WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1895. Entered at the Post O fice at Sumter. S O.y as Second Glass Matter. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS L. W. Folsom-Bad Times. Mies Harriet D. Kershaw-School Wantpd. Personal. Col. J. A. Rbame is in town to-day. Mrs. S. C. Baker went to Washington yesterday to spend sometime. Misses Emmie and Hallie Saunders hare goce to Washington on a visit. . Miss Adelaide White and Mrs. Ida Dick left for New York yesterday. Miss Elberta Schwerin has g^oe to New York to visit relatives. M?3S Mamie Winn has eone to Virginia to visit relatives. Mr. Joh? Crosswell has gone to New York on business. Miss Marie Lee left this morning for Co? lombia, and from there wPl go to Gleon Springs for a month. Miss Bessie Lee has gone to Stateburg on a visit to friend* Miss Essie D?ck went to New York yester? day for a two weeks' stay. Messrs R. D. Cu"ino, B. W. Butler. Robert Wingate and W. A. Brown leave for New York this afternoon on hnsiness Mis9 Maud Pierson was one of the party that left yesterday for New York. She will remain in that city for a month. Mr. A. R. Flowers will leave for New York this afternoon on a two weeks pleasure trip. Mr. S. R. Chandler left yesterday for Balti? more to attend the Baptist Yoong Peoples' Union. Mr. Alford Burgess, of Moultrie. Ga., for? merly of this city, is here visiting friends. Mr. W. W. DesCharaps. of Wisacky, is in town town on business Mr. Fraok K. Winn went over to Camden . this raoriog. Mr. Dolph Manheim has gone to Colombia aied Sparenburg on business. Mr. Henry Fair, of Spartanburg, is in the city on business. Rev. J. W. Daniel left for Asheville, N. C., this morning to attend the Bible Iostitute, which will be in session in that city during the cext ten days. Rev. C. C. Herbert, a brother of Rev. T. G. H*rbert, is io the city. He will fill all appointments for Rev. J W. Daniel, who will be absent from his charge for about two weeks. Mr. E. 0. Ingram left this morning for Summerton He is now engaged in the in? surance business and bi.- trip to Summerton is in the line of business. Miss Virginia Anderson, of Stateburg, left yesterday afternoon for Washington to spend two weeks with her brother, who is a resident of that city. Messrs. A. G. Flowers, W. S. Graham and R. K. Wilder left for Baltimore last evening to attend the Baptist Young People's Union, i?hev will be absent fros home about two ^?j-s. W. C. Power who has been on a visit l "^rion, bas returned home. ?. % J. W. Daniel and children left for Gre?n'Slle Thorsday morning, where they will spend several weeks. Mrs. Shepherd Nash is in the city to spend a few days. Mr. S. H. Edmunds returned home last week from Columbia, where he spent seve? ral days since bis return from the Suite Teachers' Association. Mr. Edmunds says that the paper read before the Association by Maj. H. F. Wilson was the feature of the meeting and that it received more favorable comment than any of the other papers. Mr. B. R. Nash returned home Thursday. Miss Janie Spann is visiting in Mayesville. Mr. Horace Harby has gone to 3lowiog Rock. N. C., fora short stay. Mr. Frank A. Little has been quite sick for a few days. Mr. R. M. Jenkins, who has been laid up with rheumatism for a week or more is out again. Miss Sophie Warren i? spending some ti me with friends in Mayesville. Miss Mary Branson is visiting the family of Dr. Mayes in Mayesville. Mr. Daisy Green, who ha3 been in New York studying to be a trained nurse, isa? home on a visit. Mr. Frank Moses, who bas been a resident of this city for several months left for Au? gusta last Wednesday. Rev. T. G. Herbert returned Saturday from Blenheim, where he spent the week visit? ing his father. Prof. W. A. Stuckey, of Greenville, Texas, is on a visit to bis parents. Dr aad Mrs. Henry Stuckey, Mannvtlle, this coan ty. Miss Fannie China left on Saturdav for | Bennettsville to visit her sister Mrs. B K. j DeLorme. Mr. E. E. Rembert and family leave this j week for their residence at Remberts, this j county, to spend several weeks. j Mr. W. E. Atkins, of Ricbbourg, Chester j Couoty, a graduate of the Maryland College j of Pharmacy, bas accepted a position as j prescription clerk in the drag store o' J. S. j Hugbson ? Co. Mr. Tom Young, who bas filled the posi? tion of prescription clerk for J. S. Hngbson & Co., for about two years, has resigned and left for bis borne in Laurens Saturday, j Mr. Young's friends ia Sumter will.always j hear of bis success with pleasure. Mrs. C. G. Rowland and child have gone j to Henderson, N. C., to spend a month. ? Miss Francis Stern, of Savannah, Ga, is j visiting at Mr. H. Ryttenberg's. Miss Ella DeLorme is visiting in the Me- ; chanic3ville neighborhood. Mr. R. W. Durant bas been very unwell for j the past few days. Mr. J. X. Brand, of Wilmington, N. C., spent Sunday in tbe city. Miss Anna Kennedy is visiting friend? in (?rangeburg. