme regret to see her leave Sum? ter. Weare plea?ed to see Col. W. A. Col? clough out again after a week's illness. Col. Colclough ?3 now a citizen of Gainsville, Fla., but is speeding the winter here for the benefit of his health. Col. Colclough was, prior to the war, one of the leading mer? chants of this city. He h?i3 been a contin? uous subscriber to 27tc Watchman and South ron since the paper has been under the pres? ent management, and from reliable authority it is learned that ais subscription dates from the esthblishmeot of the Black River Watch? man on April 27, 1850, his name haviag been the first entered on the list. Lumber and building material are said to be rising in price The County Treasurer's office is now open Saturdays and Saiesdays. A much larger lisa business will be done by the merchauts of this city this year than they did last. The hunting season is more than half gone, but there are still a great many birds in some sections of the county. The Opera House can bs heated. It was fairly comfortable on Wednesday night, ex? cept when the curtaiu was up. Treasurer Scarborough is paying out a Urge amount of money on school and other claims that are DOW due. The travelling salesmen for the wholesale houses are frequent visitors to Sumter. They report the trade in spring and summer goods very good. Constable Brown shipped to the State Dis? pensary last Wednesday fourteen japs and one keg of whiskey winch be seized at the depot during the previous two days. The young ladies are making arrangements tc give a Leap Year Bail before the beginning of Lent, It will be the event of the season, as the young ladies will spare no etibrt to make it a most delightful occasion. The case of the child thought to have diph? theria baa been pronounced quinzy by th? attending physician and those who were nursing their fears may calm themselves. The vestry of the Church of the Holy Comforter has decided to call to the rectorship of that Church, the Rev. Mr. Copeland of Norfolk, Va. He is a young man of much promise and is, at nresent Assistant Rector of one of the Nor? folk parishes. The business of Crosswell k Co. will be continued permanently at the same stand, and under the same firm name. The many friends and patrons of the firm will join with the W. ? S. in wishing the firm continued prosperity. Dr. S. C. Baker has announced that he is not a candidate for election a3 Aldermau. He is a member of the City Board of Health and therefore ineligible for election to the city council. This ?3 his chief reason for refusing to permit the use ot his name, but he has other reasons that are as strong. The old story about the expiration of the 99 year lease on the ground upon which the Court House stands bas been revived re? cently, and there are various rumors in cir? culation concerning the prospective litigation that the county may have on its hands. Tare have been no developments in the matter and nothing more substantial than rumor can be quoted as authority. Spring Hill will in time be a3 much ot u tobacco region as Puddin Swamp In mauy respects it is better adopted to tobacco culture than Puddin Swamp, and when when the people of that section realize the large pro? fits they can make by raising tobacco they will grow it as a staple crop. Delgar Reel Squad held a business meet? ing Thursday night, a: which the decision was reached to have an entertainment at au early date for the benefit of the squad. The char? acter of toe entertainment and the date on which it will be held was left to the discre? tion of a cornmifee composed of the follow? ing members of tne squad: Cbina, A. G. Flowers, 1. Harbv Mjses, Henry Hill N. G. Osteen Jr., and W. R. Delgar. A white boy apparently cot more than eight years old was seen yesterday drink? ing one X dispensary liquor from a flask. His companions ic debauch were two man, OLC of whom was a gray-headed old sinner, ? old enough to be the grandfather of the boy. : They took a long pull and a strong pull at ihe flask all around, an 1 wa ked out of the lot together wiping off their chins and pull? ing dowu their vests-ai least the men pu.'