The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, July 03, 1895, Image 8

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S|t ac^?djmai? at?) Swt%m WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1895. A Confederate Hero. Tribute to Major F. Gendron Pal mer, by Mrs. I. M. Porter. Major Francis Gendron Palmer, of the Holcombe Legion, a Citadel graduate, of the class of 1S51, fell mortally wounded at Second Maoassas. Mies Porter, the daughter of Judge B. F. Porter, of Alabama, com? posed this tribute to the soldier. "DEFEATED VALOR BY MOURKING BEAUTY CROWNED." He sleeps upon Virginia's strand, While comrades of the Legion stand, With arms reversed-a mournfu! band Around bis early bier ; His war-horse paws the shaking ground, Tbe volley8 fired-they close around, And, on toe white brow, laurel bound, Falls many a soldier's tear ! Up, stricken mourner, look on high ! Loud anthems rend the echoing sky, Reboro. where heroes never die ! Tbe warror finds his rest ; Gone is the weary, pain-traced frown Life's march is o'er, bis arms cast down, His plumes replaced by shining crown, The red cross on bis breast ! Though Gendron's arm is with the dust, Let not bis blood-stained weapon rust ! Bequeathed to one who'll bear the trust, Where Southern banners fly ; Some brave who followed where be led Aye, swear him o'er the martyred dead, To avenge each drop of blood he shed, Or else like him to die! He deemed a death for honor sweet ; And thus be fell ! 'tis doubly meet Our flag should be bis winding sheet, Proud colors of the free ; Ob, let bis honored form be laid, Beneath tbe loved palmetto's shade, Bis praises sung by Southern maid, While flows the broad San tee ! We come around bis urn to twine Sweet clusters of the jess'mine vine, Culled, where our tropic sunbeams shine, From skies deep-dyed and bright ; We kneeling vow to right tc yield O?, brothers, on ! and win the field, Or dead return on battered shield, As martyrs for the right ! Where camp fires light the reddened sod, The*grief-bowed Legion kneel to God, In Palmer's name aad by his blood, They swell the battle cry : Will sheath no more our well-tried steel, Till tyrants Southern vengeance feel, And Northern borders as suppliants kneei, To victory, or die ! OFF ALL. Ail tbe earth is filled with blessing Which ?o sorrow can destroy, And for every day of trouble There shall come a day of joy. There are moments foll of silver As tbe8bowers from Heaven which fell, And the tenderness of loving Is the Vessing of tnem all Though the clouds may bang above us, Somewhere sunlight lingers still ; And the gold of every moment Snail surpass tbe moment's ill. Love and truth are yet immortal, Loving souls immortal, too ; And the glory of a jewel Sparkles in a drop of dew. Take the dew-drops as God gives them, Be they moments, be they hours, So the stream of life which bears you Shall flow on through banks of flowers. There are mo ? en ts full of bleising As the showers from Beaven which fall But the tenderness of loving, Is the blessing of them ell. ONLY A MISTAKE, AFTER ALL.1 And Nothing; for a Respectable Colored Gentleman to Worry About. A serious blunder occurred in a West Virginia county not long ago. A num? ber of the ?armers had sustained losses of sheep from their respective flocks, and, being skeptical as to the efficiency of the law officers, one night took the matter in their own hands. A dozen or more of them proceeded some miles away, to the house of Rehoboth Jem son, and, notwithstanding his protesta -tjons^ of innocence, gave him a severe drubbing'. The affair created no little stn-, as Rehoboth was a very respectable col? ored man, who owned a snug little farm and was a deacon in the Baptist church. He had the confidence and esteem of his white neighbors, who were so worked up over the matter that they considered the expediency of an investi? gation that should lead to the punish? ment of the raiding parjy. Within a few days the farmers discov? ered they had made an awkward mis? take, the guilty party having been caught red-handed and had made a full confession; so, being in the main a right good set of fellows they decided to offer balm to Eehoboth for his many wounds, j Three of their number were designated ! a committee with full power to act, a?d they hastened to the discharge of the'ir ! duty. Old Rehoboth was sitting in his j neat little cabin with bandaged head, j while his wife was applying a cooling wash to his lacerated back. The com mittee looked foolish and scarcely knew bow to begin; but finally one of the j number stammered out an apology, and ! added that they were willing to pay a ! reasonable amount as recompense for I his sufferings. "La, child. how you does talk, sholy! ? Ameckin* sich a furse dat I's ershamed on ye! You jes' git baek ter y er homes 'n* stay dar. I ain" axin' nu mn' 'n* don' ; wantnnffin*. Wy boney, ef I done turk on erbout de mistecks er white folkses I'd jes" be plum' mis able barf de time.*' -Chicago Tribune. Bicycle Oil, Lanterns, Graphite, . Bells, Pants Guards, etc., for sale by H. G. Ostesn & Co's. i Atlantic Coast Line, Manchester & Augusta Eailroa? .CONDENSED SCHEDULE. NORTH, ac effect March 25th,; SOUTH. 1895. Daily Train *No 50. STATION'S. Daily Train No. Si. 17 32 43 51 08 23 34 41 51 05 p m p ni p m p m p m P P P P P Lv Denmark Arl 6 11 am Ar Copes Cordova Orange?>urg Cameron Lone Sur Remini Pinewood Privateer Sumter 5 56 5 44 5 36 5 19 5 04 4 51 4 41 4 30 a m a m a m a m a m a m a m a m Lvj 4 19 am Trains 50 nnd 51 carry through Pullman Palnce Buffet Sleeping Cars between New York and Augusta and Macon. Train No. 50 leaves Atlanta 7 15 a tu, Macon 9 00 a m, Augusta 2 25 p rn, arriving Sumter 6 05 pm, Fayetteville 9 35 p m, Petersburg 2 39 am, Richmond 3 40 a m Washington 7 00 am, Baltimore 8 20 n m Philadelphia 10 46 a rn, New York 1.23 p m Train No. 51 leaves New York 9 am, Phil? adelphia 1140 am, Baltimore 2 13 pm, Washington 3 30 p m, Richmond 7 13 pm, Petersburg 7 46 p m, Fayetteville 12 53 a m, Sumter 4 19 am, Augusta 8 00 a m, Sumter 4 19 a va, Augusta 8 00 a m. Macon 11 00 a rn, Atlanta 12 15 D IQ. T. M. EMERSON, * H. M. EMERSON, Traffic Manager Ass't Gen. Pass. Agt. J. R. KENLY, Gen'l Manager. Atlantic Coast Line. \ WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUS? TA RAILROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 12, 1895. ?No.55, Leave Wilmington Leave Marion Arrive Florence Leave Florence Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia No.51. P. M. *3 30 6 24 7 05 P. M. A.M *7 30: *3 151 8 38: 4 19! |No.52.i P. M. j A.M. j 8 38: *9 48: 10 00. ll 05! No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R., leaving Lanes 8 38 a. m., Man? ning 9 15 a. m. TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter Leave Sumter Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington No.56 !No.53 A.M. i P.M. *5 20j *4 25 6 43? 