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Dick have gone to Clarendon couoty on a visit to relatives. Miss Jennie Green, who bas been visiting her aunt, Mrs. George W. Lorine, for two months, left for her home in St. Louis, Mo., Monday morning. Miss (ireen made a hes? of friends daring her st^y in Sumter, and ".here are said to be more than one sad heart among the young men. Religious. The Rev. John Kershaw will (D.V ) offi? ciate at the Church of the Holy Cro?s. State burg, next Sunday, July 21st, at ll o'clock a. m. DEATH _. i Mrs. Bossard the *ife of Dr. J. J. Bos-j sard, passed away on last Wednesday eren- j ing, July I0:h. ai er a protected illness?; borne with singular patience and submission j The stepfather, Col." W. A. Colclough, of j Gainesville. Fla , and her daughter, Mrs. W ; Percy Smith, of Georgetown, S. C.. were ? sururoo?ted to her bedside and arrived in time to Speck 'he last farewells. Mrs Bossard's maiden name wa3 Conyers. Her first hus band was Mr John Aahnt Colclough. The ; funeral services were b?ld at the Church of (be Holy Comforter on Thursday afternoon and were attended by a numerous concourse j of relatives and friends. Her remains were \ deposited in the Sumter Cemetery. Mrs | Julia Furman, Urs. Boseard's sister, is now the sole surviving member of the immediate Conyers family from which they sprang, their brother having died s?me years ago in Florida. Capt P. P. Gaillard left Monday morning for Greenville. He will be absent for a coup e of weeks. Mr. Sol. J. Rytteoberg returned home Moo duj morning from Jacksonville, Fla., where he. bad fine sport with the Florida wheelmen. Mr. M. " Ryttenberg arrived from New York Monday mottling. He will be in tbe city for several weeks. Mr Tracy W. McCollum returned from Summerton Saturday. Mr. W. Y. L Marshall went down to Sul? livan's Is? co-oj eration. A Grandmother OD Gum Chewing Editor Watchman and Southron : I WHS exceedingly pleased to iee your an? imadversion on the digusting habit ot gum chewing, once entirelv unknown to the ladies ot South Carolina and the subject of ridicule by them whf n noticed in the ladies (?) of other States, lt is a habit vulgar io the extreme, and should be frowned down by all members of good society. By continuing your crusade against it you will much oblige A GRANDMOTHER A couple of tomatoes were exhibited at this ofhce Monday which weighed 21 Hcd 26 ounces, respectively They were raised in the gardwn of Rev J. G. Sampson, of this city. Lumber is being hauled for the erection, of a church building for the congregation of Mt. Zon Baptist Church, colored. The church will he located on Council Street. The machinery at the Sum'er Brick Yark was started up Monday morning after a shut j down of several months The machines have a capacity of 25,000 brick per day, and the brick turned out are of first class qual? ity. The stock of brick on band has beert reduced by sales and a quantity will be made ? to supply the demaod through the fall and winter. The Baptist Young Peoples' Onion was or- i ganized Friday afternoon at a meeting of the young people of the Baptist congregation, held at the residence of Dr. John S. Hugh son. Miss Julia Cuttino wai elected leader, W. F. Rhame, lecturer, and A. G. Flowers, | secretary. Tom Hussey and an old man of the name of Wells had a personal difficulty Wednesday afternoon that terminated by Hussey attack- j ing Wells and giving bim a severe beating. While Hussey wa? beating old m*n Wells, a son of Wells, about ten years old, went to bis father's assistance, and stabbed Hussey in the back with a barlow knife. He inflicted a severe wound in the back, just below the shoulder Made, from which Hussey lost con? siderable blood. It is feared that the knife penetrated to the cavity, but this is not ! known to be a positive fact. Wells is not . less than 60 years old, and not a robust man j while Hussey is a robust fellow. The idea has been advanced that the road ! j bed of the old C. S and N. R. R. from the j i W. C. and A. track to Brunsoo's sash, blind ; j and door factory, would make an excellent ? j roadway at a slight expense. The track has | ; b&en torn up and all the crossties removed, 30 \ j that al! that would be needed would be to j i level the irregularities left when the crossties | j were taken up. Cigarette smoking by women and girls is j { not confined to the North bj any means. It j ! is a digusfing fact that th J re are quite a 1 number of giris to be found in almost any ; i town, Sumter not excepted, wbo smoke ? j cigarettes, on the sly, with as much gusto ?s j ! the street gamins whose greatest pleasure it is j j to "shoot a snipe." Nicotine stained fingers | ! give away the secret to the observant eye, ; even when walking casually down the street. