Unteren ai the Pout O?ije at Sumr?r. S 6\. as Secoiui Class Matter. NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bank of Sumter-Holiday Notice. Kin g ma ? & Co.- Fine F*ocy Groceries. Stmonds National Bank-Holiday Notice. Schwartz Bros.-Mammoth Reduction Saie Personal. Mr. J. R. Haynsworth has gone to Sum? merton. Miss Belle Sanders has leturned from a visit to Darlington. "Ht C. DesCham ps attended the Darlington Guards Bali last week. rJiiss Tompkins of Ninetv-Six is the guest ofcitrs. W. V. i?. Marshall. Mrs. R. A. Brand has been visiting in Staunton, Va., for several weeks. Miss Abbie DeLorme, of Darlington is visiting at Mr. B. ?. DeLorme's. Mr. A. 8 Mciver, traveling agent of the Southern Presbyterian ts in the city. . Misses Addie and Rosa Burgess of East Clarendon are visiting at Capt. Pierson's. Mr. A'hert Pnrrott, of Dar'ington, was" itt the city Sanday visiting Mr.L. I. Parrott. Dr. Lawrence King of Florence and Dr. Paul King of Mayesville spent Sunday in the city.. Messrs H. L -Darr ano* L. B. H. Darr of tbe Bishopville Banner were in the city on Mon? day. Mr C. W. Kinsman, who has been sick for some weeks is out again, we are- glad to Say. Mr. "W. M. Shannon, jr.; of Camden, was ia the>city yesterday. He left for h.me this morning. Miss Sallie Burgess, of Summerton, who has been v-isiiingMrs D-. J. Guandler, has returned home. " M rs. James H. Porter and daughter, Kittie, of Conway, S C., is visiting bereister, Mrs. M A. Flowers. Mrs. A. J. China and Mrs. H. W. Bennett | leave- for several mouths stay in Florida on; next Tuesday. Miss Theo. Grezg who has been visiting I Misses 0??robelU* and Lucy McLeod of Lynch- i ourg has returned home. . . J i Miss Eleanor Thompson, who has been | elected teacher of the Tindals school left ou j Saturday to commence her duties. Charles E Kimball, rt-ceiverof the Charles? ton, Sumter & Northern Railroad was in the city on Saturday on business connected with the road. ^ Mr. L. I. Parrotjt h?s been employed to iodex some ot the old records of Georgitown Coun? ty, and left hist week to begin the work. He will bee igaged on this work for several months. ----w^^ * The time for paying etty taxes expires on November 30th, The Baptist State Convention meets in An? derson to-night. A crowd is being made up io go to Augusta oh Thanksgiving day. The services of the V. M .C. A.,. every night, have neen weil attended. The bunters are having fine sport this sea? son, the birdS are unusually abundan! The wet wearher recalls t?" the mind of.all pedestrians that crossings are needed on the principal streets. ? Miss Lyle McKinuon. of Bossards in addi? tion to those already published, has b'-en awarded a second grade teachers' certificate The regular mewing of Sumter Lodge I. O. G. T.t will not be h**ld this week on ac? count of the Week of Praver services of the Y M C. A. The ree! squads are practising. every few days and will Oe well drilled to fight fire. A squad will go to the Augusta Exposition to compete for the prize. No new facts have been developed concern? ing the drowning of the negro girl in First Mill Pond on last Tuesday, and the verdict of death from accidental causes will stand. There will be a Hot Supper at the old Lenoir piace. Rafting Creek, on the evening of December 1st, for the benefit of the High Hills Baptist and Bethesda Methodist chinches There has been considerable stealage of seed cotton this fall, and negro shopkeepers in the cou ut ry have been buying from the thieves. Some of the cotton buyers in-the Bossard sec? tion were detected last week, and were given a whipping as a warning. Mr W. B. Burns who accidently left the back door open on last night, was called up by a policeman after miduight and informed that burglars were in his store He hastened down to the store, which he found guarded front and rear but no burglars nor traces of them were found. The attention of a'.I interested tn the meet? ing of Conference is invited to the Directory whicb is published in to-day's paper. Several changes have been made since it was first published in the other town pap?is. The list in this paper is as correct as it can be made at this date. Accidental Shooting. A colored boy named