The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, January 10, 1894, Image 2

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The Disj?en3ary Law, continued sell to no person in Jfhis^tate*, < . the ?tate Comrafssioner, ar parties outside the Stete, an ? State Commissioner shall pm his 8 applies from brewers distillers in this State, where product readies the standai quired bx this Act: Pro ?Such supp fi es can be porchas cheaply liiere ^ elsewhere, package,, barrel? or bottle of liquors ahipped beyond the lin this State ahaH have thereo certif?cate of the State Commis; allowing, t ie same, otherwise il be liable to confiscation, am railroad carrying it shall be pun as in Section 3 : And pro\ That any person shall have the to make wine for bia or her ow from grapes or other fruits. Sec. 16. J5very Dispenser keep a strict account of all li< received by bim from the Commissioner, in a book kep that parp?se, which shall be so at all tiroes to the inspection of Circuit Solicitor, any peace onie grand juror ot the county, or of citizen, and such book shall sho v amount and kind of liquors proci the date of receipt and amount and the amount on hand of kind for each month. Such shall be produced by the j keeping the same, to bc use* evidence on trial of any proseci against biro, on notice duly se that the same will be require? evidence. Sec. 17. Tb? payment of United Stoles special tax as a li? seller, or notice of any kind in pises of resort, or in any store shop, radicating that alcoholic liq are there gold, kept or given ai shall be held to be prims f evidence tl? at the person or pen paying said tax sod the psi displaying 3uch notices are act inj violation of this Act, sod an said person or parties are sell , under pera it aa prescribed by Act ?hey st all be punished by a not exceeding $100 or i m prison m not more than thirty days. Sec. 18. Licensed druggists c ducting drag stores and raanufactui of proprietary medicines are nen authorized ?6 purchase of Dispene of the comities of their reside intoxicating; liquors (not i nc! ad malt) for the parp?se of compon ing medicices; tinctures sod extra that cannot be used as a bevera The Dispensers shall not charge si licensed druggists more titan ten ] cent.* net profit for liquors so so Such purchaser shall keep a rec? of the uses to which the same J devoted, gibing the kind and quant so used, and quarterly they sb make and file with the Cour Auditor and with the County Bot of Control sworn reports, giving fall sod true statement of t quantity an?! kinds of such liqo< purchased and used, the uses which the same have been devote and giving the name of the Dispi ser from whom the same w purchased, and the dates ai qoantities so purchased togeth with an invoice of each kind still stock and kept for such componn ing8. If said licensed druggist sin sell, barter, give away or exchauj or in any manner dispose of sa liquors for aoy parp?se other th] authorized by thin Section, he sui upon conviction forfeit his ii cern and be liable to all penalties, prosee tiona sud proceedings at law and i equity provided against persoi selling without permit, and upc such conviction the Clerk of tb Court shall within ten days after sac judgment or order, transmit to th Board of Pharmaceutical Examinei the certified record thereof, upo receipt of which the asid Board sba strike the name of the said druggie from the list of pharmacists an revoke bis certificate : Provided That nothing herein contained sha be constrt ed to authorize tb manufacture or sale of any prepare tion or compound under any name form or device, which may be usa as a beverage which is intoxicating in its character And provided farther. That the State Commissiooe shall be authorized to sell to manu lecturing chemists and wholesale druggists alcohol by the barrel ai cost. Sec. 19. If aoy person ?hal make any false or fictitious signature or sign any name other than his oi her own to any paper required to be signed by this Act, without being authorized so to do, or make any false statement in any paper, request or application signed to procure liquors under this Act, the person so offending shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor shall be punished by a fine of not more than $25 or be imprison? ed not more than thirty days. Sec. 20. If any Dispenser, or his clerk, shall make false oath touching any matter required to be sworn to under the provisions of this Act, the person so offending shall, upon conviction, be punished by law for perjury. If any County Dispen? ser shall purchase or procure any intoxicating liquors from other person than the State Commissioner, or make any false return to the County Auditor, or use any request for liquors for more than one sale, in any such case be shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon cooviction be punished by a fine of $500 or six months imprisonment. Sec. 21. Every person who shall di redly or indirectly keep or main t himself, Qr by associating or con with others, or who shall ic an o er aid, assist or abet in keep OJ ain tain i n g any dab room or place in which aoy intoxicating are received or kept for ase, ba sale as a beverage, or for distri or