WB1TNBSDAY, APBIL lg, 1893. Entered az the Post Ofije at Sumter, S G-* ai Second Class Mattet. " KEW ADVJBKT?SBMBNTSw Kember t & Mars bali-Spring <$oods. W. J. Rodder,. Manager-One Fact. Pompey Rob?aeon-Hoy Runaway Paul Simpson-Glenn Springs Water. Y. C. Badham, Manager-Machinery. Estate Loret.ao Beo--Citation Notice. Geo. F. Epperson, Agent-Public Notice. Hayoswonb & Cooper-Cash Register ai Auction. Personal. Miss Sallie Levi,, of M-aaniog is visiting ic the city. Miss May Bossard has returned from Georgetown. Mr. M. G. Ry t tea berg asrived from New York ou Sunday. Miss Sallie M\ves of MayesvfJIe is visiting friends ?n the city. . Sena.or W. I>. Evans, of Marlboro, was in the city yesterday. Mr. A. J. Moses, of Atlanta, GA., i? in the city visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. DcfSe spent kst week. ?U Darlington vesting relatives. Miss Virginia A-iders^n-. of Soiteburg i? visiting hei J-?MT Mri. Mark Rey colds. Mr. I H ilunr, uv.veUin? ageut o? the Columbia Journal was lu. the ?itv yesterday. M:ss?S Nina Moise ami Sd na 5fci-.-rs- returned from ib sit?t? vi?u tu Geoigeiown, thu morn? ing. Dr. Lawton aad family have reno ved from Vanees to this city ?"d v.i.1 make Sumter their borne. Mr. C. L Kirkley, of Smithville, left last week for Baltimore to attend lbs Bryant & Stratton But-iness College. Mr. Sam H. Edmunds, the pop?lar First Assistant in the Graded School, spent last week in Darlington. Mr. W. Edward Dick, spent three days in Charleston last week on business connected wrrh the So;el Claremont. C. C- Manning, Esq, bas gone to Washing? ton, bal will return io time to attend court which convenes next Monday. Rev. J. W. Flinn, D. D., of Columbia will deliver an address at ihr Line Acaiei?y, near Boy kin's Depot io a short time. Messrs H C Moses, R. VV. fcfclgar, and Harry Rytienberg are attending the meeting of the Grand Lodge K. of li. now rn se?- ?*a in Orangeburg. Mr. C. il Prince, of Florence was io the city OD Saturday distributing che extra 10,100* edition of the Florence Times, issued for the E-.st-rn B. St L. Association. Sheriff Sanders and Mr. W. H. Comman? der represented Pocahontas Trifte, Ked Mea at the State Council which wa? ia session rn Sparenburg last week. The Council ac? cepted an ic rata:ion to meet in Sumter next April. Rev. John Kershaw has been invited to deliver the Memorial Oration in Charleston on May loth, and h-is accepted. Mr. Ker? shaw is one of the most interesting speakers of our acquaintance, and a treal is ic store for the people of Charleston. Messrs. Altamont Moses, \Y; H. Ingram* E. E Remhert, W. L Sanders, R. I. Man? ning, McDonald Furman, and VV. T. A}cock, form the Sumter contingent ot the Columbia Carnival escort Mr. W. C. Dodson, of Dodson's Printers' Supply Co., of Atlanta, Ga , was in the city yesterday and wade ibis office a visit. He has made a tour of the State, and says that Sumter is the nest to wu of its s;?e he ever saw. Mrs. J. S. Beaseley, wife of the* former presiding elder of this district, has been quite ill at ber home ia Marion. Her brother, Mr. W. E. Muns, and sister, Mrs. S. Y. Delgar, spent several days ia Marton, returning yesterday, Mrs. Beasily being much improved. Notice ch*nge of Brown ^Chandler's ad? vertisement. The Ice Cream Festival of the Episcopal Sunday School on last evening was well attended and quite successful. The State board of Health held a meeting yesterday and another this morniog. Rou? tine business was transacted. Attention is directed to the advertisement of V. C. Badham, of Columbia. Be fur? nishes all kinds of machinery and supplies. Cel. James Armstrong, the inimitable ant? elcquent orator of Charleston, will respond taine toast "Woman," *t the Medical Asso? ciation Banquet to-morrow evening. The Wide Awake Fire Engine Company was out practicing yesterday afternoon, and in every trial made good time. Doth io ob? taining a stream from the old fire well, by jj means of the engine, and from the hydrants. |; At the municipal election h?Id in Bishop- jj ville cn the 11th instant tbe^Jlowing gern le? rnen were elected to ?err^4nr>og the ensuing year : In tendent, Jas. fl. Sfe?