. ing down their vests and the boy would baie followed suit if he had had a vost, but be didn't have it-only a little rei shut waist. ! Auction Salo of Kentiu-ky llorac On Thursday, January 30th, at Weeks & j Co.'3 Stables on Liberty btreet. in Sumter, there will be an auction sale of J5 bead of good Kentucky horses and mares. = Jan. 22-H. Mai ried. Mr M. K McLeod and Miss Mamie Mattbii were married on Friday eve&ing, loth inst. Tbe marriage waa unexpected and bas ?i flavor of the romantic about it thai will be pleasing to the sentimental. Aa the story is told, Mr McLeod wns very auditive ii; Miss M??bis seven years ago and a marriage was predicted; bul for some reason his attentions ceased. For seven years they hud seen each other bui once'uotil ihe >'iny or' the marriage Oo that day Mr McLeod went to see M i S? M at this and told ber be'van red io get mar? ried arni thai without delny They ?nike.i the matter over between th?-m and Mgreed ol ne'married thntnight. They were married and we can do no bt-rtt-r than wish IM:;: hHp:e most favorable prospects. The election of Directors resulted as fol? lows : W. F. B. Hay raworth, Marlon Moise, C. E. :S:ubbs, Et. t* Monaghan, Altamont Moses, R. L. Cooper, J. S. Hugbsoo. After the meeting of stockholders adjourned the Directors me: and elected the following officers : President, W. F B. Hayos worth \ ice President, Mariou Moise: Cashier, W V. Rbatae: Book-Keeper, George, Kicker Teller, B. J. Rhame; Collector, J G. R. Wilder. ^ _ Avoid Pneumonia, diphtheria and ty pb; id fever, by keeping the blood pure, the appetite good '-nd the bodily health vigorous by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, CLARK HOLMAN ; Tilt mar tifie f: ot Mr Hv-nry Clark and V?iss ? MHV Holman, which was celebrated in ibe j Presbyterian Church hst Wednesday evening, i ?.is ?he ni??si fashionable und brillUm j liam thai has occurred Lei Sumter in \<-?irs ? The church decorations were i-huracu-riz-U u> that q aali ty of tas re tim; discrimin?tes i ; ? n??eity between mere elaboration ??r*>j decora? tion lhat beautifies and accoids will, the OC ension- rt was a study in green ?r :t-. The lights on either band were en? closed in silken green shades around i heal tar. Al the hour ibu Sumter Orchestra heralded i ht- approach wi' ih^ bridal train the liist bugle-like notes of Mecdlessohn's Wedding March aad ihe subdued muriner of conversa? tion succeeded by a stillness lhat fell upon tbe concoutse that lilied the edifice. The gateway in the vine-clad bower ia ibe leur of the pulpit was opened by ?i daintily at. tired page. Phil Gaillard, and a fair little maid, iiaiiie Brown. The attendants en tered, the gentlemen first ti? ??? io wu the cii"ijcri steps und ranged themselves ?>u eil her side ; then CH me the bridesmaids, bear? ing !??h?irei ihe or ide. At the door wan they uirt her, led by tu-r maid of honer, Miss Leibi Dirk, turning they proceeded to ibe altar, where the bride wa3 ii?^? by the bridegroom, who, in company with hts hest man, Dr. Moori, cams through ''ink* gate? way . The marriage, ceremony was performed by Dr. N. W. Edmunds, La accordance ft uh tbe rites of ihr Presbyterian church The bride was attired in mi exquisite gown of cream satin und lace. Tue uiidesmaids were ?!1 dressed io white organdie over Nile ?_Treei>, with ibe exception of tbe Maid of Honor, who was dressed ni white. The at eudantS wert- : Dr. A A Moore, of Camden, with Miss Leila Dick, ? tu.- iniiabiunts of ihe Sla?e njouj? its road h fd .wi tl;.- ad VaOUig?-S tu raie- and schedule '?iii ihev formerly had ?ches lin: K, t.j v. ..- under different manage nient. Any inconvenience, injury .?: ?> rie van ce resulting trooi rn:* oi liiana yemeni ?l.e representatives i:, Columbia would i i tv >- lu know ns s.a.!, ii? possible, si) il.?ii they may : speak i H tel li ?en riv about the bill when it ij . ?uit hu der discussion You rs ve-ry I ru ly ALBEIVI h MOISE. 1 January 'lu, Thesaie offertilizers continues io be a large 1 volume, and it serins a foregone conclusion that there v. m lie un immense cotton crop i made:unless tt.e se?son should prove disas ' trous to the crup The price of cotton next j fall v.?li be low m proportion to the size of I ibe crop. I The City Council lias ordered two addi j iii,u,tl ?rc lights 10 be put up by the Electric i Light Cu. Due will l,e erected at tbe corner ! of Liberty and Washington streets, tbe other i at ihe corner of Republican and Church Streets. Sumter is already tbe best lighted I town in tbe State and will continue ?0 ne, tur j Additions are nude to '.be number .;! lights at ; ht qneut intervals ! There was n ?mali tire at tl.e residence ff Mr.