division amoog the members i club or association by any means j?fer,. and every person who sht eeive, barter, sell, assist or ab other io receiving,, bartering or i any alcoholic liquors so receiv kept, shall be deemed guilty of demeanor, and upon conviction t shai! be pan i sh ed by a fine not r eeeded one hundred dollars, or days imprisonment : Provided, the State Board of Control shall the power, opoo a proper showio ander such rales as they may adc exempli hotels where the toarif beal th iee ker s resort, from being sidered n aisances or as violating Act by reason of any manager of hotels dispensing liquors bought the Dispensary, by the bottle < night or day, among the bona guests of s ach hotel ; bat before such exemption shall be grantee State Board of Control shall re the manager of such hotel to ? good and sufficient bond io the som of three thousand dollars, o tioned for the observance of ali rules, regulations and restric prescribed and imposed by the board and with all the requiremeo this Act ; and it shall be lawful foi constable or officer thus empo? ander this Act to enter such hotel search it at any time, day or n without a warrant for contra liquors Seo. 22. AU places where bolic liquors are sold, bartered or g away in violation of thia Act', or ? persooa are permitted to resort foi purpose of drinking alcoholic liqoo a beverage, ->r where alcoholic liq are kepf for sate, barter 'or deliver violation of this Act, are he! declared to be common nuisances, any person may go before ?oy j as tice io the county and swear ou arrest warrant, on personal knowle or on information and belief, ch ar ? said nuisance, giving the names witnesses against the keeper or rn? ger of such' place and his aids assistants, if any, and such trial jos shat) direct such arrest warrant eil to the sheriff of the county or to special constable, commanding t defendant to be arrested and brou before him to be dealt with according law, and at the same time shall taso search warrant, tn which the premi io question shall be part?cula described, commanding such sheriff constable to thoroughly search premises and to seise all aloobi liquors found thereon, and dispose theo as provided in section 33, ? shall also seise all vessels, bar fixtor screens, bottles, glasses and apport aoees apparently used or suitable use io retailing liquors, to make a co plete inventory thereof, and deposit I same with the sheriff. That under t arrest warrant the defendant shall arrested aod brought before such tr justice aod the case shall be dispos of as in case of other crimes beyond I jurisdiction, except that wheo be coi mira ?>r binds over the parties for tr to the next term of the court of genet sessions for the county he shall ma out every paper io the case io duplica and file one copy of the proceedin with the clerk of the court for t eoaoty and immediately transmit tl other copy to the solicitor of the circe whereupon said solicitor shall at on* apply to the circuit judge at Chain be within that circuit, for an order r straining the defendants, their servan or agents from keeping, receiviuj bartering, selim g or' giving away a? alcoholic liquors until the further ord? of the court. Sueb circuit judge hereby authorised, empowered an required to grant the said restrain io order without requiring a bond c undertaking upoo the bearing or reoeii by bim ?of said papers from the sai trial by the bands of the solicitor ; an aoy violation of said restraining ordei before the trial of the ease, shall b deemed a contempt of court an< punished aa such by said judge o court, as for the violation of an order o injunction. Upon conviction of sait defendants of maintaining said nuisanc at the trial, they, or any of them, sh al be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor punishable bj imprisonment in tbt Sute Penitentiary for a term of not lest than three months, or a fine of not lest than two hundred dollars, or by both, ic the discretion of the court, and the re? straining order shall be made perpetual The articles covered by the inventory, which were retained by the sheriff, shall be forfeited to the State and sold and the net proceeds sent to the State Commissioner, and the sheriff shall forthwith proceed to dispose of the alcoholic liquors covered by the inven? tory as provided for in this Act as when other liquors are seized. The finding of such alcoholic liquors on such premises, with satisfactory evidence that the same was being disposed of contrary to this Act, shall be prima facie evidence of the nuisance com? plained of. Liquors seized as herein? before provided, and the vessels con? taining them, shall not be taken from the custody of the officers in possession of the sa jae by any writ of replevin or other process while the proceedings herein provided are pending. No suit shall lie for damages alleged to arise by seizure and detention of liquors under this Act. Any person violating the terms of any j restraining order granted in such pro- j ceedings shall bc punished for con- 1 tempt by a fine of not les., .ban t hundred dollars nor more than c tboasaud dollars, and by imprison m i in the State Penitentiary not leas tb ninety days nor more than one