Telegraphic Briefs. May 15. Three thousand people attended the interstate drill at Memphis yes? terday. There were three contests. The twenty-fifth bi-ennial session of the Order ot Railway Conductors opened in Atlanta yesterday, with more than two thousand delegates present. The proceedings were pre? liminary only. The Navy Department bas given ont a statement about the case of Admiral Meade, whom the President designed to hold to account for an interview io the New York Tribune, criticising tbe department. The statement contains nothing of impor? tance, except that tbe department finds itself unable to get evidence against Meade. It is announced that the free silvea Democrats of Illinois, controlling the party machinery, purpose to read ont of the party every man who does not subscribe to their views. The mana? gers intend, if possible, to send a solid free-silver delegation to the na? tional convention. The Carnegie Steel Company of Pittsburg, Pa., has announced an ad? visee of 10 per cent in wages, com? mencing Jane 1. The derailment of a train on the St Louis and Hannibal railroad yester? day morning caused the death of one person and the injury of twenty-three others. The committee on arrangements for the "Sound Currency1' meeting in Memphis give a list of forty-seven cities thal will be represented. It includes Colombia and Charleston. Captain General Martinez Campos arrived ai Havana from Santiago De Cuba ai 1.30 o'clock yesterday after? noon. The mountains of Upper Georgia and til? State were covered with snow yesterday morning. Bich ard Lowry, a negro convict on W. 0. Hammond's farm in Anderson County, was killed yesterday while atiemptiog to escape. Eight dwelling bouses and stores were burned in Varaville last night. Loss $25,000. Dr. Samuel P. Schwing, who killed Dr. Emile flirart on Sunday, May 5, for intimacy with Mrs. Schwing, was discharged by the city recorder yes? terday. May 16. The property of the Pennsylvania Steel Company was sold for $2,000, 000 yesterday. The torpedo boat Cashing left Washington for Key West yesterday. An attempt will be made to make the passage by the inland route ; that is by way of the sounds and inlets that skirt the Atlantic coast A dispatch from St. Petersburg says that Russia will occupy certain ports in Corea until the conditions she bas imposed upon Japan shall have been satisfied. Tbe New York police reorganiza? tion bill waa lost in the Senate yes? terday by a vote of ayes ?6, nays 16. A motion to reconsider failed on a like vote, and the bill was killed. The Bed Mee of Georgia laid the corner stone of an orphan's home at Austell yesterday. Connecticut has appropriated $7, 000 for an exhibit at the Atlanta Ex? position. The redaction of the capital stock of the Southern Cotton Oil Company to $2,000,000 will soon be effected. A dividend is expected in June. The Pope has forbidden Catholics taking part in the Italian election. After enumerating his reasons for the prohibition. His Holiness concludes by reminding the faithful that he is still kept a prisoner in the Vatican by the Italian government. A movement is on foot in Virginia to call a Constitutional Convention. Mr. Louis Dornock and Miss Mar? garet Gore, an eloping couple of Quincy, Fla., interrupted the coro? ner while holding an inquest, and were married. The inquest then proceeded. The Legislature of Florida has passed a modified Australian ballot law to take tbe place of the eight ballot box measure which has hereto? fore obtained in that State. The bill only requires the signature of Gov. Mitchell to become a law. The House passed a measure to prevent fraud at party primaries. May 17. The bill now before the Florida j Legislature imposing a special tas on bicycles is arousing great indignation among Florida wheelmen. Tbe Japanese legation has received a brief telegram which states that the complications with the European powers have been so adjusted as to leave no reason to doubt that a further conflict in the East will be avoided. There was another heavy frost throughout the western portion of Michigan Wednesday night In Kent and Ottawa counties, early straw? berries and grapes are ruined and other small fruits damaged. Grand Traverse county reports all small fruiy the u?e of Ay er's Cherry Pectoral. It stops the distressing cough, soothes irritation of Oje throat and lun??, ; and induces runch-needpd repose. Hundreds j have testified lo the remarkable virtHee of this preparation. Typ?writer supplies at H. G. Gateen k Go's, Liberty s?