The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, March 29, 1893, Image 6

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C|t Stas^EB sit? S o f?tes. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29,1893? CAMELS OF MONGOLIA. Thousands Wend Their Way 0?er th? ?tough. Trails of the- Tartar Steppes. The popular Wea regarding *the ship of the desert" is. completely at fault ii applied to the camels of Mon? golia and Pechilf, according to the Gen? ta^. ?Juvenile natural histories talk of trie soft padded foot for which the an? imal is so distinguished, as if a "sandy bottom" were the only surface npon which he could walk with comfort. But the greater part of all mercantile transport ns Xorth China is performed "by camels, and, except in the immediate neighborhood of Pekin, sand is an un? known luxury to this much-enduring 'beast. Bow vast is thc number of camels thus- employed may be guessed from the tact that during one day's journey wc passed more than eight hundred wend? ing their dilatory way from the Tartar steppes to- the plains of Chi-li. They chiefly camed soda-soap, a kind of an? imal alkali or lye found on the borders Gi Mongolia, and cut into blocks, each weighing about two hundred and sixty ?founds. At no timo is tho camel a prepossessing object. But here nature provides him with so shaggy a covering that his un? gainly form becomes even more hid? eous. Camel's wool, by the way, used for padding clothes, is an article of con? siderable traffic hereabouts, and when spring zephyrs take the place of winter "blasts, the herdsmen of. the plateau shear their camels by a process which preserves the merit ol extreme sim? plicity, pulling out by hand whatever sas not been shed naturally. Many an? imals are kept for the sole purpose of yielding- wool, but the amount obtain? able from each is singularly dispropor tioned to the huge bulk of its producer. A heavy fleece taken from a full-grown camel will seldom average over seven pounds, while eight dollars is a high price for the picul of one hundred and thirty-three pounds. OME KIND OF SAVING. ft Thrifty Woman's Economy Thxt Comes Exceedingly High. ? thrifty woman had joined one of 'those cooperative saving societies, whose earthly function is to protect its Patrons against extortionate prices by securing" to them a reduction of ten per? cent, at the stores belonging to the combination, says the Detroit Free Press. She was enthusiastic over the opportunities for economy the scheme presented and her husband was rather disposed to be skeptical on the subject. At the close of the first week she had * talk with him. "You don't believe in the society?"" she said, tentatively. . **Jiot altogether," he confessed. **WelL whether you do or not, I've saved ten dollars this week; over one dollar and fifty couts a day for six days." **How?" he inquired, j, "By using my tickets, of course. I bought one hundred dollars' worth of things and only paid ninety dollars f or them." "Ah," he said, beginning to figure. "Yes, I did, and next week I'll save twenty-five dollars, orover four dollars I ft day," and she was more enthusiastic ? than evert "No you won't, my dear," he said, ! emphatically. ''You are altogether too economical. This business of spending, j two hundred and twenty-five dollars tc save twenty-five won't work. You throw that ticket in the fire and begiir to retrench and reform in some other, direction, please," and she began to cry COUNT THE STARS. Boat Bay/ ? Tl*g That Has Not thc Proper Number. Persons who are disposed to purchase expensive American flags should count (he stars, says the Upholsterer. The patriotic wife of a well-known news? paper man greeted her husband at thc dinner table the other day with the gleeful assurance that she had floured a "splendid bargain." She had bought a handsome