-norough; War? dens-G. F. Parrot? H. tf. Parker, D. Ed Doraot, and R. S Galloway. Four drinking fountains^atB?Mand beast have been put up by the Waier5"Works com pauy, two on Main and two on Liberty Street. 'Jae of them is in front of this office, and iP will be a dispensary of the pure and unadulte? rated' without reference to chief Barkeeper Traxler or Head Tapster Tillman. On account Kirmess Exhibition, Charleston, S. C., ronnd trip tickets vi? CS & N. R. R. from Darlington to Charleston $5 30; from Sumter $4.40. Tickets on sale April 24, 25 tad 25, with final limit April 28. A man named Scott died under suspicious cireowstances in the Spring Hill neighbor? hood, on last Saturday, and was boned with? out ac inquest. His body has sines been ex? humed and an inquest held by Trial Justice E. P. Shedd. Several bruises sw? found en bis bead and several arrests h.ive been made. A son of Scott is said to be suspected of com? plicity in his father's death. At 9 o'clock, To-morrow. Col. Jas. H. Armstrong will deliver the annual address before the Confederate Veteran Surgeons, at 9 o'clock Thursday morning, at Masonic Hall. Ladies specially invited. --^ - The City Hali Election. The Election to decide whether the city should issue $20.000 in bonds for the purpose of erecting a new City Hall pas?ed> off very quietly yesterday. The s.ntiment of the community was almo3t unanimously rn favor of the issue of bonds and a small vote was polled in consequence. The ufnvial result was: 185 ic favor of and 2 against the issue of bonds. The Kitchen Thief. There is a rogue in tb?9 place who seem? to have a penchant for robbing khchens ard pantries of all their contents, leaving the burglarized family nothing for breakfast. Within a inontb several houses have been robbed in ftbis manner, and the thief goes undetected. Col. T. V. Walsh is the latest suffrrer. On Saturday night his kitchen was robbed, and breakfast for the family had to be bor? rowed from the neighbors. The Finale of the Sensation. As stated in the last issue, John R. Keels and Miss Buhre, with whom he eloped, were apprehended in St. Petersburg, Fla. They both returned without compulsion. Mr. C. J. Alphonse and Miss Buhre arriving in thts city.on Wednesday, and C?pt. D. R. Keels and John lt. Keels reaching Lynchburg on Friday. The Florence Messenger publishes an inter? view with Capt. D. E. Keel3 in which it is stated that John R. Keels was on a spree and that it was while in that condition that be eloped. He and Miss Buhre registered at every hotel at which they stopped as Joba R. Keels and sister. Test of the Water Works. The official test of the systera of water works erected by the Samper Water Company, uoder an agreement with the City of Sumter, was made on last Friday afternoon. All who witnessed the test were satisfied that Sumter bas secured a water supply second to none in the State. To begio with, sections of hose were con aected with four hydrant? within the fire limits and from each of these a satisfactory stream was thrown at the sam? time. Then a. section of hose fifty feet io length) was at? tacbed to the hydrant in front of the Masonic Temple and from this a stream was