year. In contempt proceedings arising < of the violation of any injunction gra ed noder the provisions of this Act, I court, or, in vaeation (be judge there shall have power to try summarily a punish the party or parties guilty, required by law. The affidavits opon which the : tacbme'ot for contempt issues shall'ma a prima facie case for thc State. T accused may plead in the same mano as to an indictment in so far as t same is applicable. Evidence may oral or in the form of affidavits, both ; the defendant may be requir to make answers to interroga torie either written or oral, as io the disci rion of the court or jodge may see proper; the defendant shall n necessarily be discharged upon I denial of the fact stated in the movii papers.? The clerk of the court shs upon the application of either part issue subpoenas for witness, and exce as above set forth the practice in sm contempt proced? ogs shall conform nearly as may to the practice in tl court of common pleas Sec. 23 The ?State Com ra issi one under rules and regulations provided I the State Board of Control, may eut into contracts with responsible gra] growers in this State for the sale domestic wines through the Dispensar; so as to eocourage grape growing i the State, and in furtherance of th object not more than teo per cent, pr f?t to the Dispensary over the ezpeost of bottling, labeling, freightage, etc shall be charged for the handling i such wines. The manager of every registered di cillery of liquor in this State shall rt port quarterly to the Sute Commit s to Der, showing the number of gal lot of each kind of liquor on hand, mam factured or disposed Of during ft quarter, and if the said report fail t correspond with the return of sai distillery to the United States Intern! Revenue Collector, for this Sute, or is shown that said manager bas dispot ed of liquor contrary to this Act, sai distillery Rb ul I be deemed to be a cooa mon nuisance, and the said manage and bis aiders and assistants and th premises shall be proceeded again* as io this Act provided aa to place where liquors are sold contrary to thi Act. Sec. 24. In all cases of place where liquors are au lawfully kept o stored, the' same not being io an opel boase or exposed to view, and a searcl beiog necessary, upon affidavit to tha effect or on information and belief tba contraband liquor is io such places, t search warrant shall be issoed by t Justice, Judge or Trial Justice, o Mayor or Intendant of a city or to wo to whom application is made empower ing a constable, or aoy person who maj be deputized, to enter thc said plae< by day time or io the night time and U search and examine the said premise? for the purpose of seizing the said coo trabaod liquors tbereio concealed, kepi or stored, which liquor wheo so seized shall be disposed of as hereinafter provided. Sec. 25. That any of the liquors set forth io Section one (1) of this Act, which are contraband may be seized aod taken without warrant by any Sute constables, sheriff or policeman, while in transit or after arrival, whether in possession of a com moo carrier, depot agent, express agent, private person, firm, corporation or association, and reported, to the State Commissioner at once, who shall dispose of the same as bereioairer provided : Provided, That liquors purchased outside the Sute owned and conveyed as personal bag? gage, shall be exempt from seizure wheo the quantity does not exceed one gallon/ Sec. 26. That the possession of said illicit liquors is hereby prohibited and declared unlawful, aod any obligation, note or indebtedness contracted io their sale or transportation is declared to be absolutely noll and void, nor shall aoy action or suit for the recovery of the same be entertained in any court io this State. Sec. 27. That the proceediog against liquor so illegally kept, stored, sold, delivered, transported or beiog transported, shall be con sidered a proceeding io rem, unless otherwise herein provided elsewhere than at his or her residence. Sec. 28. That the carriage, trans* por tatton, possession, removal, sale, delivery or acceptance of any of the s aid liquors or liquids in any package, cask, jug, box or other package, under t.ny other than the proper name or brand knowu to the trade as designat? ing the kind and quality of the contents of the casks, packages or boxes con* ? tainiog the same, or causing such ! removal, acceptance, transportation, j taking iuto possession, or any such de livery, shall work the forfeiture of said j liquors or liquids and casks or pack- ! ages, and the person or person so ! offending, knowingly, be subject to pay j a, fine of not more than five hundred collars or imprisonment for the term of not longer thao six months, and the wrongful name, address, mark, ! stamp or style on such liquor when j seized shall be considered evidence j prima facie of guilt. The books and waybills of the common carrier may be examined to trace said liquor to the shipper, who shall be liable, upon con? viction, in a like peoalty. Sec. 29. That all Constables, Deputy Constables, Sheriffs, or Muni? cipal policemen, shall have the right, power and authority, and it shall be their duty, whenever they are informed j or suspect