June 22. Xe. Sta?ord .11 iBoyle, ??Ora>?ge bueg., ?as been appointed to the va cat*cy tu tiie {United ?Ute? \NVraI Academyat?nnapolis. Mr.redridge Bankin, ?who ra?ked second in the examination was appointed alternate. Emperor W??Uam named < iheaKeiT canal, 4'?F&ekaiser Wilhelm Canal.'7 Tbe?tefee ?L Cambridge bas re? signed his.position <*f chief in com? mand of tbe.^nmy of^reatiSritain. Gov. Alkiason. ..?f Georgia,.im- ! pro^e?i-steadilpyeeteit?ay, but .is not yet out af banger. Lightning 8tBc?k*a< ?if.namite . mag- j azi ne -near "Kingwood, W. Wa i last j nigtot. Several ? people ^were k?iill?d and a -gienlideaUsf? pre.?er?y ^was; de- j stroyed. ; Tibere ?oas *a .^200^00-iifire ID I Seattle ^yesterday. T&e National Coi; x3Btion of t?le-j publican ?i*bs after-a leagtby se??ion j Tn Clevelaad, ?Ofcio. 'has -adjuiiroed ; witfc-sut -dor?g aisyihitig. 1 S*&?rge-?: ? Pearce,"--?s*aba co ??e d 1 several-yeai* ago ?with 4>34:,00<).fes- ; longi-r?gitaibel Planters aadCIerehsstfs j Insurance Co., ?f Mobile, wilLsar ren der and ? plead . gos 1 ty. Tfee report that ?Gen. ^Martirejec,! Campee bad (been .oae:3i. .fi Tfee SoathemZlnilwas' is oepenatieg with tfee ?City ?Council of .-Norforik- for an eatracse to sae ci ty.sud .prscileges .. ? on the wafer *f root, jj. Sheriff ?Grave,, ef ?Browaerille, ; Tpe?o., aeeideotal^ .killed his ure o ty- ; - ?cur year o 14 daughter -Stfcurday. I It i*: ??cetaUy aenou&Q&d in ?Leedon j . tftat dh? Liberal i?oaeberrj .?goveras-ent ! "will resigo ?od tb*2t ?Lore Salee&iry i wi?l be ???*B?oned hy the > Q.ueec to ! foarj a mio?etry ao? bis .cabinstwas*.11 ! proceed writk obe roKtioe .bust ness,cf j the , House, ??tata prevision*!-.sapa&ss j and -?ben dtaeoiae Parlkmenu ? W;. C. Owes?, .wfao-defeatedvW.-C ' . P. Jfeeck io ridge* ?as blue n hy-a- spider a weet ago and te now .dongem*? ly ill. . His physicians ?ty that bis arm -wtlt ; have t?i>be aopota&ad tos&se bis/life. ! Three meo were .killel and ?seven j -, injured ty the barecaeg of a st ea tr. .pipe ? ,on l&e steamer CfefirtOipber tColacbus ' . oo.Jjake ??chig&o. The S*f?day Ohser&z&ce ?Uague ?t . re*ted toe member* of tbs Chicago h tX^eagae seil tea ta yesterday, ?aeb I maajave bead"'.for -$IGft, ?T?e inscrrecuop ia Maeedoo-ia is aprej&diog. Sh e M acedoti?a&? are arm - - ed xi th Marten i-H-icry ri?es and ar e i1 $gh tie g tba T*/?is? troops. Mr. .-S. C tprake, a prospero** -farnoer4 of Ridge Spring, was killed by 11 ?ightnieg, on Satchel ay. \ meeting eaxywsed of cae Re- \ ri or cn er asd one Conservative from each ? township club io Abbeville county was * .h-sld on ?Saturday. The Reformers iran ted ri" jive tbe Conservatives two j dalsgates to ?be Coos?tctioo?l COD veo- | ti az and they take tee bat the Coo- < serjr^ives demanded an a^aal division. { ^Totfbiog was ?ione. aod it,was finally j deeided to eait a Coo veetton to settle i the matter. Jua? .25. The aeaiversary ?of the ?e-zth of PreMdeot Oarnoc was officially .ob? served yesterday. President Fas-re, with tnd oentrai postions ; by tl?e 2f>rouuties" hut) it is cot known at the antral el&ce how geaeca? or eztended t??.t,all); tue s-orina-: for the aame period is ap^oximaiely Tj25,weiug L^C .iu the eastern por? tion aaa? 1 00 ?a ??s. centrai ?od jweet ernitp?a:ioos. Theoe were ?ac?! -high wiads *?o campasyiug chaoderstorni.? ri*t .wece ??ore .or. ?ese descreetvTe to er-0?*\, hat ey hereof limited .?Stent. Cottoo has wceadily improved .?a ?tadirion, and is .pt?te satis fstetary .generally., chough it .continues sazaM, wita .some .exceptio?? do the eeacral anti pastero co un tie.?, wthere its eos?di' ?iou is reported very $QQV and e a ;-?ucce?3 go?s?without saying. ! There-will deafish fry at Cane Sarcon??h : ?o Thursday night complimentary to yse compo*edof Icc?: players., i afid-e&p4?t? tortore.the ba?-cranks of Sumter : soeae good ball. He request that those who j hare unifannis-betenging fe ?e- Samte r Base ! Bait ?lab vir.ill return . them tO-^im at ooce. Ttw'County Boa?! of Coat?)!, held a qoar f terly creeling Mood?kV and traiisacted routine business. jtaeounti were audited aad a j aettleo2 thirteen pupils who had tttended er^ry ? Suaday since the first af tibe year. T6a ,'boode ? every night. A few ot' the negroes do not ! take much stork io ttl*- idief.