%k 2?a?cb?ianano?ottibrii. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 8, 1893. Entered at the Post Often at Smiter, S (7., as Second Class Matter. The Swift SpeerSc Ch. M. Sanders, Sheriff-Sa leg. Brown A Cbao??er-Spriog 1893. J. B? :?*rr- Contractor and Builder. A. S. A W. A Brown-Spring 189*. Ducker 4 Bultman-Something Good to Bat. \V. H. Ingram, Agt.-Manhattan 2 per cent. Loan Co._ Mr. P. G. Bowman, Jr., is now employed as Travelling Agent for this paper. Be is authorised to take subscriptions, coltan mosey dee, and receipt for same. Personal. Mr. E. h Reardon is back in me post office. Miss Hxliie Carson is visiting friends in Darlington. Miss Sallie Levi bas returned to her home in Manning. Maj. Abe Levi, of Manning, is in the city attending court. Mrs. Mitchell Levi and child have gone to Chicago on a vi.-it. Miss Kate Fuman has gone te Georgia on a visit io relatives. Gen. John D. Kennedy, of Camden, is in the city attending rwvrt. Hon. Edmund Bacon. -State Lecturer, K. of H., vas io the citv lust week. Mr. R. S Booth, of the Charleston City Hospital ii in the c?ty to-day. MissTatlev, of- Columbia, is visiting her Sister M?* K C. Bavosworth. F? H. \Ves?on, R-q , of the Columbi* bar, was in the ??ty Monday on legal t>?sin?^s. Mr. Charlie Villeneuve, has been quite Hi for three weeks or more, Sut rs now mach better. Mr. Lee Jenkins left on Friday for Balti? more to enter the Bryant and Stratton 8osi College. Miss Ida Moise, after spending several weeks with Miss Virginia Moses, rei arced to Chariestoa on Monday. R.O. Purdy, K=q , of this city, and A. Levi, Esq., of Manning, have forosed a co-partner? ship for the prat ice of law. Mr. Jains L. McCatlnm left on Monday night fer Knoxville, Tennessee, where he will take a course in a business college. Mr. K. M. Raynor, Jr., son of Master of Transportation Raynor of the C. S. N. R. R. has returned to bis home tn Syracuse N T., after a short visit to bis parents. Mr. Frank MeHett is a candidate for ap? pointment as U. S. Marshall of Soatb Caro? lina. He has strong endorsements. Miss Annie Budden, who has been visiting the family of Mr. Alva Smith, bas gone on a visit to relatives in the lower portion of the county. Rev. R. A. Blackbourn. who has been preaching at Hepzibah and Hebron Churches, this county, has received a call to Westmins? ter Presbyterian Church. Charleston. Mr. Blackbourn will graduate from the Columbia Theological Seminary tn May. Mr. S. S. Boo'b, of the South Carolina Medical College, has our thanks foran in vi ra? to the commencement, which occurs to-day. Mr. R. S Cathcart, Jr., is president of the graduai i ng class. His many friends here will be gratified to know of the excellent stand he has taken io bis class. Capt. Charlie Williamson is back from the inauguration. He come dowe the street this morning wearing a jim swinger coat and a silk tile. Some of his friends had to t-.ke a second look before recognizing him. He was in the swim in Washington, and his chances for being appointed Collector of Internal Revenue are brightening Dr. A. J. China is preparing to put in a handsome Soda Fountain. Winburn the Photographer is making some beautiful pictures now. Ayer's Hai^ Vigor at 75c. per bottle at China's Drug Store. About 300 Tu He Rose' Roots still on band at 5c. each at China's Drug Store. Slow progress is being made in the dispo- I sition of the criminal docket of the court. The case against the Sumter Fertilizer Co , will come up for trial on Monday next, at Darlington. The Herald has been changed from a seven column 8 page to an eight column 4 page paper. When you want a perfect likeness of your? self, or baby or any of the family, Winborn's is the place to go. There is considerable complaint about the blowing of whistles at night. Is there not an ordinance against it? William Lewis the negro arrested a pbort Time since for stealing a pension check has skipped, leaving