that any sach su*pii package in possession of a cono carrier contains alcoholic liquor* liquids, to detain the same for ex at? lion for the ^term of twenty-four ? without any warrant or process ? ever Sec. 30. That any interference any person with obstruction or re ance of, or abusive language to, officer or person in the disoh of the duties herein ' enj-uoec the use of abusive language any such officer or person to other person or persons shall, c conviction, be deemed guilty of a demeanor and be puoisbable by a of not more than one hundred dollar imprisoned for the term of not u than thirty days. Sec. 31. in ail cases of seizor any goods, wares or merchao hereafter or heretofore made, as be subject to forfeiture under any provi of this Act or the former Act, wh in the opinion of the officer or pei making the seizure are of the appra value of fifty dollars or more, the i officer or person shall proceed as folk First. He shall cause a list contain a particular description of the got wares or merchandise seized to be j pared in duplicate and an appraiser thereof to be made by three sworn praisers, to be selected by him, \ shall be respectable and dis i ute res citizens of the State of South Carol residing within the county wherein seizure was made Said Hst and praisemeot shall be properly attested the said officer or person and the s appraisers, for which service each of said appraisers shalt be allowed the s of one dollar, to be paid by the St Commissioners. Second If the said goods are beli ed by the officer making the seizure be of less value than fifty dollars, appraisement shall be made. The s officer or person shall proceed to pobl a ootiee for three weeks, io writing, three places in the county where ! seizure was made, describing the at des and stating the time and place s cause of their seizure, and nqoiri any person claiming them to appt and make such claim within thirty dt from the date of the first publication such notice. Third. Any person claiming t liquors so seised as contraband, ai the vessels containing the same, wit in the time specified in the notic may file with the State Commission a claim stating his interest in t articles seised aod may execute a bot to the State Commissioner in the pen som of five hundred dollars, with su eties to be approved by the said Sta Commissioner, conditioned that in tl case of. condemnatioo of the arieles seized the obligors shall pay all tl costs and expenses of the prooeedioj to oblato such condemnation ; and upe the delivery of such bonds to the Sta Commissioner be shall transmit tl same with the duplicate list or di s cr ip ti on of the goods seised to tl Solictor of the circuit io which soc seizure was made, and said Solicte shall prosecute the case to secure th for fei tur? of said contraband liquoi or liquids io the court having jurisdic tion. Fourth. If no claim is interpose and no bond given within the tim above specified, such liquors shall b forfeited without further proceedings and the State Commissioner shall hav the said liquors tested by the Stat Chemist, and if pure shall sell th same through the State Dispensary a though purchased by him If no pure, he shall sell the same beyond th State and desposit the proceeds to th credit of the State Commissioner Provided, That in seizures in quantitie less in value than fifty dollars of sad illicit liquor, or liquors, the same ms; be advertised, with other quantities at Columbia by the State Commissioner) and disposed of as hereinbefore pro vided: Provided further, That the claimant of such liquors may give bone in one hundred dollars as wheo the value is fifty dollars or over, and shal bear the barden of showing before a Trial Justice that be has complied with the law and that the liquors is not liable to seizure. See. 32. That all fermented, distill, ed or other liquors or liquids contain? ing alcohol, transported into this State or remaining herein for use, sale, consumption, shortage or other disposition shall, upon introduction and arrival in this State, be subject to the operation and effect of this law to the same extent and in the same man? ner as though such liquors or liquids had been produced in this state. Sec. 33. That no person, except as provided by this Act, shall bring into this State, or transport from place to place within this State, by wagon, cart or other vehicle, or by any other means or mode of carriage, any liquors or liquids containing alcohol, under a penalty of $100 or imprisonment for thirty days, for each offense upon con? viction thereof, as for a misdemeanor. Any servant, agent or employee of any persons, coporation or associations, doing business in this State, as common carrier, or any person whatever, (ex? cept an officer seizing or examining the same) who shall remove any in? toxicating liquors from any railroad car, vessel or other vehicle of trans? portation at any place other than usual j and established staions, wharves, de- j pots or places of business of such com mon carriers within same city or town j where there is a Dispensary, and then only for such Dispensary, or who shall j aid in or consent to such removal, shall upon conviction be subject to a j penalty of $50 or imprisonment