The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 12, 1893, Image 1

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---- -, r?-?'-2 .. ' ..' , ^ T. ?-_...'* w~ Pftnrtrv'c rhv ftfid'?; and Truths " THE TRUE SOUTHRON, Established Jane. 1506 'Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aixas't at. oe thy Country's, tny Lroa s ana A.uLi.a , *~ ^ >|HK SUMTER WATCHMAN, Established A'pril, 1SSO. ^nTHfl*t*d Ans. 2. 1881.1 SUMTER. S. C., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12, 1893. _ New Series-Yol. XII. .So. 37. lill I ??? ? '. Published every ^Tednesday, BT N. OSTEEN, SUMTER, S. C. TSRMS : ?wo Dollars per annum-ia advance. ADVS5TISK1?SST8. ?te? Scfaare, first insertion.$J 00 fcvery subsequent insertion. 50 Contracts for three months, or longer -will U? made at reduced rate:.. All coaamrrriie&??n- wb:ci? subserve private Interests will becharged tor as advertisements. Obituaries and tributes cf respect will be ?barged for. ?BE SiaOSSS SiTIOSiL BINK, X>1? SUMTER. .STATS, CITY AND COUNTY DEPOSI? TO RV, S6S?SR; S. O. 'Paid up Cap? rai.$75,000 00 SaTOhis'Fund. 11,500 00 Transacts a Se?era t Banking Business. Careful attention given to collections. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Deposits of Si and upwards received. In? terest alio wed at the rate of 4 per cent, per 'annum. Payable quarterly, on ?rst dftT3 of January, April, July and October. R. M. WALLACE, President. L. S. CA83CS, Aug. 7 Casher._ NE?[MB YARD. IBEG TO LS KO Pt M MY FRIENDS AN?>: th*? pubiic'.generally that my Saw Mir! located on the 4C. S & N. R. R.. just back of *nsy residencr-r''fs now in full operation, and I am prepared to furnish ali grades of Yellow Pine Lamber from unbred timber, ai prices "according to gr?des Tard accessible on North side of residence. J. B. ROACH. Feb 13._ NEW MARBLE WORKS. COMMANDER & RICHARDSON; LIBERTY STREET, SUMTER, S. C. 'WE HAVE FORMED A CO-PARTNERSHIP .For the poroose of working Marble and Granite, manufacturing iHEts, M?IS, lc, "?and doing a General Business in that line. A complete work-shop has been fitted upon, :LIBERTTSTREET, 5EARPOST OFFICE And we are now ready to execute with promptness all orders consigned to ns. Satis ?action guaranteed Obtain our price before placing an or?er else?h?re. W H. COMMANDER, G. E. RICHARDSON June IS FOR -FULL ASSORTMENT BEST NEW GARDEN SEED, -FULL LINE Bre? top M Ctesals, CALL ON j. S. H08HS0N & 00., Monaghan Block. MAIN STREET, Feb 8. SUMTER, S. C. Liberty Street Next to P. 0. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to Compounding Prescriptions If you want A FIRST-CLASS EASY-RIDING Road Cart, ATA REASONABLE PRICE, GET A ?reoe?eo9 GEO. f. STEFFENS & SON, 'Wholesale Agents, Charleston, S. C. FERTILIZERS ? FERTILIZERS ! FERTILIZERS ! Having bought largely, KOK CASS, a full as? sortment of, Fertilizers, Mis ai otter Gras We are prepared to fill orders for such at low figures and on reasonable terms. C. W UL BE RN & CO., Wholesale Grocers, 171 anil 173 Sagt Bav, Nov. 19.__Charleston, S. C NOTICK THE SUPERVISOR OF REGISTRA? TION will be in his office on Salesday of ;each month, for the purpose of i^uing certifi? cates of Registration to all persons who have .become twenty-one years of age since the hr?t .General electiou Aiso transfers to those why 'have changed place of residence. W. S. JAMES. Supervisor of Registration. Dec. 7. 3-t. -JOS. F. RH A ME. WM C. DAVIS. -RH AME & DAVIS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. manning? S. C, Attend to business ir. any part of th i-State. Practice in U. S. Courts. Sept. 21-x. G. w7Mck7l). D. S. Office over Sogin s New Store. INTRANCX OS ?Ai:; STttKKT SUMTER, S. C. Office Hours.-9 to 1;30 ; 2:30 to 5. Sept 8 M. E. ALTA mm, DENTIST. Office OVER BROWNS ? PURDY7S STORE. Entrance on Mainstreet, between Browns & Purdy and Durant -fc Son OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 1.30 ; 1 to 5 o'clock. Sumter, S. C, April 2*. Is possible only when the blood is $>ur? and vigorous. To expel Scrof? ula and other poisons ?roni tire cir enlation, the superior medicine is AYER'S -Sarsaparilla, lt imparts .permanent strength and efficiency to every organ ef the "body. Restora? tion to perfect health and -strength Results from Using .AYER'S Sarsaparilla. Mary Bchir bert, Kansas Cii& Ks., writes: "I &trt convinced rliat after having been sick a whole year from liver com? plaint. Ayer*** Sarsaparilla saved my life. The best physicians being unable to help me,, and Kating tried tbree'othex proprietary medicines xntb'Otit bertetir, I at hist took Ayeres 'Sarsaparilla. The result was a complete cure.' Since then I have recommended "this medicine to Others, and always with success " Sarsaparilla Prepared by T>r. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures ethers, will cureyou Office and Mills at Jonction of W. i M. A. HOYT, MAIN STREET, SC31 TER. Si C. Gold and Silver Watches, FINE DIAMONDS. Clocks j Jewelry, Spectacles, MERIDEN BRITANIA SILVERWARE, kc. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Feb 1 ?. WHITE & SON, Fire insurance Agency ESTABLISHED ?8S6. Represent, among other Companies: LIVERPOOL t LONDON & GLOBE NORTH BRITISH k MERCANTILE. HOME, of New York. UNDERWRITERS' AGENCY, N. Y. LANCASTER INSURANCE CO. Capval represented. $75,000,000. innF7 WETTERS, WHOLESALE And Liquor Dealer. 0 Ff ICE AND SALESROOM : 183 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Nov. 7 o BEST AND CHEAPEST. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED Estimates furnished by return M-sfL LA BSE SfOCX. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. un i, MU i co, MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLE SALE DEALERS IN min sn, IM, MOULDING-, -A ND GENEBAL BUILDING MATERIAL OSce and Salesrooms, 10 and 12 Hay ne St. CHARLESTON, S. C. Jan 25 o WILLIAM KENNEDY Fashionable Barber. M .A IN ST REST, Nest door to Earle k Purdy*B Law Office. SUMTER, S. C. ?DESIRE TO INFORM the citt2ens ol Sum'er and vicinity that I have opened business on ruy own neron J lat the H ho ve old staiid, and t?mt wit? com peten 1 and polite assistants, I will be pleased to serve '\-.rm ir an v ??ranch of my bus:n?3S ia the best sty it of the art. Give me a call. Wfc. KENNEDY. Oct. 19._ _ VALUABLE Suburban Property For Sale. 1 I A ACRES-WITH RESIDENCE anc nil necessary outbuildings-30 ncrei under cultivation, on the suburbs of the citj of Sumter, suitable for Truck F*:m, Poultn or Dairy F^rrn. Price low and terms reason' able to approved t-urehaser. Apply at the Watchman ant Southron office Highest of all in Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Govi Report. ^^^^^^^^ Rjwdter ABSOLUTELY PURE SUMTER, S C. CITY ANO COTNTY DEPOSITORY-. Transacts ? general Banking business-. Also bf s A Savings Bank Department. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Interest calculated at the rate of ? per cent, per annnm, ^.j?-tf?'a ?narterly. W. F. B. HAYNSWORTH, W. F. RHAMB, President. Cashier. Aug 21. J. CAMM,, Contractor and Builaer, Sumter, S, C, DEALER IN Rough and Planed Lumber, Doors, Blinds, Sash, Laths, Cypress Shingles, Lime, Glass atd General Building Supplies. Mill Work of all "kinds "sade to order, such a3 MANTLES, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES, STORE FRONTS, MOULDINGS AND TURFED WO RX, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. CAA, and C. S. & N. R. R3. I GINS! INS VUE YO un GINS -s-IN THE I Assurance Company, OF LONDON, THE LARGEST COMPANY IN THE WORLD That takes fire risks on Gins. For particulars, etc., apply to ALTAMONT MOSES, AGENT. P. S.-We ck) also a Gene? ral Fire Insurance Business, and represent the MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE of New York, ? j the largest iii the world. j Aug. 17. ANNOUNCEMENT^ ROBSRT T. CARR, Desires to ;nform the public that he is fully ' equipped and prepared to do j TiN ROQF^Gj PLUMBING, REPAIRING PUMPS, i and anything usually done ta a first-class plumbing at:d tinning shop. -Also ! SETTING FANCY WOOD AND MARBLE M A N T L ES, TILE HE A R THS, FACINGS AND GRATES. Makes a .specialty of pKtting in Electric ? Bells, Annunciators, Sneaking 'tnbep, ftc. "ROBT. T. CARR. I Shop at J. B. 'Carr's Mill. } Communications left at Waisn & Co.'s Shoe j Store or through post outee will receive ! j>rc?m:>t attention Oct 26-o TIIE Sumter Institute. THE INSTITUTE has opened its sessions under very auspicious circumstances, j The boarding department TS weil appointed nod the rooms are rapidly filling n-p. Those i desiring rooms should apply at an early flay I The Art r-jotn has been enlarged and refitted, j affording ample I^IM, and ail necessary facili 1 ties for good work. j Special lessons in Painting and Drawing, j each $?5a term; in Book-keeping, Steno? graphy, Typewriting ard Penmanship, each '$10 a terra; Instrumental and Vocal Music j eace $20 a term, with St for use of instument for practice. Elocution S1?.5$ a term, j Students will be received for any of the?; j special courses at any time during t'-.e year, j and we solicit patronage of the young ladVe; j of the city not regularly entered in thescho??. I For further information apply to H. FRANK WILSON, President. WEST END CALHOUN ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. General AK<nt for South Carolina RELAY BICYCLED