bis bondsmen in tVe lurch. The Missionary Society of the Methodist Church will give a lunch in the Y. M. C. A..hall on Friday, beginning at 1 o'clock. There will be an abundance of oysters on hand and they can he bad prepared in any st vie. Tom Donan colored, was caught under a falling brick wall ic the rear of Bicker's store on Monday while clearing away the debris of the recent fire, and badly hort. He was knocked senshess and it was sometime before he could be revived. His injuries are not dangerous. Several experts have examined the table captured by the-police when they raided Charley William's den, and none of them are able to specify the game of chance it is used in. They all unite in declaring, however, f that it is undoubtedly a gambling contrivance. There will be aa entertainment at the resi? dence of Mr. H Lenoir, near Hagood, oe Fri? day evening 10th instant, from 4 to 8o'clock, for. the benefit of the High Hills Church. Everybody is invited to attend. The plant of the Sumter Brick Yard is belog removed from the present location to a new site near the old mir grounds. The plant will be greatly increased in capacity, aod ma? chinery of the most improved pattern will be put in. A white man named Brown got badly cut in a row down in Ricker's Hundred on Mon? day night. That portion of the city is in? habited almost entirely by negroes, and it is not to be wondered at that Brown got the worst of it in a row. The particulars are not obtainable. More than half of the row of pine trees on Liberty Street, near the site of the old base ball park, have been cut down, and those ! that are left were saved by the interference of sever*! citizens, who admire beauty and ?j> preciate shade The trees were with io the road right of way. and the permission of the city authorities was obtained for their re? moval. The permission bas been withdrawn, however. The boys who collect on the Monumental Square to play in the afternoons are in the habit of throwing rocks at the monument, and have already damaged the marble slabs containing the names of the Confederate dead. This should be stopped at once, and it would do no barro to have one of the policemen stroll around there once in awhile. During the morning, while the Graded School ts in session, the square is in charge of the Superintendent and he sees that the monument is not abused. During recess one or more of the teachers are always on the ground to keep order. Willie Davis a colored boy from this vicin? ity, stole a mule and road cart from Mon? aghan's lot, on last Satardar, belonging to Mr. R. S. Brown, of Rafting Creek, and took his departure with same. Mr. Brown adver? tised a reward for his property, and recover? ed everything, even to bis whip, this morning. Davis was caught up with near Lanes, and hrooght back, and is now in jail. Charlie Bennett, a colored man from Mr. Brown's -neighborhood succeeded io tracking the mule and arrested and brought back the thief. Fire. Joe Caldwell, colored, who lives near jDesCbamps mill, lost bis barn and fodder house, by a fire on Saturday night. Two horses sod provisions and fertilizers for the year were also burned. The fire was the work j of an incendiary. There was no iosurance. The 'handsome residence of Mr. Albert A y cook, of Wedgefield, was burned on Sun? day soon after mid-day. The ff re was accidental, having caught from a defecive iue. There was no iosurance and the loss j was about $4,500, although narly al! of the [ fttToitore was saved. Photo's of ail sizes and styles are made by ! Winburn, aod be guarantees satisfaction. For the best, assortment of Cigars go to R, M. A L. W. Jenkins Improved Gold Dost Cotton Seed for sale by R M. Jenkins A fine line of paper, pen?, lead pencils and j ink, just received at Cbiua'g Drug Store at ; lowest priced. Religious. There wiil be services io tbe Baptist Cbnrch every Sabbath during the ?onth, night and