5 43 ;No.5? A. M. j P.M. 6 43| *6 05 8 C0| 7 15 A. M. 8 25 9 06 ll 50 ?Daily. tDrti'j except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S. C., : ria Central R. R., arriving. Manning 6 21 p. m., Lanes 7 00 pm, Charleston 8 40 p. ra. ; Trains on South and North Carolina R. R., ! leave Elliott 7 02 p.. m., arriving Bishopville i 7 39 p, m.. Lucknow 8 10 n. m. Returning ! leave Lucknow 6 30 a. m , Bishopville 7 00 '. i m , arrive Elliott 7 38 a. m. Daily except Sunday. Mixed trains, Nos. 17 and 18 make coonee- j lions to and from Sumter on C. S. & N. R. Et. with the foregoing, as follows : Leare Sumter 6.10 p. m., Oswego 6 30, St. Charles j 5.50, arrive at Elliott 7,02 p ra. Leave Elliott 7.38 a. m., St. Charles 7.51, Oswego 5.11, arrive Sumter 8.30 a. m Trains on Wilmington & Conway R R. ! eave Cbadbourn ll 30 a. m., arrive at Con- ; way 1 45 p. m., returning leave Conway at j 5 30 p. m., ar-'ve Cbadbourn 5 00 p. m., i eave Cbadbourn 35 p m., arrive at Hub at ; > 20 p. m., returni g leave Hub 8 15 a. m , ! trrive at Cbadbourn . **l a. m. Daily ex- I ?pt Sunday. Trains leave Pregcalls 8 30 a. m., Summer- j on 9 48 a m., Sumter 10 35 a. m., Darling on ll 55 a. m., Becnettsville }2 48 p. m , j arrive Hamlet 1 40 p. m. Returning, leave j lamiet 2 10 p.m., Benoettsville 3 00 p. m j Arlington 3 52 pm, Sumter 5 ll pm., Sammtrton 5 58 p m., arrive Pregnalls 7 21 : >. m. Daily except SundAV. JOHN K. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. ! F. ' KENLY, Gen'l Manager. P. H EMERSON, Traffic Manager. )Mo fi?Tsr & Qharlesbm Ba?way Co i SAMUEL HUNT, Agent for Purchaser. In effect December 1, 1894. CAROLINAS DIVISION. NORTHBOUND.-(Daily escrpt Sunday.) ?V Camden.? 1.00 p m Lr Kershaw. 1 45 p m ii Kershaw .? 2 00 p m jv Lancaster .j 2.42 p m tV Catawba Junction j 3.15 p m Lr Rock Hil!.| 3 34 pm ,v Rock Hill. 3 44 p ra I .v Yorkville . 4.20 p m j ll "v Blacksburg. 5.25 p m j 8.45 a m *v Patterson Springs. j 9.15 am ,v Shelby . 9.40 a m jv Rutherfordton. : 11.40 am Lr Marion. I 1.15 pm SOOT H BOUND.--( Daily except Sunday.)" jv Manoo., 1 4 25 pm jr Rutherfordton.? I 5.50 p m ,v Shelby ..j j 8.03 p m ..v Patterson Springs ! 1 8 19 p ra Lr Blacksburg. ; 8.45 pm ,v Blacksburg. 7.45 am j ,v Yorkville.i 8.58 a m ! Lr Rock Hill. 9.35 a m j JV Rock Hill. 9.45 a m j jj Catawba Junction .'10.10 am jv Lancaster.'10 50 am ? Lr Keranaw.?11.29 a m j ^v Kershaw. 11.28 a m ir Camden.?12.15 p m 1_ Dinner at Kershaw. CONNECTIONS. Camden-With S. C. Ry., for Charleston, Columbia, Augusta and all points South. lancaster-With Cheraw & Chester N. G. t. R , for ('hester. Catawba Junction-With C. C. Sc N. R. R. Rock Hill - With Southern Railway. Yorkvillt-With Chester <fc Lenoir R. R. Blacksbtirg- With R ? D. R R. for Spar anburg, Greenville, Atlanta and points South, and Charlotte *u:\ points Norths Marion-With Southern Railway. SA MUHL HUNT, Gen. Manager. A. TRIPP, Superintendent. .S. B.-LUM PK IN, Gee. Pa.-?. Agt. WE OFFER A REMEDY WHICH INSURES SAFETY TO LIFE OF MOTHER AND CHILD. "Mothers' Friend" ROBS CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN, HORROR AND RISK. " My wife used only two bottles. She was easily and quickly relieved; is now doing splendidly. J. S. MORTON, Harlow, N. C. Sent by express or mail, on receipt of -once, $1.00 per bottle. Book -TO MOTHERS" mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA* GA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. "THE NEW YORK HERALD, AMERICA'S FOREMOST NEWSPAPER. A MAGAZINE POE 5 CENTS. THE SUNDAY HERALD increases io beauty and value with every issue It is a veritable MAGAZINE of contempo? raneous LITERATURE of the bfst class from the pens of