Self-healing or other Pneumatic Tyres PRICES $110.00 and $lL'5.0h. Exclusive agencies given at unoccupied {mints Cor resp'/ud'5n'-" sol ici'.fd. Feb. 15-v. ERECKLI THE COLUMBIA PHOTOGRAPH ARTIST, Offers Special Inducement tc al who have never had a good picture Old protures copied aDd enlargH. Nov 16-x Oar ol? na at the Capita Special to tue News and Courier. WASHINGTON. D. C., March ? ?t appears DOW that Governor Til and Senator Irby were the pioneei the "blacklisting business," and representatives in the nest House but receiving the same treatment al 'bands Of tue Administration that man and Irby intended for others, 'eral days ago ? received an intim that Governor Tillman wrote a 1 requesting the President to "fern pictures of four men in South Oar to the wall." After considerable cully I obtained the uanies on the man "black list," which are as foll* The first named on the list is Jame; ! Hemphill, Editor of The News 'Courier: second, Benjaiu F. Pe j who wants to be collector of inti revenue ; third, N. G. Gonzales, ei of the State ; fourth, M. L. Donald (president of the ^Sf ate Farriers' ance of South Carolina ) Senator added another name to the list an turns out lo bc Robert Harris. (Hi hails from Union County aud voted Cleveland at Chicago ) I was not certain how this "b list" reached the President until I r tioned the sulject to Senator Irby, was greatly surprised to know tba was iu possession of the secret, ano his seal fco ascertain where I rece the information he said that be present wheo Governor Tillman w 'the letter, and that only Governor man-, the President and himself \ ^ware that such a communication is existence. The Governor iu his lett? the President urges that none of gentlemen named shall be recogu by the present Administration Federal appointment ar-home or abn Senator Irtfy at once orgauifced a gu ing contest in an endeavor to iden the person who furnished me with secret which he believed was so a fully guarded. . Future developments in cone rion with this matter promise to interesting. The "black listed" C gressmeu from South Carolina m j another visit to the postoffice dep j mont this morning to try aud iud ; the Postmaster General to furnish sc ! additional information concernios tl j unenviable condition. They ? 1 Fourth Assistaut Postmaster Gem . Maxwell, who gave them but li I encouragement beyond saying that j South. Carolina cate might be tal j up next week for consideration j does not subscribe to the story tha: j clerk ia responsible for the "bia listing" of the So&th karolina Coogn men, trut he declines to state who J responsible for their being classed j Third Party men. The iod?cat? ; are that the President may determ j to ail the South Carolina oftices w i men who are not actively identified w . either of the contending factions. ! Special to The Stats. WASHINGTON, April I.-I called ; the "Reformers" headquarters at I j National hotel today and found th ; Messrs. Talbert, Strait,'Jarniffan. Po ! Latimer and Irby, all consulting w ? one another. They claim that it is I iron-ribbed crowd, and any defecti ! from their ranks to the Couseratp need not be expected, aud that to with them is to recognize that a lei i feast is going on all the time. Th j canuot conceive how the Couservatn coald have built auy hopes upon a ( j feetloa that would amount to anythi j to them. A simple stroke of the h j with either -feand from one of the me ! bers,, they say, brings absolute qui j and that they are perfectly organize I They announced that they have come j several conclusions, but nothing I jyn bli cation, i Congressman She'll, so it is assert j by some of the members, -did uot atte j t4ie meeting today, on account of sic ! ce ss; otherwise he would have be ! present. j Thc communication addressee! by f Tillmanites to the president has n ! yet been answered by him-. Tin I believe, however, that a reply will , ! received early next week. ! The most inconceivable thing tc t' j Conservatives here in Wash in gio j they claim, is the method by whi: : all their disjointed elements can ? back int*? Dlace when trouble comes. Thc claims of all the applicants < j the "Reformers" side were duly co: i j sidered, and most all of them receive votes *o the conference; but, as in a j political contests, somebody had to 1 . 