The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, May 10, 1893, Image 6

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O O WEDNESDAY. MAY 10, 189S, 5S?!__ Compromise Suggested. Newsaad Courier, Maj 1st. Ex-Goveraer Chamberlain, Receiver of the South. Carolina Railway and of the ?ree &s ^Railroad, yesterday in? vited a- Reporter for The News aud Courier itf'eall on bim for an interview. - The reporter complied, and the Ex ^?Overnor made the following statement for j&abiicatiou relative to the recent Ssion of the Supreme Court of the tited States in the habeas corpus tax ^ eases and pending contest between the railroads and the State regarding taxes. **'fbe opinion of the Supreme Court in these cases is at once plain and em? phatic A child can understand it. Io point of style and form, a3 well as of clearness and force of statement, if we may trust the telegraphic report in The News and Courier, it is much tlfe fioo:*t opinion I have yet read of the Chief ?Justice, though possibly my vision is colored. But it was a clear case from the outset. Probably no lawyer in this State, fit 10 be consulted, would have advised that there was any hope that apon habeas corpus the Court would in these cases overrule the Circuit Court here. Kui: the experiment bad to be made, and the result is before us. There is food for reflection in it, both for the railroads and the State officers who are coucerued with matters of taxation, as weil as for citizens gener? ally. It dispels the illusion for one thing, that railroads are without any protection as against State officers, or as against States taxes believed to be un equal, inequitable and unconstitu? tional. **0n the o?her hand, this decision - asserts the dury of the railroads to pay all legal taxes, and recognizes the rule that taxes are a paramount lien on ali taxable property-a lien which can only be removed by payment. Under this decision, which is final and irreversible? as ?ell as irre?iewable, both the State and the railroads are protected in all their rights. He is a foolish fee politician, citizen, lawyer, receiver or other railway or State tfF.cial, who hopes or plans to prolong the contest farther OD these lines. Congressional or legislative relief or change of laws is & more chimera, a straw at which none bot a drowning man in his desperation will catch* Now is the time for sober men to stop aod consider. ***** "Oo the other hand, the true inter- I ests of the railroads demand peace and ! a settlement of difference with the tax? ing powers. The cost of these suits is heavy. None but lawyers profit by them. ***** .'Such being the situation, I say the only sensible course is to settle differ? ences here and now. It can be done, if both sides will* admit indisputable facts. If some one cr more representa? tives of the State, and ons or cScre representatives of the railroads, were to sit down as business men and con? fer over the problem, they could reach an easy solution, aod one just to both parties. ? am only an agent of the Court, having no authority of my own, bat I will guarantee to secure the most cordial assent of the Court to any rea? sonable efforts to bring about AD end of this railroad 5g?t. We are all tired j of it. Victory, on whichever side it j falls, is too costly. I say to Governor j Tilmsn and to Comptroller Ellerbe-Let j ns make an effort to secure cur respec- j live rights by negotiation. If we caa- j not succeed, then we can fight. But ! we can succeed, if we really want to. i The victory is today with tue railroads, j bat I am none the less anxious to step I the quarrel. My anxiety is ?L the inter? est of the railroads, I am not afraid to cry *peacer before the war begins or goes further. I shall fight ail the better for iz if we cannot have peace. "I am not formally authorized to speak for anybody but myself, but ? will undertake to bring every railroad now io litigation with the State into sa t.greemont to negotiate or arbitrate their differences, and to close this de? structive warfare without further cost j or delay, including the prompt pay? ment of ail taxes fur the past or future which may be judged or agreed to be ! just and right.7' ***** Columbia Register, 2nd. Governor Tillman when allied what be thought of the proposition said : ; *'The State will never arb: itate with her taxpayers about