silk flag, worth perhaps five or six dollars originally, for two dollars. "There must be something the mat? ter with that flag," said her husband "Oh, no," quickly responded his wife, j **I examined it very carefully. It is j perfect. " "Did yon count the stars?" asked her I busbaacL **No, I did not,"" answered the wife, ! somewhat dubiously. The-stars on the flag were counted, and it was found that they numbered i thirty-eight; it lacked just six stars o? "being an American flag. A. Miser's Last Wish. A- Vienna correspondent of the Lon? don Daily Xews tells the following ! story of a Roumanian miser: "A Greek died in the small town of Caracal, hav- ! fag always lived on the alms of his com patriots. Before dying lie made his. i wife-swear that she- would bury him in j the dirty old overcoat which he wore every day. The poor woman had to ask the Greeks-of Caracal to help her to pro? vide tfte costs of the funeral. A good? hearted Greek went to see her in her j affliction, and, pointing to the body, said he would give her a better coat to j bury the man in. Then ?he told him of the dead man's: last wish. The Greekv ; whose suspicions were awakened, t< >ld ? her that she should certainly not part with the body before she had well ex- j amiix-d the coat , f<?r there must be some ! particular reason for the request. The widow unpicked the lining of the over- I coat and found thirty-five th.>u"a:td francs in bank notes which the miser ? wished to take into the grave wit)? h kn."_ From the German Emperor. Emperor William of Gcrmanv has i opened his he-art for the world's fair. ; and the state depa ri ment at Washing? ton is ir> receipt of a splendid offer from | the German ?;overnme*it. which will ! unquestionably be accepted with ? oceans of diplomatic gratitude. The offer-is to consign to the care of the ' United States govern ra orr*, a magnifl1 cent collection of articles of great value and rare workmanship which : llave at various pirr es been presented as gifts to the ' fmprrors. I When Bilby -ras sici:, h^r Cassoria; When she was a Child, she erie?] f< >:? ( \?S-1 ?ria. ! Vben abe wvATTie 3iiss, she clung t<> ria, "?"heajshe had Children, sb*.- ?ravetheni Castorw IF TOT' *' IA CK A* Il F#, ?ryou are all w?" . .mt. really w<-'? iorno?k ing, it is general debility 'i rv J5XO??JV*> lints KITTENS. It Trill cure you. cleanse your liver, *xid give a. gcHxl appetite. THE LOST BOY, ISl?tfW PJL BUCHANAN who loft h ii home iu Ci^'er. S-. 8., ot? 4it) of Novem h*-r ?H??, will only (&*&<* '?riown to ??i? father hu ?.-.hon?*dalila ard condign,he will grt*A'!v n?i?evt?- stfcappttse ?ad :ap:s?ety ibo&i iiinr mid b? ?.?:i?x?C'tb?intfn?M-f'd;h J?>?N Hi. h'.'CK AN A Sf, Cbesn r. S. C. Kipans Tah td cs are cf great vuktc. Cal. Caugliinaii Mad. The Columbia Evening Jour nsFs Washington special of the 2ord instant, says that Fish Commissioner Cai. Caughman, like Wmk Botts of Georgia, is on the war? path. He received a Setter from Gov? ernor Tillman last niglu to this effect: j ' Complaint is being made about your absence. The fish interest is suffer? ing. Return at once to your cinty or tender your resignation*" Caughman swears that be intends to resign and then go gunning for his excellency's scalp The presumption is that thc tartness of the governor's letter is due to Caughman's desertion of him to suppoit Butler for the sen? ate. Grover Cleveland never dead heads anywhere. Wheu he travels, whether by f-pecial train or otherwise, he always pays the bil!-, and when he or any of his household attends entertainments they always pay for their tickets. The niau who complains of his bill for fnal may take consolation from the fact the American Line steamer New York when ruuning at full speed burns enoughs coal io a single day to last a family using, teu tons a winter for thir? ty-three years. It does seem to us that Governor Till? man's utterances should be characterized by a certain amount of decency, whether or not of sense. His criticism of Jud<:e Simoutou is utterly despicable and al! the more so coming from the chief executive of the State.