Bible Institute. Rev. J. W.Daniel began at the Methodist Church ou Sunday night a series of meetings - to continue daring this we k, to which all persons interested io the study of the Bible are invited. ? The sobjec? on last Sunday night was "United Prayer," and the various passages of Scripture bearing apon the power'? . V~ Anyone familiar wiih the Scriptures will, no doobt, reoemberjhat Paul and bis com? panions were shipwrecked on the Island of Melita. That the barbarous j (anti-Jews) people showed them kind treatment; tbat being in the cool season of the year a fire was built to warm and dry' their wet vestments. That at one time the fire was nearly gone oat, when Paul spied some sticks, went and got a bondie of them, and renewed tbe fire. Rev. C. C. Brown called attention, first, that Paul did hot send anyone after the sticks bnt went himself ; second, he drew tbepar allel between the fire on the island and the fire nearly gone oot of a church or prayer meeting, and advised bis hearers to do like "Paul" did, go after a bondie of sticks to renew the fire in the church and prayer-meet? ing by securing attendance and getting new life into it-doing it as tbe Apostle did, per? sonally, without any intervention of anyone else. Rev. N. W. Edmunds followed Dr. Brown with the idea tbat this act of Pani, though accompanied by the sting of tbe viper (which proved on harmful) was the meaos of receiving (from tbe barbarians) good treatment and kindness which otherwise might not have been shown them. Dr. Edmonds advised his hearers not to mind the stings they might receive in securing sticks for their prayer * meeting, that in tbe end stings would prove a blessing to them as in the case of Paul. Tbere are numbers of people in Sumter who will tell you that after trying photographers in Charleston and other towns, they came to Winburn, tbe Sumter photographer, and got the best photograph they ever bad. ??-?-??? A. M. Bailey, a well known citizen of Eo? gene, Oregon, says bis wife bas for years been troubled with chronic diarrhoea aod used many rem?dies with little relief ontil she tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and diarrhoea Remedy, which has cured ber sound and well. Give it a trial and you will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by Dr. A. J. China. During Mr. Wilburn's stay in Henderson, N. C., ne has worked for quite a number of persons living in .Columbia and other large cities, and they nave not hesitated to say tbat the photographs gave better satisfaction than any they bad been able to get at their bornes. Cotton Market. SUMTER, S. C., Sept. 19, 1894. Receipts for week, ending with this date 1,000 bales. Middling 6?. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be care by Hall's Catarrh Cnre. F. J. CHENEY k CO., Props., Toledo, 0. We tbe undersigned, have know F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, aod believe him perfectly honorable io all business transactions and financialy able to carry oat any obliga? tion made by their firm. West k Trnax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Walding, Kionan k Marvin, Wholesale Drug? gists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A parer medicine does not ex? ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claim? ed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, salt rheum aod other affection? caused by im? pure blood. Will drive Malaria from the sys tem and prevent as well as care all malarial fe? vers. For care of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters-entire satis? faction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cents and $1 per bottle at J. F. W. fle Lorme's drug store. 5 -mm t t mm China's Soda is the best, and every one should test it. Blank books of all kinds; daily, weekly and monthly time books. H. G. Osteen k Co. For choice Beef and Mutton go to Eugene Bogan. He will only send you the best that can be had in the market. Blairs pen and pencil tablets, stationery of all kinds, mk, pens, peocils, blank books, typewriter supplies, etc., at H. G. Osteen k Co's., Liberty Street, next to Watchman and Southron office. All books used in the classes of the Sumter Institute and the Graded School, at Whole? sale Prices at H. G. Osteen k Co's., next to the Watchman and Southron office, Liberty ' Street. Conservative Meeting. SUMTER, S. C., Sept. lo, 1S94. Under the call of J. rfc Carwile a number of the I^emoera&M)f Sumter County, met jn the Court House at 1 p. m. On motton. W. Kl Haynsworth was chosen Chairman and W. 0. Cain, Secretary. ' - } jj Mari?? Moise introduced thefollow ing r?soi?twaB ^ . Resolved, That toe Conservative Democrats of Sumter Cotinty hereby declare their intention to stand by the results of the August primary in good faith, and will (so far as it is in the power of this assemblage to guarantee the same,) support the nominees of the party. Resolved Further, Thal if the dele? gates elected to attend the Convention on the 17th, inst, under the call of Mr. Carwile be instructed, to lay this resolution before said convention with a view of having it understood that this County, having had its contest, within the. party,proposes to standto the result? ?good faith. . Resolve?! farther; ?That nothing:?in this resolution is-intead?d -to.