for thirty days for every offense : Pro- j vided, That said penalty shall not apply ? to any liquor io transit when chanj from car to car to facilitate trans?; tatton across the Stale : Provid That this section does not apply liquids purchased from a Dispens and hearing the proper label or c ti fica te. All liquors in this State, cept Dispensary liquors and tb passing through consigned to points youd, shall be deemed contraband a may be seized in transit without w rant. Aod aoy steamboat, saili vessel, railroad, express company other common carrier transporting briogisg into this State for sale or i therein, except by the Dispensai shall suffer s penalty of ?500 and co for each offense, to be recoverd by I Solictor of the Circuit Court, or I Attorney General, by an action brou g therefor io aoy court of compete jurisdiction. The State constable sheriffs, municipal police or any la fui constable may enter any railro car, or express car, or depot, or steai boat, or other vessel, without warra and make search for such contraba liquors, and may examine the w bills and freight books of said comm carriers, and any one interfering wi or resisting such officer shall be pu ished by a fine not exceediog $100 imprisonment not longer than thii days; Sec.. 34. That any person detect openly violatiog aoy of the provisio of tb ie Act shall be liable to arre without warraot, provided a warra shall he procured withio a reasooat time thereafter. Sec. 35. That violations of any the sections of this Act where pu isbment upon conviction is not espet ally provided for, the person or perso or coporatioo so convicted shall 1 punished in tbe discretion of the con trying the same. All alcoholic 1 quors, other thao domestic wine, ai in quantity more than five gallon which do not have on the packages i whieh they are contained the labels an certificates goiog to show that thc have been purchased from a State o ficer authorized to sell them are beret declared contraband, and oo seism will be forfeited to the State as pr? vided io Section 31 : Provided, Th: this section shall not apply to liqut held by the owners of registered still; Persons having more, than five ga loos of liquors elsewhere than at his c her home, whioh they wish to keep fe their owo use. may throw the pn tectioo of the law around the same b furnishing an inventory of the quaotit aod kinds to the State Commissioner and applying for certificates to affi thereto. After sixty days from the ap proval of this Act any liquor found ii the State not having such certificate may be seised and confiscated. Per sons having more than they wish t use may obtain certificates to ship be yond the limits of this State Aoy per son affixing, or causing to be affixed, t< any package containing alcoholic liquo any imitation stamp or other printet or engraved la?el or device than thos< furnished by the State Commissionet shall for each offense be liable to i peoaltv of ten days' imprisonment oi $25 fine. Sec 36. Every person who dispos Besses or rescues from a constable oi other officer, or attempts so to do. an* alcoholic liquor taken or detaioed by such officer charged with the enforce meat of this law, shall, upon convic? tion, be imprisoned thirty days or pay a fine of $100. Sec. 37. Aoy person handling con? traband liquor io the night time ot delivering the same, shall be guilty ol a misdemeanor, aod on conviction, shall be punished by imprisonment for thirty day s or $100 fine. Sec. 38. Aoy wagoo, cart, boat or other conveyance transporting contra? band liquor at night other than reg? alar passenger or freight steamers and railway cars shall be liable to seizure aod confiscation ; and to that end the officer shall cause the same to be appraised by three disinterested citizens, aod unless recovered ty claim and delivery proceedings and soitable bond, shall be advertised and sold and proceeds sent to the State Commis? sioner. See. 39. Every Dispenser, wheo he sells a package containing liquor, shall pot a cross mark io ink oo the label or certificate thereon, extending from the top to the bottom and from side to side. When any liquor is seized be? cause it has not the necessary certi? ficates and labels required by this Act, the burden of proof shall be upon the claimant of said spirits to show that no fraud bas been committed and that the whiskey is not contraband. Sec. 40. That any railroad, steam bo ad, express company or other com? mon carrier shall incur a penalty of treble the invoice price of any alcoholic liquors lost or stolen in transit to or from the Dispensary, whether shipped : as released or not, such penalty to be j recovered by action in any court of j competent jurisdiction. Sec. 41. That it shall be unlawful for any person to take or to solicit orders, or to receive money from other persons for the purchase or shipment of any alcoholic liquors for or to such other persons in this State, except for liquors to be purchased and shipped from the Dispensary, and any person violating this section, upon conviction, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemean? or, and shall be punished by impris? onment not to exceed thirty days or by a fine not to exceed $100. Sec. 42. It shall