'disappointed, for which the " j ers'* say they are sorry. Before tb? ! west into the conference it was agree j tb at a majority vote carried wi) j it tiie unanimous endorsement. Then j fore these meu got tho un ante: cus vol j if they carried the conf?rence, j Mr. Ragsdale, of Winusborc, vi ! has been here for eoesc time lo*c-h?n ; I after his rate rests in regard to ti j District Attorneyf-hip, will leave fee: i tonight for home. Mr. Haysdale ba : c o jan extended interview with Sentit? j Butler today, at. which, it is suppos?e ! the District Attorneysbip was discussed ?:i What passed bet wee u the two gentle men ia not known, although Mr. Ragt ; iJiil" says be had a V? ry pleasant an agreeable talk with lae Senator, au . ; thinks his ch au ces are tcry good. ; Special to The State. I WASHINGTO*;. April 2-It will b . i remembered that A. G. Latimer, mem - ber of Cotig;^ss from tho Third !Nis i trict of Soul!) Carolina, visited a!! th ; prominent points in his district in lb ! carly part of "vcbrUary last, with a vier \ to selecting thone wh'C were fo be favor 1 ed with Federal appointments, wiiicl , ! he, at that time, fully expected to cou I trot. lt is s tate J herc that the first qu?J;%atiou of thc applicant was '.ha! he should produce satisfactory evi that he hau cast his vite iii thc pri for Latirner, against ear-??epresen Johstone. Tho second qualifie was that he should certify ?hat he a member of the Alliance in standing. All applientio-ns from supportes were filed with hi nj, anc said that he allowed those whose pointmeut he favored to scratioiz applications and petitions of o placed iu his hands for the same c lu one instance, it is stated, La suggested to his favorite applicau a certaiu fourth class poctoffice th; compare bis list with that of his petitors, which Wa? in hi? hands, gets affidavits from the parties v names on both of the tions, said .<<ES-lav:ts to be in favor ( (Latimer's} favCiite applicant, and he would bit as judgf? in chancer} fore presenting the several appiica to the department. Some of these petitions have known to be in thc hands of the O i te Congressman fer more than t days, as they were not placed on ii the department until the 25th of month. It is verv evident that Ballater found himself placed in a Very awk' position, having promised any nui of appointments to h?3 supporters whom he now finds he will not be to deliver the goods. He will nc abl'e to even fulfill a contract tba made on tbs 30th of August last, day before he knew he would be nest member of Congress from Third District. WASHINGTON, April 4.-Spec'ia The State.-Dr. J. B. 0. LaadrCft highly respected ci'izen of Spartan b who is ac applicant for a burean \ ?ion-, has given me a signed staten jin detail of an interview he had < Irby here on March 14th. Ke in duced himself with -a letter from Vi Jones of Columbia. The Sen refused to endorse his application, ing he did not propose io make an of himself by endorsing a man who opposed and would oppose Tilln [Mind you this was at the time 1 was claiming he wanted an "cquit; division ''] Irby having said he had heard i Dr. Landruoi was a bitter partisan, latter replied that he was a Consei ti ve a-Tjd in favor of a reconcilia between the factions, and thought C? Shell would be a good com pron candidate for Governor Irby respo that would not do him any good v him ,;(lrby), for Shell himself gone back on thc "Reform'7 party. Here are the succeeding expresai of the Senator in Dr. L-Audrum's c words: "He said I might be auxious bring the factions together in our St politics, but that he was not-; that expected to keep the lines distinct ; . separate in order to carry the 'Refoi meaeures in the State which had aire; begun.7' This is of value as ?howing Sena Irby's secret motive in his rec manccuvers on the patronage questii I have seen Mr. W. J. L^oreveu, Spnrtauburg, whose story of his int view with Irby was telegraphed yest day. He had beu induced to appro; 'Irby by the advice of Conservati friends, and had forwarded a letter endorsement to him from Col. Willi; Wallace, of 'Columbia, to which Ir had replied that he would give I ! claims due consideration. Irby's exact words in regard j Shell, Mr. Screven says, were: "C : sciell the G--d-d scoundr he'll sign anything.*' Shell has bea of tbi'5 remaik, and said to-day that Irby wanted to tackle him he km where t) find him. Everything is t harmonious among the Ocalaite bret ren, as future developments will prot . Irby told Mr S rreven that Sparta burg touida't expect anything frc him. WASHINGTON, April 5.