morning. Re?. S M. Richardson will preach next Sunday. Services may be expected in St. Philip's Church, Bradford Sprisgs, next Sunday at 12 o'clock, noon. The Second Quarterly meering ef the Methodist Episcopal Charco., South, cf ibis city witt be held next Saturday and Sunday. Presiding Elder W. C. Power will preaeh j Saturday at II o'dork, aud Sunday morning . ?ad eve??ng. -- Lenten Services The special Lenten Services at the Ch-arch of the Holy Comforter, Sumter, will br as follows : On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fri* d*ys> service and lecture at & o'clock p. m., and on every Wednesday morning at 7.15 o'clock there will be a c?l?brai??? of tbe Holy Communion. - -?^^?i?? Attention Y. M. C. A. The regular monthly business meeting will he held on Thursday night. All active rueni 1-ers are requested to attend. Mr. J. L Haynswortb will conduct tbe Y. M. C. A. services on next Sn ada v afternoon. Seranaded and Caned Tbe Fonnh Regiment Band serenaded Mr. Herbert W Bennett on last Friday night and then presented him with a handsome gold headed cane. They expressed in t his manner their high appreciation of the aid- Mr. Ben? net has given them in their varions enter? tainments, ?t:d :be recent roacert in particu? lar. Mr. Bennett was greatly surprised, but thanked his friends of tbe Baad for tbe com? pliment they had paid him. ---^.?????^-mm* Japanese Tea. The "Working Circle of King's Daughters, assisted by their friend?, will give a Japanese T?-a in the Y. M. C A. Hill on next Tuesday evening, the 14*h instant, and the publicare invited to attend ?nd spend a pleasant eve? ning. The young r-dies will wear Japanese costumes and the visitors are expected to im? agine that they are transported ?? tis* land of the Mikado, the moment tb? ibreirboki is crossed. A. S & W. A. The store of A. S. &. W. A. Brown is filled with all the newest and mon fashion? able dress goods for the Spring of '93. They have the goods and are anxious to pirase :he?r customers. Unless the ladies inspect their stock before purchas ng they will re? gret it when too mte. Bargains are offered everyday. See their new advertisement. Your Easter Snit. It is about time for the men to be thinking ?.bout their Spring *?its. It will never do to be without a new ou'tbc ibr B*s?er, because everybody will have one. Brown & Chandler have a stock that contains a suit tbat wi]? exactly suit tbe taste of each one. If you don't know what you want, go to them and find out. Before you go read their advertise? ment in this paper. It will give you some points. Gamblers Arrested and Released. Tbe Chief of Police on Monday raided the gambling deo run by Charlie Williamson the rear of the lot nest to this office,?and cap? tured Charley Williams, William Parker, Willie Bossard, Ben Bishop and Ed Miller. He seized cards and dice, and there was evi? dence sufficient to convince bim that they were gambling. One of the negroes stated that they were gambling, and that they had money up on the game but concealed it when the police entered. At the bearing on Tuesday the Mayor dismissed all except two on tbe gronnd tbat there was not sufficient evidence to make out a case. The negroes are all well known ia police circles, and Charley Williams, one of those dismissed, has been up time and again, but he seems to be lucky and generally escapes. Resisting an Officer. Mr. E. B. Scarborough, a deputy Sheriff from Darlington, came to Elliotts on last Fri? day for the purpose of arresting Jim Wildon, a negro charged with assault and battery. He made the arrest, but a crowd of negroes col? lected and rescued Wilson, and roughly ban? died Mr. Scarborough. He phot a negro woman namer. Cenie Wilson during the scrimmage inflicting a slight scalp wouod A posse was collected as soon as possible and Wilson re-arrested, together with Calvin Wells, Frank Bennett, Cato Wilson, Joe Wilson and Cenie Wilson, who took