-. ; Mrs Emma DeLorme early Saturday morning, j The iirt: started nuder the hearth in one or j the t,ed rooms and h id bural a saudi bole in the floor before it was discovered. The fire was extinguished without much trouble, j The damage will ne covered by a sccail ! amount. The bouse had a narrow escape ; from destruction, and had the fire not bee-t ? discovered just at the right time, ibe damage j would have been lunch greater. Mr. W. E. Lea, one of itu- regular tobacco bu)ers on ibis market, shipped a car load of tobacco to a Danville manufacturer Satur? day morning. County Supervisor Dinkies has completed i an inspection td eli the railroad crossings on the public roads in the county. He found 1 the crossings in first class condition, with a I few exceptions. The record of tLc increase ia the tobacco j acreage in Sumter county has now roached j 150 acres, &. d i- yet very incomplete From I the data now obtainable, the increase in ?0 i b: . :o acreage in (bia county will not be i underestimated at 1,000 acres. Very littie interest ha3 been manifested itt : the approaching special tnuuicipai election j There- are no regularly announced candidates, , and all that the voters will have to go on is a ; few informal suggestions. The losses paid by insurance companies to ; indemnify policy bidders in Sumter and ; Clarendon counties during ibe \ ear IS95 ex ' ceeded $40,000. The insurance companies ; did not make very much money on their busi ; ness in this section in 1605. nevertheless lhere : must be a large profit in the insurance> : ness or the companies would nut continue to ' accept the risks. It is true, however, that a . great many of the old line companies are can? celling all country risks, and property own? ers are having some difficulty in obtaining insurance on their country property. The contract has not been awarded for the construction of the new tobacco warehouse. The plans and specifications bave been pre? pared and the contractors are a! work cn : their estimates. The circus advertised ioj^ive a perform? ance here Saturday arrived Friday night, but the performance was not given, as the license fee charged by the city is $200, and a littie more than this circus cared to pay. This is the same aggregation that was published in the News and Courier as a gang of lakirs. The City Council is looking into ihe matter ot licenses, and before they have finished the investigation that has been started, some interesting developments may result. The reason for the present complication is that several persons have transacted business under one license, although each of them slum ld have paid a separate license. Mr. Ceo. F. Epperson ha3 sent to this office a specimen tit the corn he raises on his farm near this city, it is one large ear and six smaller ears, each of which was enclosed within a single shuck. With the corn speci? men came the nussage ir^ni Mr. Epperson that it was oue of seven from a single stalk of corn. Seven large ears to a stalk is a tine 1 yield, but when a farmer raises seven large ears and forty-two small ears to the stalk he is ge'ting in a fair way to break the record. No one ever thought of introducing so expensive a feature as liiborapbic color work in the da) 3 when the leading magazines sold for $4.00 a year and 35 cents a copy. But times change, and the magaitin^s change with them, lt has remained for Tbe Cosmopoli? tan, sold at one dollar a year, to put in an extensive lithographic plant capable ot' nun ting c?'JO,0U0 pages per day (oue color). The January issue presents as a frontispiece a water-color drawing by Eric Pape, illustrat? ing the last story by Robert Louis Stevenion, which has probably never teen excelld even in the pagfs of the finest dollar French periodicals. The cover of The Cosmopolitan is also changed, a drawing ol page length by ihe fatuous Paris artist Rossi, in litho grap- lc colors on white paper takes the place of the mau ilia back with its red stripe. Here? after thc cover is to be a fresh surprish each mouth. Earmsr's Meeting. Mr A. D. McXair, of Danville, N. V., will give a free Hcture on the Cse of Fer? tilizers, at The Court House in Sumter, on Saturday February 1. ul 'JP. M.. A book on fertilizers will be giveii to each farmer. All Tree. Those ?rho have used Dr. King's New Dis? covery know Its value, aud those- who have not have now the opportunity to try 1; Free; Cal ou thc advertised Druggi?: arid g.