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co , Props, Toedo, 0. We the undesigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 year?, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac? tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West&Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,0. Walding, Rinnan 4 Mar- Wholesale Drug? gists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, net? ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur? faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Success in Life i depends on little things. A RipansTabule isa ; little thing, but taking one occasionally gives . good digestion, and fha; means good blood, ! and that means good brain and brawn, and ! that means success. 7-25-0 SCHOOL WANTED. THE UNDERSIGNED, a degree graduate of the Peabody Normal College, Nash? ville, Tenn., desires a school or place aa teacher for the ensuing school year. For particulars aa to qualifications, etc., address MISS HARRIET D. KERSHAW, July 17-4t. Sum?er, S. C. PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICE OF OF SUMTER COUNTY. SUMTER, S. C., July 3, 1895. THERE IS AT THE POOR HOUSE OF County, 13 white children, ranging in ages from 14 to 6. The County Commission? ers propose to apprentice these children under the law. Applications can be made to the undersigned. !" Bv order of the Board, THOS. V. WALSH, Sec'ty. July 3-4t. Freeman copy four times. ROAD NOTICE. ; THE COUNTY BOARD OF COM Mis? sioners will let ont to the lowest bidder at Hope Swamp near Boy ki ns Mill, the build- i ing of a causeway and bridge over said Swamp, on Saturday July 20th, instant. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject aoy ? and all bids. Successful bidder to give bond for faithful compliance with contract. B v order of Board, THOS. V. WALSH, Sec'ty. July 3-3t. Freeman nublish twice. THE SUMTER INSTITUTE. The next session of the Sumter Institute will begin on September 5th, 1895. A full corps of efficient teachers, a thorough cur? riculum, a high standard of scholarship, a wei! regulated boarding department, under the immediate supervision of the President and his wife, a healthy locality, (not a case of sickness last year) commends the Institute to those who have daughters to educatp. For catalogue or particulars apply to H. FRANK WILSON". President, Jun** J7. Sumter, S. C. MONEY TO LEND. rpilE MORTGAGE COMPANIES HAVE ' { authorized us to resume the business of t lending rooney on improved farming lands, i and wc are now prepared to consider applica? tions. LEE ."c MOISE. June 26, '95-mos. ? Fertilizers for Fall Crops j A should contain a high percentage of Potash to . 2 insure the largest yield and a permanent enrichment of the soil. Write for our "Farmers' Guide," a 142-page illustrated book. It is brim full of useful information for farmers. It will be sent free, and will make and save you money. Address, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE. "Stands in the forefront of Southern Fitting Schools"; Pr?par?e for College, for Busi? ness, for Life; 340 Studtuts and 53 Graduates in all departments last year : nearly ?40,000 in Buildiogs and Equipments ; location unsurpassed for beauty and healthfulness; nearly 1,000 feet above sea level, in full view of the Blue Ridge; "Maximum of advantage with minimum of cost," our motto. Write for catalogue. J. A. & M. H. HOLT, July 3-6t. Oak Ridge, N. C. John R? Hainsworth, AGENT FOR THE South and North American Lloyds, New York and Chicago Lloyds. I CAN" INSURE all classes of property at greatly reduced rates from the prevailing Fire Insurance Rates with equal responsibility on the part of the Company. Office at Haynsworth & Haynsworthrs Law office. Feb. 6 Sumter, S. C. BAD TIMES; Well, we should say so. Those clocks and watches are too badly out of fix to be of any use. They Ve lost their time entirely Yoirll lose; your time too, if you're unprovided with good clocks and watches. We have a full supply of both, all accu? rate time keepers and in perfect order. Better watches than ours are not manufactured. They run so well that they're always right. So are our clocks. Whatever the price of any watch we carry, it's the best of its kind and a full value. Get a timepiece, get the be^t, get our. L. W. FOLSOM, SIGN OF TEE BIG WATCH, July 17 Sumter, S. C. SHOE REPAIRING. THOSE WHO WANT GOOD WORK AT low prices should see rae, as 1 am do? ing Shoe Repairing, such as half-soling and patching, in connection with my Harness Business. ! Prices very reasonable and satisfction guar- j an teed. Shoo on Liberty Street nearHarhv's Stahl* * G. W. BROACH, j Jun -Im. 1890. 