the justness of her taxes She certainly will not arbitrate with a corpor&lien as agaiust the individuals who may not have money enough to carry on a litigation. "This proposal is the quiescence of insolence. The South Carolina Rail- \ road tiied to pay us in repudiated bonds two or three years ago, and the L"gis- I lature. after waitiug for a year, finally consented to allow the road to pac its j taxes without the penalty iastead of re? voking ita chai ter. .'We are neither defenseless nor out of resources, *' continued Governor Tillman, "and we will get :be taxes sooner or later. We intend to cou- I tinue the ?ght until we do get them. I If the means used iu getting them .-hall j damage the credit of the roads they ' will have themselves to blame and not : ns. The next step iu the matter will be j taken very *hort!y " **As to the bluff and threats about j the sheriffs we will see them our. They will not suffer. The State will pay the costs." The Governor was asked about Sheriff i Nance. ile said that Nance bad not i stuck to the rack and would have to bootle fur himself. The Cyclone in Carolina. Special to tlie State BAMBEK?, May 8 - A cyclone terrible m its consequences pas,-- ; ed over Barnwell county to-?r -y and : as far as can be learned, thc only place j it touched was Springfield, a small station on the Carolina Midland Rail? road. So far only one man is reported to have been killed, John W;i!is. Jim Fulner, a negro, was thrown forty feer against a tree and his back wa, broken ; he will probably die. The storm began about l*2:i>0 p. m., when a small dark cloud appeared in the west, and io ten minutes a perfect gaie was blowing, which increated in fury ODtil it seemed that the whola to?n wou'd be rooted up and dashed to pieces Hoases swayed to and fro so that the occupant* fled pell mel! :uto the streets, panic stricken, dinging to each other i:? be terror, only to be picked up by the angry winds and pitched to the ground ffcere we,e pi >bab?y twenty TH? SU MT BF. WATCHMAN, Established April. IS 50. Consolidated Aug, 2, 1881.1 "3e Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at. be thy Country's, thy God's and Truth's THIS TKCE SOCT3BOX, Katabl?fchea Jo??, SUMTER, S. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1893. New Series-Vol. XII. Jio. 41. Newberry Cotton Mills. NEWBERRY, May Z. The tenth an? ual meeting of the stockholders of the Newberry cotton mills was held to-day. Toe reports of President K. L. Mc Caughrin and Geoeral Manager T. J. McCray showed that the mill is io a splendid condition. The mill is DOV? paying a handsome dividend, and lias bought some valuable real estate during the year on which to build operatives' houses, io view of the enlargement of the mill. The sto-kholdera decided to increase the capital stock from ?250. 000 to $400.000 aud put in 15,000 splindles. making it a 25,000 splindle mill. Work on the new portion will begio soon. The foundation will be laid by next October and the addition built next year, to be ready fjr ppindlcs in the fall of 1394 -The State. DO YOU EXPECT TO BECOME A MOTHER ? "MOTHERS* FRIEND5' BMES CHILD BIRTH ESSY. Assists Nature, Lessens Danger, and Shortens Labor. " My wife suffered more in ten minutes with, her other children than sho did all together with her last, after having used four bottles of MOTHER'S FRIEND," says a customer. HENDERSON* DALE, Druggist, Carmi, IlL Sent by express on receipt of price, ?1.50 per bot? tle. Book "To Mothers-'mailed free. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. ATLANTA, QA If you are suffering from liver complaint, kidney trouhle. dyspepsia, sick headache or loss of appetite try Glenn Spring Water. You eau get it through W. R. Delgar, Jr. ERVINE. Is sold with written guarantea to cure Nervous Prostra? tion, Fits, Dfizi ness,ncadache and Neuralgia andWake fuinese.caused by ox cessiveuseof Opium, Tobacco aud Alcc _ _ _ hoi: Mental Bepres .BE-FOPE: - AFTER . sion, Softening of thc Brain, causdnp Misery, Insanity and Death ; Bnrreness, Impotency, Lost Power in either sex. Premature Old Ap:e, Involuntary Losses, caused by over-induleence. cver-exertion of the Brain and Errors of Youth. It gives to Weak Organs their Natural Vigor and doubles the joys of life; cures Lucorrhrca and Female Weakness. A month's treat? ment, in plain package, by mai!, io any address, 