^renect upon the'judgment or good faith bf those in other counties who take another view of this matter. Resolved Further, That had the Conservatives of Sumter County stood aloof and not participated in the August primary as did the Conserva? tives in many of the counties of the State that woujd feel free to consider the call of Mr. Carwil? to join the movement to reinstate the true Demo? cracy of the State. J. D. Blanding offered the following substitute: Resolved, That the chairman of this meeting do appoint 12 delegates to the convention to meet in Columbia un? der the call of J. B. Carwile. Resolved, That they be and are hereby instructed to join in the re? organization of the Democracy of the State. Resolved, That Sumter County hav? ing joined in the August primary the appointment of such delegates is not intended to commit the Democrats of Sumter County to support of any State Ticket which may be brought out by said convention. Then Manon Moise introduced as a substitute for both the following which was adopted : Resolved, That the Conservative Democrats of Sumter County, having gone into the primary on.the 28th. day of August in good faith, deem it un? wise and unfair to the Reformers for the people of this County to take any part whatsoever in the proposed re? organization of the party at this time as foreshadowed in the call of Mr. Carwile. Meeting then adjourned. W. F. B. HATXSWORTH, W. O. CAIN, Chairman. Secretary. Second Week Jurors. Jurors have been drawn for the second week as follows : B. G. Pierson, W. C. Hudson, Silas Mellett, R. C. Blanding, A. K. Lee, K. E. Wells, O. H. Jennings, H. W. Rem bert, John C. Parnell, Majoy Hodge, A. S. Brearley, Joseph Lewis, Thomas Benenhaley, S. J. Bradford, E. D. Shaw, Joshua Davis, Hazel Copeland, A. A. Brearley, J. Lee Davis, J. L. Hogan, W. X. Hammet, W. L. McEl veen. Mario a Micha u, J. N. Scott, Jr., J. H. Hickson, W. S. James, R. E. Carnes, E. 0. Ingram, Levi Moore, W. D. Colclough, John A. Brown, M. D. Weaver, S. B. Jenkins, J. H. Boykin, R. C. Wactor, W. B. Colclough. All person? wanting the best work in pho? tography, should wait a few days and patronize Mr Winburn, our resident photo? grapher, who will open a nice gallery and supply it with the latest accessories, and in order to advertise his new place of business will, for a time, make pictures at greatly reduced prices. CHINA PAINTING AT THE SUMTER INSTITUTE. TAKE DUE NOTICE THEREOF AND GOVERN YOURSELF AC CORDINGLT. SPECIMENS OP THE WORK NOW ON exhibition at the Studio, and ; we ask all the "ladies of the town who are interested in this work to call and examine these speci? mens. We desire particularly to interest the married ladies in this beautiful home decora? tive Art. The painted china will be fired at the Institute. A kiln has been ordered for this purpose. Come and see what we can do in this line. _ H. P. WILSON, Pres, Sept. 19. Sumter, S. C. ALiSH d an* to Inter hen You e are You Will be The Surprise will be -LOW ] At which they sell first class SOLID You have no excuse to run aron WALSH & SHAW wi For about the same price that yt pay "Shoes E] Is their business and they have waiting for you. D< WALSH i Monaghan Building East Main Street, 4th door fi SeDt12. WANTS. ADVERTISEMENTS of fi?e Hoes or less will be inserted tinder .this bend, for 25 cents tor each insertion. Additional lines 5 cents per line. WANTED-AT ONCE a Six-room Dwel? ling, - with /comfortable jard and garden*, in a desirable portion -of tbs-'City. Address W^.Cy this office,-stating terms and '?yyp-_-j_ WANTED-Purchasers for Householp effects. Call from.9 a. m. to 1 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. R. H. Moise. TO RENT-House on Calhoun Street near C. S. & N. R. R. Apply to W. F. B. Hainsworth. Sept. 12. FOR SALE-Lady's or child's pony and buggy. Apply at this office. Sep 12-2t._" T^ABMBRS-Want you to know I am pay JC- . ing highest market price at all times for your" COTTON SEED delivered at Coast Line depot. Come and see me. Will ex? change for meal. H. J. Barby. Sep ?