?H? gwwa *tatcb?an, K?t?t>ti?hed Aprn, isso. "Be" Just and Fear not-Let all the End? thou Aime't afe be thy Country'?, thy Qod's and TrutV? " tai trek seCTBKOM, Ertaklfched joa., I?9W Consolidated Aug. 2, ISSl.l New Series?Vol. 1 . No.. 16: i -- CHAPTER IX ' - .??>, A BOOH AND ITS RBSfT&T. t>. The mov^ ^iji^?iickly turned the old - general's eyes |fre$n ?he guarded line .to the obstacle' ilNlis pa^fsiarprisQ now * : replacing" IJt^^fcnAtfii^p'^y in them. | ~ .11^ before JiV?mld speak tie girl was at his stirrup, her own eyes downcast, 1 her Toice quiet but beseeching, as she said: 4*Paxdon such boldness in a lady, and ft stranger to yon. Gen. Baldwin. I am Miss Bessie Westchester?" "Relation of Howard Westehester, ! v> ^ formerly of the artillery?" the old so"L - dier asked, quickly. -I.. "Yes, sir; his youngest child,".Mis? S Jessie replied, with meekness of a bud * ding saint. ^We were tent-mates in Mexico, my : child,** the veteran returned, warmly. *;'*We rode into the Belen ga^side.by. ; ; - %%*de.*"* ' . '!! am 90 glad!" the girl cried, frankly, i -**T*h?t emboldens me; though your un l ;fi?^%g courtesy and kindne^.are. too ' ?weil j^oron to prevent any Baltimore ! girl ?slring a favor at yonr hands. " "Any favor, my dear young lady," f% :t*he general began, warmly, checking 4>irnsrtf suddenly, toa^d: 'Chatis, any "?? inre?^n.** :> - "T?*e"'gfirl raised to his lai ? Instrons j?? 5 ^ey?si,hmnid with piteous oosecraiion wiv;:*;ft%j????id: ' . .. ? "J?etl-.in;-reason, bnt m common hu rnamty, I ask -this one, Gen. Baldwin!"" ??I' ".Never* before fiad-^he petted belle : striven to throw so'touch of glamour -into her glance on favored partner in the dance, or best parti at watering place, as now was given that gray 'haired old soldier. /iS^ell, miss, I think yon may-safely ' *' ' . ?sk,w he answered, with kindly smile *; ya?a^?fting his plumed hat. * 'Yon do riot look as if you .could ask anything - :ver3yd^adfaL"* i rogated for thirty: minptes, at.Baltimore only, at 9 a. m^'Aetfembcr i?, ISQ3.-^ Baldwin, major general, commanding.*" Handing it back without a word to the guard commander, he turned again : to the.girl, rwifh^lif?ed?hat: - f, -"I grant your request, Miss' Westches- ? ter?for memory's sake and your own. ? Thirty minutes will be allowed, to the* i ladies only.** *"0h, thank you! thank you so much, j general!** the girl cried; and the little j hand went np warmly to the tall sol- > dier's. He tore off his right gauntlet j and took it gently in his own. as he ; stooped from the saddle/ and added, ! lower: "It is scarcely discipline, Miss Bessie; bnt it can do no harn; and your own honest face, your father's name, guar antee me that it will not be abused.'* A scarlet flood dyed the girl ?> face, and her eyes fcU -beneath the grave, fa- | therly regard of the old soldier, as he released her hand and moved slowly on. ? Then she flew to the sidewalk to give ! the joyons tidings to mother and friends, ! not omitting another meaning glance , MAIN STREE COURT SUMTE! Our constant aim has been to please as many of the people a? possible at all times, and we generally succeed. We are receiving an im mense stock of Presh ??OOdS of every variety, Fine Groceries have always been, and still is our specialty; but you'll find all departments complete and goods sold at prices to please all class es Whether you make a pur chase or not we never consider time lost in showing oar stock. Seeing is believing. Call aud be convinced of the above facts. , OPPOSITE > ROUSE, NEW ARRIVALS. New Dates In I ft>. boxes l Oc. StweddeA Codfish l Oc lb try ?r, ? sa^es titae, acvd ;s ??cer, A IMicacy?Improved W?ne j Xe%, WiU oa?kc I qt. "a S iJ?i??tt??e I 0?w6 fine W&fce and Gray Blsuitts, *H ?ses a?d qualities, I Bas&ets of * ?erte. j ! ? Tis e cefefccat?i Sirop de B?t- ^ Certe, $1 O? per ga&ea. Xew? Plaice ?od Self ?aisictg BeckwkaaL Far ike beet Ofcve Oil beyj Al in is Codillo?. Jeune, ^ ? .00 pet*. qt. o? araugbt, just received. | Siioes ? * (xg buseuess witk ] us. Buy oar goods and you'J4 ; save eaoney b Lot Men's and Boy's j Hat?, call and get one at half price before they all go. Fresh French Candy, Crystal ized Ginger and iluyler's Choco late. Van iiouten's Cocoa, G^'alinc and Milice Meat. j i i I Call special attention to their immense assortment of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, SILKS AND VELVETS, ? Comprising latest materials, colorings and designs, at our well known popular prices. The finest line of TRIMMINGS ever shown itt the State. A tremendos stock of MISSES' CLOAKS AND JACKETS IN ALL THE NEWEST STYLES. -See our line of infants*Coats. FLANNELS AND BLANKETS At priera Ifart w?fl " tl'A il TUENT wiiicli is i? diar?e of a comp? tent young lady and we aje prepared <