51 per box, 6 boxes ?">. With every $0 order vre give a Written Cuarantee to cure or refund the money. Circulars freo. Guarantee issued only by our ex? clusive agent. DR. A. J. CHINA, SUMTER, S. C. Ripans Tabules cure colic. H ipa ns Tal ?nies cure nausea. Ripans Tabules cure jaundice. Ripans Tabules cure the blues. Ripmis Tabules : for liver troubles -FULL ASSORTMENT SEST NEW GARDEN SEED -FULL LINE Priest Drop as?. (Meals, CALL ON J, S. HUSHSON & CO., Monaghan Block. MAIN STREET, Feb 8. SUMTER, S. C. NEW i OQMM?NBER ? RICHARDSON, LIBERTY STREET, SUMTER, S. C. j WE ll AVE FORMED A CO-PARTNERSHIP j For the purpose cf working Marble j and Granite, manufacturing lints, 'Mils, Etc., j And doing a General Business in that line.' A complete work-shop liss been fitted up cn , LIBERTY STREET, NEAR POST OFFICE ! And we are now ready to execute with promptness ail orders consigned to tis. Satis- ! 'action guaranteed. Obtain, our price before ' placing an order elsewhere. W. H. COMMANDER, j G. E. RICHARDSON. June 16 i WIFT'S SPECIFIC J?CR renovating ike entire system, eliminating all Poisons from the Blood, .whether of scrofulous or malarial origin, this prep? aration has no equal. . . TR3DE SSS ?MAR? 11 For eighteen months I had an, eating sore cn my to?iguc. I was treated by best local f!iysician:% but obtained no relief; the sore gradually grew worse. I finally took S. S. S., and was tniircly cured after using a few bottles.1' C. B. MCLEMOPE, Henderson, Tex. TREATISE on Blood and Skia Diseases mailed free. THE SWIFT SPESKFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. C. 0. BROWN & BRO. COLUMBIA, S. C. DOORS, SASH & BLINDS. LATHS, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, AND HAIR Frenci and American ?Mew f?ass PAINTS, OILS AND TARNISHES CARTER WHITE LEAD, The Best in the Market. Special Attention G teen to Otpaer> by Mail. C. O. BROWN & BRO Opposite Post Office, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 5-0 Liberty Street Next to P. 0. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to Compounding Prescriptions If you want A FIRST-CLASS EASY-RIDING Road Cari, ATA REASONABLE PRICE, GET A C3-eiie?e?3 SEO. f. mm & SON, Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. "FERTILIZERS! FERTILIZERS? FERTILIZERS! Having bought largely, *OR CASH, a full as? sortment ef, Fertilizers, Acifls ai ote Ga We arc prepared to fill orders for such low figures and on reasonable terms. C. W?LBERN & CO., Wholes*)* Grocers, 171 and 178 Hast Bay, Nov. 19. Charleston, S. C p--- . -paoo-PB-i- ------ SUMTER, S. C., Meli. 20, '93. W hoever wants to be in Style, A nd have their feet look neat and small ; SJ et all such go, and for a while, $1 ee Walsh and Co's new Spring Stock ; IS igh or Low, they ht like a Sock. A ll shapes and sizes and prices Loir, M ever has Sumter seen such a Show, S> espite the cotton micket. all then and please your eyes and feet, O r some of your neighbors, more discreet, ."?1 ay say you're out of lash ion. I* er haps you've never seen their Store. A nd their Stock of Shoes from Top to Floor, $? or how their Customers they never bore, \r et they always make a mash-on Every Style and Quality in Ladies Slippers. 5 Mona2;ha?i Block Sumter, S. C. G. W, BICK, B. S. S. over H..".:in'? New :-':or^, KNTKANCK UN MAIN ST ii K ST SUMTER, S. C. jftje?'Koura.-0 'u USU ; lo 5. IMPROVE YOUR STOCK Iil A VE A FINK half grade HOLSTEIN BULL, H rid persons (k'siring his service CHU get SA nie at re:isoii>il?le raie. U. W REARDON. Murch UK-if. MANHATTAN TWO PER DENT. LOAN CO. This Company negotiates loons on real estate first mortgage security, at 3 per cent, per annum five years time, or 2 per cent, ten years time, deducting the inierest in advance of the entire period. Principal must be repaid one-fifth or one-tenth annually, option given ber rowrr to repay semi-annually, thereby making payments of principal quite as easy as inter? est payments on 'he old plan of loans. Un sums les limn ?1,000 3 per cent, will be charged. We a.. lo obtain abundant security rather than high rates of interest. ILLUSTRATION-Ten Year Plan at 2 per Cent. Amonnt of Mortgage, - Interest, 2 per cent., ten years, ------- $1,000 00 200 00 A mount received by borrower, ------- S8C0 00 Tli-mortgage is then repaid in ten annual payments of Si00 each, without further interest. Total paid in ten