-: a Tri.;': L'-J'. ;le. Free. .Send y^ur natus and undress to H. E. Uucklen .1 Co Chicago, and ge: a sample box J? Dr. Eiug's Xew Lite Pills free, .is well as a copy o? Guide Health uni Huuseb jld Enstrucfor, Free. AU of which ts guaranteed to db you good and cost you nothing. J. F W' Deb rme's Drugstore. -i nt? wm tiuekleu'.-. .Irutca Salve. I The U?st ^ live m tba world for (.'ats. Lirados Sore-. Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Xetto: Chapped li-m's Chilblains, Corns .ted al ??'-., Eru:-*.'. 'C.-, >l Ur J. F. Wntson recently; Bids are h< mg receivfd f.>r th? building ol me iirt;.!:.-. Church >;.!...;..!.(. S. Du Bore has been suffering ; .r gt;vi-'rn] ,i.i>s *.'l gc! to her ?ci she had breathed tu-; :?..-t. Pi ot*. A. J. A. Perri'tc has about corer nlered his new residence. B. (i. P. ? BRILLIANT BA LL. The First importan! Social Func? tion of the New Y eur. .-. i m or \ li ?i i v. u H scene of j mi t ii ami beauty Issi Wednesday night abd the dancers held hi^i. cn rn: val ir.? ti! the hour-hand ol night was creeping on apace toward morning. Al! through th? hours of ..i^n: ana tar into ?he . tarly rooming, when the stillness, that pre? cedes the dawn of ahothet day. had fallen i\i-r :??e town, the dance wen! on. There was everj thing to inspire li.e dancers, a per i i'. :-: floor, good music and hall well lilied j with dancers who danced wim the ?ase and ' gruie thar is born of de vu t?o ti to the dance j tui the dance's sake. This was .mt bul) the first dance r.? the : i.t-w year, but the first of any magnitude io i many mon ins, and this lent an added charm, for lhere ia more enthusiasm, mote pleasure, I in what i/. bot common', vet not unfamiliar. The hull was chaperoned by Capt. und ? Mrs Geo W. Luting, Dr. and Mrs. Archie i China, Mr. und Mrs. Mitch. Levi, Mr. and j Mrs ii M. Sanders, Mr. and Mis. H. B j Bloom, Mr. mid Mrs. L. S. Carson The attendants wei e : i Mrs A^nes Bogin. Misses Bertie China, I 1 ; -lie- Sanders, Jessie Moise, Katie Brui, ?b tun, ! Eleanor Thompson, Florrie Bolmauof Barn ; util, Nellie Tillman of Edgtfield. Abbie DeLorine, Pauline Sanders, Pauline Gaillard, B?.-sie Jervey, Nina Mois-, Manie Carson. Corrinne D'Ancona, Annie Gaillard, Matute j DuBose, Sailie Ciuk ot Camden, Eleanor Tan of Charleston, Essie Dick, Leila l>i?rk, Hattie Clark of Camden,-Kennedy, Lizzie Cleveland ol Spartanburg, Margaret Whittaker of Camden Messrs. W. G Moser, X. G Osteen, Jr., ? Ber! Btcknam, living A Ryttenberg, Louis ; Lyon, Sui. G Ry t ten berg, W. D-. McLeod of ! 03wego, E. Alva Solomons, J J Barby, Frank colman, Harbv Moses, Grenville DeLorme, Dr. A. C Dick, Frmk Winn, Doug!ts China, VViiiie li Burgess, Paul [ Kennedy, John D?sCb&iuis, Donald Auld J. A Bi ogdon, J H. Burns. Len Browu, Len Kennedy, - Smith, M.A. Strauss of Mayesv'ilie, Dr. A A. Moore of Camden, Caleb Moore or Camden, W. L PePa?s,C; C. Whit? taker, Tom Boy km, cf Camden, C. M. Brand. Hood's Pills h ive won high praise for their prompt and efficient yet easy action. Old Pianos taken in exchange for new ones ; at the Slimier Music House. Fret: Pills. : Send your address to ll. 12. Buckleu Jfc Co., ; Chicago, and get a tree sample box ol l>r. ! King's Xeiv Life Pills. A trial will convince j oay of their uu-rits. These nilla are eas) in i action and are particularly effective in the cure [ ot' Constipation and Sick Headache. For Ma j aria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be per' I fectly freo from every deleterious substance i and to be purely vegetable. The/ do not ; weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate tha system. Regular size 2;c. per box. Sold I v .1. F. W. DeLoruicDruggis! 4 EVERY FAMILY SHOULD KNOW THAT Is a vcrv remarkable remedy, both ter 1N TL'KX?L and EXTERNAL uss, andwon? derful iu its quiek action ty relieve distress* Pain* Killer UsS^XSSSi Chills? Diarrhoen, Dysentery, Cramps, Cholera.) and all Bou el Complaint*. Pain-Killer^.^ "?St Sickness, Sick Headache, Palo in tho Back or Side, Rheumatism and Neuralgia. P?il? = Killer BEST LIN?IENT HADE. It brines y rs. ly und pt .maneni relief m all cased o? Bruises) tuts, Spraius? Severo Burns, ?tc. P?ill = Kt??Cr trusted t rie ad o i the Mechanic, Farmer, Planter, Sailor, -ad tr? fac t all classes wanam; u medicine atwaj s at Lar.d.uinl tafe io use internally or externally with certainty of relief. IS RECOMMENDED By Physicians, by Missionaries, by Sfinisiz ,. ly Mechanics, t>y .Yu'-ii.! th Hospitals. BY ?EVERYBODY. Pain-Killer ? elf. und few vessels leave port without u supply of i:. fcs" No family eua afford to bo without this Invaluable remedy iu the house. Its price brings it within the reach of all, and i: w U annually save many times its c<.