part in the rescue. Mr. Scarborough carried them before Trial Justice Goodman at Lynchburg, ann had them committed on the charge of interfering with an officer in the discharge of duty and aggravated assault. Cenie Wilson entered a counter indictment against Mr. Scarborough for assault and battery with intent to kill. Trial Justice Goodman dismissed the charge against Mr. Scarborough and committed the negroes. Jim Wilson, ?he original cause of trouble wes carried to Darlington to answer for his crimes done there. Boll of Honor. Tbe following is the Roll of Honor of the White Graded School for the past month : 1st Grade-Annie Lynam, Edna Holman, Alfred Drayton, Willie Cox, Leona Smith, Randolph Nowlin. 2d Grade-Arraida Moses, Lutie Weathers, Julian W:lderr Rebecca Brown, (renie Hoyt. 3d Grade-Corni Weathers, Clifton Plow den, Bennie Dorri ty, Lew Hoyt, Harry Pe:*. Special Mention-Robbie Sanders. 4tb.Grade-J no. Cook, Chas. Poole, Alice Harby, Kate Sumter, Marie Singleton. Spe? cial Mention-Sallie Byrd, Annie Warren, Mamie Commander, Ida Brailsibrd. 5th Grade-Annie McCall, Tom Lynam, Clifton Moise, Mattie Hamme!I, Gussie Keels, Lily Reese, Rosa Mood. Special mention Juo. Richardson, Bennie Bair. 6th Grade-Belle Dinkins, Emmie Whitte mr>re. Clemmie Fuller, Ella DeLorme, Ellen Harrell. 7th Grade-Daisy Hatfield, Beulah Lynam, Mary Brunson, lannie Dinkins, Fannie Sumter, Lillie Gregg, Edwin McCallura, Eugene Wilder. 8th Grade-Willie Birrett, Claude Stein raver, Gussie Dinkins, Susie Dickson, Laura Mood, Sophie Warren 9th Grade-Bessie Lee, Emma Mood. Court. Court convened on Monday with Judge Hudson presiding, and Solicitor John S. Wil? son at his post. The Judge's charge to the Grand Jury was clear and to the point. The jury w?j organ? ized and Mr. Neill O' Donnell was made fore? man. They proceeded at occe to consider the cases presented. The following shows the proceedings up to time of going to press to day : The State va J. A. Bradhara-Assault and Battery of a high and aggravated nature. Guilty. The State v3 Chas, and Lee House-Assault and Battery with intent to kill. Not guilty. The St>.te vs Jane Davis-Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. The S:ate vs David Cole-Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Grand jury find following true hills : The State vs. Isaac Taylor and Tbo9. Nel? son- Larceny of Live Stock. The State vs. Calvin Grooms-Arson. The State vs. Wm. Harris-Larceny of Live Stock. Tb-State vs. Osborne Williams, Ben Boy ktn ar.d Richard McLeod-Larceny. The State vs. Blair Reams-Larceny of Live Stork. The State vs. Wash Weldon-Housebreak? ing and Larceny. The State vs. Andrew Robinson-Larceny of LiveStock The State vs. Paul Nickens-Arson. The State vs Janie Davis-Grand Larceny. The State vs. Wm. M. Cooper-Murder. The State vs. Anthony Jackson and May Jackson-Burglary and Larceny, The State vs. Simons Nickens-Burglary and Larceny. The State vs. Simon Johnson-Larceny of Live Stock. New so-called remedies spring up every day like mushrooms ; but the people still cling to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. For all derangements of the throat and lungs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the speedi? est and most reliable remedy. Even in the advanced stages of Consumption, this wonder? ful preparation affords great relief, checks coughing, and induces sleep. Winburn is still making photographs at the old stand on Liberty Street near the Man? sion House. If von want a fine smoke call for Traylor's Plumb Go 53 ssw' .02CIoudy. 4j 35. 63. i 2?. w j ,44 Cloudy. 5? 35. 48. i 21 5i w-s j .00 Clear. Condition Thunder storm on the night of the 3rd, fol? lowed by high West wind on the following day, the 4th, And very rapid fall of tempera? ture. From 63? at 9 p. m. of the 3d, to 27? at y p. m. of the 4th. Ayer's Hair Yigor at 75c. per bottle at China's Drog Store. Itching, burning, scaly and crusty scalps of infants cleansed and healed, and quiet sleep restored hy Johnson's Oriental Soap. Sold at Dr. A. J. China's Drug Store. For Malaria, Liver Trou? ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN1 S IRON BITTERS FOR -FULL ASSORTMENT BEST NEW GARDEN SEED, -FULL LINE Purest Bus ai Meals, CALL ON J. S. HUGHSON & CO., Monaghan Block. ?AIN STREET, Feb S. SUMTER, S. C. OTTO GABHABDT FLORIST AND GARDENER, OFFERS HIS S?RVICES To the people of Sumter and vicinity. Gardens laid out and attended to and grape vines, and fruit trees pruned. pCABBAGE PLANTo In abundance, now ready to set ont. Jan. 25. MONET TO LOAN. IN SUMS OF S300, and upwards, on im? proved cotton lands. Eight per cent interest and a commission. Apnlv to LEK & MOISE, Attorneys at Law. 3 mos EDUCATE YOUR BOYS." GIVE THEM A PRINTING PRESS. THE MORAL, mental and physical de? velopment of the boys, should he the study of all who love their country, and de? sire to perpetuate its institutions. In no way can this be more effectually aided than the use of one of my presses Send for catalogue of printing press s and rubber stamps. Willis J. Physioc, Feh. 22-41. COLUMBIA, S. C. THE ?W HO TIE -AND Nw 19, f Mer g Mm. ITAKE PLEASURE in offering to the public the above named machines. They can be bought on satisfactory terr, s, and I am confident they are the best family sewing machines made. Lightest running, most dur? able, best set of attachments and most easily adjusted of anything io their line. Their handsome finish demands your patronage. Call at the reliable store of Levi Bros., or write to Rot?i. Wingate, Sumter S C. These machines are the best articles ever placed on the market Call and see for your? self, and tret a cood machine foreman money Any machine supplies you need can be found at my headquarters. Respectfully, ROBT. WINGATE. Feh. I. L D. JOHNSTON, SUMTER, S. C., -THE Practical Carpenter, Contractor AND BUILDER, TT70ULD RESPECTFULLY inform the Vf citizens of Sumter and surrounding country that he is prepared to furnish plans, and estimates on brick and wooden buildings All work entrusted to bim will be done first class. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Aug 19 0 ~DTG. ZEIG-LER, Architect, 36 BROAD ST., CHARLESTON, S. C. Plans and specifications furnished for al classes rr buildings. Correspondence cheer? fully replied to. Remodelling of existing structures a specialty. Dec. 14-z LADIES', MENS' AND BOYS' BICYCLES, For pricea addrces 285 Kit g St. CHARLESTON, S. C. j Nov 9-1 SOMETHING Iwood to When was beef at its highest I When the cow jumped over the moon. When was bacon and ham at its highest ? Don't know, but higher now than for many years. ? continuous vegetable diet becomes tiresome. We must have meat. To kill an oz is to destroy au animal useful to the husbandman. Bach cow killed lessens our supply of milk, butter and cheese. Each sheep made mutton de? crease* the supply of wool. Every heo dispatched leaves one ejrg-layer less, it seems as if. in the economy of nature, one animai was intended for meat, serv? ing this parp?se well, thoagh of no other ase to man. We beg to introduce THE HOGr, Whose chief end is the end which is sugar-cured, SOLD BY US, bearing the "FERRIS BRAND.n We also handle this animal ready to be dispensed in all shapes, constantly in stock, sound and good, at lowest market prices. No. 1 Smoked Sides, C. R. D. S. Sides, Chunck Meat 1 to lie. less than sides. Breakfast Strips, Hams, Tongues, and Pure Lard-all of the best quality. ! : Lenten Specialties. : ! Buring this season, which commenced February 15th and ends April 2d, we will keep a variety of edibles for those who observe this season of penance. Lentils 15c. per lb. (for soap) Boneless Codfish and Choice Irish Potatoes. Traix Cooked Evaporated Codfish, 10c. per package. Pickled Fish Hoe, 3 for 25 cenk; 90c. per doz. Cottoline. Pickled Columbia River Salmon. 