-tf. . ---rr--:-> FOR SALE-Any part of my large furm in the suburbs of the City of Sumter. Situation healthy and desirable. Terms easr. T. D. Chandler April ll-tf._ WANTED-Every sick person in Sumter County to go to Glenn Springs at once and get cored. FOR SALE. THAT TRACT of land in Sumter County, S C., containing 200 acres, more or less, and bounded as follows : North, by public road from City of Sumter to Cane Savannah ; East, by lands of Jno. T. Baker ; South, by run of Cane Savannah ; West, by lands of Jno. F. Gamble, and of Miles H. Piowden ; same being arable land and now under cultivation. For terms apply to C.? MATTHEWS & CO., Cotton Factors, Charleston, S. C. Liberal advances made on consignments of conon._Sept. 19-3m Estate of John Feehan, Deceased. ?WILL APPLY to the Judge of Probate of Sumter County, on September 29th, 1894, for a flail discbarge as Executrix of the Will and Testament of said Deceased. ANNIE A. MONAGHAN, Executrix. Sumter, S. C., Aug. 29, 1894. NOTICE." IHAVE BOUGHT out Mr. D. M. Camp? bell's market and will again run a retail market. Thanking my friends for the former favors they have shown me, and hoping to receive a share cf their1 patronage, I will keep the best meats of all kinds that the market affords and when not best will not seod any. Will do all I can to please my customers and the public generally. Give me a trial order. Respectfully, W. B. BOYLE. I have sold out my market and fixtures to Mr. W. B. Boyle, who will continue to run same at my old stand. I will continue with Mr. Boyle and will be glad to see my customers. Ali owing me will please come and settle at once and oblige. Respectfully, Sept. 12._D. M. CAMPBELL. Estate o? Wilson Conyers, Dee'd. A LL PERSONS holding claims against J\_ aforesaid estate, will present same duly attested, and all persons indebted, in any way to said estate will make immediate pavme-tto LINDSAY CONYERS, Seo. 12-3t._Qualified Ad'm'r. SALE BY MORTGAGE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that nnder and by virtue of the power contained in a mortgage made to the undersigned by J. M. Hearoo, dated the twentieth day of June, A. D., 1890, and recorded in the office of the Register of M es ne Conveyance for Sumter County, State of South Carolina, onjthe thir? tieth day of December, A.D., 1893, in Real Estate mortgage Book at page 69, default having been made io the payment of the debt secured by said mortgage, I will sell at public auction or vendue in front of the Court House for said county in the City of Sumter the lot of land embraced in said mortgage, on the first day of October, 1894, that being sales day-between the hours of ll o'clock in the forenoon and three o'clock in the afternoon. The said lot of land is described in said mortgage as "all that parcel or tract of land lying and being and situated in the County of Sumter, town of Bishopville, State afore? said and more folly described as a lot con? taining nearly one acre of land with the res? idence and storehouse thereon ; said lot fronting on the road leading from Bishopville to DuBose's Bridge and bounded by lands now or formerly of Dr. R. E. Dennis, A. F. Cousar and E. H. Frost & Co." Terms of sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay for papers. THOMAS R. McGAHAN, September 5, 1894._Mortgagee. mlioes. k ^ee Them NJ ure j Surprised. occasioned by the PRICE i LEATHER SHOES. md to "General Stores for Shoes, tu Sell Leather Shoes CM Will generally for "paper bottoms." ^elusively" i their Fall Stock in and are! Dirt fail to see them. St SHAW, Sumter, S. C. rom Liberty St. WALK IN GENTLEMEN ! We always welcome you, and if you purchase anything in our line you will leave pleased, and call again. OUR CLOTHING IS CHEAPER This Fall than ever before. Hats and Furnishing Goods just as cheap. LOOK AT THESE FIGURES : Mens5 Suits At - $ 4.00 At ? - 5.00 At - - 6.00 At - - 7.00 At - - 8.00 At - 10.00 At - - 12.50 At - - 15.00 At - - 18.00 At - - 20.00 And up to - 35.00 All stylish, goods. We Can Sell you goods at the lowest prices-all goods marked close. We can save you money, Boys5 Knee Suits FROM 65c. to $8.00, Youth's Suits $1.75 to $16.50. KNEE PANTS, ai ~*-*es, 25c-to $1-50. NEWLINE OF NECKWEAR JUST IN. All silk reversible 4 in-hands, at 25c. -WE KEEP A F?LL AND COMPLETE LINE Of everything to be found in a first class Clothing Establishment. A GOOD LINEN COLLAR For 10c. A splendid line of odd pants. We fit anybody 28 io. to 48 in. waist. Corner Main & Liberty Sts., Sumter, S. C. Do You Need any Groceries? Can on us. Do You Wear any Shoes? we Sen Them. Do You Smoke? ?gars are our specialty. Do You Ride a Bicycle? see us. Remember-Our motto: Honest goods, honest weight, lowest prices and courteous treat-, ment to all. Don't forget the place : The New OPERA HOUSE STORE. Come and See us, We want Tour Trade. R. M. & L. W. JENKINS. We sell Fine and Staple Groceries, Shoes, Tobacco and Cigars, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Bicycles and Bicyclist's Supplies. ' I To You j j To Yon j j To Yon ' J I Who Write ll Who Buy ll Who Use I S T ll ll PENS' 1 I Books or Letters: j * School Books: if Paper, Blank Books:| (w Has your impatient pen ever caught ?j) been lost forever this way. Splash fl $ r, ^ o* Sk waot at the lowest prices. We are so 3> T flies the ink-and the thought is (fc T H- G- OSTEEN & CO. # ? situated that we can afford to make 3c JD gone I-swallowed up in a treacb- $ JD

tl flUlilluMliJ lUlUM $$ All SoodS 316 new and of $ 3) But never the latter if you use D