>-.t in doctors' bills. Beware'of Imitations, rake nono but iii* genuine "PSKBV DAVIS." WANTS, VDVERT?3EMEXTS of nve tine3 or it ss will be inserted under ibis head for 25 v-enis tor each insertion, additional lines 5 cents pe: tine. \ A ?\N rED- My friends and the public \\ genera v to Set ow that, owing to the discontiousnce of ms firm of Schwerin Ji Co., I have accepted a position with Span", ? Co., where [ will be pleased to 5ee and ?erva -.bern on and after March 1st. Ye.-v respectfully, Jxo E. WHILUBX. C?uoiberiair.'s ?yo aud Sk^v. Is unecualled tor fc-cieiua, i\-:r.-.-r. Salt Kheuui, Scald EIoap?es, Chapped tl?tii.L?, itching I'iU-s. Uurns, Frost Bites, Chronic Sore Kvcs and viniculatod eve Lids. F? ;. salo by druggists at 25 cents per box. ima TO EOBSE CVv\L?S. For putting horse ut a iin? healtuy cori iiii irv Dr. Cady'.-, Condition Powders, rhev tone up the systeiii, aid digestion, cure [oss^i a.ppetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked horse. 25 ^nts per package. Fer sale by druggists. For sale ia Sauner, by Ur. A. J. China. j Desirable Seal Eile for Sale. 4 VERY DESIRABLE LOT at Effiog ?\ ham, Florence County, containining 4 }-.< ie;. ly inc adjacent ro the depot ?it Effing? ham, on theN. E i? U. bounded on ail sides now or formerly by lands of estate of Juba M.- Timmous, deceased. A I.SO 4 TRACT OF 250 ACRES, situate about f\ 3 miles from Effingham, bounded by i.vmrh's Greek, the public road arni lund now >?r forer Iv of Jesse Jumes The inst named t:.:'-i of land ?veli inobered, r-.1 admirably :t(i:i?,:t:<; ii.; piantin? and pasturage. Terms easy . A ppiy i<< PURDY ic REYNOLDS, \ tton.eys nt La;?, j Ort. 3u Sumter, S. C. ? Claremont life Ik U A. F. M. j HpHE REGULAR MONTHLY COMMIT f NI CATION of'Claremont Lodge, No. ? o4, A. F M . '.viii be held on Thursday ; Evenir?^, January 30th, at 7? p m. Urethren j will take due notice and govern themselves ; accordingly. Hy order, F. il. SPANN, W. M. ii ?',. Secretary. j_ The $11 ailier Music House, J NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Pianos, Organs ami Sewing- Machines of the best grade sold cheap tor cash or on easy terms Old unes taken iii exchange for new ones. CLEANING AND REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. Wu also keep NEEDLES, OILS, And parts of every .Sewing Machine. We have some rare bargains in Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. M. B. R?NDLE, J:o; 8. Manager. Tie Lamest ai Mest Conplele M?Mw? M, Goo. S. Hacker &~ Son, -MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH, BLINDS3 Moulding & Building Material. U??ice and Wareroon.s, King, opposite Can? non Strl'r-t. CHARLESTON, S. C. Jp?ST Parc'tiHtH ciur mike, which we guarantea superior to any sold South, and thereby save money. Window and Fancy Grlass a Specialty. October 16-0. TUE PLACE TO GO. P. H. WARREN, Manufaturer vit all kinds of Harness and Saddlery and Dealer in HORSE BLANKETS, LA P ROBES, TURF GOODS AND GENERAL STABLE SUPPLIES. First Class Work and Satisfaction Guaranteed. SEND FOR PRICES. 223 Meeting Street, Charleston, S% O, Oct. ld-0 Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, WOODWARK, TI AW ARE, POT WARE, Foi sale at lowest market uiices. MARSHALL, WESC0?T CO.' CHARLESTON, S. C. Oct. 16- x. State of South Carolina, COUNTY OF SUMTER. By T. V Waith, Esq., Probate Judye. IT7HERE \> : {M ES M McCUTCHEN, \ f toadesaitto me^ to g:rant r.'ai Let? ters 0;" Administration of the estate of and effects ot" Taos R. MCCUTHBX, deceased. These are :here'ore to cite and admonish ail ind singular the kindred ai!.I (.'reders L>:'tbe said Tbos. R McCutchen late of said Coun? ty and State, deceased; that they be and appear before me. in the Coi::: cr* Probate, to be held at Sumter, C. H., on January 23d, iS^d. next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock ia the forenoon, to show cause if ar v they have, why the said Administration should not be ?ramed. Given under tay hand, this S:h day ot Jauuarv, Anno Domini; IS96. r. V. WALSH, J au S- Ju?ge of Probate