be the duty of sheriffs, deputy sheriffs and constables having notice of the violation, of any of the provisions of this Act to notifiy the Circuit SoliOr of the fact of such violation and to furnish him with the names of any witnesses within their knowledge by. whom such violation can be proven If any such officer or Solicitor shall wilfully fail to comply with the provisions of this section, he shall opon conviction, be fined in a sam not less than $100 nor more than $500 ; and such conviction shall work a forfeiture of the office held by such person ; and the court before whom such conviction is had shall, in addition to the imposition of. the fine aforesaid, order and adjudge the forfeiture of his said office. Sec. 43. The Governor shall have authority to appoint one or more State constables at a salary ot $2 per day and expenses when on duty, and two chief constables at $2 each per day and expenses, to see that thia Act is enforced, the same to be charged to the expense of the State Commissioner, except as otherwise provided io this Act. Sec. 34. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed. Sec. 45. That wherever ni this Act it is provided that process shall issue upon an affidavit based on infor? mation and belief, the affidavit shall contain a statement setting forth the sources of information, the facts and grounds upon which the affiant bases bis belief. Sec. 46 This Act shall not be held or coostroed to in any manner repeal or effect existing laws prohibit? ing the sale of intoxicating liquors within certain distances of churches and schools. Sec. 47. That brewers io this State of rice beer heretofere engaged ia fhe manufacture and sale of rice beer containing not more than 2 per cent, of alcohol shall be allowed thirty days from the approval of this Act to dispose of their manufactured products now on hand. Saul!Chapter 7, Title VII of the Code of Civil Procedure of this State entitled. "Of Provisional Remedies io Civil Actions/' shall not ipply to, any officer or parson having duties to perform under this Act and in no case shall an action lie against any such officer or person for damages to < person or property as provided in said chspter. Sec. 49. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its approval. --.." "jflsH BX^-BPBPC' *- [ LOST-A L&BSS AMOUNT OP MONEY ls lost SD anally by parties purchasing worth? less fruit trees, roses, kc. Get them from s (irm that grows their own trees, sends ont nothing but good stock and sells at reason? able prices We want the address of every farmer or gardener in your section and will make rou a liberal offer, write for particulars and prices at once, send stamp for descriptive Catalogue. Agents wanted everywhere. Address, CHEROKEE NURSERY CO., Waycross, Ga. (Mention this Paper.) Many Pers+ns are broma down dom overwork or household cares. Brown's Iron Bitters Bebufldsta* system, sids digestion, removes excess of bfls, and eurea malaria* Get the germine. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD FOR 1894. Will be without Question America's -LEADIN8 FAMILY PAPER. The reputation that the Weekly Herald bas enjoyed for many years of being the best home newspaper in the land will be mater? ially added to dering the jear of 1994. No pains or expense will be spared to make it in every department th? most reliable, inter? esting and instructive of all weekly news? paper publications. It will be proved1 io many ways. A Dumber of new features and depart? ments will bcadded. Toe latest development in all fields of contemporaneous haman interest will be ably descussed from week to week by accomplished writers. THE NEWS OF THE WORLD. will be given io a concise but complete form. Every important or interesting event, either at home or abroad, will be duly described io the columns of the Weekly Herald. In politics the Herald is absolutely inde? pendent and soond. It tells the right sad wcoogs of all sides without fear. Farmers sod stock raisers eau not afford tc be without the Weekly Herald during the coming year. It will con tain a regular de? partment each week devoted exclusively to subjects of timely interest to them sod giving many valuable suggestions aod oew ideas. The women and children of the land will find in the Weekly Herald a welcome visitor. The household and children's pages will be both instructive and entertaining. They will abound ie hints and receipts which women so much value. A brilliant array of novels and short stories by the best writers in America and England has been secured, so that fiction will he one of the most attractive features in the Weekly Herald during 1894. In fact, the Weekly Herald will be a ma? gazine of the highest order,- combined with a complete newspaper. Now is the Time to Subscribe. only One Dollar AYear SEND FOR SAMPLE COPY. Address, THE WEEKLY HERALD, HERALD SQUARE, NEW YORK. REMOVAL. LEVAN'S BARBER SHOP has been removed to the room ove* Mr. B. J. Barnett's store, in bis new building on Main Street. Thanking any friends for psst favors, I solicit their continued patronage .in my new stand, where I am better prepared to serve them with satisfaction to them as well as myself. Respectfully. JOSEPH LEVA*. Dec. 6-4.