- Wiunsboro Herald. It will cost Herr Krupp, 'he great gun maker of Germany, ?1.000,000 to presenr arms at the World's Fair. His pet gun i* 48 feet 'eng, GI feet ie j diameter at. the breach, weighs 120 toes, hasaca-libre of 16? inches and will throw a projectile l? miles. He will not shoot if, however, while the show is going on. -A good s'ory is told on Senator John T. Morgan, which shows what power money has over some people. When the Alabama Senator is booked for a public address he always pro? vides himself with a roli of money, whether he needs it for expenses or not. lie sa} s he can not make a good speech unless he knows he has money in his pocket. Once he went to Mobile- to make an address and rau ont of money before the day anived. That evening he called on ! Judge Price Williams and asked for the "temporary use" of $100. The rriunev was given him and he made a fine address that night. The next morning he returned the money untouched. 1 Guaranteed Cure. We authorize ??ur ;?dverfi>e?l drupfci.-t to sell Dr. King*.- New Di^eovery f?.r Consumption. Coughs anti C?dds, U;?;G thus condition. If y.v are ?fiLcted with a Cough or m>y Lurg, Throat or ' best trouble, an?! will ns? liiis run ecy as direcie?^ giving it a f/:,jr trial, abd exre rien ce tio bern {ir. you may iciurn ih?*?)t.t?ie ?ni?: b.ive your money refunded. We could rot make Hus of?r did we not know thu* Dr. Kind's New Discovery could be relied on. It never di.-jtj-.points Trials bottle.? irce :U J'. F W De? oruir s Drug Store. L..-;-ge bottles 5i"c. und $ yo. 2 tm 1- -nmm^^ If yon nre suSVfrom ?iver complaint, kidney trouble. ?ysj?ep#?v, sick he?d:u-be or loss of appetite try Glenn Spring Water. You ca:) f?t-t it tit rou?: h W. R. Dellar, Jr. KSN ?T?C N ERV i ? ET ls so'd with wri-tGrt gu?rante? to cur? Kervouc Prostra? tion, Fi 3? Dizzi? ness,Headache rind >;car!;:.'ci;i atidWxiki iulEerp,cau^ed bycx Ce?'sjvoUteO?Opl?IT!. cr-e Srain, cr^cinc RSisery, !n?ar.jty;ir.d Death; irrors oi Youth, ft rives to Weak Orf.^ms the! N"t',;rnl Vigor nr.d doubles the joj? of lif^; euros Luc-oi rhoja and F'-mule Weakness. A month's treat mvut, iu plain package, by maO, to any address, SI p< r lex, G boxes S5. With every $5 orri'-r tve sive- a Written C tiaras tee to cure or refund thc money. Circu)arp free. Guarantee ;?sued only by eur es* v.u>:ve agc-.'it. DR. A. Jf. eli IN A, S U3ITER v S. C, Obtuaieti; an? r.ii l'A-'ii-^j /;?(.>/AA.SS at tended io f<>: ?VJ!>?'?:.t TE l irs Our office i? <?P!?os:re the l*.S t'atcnt :.':':<.*.. :?"i U.- eau ol? tain l*?t?*mx:tn tess tiittc tltan t?s*?s?? rt m??v from nj>7//\';v-.'.o.'. -..:.?!. t>?:.\ wi yt. J'l'.O'tn <>f invention. V. v.:. >h io patent abjl?tv fr.v or. ?<.?! = ::.? ?fd , USlUri I'S I.h SS t'ATKSr /> si* i Ki A?. For <-ir?*i:;:ir. ; ?:?. ...-. t^rms :?:"! -<.':.:.: rm t: SCtilJi! <-!i^:.: - in "\X'i S?:ir?" ?"'?HSX'M <:!\ .? T?WU*wr,U! :" f^^m^^m 0?>;?''i'4: Fntcttf. Office. Witahin?'cn. If C M0NEY TO LOAN. IX SUMS OF $300, and upwards, on im? proved cotton lands Right per cent interest and a cu tn mission. Applv to LEK & MOISE, At;ori:ey$ at Law. 3 raojr. Crockery! The largest tina cheapest lot of Crockery ever brought to Sumter, is just being opened And will be sold *<it astonish? ing}}' low prices for cash. Embraces ail lines and grades. Call and see it before buying anything you may want. A LSG A larse and select line of ?W Toys, Kov -FULL ASSORTM KN Y BEST N'fcW G?R0EH SEE0? -.