-ar.- of tliesnt^r stiti"u* crowd, but a majority ot those who live in toe neighborhood are considerably! excited over the imaginary ^i.^st. Those who claim to hav.- s".-n the spirit <>? lii.-.i: nrws*:.l to rel>it?* v.TV circumstantial stories, giving a detailed description of hi- appear- ' ance which tallies with his app<-flr.-t:>c- before death. i Privateer Personals. PRIVATEER TOWNSHIP, June 24, 1893. I The Privateer Amusement Club was re- ? organized Friday night at the Bethel Church ! parsonage. The officers were elected br I ballot, without any nominations, and ure as follows: President, the Rev. D. W. Hiott; j Vice Presideut, M Us Kate Furman ; .Secretary, Miss Carrie Cain ; Treasurer, Miss Tu?iila'n Ramsey; Doorkeeper and Alternate Dcor? : keeper, Messrs. Hampton Ramsey and ifenry j i Wells. The club starts out afresh under bright [ i auspicies, a good crowd was out the other j night and the roll showed a membership of; i betwe&n 20 and 25. The club will meet ! j i every two weeks, and an admittance fee of j : three cents for members and five cents for j j outsiders will be charged ; the proceeds of ; I each meeting will be given to tbeHcthel and j ; Wedgefield Baptist Churches. i The next meeting will be held at Or. John j i H. Furman's on Friday nigh :, July 5, and a j j well selected prograanne has neec arranged 1 I for the occasion'. ? j The Privateer Base Ball Club fcas been or- j i ganized with the following young gentlemen > I as officers. Captain, Willie Wells; mana-j !/ger, Jimmie Whilden,- Secretary and Treas- I ! urer, Ashby Bradford. Next Saturday the; j club will play a match game with another; j home club, and it is ready to receive a ebal- j [ 'enge from any other club. Messrs. J. F. Masoo, Jimmie Whilden and ! ; Ashby Bradford nod Masters Jim and Ro- j ' bert Mason attended the "Children's Day": j exercises at the Packsville Baptist Church, a week ago yesterday. They went from Tin i dal ,epot on a hand car. .Mr. Dwight Cain receivei the Demorest j ? silver medal for oratory, last -spring:., at tbe j 1 Williston High School. .Mies Carrie Bradford, of Ser?an, and little , ; Master Moultrie DeLorme, ci' Sumter, have ' been'visiting in the community. A unique negro family live or. Mr. Whit- ; ?field Wells' place. The papeete are appa- ; . rently-.quite healthy, one of the children is' blind, another is deaf and iujKb.. and an- : other is affected in the mind.? Recently Mr. Eddie Pritcha-rd-canght a fish ?which had every appearance erf being blind ?in one eye aod Mr. Zack Trimnal caught a ?clara with a hook nnd line, i don't remem- jj bcr-ever to hive heatd of a ckim being ?*- ugh td ti -this way before. M.C?. F. Shiloh Letter. SHILOH, S. C., Jcoe^, 2895. i Jetton do this section has raode consider- i afak icqprovemeot within the lase'two weeks, i boc ii: .is ?graatly behind yet, and abe ewss- j j ho?*j>e?s?re eating it in some places. ! I harte never seen poorer st?DOS-of corn. The tooti worms, "bil! bugs" cr>? grasshop- ' pers condones lo eat it w;:ta aa unuaual rel isb. iPeac, potatoes and rice ?re fcevng badly! damaged found, as wac supposed, a snake egg in Air. \ John K. McElveen's field, and breaking it, j discovered that it was "packed full of yoong ' i grasshoppers" which moved off rapidly io i all directions. When snakes get to laying i eggs loaded with grasshoppers, as numerous ?3 they are already, things begin to look : "squally" indeed. Mr. S. J. Mims has the finest field of cot- ; ton that we've seen this year, it is fully knee hie h all over. Tobacco chewers or eaters are getting dis? tressingly numerous. OCCASIONAL. I Wedgefield Letter. WEDGEFIELD, June 25, 1895. The game of ball did not come off on last ^ Thursday, as the Brickbats failed to show up ] on account of their catcher being sick. We j do not blame them for wanting to be in good | trim when they tackle Wedgefield. No day ? has been appointed as yet for the game. Mr. W. T. Aycock returned from New ' York last Saturday nigh*, where he has beec attending the Columbia Law School. There will be a pic nie of the Presbyterian , < Sunday school at Miss Mary McLnurin's I beautiful grove on next Thursday. The Board of School Commissioners for . Sumter, in electing Mr. D. L. Rambo ? "rst . assistant in the Sumter (braded School, have elected a competent man and teacher, and in I thus honoring Mr. Rambo have honored j Sumter. Sumter is truly to be congratulated on her fine corps of teachers the whole way ;, through. As usual, the Conservatives are behind. 