STATS NBW8 PARAGRAPHS FPT^? . J i Florence bad* foot tres cr?riog t week ^e^CbxMi^ Orangebarg was bara ed Friday sig Bee. 29 by an incendiary. Columbia is to be depriredof Usaba oftke o^speesary profits because of} alleged ao?-enforeement of thc dbpe sary law. A Ttfimau man ia Sj>art*nburg h ofierwl the profcwfcicaisw $500 ton in psevefttittfi the? eetaslisussoBjt? if Tho direetoMojt the, dewberry ec toa milla hare decided to increase tl capita) stock from 1250,000 to $40? 000 and tc> $retily enlarge the ouildin Ex-secretary of the Na?y Wbitne his tua ead ? party of premise Northerners were ai Aiken Weane** for a &* days'recreation. Ju lge Gary on tbs 4th granted bi in the sum of $5,000 to ingram Wi son, town Marshall of Ydrkvffie, wi killed Gladden a fWdajs before CbT mas. Hon. A- C. Satimer bas asked Coi gross to pay the trustees of Newberi College JJ5,00a % traeir building! which was destroyed by . the Feder? soldiers just after war.. A suit for, foreclosn re of mortgag against the ^ortRoval sod August railway wa*?ed i* the tJuited State court, Chadeston on the 4tb. The sui is brought hy R. M. Ogden, of MI? State Phosphate Inspector Jones say that the mining companies under th act recently passed by the Legis latin? are rushing their preparations to resutn operations in the phosphate territory He thinks that every poe of them wi] will resume work. During three years of Tillmaaiss more than $15,000 above the Attorno General's salary has been paid fo Court expenses. Gentleman of th Reform party, how does this suit yon pockets ia those hard times ?-Charm Reporter. The York ville Enquirer has receive* a letter from Mr. Sam Freidham, o Fort Lawn, io *hich he says that \ tenant on his farm. has made twenty six bales of cotton, averaging 4& pounds each, with one mule. Besides th< cotton, tho tenant uwde sixty-five bushel of oats. "Please ask," requests Mr Freidham, "if anybody in Texas cai beatthtsr' The Columbia State says: It is stat? ed that one of the State liquor eon atables from the up country has come here and entered the Keeley Institute to be eared of the liquor habit. It is certainly a surprising state of affairs. The matter was generally talked of here last eight, and as far can be ascertained the storyJ? trae. A t?mate catastrophe happened near Union on Jap. 3d on the plantation of Senator Glenn D. Peake, by which three persons were killed and five wounded, one mortally. It was caused by the bursting of the boiler of aa engine used to run a cotton gin. The dead are : Thomas R. Jeter, as well known man with fine connections ; Crouch, who recently came herc from North Carolina, aWal^Kowl o 'The railroad commission has accept? ed a new rate on leal* tobacco from points along the South Carolina Railway to Florence and Darlington. Tbe new rate is from Williston, Elko, Lees, Denmark, Bamberg, Midway, Branch ville, Rowesville. Jamison, St. Mat th?w^m^ CtoqMBA f?npkiBn? fiagood and Boy kin's to Florease and Darlm^on, in boxes 40 cents per 100, in bbjsSwds or tiereea ?cente." the old ratewas from Bamberg to Florence io. boxes, or barreU^O cents, in hogsheads ortierces 39 wats." . D *Ra Ui ?Til^^bSPi T FOR THE S* last teo?et?^gSgty for taxes of the BicbiiwwiaadDasvmoR.R., butas the amooe^^defe^w^esa than what the offered to pay^eai ta^aasU of ita. assess? ment, and not what the comptroller ordered. The mosey was then deposit? ed in Aiken Coonfy^Loan and' Savings Bank aubjeet to the order of the County Treasurer. The South C&re&a* Rat! road made a similar tender, and it was likewise refused. The Carolina, Cum? berland Cap and Chicago Railroad paid its taxes ap ia fail.-Aiken-Recorder. A Spartan burg special of the 5th inst says : In a few more days the dispensary question for thia oity will be settled. The prohibitionists for the past week bave been workiog the city and tbe township, for the voters to sign a petition against a dispensary for this city. Tbe conservatives and the no whiskey men have combined and are pulling together like a charm. Already there are a long list of names to the no-dispensary petition. Several Till manites, .believing that the dispensary is wrong, have signed their names. It is thought that the number of names on the petition will som up to something like 1,500. A reporter of the Herald witnessed an exhibition of the Christopher Rotary Steam engine, invented and patented C. F. Christopher. The engine is surely destined to revolutionize tbe motive power of the world. It is extremely simple io construction, with? out piston rods or valves, and bas no deed center. It reverses with great ease and its power is jost double that of the old piston rod engine. Mr. Christopher says the company is going to build a lng plant for the pur pote of manufacturing the engines. The engine is undoubtedly a success, and should be seen at the Morgan Iron Works by every one,-Spartan burg Herald. The Decision is Reserved. CHARLESTON, Jan. 5.