- FULL LINK Purest Brnp eM aeicals, i'A LL ON J. S. H?8?S0N & CO., Mo?)M?:hnn Hi-' *:;. M A ! S STU KKT, For? S. SUHTftR, S. C.. Ripans T;!;h!vsjj;tv colic Kjpans 'j'.'i'iidi^r?tro iatindice. Kipans Ta'as'W . ur? nausea. Au exchange tells ihe btory of a boy I who went to market with a sack of rab- j j bits and lingered around town arl day. Wheo asked by his mother why he had DOt sold his rabbits he said no one had j asked htm what was in his sack, flow many merchauts are like this little bey ? They have plenty of goods for sale, but fail to tell the people what is in the sack. If you expect to sell goods in this day and age of the world you must open your snck and kfep shouting the merits of your stock in trade.-Seguin Enter? prise. - mci mm - A married couple in Atlanta, Ga , both well known and moving in good society, instituted a little divorce court of their own. They discovered that the partnership was not a congenial one, an instead of hiring lawyers aud going into the courts to have the contract annulled, talked the matter over, and published a card over their signatures announcing the fact that the partner? ship was then and there by mutual con sent dissolved. This may fill the bill as far as separation goes, but if either wants to go into the marital business again, they will have to do some more orthodox divorcing that this. The State Dispensary has entered on the preliminaries looking to a gorgeous opening in July, The jugs and flasks are being contracted for, the former, as is learned, having been ordered from Kdgefieid, while the glassware will come from Augusta These are not, by the way, the only flasks that will come into the State from Georgia, but the others, arriving after July ?, will reach their destinations corked and 6ealed.-Aiken Keview. ? -->?- -a ili? - Bills of Sale. long and short iorro, can be found at the Watchman and Southron office. Liberty Street Next to P. 0. | SPECIAL ATTENTION i Given to Compounding Prescriptions j I had a malignant breaking Out on my leg below the knee, and wascured sound ana well with two and a half bot?es of gOTT? Other blood medicines had failed gyRSff to do me any good. WILL C. BEATY, YurkviUc, S. C I was troubled from childhood with nit asr ivated case of Tetter, and three bottles ol cured mo permanently. WALLACE M AJW, _ MannviUe, I. T. Our hook on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. ?wiFT SFECX?IC Co., Atlanta, Ga. OTTO GARHARDT FLORIST AND GARDENER, OFFERS HIS SERVICES To the people of ytimttr and vicinity. Gardens laid out and attended to ?nd grape vines, and fruit trees pruned. CA BB AGC PLANTS Io abondance, now ready to set out. Jan. 25. 5) 1 COLUMBIA, S. C. SASH & BLINDS, LATHS, LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER. AND HAIR SF, Tean PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES CARTER WHITE LEAD, The Best in the Market. >$r>ecud Attention Given to Order by Mail. C. 0. BROWN & FRO., Opposite Post Office, COLUMBIA, S. C. Oct 5-o BETTER PREPARED. Having rented the building oocupied by the Cheraw Iron Works on LIBERTY STREET, I am now better prepared to promptly execute all orders in PlumMng, fonsmithihg, ELECTRO SILVER PLATING and General Repair Work Pomps put down cheaply. Electric Bell Work a specialty. All work guaranteed. Yours respectfully, Jan. 25-3m. 3E3I. HOOD, Solid Stylish, Xorrect Durable, -FIRE DAMAGED," -AT COST,77 "SNOW DAMAGED/' AT A MERE SONG,77 "BELOW COST," ic. r We frankly state to Shoe Buyers, that none ol our shoes are sold ?n a [manner indicated by either ot the above worn out eatch Unes. We pay the factories for making our Shoes, have them made for comfort and service, and : we make a lair, legitimate profit on every pair, but we give you nice fresh i goods, d?t oct from manufacturers; and after you have paid UK a small profit, you will be beater pleased than you would be with poorly uiade, and dam? aged shoes bought "at cont, &c." Just