1894; A. C. PHELPS & CO., toral Insnraiice Aleuts, ? Sumter, S. C. . i Fire, Life, Accident, Steam Boiler, Plate Glass, Bonds of Surety for persons in posi? tions of trust, and Liability Insurance in every branch, written in the very best Amer- j can and Foreign Companies. Over sixty-five millions of capital repre- I sen ted. Mehi 4-0 i The State of South Carolina, j SUMTER COUNTY. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. i SUMMONS FOR RELIEF. ( Complaint Served. ) Daniel T. McKeithan, Plaintiff, against W. F. H. Haynsu'orth. R. L. Cooper and E. C. Haynncorth, heretofore practicing law as Haynsworths ?f Cooper and Richard C. WirnUrh/, J Wenda n ts. To the Defendants above named : You are hereby summoned and required to j answer the complaint in this action, of which '? a copy is herewith served upon you, and to I serve a copy of your answer to the said com- j plaint on the subscribers at their office on Law Range, in Columbia, S. C., within j twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive j of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time afore- j guiri, the plaintiff* in this action will apply ! to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Jane 27tb, A. I>.. !t?:>"> BARRON k KAY. Plaintiffs Attorneys. "To Richard C. Wimberly one of the defend- ; ants tn ihr above entitled action : Take notice that the complaint in this sc? ion, has-this day been filed in the office or i,?- Clerk of the Conn of Common Pleas for ?umter County. South Carolina. Dated :it Sumter. S. C., June2$, 1895. BARRON * RAY; July li Plaintiffs Attorneys ? GOING WITH A BANG generally makes a tremondous noise. Noise ie in order OD tbe glorious Fourth; so are our Summer Shoes which, like our prices, are low and light. They are the coolest things ever seen afoot, and in summer coolness is comfort. ; There's a point about our summer shoes I -their durability. To state the case 1 fully, there's so much wear in them j that they outlast the season. We have I shoes for all, young and old, men and j women, for all occasions and sorts of i wear, worl-c, business, and plea?Hre. j Look well to your feet and secure such ? shoe prizes, as present stock was bought I before the advance. I WALSH & SHAW. JnDe 26. L mm & SUN, Fire Insurance Agency, ESTABLISHED 1866. Represent, among other Companies : LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE, j NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE, HOME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY. N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capital represented $75,000,000. Feb. 2g. NOTICE. ON THE 1ST OF JULY, I transferred to THE A. C PHELPS CO , my Fire In. surance business and interest and good will I in same. In retiring from the business I beg ! leave to thank my friends for their patronage in the past and to recommend to them mr successors THE A. C. PHELPS CO., who I will make all necessary endorsements on pol? icies now in force and who will be pleased to serve you in the future. Respectfullv, 'ALTAMONT MOSES HAVING ON THE FIRST, instant, bought the interest and goodwill of Mr. Altamont Moses in the Fire Insurance business, and the Companies formerly repre? sented by bim having been transferred to our Agency, we beg to inform all policy-holders that we will be pleased to renew the business and respectfully solicit a continuance of same. We would also state that we will renew ail policies expiring in order to protect policy? holders. We are now better prepared than ever to attend to the wants of those desiring insurance in any branch, and any business entrusted to us will receive careful and prompt attention. Respectfully yours, THE A. C. PHELPS CO., General In6urauce and Real Estate Agents. July S. ~ FOR SALE. THE WHOLE OR A PART OF THE MCDOWELL PLANTATION, contain? ing 640 acres, about a mile and a-balf South of the Oitv of Sumter. Applv to JAMES MCDOWELL, May 17-tf. Manning, S.C PATRICK -Military Institute, ANDERSON. S. C. npHE 1 STU SESSION WILL UPEN SEP J[ TEM BER IS. English, Mathematical, Classical and Business Course. Thorough instruction, good discipline, comfortable buildings, beautiful location, healthy c;i tnate, pure water, excellent social and rt lig?ous privileges; Apply to COL JOHN B. PATRICK, July K:. Supt.