years, ------- $1,000 00 The old way giveg the following result : Amount of Mortgage, - $1 j00 CO Interest, 8 percent., ten yeats, - - 800 00 Total paid in ten years, ... $1,800 00 ILLUSTRATION-Five Year Plan at 3 Der Cent. Amount of Mortengp, Iuteresr, 3 per cent., five years, $1,000 00 150 00 S 850 00 Amonnt received by borrower, ------- Thu mortgage is thea repaid in five annual payments of $200 each, without further interest. Total paid in five years, - -- -- -- -- Old way : Amount of mortgage, - - - Si,000 00 Interest, 8 percent., five years, - 400 00 $1,000 00 Total paid in five years, $1,400 CO Interest on $1,000 borrowed on the Building Association plan for 10 years at 6 per cent, interest and 6 per cent, premium amounts to $1,200 exclusive cf dues and other expenses Interest ou ?1,000 borrowed from a loan broker for 10 years at 10 per cent, amounts to Si,000 exclusive of other expenses. Interest on $1,000 borrowed of Manhattan 2 per cent. Loan Co., for ?0 years' time at 2 per cent, interests amounts to $200, exclusive of fees a3 indicated. Comment is uiinecessarv. w era? 3 Agt., SUMTER, S. C, For the Next Thirty Days WE WILL BELL 100 sets of figured glassware, 4 pieces to the set at 25 cents per set, which is less than cost of same at the factory. We are still leaders in the FANCY GROCERY LINE. Our STOCK is always fresh, PRICES LOW and FULL WEIGHTS GUARANTEED. co. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. ES & CO. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specta? cles, Drawing Instruments THE FINEST STOCK IN THE STAT". RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Watch Repairing a specialty. Chief inspectors of Watches for South Caro ina Railway, Atlantic Coast Lioe and Southern Division of Three Cs Rail Road. Fr.**, fi JAMES ALLAN & CO., 285 Kine St.. Siern of D-nin Clock. Charleston. S. C. ??BHaaMHMHH m^^^^Bi Ivan, Ff^or&s. m^^^^^^^ W. E. & J, I. BRONSON, ~^^^&k?^^=^M&!?^^ PROPRIETORS. JJllgineSj BoileFS aa(* machinery of all kinds and descriptions repaired. CirCll3'_2* Sa,WS hammered and gammed. IRON AND BRASS CASTu'^S made to order; and any work usually done in a first claps machine shop or foundry executed in a workmanlike maoDer. PRICES REASONABLE and sa?"isfr.otioo guaranteed by good work. Estimates will be furnished on application. Sumter Iron Works, W. E. & J. I. Brimson, Proprietors, Sumter, S. C. TjSg^North Main Street. Aug 3 mg v5. mm4 >M - *vl|?? ^0Js. City &vng Store. JE {vm? Main St. Sumter, S. C. Drugs and Medicines. Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Floor Stains, Kalsomine, all colors for rooms, Artists' Paints and Brushes, Luster Paints, Convex Glasses. Nice line of Hanging and Stand Lamps, Lanterns, Shades, Wicks, Chimneys, &c. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Keep the following popular brand of Cigars : "Plumb Good," "Custom House," "Rebel Girl." Sep 30 FRESH GARDEN SEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Glenn Springs Water, Is unsurpassed and invalids hud sure and speedy relief by its usc Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. Chronic Hepatitis, Jaundice, Torpor of Liver and General Debility, following upon Maiarial Diseases, Dropsy, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Constipation, Hemorroidas Uterine, Renal aud Cystic Diseases, Hiematuria, Rheumatism, Cata menial Derangement, and OTHER FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Highly recommended by the medical profession. For circulars oontaiuing certi?cates, etc., apply to Paul Simpson, GLENN SPRINGS, S. C. -FOR SALE BY Dr. A. J. China, Dr. Menagen, J S. ttughsoo ?5 Co., J F. W. BeLorme and W. R. Delgar, Jr. 8B38B885B3B ha? is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harniess substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, aid Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys W.Tns and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomitif Sour C'ard, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Catoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation aid flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach, and bowels, giving healthy aad naturi sleep. Cas* toria is the Children's Panacea-the Motleys Friend. Castoria. "Castoria is aa excellent medicine for chil? dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upe n their children."