thrown to tba top of the flag staff on the tower of the temple, a height of over eighty feet. In both tests the requirements o? tne contract were more than fulfilled. Married. Married at the residence of the bride's grandparents ra Privateer, on April 13; Mr. J. B. Thompson of Sumter, to Miss;Lillie Camon of Privateer; the Rev. J. C. Chandler officiated. MP. Walter Lea and Miss Mamie McLeod, daughter of the late H. G. MeLeod, were mar? ried at the residence of the bride's mother, oeaT Providence, oa> Kast evening the 18th instant. Mr. Lea is a? nitive of North Caro? lina and came into t-his county last .year to ! rake charge of M?r. A. S. Brown's tobacco jarret. He is a gentleman of culture and) has ialreaxfcy won many friends here. Death. inst Moadfev evening between rrveand six o'clock Mr. T J. Gay'e breathed his las?. Mr- Gayle has been confined to bis room for the past four months with- brights* diseuse, ?nd bore bis sufferings patiently up to the last moment. He was 53 years old and has been a faithful engineer on the South Florida R. R., for the past six or seven years. He was laid to rest yesterday afternoon with Masonic honors io Rose Hill cemetery, where a targe ci rr le of friends ha&ga?hesed to Ste iFie last sad rite performed'. Mr. Gayle leaves a very large Gamely af little c'ri ridreo as well RS gritJmi.s will be paid for life, or whether it was issued at the higher rate, providing for the payment of pre? miums for twenty ytnrs only. "W. J. EODDEY, Manager, Department cf the Carolinas, Bock Hill, S.R THE FARMERS* Mutual Fire Insurance Association OF SUMTER COUNTY. THIS IS AN ENTERPRISE OF THE farmers, by which they can secure pro? tection on their detached and isolated build? ings at cost. It can not break, as many Capital Companies do, and leave a number in the ashes. All losses must be paid up in full before any associntion can disband In all f the States where this plan of insurance has hem operated, it has u oteo l'y proved to be cheaper, but there is not a case on record ? where they have ever disbanded or failed to p?y a claim, and that is covering a period of twenty years, it is the only company that positively can not break, and the only one that [recognizes you as an interested party to the policy contract. Why should the people of this State pay more trun a million a year for security against fire-more than the losses amount to ? No fire, no pay, is our motto. The following is a list ofMhe officers elected for the Sumter County Association tor the ensuing year : H. G SHAW, President. CALVIN W. CHANDLER, Secretary. I L S. CARSON, Cashier, j' W.J HERRON, Local Agent. Directors ;-S. M\ Jenkins, W. FI Scott, Col. II E. L. Peebles, If. G. Shaw, W. S Chandler, Dr. Thos R McElteen, W. R. Law, T. W. Jame?. W. M. Reid, J. W. Low ; ry, W. H. Seale, W. S. Dinkins. For further information ?poly to. W. J. HERRON, Local Agent. March 15-v Sumter, S\ CT.. READ ! ICE AND ICE CREAM. The OLD RSLIA?LE who has always tried to give ample satisfaction to the citizens for twenty-three years, Will deliver Ice and Ice Cream in any part of the city daily, from bis wagon, daily except Sunday. Ice Cream pr. Quart 5Cc. Larger quantities 40c W1J1 sell ice at very lowest price. Special arrangements made with customers who pur? chase tickets. I ask the citizens generally to continue their patronage with me, as they are indebted to me for the low price of ice. Ice Cre-im Garden, uicely flited up for ladies. W. J. ANDREWS. April 12-lia SfTC KHOLD??PS^M ??TI?GT 4 MEETING of the Stockholders of The J. X Masonic Temple Company of Sumter, S. C., is hereby called to be held nt the office \ of the City Council in the Masonic Temple in j tiie City of Sumter, on the 54b day of May, ? next, ISfKi, at 12 o'clock M., to consider the ? necessity of borrowing the sum of Ten Thou? sand Dollars if so much be ni'ce>?ary for trie use of the company ; the same to be borrowed upon a bond or bonds of tue company securrd ? by a mortgage upon the premises owned by | the Temple Corni.any, in said city and to at | tend to such oth^r business as may properly ; come before the meeting. ALTAMONT MOSES, President. A.C. PHELPS, Secretary. April 4. 