Smkler, who lives not far from old Manchester in this county shot himself in the arm on Monday with a gun, rendeli::g amputation necessary. Drs. John H , and Richard B. Furman performed ihe operation yesterday. Concert. There will be an open air concert given by the Fourth Regiment Band in front of the Nixon House, on Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock, providing the weather is auspicious. Ever\body should go out and hear the boys, for they make "sweet music." Complimentary Ball. Last night at the Jervey House a hall complimentary to Mr. and Mr3. C. L Mar? tin, was given by mine host Jervey and some of the young gentlemen of the city, who took this method of welcoram" Mrs. Martin and of introducing her to .niter Society. The ball was largely attended and proved a most pleasant event. Mammoth Seduction Sale. Schwartz Bros., proprietors of the Palace Dry Goods Emporium, on account of the scarcity of money,have defied to hold a mam? moth reduction sale, beptning from to-day 8nd continuing for 30 days. The goods they are offering at such low prices are staple articles and what everybody needs. Read their advertisement, and pay their store a visit and you will not regret it. That Adjourned Inquest. The inquest upon the dead body of the nameless infant entrusted to the care of Sarah Durant by the mother, ha3 about solved the mystery of its birth and parentage. The name given by the mother was assumed, and there are other circumstances that have deve? loped, showing a chapter of sin and shame that is, fortunately, uncommon in these parts, but the revelations nre9uch as to forbid their publication i-.j a family paper, and we there? fore refrain from giving them. We will oniiy say that the people are not of this County ; the woman hails from Florence, and thc reputed father is living in North Caro? lina. Hymenial. Mr R. Dozier Gunine ?nd Miss Hallie Car son. daughter of' Capt. E-Srotl Carson, ?il be united in marriage on next T??*sday even i?-g. November 2Sih. in the Presbvterian Church, at ? o'clock. No cards. - Married. Mr. Patrick Burns, who is in the employ of Mr. Frank O'Donnell, and Miss Mary jane Miller, daughter ot Mr J. A. Miller, were married last Sunday evening t.y Father McNeil at his residence in ibis city. An Afternoon Marriage. Mr. Dan Dove and Miss Azile Witherspoon were united it? marriage in the Presbyterian Church un Ia>t Wednesday af.ernoon al 4 Si) o'clock, Kev. Dr. K?1 wunda ? fficiating. Ttie church was made beautiful with tasteful decorations of vines, chrysanthemums, ever? greens, potted flowers and tXotics, the decora? tion of ihe altar being especially pretty. Th* atiendants were : Mr. J. W. Perrin with Miss Mamie McCal lum. Mr Mciver Williamson with Miss Nina Dove Mr. W. R. Delgar, Jr.' with Miss Edith Gandy. Mr. J. S Brand with Miss Abbie DeLorme. Mr.. Willie Witherspoon with Miss Mable .DoVe. ? Mr. Leon Dove with Miss Agnes McCallum. ! Mr. R. K. Breeden with Miss Bessie Jervey. Mr. J. S. McFaddin with Miss Kate DeLorme. Mr. Donald Auld with Miss Jessie Moise. Mr. James Hainsworth was ''best man" and Miss Addie Auld, fi-st bridesmaid. : The ushers weie Messrs. W. M. Graham. R. H. Jennings, J M. Chandler and A H Eberhardt Religious. There will be services at the Cnurch of the Holy Comforter next Sunday at 11 a. tn. and 4.30 p. m., Rev. Mr. Hartzell ofl?-iating Sunday School at 3.30 p. ta. Fire. The house on Cemetery Avenue belonging to Joe DeLorme was burned on Monday night about nine o'clock. The uri g in ut the fire is unknown. He was insured with Mr. A. White. --?- -- - - Oyster Supper, i The Working Circlt? ol King's Daughters ! will have an oyster supper at Ducker & Buit man's hall next Monday night, the 27th, the proceeds of which will be denoted to chari i t?n!e purposes Doors open from 6 30 to i. 10 30. If you do not eat oysters come any i'how, as there will be other refreshments. j j Something Substantial. I, The Simonds National Band will occupy one of the stores on the ground floor of the j:new City Hall and will fit it up in handsome i-st rte" The foundation for the large fire and (burglar proof vault has been laid already : The ?ault will consist of a solid Steel vault an i.inch and a-half