1 They did last week what they ought to have , don? two mouths ago. We will have to have at least one more defeat to educate our peo? ple. They will not ttike hold with thnt bold- 1 russ that is necessary to win. i Crops are small but otherwise good We j had a nice rain last Saturday, but mon- is ' ? Deeded lor planting late corn arid f>"as af;er 1 oats. Mr. C. C. Singleton has returned for the j summer from tbe Porter Military Academv. From LaGrippe. _? s How Dr. Miles' Nervine Brought One of Kentucky's Foremost Busi= ness Men Back to Health. Y7 OTiZSEASE bri? ever presented so many peculiarities, developed sc wj NV I many aggravating symptoms and baffled so many physicians as rt V? LaGrippe. !No disease leaves its victims so debilitated, useless, ^ sleepless, nerveless, as LaGrippe. It is a disease of the nerves, it ruses up thc tissue, the vitality, the life-giving nerve force that feeds the brain. There is --one remedy that will replace this worn-out tissue: that will re? new this lost,-vitality and restore health. Read what Mr. D. W. Hilton, state :ag*ait of the Mutual Life laurance Co., of Kentucky, one of the best known msrrance mea. in the stiuth, and 'whose portrait appears above, says about how jJz.. Miles' iv ermine Restored Iii m io health when all else had failed. -In 1859 ?nd ?90 I had two severe attacks of LaGrippe. about eight :moi?tiis intervening between them, the last, one confining me tc my bed for four ^months ai*! attacking my nervous system, with such severity that my .life was despaired of. I bad not slept for more than two mouths except by 1 the w of narctitics that stnpeSfid inc, but gave mc no rest. For more than eight kong week*'.I was only conscious of intense mental weakness, agonizing bodily >ain and.lie fact that I was hourly growing weaker. Wbti: in this.-sondition.it seemed iike a providential circumstance that I learned cf I>r. M??cs' Restorative Nervine, for in two days after ? commenced .using it. X began te improve and in one month*s time I was virtually cured, .and very much to ?ie surprise of everybody wiio knew of my condition: for none of tlvm believed I would ever recover. I have been in excellent health since.and ?ave recommenced your remedies tomscyoi my friends, no: ono o? whom nn*- failed to .thank me for doings, when I have mot these ?gain. But the best remains to be to*:d. Mrs. Hilton had starred wit?i severe nervous troubles for thirteen years and had been treated byseVera? physi? cians, who stand high their profession, without ar.v re-cvptible improve? ment. Seeing .how the ^ervine had so effectually ?un*! me. she commeuced; .using it and is IOW in excvilent health. We never fail p> recommend it-" LOUISVILLE. Jan. 22, 2?t? D. W. HILTON Dr. Miles' Nervine' John M. Haynsworth, AGENT FOR THE South and North American Lloyds, New York and Chicago Lloyds. I CAX INSURE ali elasseg of property at greatly reduced rates from the prevailing Fire Insurance Rates with equal responsibility on the part of the Company. Office at Haynsvvorth & Hayns worth's Law office. Feb- 6_Sumter, S. C. TV w ~~ The Excelsior Liniment. The Great Pain Alleviator, jures Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Toothache, Headache, Cuts. Sores Bruises, Burn?. Sprains, and Lameness, Cold in the head, .fcc Try it, only 25 cents at the Drug Stores. tS??r^For *ale here by Drs. China and DeLorme. Apri* 3 _ Farmers, Notice. I take this means of Dotifying the Farmers th:?t 1 havp --usr jotren in .1 car oad nf McCormick Harvesters, Binders. Reapers. Mowers and liav Rakes, it s a known fact that. McCormick's Harvesting Machinery heads the <:>:. And trices aro very low this reason and renns easy. Write for Descriptive Catalogue md prices which will be mailed von free of charge. GEO. F. EPPERSON, A8ENT, Office at Geo. E. Epperson's Livery Stables. Sumter, S. C. May 22. ^ '