opened and ready for you Cases Bright Wew Shoes, of all styles. Ladies $2 and $3 Boots and Gents $3, $4 and $5 Bals, and Cong, are Eye-openers. . CALL EARLY. Walsh & Ca.9 Monaghan Block - - Sumter, S* C. AN WITHOUT RISK ? Advantages of a Trust Certif?cate in eon Mutual life OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. lt ^narnntoes to your family au annual income at a nominal cost to yourself. It makes the safest executor you could select for your estate. Il is a sine educator of your children. It is a safeguard thrown around this patt cf your estate. lt completes your unfinished work. lt removes the fear that unwise investments ny your administrators may lose ail thal yow have denied yours*;1.?to accomplish. It destroys the objection that guardians or executors are sometimes faithless in the administration of sacred trusts. lt enables you to secure for your family a larger income on this part of your estate than could possibly he secured by your beneficiaries or executors. These Certificates are written lor any age, and for smaller amounts in exact proportion and can be paid for annually, semi annually or quarterly. They participate annually ia the s vu plus, and there is paid ead? year, with the income, a dividend arising from lire administration of these Trusts. It will relieve your wife in her oid age from the added responsibility and anxiety attending the investment of money. i'lemiums on Trust Certificates average, about *J;> per cent less than on other forms of policies At the same expense the insurer can cany $50,000 ol Trust Cert (icates that $40,000 on other forms would cost. In economy of cost and continuous protective care this contract is unsurpassed. IJTABLK PKIVILKttE??. PAID-UP VALUE, ??nie for its reserve value \\?tli<>'?t restriction ;?.:!?> residence i i ( y j : . i IDS Un ve betti paid : and ti? . ii ?! the insured then desire ?,...1 -m? policy tor an aiuouni proportion This certificate is hon t'..r c<? occupation after tw aw u to discont?nun payment, the Company > i: ute !o premiums pyud. EXTENSION FEATURE. 7be Non-Forfeiture Extension plan "''this Company become operative i m mediately ii DOD lapse ol premium (wi-hon 1 irect* . v j notice from (he insured,) after two tull Ranna) po-unum* sbali ii;ve beet? (mid, I?IK ? .ut., legaj reserve being ap}.lad to the extension of the ta?e value of the Ce:tiScate; A. C. Phelps, ?csier?! .igTH?, Sn inter, S. C. MANHATTAN TWO PER OENT. LOAN CO. This Company negotiates loans on real estate first mortgage securitv. at 3 per cent, per annum five years time, or 2 per ont. ten years time, deducting the interest in advance'of the entire period. Principal must be repaid one-fifth or one-tenth annually, option given bor? rower to repay serai-annunlly, thereby nuking payments of principal quite as <-HSV as inter? est payments oo the old plan of loan?. On soins le s than $1,000 3 per rent, will bs charged. We aim to obtain abundant security rather tlun high tates of interest. ILLUSTRATION-Ten Year Plan at 2 per Cent. Amotint of Mortgage,. S!,000 OO Interest, 2 percent., tea years, ------- - 200 00 Amount received by borrower, ------- ?S<J<) 00 The mortgage is then repaid ia teu :innu?l payments of $100 each, without further interest. Total paid in ten year?,.$1,000 00 The old way gives the following result : Amount of Mortgage, ... $1.000 Ci) Interest, 8 percent., ten 3 ears, - - 800 00 Total paid in ten years, - - - $1,800 00 ILLUSTRATION-Five Year Plan at 3 per Cent. Amount of Mortgage, - - - - ?1.000 CO Interest, 3 per cent., five years, ------- 150 Amount received by borrower, ------- $ 850 00 The mortgage is then repaid in five annual payments of $200 each, without further interest. Total paid tn five years, - - -.