thick enclosed in pressed brick laid ui hydraulic cement two and a"-half feet ;!thick. The door of the vault will be ef chilled 'steel, fitted with the most improved burglar '?proof combinations. The interior*'will >>e fitted witlrsa.ety deposit boxes which will be : rented to customvts-wf the bank New Building and Loan. Ij Tbe subscribers to the stock of the Ci-izeos Build and Loan Association meet in the the : City Council Chamber '"Monday night and i perfected the orgaiz-ittod of the Association j by the election of officers and a board of i directors as follows : President, A". J. China ; Vice-president, , W. M. Graham, Secretary ?nd Treasurer D. J. Auld ; Directors, Marion Moise, J S. Hughson, Bartow Wa?sh, R D.Lee, W.Y L Marshall, and the President and vice-Presi? dent ex-officio. The caoital stock of the association is limited tootie thousand shares, of which about seven hundred have been subscribed for. About four hundred paid up shares were represented at the organization. Card of Thanks. The Daughters of Israel, (Circle No. 1,) return thanks to their friends and me public generally for their liberal cotitrioutions and patronage on the occasion of the "Cake? walk/- The money take.", in will all be speut in charity, indeed some of it has already been devoted to the relief of the need v. The Light Infantry Bazaar. The Bazaar promises to be one of the ? grandest affairs that ever took place in Sum? ter. The committees in charge ire beginning to move and everything is being put in shape. , Donations are Oeing received: Ex.-Capt. W.I R. Delgar has presented the Company with a : handsome silver combination card receiver i and flower stand which will be voted to the J most popular young lacy in attendance upon the bazaar. He has also given a fine- pair of ! gold cuff buttons A fine silk umbrella has j been donated and will be for sale. The card : receiver can be seen at J. Ryttenberg & Sons. The military nail to be given on the last evening of the bazaar will ne ?he crowning event of the occasion and it p-romises to eclipse any former efforts of a like kind ever ! attempted in Sumter. A Second Crop of Fruit. Several of our farmer friends have men? tioned to us that the fruit trees had taken! ou a second crop since the first matured. Mr. ! E. M. Pitts tells us that his apple and pear trees blossomed immediately after the August ; storm and tnat the trees he?d a large amount j ot fruit of\*onsiderable size. Since the killing frost several others have mentioned the matter and three or four speci- ; mens of apples, more than one-third grown, have been brought to this office. Messrs. C. ; W. Kingman and J. F. Pate brought the I laigest and prettiest specimens. It is said that the second untnatured crop ! materially injures the prospect of next year's crop, as the trees will be exhausted and can? not produce a full crop, even with a favorable season. Off for Florida. Capt. J. N. Phillips who expected to start last week to go by private conveyance to Florid-?, was induced ny some other parties who also desired to go, to wait and go in company together. The party started yes? terday morning and consisted of Capt. Phillips and Messrs. Ed. Plummer. Wm. H. Bryant, Lang Spann, and Douglas Jenuii.gs and several colored persons, with one buggy, four wagons and a dog. They will cross the Santee at Wrights Bluff, and the Savannah riverat Stony Bluff. The trio, it is expected, will occupy anout three weeks. They leave their families here until they get fixed to move them. An Anti Blind Tiger Ordinance. At a meeting ot the City Council on Mon? day evening Messrs. E. M. Pitts and R. M. Wilson of the Board of Control were present, and the recent communication of the Board of Control requesting the city authorities to assist in the enforcement of the Dispensary Law was taken up. After some discussion council decided to enact :vn ordinance enabling the city to accede to the Board s request. The ordinance makes it unlawful for any one, save the dispenser, to sell or dispose of any spirituous or malt ?quor within the city limits, and fixes as a penalty for the violation of the ordinance a fine of not more than $50, or imprisonment for not more than 30 days for each