* Da. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Mass. .* Castoria is the best remedy for children of .which I am acquainted. I hope the day is r.ot far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in? stead of the variousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Da. J. F. STN CHSLOE, Conway, Ark. Casorio. ** Castoria is so wel^Japted to children that I recommend it as sujrior to any prescription known to me." * A. ARCHER, UL 111 So. Oxfci St., Brooklyn, K. Y. " Our physicians in .e children's depart? ment have spoken hily of their experi? ence in their outside fcctlce with Costoria, and although we onl hare among our medical supplies what known as regalar products, ye: we are freto confess that the merits of Castoria hason us to look with favor upon it." UNITED EOSPTTXIXD DISPENSARY, Boston, Mas3. ALLEK C. Sierra, Pres., The Centaur Company, TX M array Street, New "irk City. PUBLIC WAMA?. Do you wish a mower, and if so, do you want a horse kir? If you ,do The Walter A. Wood UIowp is not what you war.t This is the lightest draft, lightest weighD(j most dar? ble mower marie, beside being the ONLY STEEL MACHINIin the market. Be not deceived by taik. This is a cheap article acd is in .ny cases the ooly fleck in trade of some concerns. Don't waste yt money on a borec-killing mower, and one that requires a machine s> behind it, wheo the same money will buy a first class machine B.y years on the market, and th* first mower ever built. A CAE LOAD OF THE ET EIL IEAUTIES AT 7? DOOB. HENRY B. BLOM, P. S-Don't fail to examine our mower knife grinder. Apr 12 Agent, Ster, S. C. J. F. W. DeX?KME, -DEALER IX Agent. Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and all Kindsrot'Drugjpg Sundries Usually Keptjin a ^lirmt Class IDirus Stoir? Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars. Garden Seeds, &<*., also Paints, Oils, Varo? Glass Putty, &c, Dye Stuffs. Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded, and orders answered withj and dispatch. Thc public will fiod my stock of Medicines complete, warra genuine, and of best, quality. Call and see for yourselves. ^isrhi CstHs Promptly Attended To? .DEALER IN FAMILY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, lk/?&L?i?L St. Sumter, S. C. OFFERS A FULL STOCK OF ALL GOODS IN HIS LINE, AT CLOSE PRICES. Everything Fresh and First Glass. New Goods received every week. Give me a Call before purchasing, Dec ll-x ESTABLISHED 1868. Watches, Diamonds, Sterling Silver, Clocks, Optical Goods, Fine Knives, Scissors and Razors, Machine Needles, &c. POLiSOM. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. BEWARE CF FRAUD. . 3?? S Bfe 0* 11 ?fk | m g? Ask for. and insist upon having ftSw H ^HIESI I M m W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES. None cen- ggf 8 1?IB|]II|OX uice without \V . L. Douglas name ID fi fal UUUULMll and price stamped on bottom* Look ^ _ tmin -^ - ^>mm*m ^ GENTLEMEN ^ i^^^^sgl-^^S^^^ A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf, ? ??? \^*HRa seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable, Bi W im\W ??St st>"^slL an<^ durable than any other shoe ever FE: ? t??t m MR sol?attlie price. Every style. Equals custom* :?w fSff^ . -ara \ma(fe shoes costing from ?4 to fe. ? O W>?\ S^m0^^^ ^ollowins ?re of the same high standard of H m?- ^Pp- -l^k I vSISk $4-00 and $5.00 Fine Calf Hand-Sewed. ^ ts m?:i Nfev jS??hi \-~?Sk $3-5? Police, Farmers and Letter-Carriers. & W$:'::- Wj????^^SL V??^. $2.50, $2.35 and $2.00 for Working Mea. t$gm$ V^k^-^00 snd $1^.75 for? Youths and Eors. ^^^^^$2^so and 2.00 Doagola, j LADIES.*, ^ ??L? ^^^^^SB^^^^^^^^ ^V^?^. rr IS A DUTY yon ow? yoeman to get ino best value for your W&g ^~~~~^r^^^__ money. Eoonomlxe in yooT W" l^^. footwear by^purehasln^W. ?151ST1IE Si^^^^J?jSl^life ?^??^UvS?^ftf^fl?-^*5 *ale tosboe denier? and general meretnnt? where I have ?. _ J. RYTTENBERG- & SONS. Agents. fj^Q OSBORNE'S j Waldies, Clods, Jewelry Repel ^^^MdfflZ&dJL j PRoM-PTLT. COLLEGS. Augusta, Ga. Oneof the most com-1 *Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. fr?te hi>;:itii! !* 1:1 the Soiuh. ActtLal Business, College j _ _ ? ? i1'" V? v-^r-y.^r-^ w, A. D. FOWCrSt V au course, ? nu>;?hs. bhorthandand iypewnOBgaJsc 0 - caught Fi " ulc* ?c:.d io: ?ili??>._, j Roddie's SarbtT Shop. Main St., Stutter, 5. C#