-The argu ment in the famous Cantini caser which involves ?be constitutionality of (he dispensary law, was closed to? day, Maj. T. Gk Barker appearing for the plaintiffs, and Attorney General Buchanan for the defendant whiskey constables. ag? - The plaintiff averred -that the war? rants nader which the whiskey con? stables claimed to act warepa btsnk^ Attorney General Buchanan made some closing remarks, in doing whioh he took occasion to remark that there had "never been a raid, but that some was l?j?ed?*l? % i He* saS th# frowj tie %ffidlfits ' about the "body of^armed men^" hf thought there m?lirnaTenb^?n*^ least forty sauskeeters, a couple of pieces of artillery and a little cavalry*." i The decision is reserved. Popocatapetl, the Mexican vom|o@ is in a state of eruption. %JL W It is said that ife?jrjji require' more than $38,000,00aWr? "the city of New York this year. The Committee on Rules will pro? bably report a resolution ??D take a vqg| ; on the Wilson tnll-on the 22nd or 23rd inst. ? ' ^^fe* Capt. Rhodes, who is in New York enlisting met for the Brazilian army says he has 74? men ready to start at a moment's Notice. ^g^^s?\ Secretary Carlisle say s it will-take $411.879,j9t?^r?u the ?nited??ea govern men* next year. $ j Mr. Carnegie has ordered all 'nie mills to run on full time and ordered $1,000 distributed to the poor each day throughout the period cf distress and then sailed to Egypt for Jits health;^^*^^.. J% 'wi' Ez^t^^Burer Haroldpo^gS^ ! fornia^OHwrntted suicide the other day beciuse lie got defeated for office. Governor Greenhalge was ioagurated last week and Massachusetts is again ^B^s?coa^^e Republican control. ^ Brown, colored, at Savannah by striking hint with ! a brick *ands breaking his neck. * A retie* from Gorereor Flower in re? gard to enforcing Civil Service tn the varions Departments of the, SSate has;' caused much commotion at Albany. lew^su^^ ^a^ir****^^ * tots in Great Britain there are but 176,520 who own farms. , ^Nathaniel ? Warier M .the "vr&f? * iSittf WV^t? ?t?rinf I Machine Co., is dead. The steamer Rhynland, in cross lng the ocean several days ago, was struck by a wave 30 feet high. Several "of the crew were* iojured and the ship narrowly escaped being 3 m as h ed to pieces. ; ? Some of the charity associations in Europe find it cheaper to pay the . fare of the dependent to this : coun? try than to support* them/ana are * tccordingly furnishing the money to do ^* . ?? ?? -. - . .. - . i The new State Treasurer-elect Calvin, of Ngw J?rtv^as appoint- " sd Chas. Anderson, colored, a graduate of Yale College, as ?is private shooting. himself in the head on tho 28th ultimo. i House rent is rather higher in the - GSrtj? of Mexico-.than in Chicago ; 1 kerosene is 50 cents a gallon ; tea 0$j>< * pound ; milk 9 to 12-; cen ts a qfwari. IS?fe are the silver staoda rd pri?es; $1 being worth about two-thirds of our reckoning According to the annual summing up of the Agricultural Department tho average price that the farmers of tins country got for their wheat last jeer was 52.1 cents per bushel, the lowest average that any wheat croo ever brought. It is somewhat re? markable that Irish potatoes brought more, the average price being 60 cents a bushel. Clothing Cutters Association No. 7,954, K. of L , of Cincinnati, O., has adopted resolutions endorsing the Wilson tariff bill in its entirety and I earnestly praying Congress for its j speedy adoption. Also endorsing an j income tax on all incomes exceeding j ?4,000 as equitable, and as a means of relieving the non-possessing class and placing the tax on those whom it be? longs, the opulent. -.--?^m~- ? * ? . - Not His Idea of Reform. The Lancaster Review, which has heretofore supported the "reform move? ment/' has rebelled with a vengeance, and Editor Connors handles the re? cent legislature without gloves. He declares that be bas the most supreme contempt for the men who have ignored every sense of right, decency and justice, and takes no stock io the re? form movement as at present conduct? ed. "Some good," he says, "was at ooo time expected to result from the move* ment, but it has since degenerated into a mere political machine for sliding incompetent and unprincipled men into office. Nov and then a good man gets in, bat these cases are rare indeed. Never before in the history of this country have so many grossly incom? petent and densely ignorant men fill? ed positions of public trust, as is the case to-day, from