FAMOUS FOR? EIGN and AMERICAN AUTHORS It cotaios each week a SPECIAL SUPPLEMENT of HANDSOME PIC? TURES in COLORS, HALF TONE and BLACK and WHITE. S2 a j ear. THE DAILY HERALD contaius ?ll the news of the world gathered by its own cor? respondents and reporters and for? warded by unequalled cable and tele? graphic facilities. $8 a year Address THE HERALD, Herald Square, New York. Mai 1. ""THE CHARLESTON LINE." : South Carolina and Georgia Railroad, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. Corrected to May 26th, 1S95. _ (Daily.) Lv Charleston 7 20 a m 6 00 p m Ar Summerville 7 56 am 642 pm I " PregoHlls S 28 am 719pm; " Georges 8 40 a m 7 32 p m "Branchville 9 ?2 a m 8 00 p m j " Rowesville 9 25 H m 8 29 p m ! Orangeburgr 9 38 a m 8 43 p m : " St. Matthews 9 58 am 9 04 p ra : " Fort Motte 10 10 am 9 17 p m j "Ringville 10 20 am 9 29 pm; " Columbia ll 05 a m 10 15 p m . Lv Columbia 7 00 a m 4 00 p m Ar Ringville 7 45 a m 4 44 p m j il For: Motte 7 57 a m 4 55 p m "St Matthews 8 08 am 5 09 pm; " Orangeburg 8 32 n m f> 27 p m | " Rowesville 8 48 a m 5 42 p m j " Branchville 9 05 a m 5 55 p m | lt Georges 9 45 a m 6 34 p m " Pregoalls 9 58 a m 6 44 p m j " Summerville 10 32 a m 7 18 p m " Chtirleston lliOam 8 00 p m ; Lv Charleston 7 20 a m 6 00 p m | M Branchville 9 25 a m S 15 p m 11 Bamberg 9 47 am 8 40 p m . ?. Denmark 9 55 H m 8 53 p rn ; 14 Blackville 10 12 am 9 09 p ra ' " Williston 10 27 a m 9 24 p m | 11 Aiken ll 03 a m 10 07 p m I Ar Augusta 1145pm 10 50 p m j Lv Augusta 6 25 a m 3 40 p ra " Aiken 7 14 a m 4 12 p m j " Walliston 7 57 a m 4 49 p m j " Blackville 8 14 a m 5 06 p m j " Denmark 8 28 a m 5 20 p m j 11 Bamberg 8 41 a m 5 30 p m j " Branchville 9 20 a m 5 55 p m | Ar Charleston ll 10 am 8 00 om Fast Express, Augusta and Washington, with 'Through Sleepers to New York. Lv Augusta 2 25 p m Ar Aiken 3 02 p m " Denmark 4 12 p m Lv Denmirk 6 16 a m " Aiken 7 19 a m Ar Augusta 8 00 a m Dailj except Snnday. Lv Camden 8 55 H m 2 25 p m " Curaden Junction |9 48 a m 3 55 ptn Ar Ringville 10 20 ara 4 35 p m Lv Kiogvtlle 10 35 am 6 00 a m " Camden Junction ll 10 a m 6 40 a m Ar Camden 12 05 pm 8 15 a m E. S. BOWEN, L. A. EMERSON, Gen. Manager. Traffic Manager. : General offices--Charleston, S. C. Atlantic Coast Line, North-Eastern Ri R* ol' S. C. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated May 'NO 35 NO.23 NO 53i 12tb, 1895. * ! * I * Le. Florence '* Ringstree Ar. Lanes Le. Lanep Ar. Cbnrl'r n ?A. M. I 3 10 j 4 20 j 4 20 j 6 08 U.M. P K. 7 40 8 46 9 07 9 07 10 55! 8 40 P. M. ! P. M. M.? 05; TRAINS GOING NORTH. so 78?No.32??o.52l * * 1 * j i _j A. M I P. M S A M.? Le. Charl't'n ? 4 12 Ar. L?nea Le. Lanes " Kingstree 6 30 6 30 6 45 Ar. Florence I 7 55 4 0?| 7 00 5 52! 8 -55 5 52 j 6 10 7 15 j A. M I P. M. I A. M I .haily. fDaily except Sunday. No. 52 Tims through :o Columbia via Cen? tral R. R of S. C. T IM i n s N:< TS ami 32 run vin Wilson .-uni Fayetteville-Short L:n<-Ar;<i make close . "?nection for all points North. . KEN LY, J NO. F. Di VINE. Geni Manager, Gen'! Sup?t. T. M. EMER5< ?N, Traffic Manager. DENTIST. Office OVER BROWN k BROWN'S SToRE Entrance on Maia Street Between Brown k Brown and Durant & Son. OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 1.30; 2 to 5 o'clock. April 9. 2 Main Street. Next to City Hall. SpECIAL ATTENTION Given to Compounding Prescriptions. THE SISONOS NATIONAL BANK OF SUMTER. STATE, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSI? TORY, SUMTE ri, S. C. Paid up Capital.