-Special The State-The hearing given t Ocala Congressman by Postmast General Maxwell to day was mighty interesting1 proceeding, was held in the Post ???ce Depa? ment at o p. m. and lasted until 5:3 There were present Senators But! and Irby, repr?sentatives She Strait, Latirner and Talbert and e: Representatives Johnstone and Hem hill. Senator Irby having taken h private stenographer along, Senat? Hutler engaged one also and you w have, in two or three days, a ft transcript of the arguments, i irby and Talbert were loud ar. defiant ; Strait and Latirner subdue and excusatory; Shell rather shy Butler, Iiemphill and Johnstone, co< and keen. Senator Irby started out by savin j that while his side was armed oui I willi facts he had the authority of gentleman lor saying that Senatt Butler had come siici: :ii hand an pistol in pocket ' Senator Buller challenged thc nan] of his informant. Irby said it was II. Tillman. Senator Butler saul ?t was false he Had never carried a pistol in Iii life ; he was amazed that his co league should repeat KO ridiculous statement in this presence. 1 Latirner p?>oke first. He claime he had always been, ano won! ai ways be. a fcemocrat . jj hat wini he had opposed Cleveland's noni int ' lion, he had acquiesced loyally au helped elect him. Mr. licmphili said the rruestm '?was whether Democratic pairotiag ' Kvou'd be given to aid i-' oppositio: Ito Democratic principles, lie kai . ! the right, as a pi iv.tte citizen, t< i mahe ^commendations for office, am j would continue t'> exercise it. Tin ' ! majority against him in tho priman ' j had only been 1 73, and he repre M smiled more Democrats than Strait i lie was surprised to see llmse gentle ts eh here. If he liad, like them i claimed thal Cleveland was not ; ! j democrat, he would not, like them ' j be found asking favors of him. i Strait said thai any assertion that : ? he was md a Democrat was tinline. !j Mr. Johnstone made a masterly ' i summary of Latimor's record in op ' j position to Democratic principles,. 1 and asked question after question touching his presence ot the St. ! Louis convention, fte, which Lat i ? ^ mer didn't answer. propounded these final Questions with ? impressiveness, telling Latimer to quibble or evade : First-"Do you hold the De eratic platform adopted at Chic to be superior in its binding f< upon yon t? the platform or pr pies of ar.y olher ?arty organiza or body?"" No answer. Second-"I/o you disapprove and are you in opposition to the j form o? the Third carly adoptee Omaha V No answer. Senator Irby asked .Mr. Jons?o? he hadn't voted tor Latimer. J< stone said he ftad. as pledged in primary A similar question subsequently asked of Hemphil to Strait; and a similar reply made. The effort was to show these gentlemen had thus adm! the Democracy of their opponent Mr Talbert made a stump spe'; full of sound and fury, signify nothing, and pounded the table u the noise resounded through the : ridors. Ile insisted that this wi humiliating spectacle ; that he always berm a Jeffersonian Democ "opposed to corporations of all ki and' all classes," and that the otl ran on the same platform and w in the Same position, which claimed was Democratic. Mr Shell said ke Was not Callee lo d?tend his Democracy, as th was no question of it Still, cherished Alliance principles as cq to any other. Ile had attended A ance conferences in Washington w Johnstone in the last Congress, ; could say that no man contribu more to the success of the Allia demands than did his friend Jo stone. Latimer claimed last fall that Jo stone had taken home from Was hi ton letters from Livingston. Irby, interpolating-. "And Wati and Macune.;; Johstone-"I didn't do ?nyth of tte sort." j Latimer-"And from Tillman, '. ? erett and Moses.'7 Shell said Johnstone had repi ated the sub treasury bil!. ! Irby asked if he hadn't support the sub-treasury scheme. Shell said he had favored the fin cial aim of the Alliance. Johnstone emphatically denied tl he had supported the sub treasu He had made his fight against it IS90 and last year. Shell admitted that Johnstone h ! said he didn't a^ree to the fiat mor j and unsound money doctrines of t I Alliance. I Postmaster General Bissell ask ! Irby if he wished to say anything. Irby said he would wait until B 1er had spoken. Butler said unless it was distinc understood that his colleague \\ i running this conference he would t j be dictated to by him. When was ready to speak, he would spei and not until then, If Irby desir to speak, Tel timi do So, or; Iris o\ j responsibility, and not atttempt ! dictate to him. Irby denied that he sought to d: I tate, if Senator Sutler stood neuti I between the "reform" and "anti-i ! form" factions in South Carolina, ai j wished to remain in that positic I then he cheerfully accorded him t ! right, He had not been so regard up to this time. Butler ironically thanked kitti ? ! his kind permission. Irby spoke with passion, and ! vehemently that he could be heard j the corridor. He said he stood the I as the State Democratic chairraa ! and was surprised, mortified, hcnii ! ated