offence. His Labors Ended. ii-v. H. W. Mahoney., who is the oldest minister connected with the Baptist-Gb un-h o?", this State, having attained Iiis eighty seventh yea:, brought to a close bis attire service on lust Sunday, by resigning the pas? torate ot Harmony Church, C'arendon county. Mr. Mahoney WHS for KIM tty years H resident of this county, and numbers his friends by hundred .' He has labored hing and faith fillh in the Master's vineyard, and his friends unite iti wishing him a calm and bright sun? set to !iis long and useful life. Resolutions of Respect. There was a caucus nf the Tillmanite mem? bers of the County Executive Committee held bete on Monday. We have been unable to ascertain what WAS done, except that the fol? lowing resolution w?s offered uv Mr. H R. Thomas and unanimously adopted : WHBRKAS our heaven Iv Father, in His all wise providence, has removed ftom our midst our esteemed fellow-citizen Col. F M Mellen, who has several times served the people of this County ns County Commissioner, and I who has always made a faithful and efficient \ officer, for whom we entertained feelings of I respect. * Resolved .-.That we give expression to "our j heartfelt sorrow at the loss the county has sustained lu the death ol this good and useful | citizen, and'that we extend to his bereaved j family our deepest sympathy- in this their j hour of distress, and we trust this sore afilie- i lion may tie sanctified to their eternal nenefit, and to the glory of God, by adding another gem to ilie Saviour's Crown. The Cake Walk The Cake Walk given on last Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Daughters of Israel, proved the most successful of any entertainment given in this city in a long | time The spacious hall above Ducker & ?ultnian's store was filled until there was I scarcely standing room. The anticipations of son et hing novel and amusing that had1 brought out this large crowd were more than _satisfied. The grand march of the lackey brigade WHS great The realms of fact and fiction were ransacked and the rarest and most startling bits of Vahooism in costume manner copied for the occasion. In this motley aggregation of lackeys Sut Lovingood himself would have been accepted as the very glass of fashion and mold of form. Th" judges decided that Mr. Robert Delgar and Mis> Jessi? Moise deserved the cake as the tackiest couple in the parade and it was .accordingly given to them Miss Sallie Power and Mr Eugene Ingram were awarded the. indi vidual prizes-cakes also-on account of their very tuckeyishappearance. After the walk was concluded refreshments wete .-erved. In the voting comest Dr. J. A. .\Jtiod w?s declared the most popular physi ciaii J rt the city and Mr. W. E. Minis the .most popular salesman. The receipts ot the evening were over $200. Scrofula is one of Hie most fatal among the scourges which : ffiin ma ni kind. Chronic ; sores, ctincerous fjomois. emaciation, nnd Consumption, are the result of scrofula. : Av er's Sarsaparilla eradicates this poison, and restores, to the blood, the elements of life and health. Many people suffer for years from trouble? some and repulsive.sores,boils, atid eruptions, i without ever tastiug v the marvelous curative properties of Acer's, Sarsaparilla. The experi? ment, is certainly', worth trying Be sure ! voil get Ayer's Sarsaparilla and no other. Another Railroad. A meeting of the stockholders of i he Sumter, Lake City k Conway Railroad, composed entirely of coiortd men, was- held : at Kingstree on 'Monday, November ?3th, and < Iected the following officers: I H. W. Sharkey, president, and a board of ! directors, to wit : M. H. Fields, T. J. Wil Hamsun, B. S Cooper, L. D. Davis, E H. Wilson, L. D Graham, M. L. Lewis and H. i C. DeLane. The projectors contemplate building a road i from ibis city via Lake City to Conway. . The country through which the road will run is undeveloped and the route is said to be [ well chosen. The directors'say that the sur? veys will be commenced at once, and on Dec 9th, the road will be let out by contract in i one mile sections to any stockholder lt the road is built. Sumter will be benefited, there? fore, we wish it success. Meteorological Records fhe following is a report of observations of the weather taken at Stateburg, by Dr. W. W. Anderson, for the week ending Nov. 10th, 1893 : ! Temperature. . i 13: 56.5 63. 