$75,000 00 Surplus Fund. 12,500 00 Liabilities of Stockholders to depositors acccording to the law governing National Banks, in excess of their stock . . $75,000 00 Transacts a General Banking Business. Careful attention given to collections. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of $1 and upwards received. In? terest allowed at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum. Payable quarterly, on first days of Januarv, April, Julv and October. ' R M. WALLACE, L. S. CARSON, President. Aug 7. Cashier. Order Your PROVISIONS AND GROCERIES FROM & Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. -Agents for MOTT'S CIDEB, BED SEAL CIGABS, and LOVE HAMS,, To Yon I Who Use PENS, INK, it; Paper, Blank Books:! i I % ? I % j* m At H. G. OSTEEN k CO'S You can get everything that you want at the lowest prices. We are so situated that we CHU afford to make prices closer than any one^else. All {Goods are new and of the best quality. No shop? worn goods. We make a specialty of School Supplies and also keep a full line of Stationery, Blanks Books, Etc. Come and inspect our goods. nco., LIBERTY STREET, SUMTER. S. C. c v> gog ?gee 3.0cc cc y 3t K.CC y W COPYRIGHTS.^ CA IV I OBTAIN A PATENT? Fora Srompt answer and an honest opinion, write to . IU NN Sc CO.? who have bad nearly 9fty vears' experience in the patent business. Communica? tion? strictly confidential. A Handbook of In? formation concerning Patenta and ho-.v to ob? tain their Bent free. Also a catalogue Of mechan? ical and fcientitlc books sent fr^e. P&teiits taken through Munn & Co. receive special noticeinthe Scientific American, and thus are brouuht widely bet?re the putin-with? out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, bas bv farrhe ?ar?eet circulation of any scientific wurk i:i the world. S3 a year. Samnle copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, f.'.50a year, Einste copies. *2.> cents. ?Overy number ci brains I i 1 i ful plates, in colors and photographs ol n< w bouses, with plans, enabling builders t" slu.w the latest desiens and secure contracts. Address iiu.NN ?: co., NEW YORK, ?mi BKOAUWAT. Madison Avenue HOTEL, Madison Avenue and 58th Street, NEW YORK. Three Dollars per day and up. American Plan. FIREPROOF AND FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR. Two blocks from the Third and Sixth Avenue Elevated Railroads. The Madison and Fourth Avenue and Bel Line Cars pass the door. H. M. CLARK, Proprietor. Passenger Elevator rans all night JE WE LR IT. I Watches, Diamonds, Sterling and Plated Silverware, LARGE STOCK SUITABLE FOR WEDDING PRESENTS. Clocks, Optical Goods, Fine Knives, Scissors and Razors, Machine Needles, &c. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. ESTABLISHED 1868. Sumter, S. C. STU BETTER HARDWARE ! FOR YOUS R. w. DURANT & SON, THE OLD RELIABLE,' -Are DOW prepared to Offer Lower Prices than Ever. E's Our Stock is Complete We have added to our immense Stock of Hardware a large line of PAINTS, OILS, ETC., ~' Harness, Saddles, Great Bargains in Leather, &c Guns, Pistols, etc. -HEADQUARTERS FOR Powder, Shot and Shells (loaded and empty.) Engine Supplies, Belting, etc. Headquarters for COOKING and Heating Stoves' WARRANTED. STILL IN THE RING .With C. S. Meal, C. S. Hulls, Com, Oats, Hay. Rice Flour, Peas, Bran, Ship Stuff, And-Water-ground Corn Meal-Always fresh from my mill. -Also Lime, Laths, Cement, Plaster. Fire Brick, Sewer and Stove [Pipe and other building material. A full line of Wagons, Buggies and Carts on hand. H. HAMB Y. M ?y 22 .