and chagrined, in common wi ! all good people and true Democrats j South Carolina, at this inquisith j into t he Democracy of these Kept j seuta?ives. lie argued that the tr j were true Democrats, who had su j milted to the action of the Nation j convention They had defeati j these men vrV.o were now trying j injure them in their party and put ! stigma upon them. Ilempliill tried to interrupt hir but Irby shouted Ins refusai to I interrupted-; saying Ilempliill was m ! a representative of the South Caroiii I Democracy. When the Third pari : showed its head in South Carolin j I fought it as zealously, and honest! j as any man in the United State I Ilempliill and Johnstone hadn't bec I for Cleveland till !;.e was elected an ! there was chance to secure tile cram! o: o??ice. j Johnstone tried io reply. Irby r j fused ti> yield. Irby said he \v< ! responsible outside for anything 1: j said : i Ii by went on to say that Johnston 1 and llemphill had folded their banc ? in 1800, during the Haskel! niov. J ment, but now came here to ?n?pe?c i the Democracy of the men who h;i ! beaten them fairly as Democrats, au ; who were as true D^rcocVatS as an ! iii South Carolina. Ti hy's manner was di liant and it j soient. ! Senator Butler said the\T had hear ! enough oratory, and he didn't thin , it necessary to say anything. II j had been invited there by the Post j master General lo be a listener, n< j a speaker. As a representative < I South Carol ilia, he, too, thought thi i a humiliating spectacle ; but ti es , gentlemen had brought the hamil: I ation upon themselves, ls by -' I deny it." j Tho Postmaster General ad mor i islred li by that as ho had refused t j allow interruptions he must not inter j nipt I Butler tn Irby---"! don't intend t< submit to any insolence from yon I Thal sort of thing may be very wei ; for a township meeting at home, CH; i it's not very becoming to act tu tba j manner here, and it s net going ti . win. ? want, that distinctly under , stood Senator Butler said he had har j nothing to do with the black*, ist i nj?1 Ile would be very glad to be reiieve? I of all ibo cap's of patronage. : Strait ask? d Butler if lie regarder him a* a Democrat. ; Butler-"You must vindicate vein 90 own Democracy. I've not impeached ! fetrait-" I don't care whether yotr answer it or not." Butler-"Then ft was a great im pe?t?ence on your p a rt to ask nie.'' Johnstone said he had always op? posed the sch treasury bill. It was not true that he had taken home let? ters from Macnne and Watson, or ?h?rd partyities Some Alliance friends who had learned to like him had written to some gentlemen in South Carolina in his fa'vor.?nd he had taken horne that letter. l?e said it was not trne that he had folded his hand's in Che Haskell campaign. ??emphil! said th?t he had made three speeches for Tillman. Irby--"It must be so, then ; but i didn't remember it " Mr.BisRell did not say when he would render his decidion,, or what j it would be bet tvro incidents are I significant. When Latirner'said he would vote with the Democrats on the organiza? tion of the IIouse,lhe Postmaster G?n? ?ral asked him : ''Which is more im? portant, t?:e organization ?? the offi? cers or the principles of the party ?" Latirner wac rather stamped, but re? plied i '?I think tlie principes that effect Cur people more important than the men in office " The other incident occurred after j the hearing, when Latirner tried to ask Mr. Bissel something about his ! home postoffiee, Anderson. The Postmaster General replied : Vii liear you some other time. fcat?r??er : "1 jest want to ask yon. one question about it Mr. Bissell-"I dcu't care to an? swer that now " Latirner, Strait and Talbert took the first train back to South Carolina. . It is presumed that thev are tired. Postmaster General ?isseli will not render any formal decision in the case, but it is regarded as pretty cer? tain that he Will begin soon the ap? pel utment of postmasters at the sug? gestion of the Conservatives. Ile reiterated to day his determination not to regard the recommendations of Congressmen as final and not to ap? point postmasters from beyond the delivery limits of the officers. These are of course adverse to the Ocalite policies. G-eorge Johnstone is receiving many congratulations for his master? ly arrangement of Latirner. When leaving, Senator Butler tax? ed Jim Tillman with what Irby had charged, and found that he had made his representation to Irby upon a joking remark of his to the effect that he supposed he'd have to take a Gatling gun with him to the meeting. Capt. Ai. Gammon, of Charleston, who is a candidate for boiler inspect or at