14 60. i 57 15 51* 60, 16. 40.5; 50. 17' 48. ! 58. 18 58 5 19 62. 69. 67. 50. 53. 42. 31. 38. 48. 57. ?Partly Cloudv. w s w w s Sw sw s Condition, .11 ?Cloudy. .00 ?*Cl?udy. .00 /-Cloudy. .00 Clear. 00 j*Cloudv. .00 :CIear. .08 |*Cloudv. Killing freston the 16th on low grounds, partiailv killing on hill tops. Johnson's Magnetic Oil cures cramps and colic and internal neuralgia : 50 and 75 cents. Sold at Dr. A. J. China's. Japanse Liver Pellets are the best family medicine for liver complaint and Constipation. 50 pills in vial 25 cents. Soldat Dr. A. J.; China's. Read about the splendid Thanksgiving gift for all our readers io another column. Indian River Oranges $2 35 per box. Jenkins k Phelps. Chickens constantly on hand at Jenkins k ' Phelps. Granes of all kinds, also Apples, Yurnips, kc. Jenkins k Phelps Southern Rye ..nd Wheat Seed. Barley Seed and rt. K. P. Uats at Ducker k Bu lt man's. Art is making great strides, or we could not present our readers wi'h such a hand? some ThanksgiviPg gift as 'he beautiful floral panel-picture which we annour.ee in another column Our Thanksgiving Gift to Every One of Our Readers .'.Li American Utaufj/. By special arrangement with the publisher, we are enabled to make every one of our j readers a present of an exquisite oil panel picture, lu inches high, entitled "An Anieri- i can Beauty,'1 which has oeen admired by ail who have seen it. This superb picture is from the brush of the same artist who | painted the "Yard of Pansies'' and "Yard of j Roses.'' The reproduction is equal in every j respect to the original, from which it canuol be distinguished, ami accompanying it are t full directions for framing a: home at a cost j ot a few cents, thus forming a beautiful j ornament tor the high, narrow wall-spaces for which it is so difficult to obtain pictures, of the proper shape. It is a superb Thanks- I giving fcift. Send your name and address io the Publisher, W. Jennings Demorest, 15 East 14th Street, New York, with three cents ? (either in stamps or pennies) to pay for thc1 packing, mailing, etc., and mention that you 1 are a reader of The Watchman and Southron, j and you will receive by return mail one of! these valuable works of art. 1 NEW GOODS AT DUCKER & BULTMANN, -DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Staple aini Fane)' Groceries. New Citron. New Raisins. New Currants, New packed Lobsters. New packed Tomatoes New packed Olives-all sizes. New Olive Oil, on draught. New sardines-mustard and" oil, New evaporated'apples, New California and French Prunes, NEW MACKEREL IN KITS, New Mackerel in bulk-all sizes, Very fine. ??ew Pickled Salmon, New Salmon Bellies, New pickled White Fish, "New pickled Com Beef, New Dutch Heirings. New Salad Dressing, .New Farinaceous Goods Oat Meal, Oat-flakes. Shredded Oats, Farina, . Tapioca. - ? Sago. Rice Flour. ! Pearl Grist, I Pearl Mea!, Cerealiue. Robinson'* Patent Barley, Pearl Harley. White Beans. Lentils. Graham Fiour, NEW Superlative Flour-the very best. PURE L'rd. yon do ti ot always get it. i Cottolinc-New vegetable shortening. Try it. ! New Assortment. Cakes and Crackers, j New Nuts and Almonds, New Kornlets, New Dried Figs. New Canned Fruits .New plain Buckwheat, j Becker's Self-Rai.-ing Buckwheat, "Fancy Fresh" Creamery Butter, New crop N O Molasses. ! Ferris' Hams--always delicious, I New Arrival Baltimore Pig Hams and Strips, ! Plum Pudding and Plum Pudding , Sauce-an elegant dessert, Legget's Wioe Jelly made in 5 minutes, Ginger Preserves-in whole and half pots, Cranberry Sauce. Baker's Breakfast Chocolate, j . aud Cocoa I ? ?WAS YOUR COFFEE GOODf j t THIS MORNING? J ! J IF NOT, TRY f ! I -"MOMAJA,"- I I i f I ? Perfect blend, ooc ??> SPECIAL ATTENTION. j Large invoice of NEW Teas. All kinds-better draws for less money than any? where ic Sumter. Fresh Italian Macaroni and Vermicelli, I Braised Bey, 8 lb cans, with Sauce Piquant, j Deviled Crabs-with shells, i New Cheese, Caviar, Truffles, j Jelly, Jams, Preserves, I ! ? WE SELL i * t i Pure Spices f lt f ? Whole and Ground ?