12-ic. per lb. Pickled Corn Beef, 10c. per lb. Very nice and cheap. Pickled Bloaters, extra fat and fine, 25c. Pickled Mackerel, all sizes, 5c , 8c. and 10c. each. Dutch Herrings. Saur Kraut. Saratogo Chips. California Prunes Evaporated Apples. Evaporated Apricots. Evaporated Peaches. Evaporated Pears. Sweet Corn, standard brands. 12ic. per can. Okra and Tomatoes, large, 12Jc. per can. Marrowfat Peas. 12Jc. pr. can. Tomatoes, choice, thick red goods, 8c, I Oe. and 12&c. per can. Leggett's Oat?ake8, l?c. Thurber's, 12|o. per package. Loose Oatmeal, 5c. per lb. Shred Cocoanut. S lb. cans good Table Peaches, 12 Jc.. $1.35 per doz. These goods are sweet and nice and offered at extra low prices for next week or two. Eztra Table Peaches, 20c. a can. Extra Sugared California Pears, Cherries and Apricots, 35c. Try Cooper's Gelatine, 10c. package, makes as much as any other at 20c. Try Leggett's Wine Jelly, 25c, will make 2ojts. delicious J.lly. Prepared Jelly 1?? per package. 5 lb. Bucket Jelly, 40c. 1 gal. Pickles for 75c. Vegetable. Salmon Steak Mackerel. SOUPS. Vermicelli. -:o: Mock Turtle. FISH. Oysters. Brook Trout-Mayonaisse Dressing. Crabs-Deviled. Lobsters. Sh?mpT" ?:o: ENTRE ES. Codfish Evaporated. - Sardines Auz Truffes. Sardines a L'Huiile. Macaroni a L'ltalieune Potted Ham. Pate de Foie Gras. ?'jr.. RELISHES. Olives. Horse Radish. Chow Chow. Sweet Pickles. Celery. Chili Sance. Tomato Catsup. COLD MEATS.. Lunch Tongue-Sauce Piquant. Lamb's ToDgucs. Corned Beef. English Brawn. Boneless Pigs' Feet. :o: MEATS, FTC. Roast Beef-Capers Sauce. Breakfast Beena. Chipped Beef. Ham. Tripe. Smoked Tongue -:o: French Peas. Potatoes. VEGETABLES. Tomatoes Green Corn. -:o: Boston Beans. Asparagus. BREADS. Social Teas. Milk Biscwftsv Arrowroot Wafers.-Maple Syrup. Graham Gem-Ariiona Honey. Buckwheat-New Orleans Molasses. Snowflakes. DESSERT. Plum Pudding. Pears. White Cherries. Peaches. Pound Cake. Jelly Cake. Sponge Cake. Jellies. Jams. Tapioca. -:o; Vine Apples. Preserve?, Marmalade. Breakfast Java. English Breakfast COFFEE. Lag nay i a. -rn: Santos. o&o. T K A . Oolong. Heno. Chocolate. Switzer. Fruit. -:o: Cocoa. -:o: C H K ESE. Sapsago. Edam. - ;r>: Nuts. Raisins. R?O: Yuog Hyson. Broma. Cream. French Candy. The above Bill of Fare and a more elaborate one can be pro? cured by applying at . . Ducker & Bultiiian's, SUMTER, S. C. A Big: Drive* This season finds ns with a larger line of HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS than ever be? fore carried. Ocr style? are all new aad bound io- please. Ex? amine our stock of head gear before purchasing. BROWN & CHANDLER Best of the Seasonv For the season of 189& our line of Negligee Shirts is the* best ever brought to Sumter. We have aa assortment of pat? terns and fabric* that" w?M far outrank any disph&y of this? class of goods ever see? in the Shirt line. BROWN & CHANDLER, : : NEW SPRING STYLES. : : Men's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing* Latest Fashion in Sacques, Cutaway and Prince Albert Suits, Our line of Pants is immense. Our Clothing gires a perfect fit. Our prices give entire satisfaction. All the Go. Neat, Nobby, Exquisite, arc some of the expressions of pleasure uttered by those who have examined our Stock of Cuffs, Collars and Dress Shirts. All high values at low prices. BROWN k CHANDLER. Latest ffovefficsr Om ear?y ?shipment of Spring Neckwear has* arrived. Our new Scarfs md Ties are stylish amd elegant. See o?r 25c* and 50c; novelties-. BROWN & CBAN&LERL Brown & Chandler? Corner Main andi Liberty Streets, SPRING 1893! WE ARE NOW RECEIVING ONE OF THE LARGEST .AXE* BEST SELECTED STOCKS ?OF SPRING IND SUki r We Iiave ever offered, consisting of Outings and Zephyr G inghams, Notions, Novelties, &c. ALSO Monroe Bros.* Ladies' Fine Sboes, and Slippers. Thanking our friends for past favors and soliciting further patronage. We remain Respectfailv, A. S. & W. A. Brown SirjtlTjER, S, C.