Charleston, has stated that two days ago Irby withdrew his endorse? ment Acm his paper, as he was anti Tillman, but offered to renew it and j aid him if he would tell- him how Brawley beat Stokes in Charleston. How's this for Senatorial dignity? Representative Brawley is expect^ ed here on the lith. ?t is hoped that he wiil retain earlier. Getting New State Eonds. ::' Since the Governor and State Treas? urer have placed the. new 4^ per cent refundmeui bends with the Baltimore syndicate, confidence in the State's j credit has been greatly restored. It looks, too, like the syndicate, which se . cured the bonds on the terms already mentioned, is going to make a great deal oat of the transaction. Yesterday State Treasurer Bates re? ceived a letter from Mr. Robert C Da? vidson, the former mayor of Baltimore, who is the president cf the Butiaiore Trust and Guarantee Company, the agent's of the syndicate, saying that $6(H?,0(K) worth of the new bonds hid been sold. Ke did not mention the pcrehasers cr the price at which they were cold. At this rate treasurer Bates says it will not be long before the cutir? Jssce of these bonds will be sold No one expected to sec tiena seid ic such : a large slice as this. Cr. Bates says the syndicate, in his opinion, has it ia its power to make these bonds bring 1^5 on the market. By caving them all in its possession ?: and holding oe to them or selling ic such large blocks it can cia?e it well I nigh impossible for individuals to buy : thea. l?e would not be surprised to see them rca up to 110 or 120. Ile says this is going to make South Caro? lina securities bring more on the mar? kets iu the next six mouths than at any time since the war. The confidence of j the financial world in tie securities of i this State bas already been strengthen? ed. A year ago Bro^n consols were going begging and now they can hardly bo had. ile says : ,4I regard this new il per cent bond as the stroogest bond iilat the State has ever issued." Ile gives as his reasons for this, that the act authorising the issue of the bonds also provides far the creating of a stand? ing sinking fend of ?75,GOD, and makes the basis of the bond a virtual lien oe tho State's phosphate territory. Again the coupons' when they reach maturity are made receivable for all i taxes escort tho spacial school tax. Even the principal is receivable for such taxes when it matures. He says f" he regrets that the people cf the State ? ? have pc little money that they cannot . alford to buy these bonds. But trey j can get from 6 ta 8 per cent, for their j money io other investments and cannot i afr ?rd to take 4}, percent, on these hoads -The Stare", April 4th. Ist>"t it significant that the Third party napers tak*' up the cudgels in defense of ( I the hdack listed 'Congressmen ?-New I be rs y Observer. I That was .cally a very solid delegation j in Senator Irby's "elegaut apartments" : Mt the Sit ton ah.Hotel the other day j irby holds ar. oft e that pays g5.000 I a y- ar ; McLVorin, $5,000 ; Strait, $5, I OOO ; Talbert, $? OOO; Latirner, ?5, [ OOO ; Shell, ?5.000. And they made ! a pr?t ny f-olid recommendation : Pope ! j f..J a $5 000 place ; McCalla for a $3, I 0O? p aco ; Karie for a ?6.000 r?l?Ce, I ? and \~ouoiao8 f >r a $1.000 i>!aee, besides j fees and commissions.-Newberry Ob? . j sc; ver. The Coat of Arms. Govenor Tillman has determined to have a correct copy of the coat of arms of the Scate. The only painting that is cow in the pression of the State is historically and otherwise defective. The authorities want to get a correct copy and they propose to have it if pos: sibte. tu order to mat? t start GoV ernCr Tillman wrote a letter yesterday," a copy of which is g:veu : Capt. IV tn A. Courtenay, Charles? ton, S. C. Dear Sir : ? have an idea of having' prepared i correct copy of the coat of* arms cf the Stare. It has occurred to me that it. would be a proper thing to. ba've a continental oS^er on the left ot one cf the shields io be a likeness of Ceueral Moultrie, and the woman on the right, some Revolutionary heroine identified wi?h the history of the State dering the Revolutionary period. I pre? sume tfiere b? no trouble to get a good; photograph of G-ueral Moultrie cop?e? from Some portrait, in Charleston, and I would be glad to have you suggest the name cf the womau whose.facc shall be given the female figure. The selection of this person will be ccn?ued tos?ch ae could claim the honor at? at tEe* sao?? time have left pictures of themselves behind. Any seggestions that yoa may make wi il be thankful ly received-. However, there are three female figures needed on the cost of arms, ?nd if the pictures can be obta'ned I will use t&ose whose history wouid warrant them hav? ing the honor. . . , The work will either be a l?tho?ranr: or an o.i painting depending fcon th? coast; of envoient g--?