-eet. Confederate Encampment. HOUSTON, TEX , May 20 -The en? campment feature precedit.'^ r*?e Con? federate Re-uuion opened ihia morning. The twenty companies of Texas volun? teer guards in camp aggregate 1,000 troops. A grand military street pa? rade intended for 10 o'clock this morn? ing was postponed till the afternoon by a heavy rain. Gov. Culberson and staff arrived last night. Other dis? tinguished visitors now present are Gen? eral Stewart, commander of the Mary? land division of veterans, Major Gen? eral Ed Reedy, Oklahoma division and General Lse of Mississippi, Governor Torney of Tennessee, Major General Schofield. General Gordon and Miss Winnie Davis are expected Wednesday when the re-union will formally open. A large detachment of United States troops are also in camp. About 5,000 visitors, including veterans and military have so far been located. The city is elaborately decorated and the streets are thronged with strangers, despite the rain. A contingent of Tex? as editors here from the annual meeting at Waco was entertained at a banquet this afternoon, presided over by Con? gressman Hutoheson. The drilling of the State troops commences this eve uing at Camp Culberson, elaborate programmes having been prepared for each day at the campground and entertainments at the Auditorium at night. Core For Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electrio Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effects a permanent core an! the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipatioa Electric Bitters cores by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist tho ase of this {medicine. Try it once. Large bottles caiy Fifty cents at J. F. W. DeLorme's Drag Store. 2. tmmmi????K?imi?mimmmimmmm???mmm^mammm^m Chronic Nervousness Could Not Sleep, Nervous Headaches. Gentlemen:-I have been taking your Restorative INervine for the past three months and I cannot say enough in its praise. It has Saved Hy Life, ?or I had almost given up hope of ever beinjr well again. I was a chronic sufferer from nervousness and could not sleep. I was also troubled with nervous headache, and had tried doctors in vaia, until I used your Iservine. Yours truly. MKS. M. WOOD. Ringwood, Iii. Dr. Miles' Nervine Cures. Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive Saran tee that the first bottle will De ne fit. 1 druggists sell it at SI, 6 bottles for $5, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price hy the Dr. Miles* Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. For sale by Dr. A. J. China, Sumter. S. C. 1 WHITE Hil, Fire Insurance Agency, ESTABLISHED 1866. Represent, among other Companies : LIVERPOOL k LONDON k GLOBE, NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE, HOME, of New York. UNDER WRITERS' AGENCY. N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capital represented $75,000,000. Feb. 28. MONEY LOA.VKDT Do you want to borrow money on equita? ble terms? Do you desire to pay off a mortgage and re-borrow the money at 5 per cent, interest annually ? Would you care to be so situated that you could reduce the mortgage agaiost your home by paying off a small amount monthly and at the end of each year receive credit for all paid? With interest being charged only on remaining portion of loan. Would you like to buy your family a borne? If eo read the following : I represent a Company that has embodied in its pinn all the features enumerated above and many more. Can you see ?ny reason why you should pay a large interest tor money when you bav? good security ? Can you present any good reason whj it is not HS weil to receive profits yearly as to wait from 7 to 10 years as one does in rosny of the Associations? Is not the reduction of interest yearly better than waiting roany jetrs ?or profit?? Borrowers under the pian represented by me assume absolutely no risk as every dollar paid on ?be loan is credited on the mortgage, thereby reducing it in :TO ponion to the amount pniii. Building Association? have benefitied hundreds of thousands, so did the old cus that were propelled by horses. Our pian is as far superior to Building Associations as the trolley cars are to the old antiquated horse car system. My time is roo much occupied to answer questions for the curios, but those seeking information for the betterment of their condition will receive full information promptly. We offer an investment to ihose who have a smail amount to save monthly that has no superior as to safety and seldom equaled for profits. Call or write. HENRY L. 13. WELLS, Jan 30. Attorney, Sumter, C. H. S. C.