1*03. _ D. Gr. ZEIG-LER, Architect, 38 BROAD ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. Plans ?nd specifications furnished for al classes of buildings. Correspondence cheer? fully replied to. Remodelling ot existing structures a specially. Dec. 14-x Ripans Tabules ?'im.1 headache Kipans Tabules ?urc hivss. ' STOP ?ND THINK! Y??T neighbor told you so, and there's no use denying tire' fact that for bargains in the Grocery Line, We are- right in it. Follow the advice given you and see if you can't save some money. We are now offering some rare and choice bargains in Canned Green Peas, Corn, &c. Choice early Green Peas, Extra sifted Peas, Sugar Corn, 2 lb. cans, 10e. Extra Maine Corn, 16c. Tomatoes, 8c, 10 c, 12c. Large cans Asparagus Tips, 40c. Large cans California Asparagus, 25c. Extra choice Maine Succotash, 1 2k. Kornlets, (extract corn) 25c 12 ?c per ean. 16c. " u Fresh Crackers and Cake Received Weekly. NEW BISCUITS-(IN TIN.) it it *? ?4 Social Tea, 30c '| Graham Wafers, 25ci| it it Arrowroot, 30c i& Waterthin, 25c.4t '*i Bismarck. 30c. ti Ginger Wafers, 25cXf 4>t ? ALWAYS FRESH IN STOCK Tennis New Candies? Besides a full supply of Tenny's Bon-bons and Choc?las, in 2, 1 and 2 lb. boxes. We run a full line of candies of all kinds by retail. Extra reasonable prices in any quantity. Ferris* Delicious Hams and Strips. Small Pig Hams received every week. Pure liartl-A Rarity. SUPERLATIVE FLOUR, WHICH IS Al. 16 lbs. Granulated Sugar for ?1.00. 15 lbs. Cut Loaf Sugar for ?1 00. 14 lbs. Fine Powdered Sugar for $1.00. 20 lbs. Ex. C Sugar for $1 00: 21 lbs. Dark Brown Si*gar fo? ?? 00. Coffee and Teas a Specialty. Dunbar's Shrimps, Russian Cavier, Pate de Foie Gras, Evaporated Codfish, French Sardines, Potted Meats, Chocolate, Cocoa, &c Nice Spring JLine, Dry Goods -and- Notions. JOB LOT Newest and Nobbiest .Men's Hat:*r in Alpines. Stiffs and Straw. NEW LOT Pretty styles French Finish Ginghains 10c. pr yd. BIG LOT . Shirting Prints, 5c. and Gc per yd. Domestics, Bleacliings, &c. Orders filled in any line promptly-Free delivery. H?cker & Itiiltiiian's, SUMTER, S. C: ELEGANr -OF I .wt They are all wool, ; They are well made, They are well Trimmed, They are exact Fitting? Our Boys' and Children's Line of Clothing Are eanally as strong in every one of the above details and* larger in number of styles. JTE CM WM*AM. Our display in this line is beautiful, elegant, stylish and cheap,; Shirts!-Shirts!-Shirts! IN ENDLESS ARRAY AND SUPERB IN STYLE AND MAKE: Hats foi* the Millions Can be found at our store where everything in the Clothing and- Furnishing Line can be in the very latest styles. Give us a cali and we will please you. Yery respectfully, m 1 f Corner Main and Liberty Streets, JS TJ T HI IFL, S ? O ? WE ARE NOW RECEIVING s AND OF SPRING AND S We have ever olered, consisting of 7 .sss* tings'- and Z?phyr ?Hngli??ns ovelties, &c. .ALSO C?ioioe XjB?33.e of oiirae liras?? Iridies' Fine Shoe& stud Slippers* We keep a rall supply of Fancy Family Groceries and a large stock: of Heavy Plantation Supplies, Thanking our friends for past favors and soliciting further patronage. We remain ilespectfoliy lr lil /III/