*3 to wor? in &? the details aud mafc'e the likeness reco2 niz ?ole. Auy suggestions you cay make w\?? be thankfully, received'. Very respect? fully. B. E. tillman, Governor - Cc? nmbia Register. April 2 - Tl - m^m The Asylum Brick P??i?t; The board of regents now have ai* most all arrangements made for th$ commencement of the manufacture ot brick to be used io the constrection ot its proposed new building f?r r?e col? ored patient?. ?o qntiine ot the ?plans of the regents for the erection of this buildiug has already "been given in the Stare. ...... ... ,. The regents have secured the services of an expert brick manufacturer who is now attending to the brick yard works at Rock Hill He is expected here in & few days. The .machinery will be forth? with ordered. The clay on the asylum property bas been examined and found suitable for brick. The regents will usc thirty pauper patients all the time for wheeling the ciay to the plant. They are unfitted for any other kind of wor& and Dr. Babcock thinks this will he beneficial to them.-The State. Shot Through the Jaw. SPRINGFIELD, S. C., April 4 -Eman? uel Williams was arrested here fest oight by Deputies, D. C. Weeks, L VV. DeWitt aud Joe kelley. When they approached him he recognized Weeks, and attempted to shoot hicq with a eisteen shooter rifie, bat be?or? he could accomplish his purpose De Witt shot him through his Ja?r, tho ha.]} tut? ting the bctton of his io?gcS. . Sad il cot been for De Witt's ocick wor?t Williams would have wiped oat the I entire pos<e and made his escape. Williams is wanted in Covington" county, Alabama, for burglary ana larceny, and io Montgomery for break? ing jail on December 5 h lastv He is oue of the: gang that held np the Jack? sonville, Tampa and Key West express train cn May . 21, atti killed Messenger Sanders. . . c I The desperado is new ic hartwell j Jail, where he will be examiued tomor-; row bj tire Coroner in the Mitchel! Pooi case, which was reported frooi Wagencr's or? the ist .inst. The evidence points strongly ; towards him as Pod's mcrderrer. . Ile was armed with a rifle and t?o Smith ? Wesson pistols. _ . _ . ..r ^ Tested by F?red?i?gy: I An interesting examination .of .the r head cf Wade Haynes, the young negro. . who has been respited four times Ipy the j governor, after beiegseuteneed to ban^ j for the outrage and murder of Miss ! Fiorecce Hornsby 7 was. made last Sun j day, lu tte South"are?na penitentiary^ j by Professor K A. Ray. cf Sumter, a. S graduate of the American Institute c*f j Phrenology in New lork. ? The professor had read in tfi.? ?e#? i papers of the supposed innocence of the boy, and he weut there with his opinion j formed in Haynes's favor. .He made ! the fellowing statement regarding tte exaaiinatioo : ... ' .t "On examining Haynes I lind him j to bo very cunoiug and severe in his j disposition, with strong amatory pro-j ; peasities, fair iutcllect but poor mora*( restraiut, and would, nuder favorable circumstances, commit the crime. wit?. which he is charged. Bad charac? teristics are prominent in Haynes^ while any indication of counteracting* influences is conspicuously absent." Professor Ray said that Lis'examina? tion could frc* indicate anything as to. j Haynes's guilt or innocence in. this v panieu'uV car't, further thau the general. I tendency of his nature aad bis generaf j disposition and capability for crime". \ Soe the World'? Fair for Fifteen Cents^ Upon rcee;pt <>f yuur andres* ?p I. ClieeR. ct-nts io portage sra iii ps. we will mail you pre-, paid <>ur ?M'iivettir Portfo?o ?* th? World's. Columbian Exposition, the recular price . is. Fifty fe;:t.?. but as rc Srant vw to have ona* tve make tht price nc?inaL ?ou ?iii Slid it ?. w.irk i?f art and a tiling to be prizsd. It cou. ??i?r:s tull p.-age ric;v? pf the great building*., j with descriptions s:\inc, and is exccur^l ia I nighest .>tvie of" ?rt. If not satisfied- *vh it^ I we will refcnd thc *t:oups and iet you kee? j the be?k. Ad. j tl. E. i:lCKLE.N A CO^ Chicago, II;: D-"ic*len*8 Arnica Salve* . 9 J Tb? P-est Sa Ire in the world for Cots, Bra?Bft?. ; ^ores. Ulcers, .Salt Rheum. Ferer Sores, TettWV j Chaped Chilblains, CoNJS &nd all j Sic in Erupuohs, and positively cures Piles,, ot no pay required. It is ^ lar^ give per* fert sstisfactiun, or money refunded. < Prie*, ?fi^nts per box. For sal? by J. F. W. Dt Lorme. . . ~-_. - . - . ? ?* If you feel weak and all werri out taie BROWN'S IRON BITTK?5