SCHWARTZ BRO Mammoth Reduction Sale! A GREAT CUT IK PRICES. Owing to the Hard Times and Great Scarcity of Money, and being desirous of reducing our immense stock of Dress Goods, we have determined FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DATS -TO MAKE J9L Saorifioe Sale. Eveiy piece of Dress Goods in oar immense stock will be reduced and marked in HARD TiME CUT PRICES. The knife will be applied to every article without reserve. -Note These Astounding Prices Fine Imported Suits in dress lengths, (no two alike ) Suits that were $7.50 now $5 79. Suits that were $ 8.50 now ?6.27. ?? ? ** 9.50 " 7.19. " " " 10 50 " 7.53. Suits that were $11.00 now $7.89. Dress Goods that wero 12|c and 15c. now 10c. Dress Goods, 36-in. that were 20c now 15c. F. Cashmeres, 36-in., ali shades, that were 25c and 30c. now 19c. Dress Goods that were 35c. now 26c. Dress Goods that were 40c. now 29c. ?? ,< .? ?i 5oc. " 39c ?? " ?. " 60c. '.' 42c. " f? ** , " 75c. " 54C. " " " 90c. . " 65c Dress Goods that were $1 now 74c. This is the greatest offer ever made since we haye be?n in business and is a rare oppor? tunity for Ladies to buy Dress Goods whether they really need them or not. NOTE THIS ALSO 1?0 pieces Calicos, Dress Styles, Mournings and Shirtings, best goods at 5c 25 pieces Ginghams, Dress Styles, at 5c. 75 pieces Finest Ginghams, Dress Styles, at 7c, were 10c. , 1 bale 36-in. C Island Homespun at 4f c. 1 bale 36 in. C Island Homespun, extra quality at 6c. was SJ c. 0??B ENTIBE STOCK OF FLANNELS BECxABDLESS of their VALUES, LOOK AT THESE CUTS Cloaks that were $5 00 now $ 3 69. Cloaks that were ? 6.00 now $4.28. " ?? " 7.00 " 5.39. " *; " ' 8.00 " 617. " " 9.00 " 7 23. " " " 10.00 " 7.89. And lots of other things have been cut in this same way. Remember, this is A BONA FIDE Offer, And all Goods are marked in plain figures. Our entire stock of Children's Long Cloaks that were $4, 05, $6, now to close, $3. This Sale begins Wednesday Morning and Will continue each day for 30 days. Call-early and select before the stock is reduced. Respecfully, SCHWARTZ BROS., \ Palace Dry Goods Emporium. Soy 32_ Epperson's Coal Yard* -I HANDLE Pennsylvania Red Ash, Egg, Stove and Nut COAL. Alabama and Tennessee Bituminous Coal also Pocahontas Blacksmith and Steam Coal Prices t? compete with any dealers. Weight and - quality guaranteed. GEO. F. EPPERSON, SUMTER, S, C. Office at Epperson's Livery Stable. Oct. 18. Glenn Springs Water, ls unsurpassed and invalids find sore and ?peedy relief by its use Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Chronic Hepatitis, Jaundice, Torpor of Liver and General Debility, following upon Malarial Diseases, Dropsy, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Constipation, Hemorroid.s Uterine, Renal and Cystic Diseases, Hoematuria, Rheumatism, Catamenial Derangement, and OTHER FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Highly recommended by the medical profession. For circulars containing certificates, etc., apply to ' Paul Simpson, GLENN SPRINGS, S. C. -O -FOR SALE BY- I Dr. A. J. China, Dr. McKagen, J S. Hughsori & Co., J. F. W. DeLorme aDd W. R. Delgar, Jr. Buy Your CLOTHING, FROM D. J. CHANDLER, THE CLOTHIER, If you do not, you will certainly regret it. HE HAS A Brand New Stock -OF MEN'S and BOY'S Clothing, Hats and Shoes. Owing to the short crops of Cotton and scarcity of Money, he is selling every ! thing in his line at a sacrifice. Bargains await you. Call as soon as you can. l\Tov. 15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! Pall 1893. I In making this, our Annual Fall Announcement, we desire to call particular attention to our HAT STOCK. For years we have been making a specialty of this department, and we can safely say that we have never been better prepared than this season. -OUR STOCK COMPRISES OVER 100 DOZEN SAMPLE HATS of the latest shapes and styles, which we offer AT ONE-HALF REGULAR PRICE. This statement would seem incredulous, but we are prepared to prove it by an examination of our stock. There are many citizens of Sumter County who are now wearing hats bought from us two and possibly three years ago AT ONE DOLLAR EACH, Who will bear us out in the assertion thai in some grades they are even less than one-half what they have been paying for the same class of goods. Our friends seem to apprecaite our efforts in this line, for several days before our stock was received we were having inquiries : . 'xxa/tre Your Hats Come In?" And when they did come, before we had an opportunity of assorting and marking them, several dozen were picked out. We" would therefore advise friends who wish a CHOICE FUR HAT, either soft or stiff in any shapa AT ONE DOLLAR, To cal! early and make their selections, as they are going very rapidly, HI Clothing Department We are better prepared than usual to give you good value for the money yon wish to invest, from a Boy's Snit at 65c. to a Man's Suit at $25.00. We feel that we can supply your wants. Saffig Shoe Department j I You will find HONEST VADUE and a complete stock from which to select, j We cannot pass over this department without calling attention to our i Celebrated Brand of J E. P. Reed & Co's, We have had exclusive sale of these goods for five years and we will pay a Seward QK(\ t0 anv ^y 7n *ne countv who has ever bought these goods 0? $?JU fr0(n USj and upon failure of the same to give satisfaction j that we did not BEFUND HES MONEY, give a new pair of shoes or make due allowance for the time they were worn. This we are authorized to do by the manufacturers. IN OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT We offer a complete line of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and DRESS GOODS, with Trimmings to match. We might enter into an enumeration of prices here that would astonish you, but as the STOCK IS SO' LARGE and advertising so expensive we merely ask you to call and be convinced. In our Notion Department we Have a Lot of j Slightly Soiled Kid Gloves at 25c. pr. pair* ! This includes some of the celebrated Centemeri brands. Our celebrated GLOBE KID, in all shades, every pair warranted, has no superior. Featherbone Corsets. The lady who desires solid comfort, ought to supply heiself with a pair of - j the above brand as soon as possible. The subjoined cuts give only a faint ; idea of them. They are made strictly of feather-bone and sold exclu? sively by us. I We have elaborated considerably upon your exterior wants but have said I nothing about THE INNER MAN. No matter how poor the crop or how : low the price, WE MUST EAT and we were no less particular in pro? viding for you in this respect than in our other variouvs departments. Flour is Cheap, and we Bought 500 Barrels, So if you Want Rock Bottom Prices See us before buvin?. j We cannot close this appeal to our friends without something to say ABOUT THE COTTON BUSINESS. Our reputation is pretty well established in tho market, but wo were never : better prepared to handie the fleecy staple than we are this season. Always have the satisfaction of knowing that O'Donnell Saw Your Sample, j For then you can feel assured if he did not buy, some one paid all or more than it was worth. Respectfully, O'Donnell & Company, Main Street .... SUMTER, S. C. Sep 20 HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. JAMES AL.LAJ* & CO., Diamonds, Jewelry. Silverware, Specta? cles, Drawing Instruments THE FINEST STOCK IN THE STATE. RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Watch Repairing a specialty. Chief Inspectors of Watches for Sooth Caro? ma Railway. Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Division of Three Cs Rail Road. JAMES ALLAN & CO., F?fc. 8 285 King St., Sign of O-um Clock. Charleston, S. C.