$1,000 00 Old way : Amount of mortgage, - Sd,000- 00 Interest, 8 per cent., five years, - 4(?0 00 Total paid in five years, - - - $1,400 00 Interest on $1,000 borrowed on the Building Association plan for 10 years at 6 per cent, interest and'6 per cent, premium amounts to $1,200 exclusive of duet and other expenses Interest on $1.000 borrowed from a loa-n broker for 10 years at 10 per cent, amounts to $1,000 exclusive of other expenses. Interest on $1,000 borrowed of Manhattan 2 per cent. Loan Co., for 10 years' time a: 2 per cent, interests amounts to $200, exclusive of ftes as indicated. Comment is unnecessary. W. H. Ingram, Agi., _SUMTER, S. C. We have in stock a large lot of choice Ked Rust Proof Oats that are especially adapted to Spring sowing, that we are offering at exceedingly low prices. Fertilizers. Fertilizers. We have made arrangements for handling fertilizers this year in large quantities and will be prepared to . give the very best terms and prices on high grade Fertilizers, Acid and best imported German Kain it. Our Stock of Farming Implements Is complete and the farmers' needs will be promptly filled at the very lowest prices. Give us a cali before purchasing and we will save you money. HEADQUARTERS FOR WATCHES. JAMES ALLAN & CO. Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware, Specta? cles, Drawing Instruments THE FINEST STOCK IN THE STATE. RELIABLE GOODS AT REASONABLE PRICES. Watch Repairing a specialty. Chief Inspectors of Watches for South Caro ina Railway, Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Division of Three Cs Rail Road. JAMES ALLAN & CO., F*?h. 8 "28? King St.. Sign of O-nm Clock. Charleston. S. C, A Large and varied assortment. All Grades at most reasonable prices. PICTURES, WINDOW SHADES, &?. Call and see our stock and prices before buying. Satisfaction guaranteed. J. D. CRAIG, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, Cor. Canal and Main Sts.. Sumter, S. C. W. E. & J. I. BRIMSON, PROPRIETORS. Engines, SoilerS acd machinery of all kinds and descriptions repaired. Circular SaWS hammered a,ld gummed. IRON AND BU ASS CASTINGS made to order: and any work usually done in a first cia** machine ^hop or foundry executed in a workmanlike manner. TRICES REASONABLE and satisfaction guaranteed by good work. Estimates wiri be furnished on application. Sumter Iron Works, W. E. & J. L Brimson, Proprietors, Sumter, S. C. t^S^oi'th Main Stree*. Aug 3 KINGMAN & CO. 150 PER CENT. WATER WHITE OIL delivered at your door, XON-EXPLOSIVE, NO SMOKE. ABSOLUTELY PURE. Our oil' wagon is on tho street, every dav, and will call at every house in the city. This will save every housekeeper in the city the annoyance of waiting to senti down town to buy oil. Keep the wagon on the street by giving Lt your orders for oil. Give us your order for groceries; we will fill same promptly. Give full weight. Thc ?cst <*ooil* at Lowest Prices. (rive order to Salesman on oil wagon. Kingniaa & Co., Sumter*,S. C. What is Casioria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neitl*cr Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance- Ii is a harmless substitute* for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil* It is Pleasant. Its guaranteo is thirty years' use by* Millions of Mothers. Cast orla d est roys Worms and allay* feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd* eures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieve* teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy a?d natural sleep. Cas~ toria is thc Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friends Castoria. "Castoria is aa excellent medicine for chil? dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children.'1 2>?i. G. C. Ose?os. Lowell, ?tlass. .