the office of trial justice op to the United States senate. Seal reform bas evidently been lost sight of by the leaders in their scramble for office, in the meantime expenses and taxes are jumping up higher. Tbe people need not look for any improvement io the present con? dition of affairs until they begin to show;judgment in the selection of their Editor Connors then proceeds to show that Governor Tillman is largely responsible for the unfortunate state of affairs now e xis ti og, and says that "the passage by, a . legislature completely it??er bis ?frof^of su&^mmmis fawVts the DI% dispensary am^ toe r? y Bothing^of the ^dgesbipelectioDs, makes boes respect ana patience atlkSBaidbstfSaaiWQMwoiaue --mmmm>--~+- mu Florence and the Dispensary. | jjk Florence Messenger. I flayer Hursey says that while bei'";'dees not sympathize with the dispensary law, be thinks that the police should aid its enforcement in Florence, hence thee following to the chief of potie??*355^ To G. S. Tarbeyi?e?ief bf Police : DEAR SiRr^XTnder the recent act of our 'legislature it is marje the duty of all policemen and mayors, and intendants of cities abd towns to enforce the Dis? pensary Law. While I, personally, am not in sympathy with the law and would like to see it erased from our Statutes, '.yet'-fanal 1, while occupying the position fido, use my endeavors to suppress IBtcit trsffic io whl?ey||m^enforce this p?. Hence, yon a^yonr?ubordinate w?eers, aod the sheriff, being ex-offioio a policeman, will seize ali whiskey from any and ail persons who-are not author? ised by 'tbife law to sell it, which does not tear the proper stamp, except person al packages, wherever the same may be ?W??^?eat before dorag soy ind before arresting anyone for any- offense under this law you must first apply to myself or some trial justice and obtain a war? rant, either to search or arrest, as I do not wish any of you killed. f A strict ii ser vance of this directio n will h? - re<^?red/ and you wit! notify your policemen accordingly ; and any neglect will mean suspension from office I of any such person. You will be care? ful to act toward all persons with whom it may be necessary to come in contract with under this instruction, in a manner becoming gentlemen. .., ape it "may, not_ be: t|<^aryjfor enforce this law ?jja?st any tt should such, be th sr caser-you ie no ber that you have "a^duty to.perform as an officer of tho law, and never swerve from that duty. W. W. HERSEY, Mayor. ^ Jan. 1?_ 1894. r I 2.50. We make them while you wait. T m ? Si Cl. OUR Stock -OF -AND PICTURES is now complete. Just watch our prices. They cannot be equaled. CHEAP OAK SUITS OUR SPECIALTY. COME AND SEE IT DONE. ELECTRIC SALE. I now have a complete line of these celebrated goods BAMS, SOS0ES, POCETMS, And I do not hesitate to guarantee every one. A FULL LINE OF Coal Scnttles, Coal Vases. Anta^SM anil Toip, Meat hoppers. Eic. Paints Not only guaranteed by the manu ufacturers but by their agents. * Respectfully, W. B. Burns. The Best Shoes for the l>cast Money^ W. L. SHOE FOB masa. S5, 34 and S3.50 Dre? J S ho?. S3.5C Police thoo, 3 Ooloo. 82.50, 82 fof Workingmen. 82 and 81.75 fdr Boyo. LADIES AND MISSES, 83, 32.60 Sa, $1.75 CAUTIOX.-If ?ny dealer offers yon W. L. Douri?? shoes st s> reduced price? or says lie hss them with? out the ass? stamped on th. botton?. put him down M s fraud. THE W. L. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fitting, and give better satisfaction at the prices advertised than any other make. Try one pair and be con? vinced. The stamping of "NV. L. Douglas* name and price on the bottom, which guarantees their value, saves thousands of dollars annually to those who wear them. Dealers who push the sale of W. L. Douglas Shoes gain cust^^ers, which helps te> increase the sales on their full line of goods. They can afford *. sell at a less profit? and we believe you can aavo money by buying- all your footwes " the dealer adver? tised below. Catalogue free upon application. W. JU DOUGLAb, ??rockton, Mass. J. RYTTENBERG- & SONS. The Far mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Jfif jlfiilll As.SOCiiitiOll, Obtained, and ail I'ATENT BUSINESS at? By the FARMERS and for the S?t??tS T? A TJTt/T?DO tain PatentsT less time timn those remote from r AriM?li?. WASHINGTON. Semi MODEL /'/.'.? WISO or V/a T ?\UL> XT/^ TS s "tr JWTO of invention. We advise as to patent 3 U liUko-jj U Pli ahUlty free of charee and we make NO CIJA RGE VKJ^ XW . UNLESS PATENT ]S SECURED. Apply te For'circular, advice, terms and references to Wry on ir ri . A K***1 ? y?ur <>w? State, County, City or . H. SEALE, Agent, wnte 10 Jan 3-3m. SUMTER C0?NTY, S. C. 0ppC4^pS^tO^^S^S^