* Castoria is the best remedy for children cf ?which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interestof their children, and use Castoria in? stead of the variousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcin? opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats,, thereby sending ti -m to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kn?cEZLOE, Conway, Ark. Castoria.. %l Castoria is s - :I1 adapted to children that I recommend ic as superior to&ny prescriptiotk known to me." IT. A. Arcmnt,."MLR, 21! So. Oxford St-, Brooklyn, JS? Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart, ment have spoken, highly of their experi? ence ia their outside practice, with Castoria, and although we only have among ocr medical supplies what is known as- regular products, yet we are free to confess that th? merits of Castoria has won us to look with*, favor upon it." UNITED EOSPITAL XND Dispersing Barton, Ba ALLES C. S?ITH, Pres., The Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, TRevr York City. m? -- ?lr City Dru? Store, JP '^^^^sdnSt^ Sumter, ^S. C. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Drugs and Medicines, Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brushes Tooth Brushes, Tooth Powder, Also, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Floor Staius, Kalsomiue, all colors for rooms, Artists' Paints and Brushes, Luster Paints. Convex Glasses. Nice line of Hanging and Stand Lamps, Lanterns, Shades, Wicks, Chimneys, &w TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Keep the following popular brand of Cigars : "Plumb Good." "Custom House," "Rebel Girl.'*' Seo 30 FRESH GARDEN-SEED. Prescriptions carefully compounded. T eLORSIE. DEALER IX Agent. Toilet 8oaps3 Perfamery and all Kinds'of Druggists Sundries Usually Kept* in a J&^lYf&t Class 33:ru.s Store. Tobacco, Suuii and Cigars. Garden Seeds, &3., also Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glans Putty, Dye Stuffs. Physician's Prescriptions carefully compounded-, and orders answered- and dispatch. The public will find my stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine, and of best quality. Call and see for yourselves. Digiti C ali* Promptly Attended Te* .DEALER IN FAMILY AND STAPLE OfS?GERIES OFFERS A FULL STOCK OF ALL GOODS IN HIS LINE, AT CLOSE PRICES. Everything Fresh and First Glass. New Goods received every week. Give me a Call before purchasing. Dec ll-x F" O XJ S O T?/L . ESTABLISHES- 1868. ? /Kl Watches, Diamonds,. \?y|^' Sterling Silver, Clocks, Optical Goods, Fine Knives, Scissors andi Razors. Machine Needles, &c. SIGN OF THE BIG WATCH. ? ?in... I B- mi ? n- lill' -I -ri--I--------M^ BEWARE OF FRAUD. ?If fl fl Ail Al AA A*k for. mid -.HMIS? upon having: ??tf i lil Ba I fl -h VJL TV. L. DOfGLAS SUOES. Nooescn- fff? fl " fi i fl I 11 ll fl ? % niue >\iibout W. L, Doutas name Ej*f g ?sifl V Iff U ll -HlB and price ?tamped on bottom. Look A ~ ^^JTT~ ^ - ? *\_^ZZ^?S!?v3 ^? VEi GENTLEMBL ?v^S^^^^^-^^W^S? A sewed shoe that will not rip; Calf,. W- ^^^^ ?ca:nlcsS) smooth inside, more comfortable,. KW &f ^\ st-v-''?la anc* ^ura-ble than any other shoe ever If h fS?k \?'''<SL sci(l at the price. Every style. Equals custom? s'- 1 m?? ?rn weM \ S? MADE thoc* C0StinS ir(^ h to $5. ? * C f ; fWj y5^? Tcc ??lloiT?:i? are of the sai^e high standard of C Jp ' ??k? i $4.oo and $5.00 Fine Calf, Hand-Sewed. r tz t >fe ?Swefikf \ ^3 Police, Farmers a::J Le tier-Carriers. <fc V^\. S2.50, $2.25 and $2.00 for Working Mea. fp^v-:''v^ \<35A. 52.00 and $1.75 for Youths and Boys, . 'S ?/? A " N??te?^m \~ Jjfe 53.00 Hand-Sewed, 1 pQR \ ^?L C^^;p^^; y^^>*' \^ IT I S A DUTY you owe yotusott: ^;?>^ XilrL to ge: tho bcstvaluo for yoor K - \^j3^ money. Economize In yo? ls THIS IS THE BF??r&*?^^ reFrS^tSSi^io* W<- 3*S?e? "C. ^^^S'm et the prices adver?aad Wgf?i-., . * sJifftt- as inonsanxla can tao- . Will Rive excludive sale ro shoe donlersacd ffcneralmp?vTnTT^^?JTi!^ J. RYTTENBERG- & SONS, Agents.,